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. 2015 Sep 29;14(10):998–1005. doi: 10.1128/EC.00096-15

The Octatricopeptide Repeat Protein Raa8 Is Required for Chloroplast trans Splicing

Christina Marx 1, Christiane Wünsch 1, Ulrich Kück 1,
PMCID: PMC4588620  PMID: 26209695


The mRNA maturation of the tripartite chloroplast psaA gene from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii depends on various nucleus-encoded factors that participate in trans splicing of two group II introns. Recently, a multiprotein complex was identified that is involved in processing the psaA precursor mRNA. Using coupled tandem affinity purification (TAP) and mass spectrometry analyses with the trans-splicing factor Raa4 as a bait protein, we recently identified a multisubunit ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex comprising the previously characterized trans-splicing factors Raa1, Raa3, Raa4, and Rat2 plus novel components. Raa1 and Rat2 share a structural motif, an octatricopeptide repeat (OPR), that presumably functions as an RNA interaction module. Two of the novel RNP complex components also exhibit a predicted OPR motif and were therefore considered potential trans-splicing factors. In this study, we selected bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones encoding these OPR proteins and conducted functional complementation assays using previously generated trans-splicing mutants. Our assay revealed that the trans-splicing defect of mutant F19 was restored by a new factor we named RAA8; molecular characterization of complemented strains verified that Raa8 participates in splicing of the first psaA group II intron. Three of six OPR motifs are located in the C-terminal end of Raa8, which was shown to be essential for restoring psaA mRNA trans splicing. Our results support the important role played by OPR proteins in chloroplast RNA metabolism and also demonstrate that combining TAP and mass spectrometry with functional complementation studies represents a vigorous tool for identifying trans-splicing factors.


Interaction modules are crucial for the molecular and cellular function of proteins, and a wide repertoire of diverse domains and motifs mediates a variety of regulatory mechanisms. Proteins that exhibit a repeating structural unit with an α-helical architecture are classified as members of the α-solenoid superfamily (1). This large family is widely distributed in eukaryotes and includes, among others, the transcription activator-like (TAL) effectors, the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) proteins, and the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins (24). The α-helical structure of diverse members mediates binding to either proteins or nucleic acids.

A well-characterized example of RNA binding proteins is the PPR protein family (5). The degenerate PPR motif is described as two antiparallel, α-helical tracts of 35 amino acids, whose repeats are often arranged in tandem arrays. Recently, two approaches provided insights into the predictable RNA binding code of this motif (6, 7). Structural analyses indicate that RNA binding is mediated by helical tracts forming a superhelical groove with exposed residues. Despite the low sequence conservation of the PPR motif being restricted to several amino acids, PPR proteins specifically recognize single-stranded RNA sequences through a combinatorial amino acid code (2, 6, 7). Models of the modular recognition mechanism revealed one-nucleotide–one-repeat binding of single-stranded RNA, where sequence specificity within each repeat is dictated by exposed key residues of the groove (6, 7).

The PPR protein family includes more than 450 members in land plants and 154 members in green algae (8, 9). These nucleus-encoded RNA binding proteins are involved in a range of posttranscriptional processes of organelle-derived transcripts. Presumably structurally related to the PPR proteins, the recently detected octatricopeptide repeat (OPR) proteins harbor degenerate 38-amino-acid repeats, thus representing new members of the α-solenoid superfamily (10). The OPR consensus sequence includes the amino acids PPPEW, with the first proline (P) and the tryptophan (W) being the most conserved (11).

OPR proteins were initially identified in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, with at least 43 nucleus-encoded members (10, 12). Similar to PPR proteins, OPR proteins are primarily predicted to be organelle localized, and proteins characterized so far promote processing, splicing, or translation of specific chloroplast transcripts (1015). Genetic analysis of photosynthesis-deficient mutants revealed that at least six OPR proteins function in transcript stability or translation in C. reinhardtii. Tbc2 is part of a 400-kDa complex that is involved in translation of the psbC mRNA and contains nine copies of the OPR motif, located in the C-terminal region of the protein (11). A dual function was suggested for Tda1, which exhibits eight C-terminal repeats of the OPR motif and mediates trapping of a subset of untranslated atpA mRNAs into nonpolysomic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes (10). It is also essential for translating the atpA transcript. Tab1, a chloroplast translation factor of psaB mRNA, was the first OPR protein described to bind RNA in vitro (12). Recently, two OPR proteins, Mcg1 and Mbi1, were identified that specifically stabilize chloroplast petG and psbI mRNAs, respectively (16). Stability and translation of chloroplast psaA mRNA are functions that are also mediated by the OPR protein Taa1 (translation of psaA mRNA), which regulates psaA translation in response to iron limitation (17).

