Key points
In the retina, horizontal cells feed back negatively to cone photoreceptors.
Glutamate released from cones can spill over to neighbouring cones.
Here we show that cone glutamate release induced by negative feedback can also spill over to neighbouring cones.
This glutamate activates the glutamate transporter-associated chloride current in these neighbouring cones, which leads to a change in their membrane potential and thus modulates their output.
In this way, feedback-induced glutamate spillover enhances negative feedback from horizontal cells to cones, thus forming an additional feedback pathway.
This effect will be particularly prominent in cones that are strongly hyperpolarized by light.
Inhibition in the outer retina functions via an unusual mechanism. When horizontal cells hyperpolarize the activation potential of the Ca2+ current of cones shifts to more negative potentials. The underlying mechanism consists of an ephaptic component and a Panx1/ATP-mediated component. Here we identified a third feedback component, which remains active outside the operating range of the Ca2+ current. We show that the glutamate transporters of cones can be activated by glutamate released from their neighbours. This pathway can be triggered by negative feedback from horizontal cells to cones, thus providing an additional feedback pathway. This additional pathway is mediated by a Cl− current, can be blocked by either removing the gradient of K+ or by adding the glutamate transporter blocker TBOA, or low concentrations of Zn2+. These features point to a glutamate transporter-associated Cl− current. The pathway has a delay of 4.7 ± 1.7 ms. The effectiveness of this pathway in modulating the cone output depends on the equilibrium potential of Cl− (ECl) and the membrane potential of the cone. Because estimates of ECl show that it is around the dark resting membrane potential of cones, the activation of the glutamate transporter-associated Cl− current will be most effective in changing the membrane potential during strong hyperpolarization of cones. This means that negative feedback would particularly be enhanced by this pathway when cones are hyperpolarized. Spatially, this pathway does not reach further than the direct neighbouring cones. The consequence is that this feedback pathway transmits information between cones of different spectral type.
Cones hyperpolarize when stimulated with a spot of light. This hyperpolarization reduces when the spot size is increased (Baylor et al. 1971), suggesting that cones are inhibited by surround stimulation. This is most prominent when cones are strongly hyperpolarized by a small spot of light and subsequently stimulated by an additional annulus or full field stimulus (O'Bryan, 1973; Lasansky, 1981; Piccolino et al. 1981). In such conditions, cones will depolarize. These depolarizing responses are mediated by feedback from horizontal cells (HC) to cones and depend on a Cl− current (Lasansky, 1981; Wu, 1991; Barnes & Deschênes, 1992; Thoreson & Burkhardt, 1991) (Fig.1, ②). It has been suggested that the underlying current was a GABA-gated Cl− current (ICl(GABA)) (Wu, 1991) or a Ca2+-dependent Cl− current (ICl(Ca)) (Barnes & Deschênes, 1992). Later experiments, however, indicated that HCs feed back to cones by modulating the Ca2+ current (ICa) in cones (Verweij et al. 1996) leading to the activation of ICl(Ca) (Kraaij et al. 2000). The underlying mechanism of this feedback pathway involves an ephaptic and a Panx1/ATP-mediated component (Kamermans et al. 2001; Klaassen et al. 2011; Vroman et al. 2014).
The ephaptic/Panx1/ATP feedback mechanism can account for the surround-induced depolarizing responses and their dependency on Cl−. Negative feedback from HCs to cones shifts the activation potential of ICa in cones to more negative potentials (Verweij et al. 1996). This induces an increase in Ca2+ influx into the cone synaptic terminal, leading to activation of ICl(Ca). Depending on the Cl−-equilibrium potential (ECl) in cones, this may lead to a depolarization of the cone. However, this mechanism does not account for the finding that surround-induced depolarizing responses are most prominent when cones are strongly hyperpolarized (O'Bryan, 1973; Lasansky, 1981; Piccolino et al. 1981). When cones are strongly hyperpolarized, their membrane potential is almost outside the activation range of the Ca2+ channels (Verweij et al. 1996), meaning that the feedback-induced shift in the activation potential of ICa will hardly lead to modulation of the Ca2+ influx. ICl(Ca) will therefore not be activated.
Cones can interact with each other in various ways (Fig.1). Cones project to HCs via a sign preserving pathway ①. These signals are integrated in HCs because they are strongly electrically coupled by gap junctions ③ before they are fed back negatively to the cones ②. In addition, cones are electrically coupled by gap junctions at the tips of their telondendria ④. In the dark-adapted retina this coupling is pronounced but (almost) absent in the light-adapted retina (Ribelayga et al. 2008; Li & DeVries, 2011; Jin et al. 2015). Furthermore, Szmajda and DeVries (2011) showed that glutamate release by one cone not only activates its own glutamate transporters (Picaud et al. 1995) ⑤, but can spill over to the neighbouring cone and activate the glutamate transporters in that cone⑥. How these pathways interact is not fully resolved.
