Extended Data Figure 5. Characterization GEM model with hepatocyte-specific mutant IDH expression in the presence or absence of liver injury.
a. Measurement of 2HG levels in liver lysates from IDH2 mutant and control mice treated with Dox for 1 month.
b. Uninjured WT and IDH2 R140Q livers exhibit comparable expression of the hepatocyte markers, Hnf4a, Adh1, Alb, and Aldob and biliary markers Sprr1a and Onecut1 by qRT-PCR. c-d. Tet-R140Q mice and littermate controls (WT) receiving Dox were fed a DDC-containing diet for 5 days before being switched to normal chow for 1 week (See main text, Fig. 3a for schematic). Mutant IDH2 does not provoke liver injury as reflected by (c) comparable levels of serum AST, Tbili and ALT, and (d) absence of cleaved caspase 3 staining in Tet-R140Q compared to WT mice. Duodenum from a TNFα-treated mouse was used as a positive control for cleaved caspase-3 staining. Scale bars = 50µm.