Other OPR-containing proteins are required for the maturation of chloroplast psaA mRNA. The psaA gene encodes the P700 chlorophyll α-apoprotein of photosystem I and comprises three exons that are scattered around the chloroplast genome (18). Each exon is flanked by group II intron sequences, and thus two trans-splicing reactions are necessary to generate the mature psaA mRNA (19). Remarkably, the first group II intron is tripartite, comprising the two psaA primary transcripts of exons 1 and 2 as well as an additional small chloroplast RNA (tscA RNA) (20). Processing of the tscA RNA is a prerequisite for correct assembly and consecutive trans splicing of the first group II intron.

So far, two OPR proteins have been described that are required for psaA trans splicing. Rat2 (RNA maturation of psaA tscA RNA) and Raa1 (RNA maturation of psaA RNA) exhibit two and four OPR motifs, respectively (10, 14, 15). Mutants with defects in genes such as RAT2 or RAA1 not only are deficient in trans splicing but also have a defect in photosynthesis, since they lack the P700 chlorophyll α-apoprotein. Genetic analysis of photosystem I mutants revealed that at least 14 nucleus-encoded factors are required for psaA mRNA maturation (18, 21, 22).

Recently, we were able to demonstrate that both Raa1 and Rat2 are part of a chloroplast RNP complex involved in the first trans-splicing reaction (13). This complex was identified by an extensive proteomic analysis and contains four trans-splicing factors together with 19 as yet uncharacterized subunits. Of these 19 novel proteins, we identified two further OPR proteins that also might represent trans-splicing factors required for group II intron splicing (10, 12, 13).

Previously, trans-splicing factors were identified by analysis of mutants generated by conventional or insertional mutagenesis (22). For example, we identified mutant genes by ligation-mediated suppression (LMS) PCR and genome walking in combination with functional complementation analysis using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones (23). As an alternative approach to discover novel trans-splicing factors, we present here a complementation analysis of four as yet uncharacterized trans-splicing mutants (21, 24). The mutants were transformed with BAC clones carrying genes for the above-mentioned OPR proteins, which were previously detected solely by tandem affinity purification (TAP) followed by mass spectrometry. Evidence is provided that a 269-kDa protein carrying six copies of the OPR motif is required for trans splicing of the first psaA group II intron. Importantly, our results extend the list of OPR proteins from C. reinhardtii involved in splicing and processing of chloroplast RNAs.


Strains and growth conditions.

C. reinhardtii wild-type strain 137C and previously described trans-splicing mutants F19, Fl5, M10, and F31 (21, 24) were grown in liquid Tris-acetate-phosphate or on Tris-acetate-phosphate agar plates (25). For photoautotrophic growth, test strains were spread onto HS (high-salt minimal medium) or Tris-acetate-phosphate agar plates (25). To generate autolysin, we used the high-efficiency mating strains CC-621 and CC-622 (25).


Nuclear transformation was achieved by agitation with glass beads (26). To remove cell walls, cells were treated for at least 1 h with autolysin before transformation. Each transformation experiment was carried out at least three times, with 0.5 to 10 μg BAC DNA, and samples were spread on single Tris-acetate-phosphate agar plates. After 12 to 24 h of incubation under low light, plates were selected under high-light conditions for 2 to 3 weeks.

Construction of plasmids.

Recombinant plasmids and oligonucleotides used for PCR and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) experiments or to generate transgenic algal strains are listed in Tables S1 and S2 in the supplemental material. BAC clones from the BAC library CRCCBa were obtained from the Clemson University Genomics Institute (CUGI). After plasmid isolation, BAC DNA was verified by restriction enzyme hydrolysis and partial sequencing.