In this study, we show that this glutamate spillover pathway interacts with the negative feedback pathway from HCs to cones. We studied negative feedback from HCs to cones in strongly hyperpolarized cones and found a novel feedback pathway particularly efficient at hyperpolarized cone membrane potentials. The glutamate released by cones, either dark-induced or feedback-induced, spills over to neighbouring cones and activates the glutamate transporter-associated Cl− current (ICl(GluT)). This leads to a depolarization of the cone, enhancing negative feedback from HCs to cones. If cones are hyperpolarized to such an extent that modulating ICa does not lead to an increase in Ca2+ influx, this pathway can bring the cone membrane potential back into the operating range of ICa. This process operates over short distances, as only directly neighbouring cones are affected.
Experimental animals and isolated retina preparation
Animal experiments were performed under the responsibility of the ethical committee of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences acting in accordance with the European Communities Council Directive of 24 November 1986 (86/609/EEC). Goldfish, Carassius auratus, were killed by decapitation and the eyes enucleated. The retina was isolated and placed, receptor side up, in the recording chamber.
Control Ringer's solution contained (in mm): 102.0 NaCl, 2.6 KCl, 1.0 MgCl2, 1.0 CaCl2, 28.0 NaHCO3, 5.0 glucose. One hundred μm picrotoxin was added to exclude that GABA-mediated mechanisms modulated the strength of feedback and in that way interfered with our measurements (Endeman et al. 2012). The Ringer's solution was continuously gassed with 2.5% CO2 and 97.5% O2 to yield a pH of 7.6. Concentrations of the drugs used are indicated in the text and legends. Pipette solution (in mm): 87 potassium gluconate, 10 KCl, 1 MgCl2, 0.1 CaCl2, 1 EGTA, 10 Hepes, 10 ATP-K2, 1 GTP-Na3, 20 phosphocreatine-Na2, 50 units ml−1 creatine phosphokinase, adjusted with NaOH to pH 7.3 and resulting in a ECl of -55 mV. For other values of ECl the concentration of potassium gluconate and KCl of the pipette solution were adjusted accordingly. All chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands), except for Hepes and acetate, which was supplied by Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany) and dl-threo-β-Benzyloxyaspartic acid (TBOA), which was obtained from Tocris (Bristol, UK).
Electrodes and recording set-up
Electrophysiological recordings of cones were performed following published methods (Kraaij et al. 2000). Patch pipettes (resistance 3–5 MΩ) were pulled from borosilicate glass capillaries (GC-150T-10; Harvard Apparatus Ltd, Cambridge, UK) using a Brown Flaming Puller (Model P-87; Sutter Instruments Company, Novato, California, USA). Pipettes were connected to an Axopatch 200B patch clamp amplifier (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; four-pole low pass Bessel filter setting: 2 kHz). All data shown are corrected for the junction potential. Data were digitized and stored with a personal computer using a CED 1401 AD/DA converter at 4KHz using Signal software (v. 3.07; Cambridge Electronic Design (CED), Cambridge, UK) to acquire data, generate voltage command outputs and drive light stimuli.
Light stimuli
A 17 μm white light spot (1 log) was focused through a ×60 water immersion objective on the cone outer segment. A 4500 μm ‘full field’ white spot (0 log) was projected through the microscope condenser. The light stimulator consisted of two homemade LED stimulators based on a three-wavelength high-intensity LED (Atlas, Lamina Ceramics Inc., Westhampton, NJ, USA). The peak wavelengths of the LEDs were 624, 525 and 465 nm, respectively, with bandwidths smaller than 25 nm. An optical feedback loop ensured linearity. The output of the LEDs was coupled to the microscope via light guides. White light consisted of equal quantal output of the three LEDs. Log intensity at zero was 3.8 × 1015 quanta m−2s−1.
Data analysis
Data were analysed using Office Excel 2010. Fitting of the data was performed using Origin Pro (v8, Origin Lab Corporation). Significance was tested using a two-tailed paired t-test. The ANOVA was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics v21. All error bars represent the standard error of the mean.
