The P300 speller is a brain-computer interface (BCI) that can possibly restore communication abilities to individuals with severe neuromuscular disabilities, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), by exploiting elicited brain signals in electroencephalography data. However, accurate spelling with BCIs is slow due to the need to average data over multiple trials to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the elicited brain signals. Probabilistic approaches to dynamically control data collection have shown improved performance in non-disabled populations; however, validation of these approaches in a target BCI user population has not occurred.
We have developed a data-driven algorithm for the P300 speller based on Bayesian inference that improves spelling time by adaptively selecting the number of trials based on the acute signal-to-noise ratio of a user’s electroencephalography data. We further enhanced the algorithm by incorporating information about the user’s language. In this current study, we test and validate the algorithms online in a target BCI user population, by comparing the performance of the dynamic stopping (or early stopping) algorithms against the current state-of-the-art method, static data collection, where the amount of data collected is fixed prior to online operation.
Main Results
Results from online testing of the dynamic stopping algorithms in participants with ALS demonstrate a significant increase in communication rate as measured in bits/sec (100-300%), and theoretical bit rate (100-550%), while maintaining selection accuracy. Participants also overwhelmingly preferred the dynamic stopping algorithms.
We have developed a viable BCI algorithm that has been tested in a target BCI population which has the potential for translation to improve BCI speller performance towards more practical use for communication.
1. Introduction
In recent years, brain computer interfaces (BCI) have received increased interest as alternative communication aids due to their potential to restore control/communication abilities to individuals with severe physical limitations due to neurologic diseases, stroke, and spinal cord injury (1, 2). BCIs decode and translate brain electrical signals that convey the user’s intent into commands to control external devices such as a word spelling program for communication. People with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, represent a target population who could benefit from BCI system development (3). ALS is degenerative motor neuron disease that causes a progressive loss in voluntary muscle control. This often results in an inability to communicate either verbally or via gestures, especially in the late stages of the disease, the “locked-in” (LI) stage, where the loss of muscle control affects eye movements.
One of the most commonly researched BCI communication aids, especially in people with ALS, is the P300-based speller, developed by Farwell and Donchin (4), which enables users to make selections from an on-screen array by selecting a desired character or an icon that conveys a desired action. P300 spellers are BCIs that rely on eliciting event-related potentials (ERPs) in electroencephalography (EEG) data including the P300 signal which occurs in response to the presentation of rare stimuli within more frequent stimulus events within the context of an oddball paradigm (5). Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the P300 speller system. The user is presented with a grid of character choices and focuses on a desired character as groups of characters are flashed on the screen. The P300 speller operates by processing and analyzing a time window of EEG data after character subsets are flashed on the screen to discern the character that the user intended to spell. EEG features that correlate with the user’s intent are extracted from time windows of EEG data, and classification techniques (6, 7) are used to score features associated with each flash to distinguish between target ERP and non-target responses. This information is translated into a character selection on the screen after averaging data over multiple flashes.
In several studies, the P300 speller has been shown to be a viable system for communication by people with ALS (8-10), with potential stability for long-term use (11). However, BCIs are still mainly used as a research tool in controlled environments (12-14). There are a limited number of BCI systems commercially available for independent home use, e.g. (15). One of the primary reasons that BCIs have not translated into home use is that character selection times in BCI communication systems are very slow compared to other methods. Developing algorithms that improve the spelling rate has been a leading focus of BCI research in recent years.
While research suggests this system is a viable communication aid for people with ALS, the EEG responses from which P300 ERPs must be extracted have a very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The standard approach to increase the P300 SNR within noisy EEG data is to average data from multiple trials for improved accuracy in classification performance (16). This means each potential target character is sampled multiple times before the classifier determines the desired character, increasing the time needed to make a selection and decreasing the communication rate. In most conventional BCI spellers, the amount of data collected is fixed prior to online operation, this is termed static data collection, and the amount of data collected is usually similar across all users. Based on a literature search of P300 speller studies implemented in people with ALS using static data collection (3, 8-10, 14, 17-20), potential targets are flashed 8-40 times, with accuracies ranging from 60-100%, with performance improving in more recent years. Static data collection, however, risks over or under collecting data since it does not assess the quality of the data that are measured.
