Phosphorous is required for all life and microorganisms can extract it from their environment through several metabolic pathways. When phosphate is in limited supply, some bacteria are able to use organic phosphonate compounds, which require specialised enzymatic machinery for breaking the stable carbon-phosphorus (C-P) bond. Despite its importance, the details of how this machinery catabolises phosphonate remain unknown. Here we determine the crystal structure of the 240 kDa Escherichia coli C-P lyase core complex (PhnGHIJ) and show that it is a two-fold symmetric hetero-octamer comprising an intertwined network of subunits with unexpected self-homologies. It contains two potential active sites that likely couple organic phosphonate compounds to ATP and subsequently hydrolyse the C-P bond. We map the binding site of PhnK on the complex using electron microscopy and show that it binds to PhnJ via a conserved insertion domain. Our results provide a structural basis for understanding microbial phosphonate breakdown.
Phosphonate compounds that contain a stable carbon-phosphorus (C-P) bond are utilised as a source of phosphate by microorganisms in many natural environments where the low levels of free and organic phosphate limit growth1. The C-P lyase pathway, which converts phosphonate into 5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-diphosphate (PRPP) in an ATP-dependent fashion, is activated upon phosphate starvation in many bacterial species including Escherichia coli2,3. The enzymes of this pathway have a very broad substrate specificity enabling the bacteria to utilise a wide range of compounds for growth including alkyl, amino-alkyl and aryl phosphonates4-7.
In E. coli, the 14-cistron phn operon is required for phosphonate uptake and utilisation and encodes an ATP-binding cassette transporter (PhnC, PhnD, and PhnE), a regulatory protein (PhnF) and components required for enzymatic conversion of phosphonate into PRPP (PhnGHIJKLMNOP)8-13. PhnGHIJ have been shown to form a stable protein complex, which we term the C-P lyase core complex, which likely contains PhnG and PhnI at its centre14,15. The core complex stably associates with a fifth protein, PhnK, which resembles ABC cassette proteins, with unknown stoichiometry14. PhnJ contains an iron-sulphur cluster required for C-P bond cleavage via an S-adenosyl methionine (SAM)-dependent radical mechanism16-18, while PhnI is a nucleosidase capable of deglycosylating ATP and GTP to ribose 5-triphosphate18. A reaction mechanism for the breakdown of phosphonate via the C-P lyase pathway was proposed where PhnI, supported by PhnG, PhnH, and PhnL, a protein not present in the core complex, catalyses the transfer of the phosphonate moiety to the ribose C-1′ position of ATP by displacing adenine, generating a ribose 5′-triphosphate alkyl phosphonate intermediate (Figure 1a and Extended Data Figure 1). Following pyrophosphate release by PhnM, PhnJ cleaves the C-P bond and PhnP/PhnI convert the resulting ribose cyclic phosphate into PRPP17,18. The C-P lyase core complex thus harbours two key activities of this pathway; coupling of the phosphonate to ATP (PhnG, PhnH, and PhnI) and C-P bond cleavage (PhnJ)18. PhnH is the only component of the C-P lyase core complex that has been structurally characterised and displays a fold related to the pyridoxal 5′-phosphate-dependent transferases. It forms a homodimer when expressed independently19 and its role within the complex is unclear.
The global architecture of C-P lyase
We purified the E. coli C-P lyase core complex and determined its crystal structure by molecular replacement in combination with single wavelength anomalous dispersion (MR-SAD) using a Ta6Br12 cluster derivative and the PhnH crystal structure19 as a search model. The structure was refined using a native data set extending to 1.7 Å with resulting final R-factors of 14.9% (Rwork) and 17.6% (Rfree) (Extended Data Table 1 and Extended Data Figure 2). The structure consists of two copies of each of PhnG (16 kDa), PhnH (21 kDa), PhnI (39 kDa), and PhnJ (32 kDa) comprising a total of 1,958 amino acid residues in the asymmetric unit (Figure 1b and Extended Data Figure 3) and is complete except for a few residues located at the subunit termini. The structure includes four sulphate ions, four zinc ions, and 1,792 solvent molecules. Together, the eight polypeptides form a compact and intertwined, two-fold symmetric hetero-octamer that can be described as (PhnGHIJ)2 with a total molecular mass of 240 kDa (Figure 1c and 1d), consistent with its behaviour in solution14.
