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Applied and Environmental Microbiology logoLink to Applied and Environmental Microbiology
. 2015 Oct 21;81(22):7893–7904. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02294-15

Coexistence of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Potential Spoilage Microbiota in a Dairy Processing Environment

Giuseppina Stellato 1, Francesca De Filippis 1, Antonietta La Storia 1, Danilo Ercolini 1,
Editor: C A Elkins
PMCID: PMC4616952  PMID: 26341209


Microbial contamination in food processing plants can play a fundamental role in food quality and safety. In this study, the microbiota in a dairy plant was studied by both 16S rRNA- and 26S rRNA-based culture-independent high-throughput amplicon sequencing. Environmental samples from surfaces and tools were studied along with the different types of cheese produced in the same plant. The microbiota of environmental swabs was very complex, including more than 200 operational taxonomic units with extremely variable relative abundances (0.01 to 99%) depending on the species and sample. A core microbiota shared by 70% of the samples indicated a coexistence of lactic acid bacteria with a remarkable level of Streptococcus thermophilus and possible spoilage-associated bacteria, including Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Psychrobacter, with a relative abundance above 50%. The most abundant yeasts were Kluyveromyces marxianus, Yamadazyma triangularis, Trichosporon faecale, and Debaryomyces hansenii. Beta-diversity analyses showed a clear separation of environmental and cheese samples based on both yeast and bacterial community structure. In addition, predicted metagenomes also indicated differential distribution of metabolic pathways between the two categories of samples. Cooccurrence and coexclusion pattern analyses indicated that the occurrence of potential spoilers was excluded by lactic acid bacteria. In addition, their persistence in the environment can be helpful to counter the development of potential spoilers that may contaminate the cheeses, with possible negative effects on their microbiological quality.


Cheese manufacture and ripening are affected by the metabolic activity of different types of microorganisms. When milk of optimal hygienic quality is used, the dairy microbial consortia can be simple when starter cultures are employed, or a higher degree of complexity can occur in the case of natural fermentations. The environmental microbiota from the processing plant has been often addressed as a source of microbes that may play a role in the cheese making (14). When lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are included in the environmental microbiota, they may actively contribute to fermentation and ripening of cheese. Conversely, when potential spoilage organisms contaminate the environment, these organisms can play a crucial role because they can be transferred from the environment to intermediates of production and may negatively affect the cheese production process and the quality of the final products. It has been demonstrated that the microbial populations involved in fermentation and ripening are often found on the processing surfaces (1, 3, 5, 6), highlighting the importance of the plant environment in potentially contributing to the microbiota of cheese. Depending on the nature of the microorganisms, the environmental microbiota can exert functional activities important for the fermentative and/or the ripening process but sometimes may also be a hazard for cheese quality and safety (7).

The study of the microbial ecology of foods has undergone a major revolution, and the advent in microbial ecology of sensitive culture-independent tools allows a rapid and effective evaluation of microbial contamination in many sorts of environments (8). Optimal conditions for microbial growth can occur in food processing facilities. The growth of microorganisms in a food processing environment and the establishment of certain microbial communities can lead to the development of a well-defined environmental microbiota. Various microbial contamination sources can be identified in a dairy processing plant, including the tank, cheese vat, bench, cloths, knives, and other tools (9). In the food industry, the resident microbial communities may create a persistent source of product contamination (5), causing food spoilage (10) and leading to serious hygienic problems (11, 12) and also economic losses (10, 13). Organic residues from food processing can create microenvironments for growth and accumulation of microorganisms and can represent a relevant source of cross-contamination (10, 13, 14). Improperly cleaned or sanitized equipment is usually considered the major source of milk and dairy product contamination (15). Exploring the relationships between fermentation and facility environment can be very useful to clarify whether the processing environment can actually influence the standard development of the cheese production. Microbial loads in the milk, as well as strain and species richness (16), increase after the milk is poured into a vat (4, 6, 16). Bokulich and Mills (1) demonstrated that fermentation-associated microbes dominate most surfaces in dairy environments and can be transferred to the product, influencing the course of the fermentation. The species composition of vat surface biofilms was found to be stable over several seasons but varied widely between vats (4, 17). Sometimes, facility-resident biotypes can outcompete the commercial strains. In fact, the bacteria found in ripened washed-rind cheeses were different from those inoculated (7, 18).