Adaptive data collection strategies have been proposed in previous research to balance P300 speller accuracy and character selection time for improved online communication rate (21, 22). Some approaches optimize the amount of fixed data collection prior to each P300 speller session by maximising the written symbol rate (WSR) metric (10), the number of selections a user can correctly make in a minute taking into account error correction e.g. (7, 10). Most approaches vary the amount of data collection prior to each character selection based on a threshold function. Some approaches consider summative functions based on character P300 classifier scores e.g. (23-26). Other approaches use a probabilistic model based on the P300 classifier scores, by maintaining a probability distribution over grid characters, updating the distribution following EEG data processing and stopping data collection when a specified confidence level is achieved (27-32). Probabilistic data collection algorithms also provide a convenient framework to include additional knowledge such as a priori language information to further inform the algorithm’s behavior without having to redesign the system.
Some adaptive data collection methods have relied on either tailoring the stopping criterion to a user’s past performance (which may not be accurate longitudinally) or basing the stopping criterion on data collected from a pool of users. Relying on a pool of users to set the stopping criterion creates the potential for mismatch between the pool and new users. This is of special concern given that the pool of participants has typically been healthy university students and employees (17) while the target BCI population is users with disabilities whose performance might differ substantially depending on the etiology and progression of their disabilities. Most P300 speller algorithm research is dominated by offline analysis or online testing in non-disabled participants, although there has been an increase in online validation in BCI target users in more recent years (3, 17, 33).
We have developed a data-driven Bayesian early stopping algorithm we term dynamic stopping (DS). Under DS, the algorithm determines the amount of data collection based on a confidence that a character is the correct target (34). This enables flexibility in the amount of data collected based on the quality of the user’s responses by collecting more data under low SNR conditions and less data under high SNR conditions without assuming a baseline level of performance for a particular user. Flash-to-flash assessments of EEG responses are integrated into the model via a Bayesian update of character probabilities. Data collection is stopped and a character is selected when the character probability exceeds a threshold. We further enhanced the algorithm by including information about the confidence of each character prior to data collection by exploiting the predictability of language via a statistical language model (dynamic stopping with language model, DSLM) (35). In online studies of non-disabled participants, our algorithms significantly improved participant performance, with about 40% improvements in average bit rate from static to DS (34), and about 12% average improvements from DS to DSLM (35).
Similar dynamic stopping algorithms with Bayesian approaches have been proposed, some including a language, but have not been evaluated in a target BCI population. The goal of this study is to validate the improvements observed with our dynamic stopping algorithms in the non-disabled user studies in a target BCI population. In this study, we compared the online performance of static and dynamic stopping methods in participants with ALS.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
The studies were approved by the Duke University Institutional Review Board and East Tennessee State University Institutional Review Board, respectively. Ten participants with ALS of varying impairment levels were recruited from across North Carolina and Tennessee by the Collins’ Engineering Laboratory (Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Duke University) and the Sellers’ Laboratory (Psychology Department, East Tennessee State University), over a period of five months. Participants gave informed consent prior to participating in this study. Participant demographic information can be found in Table 1. Participants who couldn’t effectively communicate verbally used several forms of assistive technologies for communication, which included low and high tech approaches such lip reading, manual eye gaze boards, touchscreen devices and head tracker systems. All of the recruited participants were used for data analysis.
Table 1.
Participant | Age | Sex | ALSFRS-R score | Years post 1st symptoms | Inter-session intervals | Additional Notes |
D05 | 60 | M | 32 | 5.5 | 5 days, 7 days |
D06 | 59 | M | 3 | 7 | 8 days, 7 days |
D07 | 59 | F | 21 | 7 | 7 days, 8 days |
D08 | 62 | F | 42 | 11 | 6 days, 1 day |
E03 | 44 | F | 21 | 16 | 8 days, 7 days |
E20 | 38 | M | 5 | 8 | 28 days, 14 days |
E21 | 63 | F | 1 | 8 | 28 days, 14 days |
E23 | 57 | M | 30 | 2 | 3 days, 3 days |
E24 | 56 | M | 33 | 3 | 4 days, 3 days, |
E25 | 49 | M | 33 | 1 | 14 days, 15 days |
Participants with “D” were recruited at Duke University and those with “E” were recruited at East Tennessee State University. ALSFRS-R denotes the “ALS Functional Rating Scale” which provides a physician-generated estimate of the patient’s degree of functional impairment, on a scale of 0 (high impairment) to 48 (low impairment) (47).