The C-P lyase core complex resembles the letter 'H' with rounded arms that are twisted approximately 45° in and out of the plane with respect to each other. The arms are composed on opposing sides by the two PhnG molecules and on the other sides by tight complexes between PhnJ and PhnH (Figure 1c). At the centre of the molecule, a compact PhnI homodimer forms a disc-like structure that serves as a central hub for attachment of the other subunits (Figure 1c and 1d, green). The core domain of PhnI, which is the largest single domain in the structure, has a novel α+β fold comprised of a four-stranded, antiparallel β-sheet next to a four-helix bundle combining in a unique fold: the Beta-Barrel Domain (BBD, Figure 1c and Figure 2a). At both termini there are helical extensions of approximately 35 residues that grasp PhnJ and tether it to the complex via extensive interactions (Figure 3a). In turn, PhnJ attaches PhnH to the complex through packing of conserved α helices in both proteins (Figure 1c).
PhnJ has a compact α+β fold surrounded by two mini-domains, the Central Insertion Domain (CID) and C-terminal Mini Domain (CMD) (Figure 1b, 2b, and Extended Data Figure 3). Surprisingly, the core folds of PhnJ and PhnH are nearly identical (Cα rmsd 2.5 Å), despite very little sequence similarity (Extended Data Figure 4a). Moreover, the interactions in the PhnHJ heterodimer closely resemble those observed in the crystal structure of the isolated PhnH homodimer (Extended Data Figure 5a)19. The CID is an insertion in PhnJ between β5 and β6 of the corresponding PhnH fold and consists of two α-helices and a short 310 helix (Figure 2b). The CID is well conserved among PhnJ orthologues and contacts both of the central PhnI molecules (Figure 3b). Finally, the CMD is located at the C-terminus and consists of a small β-hairpin and a helix. It is stabilised by a zinc ion coordinated by four conserved cysteine residues, Cys241, Cys244, Cys266, and Cys272 (Figure 2b).
The PhnI monomers bind each other via an extensive, conserved surface interaction area comprising ~75% of the total PhnGHIJ dimerisation interface (Extended Data Figure 6). Each molecule of PhnI interacts with both copies of PhnG (Figure 3c), the smallest protein in the complex displaying an elongated α+β fold with a four-stranded, antiparallel β-sheet against a four-helix bundle (BBD, Figure 2c). Despite very little sequence similarity, the closest known structural homologue of PhnG is PhnI, with which it shares both the long β-hairpin and the helical bundle (Figure 2 and Extended Data Figure 4b). The PhnG β-hairpin and C-terminal helix form a molecular clamp that connect to a groove in PhnI forming an unusually long, combined β-barrel domain (80 Å, Figure 3d).
The iron-sulphur binding site
PhnJ belongs to the anaerobic radical SAM enzyme superfamily in which three conserved cysteine residues coordinate a cubane-like Fe4S4 cluster20 that promotes formation of a free electron radical required for catalysis by reductive cleavage of SAM to a 5′-deoxyadenosyl radical (Ado-CH2·) and L-methionine21-23. PhnJ does not contain the canonical CX3CX2C motif but rather a CX2CX21C motif involving Cys241, Cys244, and Cys266, which are both necessary and sufficient for reconstitution of the iron-sulphur cluster in vitro17,18. In the structure, these cysteines are juxtaposed and coordinate a zinc ion (Figure 4a) in an arrangement that closely matches that expected for an Fe4S4 cluster-containing protein (Figure 4b). Furthermore, super-positioning an S-adenosyl methionine activase structure on this region reveals a small groove on the surface of the C-P lyase core complex next to the cluster site that might accommodate SAM24 (Extended Data Figure 5b).