Feedback from HCs to cones was recorded in cones using whole cell voltage clamp techniques (Verweij et al. 1996). The direct light response of the cone that we recorded from was saturated with a 17 μm spot of white light for the full duration of the protocol. A 500 ms full field stimulus was used to hyperpolarize the cones in the rest of the retina leading to hyperpolarization of HCs. HCs feed back to cones by shifting the activation range of ICa of cones towards more negative potentials (Verweij et al. 1996). The resulting Ca2+ influx leads to an increase in glutamate release, making this pathway a negative feedback pathway. The feedback-induced modulation of ICa can be seen as an inward current when the cone is clamped at a potential within the activation range of ICa (Fig.2Ba). Studies have shown that outside the activation range of ICa, the full field stimulus does not induce a current (Verweij et al. 1996; Hirasawa & Kaneko, 2003), suggesting that only ICa is modulated by feedback. Although this pathway is not mediated by GABA (Verweij et al. 1996), GABA modulates the strength of this pathway (Endeman et al. 2012). Furthermore, HCs also express GABAA-receptors. As ECl in HCs is more positive than the dark resting membrane potential of HCs, application of GABA will depolarize HCs (Kamermans & Werblin, 1992; Verweij et al. 1998). To prevent interference of these GABAergic pathways, all experiments were performed in the presence of the GABA antagonist picrotoxin.
Recently, we slightly modified the procedure to isolate the retinas. Instead of removing a large number of rods from the retina to visualize the cone more easily (Fig.2Aa) (Verweij et al. 1996), we left the tissue more intact (Fig.2Ab). In such a preparation, the cones could be detected as slightly lighter areas beneath the rods (Fig.2Ab, right). Negative feedback measured in this preparation differed to some extent from that measured in a preparation where rods were removed (Fig.2Bb). In both preparations, the modulation of ICa was visible and the maximum amplitude of feedback occurred at about –46 mV (Fig.2B, red arrowheads). We will call this current the primary surround-induced current (PC). However, in the more intact preparation a secondary surround-induced inward current (SC) was also present (Fig.2Bb, blue arrowhead). This current was most prominent at potentials more negative than the activation range of ICa and its amplitude increased towards more negative potentials. Both PC and SC were observed in all cones studied in this preparation, whereas PC was present and SC was absent in the preparation used by Verweij et al. (1996). The nature of PC has been the subject of many studies and is due to a combination of an ephaptic and Panx1/ATP-mediated modulation of ICa (Kamermans et al. 2001; Hirasawa & Kaneko, 2003; Klaassen et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2014; Vroman et al. 2014). However, what is the nature of SC?
The secondary surround-induced inward current is mediated by horizontal cells
First, we determined whether SC resulted from activation of second order neurons or was an intrinsic property of the cones themselves. Application of DNQX (50 μm), a glutamate receptor antagonist, led to a near complete block of this current (Fig.3A, black trace: control; red trace: DNQX). On average DNQX reduced PC and SC about equally (PC: 78.8 ± 8.3%; n = 6; P < 0.001; SC: 72.1 ± 11.5%; n = 5; P < 0.001). This shows that both PC and SC were generated via a glutamatergic pathway, probably via modulation of HCs. If this were the case then blocking the output of HCs should also block both PC and SC. Hepes (20 mm) and acetate (25 mm) block the feedback from HCs to cones (Hirasawa & Kaneko, 2003; Fahrenfort et al. 2009) probably via intracellular acidification and by buffering the pH in the synaptic cleft. Indeed both PC and SC were reduced when feedback was blocked by these substances (Fig.3A, black traces: control; red traces: Hepes or acetate). On average Hepes reduced PC and SC by 86.7 ± 6.6% (n = 6; P < 0.001) and 73.9 ± 7.6% (n = 6; P < 0.001) respectively and acetate by 88.6 ± 5.1% (n = 5; P < 0.001) and 75.3 ± 4.3% (n = 5; P < 0.001) respectively (Fig.3B). Finally, we tested the intensity range over which SC could be modulated (Fig.3C). Responses to light stimuli of increasing intensities were measured (Fig.3Ca) and the normalized peak response amplitude was plotted as a function of intensity (Fig.3Cb, open symbols). A Hill function was fitted through the data points (Fig.3Cb, red line). The dynamic range of SC spanned about 2.5 log units, which is similar to the dynamic range of HCs (Fig.3Cb, blue line) (Kraaij et al. 2000). These results show that both PC and SC are generated by HC activity.