2.2. P300 Speller Task
Participants were presented with a 6 × 6 P300 speller grid of alphanumeric characters on a screen, with the color checkerboard paradigm (10, 36) used for stimulus presentation. The speller grid consisted of alphanumeric characters, plus a space character. However, because this study involved single-word spelling tasks, the space character was disabled, and if selected, was replaced with the character “-”). A word token was displayed on the top left corner of the grid, with the intended character to spell updated in parentheses displayed at the end of the word. The word tokens were randomly selected from the English Lexicon Project (37). The task consisted of copy spelling the word by locating the target character in parentheses within the grid and counting the number of times it flashed. Groups of either three, four or five characters flashed simultaneously on the screen. The flash duration and the inter-stimulus interval time were both set to 125ms. Following each flash, a time window of EEG data is used to extract features to score each flash with a classifier. After a certain number of flashes, (fixed or dynamically determined), the P300 speller selects the character with the largest cumulative classifier response. After character selection, there was a 3.5-second pause prior to beginning selection of the next character.
Data were recorded from each participant in three sessions that were conducted on different days; each session consisted of a training and test run. Each session lasted about 1.5 -2 hours, including breaks. In the training runs, no feedback was presented to the user while labeled data was collected to train the P300 classifier. The training data for each participant consisted of three 6-lettered words. Features extracted from the training data were used to develop a P300 classifier that was used in all the test runs for each session. In the test runs, using the trained classifier, participants performed the copy-spelling task with feedback and no error correction. During each test run, the three data collection algorithms, static, dynamic stopping (DS) and dynamic stopping with language model (DSLM), were used. The algorithm order was randomized with each test run to avoid biasing the results by algorithm order. The testing data for each participant consisted of two 6-lettered words per algorithm for a total of 36 characters per algorithm across all three sessions. Prior to the dynamic stopping algorithms, participants were told to expect variable data collection in order to minimize surprise or confusion.
2.3. Signal Acquisition
The open source BCI2000 software was used for this study (38). Additional functionality was added to implement the dynamic stopping algorithms (34, 35). The Collins’ Lab collected EEG signals using 32-channel electrode caps in the clinic; the Sellers’ Lab used 16-channel electrode caps and collected data in participants’ homes. EEG signals were connected to the computer via gUSBamp biosignal amplifiers. The left and right mastoids were used for ground and reference electrodes, respectively. The signals were filtered (0.1 - 60 Hz at Duke University, 0.5 - 30Hz at ETSU) and digitized at a rate of 256 samples/s. Data collected from electrodes Fz, Cz, P3, Pz, P4, PO7, PO8, and Oz were used for signal processing (6).
2.4. Feature Extraction and P300 Classifier Training
Features that correlate with the user’s intent were extracted from the EEG training data and used to develop a participant-specific P300 classifier, according to Krusienski et al. (6). Following each flash, a time window of 800ms of EEG data (205 samples at sampling rate of 256 Hz), was obtained from the 8 electrode channels and down sampled to a rate of 20Hz by averaging 13 time samples to obtain a feature point (the last 10 were not used for computational simplicity of matrix operations). The time averaged features were concatenated across the channels to obtain a feature vector, x ∈ ℝ1×120, per flash i.e. 15 features/channel × 8 channels/flash = 120 features/flash. A truth label was assigned to a flash, t ∈ {0, 1}, depending on whether the target character was present in the flash, i.e. label “1” if the target character was present in the flash and label “0” if the target character was not present in the flash.
A training data set from a session for each participant consisted of feature vectors and their corresponding truth labels, T = {(x1, t1), …, (xT, tT)}. The training dataset was used to train a stepwise linear discriminant analysis (SWLDA) classifier, w ∈ ℝ1×120. SWLDA uses a combination of forward and backward ordinary least-squares regression steps to add and remove features based on their ability to discriminate between classes. The p-to-enter and p-to-remove were set to 0.10 and 0.15, respectively.