According to the proposed reaction mechanism, the Ado-CH2· radical is transferred to the universally conserved Gly32 of PhnJ generating a stable glycyl radical enzyme that supports multiple turnovers without further SAM consumption17. According to this scheme, transfer of the radical from Gly32 to the fourth conserved cysteine residue (Cys272) generates a thiyl radical capable of homolytic C-P bond cleavage of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-phosphonate (Extended Data Figure 1) through a thiophosphonate radical intermediate17. Cys272 is situated adjacent to the cluster site where it is the fourth ligand binding the zinc ion, while Gly32 is located more than 30 Å away, in the vicinity of PhnH (Figure 4c). A direct involvement of Gly32 in the reaction is therefore difficult to reconcile with the structure20, however, it cannot be excluded that structural rearrangements could alter the position of the cluster relative to Gly32 to bring them into proximity. The CMD containing the cluster site has higher B-factors suggesting it is relatively loosely attached to the PhnJ core and perhaps could detach during the reaction (Figure 2b, Extended Data Figure 5c).
A second potential active site
At the interface of PhnI and PhnJ, three universally conserved histidine residues come together to form a second metal ion binding site. Analysis of the anomalous difference density confirms that this His site also contains zinc (Figure 4d). Two of the residues (PhnI His328 and His333) coordinate the zinc ion directly (2.4 Å), while the third (PhnJ His108) is further away (4.5 Å). The three histidines are located in a cavity between PhnI and PhnJ that connects to the surface of the complex via a solvent-accessible tunnel (Figure 4e). The cavity also contains a sulphate ion located 9.5 Å from the zinc, which may mimic a substrate phosphate or phosphonate. Finally, access to the cavity is defined by the PhnJ CID domain, which forms a lid-like domain.
Structural studies of zinc-binding proteins show that structural zinc sites usually have four protein ligands while active site zinc ions have a more open coordination sphere with 2-3 ligands like observed in this case25. To assess the functional importance of the His site, we used genetic complementation to determine whether mutation of the histidine residues affects the ability of E. coli to utilise phosphonate (Extended Data Figure 7). A plasmid-borne copy of the wild-type phnGHIJKLMNOP allele was used to complement E. coli ΔphnHIJKLMNOP under conditions where phosphonate was the sole phosphate source (Extended Data Figure 7)26. The wild type allele but none of the variants H333A (PhnI), H328A/H333A (PhnI), H108A (PhnJ), or C272A (PhnJ) were able to utilise phosphonate and we therefore conclude that the His site is required for the activity of the C-P lyase core complex in vivo.
PhnK binds via the PhnJ CID
The C-P lyase core complex stably associates with a fifth component, PhnK (28 kDa)14. The function of PhnK is unclear but it contains the consensus elements of an ATP-binding cassette protein suggesting it might deliver nucleotide for the reaction (Extended Data Figure 8)14. Despite its ability to stably co-purify, we were unable to obtain crystals of a complex including PhnK. We therefore mapped the PhnK binding site on the complex using negative-stain electron microscopy by generating a 3D reconstruction of purified PhnGHIJK (Figure 5a and Extended Data Figure 9). The crystal structure fits tightly within the resulting EM density map and reveals additional density in a groove close to the two-fold symmetry axis near two regions of highly conserved residues on PhnJ (Figure 5a and 5b). The fold of PhnK can be roughly modelled using a homologous nucleotide-binding domain of an ABC transporter (PDB 4FWI)27. The EM map is consistent with a single PhnK binding unilaterally to the complex, breaking the two-fold symmetry (Figure 5c). Although the exact orientation of PhnK cannot be established at this resolution, we note that one side is highly conserved among orthologues suggesting it comprises the interaction surface (Figure 5c).
ABC modules often dimerise in a head-to-tail fashion, binding ATP between the Walker A/B motifs of one subunit and the ABC motif of the other28. PhnK contains a variant ABC motif (FSGGMQ versus LSGGQ), which could serve to bind the C-P lyase core particle (Extended Data Figure 8). The conserved CID domain protrudes into the PhnK-binding region, so to probe its importance we constructed C-P lyase complexes lacking residues 130-171 of PhnJ (Extended Data Figure 10). Purification PhnGHIJΔCIDK demonstrated that upon deletion of the CID, the C-P lyase core complex remains intact but PhnK is missing, thus indicating that the CID region of PhnJ is required for tethering PhnK to the core complex.
In this paper, we delineate the organisation and detailed molecular structure of a core complex involved in phosphonate catabolism in bacteria. We show that four of the proteins required for phosphonate breakdown assemble into a large, heterooctameric core complex with two-fold symmetry and that the symmetry is broken by binding of a fifth, ATP-binding subunit, PhnK. The structure is not immediately compatible with the direct involvement of Gly32 (PhnJ) in catalysis, but structural rearrangements may affect the location of this residue during the reaction. Many glycyl radical enzymes require separate activation enzymes that dissociate upon radical formation, a task that could also be maintained by a flexible internal domain20.