Derivatives of BAC 31O13 were generated to identify regions sufficient for rescue of mutant F19 by partial restriction of 31O13 with SgsI (31O13-1 and 31O13-2) or BlnI (31O13-3 and 31O13-4). For subcloning of RAA8, 31O13 was first digested with SfuI and ClaI, resulting in plasmid 31O13-5. In the second step, 31O13-5 was partially digested with MluI (31O13-6). 31O13-6 comprises only RAA8 and Cre10.g440050. To generate a plasmid that contains solely RAA8, 31O13-6 was partially digested with PvuI, resulting in 31O13-7.

Molecular genetic techniques.

Standard molecular techniques were used as reported elsewhere (13, 23). C. reinhardtii total RNA and RNA blot experiments were prepared and performed, respectively, as described previously (15, 18, 23). After transfer of RNA samples to nylon membranes, hybridization was performed with a radioactively labeled probe. For isolation of genomic DNA, algal cells were treated as described elsewhere (27).

cDNA synthesis was conducted with the SuperScript III first-strand synthesis system for RT-PCR (Invitrogen) and purified using Amicon columns (Millipore). RT-PCR and PCR were performed using Taq DNA polymerase (Eppendorf), Phusion high-fidelity DNA polymerase (Thermo Scientific), GoTaq DNA polymerase (Promega), and FastStart Taq DNA polymerase (Roche).

For sequencing of the RAA8 gene locus, PCR fragments were directly sequenced or cloned into pDrive (Qiagen). For verification of point mutations, two independent PCRs were conducted with different primer combinations, followed by sequencing.

For PsaA immunoblot analysis, total protein extracts were loaded onto 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gels with 6 M urea. After gel electrophoresis and blotting onto a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane (Roche), the membrane was blocked with 5% nonfat dry milk in washing buffer. After incubation with a rabbit polyclonal PsaA antibody (Agrisera) at 4°C overnight, the membrane was decorated with peroxidase-linked anti-rabbit IgG for 1 h. Signals were detected using a Western enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) substrate (Bio-Rad).

Bioinformatic analyses.

Gene models and corresponding protein data were obtained from Phytozome v10.1. Protein motifs and domains were predicted by MEME Suite (28) and Motif Scan (29). Alignments of protein sequences were visualized using ClustalX (30). RNA binding regions were predicted by BindN (31). Secondary structure was analyzed using Phyre2 (32). Chloroplast target peptides were predicted by WoLF PSORT (33), TargetP (34), ChloroP (35), and PredAlgo (36).


Functional complementation analysis of class C mutants by use of BAC DNA.

Recently, we identified a chloroplast RNP complex containing trans-splicing factors, intron RNA, and as yet uncharacterized protein subunits (13). This complex was shown to be involved in processing psaA exon 1 and 2 precursors. Two of these trans-splicing factors, Rat2 and Raa1, were described as OPR proteins, and two uncharacterized proteins were considered further OPR proteins of the splicing complex (10, 12). These are Cre17.g698750 and Cre10.g440000, and besides the OPR motifs, both have no conserved domains. To determine whether both OPR proteins are required for trans splicing of psaA mRNA, BAC clones encoding these uncharacterized OPR components were selected for a complementation approach. BAC clones 13K19 and 31O13 were obtained from the CUGI BAC library and encode Cre17.g698750 and Cre10.g440000, respectively.

The BAC clones were used for complementation studies of photosynthesis mutants. These mutants were previously generated by random mutagenesis and further characterized to detect defects in trans splicing of the psaA mRNA (21, 24). Depending on the splicing defect, mutants can be divided into three distinct classes, namely, A, B, and C. Mutants unable to splice the second group II intron are designated class A, and class B mutants are blocked in both the first and second trans-splicing reactions (21). Class C mutants show a defect in the first trans-splicing reaction, and they either are unable to fuse exons 1 and 2 or, alternatively, have a defect in tscA RNA 3′-end processing. For this study, we chose a number of class C mutants from a type culture collection (ChlamyStation, Paris, France), namely, F19, M10, F31, and Fl5 (21, 24), for a complementation approach.

The four class C mutants were separately transformed with BAC clones 13K19 and 31O13, and transformants were selected under high-light conditions. Growth under these conditions indicated a restoration of photosystem I activity, and thus a complementation of the psaA trans-splicing defect. Transformation of M10, Fl5, and F31 with each of the two BACs revealed no transformants, while several transformants were obtained from transformation of F19 with BAC 31O13.

