To estimate first-year health care charges for youth with newly diagnosed epilepsy seen within an interdisciplinary pediatric epilepsy team and examine demographic, clinical, and psychosocial predictors of annual charges.
Retrospective chart review was conducted to extract medical, hospital, and physician billing data from the year following an epilepsy diagnosis for 258 patients (aged 2–18 years) seen in a New Onset Seizure Clinic between July 2011 and December 2012. Descriptive statistics were used to estimate per-patient total first-year charges and health care utilization patterns (e.g., hospitalizations, emergency department visits, outpatient visits). Univariate analyses examined differences in health care charges between demographic, clinical, and psychosocial factors. Predictors of health care charges were examined using hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
The estimated per-patient total first-year health care charge was $20,084 (95% confidence interval [CI] $16,491–$23,677). Charges were higher for patients who reported having seizures since diagnosis ($25,509; 95% CI $20,162–$30,856) and were associated with more antiepileptic drug side effects (r = 0.18; 95% CI 0.03–0.32). Controlling for demographic and clinical factors, poorer baseline health-related quality of life was associated with higher per-patient health care charges (B = −445.40; 95% CI −865 to −25).
The economic impact of pediatric epilepsy in the year following diagnosis is substantial. Cost reduction efforts would be optimized by improving seizure control and targeting health-related quality of life, an outcome amenable to behavioral intervention.
Approximately 20%–40% of youth diagnosed with epilepsy do not successfully respond to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)1 and may require more expensive and invasive treatment options (e.g., epilepsy surgery).2 Youth with epilepsy demonstrate greater psychosocial difficulties (e.g., disruptive behavior, depression, medication nonadherence, and poor health-related quality of life [HRQOL]) than youth with other pediatric chronic conditions,3–6 which can be the result of seizures, AED side effects, or developmental processes.7–9 The physical and psychosocial sequelae likely contribute to the significant economic burden faced by pediatric epilepsy patients. Annual per-patient pediatric epilepsy-related costs range from $522 to $9,713 and are primarily driven by AEDs, clinic visits, and diagnostic procedures.10,11 A large portion of these health care costs are unnecessary/excessive and are incurred in the first year following diagnosis.12,13
Epilepsy-related factors, including polytherapy, therapeutic drug monitoring, newer AEDs, and seizure control,10 are often linked to higher health care costs.11 Psychosocial comorbidities among pediatric patients have also been shown to predict increased health care charges,14,15 but to our knowledge these have not been examined in pediatric epilepsy. These psychosocial factors are ideal targets for investigation because they are amenable to behavioral intervention.
Previous studies are limited by their inclusion of select etiologies11 and costs16 during an unstandardized time period.10 Thus, we aimed to describe the health care utilization patterns and inpatient and outpatient charges in the 12 months following a pediatric epilepsy diagnosis, estimate average annual per-patient health care charges, and identify demographic, clinical, and psychosocial predictors of total health care charges. In line with previous studies, we hypothesized that seizure occurrence, AED nonadherence, and poor HRQOL among youth with newly diagnosed epilepsy would predict increased health care charges in the 12 months postdiagnosis.
The study included patients diagnosed between July 2011 and December 2012 who received 12 months of care in the New Onset Seizure (NOS) Clinic.
Standard protocol approvals, registrations, and patient consents.
Data were extracted from a larger project approved by the hospital's institutional review board.17
Pediatric New Onset Seizure Clinic.
The multidisciplinary NOS Clinic is part of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at a large pediatric hospital serving patients in the Midwestern United States. Patients with seizures are initially seen by an epileptologist for evaluation and complete a routine EEG and MRI. After patients receive an epilepsy diagnosis, they are typically prescribed an AED by an epileptologist (i.e., diagnosis visit) and followed by a specialist nurse practitioner. In addition to routine diagnostic procedures and the diagnosis visit, our recommended epilepsy treatment includes a follow-up clinic visit 1 month postdiagnosis and every 3 months thereafter with coinciding safety laboratory tests and biannual behavioral medicine visits with a clinical psychologist, totaling approximately 13 medical encounters in the first year.
