Figure 3.
Restoration of pheromone activity in 4-d-old male dummies (Experiment 1). Wing-fanning duration during a 5-min observation period performed by L. distinguendus responder males towards 4-d-old male dummies treated with dichloromethane (DCM, control = white) and with 150 ng of different methyl-branched alkanes in dichloromethane, respectively (blue). Box-and-whisker plots show median (horizontal line), 25–75 percent quartiles (box), maximum/minimum range (whiskers) and outliers (>1.5× above box height). Asterisks indicate significant differences between a methylalkane treatment and the corresponding DCM control (p > 0.05 = non-significant (n.s.), p < 0.01 = **, Wilcoxon signed rank test; N = 20).