Photoautotrophic growth tests were performed on four selected transformants derived from complementation of F19 with BAC 31O13 (T404-2/6, T401-1/1, T401-2/1, and T401-2/2) (Fig. 1a). Tris-acetate-phosphate agar plates contained acetate as an alternative carbon source, whereas HS medium was used as a minimal medium. Therefore, photosystem I-deficient strains were unable to grow under high-light conditions both on Tris-acetate-phosphate plates and on HS medium without acetate, but they were able to grow under low-light conditions on Tris-acetate-phosphate agar plates (Fig. 1a; see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). Wild-type strain 137C and mutant strain F19 served as controls for photoautotrophic growth tests.

FIG 1.


Functional complementation of trans-splicing mutant F19. (a) Test for photoautotrophic growth of wild-type strain 137C, trans-splicing mutant strain F19, and selected transformants (T404-2/6, T401-1/1, T401-2/1, and T401-2/2) obtained by transformation of F19 with BAC 31O13. Cells were spread onto acetate-containing (TAP) or acetate-lacking (HS) agar plates at the indicated cell densities and incubated under high-light conditions (HL). 137C and complemented strains were able to grow on HS or Tris-acetate-phosphate plates under high light, in contrast to mutant F19, which is photosynthetically deficient. (b) Northern analysis of 137C, F19, and complemented transformant strains. Filters were consecutively hybridized with probes specific for psaA exon 1, tscA, and RBSC1 (as a loading control) transcripts. (c) Immunodetection of the PsaA protein in 137C, F19, and four transformants. A Coomassie-stained gel served as a loading control.

The four selected transformants were able to grow under high-light conditions on HS and Tris-acetate-phosphate agar plates, thus demonstrating a restored photosystem I activity. For Northern analysis, RNAs were isolated from 137C, F19, and the four complementation strains. A psaA exon 1 probe detected a 2,800-nucleotide (nt) signal representing the mature psaA transcript in the wild-type strain 137C and all transformants, whereas a signal of about 400 nt corresponded to the psaA exon 1 primary transcript in mutant F19 (Fig. 1b). Furthermore, a tscA probe detected the 450-nt processed tscA transcript in all analyzed strains. Rehybridization with an RBCS1 probe served as a loading control. Northern analysis confirmed that mutant F19 has a defect in trans splicing of the first group II intron but not in 3′-end processing of tscA RNA. We previously showed that trans-splicing mutants with a defect in tscA processing generated precursor RNA molecules of 1,700 nt and 2,800 nt that are clearly distinguished from the processed, 450-nt tscA RNA (15, 37). All analyzed complementation strains exhibited restored photosystem I activity and regained the ability to generate mature psaA mRNA.

To further analyze the transformants, we performed immunodetection with an anti-PsaA antibody. As expected, since mutant F19 was unable to generate mature psaA mRNA transcripts, no PsaA protein was detected. In contrast, all tested transformants showed a signal for PsaA (Fig. 1c). Comparison with the wild-type signal revealed slightly reduced PsaA signal intensities for all transformants, presumably as a consequence of ectopic integration, and thus suboptimal gene expression, in the complemented strains.

These analyses revealed that recombinant BAC clone 31O13, carrying the Cre10.g440000 gene and 12 other genes, restored the trans-splicing defect of mutant F19. Since Cre10.g440000 is most likely responsible for rescuing the trans-splicing mutant F19, we called the gene RAA8 (RNA maturation of psaA mRNA).

To rule out that another gene apart from RAA8 is necessary for complementation, we generated seven derivatives of BAC 31O13 (Fig. 2). After transformation of recipient F19 with all plasmids, we obtained only photosynthesis-competent strains when the full-length RAA8 gene was present on the recombinant BAC plasmid. We failed to obtain transformants when 31O13-1, lacking RAA8, and 31O13-4, carrying a truncated version of RAA8 (exon 1 to exon 5, coding for 1,973 amino acid residues), were used for transformation.

FIG 2.


Complementation analysis of mutant F19. The genomic region inserted into BAC 31O13 is indicated at the top, and subclones are listed below. 31O13 carries 13 genes of chromosome 10, whose names in the figure are abbreviated to the final six characters (e.g., Cre10.g440050 = 440050). BAC vector sequences are indicated in black. Arrows represent the predicted open reading frames of the corresponding genes, whereas dashed lines indicate deleted regions. The RAA8 gene (Cre10.g440000) is shown as a red arrow. The observed functional complementation of F19 is indicated by “+,” while “−” indicates a lack of complementation. The asterisk indicates a truncated version of RAA8.