The NOS Clinic's patient population is homogeneous, in that youth are 2–18 years old, typically developing, and do not have significant medical (e.g., diabetes), psychiatric (e.g., bipolar), or developmental (e.g., autism) comorbidities. At our institution, patients with identified comorbidities at the time of diagnosis are triaged to a general neurologist for epilepsy treatment. Patients with unidentified preexisting conditions or who develop comorbidities after starting treatment continue to receive care within the NOS Clinic.
Families complete the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2)18,19 and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL)20 at their diagnosis visit. At one month postdiagnosis, a behavioral medicine assessment is conducted17 and families complete the PedsQL again, the Pediatric Epilepsy Side Effects Questionnaire (PESQ),21 and other symptom-based measures (e.g., Children's Depression Inventory). Families reporting greater symptoms or need during the assessment may be evaluated more frequently or referred for outpatient treatment. The BASC-2 and PedsQL at diagnosis and the PESQ at the 1-month follow-up visit were examined because they allow us to proactively target psychosocial concerns at disease onset. AED adherence was also included in analyses given the high rates of nonadherence6 among youth with epilepsy and its negative impact on seizures22 and health care expenditures in adult epilepsy populations.23
BASC-2 Parent Rating Scale.
The BASC-2 Parent Rating Scale (PRS) is a 134- to 160-item parent report measure of behavior and personality in youth across 3 age groups: preschool (2–5 years), child (6–11 years), and adolescent (12–21 years).18,19 Depending on the age group, the BASC-2 PRS yields 4 to 5 composite scales (e.g., Internalizing Problems, Externalizing Problems, Behavioral Symptoms Index, School Problems, and Adaptive Skills). Standardized T scores based on individual responses relative to children of the same age and sex allow for comparisons across age groups, with higher T scores representing poorer baseline psychosocial functioning. Internal reliability for the BASC-2 PRS ranges from 0.58 to 0.89.18,19
PedsQL version 4.0.
The PedsQL is a 23-item measure assessing physical, emotional, social, and academic functioning.20 Caregivers rate the frequency of their child's difficulties on a 5-point Likert scale. Items are summed and transformed into scores ranging from 0 to 100, with higher scores representing better HRQOL.20 The total score was used in the current study. Internal consistency for the PedsQL ranges from 0.89 to 0.93.24 Parent proxy-reported HRQOL is a reliable and valid estimate of child functioning.25
The PESQ is a 19-item parent report measure of AED side effects (cognitive, motor, and behavioral).21 Items are summed and transformed into a score ranging from 0 to 100, with higher scores representing more side effects. The total side effects score was used in the current study. The PESQ has excellent internal reliability (0.90).21
AED adherence.
AED adherence was assessed by asking caregivers or unaccompanied patients, “In the past week, how many doses of medication were missed?” One week was used as a reference to maximize recall. The number of doses administered in the previous week was divided by the number of prescribed doses and multiplied by 100 to calculate each patient's adherence rate. Self- or caregiver-reported AED adherence has been associated with objective electronic monitoring (r = 0.46, p < 0.001),26 and although it tends to be inflated, it is clinically feasible.
Medical chart review.
Two trained research assistants collected demographics and first-year clinical and psychosocial data through retrospective chart review (table 1). Psychosocial variables included the number of behavioral medicine visits, HRQOL (PedsQL at diagnosis), psychosocial functioning (BASC-2 PRS at diagnosis), and AED side effects (PESQ at 1-month follow-up). Seizure occurrence was dichotomized since a single unprovoked seizure can contribute to increased health care charges27 and poor HRQOL.28
Table 1.
Descriptive statistics and univariate analysis for total first-year health care charges (n = 258)
Health care charges.