It can be supposed that an equilibrium exists between dairy products and plant environment where microbial transfer occurs from both parts. Consequently, the dairy-environment relationship has the potential to affect the dairy process dynamics and the quality of the final products.

In this study, environmental swabs were collected in a dairy plant, and they were analyzed by using a culture-independent amplicon sequencing approach in order to describe the microbiota populating the dairy environment. Moreover, the microbiota of the cheeses produced was also assessed with the additional aim of investigating the existing overlap between environmental and cheese microbiota and how such a relationship may influence the quality of the manufactures.


Sampling and DNA extraction.

The dairy plant considered in the present study is located in the Campania region (Southern Italy) in the province of Salerno, and it is involved in the production of different dairy products: ricotta (R), mozzarella (M), Caciocavallo (C), Grancacio (G), and Scamorza (S) cheeses. All of these cheeses except R are produced by using natural whey cultures (NWCs) as a natural starter for the fermentation according to a back-slopping procedure (19). Sample collection was replicated twice at 3-week intervals. More details regarding the samples and sampling procedures are provided in Table 1. Across all areas, surface swab samples from work surfaces and from all tools usually used during the production process were taken. In addition, samples from the R, M, C, G, and S cheese manufactures were collected. The sampling took place on the surfaces after routine cleaning (Table 1) and before the start of production. Surfaces were sampled with sterile cotton-tipped swabs that were moistened with sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and rubbed vertically, horizontally, and diagonally across the sampling site (100 cm2) delineated by a template, rotating the swab to ensure full contact of all parts of the swab tip and surface (1).


Description of dairy and environmental samples analyzed in this studya

Sample Sampling methodb Description
Brine Caciocavallo i Liquid brine used for salting of Caciocavallo cheese
Caciocavallo after molding ii Caciocavallo cheese obtained after stretching and molding steps
Caciocavallo t0 ii Caciocavallo cheese obtained after stretching, molding, and brining; ready to start the maturation process
Caciocavallo t30 ii Caciocavallo cheese after 30 days of ripening
Chopper iii Steel machine used for curd shredding
Chopper 2 iii See above
Curd bench iii Steel table where the curd is left to drain
Grancacio ii Pasta-filata cheese with production technology similar to Caciocavallo but characterized by a larger size
Hand v Hand of the stretching operator
Hook t0 vi Tool used to hang the Caciocavallo by a rope during ripening, sampled at the start of the maturation step
Hook t30 vi Hook sampled after 30 days of cheese ripening
Knife curd vii Knife used to cut the curd for the draining
Mold Grancacio iv Mold used for molding of Grancacio
Mold mozzarella iv Mold used for molding of mozzarella
Mold ricotta iv Mold used for molding of ricotta
Molder iii Steel machine used to mold the stretched curd for the production of mozzarella and Caciocavallo
Molder 2 iii See above
Mozzarella ii Mozzarella cheese
Ricotta ii Fresh, soft cheese that does not undergo fermentation or ripening
Rope ii Used to tie Caciocavallo cheese molds at the neck in order to hang it for ripening
Scamorza ii Pasta-filata cheese with a semisoft texture and a typical pear shape
Stretcher iii Steel machine used to stretch the shredded curd
Stretcher 2 iii See above
Tank curd iii Vat where milk is heated and rennet is added to obtain the curd
Tank ricotta iii Vat where whey is heated to be curdled to obtain ricotta cheese
Tank Scamorza iii Tank containing the brine for Scamorza cheese salting
Vat iii Vat containing the milk to be curdled

The environmental samples were collected at least 1 h after ordinary cleaning procedures. Ordinary cleaning was performed within 1 h after cheese making. This process consisted of cleaning the floor surfaces and equipment with detergent and water (40°C), repeated rinsing with hot (40°C) and cold (20°C) water, and the use of disinfectants and rinsing with cold water. An additional weekly cleaning was applied to refrigeration and ripening rooms, staff rooms, and hallways.