The structure indicates the existence of a second active site at the interface of PhnI and PhnJ. Analysis of difference electron density from several independent data sets revealed consistent density next to the bound zinc ion, but we have been unable to identify the bound molecule. We also carried out co-crystallisation using a range of compounds including nucleotides and phosphonates, but no further substrate binding was observed. This suggests that the complex needs an Fe4S4 cluster or is not in the correct conformational state to bind substrate. We speculate that the His site is required for coupling phosphonate to ATP, which is known to depend on PhnI18.
Using electron microscopy we locate the binding region for PhnK on the C-P lyase core complex. While this does not reveal the role of PhnK in the reaction, we note that the region is close to the His site and it is therefore possible that structural changes in PhnK occurring upon ATP hydrolysis may affect substrate access. With the detailed architecture of the C-P lyase core complex thus delineated, future work should focus on understanding the requirements of the two reactions catalysed by the complex and definitively locating binding sites of substrates and reaction intermediates of these.
Protein expression and protein purification
The construction of pHO572 (expressing phnGHIJ) and pHO575 (expressing phnGHIJK) as well as gene expression in E. coli strain HO2735 (Δ(lac)X74 Δ(phnCDEFGHIJKLMNOP)33–30/F lacIq zzf::Tn10) were described previously14. pHO575 encodes a C-terminally six-histidine tagged version of PhnK while PhnGHIJ has no tag but still binds to Ni2+ NTA agarose beads. The PhnGHIJΔCID and PhnGHIJΔCIDK constructs were created by site-directed mutagenesis using primers 5′-GTGCCAATCCCCGAGGGCGGCTATCCGGTGAAGGTA-3′ (delta-CID forward), and 5′-TACCTTCACCGGATAGCCGCCCTCGGGGATTGGCAC-3′, which result in replacement of residues 130-172 of PhnJ by two glycine residues (underlined in the primers). Cells were in all cases grown at 37°C in LB medium and gene expression achieved overnight at 18°C by induction using 0.5 mM isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG). Cell pellets were resuspended in lysis buffer (50 mM Hepes, pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 20% (v/v) glycerol, and 3 mM 2-mercaptoethanol) supplemented with Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail tablets (Sigma) and lysed by high-pressure homogenization (EmulsiFlex-C5, Evesin) at 15,000 psi. The lysed cells were centrifuged at 16,000 rpm for 45 min to remove cell debris and bound to Ni2+ NTA agarose beads on a 5 ml pre-packed HisTrap HP column (GE Healthcare), pre-equilibrated with lysis buffer (PhnGHIJ) or lysis buffer plus 20 mM imidazole (PhnGHIJK). In all cases, the complexes were eluted by increasing the imidazole concentration to 250 mM. Following overnight dialysis at 4°C against buffer LS1 (50 mM Hepes, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2, and 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol), the samples were applied to a 1 ml Source 15Q column (GE Healthcare), pre-equilibrated with buffer LS1 and eluted using a linear gradient from 100-600 mM NaCl. The samples were then diluted to reach 250 mM NaCl and passed over a 1 ml Mono Q column (GE Healthcare) pre-equilibrated with buffer LS2 (50 mM Hepes, pH 7.5, 250 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2, and 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol), washed, and eluted using a 250-400 mM NaCl gradient. Finally, the complexes were purified on a Superdex 200 10/300 GL size-exclusion column (GE Healthcare) equilibrated with buffer GF (50 mM Hepes pH 7.5, 300 mM NaCl, and 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol). A 2 L culture typically yielded 4–8 mg of a purified protein complex. Purification from the PhnGHIJΔCID and PhnGHIJΔCIDK constructs was stopped after the source Q column.
