Vol. 64, No. 5
In the report, “Notes from the Field: Prevalence of Risk Factors for Suicide Among Veterinarians — United States, 2014,” an error occurred in the author affiliations. The author list and the author affiliations should read as follows:
Randall J. Nett, MD1,2, Tracy K. Witte, PhD3, Stacy M. Holzbauer, DVM1,4, Brigid L. Elchos, DVM5, Enzo R. Campagnolo, DVM1,6, Karl J. Musgrave, DVM7, Kris K. Carter, DVM1,8, Katie M. Kurkjian, DVM1,9, Cole Vanicek, DVM10, Daniel R. O’Leary, DVM1,7, Kerry R. Pride, DVM2, Renee H. Funk, DVM11
Vol. 64, No. 4
In the report “Mortality Among Blacks or African Americans with HIV Infection — United States, 2008–2012,” the second sentence on page 84 should read, “The report evaluates all-cause mortality in persons living with HIV and does not measure mortality resulting from HIV.”
Division of State and Local Readiness, Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, CDC;
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services;
Department of Psychology, Auburn University;
Minnesota Department of Health;
Mississippi Board of Animal Health;
Pennyslvania Department of Health;
Wyoming Department of Health;
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare;
Virginia Department of Health;
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services;
Emergency Preparedness and Response Office, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, CDC
Corresponding author: Randall J. Nett, rnett@cdc.gov, 406-444-5917