As further proof of psaA pre-mRNA trans splicing, RT-PCR was performed with cDNA to detect the mature psaA mRNA in photosynthetic-competent transformants. This included strains complemented with 31O13-7, which carries a deletion upstream of the ATG start codon of RAA8. As a control, cDNAs from the wild type and F19 were used, again demonstrating that F19 is a class C mutant that is unable to perform exon 1-exon 2 trans splicing (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). In summary, the lack of RAA8 in F19 is responsible for the psaA pre-mRNA splicing defect.

Photosynthesis mutant F19 carries an in-frame stop codon in RAA8.

Since the BAC derivative 31O13-7 was sufficient to complement mutant F19, the F19 mutation must affect RAA8, the only gene carried by 31O13-7, with a predicted gene locus comprising nine exons (Fig. 3a).

FIG 3.


Map of the RAA8 locus. (a) Exon-intron organization of RAA8. Corresponding 5′- and 3′-untranslated regions (UTRs) at both ends are marked as open boxes. The red bar shows the position of the detected point mutation in mutant F19. (b) Sequence alignment of the partial sequence of RAA8 exon 3. Red shading indicates sequence deviations between the wild type and the mutants. A guanine-to-thymine transversion in F19 leads to a stop codon (*).

Previously, F19 was generated by 5-fluorouracil mutagenesis, which is usually associated with DNA point mutations (38). To identify mutations responsible for the mutant phenotype, we performed PCR analysis and sequencing of the F19 DNA. By sequencing the entire RAA8 locus (exon 1 to exon 9; 10,597 bp), we detected a point mutation at base pair position 5,537, within exon 3. PCR analysis of wild-type 137C DNA and 31O13-7 DNA, followed by sequence alignment, revealed that the point mutation is unique to mutant F19 (Fig. 3b). The transversion of guanine to thymine leads to an in-frame stop codon instead of a glutamic acid codon (E1722). Whereas RAA8 encodes a protein of 2,745 residues, the stop codon in F19 leads to premature translation termination, resulting in a truncated protein of 1,720 residues. We concluded that the N-terminal part of Raa8 alone is not sufficient for complementation.

Raa8 has a molecular mass of 269 kDa and exhibits six putative OPR motifs.

Raa8 has a predicted size of 269 kDa and is the largest trans-splicing factor described so far (Fig. 4a). Peptide counts obtained from mass spectrometry analysis (13) revealed a coverage of about 37.7% of the total Raa8 sequence. Using TargetP, ChloroP, PredAlgo, and WoLF PSORT, a chloroplast localization can be predicted for Raa8 (13, 3336). In addition to the putative chloroplast signal peptide, Motif Scan identified several stretches of low-complexity regions (29). These regions exhibit little diversity regarding their amino acid composition and are common in many eukaryotic proteins (3941). Raa8 carries an alanine-rich region that covers nearly the entire protein, in addition to serine-, glycine-, glutamine-, and proline-rich stretches (Fig. 4a). The protein exhibits high alanine (24.4%), glycine (11.8%), and leucine (12.0%) contents. Moreover, BindN predicts seven putative RNA binding residues (31). Analysis of Raa8 together with several OPR proteins, such as Tab1, Tda1, Tbc2, and trans-splicing factors, by the program MEME Suite identified at least six OPR motifs (28).

FIG 4.


The RAA8 gene encodes a 269-kDa protein that exhibits six predicted C-terminal OPR motifs. (a) Scheme of the primary structure of the Raa8 polypeptide and two truncated versions. In silico analyses predicted several low-complexity regions (Gly-rich, Pro-rich, Gln-rich, Ala-rich, and Ser-rich regions), RNA binding residues, a chloroplast transit peptide (cTP), and OPR motifs. Both F19 and 31O13-4 encode truncated proteins. (b) Six OPR motifs in Raa8 were predicted by MEME Suite (28). The alignment was visualized using ClustalX (30), with a default color scheme assigned for each residue that met the amino acid profile of the alignment at that position. The consensus sequence defined by MEME Suite is indicated at the bottom. Numbers in front of the OPR motifs indicate the positions of the first amino acids. Numbers behind the motifs represent the P values defined by MEME Suite, using characterized OPR proteins, such as Raa1 and Rat2.