Crystallisation and structure determination of PhnGHIJ
Crystals of the PhnGHIJ complex were obtained using batch crystallisation at 4 °C with a reservoir solution containing 20% (w/v) PEG 10,000, 0.1 M Hepes, pH 7.5, 1 mM trisodium citrate dihydrate, 2.3% (w/v) 1,8-diaminooctane, and 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol. Crystallisation drops contained 1 μl protein sample mixed with 0.7 μl reservoir solution and 0.3 μl of a micro-seed stock30 obtained from early stage hits. Crystals suitable for data collection appeared within 2–3 days reaching maximum dimensions of 1.0 × 0.2 × 0.2 mm. Crystals were collected, cryo-protected by gradual addition of glycerol to a final concentration of 25% (v/v), and flash-frozen in a liquid nitrogen. For structure solution by MR-SAD, crystals were derivatised for 24 h with Ta6Br12 (Proteros Biostructures)31, which was added directly to the crystallisation drop as powder. Diffraction data were collected at 100K at the X06DA beamline at SLS, Villigen, Switzerland on a PILATUS 2M detector (native crystals) or a PILATUS 6M detector at the X06SA beamline (Ta6Br12 data). Datasets were processed with xia232 and the structure was solved by MR-SAD method using Phaser and AutoSol via PHENIX33. The PhnH structure19 (PDB 2FSU) was used as an MR search model in Phaser to locate the Ta6Br12 sites by MR-SAD, whereby the partial MR solution allowed identification of the Ta6Br12 cluster sites and served as a source of phase information in phenix.autosol. Initial phases were obtained after density modification using RESOLVE in the phenix.autosol pipeline and the resulting maps used to autobuild secondary structure elements using ARP/wARP from the CCP4 package34. The resulting partial model was then used as a search model for MR against the native data using Phaser and run through 25 cycles of backbone auto-tracing using the native dataset in SHELXE35. Finally, a near complete model of PhnGHIJ could be autobuilt using phenix.autobuild, RESOLVE, and Buccaneer36. Missing parts of the model were completed manually in COOT37. The model was iteratively improved and refined using phenix.refine33 and validated using MolProbity38. The final model contains 1,958 amino acid residues, four bound sulphate ions, four zinc ions, and 1,792 molecules of ordered solvent. The model of complete except for 18 residues exclusively located at the termini of the subunits. Structure figures were made using PyMOL39, Chimera40, and ConSurf29.
Electron microscopy
Purified samples of PhnGHIJK samples were applied to Quantifoil R2/2 holey carbon on copper grids (Quantifoil, Jena)41, covered with an additional thin film of amorphous carbon, and rendered more hydrophilic with a 9:1 argon-oxygen plasma (Fischione Model 1070). The specimens were stained with 3% ammonium molybdate at pH 8 followed by 2% uranyl acetate. Micrographs were recorded at 44,000x magnification on a Tecnai T12 microscope equipped with a US4000 4K × 4K pixel CCD detector (Gatan) at 120 kV with defoci in the 0.8-2 μm range and using an electron dose of 20 electrons/Å2. 10,137 single particles were manually picked from 105 micrographs using e2boxer from the EMAN2 software package42 and contrast transfer function parameters were determined using CTFFIND43. Three iterations of 2D classification were performed in RELION44 using 300 class averages to determine particles that did not align well with each other. These particles were removed from subsequent analysis. After 2D classification, the final set of 10,033 particles was used to calculate a 3D reconstruction in RELION without symmetry imposed. The initial model for the reconstruction was prepared by low-pass filtering a density map generated from the C-P lyase core complex crystal structure to 40 Å. The final model has a resolution of 16 Å by the 0.143 “gold standard” Fourier-shell correlation45,46 and a resolution of 28 Å vs. the crystal structure at FSC = 0.5. The latter is likely closer to the true resolution of the map as the granular nature of negative stain can introduce correlations in the half-maps that are not related to the protein structure. The map was validated using 419 tilt-pairs recorded using angles 0° and 30° (p-value 0.01, κ=2.7)47. The FSC versus the crystal structure shows correlation between the crystal structure and the EM density at low resolution, after which deviations due to structural differences between the C-P lyase core complex and the PhnGHIJK complex become apparent.
