Standard RNA-seq has a well know tendency to generate “ghost” antisense reads due to formation of spurious second strand cDNA in the sequencing process. We recently reported on a novel variant of RNA-seq coined “tagRNA-seq” introduced for the purpose of distinguishing primary from processed transcripts in bacteria. Incidentally, the additional information provided by the tags is also very suitable for detection of true anti-sense RNA transcripts and quantification of spurious antisense signals in a sample. We briefly explain how to perform such a detection and illustrate on previously published datasets.
Keywords: antisense RNA, complementary, DNA, spurious second strand cDNA, tagRNA-seq, transcriptome, transcript discovery
In the last decade, the so-called “Next Generation Sequencing” platforms have proven to be a valuable and very flexible tool for research in many areas of Life Sciences.1 One of their most prominent applications is the study of genetic expression using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq),2 which provides a far greater level of information than previous methods such as micro-array. Beside RNA abundance and among others,a RNA-seq allows to probe for post-transcriptional modifications such as splicing and RNA processing sites and predict locations of transcription start sites within a few nucleotides.3,4
While there exist many variants of RNA-seq, all common methods involve reverse transcription of RNA into DNA,5 a process that is well known to generate spurious second strand cDNA using freshly synthesized cDNA as template.5,6
We recently reported on a novel variant of RNA-seq coined “tagRNA-seq” introduced for the purpose of distinguishing primary from processed transcripts in bacteria.7 Briefly, the method consists in ligating short artificial RNA sequences called “tags” to 5′ ends of transcripts, with different tags for primary (triphosphate 5′ ends) and processed (monophosphate 5′ ends) RNAs.8 Incidentally, the additional information provided by the tag is also very suitable for detection of true antisense RNA transcripts (asRNA) in sequencing data as well as via classical RT-PCR methods.8 We here detail how this can be achieved in tagRNA-seq and demonstrate how to quantitatively estimate the level of artifactual antisense RNA reads in previously published data sets.
In tagRNA-seq, tags with an arbitrarily chosen sequence are ligated to the 5′ end transcripts (Fig. 1A). The ligation uses the T4 RNA ligase, an enzyme that ligates hydroxyl 3′ ends to monophosphate 5′ ends. Triphosphate 5′ ends are converted to monophosphate ends using the tobacco alkaline phosphatase (TAP) before a second iteration of the ligation. The method as presented here is limited to bacterial RNA and cannot be applied to eukaryotes without a redesign of the protocol, mainly due to the presence of the m7G cap on 5′ends of their mRNAs. The ligation of tags is in principle similar to the RNA hybridization performed in many modern single strand RNA-seq preparation protocols, like the Illumina single stranded RNA-seq,9 with 2 major differences. Firstly, the tag is ligated before RNA fragmentation and thus present only on the reads that correspond to an RNA extremity, i.e. a true transcription start or a processing site (Fig. 1B). Secondly, unlike the sequencing adapters which are used as an anchor for a primer initiating the sequencing process (by synthesis in Illumina or by ligation in SOLiD), the tag is sequenced and present in the final data delivered to the user. In the alignment process, reads are sorted based on the tags presence at the beginning of the read or their absence. The tag sequence is removed in silico and the remaining part of the read is aligned using standard methods.7
While a normal (untagged) read cannot be distinguished from its ghost antisense copy resulting from accidental second strand cDNA formation, such accidents on tagged RNAs will lead to reads carrying the reversed-complemented sequence of the tag toward the end of the read, instead of the tag sequence at the beginning (Fig. 1C, D). Therefore, an antisense RNA the 5′ end of which has been mapped by tagRNA-seq provides a much higher level of certainty on the existence of that transcript. It is worth noting that the T4 RNA ligase is known to act with a different efficiency on different RNA molecules due to differences in structure and accessibility of the 5′ end.7,10,11 As a result, some transcripts will be detected with proportionally more tags than others, but these shortcomings do not affect the detection scheme as the increased confidence on ‘true’ or ‘ghost’ antisense reads is derived from the presence of a tag or its reverse-complement, and does not draw any conclusions from their absence. In the extreme case where a given transcript receives no tags at all, the situation is identical to plain RNA-seq where ‘ghost’ and ‘true’ antisense reads cannot be distinguished.
We performed a search for reads containing reverse complemented tags in the 3 tagRNA-seq experiments performed on the SOLiD platform (5500 XL and Wildfire) described in Innocenti et al., 2014.7 While we previously searched for and sorted the tag sequence at the beginnings of reads using flexbar v2.5,12 and command line parameters –barcode-trim-end LEFT –barcode-threshold 1.6 –barcode-unassigned –barcode-min-overlap 9, reverse completed tags at the end of reads can be found in a similar way by simply changing the command line parameters to –barcode-trim-end RIGHT and using the reverse complemented tag sequences as input.
Overall, we observed that the fraction of reverse complemented tags found lies between 1.8 and 2.6% (Table 1). Those numbers are 3 to 4 time higher than levels of artifactual antisense reported in earlier studies for similar sequencing protocols on the Illumina platform.9 This confirms previous reports that the current single stranded RNA-seq protocols based on RNA hybridization generate small amounts of artifactual antisense RNA5 that limit the sensitivity and reliability of standard RNA-seq for antisense RNA discovery. We stress that none of these reads would have been called as from true antisense transcripts in our procedure precisely because they have the reverse complemented tag at the end. On the contrary, the presence of reads with the tags toward the 5′end confirms that the potential antisense transcripts considered are true ones.
Table 1.
Experiment | Tags | cTags |
Rt | 5 557 183 | 98 598 (1.8%) |
St | 3 597 350 | 87 941 (2.4%) |
Coli | 4 359 587 | 114 918 (2.6%) |
While designed primarily for identifying 5′ ends and sorting them based on their nature (i.e., primary or processed RNAs), tagRNA-seq appears to be suitable for detection of antisense RNA transcripts. It provides increased confidence on the true existence of detected antisense signals, since their true transcription start and processing sites can be retrieved in a strand specific manner and distinguished from artifactual antisense signal originating from spurious second-strand cDNA. It also allows to perform a quick and simple global qualitative check on the amount of ghost antisense signal in a data set without any additional steps in the experimental protocol. Beyond prokaryotes, many antisense RNAs have also been reported in eukaryotes, solely based on RNA-seq data. An appropriate variant of the present method, enabling to selectively tag eukaryotic 5′RNA ends, would help to distinguish spurious from real antisense transcripts.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
a. Annotated bibliography of *Seq assays, Lior Pachter: https://liorpachter.wordpress.com/seq/
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