Lawlor B, Kennelly S, O'Dwyer S, et al. NILVAD protocol: a European multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled trial of nilvadipine in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease. BMJ Open 2014;4:e006364. The author list for this paper has now changed to:
Brian Lawlor,1 Sean Kennelly,1 Sarah O'Dwyer,1 Fiona Cregg,2 Cathal Walsh,2 Robert Coen,1 Rose Anne Kenny,1 Robert Howard,3 Caroline Murphy,3 Joanna Kelly,3 Jessica Adams,3 Leslie Daly,4 Ricardo Segurado,4 Siobhan Gaynor,5 Fiona Crawford,6 Michael Mullan,6 Ugo Lucca,7 Rita Banzi,7 Florence Pasquier,8 Laetitia Breuilh,8 Matthias Riepe,9 Janos Kalman,10 Anders Wallin,11 Anne Borjesson-Hanson,11 William Molloy,12 Magda Tsolaki,13 Marcel Olde Rikkert14
The new Contributorship statement should read:
BL, SK, Fiona Crawford, and MM made substantial contributions to the initial study conception and study design. BL, SK, SOD, Fiona Cregg, CW, RC, RAK, RH, CM, JK, JA, LD, RS, SG, Fiona Crawford, MM, UL, RB, FP, LB, MR, JK, AW, AB, WM, MT and MOR made substantial contributions to the design and content of the study protocol, to the initial drafting of this manuscript and the critical revision of the submitted manuscript; and have approved the final article for submission. BL, SK, SOD, Fiona Cregg, RC, RH, UL, RB, FP, AW, AB, WM, MT and MOR are responsible for recruitment and monitoring of study participants. BL, SK, SOD, Fiona Cregg, RC, JA, CM, JK and SG have responsibility for overseeing the study as it progresses and for provision of both verbal and written guidance to each study site.