Primary surround-induced current and secondary surround-induced inward current are mediated by different mechanisms
Next, we determined whether SC is mediated by the same mechanism as PC. PC is the result of a feedback-induced shift in the activation potential of ICa to more negative potentials. SC, on the other hand, was active well outside the activation range ICa (Fig.2Bb) making it unlikely that SC is mediated by modulation of ICa. In addition, the kinetics of the PC and SC differed significantly (Fig.4A). SC responses were transient, peaking at 120.2 ± 27.4 ms after stimulus onset whereas PC responses were sustained. This suggests that these two inward currents (PC and SC) have different origins. Apart from the difference in kinetics, PC and SC differ in their rundown behaviour during a whole cell recording. After an initial increase, ICa tends to run-down over time (Barnes & Hille, 1989), leading to a reduction of the amplitude of PC (Fig.4B, closed symbols and 4C). SC, on the other hand, did not show a decrease in amplitude over time (Fig.4B, open symbols and 4C). In fact, it often slowly increased until it finally stabilized. If the underlying mechanism of PC and SC were the same, similar rates of run-down or run-up would be expected. Next, we determined whether PC and SC had a similar delay relative to the light flash by comparing the times at which PC and SC reaches 5% of their peak amplitudes and found that SC was delayed relative to PC by 4.7 ± 1.7 ms (n = 22; P = 0.011) (Fig.4D). These results show that PC and SC are mediated by separate mechanisms.
Secondary surround-induced inward current shares characteristics with the glutamate transporter-associated chloride current
We next set out to identify what type of current SC is. Figure 5Aa shows the whole cell IV relation of the peak SC current when ECl was set at –55 mV (open symbols). An exponential function was fitted through the data points. To prevent interference from PC, the potential range where ICa is most active was excluded (–70 mV to –10 mV). The fit shows that SC is an inwardly rectifying current. The estimated reversal potential was –63 ± 6 mV (n = 6), which is close to ECl. When ECl was set at –28 mV (Fig.5Aa, closed symbols), the reversal potential shifted to –34 ± 3 mV (n = 8), suggesting that SC is an inward rectifying Cl− current.
Is the transient character of SC an intrinsic feature of SC or does it indicate that SC is the sum of two processes? To obtain insight into this, we plotted the IV relations of the sustained part of SC (Fig5Ab, ECl = –55mV: open symbols; ECl = –28 mV: closed symbols) and fitted an exponential function in the same way as before. Both the peak and the sustained IV relation showed similar inwardly rectifying characters and had similar reversal potentials that shifted with ECl. For the sustained IV relation these values were –73.9 ± 10.2 mV (n = 6) for ECl = –55 mV and –36.1 ± 7.4 mV (n = 8) for ECl = –28 mV, which did not differ significantly from the values obtained for the peak IV relation, –63 ± 6 mV (n = 6) and –34 ± 3 mV (n = 8) for ECl = –28 mV (P = 0.192 and P = 0.771 respectively). These results suggest that SC consists of a single inwardly rectifying Cl− current.
The inwardly rectifying character of SC resembled that of the ICl(GluT) (Picaud et al. 1995). To test whether SC is the modulation of ICl(GluT), we applied the specific glutamate transporter blocker TBOA. Blocking glutamate transporters will have two effects. First, it will block the reuptake of glutamate, resulting in an increase in the extracellular glutamate concentration that will ultimately lead to saturation of the glutamate receptors on the post-synaptic cells. Such saturation will block the signal flow between pre- and postsynaptic neurons (Vandenbranden et al. 1996; Jabaudon et al. 1999; Izumi et al. 2002). Secondly, blocking the glutamate transporter will block ICl(GluT), which will be visible as a closure of a Cl− current in the cells expressing the glutamate transporter.
In the next experiments ECl was set at –28 mV to increase the amplitude of the SC. Figure 5B shows that prolonged (>5 min) application of 280 μm TBOA blocks both PC and SC whereas a shorter application of TBOA (2–3 min) hardly affected PC while SC was reduced by 46.6 ± 8.5% (P = 0.014, n = 7) (Black traces: control; red traces: TBOA). The complete block of both PC and SC after prolonged application of TBOA is probably due to saturation of synaptic transmission due to the inhibition of glutamate reuptake. Short-term application of TBOA will not saturate synaptic transmission but will block GluTs and their associated ICl(GluT). Indeed we found that after short-term application of TBOA, PC was hardly affected while SC was reduced strongly, suggesting that SC is mediated by ICl(GluT).