Sequence conservation of the OPR motif is restricted to several amino acids, including the mostly conserved first proline and the tryptophan of the degenerate PPPEW pattern (Fig. 4b) (10, 11). Since OPR proteins belong to the α-solenoid superfamily, with an α-helical architecture, we performed a secondary structure prediction of partial Raa8 sequences by using Phyre2 (32). Raa8 contains several paired α-helices, with a high confidence value. Some of these α-helices match the six OPR motifs, and all are located in the C-terminal half of Raa8 (see Fig. S3 in the supplemental material).

Our functional complementation studies revealed that 31O13-4, carrying a truncated version of RAA8 (exon 1 to exon 5), was not able to rescue mutant F19. In silico analysis revealed that 31O13-4 encodes a 192-kDa instead of a 269-kDa protein. This indicates that the genomic region of exon 1 to exon 5 is not sufficient for functional complementation. Importantly, this truncated gene version does not encode the last three C-terminal OPR motifs. We therefore conclude that the complete set of OPR motifs is required for the trans-splicing function of Raa8, and thus for complementation.


We demonstrate here that functional complementation studies as a follow-up to a previous TAP and mass spectrometry approach enabled us to identify a gene defect in a previously generated trans-splicing class C mutant. Detection of the mutation in F19 revealed an uncharacterized OPR protein as a trans-splicing factor, which we named Raa8. This protein is part of an RNP complex that was previously identified by TAP and mass spectrometry and is involved in the first trans-splicing reaction of psaA mRNA. Hence, at least five trans-splicing factors, Rat2, Raa1, Raa3, Raa4, and the newly identified Raa8, are part of this complex.

Functional complementation studies using photosynthesis mutants to complement a combined TAP and mass spectrometry approach represent a vigorous tool for identifying trans-splicing factors.

Homologous recombination is a prerequisite for generating mutant strains by insertion or deletion of distinct genes. In C. reinhardtii, the frequency of homologous recombination is exceptionally low, and most often, transforming DNA integrates randomly by the nonhomologous end-joining repair pathway (42). Until now, a rapid method to generate targeted mutations with a moderate success rate was still missing.

C. reinhardtii mutants are commonly used as sources for forward genetic approaches to identify genes controlling specific processes. Usually, the screening of mutants relies on a distinct mutant phenotype that allows uncovering of specific gene functions based on complementation analysis. Commonly, insertional mutagenesis by random integration of a selection marker was used to generate mutants with a desired phenotype (42, 43). More recently, an alternative approach used whole-genome sequencing to identify gene mutations, but it was hampered by the mutational profile of the strains analyzed (44). Despite single nucleotide polymorphisms (indels) that lead to a large number of changes to the reference genome, additional chromosomal rearrangements or suppressed recombination impedes the identification of mutations (44, 45).

In this study, we used an alternative approach to identify genes involved in chloroplast trans splicing by using data from extensive TAP and mass spectrometry analysis of an RNP complex (13). This RNP complex is involved in the first trans-splicing reaction and contains four characterized trans-splicing factors and additional, as yet uncharacterized protein subunits. We conducted functional complementation studies using previously generated trans-splicing mutants. More than 30 years ago, these trans-splicing mutants of C. reinhardtii were generated by chemical treatment or UV irradiation (21, 24, 46). Since the long-term propagation of strain collections leads to the accumulation of spontaneous mutations, identification of mutations by whole-genome sequencing is time-consuming and laborious, requiring numerous backcrosses and segregation analyses.

Here we took advantage of previously generated class C mutants and used BAC DNAs encoding either of the two uncharacterized OPR proteins, Cre10.g440000 (Raa8) and Cre17.g698750, for transformation. Both proteins were already known to be part of the trans-splicing complex (13). Functional complementation studies and further molecular characterization of complemented strains enabled us to identify the novel trans-splicing factor Raa8. We unequivocally demonstrated that Raa8 is involved in trans splicing of the first psaA group II intron but is not crucial for tscA 3′-end processing. Thus, this is the first described OPR protein required exclusively for splicing of group II intron RNA. With the discovery of Raa8, we extend the rather short list of OPR proteins from C. reinhardtii that are involved in RNA splicing and/or processing.