2.5. Data Collection Stopping Criteria
During the test run, character selection is made after analyzing EEG data from multiple flashes. Following each flash, i, a feature vector, xi, is extracted and used to compute a flash score with the trained classifier, . A sequence is a unit of data collection which consists of flashing all the defined character flash sub-sets once. For the checkerboard paradigm using the 6 × 6 speller grid (shown in Fig. 1), a sequence consists of 18 flashes, with each character flashed twice per sequence.
2.5.1. Static Stopping
In static stopping, all characters in the grid, Cn ∈ G, begin data collection with a zero score. With each group of characters that are flashed on the screen, Cn ∈ Si, their scores are updated by adding the computed flash score, yi. After a fixed number of sequences, the character with the maximum cumulative classifier score was selected as the target character. A character’s classifier score is updated each time it is flashed:
[1] |
where ζ (Cn) is the cumulative classifier for the character, Cn after I flashes prior to character selection; yi is the classifier score for the ith flash; μi,n = 1 if Cn ∈ Si; and μi,n = 0 if Cn ∉ Si. For this study, character selection for static stopping was made after 7 sequences i.e. I = 18 × 7 = 126 flashes.
2.5.2. Bayesian Dynamic Stopping (DS)
In dynamic stopping, the number of flashes prior to character selection was determined by updating the character probabilities of being the target after each flash via Bayesian inference and stopping when a threshold probability is attained. The dynamic stopping algorithm (34), consists of an online and offline portion, Fig. 2. In the offline portion, the trained classifier is used to score the EEG data from the training session. The scores are grouped into non-target and target EEG response scores. The histograms of the grouped classifier scores are scaled and then smoothed with kernel density estimation to generate likelihood probability density functions (pdf) for the target, p(yi∣H1), and non-target, p(yi∣H0), responses.
In the online portion, the pdfs are used in the Bayesian update process. Prior to spelling a new character, characters are assigned an initialization probability, , all characters begin data collection with an equal likelihood of being the target character, i.e. , where N is the total number of choices in the grid. With each new flash, the character probabilities are updated via Bayesian inference:
[2] |
where is the posterior probability of the character Cn being the target character, , given the current classifier score history, Yi = [y1, …, yi−1, yi], and the current subset of flashed characters, Si; is the likelihood of the classifier score, yi, given that the character Cn was present or not present in the flashed subset, Si; is the prior probability of the character Cn being the target character; and the denominator normalizes the probabilities over all characters. The likelihood p(yi∣Cn = C*, Si) is assigned depending on whether Cn was/was not present in the subset of flashed characters, Si:
[3] |
Fig. 3 shows the evolution of character probabilities during the Bayesian character probabilities with each new flash. Data collection is stopped when a character probability attains the threshold probability, set at 0.9, and the character is selected as the target character. A minimum limit of the amount of data collection was not imposed. However, a maximum limit of 7 sequences was imposed (as convergence is not guaranteed), and if the threshold probability is not reached, the character with the maximum probability is selected as the target character. For the next character, character probabilities are re-initialized and the Bayesian update process is repeated until character selection.
2.5.3. Bayesian Dynamic Stopping with Language Model (DSLM)
In dynamic stopping with a language model, the Bayesian update process is identical but for the initialization probabilities, , which are dependent on the previous character selection, a bigram language model (35). For simplicity, we initialized the probabilities of the first character assuming each character is equally likely to be the target character; alternatively a language model could be used based on the probability of being a first letter in a word. For subsequent character selection, if the previous character selection was non-alphabetic, the initialization probabilities are uniform. If the previous character is non-alphabetic, a letter bigram model is used, shown in Fig. 4, generated from the Carnegie Mellon University Online dictionary (39). Element (irow, jcolumn) in the character probability matrix denotes the conditional probability, P(Aj∣Ai), that the next letter is the jth letter of the alphabet, given the ith letter was previously spelled. For example, vowels are more likely to follow consonants, and specifically, a “U” is more likely to follow a “Q”, compared to an “E” or “S”.