GluT activity depends on the intracellular K+ concentration (Picaud et al. 1995). Does this hold for SC as well? Figure 5F shows that the amplitude of SC decreased with time after breaking in with a pipette filled with a solution in which K+ was replaced by choline (red bars). Such a decrease in amplitude was absent when the pipette solution contained a K+ intracellular solution (black bars). The time it took to abolish the response completely was about 30 min, which is about the time it takes for a complete exchange of the cytosol with the pipette solution (Kraaij et al. 2000). These results show that SC depends on the K+ gradient and are consistent with the notion that SC is the activation of ICl(GluT).
To study ICl(GluT) in more detail we set out to find a pharmacological tool that did inhibit ICl(GluT) but did not lead to saturation of synaptic transmission. Divalent ions are known to affect neuronal systems in a number of ways. One of them is Zn2+, which has been shown to block ICl(GluT) of the cones (Spiridon et al. 1998). We found that 10 μm Zn2+ blocked both PC and SC (91.2 ± 4.9%; n = 3 and 93.0 ± 1.0%; n = 3 respectively) (Fig.5C, black trace: control; red trace: 10 μm Zn2+). Zn2+-induced block of ICl(GluT) was about equal to that induced by TBOA making it difficult to use this drug to study PC and SC independently of each other. Next, we tested whether another divalent ion, Ni2+, could separate PC and SC (Fig.5D). Ni2+ 12 μm reduced the peak of SC by 74.6 ± 7.5% (P = 0.009; n = 7; partial washout in four cells) while having no significant effect on PC (P = 0.956; n = 6) (Fig.5D, black traces: control; red traces: Ni2+). The effect of Ni2+ did not change over time, suggesting that 12 μm Ni2+ does not saturate synaptic transmission while it still affects ICl(GluT). A dose–response curve of the effect of Ni2+ on PC and SC was constructed (Fig.5E). The IC50 for Ni2+ on PC and SC was 28.8 ± 2.8 μm (n = 22) and 3.3 ± 1.2 μm (n = 23) respectively. In addition, we found that the reversal potential of the Ni2+-blocked current was –54.9 ± 4.4 mV (n = 4), when ECl was set at –50 mV suggesting that Ni2+ inhibits a Cl− current. As 12 μm of Ni2+ did not block PC, even after prolonged application, we conclude that glutamate uptake was minimally affected. Although non-specific actions of Ni2+ cannot be fully excluded, the results presented so far are consistent with the hypothesis that 12 μm Ni2+ only blocked ICl(GluT) while leaving the transport of glutamate intact. In line with this is the finding of Wadiche et al. (1995) who showed that the transport of glutamate is independent of the associated Cl− current.
To test whether Ni2+ had direct effects on ICa, we determined the shift of the half activation potential of ICa because of 12 μm Ni2+. To avoid activation of GluTs, the whole retina was stimulated with a bright full field light stimulus to block glutamate release of all photoreceptors in the retina. In this way we prevented modulation of ICl(GluT) to interfere with this measurement. We found no effect of 12 μm Ni2+ on ICa. The half activation potential shifted on average –0.1 ± 0.4 mV (n = 5), which is not significantly different from zero (P = 0.752). Ni2+ 12 μm did not significantly affect the peak amplitude of ICa (control: –136.4 ± 25.0 pA; 12 μm Ni2+: –133.3 ± 22.3 pA; P = 0.455; n = 5), suggesting that other non-specific actions of Ni2+ are not prominently present.
Low concentrations of Ni2+ have been shown selectively to block T-type Ca2+ channels (Lee et al. 1999), but these Ca2+-channels are not expressed in cones (Barnes & Hille, 1989). However, to be sure that the effect we observed could not be attributed to T type Ca2+ channels we tested the effect of the selective T type Ca2+ channel blocker mibefradil (Martin et al. 2000) on SC and found no significant reduction in amplitude (P = 0.26; n = 9; data not shown). These results show that 12 μm Ni2+ did not affect ICa directly and that Ni2+ at this concentration can be used as a blocker for ICl(GluT).
