In manuscript “Atomic force microscopy and tridimensional topography analysis of human enamel after resinous infiltration and storage in water” Saudi Med J 2013; 34 (4): 408-414. The Disclosure section should have appeared as: The current research was funded at the College of Dentistry Research Center (CDRC), King Saud University (No. FR0003), dated 1st January 2011. Authors have no conflict of interests, and the work was not supported or funded by any drug company.
In manuscript “Effects of pregnancy on sexual function. Findings from a survey of Saudi women” Saudi Med J 2014; 35 (5): 482-487. The acknowledgement included in the article has been retracted.
Effects of pregnancy on sexual function. Findings from a survey of Saudi women
In manuscript “The comparison of ProSeal and I-gel laryngeal mask airways in anesthetized adult patients under controlled ventilation.” Saudi Med J 2015; 36 (4). The year of publication on the footer section on page 432 should have appeared as: Saudi Med J 2015; 36 (4).
In Saudi Med J 2015; 36 (4) issue. Erratum notice should have appeared on page 501.
In manuscript: Ahmed RG, Suliman GI, Elfakey WA, Salih KM, El-Amin EI, Ahmed WA, et al. “Effect of tactile kinesthetic stimulation on preterm infants’ weight and length of hospital stay in Khartoum, Sudan” Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (2): 196-199. On page 199, third paragraph of the discussion, the abbreviation KTS on line 29 and line 33 should have appeared as TKS.
In manuscript “Increasing trends in kidney cancer over the last 2 decades in Saudi Arabia” Saudi Med J 2015; 36 (6): 698-703. References 8, 9 & 10 should have appeared as:
Washio M, Mori M, Mikami K, Miki T, Watanabe Y, Nakao M, et al. Risk factors for renal cell carcinoma in a Japanese population. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2014; 15: 9065-9670.
Singam P, Ho C, Hong GE, Mohd A, Tamil AM, Cheok LB, et al. Clinical characteristics of renal cancer in Malaysia : a ten year review. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2010; 11: 503-506.
Jewett MA, Mattar K, Basiuk J, Morash CG, Pautler SE, Siemens DR, et al. Active surveillance of small renal masses: progression patterns of early stage kidney cancer. Eur Urol 2011; 60: 39-44.
Increasing trends in kidney cancer over the last 2 decades in Saudi Arabia