Sampling was performed using one of the following methods: (i) 50-ml portions of liquid brine were sampled by sterile vessels; (ii) representative longitudinal sections were sampled; (iii) the steel surface was sampled by rubbing it with a sterile cotton-tipped swab vertically, horizontally, and diagonally across the sampling site (100 cm2) delineated by a template; (iv) mold was sampled by rubbing it with a sterile cotton-tipped swab vertically, horizontally, and diagonally across the sampling site (25 cm2); (v) the operator's palm was sampled by rubbing it with a sterile cotton-tipped swab vertically, horizontally, and diagonally; (vi) the hook was sampled by rubbing it with a sterile cotton-tipped swab across all surfaces; (vi) both blades were sampled by rubbing them with a sterile cotton-tipped swab across all surfaces; or (vii) a rope 25 cm in length (the standard length used to tie the Caciocavallo) was taken.

After sample collection, the swabs were placed into sterile, 10-ml polyethylene tubes containing 1 ml of sterile PBS, cooled at 4°C for the necessary time of transport to the laboratory. The cheeses were sampled after production, transferred into sterile plastic bags, and transported to the laboratory under refrigeration. Environmental swabs and cheese samples were analyzed within 6 h.

Prior to DNA extraction, the tubes were vigorously stirred in a vortex to transfer the cells from the swab to solution. Total DNA extraction from the swab and cheese samples was carried out using a Biostic Bacteremia DNA isolation kit (Mo Bio Laboratories, Inc., Carlsbad, CA). The extraction protocol was applied to the pellet (12,000 × g) obtained from 2 ml of suspension for the swab samples or from 2 ml of a homogenized 2-fold dilution of the cheese samples in one-quarter-strength Ringer's solution (Oxoid, Milan, Italy). All of the samples were collected and used under the surveillance of the dairy manager. No animals were involved in the present study; only animal products were employed.

16S and 26S rRNA gene amplicon library preparation and sequencing.

The bacterial diversity was studied by pyrosequencing of the amplified V1-to-V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene amplifying a fragment of 520 bp (20). 454 adapters (454 Life Sciences, Roche, Italy) were included in the forward primer, followed by a 10-bp sample-specific multiplex identifier (MID). Each PCR mixture (final volume, 50 μl) contained 60 ng of template DNA, 0.1 μM concentrations of each primer, 0.50 mmol of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate liter−1, 2.5 mmol of MgCl2 liter−1, 5 μl of 10× PCR buffer, and 2.5 U of native Taq polymerase (Invitrogen, Milan, Italy). The following PCR conditions were used: 94°C for 2 min, 35 cycles of 95°C for 20 s, 56°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 5 min, with a final extension at 72°C for 7 min. The fungal community was studied by sequencing of the D1-D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene amplifying a fragment of 540 bp using the primers NL-1 (5′-GCATATCAATAAGCGGAGGAAAAG-3′) and NL-4 (5′-GGTCCGTGTTTCAAGACGG-3′) (21) as recently reported (54). The 454 adapters were included in the forward primer, followed by a 10-bp sample-specific MID. PCR mixtures were prepared as described above. The following PCR conditions were used: 95°C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of 95°C for 1 min, 52°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 1 min, and then a final extension at 72°C for 7 min and holding at 4°C (54).

After agarose gel electrophoresis, PCR products were purified twice using an Agencourt AMPure kit (Beckman Coulter, Milan, Italy) and quantified using the QuantiFluor system (Promega, Milan, Italy), and then an equimolar pool was obtained prior to further processing. The amplicon pool was used for pyrosequencing on a GS Junior platform (454 Life Sciences, Roche, Italy) according to the manufacturer's instructions, using Titanium chemistry (20).

Bioinformatics and data analysis.

In order to remove sequences of poor quality, raw reads were first filtered according to the 454 processing pipeline. Sequences were then analyzed and further filtered using QIIME 1.8.0 software (22) and a previously described pipeline (23). The reads were excluded from the analysis if they were shorter than 300 or 450 bp for the 16S or 26S rRNA gene, respectively. Sequences that passed the quality filter were chosen and singletons were excluded. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) defined by 99% similarity were picked using the UCLUST method (24), and the representative sequences were submitted to the RDPII classifier (25) to obtain the taxonomy assignment and the relative abundance of each OTU. The Greengenes 16S rRNA gene database (26) was used for the taxonomic assignment of bacteria, and the deepest level of assignment was interpreted as a putative species identification. For the 26S rRNA gene, the centroids of each sequence cluster (i.e., the longest sequence) were compared to the sequences reported in GenBank by using the BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) algorithm, in order to obtain the taxonomic assignment. Alpha and beta diversities were studied through QIIME as previously described (23). Statistical analysis and plotting was carried out in the R environment ( Venn diagrams were obtained by using Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics software (27) in order to describe the microbial community shared by different sets of samples.

