Carla Martins, Helena Hůlková, Larbi Dridi, Virginie Dormoy-Raclet, Lubov Grigoryeva, Yoo Choi, Alexander Langford-Smith, Fiona L. Wilkinson, Kazuhiro Ohmi, Graziella DiCristo, Edith Hamel, Jerôme Ausseil, David Cheillan, Alain Moreau, Eva Svobodová, Zuzana Hájková, Markéta Tesařová, Hana Hansíková, Brian W. Bigger, Martin Hrebícek, Alexey V. Pshezhetsky. Neuroinflammation, mitochondrial defects and neurodegeneration in mucopolysaccharidosis III type C mouse model. Brain 2015; 10.1093/brain/awu355
The authors would also like to acknowledge partial support by Charles University institutional programs UNCE 204011 and SVV2014/260 022. The Funding section should read:
This work was supported in part by the operating grant (MOP-111068) from Canadian Institutes of Health Research and from JJB Foundation to A.V.P., the grant NT13122-3/2012 from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic to Helena Hůlková and M.H. and by Charles University institutional programs PRVOUK-P24/LF1/3, UNCE 204011, and SVV2014/260 022 to Hana Hansíková and M.H., M.T. and Z.H. C.M. acknowledges the Ph.D. POPH/FSE scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).