What is the source of glutamate that activates ICl(GluT)
So far we have shown that SC depends on HC hyperpolarization, and is mediated by ICl(GluT). SC could be measured at membrane potentials well outside the activation range of ICa, potentials where cones do not release glutamate. Therefore, the voltage clamped cone cannot provide the glutamate that activates GluT. The glutamate has to originate from a different source. Photoreceptors are the only source of glutamate in the outer retina. As we used light intensities well above the operating range of rods, the neighbouring cones are the only possible source for glutamate. As glutamate transporters are mainly found in the bottom outer surface of the cone synaptic terminal (Vandenbranden et al. 2000) interactions via the telondendria seem improbable. In a possible scenario, glutamate released by these cones spills over to the recorded cone and activates ICl(GluT), which can be seen as SC. To test this, we determined the spatial reach of this glutamate spillover. The rationale for the current experiment was as follows. In the dark condition, glutamate release from neighbouring cones spills over to the centre cone and activates the ICl(GluT) (Szmajda & DeVries, 2011). In whole cell configuration, the direct light response of a cone runs down in about 5–10 min (Fig.6A, closed symbols) while SC runs up (open symbols). When the light response had run-down, the recorded cone and its direct neighbours were stimulated with a small spot of light. In this condition, the spot will not induce a direct light response in the recorded cone, but will hyperpolarize neighbouring cones and reduce their glutamate release. The consequence is that the glutamate spilled over from the neighbouring cones to the cone recorded from will diminish, leading to a reduction of ICl(GluT). By increasing the diameter of the spot and measuring the amplitude of ICl(GluT), the spatial extent of the glutamate spillover can be estimated.
In the next experiment we investigated the activation of ICl(GluT) due to sustained glutamate spillover in the dark instead of surround-induced spillover evoked by light stimulation. We determined the IV relation in the dark and when a spot was present, in a condition when the direct light response had fully run down. We used two spot sizes. The smallest spot (17 μm) covers the recorded cone and its direct neighbours while the larger spot (140 μm) covers a radius of about 11 surrounding cones. Figure 6B shows the resulting IV relations. We subtracted the IV relations with and without the 17 μm spots (Fig.6B, closed symbols) and fitted an exponential function through the result (Fig.6B, dashed line). The subtracted current had a reversal potential of –31.5 ± 3.7 mV (n = 10) (ECl = –28 mV), consistent with the modulation of ICl(GluT). No additional reduction of ICl(GluT) occurred when the 140 μm spot was used (Fig.6B, open symbols; ANOVA; F1,10 = 0.064; P = 0.805; μ2 = 0.006; n = 6). This suggests that most of the glutamate reaching the recorded cone spills over from its direct neighbours and very little originates from cones that are further away.
Feedback-induced activation of the ICl(GluT) modulates the cone output
Does the activation of ICl(GluT) affect the cone membrane potential and thus the cone's output? To study this, we saturated the cone being recorded from with a small spot of light, flashed a full field light stimulus and determined the cone voltage response. As SC is maximal at very negative potentials, current was injected to hyperpolarize the cone's dark membrane potential outside the activation range of ICa. This procedure also excluded interference of PC with the cone voltage response. The amount of injected current was adjusted stepwise such that the cone voltage response to the full field stimulus was obtained for various cone membrane potentials. The light-induced response was always depolarizing, had a transient character and increased towards more negative membrane potentials (Fig.7A). To test if the depolarization was caused by ICl(GluT), we shifted ECl from –50 mV to –2 mV. The extrapolated reversal potential of the light response with ECl at –50 mV was –55.1 ± 5.6 mV (n = 6) and with ECl at –2 mV the reversal potential was –15.4 ± 8.7 mV (n = 6) indicating that the light response was mediated by a Cl− current, presumably ICl(GluT). Next we blocked ICl(GluT) with 12 μm Ni2+ (ECl = –50 mV), which inhibits ICl(GluT) without saturating the outer retina with glutamate (see above) and found that the surround-induced depolarizing response at a membrane potential of –67.4 ± 1.2 mV was reduced by 55.5 ± 8.2% (n = 5; P = 0.003) (Fig.7B). In three of five cells tested, a partial washout was observed. Together these results show that activation of ICl(GluT) by glutamate released from neighbouring cones causes modulation of the central cone's membrane potential and thus its output.
In this study, we show that the output of cones is modulated through activation of a GluT by the glutamate released from their direct neighbouring cones. This pathway can be activated by negative feedback from HCs to cones, thus providing an additional feedback pathway. We have shown that this pathway can be blocked by TBOA and low concentrations of the divalent ion Zn2+ and by removing the gradient of K+ from the recorded cone. Furthermore, the pathway was mediated by a Cl− current. These features suggest that it is mediated by activation of ICl(GluT) in cones. This pathway is much slower than the ephaptic feedback pathway (Vroman et al. 2014) and has a slight delay (4.7 ± 1.7 ms). The effectiveness of the pathway will therefore depend on ECl and, as ECl is close to the dark resting membrane potential of cones, it will enhance negative feedback particularly when cones are strongly hyperpolarized.