The hospital and physician billing records for the year following diagnosis for each patient were obtained from the institutional accounting database. These data do not reflect coverage by insurance companies, copays, or premiums but simply the health care charges related to ambulatory care, hospitalizations, emergency department (ED) visits, laboratory tests, and diagnostic procedures. Governmental and societal charges (i.e., transportation, caregiver missed work) were beyond the scope of the current study. Two research assistants classified encounters according to predefined criteria (see table e-1 on the Neurology® Web site at Neurology.org). Two authors independently reviewed 20% of patient health care encounters (99% agreement) and discussed any questions to resolve disagreements.
Total and per-patient first-year health care charges were calculated using a gross costing approach. Charge data spanning multiple years were first adjusted to 2014 US dollars according to the medical care component of the Consumer Price Index29 to allow for comparison across participants enrolled at different time points.
Statistical analysis.
First-year health care utilization patterns and per-patient health care charges following an epilepsy diagnosis were quantified with descriptive statistics. Univariate analyses examined differences in per-patient health care charges between demographic (e.g., age at diagnosis, sex, insurance status), clinical (e.g., epilepsy etiology, epilepsy type, syndrome presence, AED, seizure since diagnosis), and psychosocial factors (e.g., number of behavioral medicine visits, BASC-2 PRS).
Predictors of health care charges, namely demographic and clinical variables significant in previous research (block 1)10,16,27,30 and psychosocial variables correlated with per-patient charges at the bivariate level (block 2), were examined using hierarchical multiple regression analyses. In the first regression, the outcome variable was total first-year per-patient health care charges.
The provision of behavioral medicine services within the NOS Clinic is a relatively unique model and may result in additional charges (i.e., epilepsy clinic–based intervention, outpatient therapy) not commonly incurred at other institutions. Thus, the second regression analysis excluded charges attributable to behavioral medicine services to enhance the generalizability of the study findings. Analyses were performed using SPSS version 22 software.31
Patient characteristics.
Demographic and clinical characteristics of 258 youth (mean age 8.85 ± 4.28 years) with newly diagnosed epilepsy are presented in table 1. Overall, 4% of data values were missing across all study variables. Reasons for missing data included measures not completed during diagnosis visit (PESQ n = 76, PedsQL n = 26), no behavioral medicine visit to assess adherence (n = 30), PESQ not administered for patients not starting AED (n = 13), incomplete clinic-based measures (BASC-2 n = 6), adherence not assessed/quantified during behavioral medicine visit (n = 4), and unclear seizure occurrence postdiagnosis (n = 4).
One month after starting an AED, parent-reported side effects were 15.41 ± 16.46 (n = 169) and adherence was high (94.52 ± 15.00, n = 224). Baseline HRQOL was 81.11 ± 14.48 (n = 232) and psychosocial functioning (i.e., BASC-2 PRS) was in the average range.
Health care utilization patterns and health care charges.
Health care utilization patterns and average health care charges by medical service type are presented in table 2. There were 3,951 medical service visits totaling nearly $5.2 million in health care charges in the 12 months postdiagnosis. The most frequent epilepsy-related services included neurology clinic visits, laboratory tests, and epilepsy clinic–based behavioral medicine visits. During the study period, 14% (n = 36) of patients had at least one epilepsy-related ED visit, and 13% (n = 34) had at least one epilepsy-related hospital admission.
Table 2.
Health care utilization patterns and medical service charges (n = 258)
Hospital admissions in the first year were associated with the highest average health care charge (table 2) and accounted for a disproportionate 27% of the $5.2 million in total accrued charges. Average charges for diagnostic procedures varied but accounted for 24% of the total charges. Remaining health care charges resulted from other lower cost health care services including neurology clinic visits (14%), laboratory tests (10%), and epilepsy clinic–based behavioral medicine visits (3%). ED visits had the third highest average charge but accounted for only 1% of total visits and 2% of the total health care charges. Charges for neuropsychological testing or neurosurgery clinic visits contributed to 3% of the total first-year charges.