Metagenome predictions.

PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States []) (28) was used to predict the functional profiles in the microbial communities of environmental swabs and cheese samples. For the analysis with PICRUSt, the OTU levels at 97% identity were picked by the closed reference method against the Greengenes database (version 05/2013) using QIIME 1.8. The data were normalized for 16S rRNA gene copy numbers, and the metagenomes were predicted. From the inferred metagenomes, KEGG orthologs were identified, and the table obtained was rarefied at the lowest number of sequences per sample. KEGG orthologs were then collapsed at level 3 of hierarchy, and the resulting table was imported in R ( Nearest sequenced taxon index (NSTI) values were calculated in order to evaluate the accuracy of metagenome predictions, which depends on how closely related the microbes in a given sample are to microbes with sequenced genome representatives; NSTIs with lower values indicate a closer mean relationship (28).

Nucleotide sequence accession number.

The 16S and 26S rRNA gene sequences are available at the Sequence Read Archive of the NCBI (accession number SRP058584).


Sequencing data analysis and alpha and beta diversity.

A total of 117,490 reads passed the filters applied through the QIIME script, with an average length of 454 bp. The results of the alpha diversity analysis are reported in Table 2. For both 16S and 26S rRNA genes, Good's estimated sample coverage (ESC) indicated that a satisfactory coverage was reached for all of the samples (an ESC of 99% in most cases). The diversity indices varied greatly depending on the samples, and there was a significant association between the sample type (cheese or environmental samples) and diversity indices, as confirmed by the Adonis and Anosim statistical tests run by QIIME (P < 0.001).


Observed diversity and estimated sample coverage for 16S and 26S rRNA amplicons analyzed in this study

Sample OTUs
Shannon index (%)
ESCa (%)
16S 26S 16S 26S 16S 26S 16S 26S
Brine Caciocavallo 93 8 155.50 8.50 3.51 0.19 98 99
Caciocavallo after molding 67 18 86.25 18.00 1.94 3.18 99 99
Caciocavallo t0 42 20 50.63 21.00 3.03 2.43 99 99
Caciocavallo t30 58 22 71.34 22.00 3.60 2.98 99 99
Chopper 79 13 119.89 16.00 3.18 1.21 99 99
Chopper 2 81 20 110.86 26.00 3.44 2.83 99 98
Curd bench 98 18 124.69 20.50 3.75 1.47 98 99
Grancacio 65 16 79.62 19.00 2.13 1.18 99 99
Hand 120 18 142.47 19.50 4.73 1.83 99 99
Hook t0 83 3 115.21 3.00 2.85 0.03 99 99
Hook t30 71 4 101.86 4.00 2.99 1.51 98 100
Knife curd 127 10 154.77 11.00 4.22 0.82 98 99
Mold Grancacio 85 11 108.54 12.00 3.42 0.88 99 99
Mold mozzarella 60 27 96.50 34.50 2.56 2.65 98 99
Mold ricotta 98 12 130.75 12.00 4.15 2.70 99 99
Molder 92 22 115.79 22.60 3.22 3.04 99 99
Molder 2 128 18 171.02 18.00 3.62 3.13 99 99
Mozzarella 62 20 77.55 20.50 1.70 2.39 99 99
Ricotta 114 11 160.43 14.00 4.50 1.91 99 99
Rope 102 17 139.53 17.50 3.93 2.19 99 99
Scamorza 79 21 100.08 22.50 2.22 2.65 99 99
Stretch dipper 61 23 81.60 26.00 2.93 3.24 99 99
Stretcher 68 22 112.52 22.00 2.86 3.82 99 99
Stretcher 2 82 23 102.56 29.00 2.96 3.61 99 99
Tank curd 111 7 131.03 8.00 4.60 0.82 99 99
Tank ricotta 79 12 115.73 12.00 2.48 2.53 99 99
Tank Scamorza 90 21 139.83 22.50 3.44 2.77 99 99
Vat 96 24 122.09 25.00 3.86 3.15 99 99

ESC, estimated sample coverage (Good's coverage).

