Figure 2.
Bimodal excitation of separate classes of Chrimson- and CoChR-expressing neurons in single animals. (A) Schematic of an animal carrying the FLP::CoChR;TRN::Chrimson double transgene. (B) Blue and red light-evoked backing behavior in FLP::CoChR;TRN::Chrimson in the presence or absence of ATR. (C) Backing behavior habituation to either repeated blue light stimuli (30 W/m2) or repeated red light stimuli (30 W/m2). Three-second interstimulus intervals were used. Number of animals is indicated. (D and E) Cross-habituation analysis in FLP::CoChR;TRN::Chrimson animals. FLP::CoChR and TRN::Chrimson single transgene control animals were used as indicated. Backing behavior in animals fully habituated with one color and tested with the other color, as compare to control treatment without habituation. Numbers of animals tested are indicated. *P < 0.01; **P < 0.001; ns, not significant by Fisher’s exact tests.