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. 2015 May 21;148(3):596–606. doi: 10.1378/chest.15-0447

TABLE 2 ] .

Epidemiologic Studies of Cannabis Association With Lung Cancer

Study Type Cohort Size, Location, Racial Features Subjects With Cancer and Control Subjects How Cannabis Use Assessed and Quantitateda Approximate Cannabis Use Among Cannabis Smokers Years of Cannabis Use Main Findings and Observations Reference
Case-control cohort 403
New Zealand residents
79 lung cancer
324 control
Duration of cannabis use, joint-y, pack-y tobacco use 12 of 79 cases with > 10.5 joint-y compared with four of 324 control subjects 2001-2005 After adjustment for family history and pack-y tobacco, relative risk for lung cancer was 1.08 (95% CI, 1.02-1.15) per joint-y cannabis smoking 16
Cross-sectional 29,195
National surveys on drug use and health,
United States
Adjusted for race/ethnicity
Lung cancer by duration of cannabis use:
Never = 9
≤ 1 y = 23
2-10 y = 23
≥ 11 y = 67
Duration of cannabis use (y); daily tobacco use also ascertained for use in models Not reported 2005-2007 After adjustment, cannabis use of ≥ 11 y associated with OR for lung cancer development of 7.87 (95% CI, 1.28-48.4) 18
Longitudinal evaluation over 40 y of single cohort 49,321
Swedish men born in 1949-1951 conscripted in 1969-1970 for military service
189 lung cancer
49,132 control
Ever or never use of cannabis, lifetime frequency of cannabis use, No. tobacco cigarettes per day 5,156 ever cannabis users
831 of 5,156 (16%) reported > 50 times of use
515 of 831 (62%) also smoked > 10 cigarettes/d
1969-2009 After adjusting for tobacco and alcohol consumption, smoking cannabis > 50 times was associated with a hazard ratio of 2.12 (95% CI, 1.08-4.14) for lung cancer development over 40 y; ever use was not associated with an increased hazard ratio for lung cancer 17
Analysis of pooled data from six case-control studies 5,144
International Lung Cancer Consortium:
United States, Europe, New Zealand
79% white, 11% black
2,159 lung cancer
2,985 control
Lifetime cannabis use, joint-y; 86% of habitual cigarette smokers also used cannabis 10% of patients with lung cancer were habitual cannabis users
6% with ≥ 10 joint-y
1999-2013 Little or no association between intensity, duration, or cumulative use of cannabis and risk of lung cancer development; pooled OR for association between cannabis smoking (habitual vs nonhabitual) and lung cancer risk was 0.95 (95% CI, 0.66-1.38) 19

Pack-y = 1 pack/d tobacco cigarettes × 20 cigarettes/pack × 365 d/y; joint-y = 1 joint/d × 365 d/y.