The microbial diversity in the different samples was quite heterogeneous for the 16S rRNA, but overall a higher level of diversity was shown in the swabs than in the cheese samples, with average values of 90 and 70 OTUs, respectively. The principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) based on weighted Unifrac distance showed a clear separation between cheese and environmental microbiota, except in the case of the ricotta cheese, which clustered with the swab samples (see Fig. S1a in the supplemental material). A lower level of microbial diversity was found in 26S data, as shown by the lower number of fungal OTUs detected (Table 2); however, an analysis of the fungal community confirmed the microbiota-driven differences between cheeses and environmental swabs (see Fig. S1b in the supplemental material). All of the bacterial and fungal taxa identified in the present study are reported in Tables S1 and S2 in the supplemental material.

Bacterial diversity in cheeses and dairy plant.

Two different samplings in the same dairy were carried out. Since the Kendall's correlation between the matrices obtained in the two samplings was high (Kendall's tau = 0.71; P = 2 × 10−16), the average OTU abundance was used for the subsequent analyses. A common microbiota, including OTUs occurring in 70% of the samples, was shared among the samples, though taxa with variable relative abundances were included (Fig. 1). The most abundant members of the core microbiota were Streptococcus thermophilus, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter spp., Acinetobacter johnsonii, and Psychrobacter spp., which occurred in 99% of the samples. A predominance of Streptococcus thermophilus was found in the cheese samples (average, 70%), except for the ricotta, where the abundance was 24%. In the environmental samples, the abundance of S. thermophilus was extremely variable, ranging from 3% (tank curd) to 43% (stretcher). Pseudomonas was found in all of the samples; however, in the cheese samples, it was a minor contaminant (never above 5%), except for the ricotta, where its abundance reached 30%. Moreover, Pseudomonas showed a remarkable presence in the environmental samples, achieving the highest levels in the molder and chopper (50%), followed by curd bench, chopper 2, tank, and mold dedicated to ricotta cheese making (average, 30%).

FIG 1.


Abundances of bacterial genera and species in environmental swabs from the dairy plant (a) and in cheeses with their relative specific tools and equipment (b). Only OTUs occurring in 70% of the samples are reported.

Acinetobacter occurred in all of the samples, displaying higher levels in vat specimens (33%) and a lower average abundance of 20% in other environmental samples (Fig. 1). Moreover, some OTUs prevailed only in specific samples. For example, Lactobacillus delbrueckii occurred in 70% of the samples, but it was particularly abundant in Caciocavallo samples at the beginning of the manufacture (15%), as well as Lactococcus lactis, which had a remarkable abundance in mold Grancacio (20%) but in the rest of the samples was never above 1%. A principal component analysis of the species-level microbiota clearly grouped cheeses and environmental swabs separately (Fig. 2). Many OTUs of the Firmicutes phylum, such as Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus casei group, Pediococcus sp., Leuconostoc sp., Weissella sp., Lactococcus garviae, and S. thermophilus, had significantly higher abundances in cheeses (P < 0.01), whereas Corynebacterium variabile, Kocuria sp., Microbacterium sp., Pseudoclavibacter helvolus (Actinobacteria) and Pseudomonas spp., Psychrobacter sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Paracoccus marcusii (Proteobacteria) were more abundant in environmental swabs (P < 0.01).

FIG 2.


Principal component analysis based on the species-level microbiota. The two principal components were plotted using the Made4 package in R. The center of gravity for each cluster is marked by a rectangle indicating the sample type (S, swabs; C, cheeses). Only OTUs that showed a loading score of >0.7 are shown in the figure.

With regard to genus-level OTUs found in at least 30% of the samples, the numbers of genera shared between the different groups of samples are represented in Fig. 3. The samples were grouped by cheese type, and for each cheese type the environmental samples from the specific equipment were included. Thirty-two OTUs were common to all of the groups, and, interestingly, no microbial genus was specifically associated with a single-cheese group of samples (Fig. 3a). Remarkably, seven genera were specific for the environmental samples, while none was exclusively associated with cheeses (Fig. 3b).