Raa8 is a member of the OPR protein family that functions in chloroplast psaA mRNA processing.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts originated from symbiotic incorporation of either alphaproteobacteria or cyanobacteria (47, 48). Thus, both organelles show diverse similarities to bacteria, such as their circular genome, replication mode, RNA processing steps, and protein transport and translation machinery (4952).

Endosymbiosis resulted in the reconstruction of genetic information mediated by gene transfer from the ancestral organelle genomes to the nucleus (53). The persistent compartmentation of genetic systems requires cross talk between different retrograde and anterograde signaling pathways to control plastid and mitochondrial biogenesis and their distinct biochemical processes (5355). Organelle genes are often expressed constitutively and regulated at the posttranscriptional level. Therefore, nucleus-encoded factors are required to control the functionality of polycistronic transcripts by affecting their stability, editing, or maturation (5658).

In algae and plants, chloroplast RNA metabolism is mostly controlled by PPR and OPR proteins, both of which are members of the α-solenoid superfamily (8, 10, 12, 58, 59). Numerous PPR proteins mediate translation, RNA stability, cleavage, editing, and splicing (8, 60). Whereas PPRs expanded in land plants, the sole OPR protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (61, 62) contains, in addition to four OPR motifs, an RAP (RNA binding domain abundant in apicomplexans) domain that is also present in the C. reinhardtii chloroplast protein Taa1 and the trans-splicing factor Raa3 (17, 63). Rap functions by binding to the 16S rRNA and mediates maturation of 16S rRNA via 5′-end processing (62). Similar to the case for the C. reinhardtii OPR proteins, such as Tda1 and Tbc2, the OPR motifs are localized mainly in the C-terminal half of Rap (10, 11, 62). Interestingly, the C-terminal part of Tda1 was shown to be sufficient to promote atpA mRNA translation. Moreover, complementation studies using truncated versions of both TAB1 and TDA1, as mentioned in the introduction, suggest that the entire set of OPR motifs is required for functionality of the proteins (10, 12).

The striking role of OPR-containing protein regions in chloroplast RNA metabolism is also supported by the results of this work. Similar to the case for other OPR proteins, such as Tda1 and Tbc2, our analysis revealed that the six OPR domains of Raa8 are localized in the C-terminal half of the protein's primary structure. Characterization of mutant F19 revealed that a stop codon in exon 3 of RAA8 results in a truncated protein. Thus, the mutant encodes a 167-kDa protein lacking five of the six OPR motifs. Moreover, restoration of photosynthesis in F19 failed when a truncated, 192-kDa protein (expressed by derivative 31O13-4) exhibiting only three of the six OPRs was used for complementation. Our results show that the C-terminal region of Raa8 is required for trans-splicing function, suggesting that the missing OPRs in the truncated versions provide essential functions for group II intron splicing.

In vivo, trans splicing of psaA mRNA requires trans-splicing factors, which mostly share structural features such as low-complexity regions and OPR motifs. Accurate splicing of the group II introns is a prerequisite for successful translation of PsaA. Therefore, OPR proteins may adjust the tripartite intron fragments of the first group II intron through nucleotide binding to OPR motifs. The common α-helical structure of PPR and OPR motifs suggests that OPR motifs, similarly to PPR motifs, bind single nucleotides of the target RNA (6, 7).

Besides a direct function of OPR proteins, such as Raa8, in trans splicing, other OPR proteins, such as Raa1 and Rat2, are involved in 3′-end processing of tscA RNA. Presumably, these proteins enhance proper processing of the precursor transcript through sequence-specific binding of the OPR motif. Conversely, proteins without OPR motifs, such as Raa4 and Raa3, may act as chaperones. Binding of Raa4 to RNA was demonstrated previously, thus suggesting that Raa4 promotes folding and stability of the intron RNA (23).

The results of our work expand the roles of OPR proteins in mRNA splicing. The characterization of chloroplast-localized OPR proteins supports their specific functioning in various roles of chloroplast RNA metabolism, which is presumably not restricted to algal organisms but will most probably also be discovered in chloroplasts of higher plants.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental material


This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant KU 517/13-1).

We thank Ingeborg Godehardt for excellent technical assistance and ChlamyStation (France) for providing algal strains. We are grateful to J. Jacobs for helpful comments on the manuscript.


Supplemental material for this article may be found at


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