C) Examples of inhibitory (red) and excitatory (blue) synaptic currents recorded respectively from excitatory and inhibitory neurons from simulations highlighted by arrows in panels (
F). (
F) Top: Correlation value at the first local maximum of an autocorrelation of inhibitory synaptic currents (I → E cells, 25 randomly selected E cells), plotted as a function of g
E and g
I, for networks without noise (
D), with noise set to σ = 150 pA (
E), and noise set to σ = 300 pA (
F). Each point is an average over five simulation trials. In these simulations velocity and place cell inputs were disabled. The duration of simulations was 10 s. Bottom: Frequency corresponding to the peaks of the autocorrelation functions for simulations in the top panels. Black lines in (
E) indicate the region from
Figure 2—figure supplement 1 where the gridness score = 0.5.