FIG 3.


Venn diagram showing the number of shared OTUs between samples obtained by 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing analysis. Samples were grouped by cheese type, including relative environmental samples from the dedicated equipment (a) and their combination, separating environmental swabs from cheese samples (b). C, Caciocavallo; S, Scamorza; R, ricotta; M, mozzarella; G, Grancacio.

Fungal diversity in cheese and dairy plant.

Thirty-six fungal OTUs were identified, and they were distributed among the samples with different relative abundances (Fig. 4). Overall, the most abundant species in environmental swabs were present in the corresponding cheese samples, although they were never predominant. The most abundant were Kluyveromyces marxianus, Yamadazyma triangularis, Trichosporon faecale, and Debaryomyces hansenii, occurring in 90% of the samples. A predominance of Y. triangularis was found in the cheese samples (average, 56%), except for the Caciocavallo cheese, where K. marxianus was the most abundant; this difference probably caused the differentiation in the PCoA plot showing the separation of samples based on 26S rRNA data (see Fig. S1b in the supplemental material). On the other hand, in the swab samples, the abundance of Y. triangularis was extremely variable, ranging from 0.7% (knife curd) to >90% (brine and hook t0). T. faecale was found in 95% of the samples, although it was never >2% in cheese samples and it was much more abundant in the curd-related environmental swabs (Fig. 4). D. hansenii had a 90% occurrence rate, with higher levels of relative abundance in R, M, and related environmental samples.

FIG 4.


Abundance of fungal genera and species in environmental swabs from the dairy plant (a) and in cheeses with their relative specific tools and equipment (b). Only OTUs occurring in 70% of the samples are reported.

Also, in the case of fungal communities, most of the OTUs were shared by the different cheese groups. Twelve genera were common to all cheese groups and related equipment. In this case, some group-specific genera could be identified (Fig. 5a), although they never displayed >1% relative abundance values. Eighteen genera were shared by the environmental swabs and cheese samples (Fig. 5b). Only Candida sake was found exclusively in cheese samples, although its average abundance was low (0.01%).

FIG 5.


Venn diagram showing the number of shared OTUs between samples obtained by 26S rRNA gene pyrosequencing analysis. Samples were grouped by cheese type, including relative environmental samples from the dedicated equipment (a) and their combination separating environmental swab from cheese samples (b). C, Caciocavallo; S, Scamorza; R, ricotta; M, mozzarella; G, Grancacio.

OTU cooccurrence and/or coexclusion.

With regard to the 16S rRNA gene data, OTU cooccurrence was investigated by considering the genus-level taxonomic assignment and including OTUs with at least 0.1% relative abundance in at least five samples and significant correlations with a false discovery rate (FDR) of <0.05 (Fig. 6a). Lactobacillus showed the highest number of negative correlations, including the core OTUs of Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Agrobacterium, whereas it cooccurred with Streptococcus. The analysis of the relationships within the fungal microbiota showed a coexclusion between Saccharomyces and Debaryomyces and between Yamadazyma and Trichosporon (Fig. 6b).

FIG 6.


Spearman rank correlation matrix of bacterial (a) and fungal (b) OTUs with a >0.1% abundance in at least five samples. Strong correlations are indicated by large circles, whereas weak correlations are indicated by small circles. The colors of the scale bar denote the nature of the correlation, with “1” indicating a perfectly positive correlation (dark blue) and “−1” indicating a perfectly negative correlation (dark red) between two microbial genera. Only significant correlations (FDR < 0.05) are shown.

Diversity of predicted metagenomes.

The PICRUSt tool was used to predict the metagenomes from the 16S rRNA gene sequence database (28). The weighted NSTI for the samples of the present study was 0.015 ± 0.013. More precisely, the cheese samples had the lowest NSTI values (0.003 ± 0.07), whereas environmental swabs had an average NSTI of 0.018 ± 0.013. A clear separation between cheese and environmental samples was achieved also by considering the predicted metagenomes (Fig. 7). In particular, cheeses were characterized by a lower abundance of KEGG pathways belonging to xenobiotic biodegradation and metabolism and biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites. In contrast, galactose metabolism, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathways, and activities related to several amino acid metabolisms were more abundant in cheeses than in environmental samples.