In vivo complementation
For the in vivo complementation studies, E. coli strain BW16711 (ΔphnHIJKLMNOP) was transformed by the plasmid pGY126, conferring ampicillin resistance and encoding phnGHIJKLMNOP and analysed for its ability to grow on MOPS minimal plates48 supplemented with 0.2% glucose, 100 μg/mL ampicillin, 0.1 mM IPTG and 0.2 mM of either methyl phosphonate, 2-aminoethyl phosphonate, or phosphate as positive control. The PhnI H328A variant, the H328A+H333A double variant, the PhnJ C272A variant as well as H108A variant, were introduced into pGY1 by site-directed mutagenesis by PCR using the following primers, 5′-GCAGGCTTTGTCTCGGCCCTCAAACTCCCCCA-3′ (H328A forward), 5′-TGGGGGAGTTTGAGGGCCGAGACAAAGCCTGC-3′ (H328A reverse), 5′-GCAGGCTTTGTCTCGGCCCTCAAACTCCCCGCCTACGTCGATTTCCA-3′ (H328A+H333A forward), 5′-TGGAAATCGACGTAGGCGGGGAGTTTGAGGGCCGAGACAAAGCCTGC-3′ (H328A+H333A reverse), 5′-TCCGATACCGATTATGCCCGCCAACAGAGCGA-3′ (C272A forward), 5′-TCGCTCTGTTGGCGGGCATAATCGGTATCGGA-3′ (C272A reverse), 5′-CTTATCCAGACGCGTGCCCGCATCCCCGAAAC-3′ (H108A forward), and 5′-GTTTCGGGGATGCGGGCACGCGTCTGGATAAG-3′ (H108A reverse), where changes relative to the Wt sequence are shown underlined. Template DNA was digested by the methylation-dependent endonuclease, DpnI, before transformation of non-ligated DNA into NovaBlue Singles™ (Novagen) electrocompetent E. coli cells and selection on ampicillin plates. All mutations were confirmed by sequencing of the entire phnGHIJKLMNOP region of the pGY1 vector to ensure that no other spontaneous mutations had been introduced that could prevent rescue of the BW16711 strain.
Extended Data
Extended Data Table 1. Data collection, phasing and refinement statistics.
Native | Ta6Br12 derivative | |
Data collection | ||
Space group | P212121 | P212121 |
Cell dimensions | ||
a, b, c (Å) | 95.5, 133.7, 176.7 | 95.8, 143.1, 178.7 |
α, β, γ (°) | 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 | 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 |
Resolution | 58.91 - 1.70 Å (1.74- 1.70 Å)* | 48.24 - 3.50 (3.60 - 3.50 Å) |
Wavelength | 1.00004 Å | 1.2552 Å |
Unique reflections | 246,950 (17,488) | 59,846 (4,847) |
R-meas (%) | 7.0(114.7) | 15.9(48.0) |
CC½ | 99.9 (51.6) | 99.7 (96.4) |
I/σI | 17.7(1.7) | 17.0(7.7) |
Completeness (%) | 99.7 (99.1) | 100.0 (100.0) |
Redundancy | 5.6 (5.5) | 26.6 (26.3) |
Refinement | ||
Resolution (Å) | 58.4-1.7 | |
No. of reflections | 246,797 | |
Rwork / Rfree (%) | 14.9(17.6) | |
No. of atoms | ||
Protein (non-hydrogen) | 30,097 (15,203) | |
SO42− / Zn2+ | 24 | |
Water | 1,792 | |
B-factors (Å2) | ||
Protein | 29.87 | |
SO42− | 40.28 | |
Zn2+ | 25.97 | |
Water | 21.15 | |
R.m.s deviations | ||
Bond lengths (Å) | 0.01 | |
Bond angles (°) | 1.17 | |
Ramachandran statistics† | ||
Favoured (%) | 97.5 | |
Allowed (%) | 2.0 | |
Outliers (%) | 0.5 |
Highest resolution shell is shown in parenthesis, except where otherwise stated.
Statistics from MolProbity via Phenix38.
We are thankful to T. Sørensen at Diamond, T. Weinert at SLS as well as beamline staff at ESRF and MAX-LAB for help during data acquisition and S. Chen, C. Savva, J. Grimmett, and T. Darling at the MRC-LMB for technical assistance with electron microscopy. This work was supported by the European Research Council grant no. 261151 (L.A.P.), MRC grant MC_U105192715 (L.A.P.), and the Danish National Research Foundation “Centre for mRNP biogenesis and metabolism” (D.E.B.).
Atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) with accession code 4XB6. The EM density map has been deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) with accession code EMD-3033.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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