Per-patient health care charges and individual differences.
Patients with epilepsy accrued $20,084 ± $29,446 in health care charges in the year following diagnosis. With regard to outpatient epilepsy treatment, patients had an average of 4 neurology clinic visits and laboratory tests, 2 epilepsy clinic–based behavioral medicine visits, and 1 diagnostic procedure (table 2).
Patients who reported the presence of at least 1 seizure since diagnosis incurred more than twice the charges than patients who reported being seizure-free. Greater AED side effects were associated with higher per-patient total charges (r = 0.18, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.03–0.32, p = 0.02, n = 169). Charges did not differ across groups on any other demographic or clinical characteristics (table 1).
Total per-patient charges were not associated with baseline psychosocial functioning (BASC-2: Internalizing Problems r = 0.04, p = 0.56; Externalizing Problems r = −0.03, p = 0.60; Behavioral Symptoms Index r = 0.01, p = 0.81; Adaptive Skills r = 0.07, p = 0.27), AED adherence (r = 0.09, p = 0.18), or the number of behavioral medicine visits (table 1). Poorer baseline HRQOL was associated with higher first-year charges (r = −0.22, 95% CI −0.34 to −0.09, p = 0.001, n = 232).
Predictors of health care charges.
Results of the regression analyses are presented in table 3. Demographic and clinical variables accounted for 8% of the variance but were not associated with patient health care charges, except for seizure occurrence since diagnosis. HRQOL was the only psychosocial variable correlated with patient health care charges and thus included in the regression analyses. Nonsignificant psychosocial variables excluded from the regression analyses included psychosocial functioning, AED adherence, and number of behavioral medicine visits. Poorer HRQOL was associated with higher health care charges after accounting for demographic and clinical variables and explained an additional 2% of the variance. Seizure occurrence and baseline HRQOL remained the only factors associated with health care charges in the second set of regressions excluding charges related to behavioral medicine services. These results are not included because β weights and R2 values did not change.
Table 3.
Hierarchical multiple regression results predicting first-year charges (n = 231)
This study comprehensively examined the relationship between clinical and psychosocial factors and health care charges in youth with newly diagnosed epilepsy. Consistent with previous findings,10 total annual health care charges were nearly $20,000, with epilepsy-related charges consisting primarily of neurology clinic visits, laboratory tests, and diagnostic procedures. Health care utilization patterns suggest that while the majority of patients followed providers' treatment recommendations, equaling roughly 13 medical encounters in the first year, a subset of patients contributed to a disproportionately high percentage of total first-year charges. Specifically, epilepsy-related hospital admissions and ED visits represented excessive medical encounters not part of standard clinical care. If intervention efforts could reduce hospitalizations or ED visits (e.g., improving adherence to reduce seizures), up to $1 million a year could be saved in one epilepsy clinic alone.
Consistent with previous literature,10,27 variations in per-patient charges were partially attributable to clinical factors (e.g., seizure occurrence since diagnosis). As this trajectory of higher spending is likely to continue, patients at risk for uncontrolled seizures represent a crucial target for reducing costs. Greater AED side effects also predicted higher total first-year charges, which may be attributable to their negative impact on physical and emotional functioning32 and medication adherence.33 For example, an adolescent who fears the possibility of weight gain as a side effect of her valproic acid may forgo doses, resulting in a seizure and utilization of ED services. These findings have significant clinical implications, as providers consider an AED's effectiveness and potential side effects when deciding which AED to initiate. Providing anticipatory guidance to families on what to expect and ways to manage side effects may prevent excessive health care utilization and reduce costs.32
First-year health care charges did not differ across any other clinical or demographic factors. These findings are consistent with previous studies,10,11,27 with the exception of medication adherence.34,35 Discrepant findings are likely due to adherence measurement methods, which were prescription refill data in the adult studies and self or caregiver report, which is known to be inflated, in the current study.