FIG 7.


Average linkage clustering based on the Spearman correlation coefficients of the proportion of KEGG orthologs collapsed at level 3 of the hierarchy, filtered for a subject prevalence of at least 10%. Row bar colors denote the higher level of hierarchy (L2): carbohydrate (green), amino acid (red), energy (brown), cofactor and vitamin (cyan), terpenoid and polyketide (gray), lipid (orange), xenobiotic (purple), nucleotide (violet), and other amino acid (black) metabolisms; biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites (blue); glycan biosynthesis and metabolism (magenta). Only KEGG orthologs belonging to the metabolism category were considered. The color scale represents the scaled abundance of each gene, denoted as the Z-score, with red indicating high abundance and blue indicating low abundance.


In this study, the microbiota in a dairy processing plant was studied by rRNA gene-based culture-independent high-throughput sequencing to describe the bacterial patterns characterizing the environment and the different cheese manufactures. The microbiota of the environment was very complex, including more than 500 taxa at the genus/species level. Other studies describing the microbial community across surfaces in cheese-making plants reported that the microbiota from surfaces had a high variability in composition, and most of the OTUs identified in the cheese manufacture originated from the processing environment (1, 29, 30). Our microbial community structure had several microbial species in common with the previous studies, although the relative abundance of the species can depend remarkably on the specific manufacture studied.

The settlement of the resident microbiota can depend on the characteristics of the surfaces, ecological factors, nutrient availability and composition, and the ability of microbes to develop biofilms, as well as on operators and cleaning procedures (2, 30, 31). The cleaning procedures used in the dairy plant constantly ensure, according to the producers, a standard quality of the cheeses; no spoilage case has been reported in the last 5 years. The most abundant bacteria in the dairy environment were Streptococcus thermophilus, Pseudomonas spp., and Psychrobacter spp., while Debaryomyces, Yamadazyma, and Galactomyces spp. prevailed among the fungi. These bacterial and fungal genera (excluding Yamadazyma) were already reported in other studies describing the microbiota of cheese-making plant surfaces (1, 3, 31, 32). They coexisted in the same environment and are spread both across surfaces and in the dairy intermediates and products. Differences in relative abundance were mainly due to fermentation and processing, with S. thermophilus more abundant in the cheeses and the potential spoilers Pseudomonas and Psychrobacter more abundant on the surfaces. Similarly, Y. triangularis and D. hansenii were more abundant in cheese, whereas T. faecale was more abundant on surfaces. This is likely due to selective conditions imposed by curd fermentation and heating steps (such as curd stretching for the pasta-filata cheese) that are unfavorable to the persistence of the spoilers. Such distribution suggests that specific care should be taken in the ordinary cleaning of tools and surfaces that are involved in the postfermentation steps of production. Interestingly, some of the above-mentioned species coexcluded in the dairy environment. Streptococcus and Lactobacillus indeed had the highest numbers of coexclusions with contaminating and potential spoilage bacteria, and the same behavior was noticed for Yamadazyma. All of the cheeses produced in the two visits to the dairy had standard quality and did not present any defects. It is interesting to speculate that the establishment of LAB in the environment could have a valuable effect toward protection against spoilage bacteria, as supported by our coexclusion patterns, and protection against spoilage could be obtained when LAB colonize the environment. Such coexclusion may be due to differential colonization capability, which depends on several factors (2, 30, 31). Our evidence is based on only one dairy, although it comes from repeated samplings; therefore, other surveys involving other dairies using natural starters will be important to further support our theory. Cocultivation assays involving LAB and cheese spoilage bacteria would be valuable for studying competition mechanisms in depth, although these trials are not always fully descriptive of the actual relationships that are established in real cheeses (55). The LAB species identified here come from the NWCs used for the fermentation, although strain-level identification was not performed in the present study. Indeed, Streptococcus thermophilus and species of Lactobacillus are frequently found in the NWCs for cheese production (20, 23, 33, 34). However, these species are persistently found in the environment even after cleaning, as shown by our results, and this is consistent with the current literature reporting S. thermophilus (16) and other LAB to be persistent in the environment (6, 17, 35). LAB use in manufacture and their occurrence in the environment can be regarded as beneficial for both cheese quality and environmental protection. This is further confirmed by the fact that ricotta, the only cheese analyzed that is not derived by a fermentation procedure, although it comes from the heat treatment of the whey resulting from other manufactures, showed a high microbial diversity, which made it indistinguishable from the environmental samples. In addition, the lower incidence of LAB in ricotta was associated with a higher relative abundance of contaminating bacteria from the surfaces and the related tools of production. The gaskets used for molding and as containers for ricotta are made of plastic material, which is more porous, less adequate for a thorough cleaning, and sensitive to hot water, which can affect the mechanical properties of the plastic, in turn permitting corrosion, leading to an increased possibility of adherence by bacteria (33, 39, 40). Consistently, all of the cheese molders made of stainless steel showed a lower microbial diversity (in terms of number of OTUs) than the plastic ones, suggesting that these should replace the plastic gaskets for improved quality and safety of the unfermented dairy productions. The variability of the alpha diversity parameters indicated that surface contamination is strictly dependent on the surface material, which represents a fundamental issue for the maintenance of standard hygiene in food processing plants (31).