Activation of the ICl(GluT) by negative feedback from horizontal cells to cones
We have shown that glutamate released from cones can diffuse to neighbouring cones and activate ICl(GluT). This is in agreement with the results of Szmajda and DeVries (2011) who demonstrated glutamate spillover between cones. In their experiments, glutamate release was triggered by artificially polarizing cones or by a dark flash. Here we show that a light flash can also induce glutamate spillover. In this case, glutamate release induced by negative feedback from HCs to cones spills over to neighbouring cones. This feedback-induced spillover will be present under any stimulus condition, but in most conditions, the current it induces will be masked by the reduction in glutamate release due to direct light stimulation. One needs to realize that spillover of glutamate may have two effects on the surrounding cones: (1) it activates GluT and thus induces SC, and (2) potentially it activates glutamate receptors on dendrites innervating the surrounding cones. This latter effect will not be visible in the cones, but will be physiologically highly relevant. To detect SC, the presence of the 17 μm spot covering the centre cone and its direct neighbours is essential (Fig.8A). None of the cones covered by the spot will respond directly to the full field stimulus, but will be affected by negative feedback leading to an increase in their glutamate release. This glutamate will spill over to the centre cone and, with a slight delay, activate ICl(GluT) (Fig.8B).
The absence of the SC in measurements from previous studies seems to be due to the difference in tissue preparation. In our procedure, the retina was isolated without removing the rods, leaving the retina in a more physiological condition. This might have prevented glutamate from diffusing too quickly into the perfusion medium. This makes it highly probable that SC is absent in retinal slices.
Feedback-induced activation of the GluT-associated ICl depolarizes the cone
It has been shown that GluT activation due to glutamate spillover can modulate synaptic transmission in different systems in the central nervous system (Tzingounis & Wadiche, 2007). Whether activation of the ICl(GluT) modulates the membrane potential of cones and thus its output depends on the exact value of ECl. Estimates of ECl vary from –42 to –55 mV. Estimates of Thoreson and Bryson (2004; salamander) show that ECl is very close to the cone dark resting membrane potential (–46 mV). Kraaij et al. (2000; goldfish) found a more hyperpolarized value for ECl (–55 mV). Other estimations put the ECl at –42 mV (Thoreson & Burkhardt, 1991; turtle), between –34 and –43 mV (Sarantis et al. 1988; salamander), at –31 (Szmajda & DeVries, 2011; ground squirrel) and at –47 mV (Kaneko & Tachibana, 1986; turtle). Taken together, it seems probable that ECl is very close to the dark membrane potential of cones. Therefore, modulation of ICl(GluT) in the dark will hardly affect the membrane potential. However, when cones are hyperpolarized, activation of ICl(GluT) will depolarize cones. In addition, activation of ICl(GluT) may lead to shunting inhibition of the cones, thus reducing the gain of the synaptic transmission from cones to second order neurons. Consistent with this notion are the results of Veruki et al. (2006) who showed that activation of ICl(GluT) in bipolar cells by glutamate spillover from neighbouring BCs reduced glutamate release as a result of shunting inhibition (Veruki et al. 2006). We tested directly whether activation of ICl(GluT) could modulate the membrane potential of cones. With ECl at –50 mV, cones depolarized due to activation of ICl(GluT) by glutamate spillover from neighbouring cones. This shows that, at least when cones are hyperpolarized, glutamate spillover modulates the cone membrane potential and thus its output.
Cl− dependence of surround-induced responses
Many researchers have shown that negative feedback from HCs to cones modulates a Cl− current in cones (Lasansky, 1981; Thoreson & Burkhardt, 1991; Wu, 1991; Barnes & Deschênes, 1992). Potentially there are three Cl−-mediated currents that could be involved: (1) ICl(GABA); (2) ICl(Ca); and (3) ICl(GluT). Surround-induced responses have been proposed to be mediated by ICl(GABA) (Murakami et al. 1982a,b; Wu, 1991). Wu (1991) showed that the depolarizing response could be blocked by bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist. However, the effect of bicuculline was only partial and may have been due to its depolarizing effect on the HCs (Umino & Dowling, 1991). Furthermore, others found no effect of GABA agonists or antagonists on the surround-induced depolarization in cones (Miller et al. 1981; Thoreson & Burkhardt, 1990). We and others have found that ICl(GABA) is not mediating negative feedback but rather plays a modulatory role (Gilbertson et al. 1991; Xiong-Li & Wu, 1993; Verweij et al. 1996; Kamermans et al. 2001; Endeman et al. 2012). It seems that the surround-induced depolarizing responses in cones are caused by the activation of ICl(Ca) (O'Bryan, 1973; Lasansky, 1981; Piccolino et al. 1981; Kraaij et al. 2000). Such activation can lead to prolonged depolarizations (Burkhardt et al. 1988; Thoreson & Burkhardt, 1991).
