Figure 1.
Expression of key transcription factors in CHI-D pancreas. A: Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of NEUROG3 in triplicate in CHI-D1 and CHI-D2 and age-matched controls (mean ± SEM) standardized against levels of detection in the human fetal pancreas at 14 wpc. Co, control; mo, months. B: Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of 11 transcription factors and insulin. Data from each CHI-D sample were analyzed in triplicate and standardized against their own age-matched control before displaying data as means ± SEM for all CHI-D samples. *P < 0.01 following Hochberg correction. C: Quantitative RT-PCR expression of NKX2.2 in CHI-D samples (performed in triplicate; mean ± SEM) during the first 6 months compared with their age-matched controls. D: Cell counting of dual immunofluorescence for NKX2.2 with islet hormones, insulin (INS), glucagon (GLU), somatostatin (SS), and ghrelin (GHREL) for the four CHI-D samples in C, their age-matched controls, and human fetal pancreas (two specimens at 11 and 15 wpc). Data are expressed as the mean percentage ± SEM for each hormone lineage. NKX2.2 is retained in somatostatin-positive CHI-D cells compared with age-matched controls (*P < 0.01). E: Examples (as counted in C) of dual immunofluorescence for SS and NKX2.2 counterstained with DAPI. Arrows show colocalization in fetal and CHI-D samples. Scale bar = 10 µm.