Pseudomonas in the environmental samples likely originates from raw milk, which can be contaminated by water and soil or by inappropriate sanitizing of milking surfaces, or contamination can occur during storage and while transporting equipment (30). In addition, persistence on surfaces can be facilitated by the well-known ability of Pseudomonas to adhere to food processing surfaces (30, 3840), with the organism growing very rapidly on dairy plant equipment (36, 41). The psychrotrophic nature of Pseudomonas can help it to withstand the competing microbial populations in milk and in fresh cheeses (4245), possibly determining changes in food structure or discoloration, such as the case of “blue mozzarella cheese” (46, 47). Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, and Psychrobacter spp. can be involved in food spoilage, and they are recognized as undesirable bacteria in food processing environments (48). In the present study, these bacteria were found to be abundant in several samples, confirming some of our previous evidence suggesting that they could be members of the resident microbiota of food processing plants (49, 50).

The predominance of some specific yeasts can reduce the risk of spoilage by other microorganisms. This was demonstrated in the case of D. hansenii (a member of our core microbiota), which was able to control contamination by clostridial species through the production of antibacterial metabolites (51). Previous studies indicated that D. hansenii originates from the dairy house microbiota (1, 29, 52), and this further highlights the possible impact of the environmental microbiota on food processing.

Cleaning procedures can have an impact on the spatial distribution of the microbial communities in food processing plants (51, 53, 56). Our samplings were performed after the cleaning routine. The results of replicate samplings showed consistent microbial profiles and suggest that these communities are established on the surfaces and on the equipment in spite of frequent cleaning and sanitation. Indeed, our study focused on one dairy plant only, and different results may be obtained in other processing environments where different starter cultures, raw materials, and cheese-making protocols are used. However, the persistence of dairy bacteria in the environment and the occurrence of a cheese environment core microbiota are consistent with previous reports (1), suggesting that this may be the general case.

Environmental microbiota in food processing plants can be very important for the achievement and maintenance of food quality. The persistence of LAB in the environment can be helpful to contrast the development of potential spoilers, and the use of natural starters may represent a valuable source of robust LAB that can spread in the environment.

Facility ecosystem surveillance by mapping the microbiota may become a valuable approach to monitor environmental contamination in order to support the overall quality management in the dairy plants. Moreover, understanding the interactions between cheese and specific environmental microbiota can represent a crucial step to ensure cheese manufacture of a standard quality level.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental material


This study was supported by a grant from the Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca within the program PON01_02863 Research and Competitiveness 2007–2013, under the project “Encapsulation of Active Ingredients for Improving the Quality and Food Safety.” F.D.F. was supported by a grant from Campania Region within the program “POR CAMPANIA FSE 2007/2013” (project CARINA: Safety, Sustainability, and Competitiveness of the Agro-Food Production in Campania).

We thank the dairy Campolongo S.r.l., Montesano sulla Marcellana, Italy, for providing samples for this study.


Supplemental material for this article may be found at


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