As we have shown here, negative feedback can also act via ICl(GluT). The pathway is particularly active when cones are hyperpolarized outside the operational range of the Ca2+ channels. At those potentials, activation of ICl(GluT) underlies the surround-induced depolarizing responses in cones. We propose the following interaction between ICa, ICl(Ca) and ICl(GluT). The activation of ICl(GluT) is prominent only when cones are strongly hyperpolarized and will depolarize the cones back in the operating range of ICa. By doing so it will increase the efficiency of the ephaptic and Panx1/ATP feedback systems, which will lead to an increased influx of Ca2+ into the cone terminal and an activation of ICl(Ca), leading to a further depolarization.
Functional implications of the surround-induced activation ICl(GluT)
What is the functional consequence of feedback-induced activation of ICl(GluT)? The first notion would be that glutamate spillover might induce spatial blur (Szmajda & DeVries, 2011). In principle this will happen, but given the distance glutamate spills over, this effect is very small and may even be insignificant. However, as observed before by Szmajda and DeVries (2011), glutamate spills over to neighbouring cones of a different spectral type. The functional consequences of this effect will be substantial. In fish, cones are arranged in a very regular array (Fernald, 1981; Bowmaker & Kunz, 1987; Beaudet et al. 1997; Li et al. 2009), where L cones flank M and S cones and M cones flank L and ultraviolet light-sensitive cones. Glutamate released from cones will therefore spill over to cones of different spectral sensitivity, substantially affecting the spectral sensitivity of second order neurons. For instance, L cones are direct neighbours of S cones. Glutamate released by L cones will thus spill over to S cones and vice versa. As L cones have larger synaptic terminals than M and S cones (Li et al. 2009), it is probably that they are releasing more glutamate than S cones. Therefore, the influence of L cones on S cones will be more prominent than the other way around.
Fish have three types of cone driven HCs, all with a specific spectral sensitivity. Monophasic HCs hyperpolarize to light of all wavelengths, biphasic HCs hyperpolarize to short and middle wavelength light and depolarize to long wavelength light, and triphasic HCs (THCs) hyperpolarize to short and long wavelength light and depolarize to middle wavelength light. These responses are thought to be generated via a cascade of feed forward and feedback connections (Stell et al. 1975; Kamermans et al. 1990). Although the spectral sensitivity of the HCs is well described by this model, some discrepancies remain. The cascade model makes a very specific prediction. The hyperpolarizing response to long wavelength light of the THC should be generated by negative feedback from the biphasic HCs to the S cones. As the biphasic HCs depolarize to long wavelength light, negative feedback, due to long wavelength light stimulation in the S cone, should be inverted. This prediction has been tested directly and could not be confirmed (Kraaij et al. 1998) leaving the hyperpolarizing response to long wavelength light in THCs unexplained. Can spillover of released glutamate resolve this discrepancy between the morphological and physiological connectivity? In the dark, L, M and S cones release glutamate continuously, causing spillover. When stimulated with long wavelength light L cones will hyperpolarize and reduce their glutamate release. Consequently, the glutamate concentration around the synaptic terminal of adjacent S cones will reduce, leading to a reduction of the glutamate concentration sensed by the THCs. This will induce the hyperpolarizing response observed in the THC cells without requiring a sign reversed negative feedback response in the S cones. Such a scenario would solve a long-standing controversy in retinal research and shows that morphological and functional connectivity may not always fully overlap.
We would like to thank Drs Marcus Howlett, Lauw Klaassen and Lawrie McKay for their critical comments on the manuscript.
adenosine triphosphate
- ECl
Cl−-equilibrium potential
γ-aminobutyric acid
- GluT
glutamate transporter
- HC
horizontal cell
- ICa
Ca2+ current
- ICl(Ca)
Ca2+-dependent Cl− current
GABA-gated Cl− current
- ICl(GluT)
glutamate transporter-associated Cl− current
- L cone
long wavelength sensitive cone
- M cone
middle wavelength sensitive cone; Panx1, pannexin 1
- PC
primary surround-induced current
- SC
secondary surround-induced inward current
- S cone
short wavelength sensitive cone
dl-threo-β-Benzyloxyaspartic acid
triphasic horizontal cell
Additional information
Competing interests
The authors declare that no competing interests exist.
Author contributions
R.V. and M.K. conceived and designed the experiments, interpreted the data and wrote the paper. R.V. performed the experiments and analysed the data.
This work was supported by grants from ALW-NWO and ZonMW-NWO.
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