Baseline HRQOL was the strongest predictor of first-year health care charges after controlling for demographic and clinical factors. Although this relationship has not been examined previously in pediatric epilepsy, findings are consistent with pediatric36 and adult studies37,38 that demonstrate a direct impact of poor HRQOL on increased health care utilization. Poorer HRQOL predicted greater health care charges when charges related to behavioral medicine services were removed from the outcome variable, indicating that this relationship is not due to increased behavioral medicine service use. This suggests that establishing a behavioral medicine service to decrease impairment and optimize HRQOL, independent of other cost determinants, is not associated with higher health care charges. Future studies are needed to understand precisely how HRQOL affects health care utilization and costs.
Early work in cost containment focused predominantly on achieving seizure control. Our findings suggest that these efforts may be further enhanced by targeting HRQOL. Behavioral interventions targeting self-management, lifestyle, and exercise for children with asthma have successfully improved HRQOL and reduced health care utilization.39 Adapting these and similar interventions for youth with epilepsy is likely to be an integral component of low-cost, high-quality health care that needs to be further tested.
Limitations of the study should be considered when interpreting the results. Our model of psychosocial care and patient population are relatively unique compared with other epilepsy clinics and centers. The magnitude of the relationship between HRQOL and health care charges may be different in clinics without interdisciplinary psychosocial care. Findings may not generalize to youth with more complex epilepsies, significant comorbid psychiatric/developmental disorders, or those receiving care outside a specialty epilepsy clinic. Furthermore, only baseline or early clinical/psychosocial variables, including AED type, psychosocial functioning, and adherence, were used, and our study did not account for changes in treatment or psychosocial functioning over time. Future research should examine time-varying factors from multiple respondents and use more objective electronic monitoring to assess adherence behaviors. Limited generalizability might also apply to different providers and regions of the country, with variations in health care practices and billing services. Finally, total health care charges are likely underestimated because we did not capture AEDs and any services received outside of our institution or prior to the epilepsy diagnosis (e.g., EEGs/MRIs). Predictors of health care charges at the societal level remain unknown, and future research should include relevant societal expenditures (i.e., caregiver missed work days) to estimate the broad economic impact of pediatric epilepsy.
The current study quantifies the economic impact of pediatric epilepsy in the year following diagnosis and highlights potential avenues for cost savings. Efforts to improve seizure control and HRQOL may not only improve health outcomes but also reduce health care costs. Medical teams are encouraged to consider incorporating behavioral medicine services to target HRQOL into standard clinical care as one potential avenue.
Supplementary Material
The authors are greatly appreciative of the children and adolescents with epilepsy and their families who participated in this study. The authors thank the research assistants and graduate students, including Demaree Bruck, Teana Gravel, and Shannon Ollier (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center), for helping with data collection. They also thank the NOS clinical team involved in the medical and psychosocial care of youth with epilepsy.
antiepileptic drug
- BASC-2
Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition
- CI
confidence interval
- ED
emergency department
health-related quality of life
New Onset Seizure
- PedsQL
Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory
Pediatric Epilepsy Side Effects Questionnaire
Parent Rating Scale
Editorial, page 486
Supplemental data at Neurology.org
Dr. Ryan contributed to conception and design of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation of the final manuscript. Dr. McGrady contributed to conception and design of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation of the final manuscript. Dr. Guilfoyle contributed to conception and design of the study, the acquisition of the data, and critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. Dr. Junger contributed to conception and design of the study, the acquisition of the data, and critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. Mr. Arnett contributed to the acquisition and analysis of the data and critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. Dr. Modi contributed to conception and design of the study, acquisition and interpretation of the data, critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content, and supervision. All authors agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work to ensure its accuracy and integrity and approved the final manuscript as submitted.
Supported in part by NIH (T32HD068223) for J.L.R. and M.E.M. and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center—Schmidlapp Women's Scholar Fund for A.C.M.
The authors report no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. Go to Neurology.org for full disclosures.
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