For non-alphabetic characters (NAC), the initialization probabilities are set to . For alphabetic characters, the initialization probabilities are dependent on the previous letter selection, AT−1, consisting of a weighted average of a bigram language model and a uniform distribution:
[4] |
[5] |
where α denotes the weight of the language model; P(AT = Cn∣AT−1) denotes the conditional probability that the next letter is Cn given the previously spelt letter is AT−1, obtained from the character probability matrix; is the sum of all non-alphabetic characters, subtracted from 1 to normalize the probabilities; 1 − α is the weight of the uniform distribution. The additional probability introduced by the uniform distribution is an error factor to mitigate the possible influence of incorrectly spelled characters on the initialization probabilities. Based on offline simulations, the weight of the language model was set to α = 0.9.
2.6. Performance Measures
The online performances of the participants using the P300 spellers with the various data collection algorithms were evaluated using accuracy, task completion time, and communication rates. All performance measures were pooled across the three sessions. The accuracy is the percent of characters correctly spelled by the participant. The task completion time is the time spent to complete the task, determined from the total number of flashes to complete the spelling task, including the time pauses between flashes:
[6] |
[7] |
where CSTn is the character selection time for character Cn; 3.5 seconds is the time pause between character selections; Fn is the number of flashes used to select Cn, ISI is the inter-stimulus interval and FD is the flash duration; and TCT is the task completion time.
Bit rate is a communication measure that takes into account accuracy, task completion time and the number of choices in the grid (40):
[8] |
[9] |
where B is the number of transmitted bits/character selection; N is the number of possible character selections in the speller grid; P is the participant accuracy. Theoretical bit rate was also calculated and differs from bit rate by excluding the time pauses between character selections. Since the time pauses can be varied according to user comfort, theoretical bit rate represents an upper bound on possible communication rate. However, in practice, some pause between characters is required for the BCI user to evaluate the feedback provided by the BCI.
Statistical analyses of the data involved repeated measures ANOVA tests to analyze the effect of the various data collection algorithms, followed by multiple comparison tests with Bonferroni adjustments, for pairwise comparisons if applicable (p < 0.05).
3. Results
Fig. 5 shows the participant non-target and P300 ERPs averaged across all three sessions. Most participants were able to elicit a P300 response for BCI control, with some participants having relatively strong ERP responses e.g. D05 and D08. Average participant performance was calculated by pooling across all P300 speller sessions. Statistical tests revealed significant differences in the mean of at least two algorithms for 3 of the four performance measures: task completion time, bit rate and theoretical bit rate. Additional multiple comparison tests were done to determine specifically which pairs of algorithms with significant differences. The same trend was observed across the performance measures that had significant differences: static data collection was significantly different from both DS and DSLM, however, there was no significant difference between DS and DSLM.
Fig. 6 shows the mean, minimum and maximum number of amount of flashes used for character selection for each participant under each of the algorithms. In general, the higher the participant performance level, the fewer flashes required prior to character selection. However, a wide range in the number of flashes per character selection with the dynamic stopping algorithms occurs for each participant. This demonstrates that choosing a static amount for data collection based on a user’s performance level may not consistently match data collection needs. The range in the number of flashes within subjects demonstrates how the dynamic stopping algorithms adapt to acute changes in user performance rather than relying on an arbitrary number of flashes or the user’s past performance.
The total task completion time was determined from the total number of flashes used to spell all words, including the time pauses between character selections. The static completion time was the same for all participants (35 seconds per character, 21 minutes per task), although one participant (E21) selected one less character resulting in a slightly lower time. Fig. 7A shows the total task completion time and average amount of time required to select a character. Character selection times were significantly less in both dynamic stopping algorithms, with most participants achieving a 45-75% reduction when compared to the static stopping algorithm (p < 0.0001). The dynamic stopping algorithms reduced character selection time, with most ranging from 8 - 20 seconds/character. Fig. 7B shows that average participant accuracy decreased from static stopping (79.44 ± 29.98%), but the differences weren’t significant between any of the algorithms, DS (75.40 ± 27.16 %) and DSLM (76.39 ± 25.63 %) (p < 0.23). Despite the substantial reduction in data collected with dynamic stopping, no significant deterioration in accuracy was observed.
The accuracy and task completion time were used to calculate the bit rate and theoretical bit rate. Fig. 7C-D show that the communication rates remained the same or improved from the static to the dynamic stopping conditions. Fig. 7C and D reveal that most participants obtained a substantial increase in their bit rates (100-300%) and theoretical bit rates (100-650%) with the dynamic stopping algorithms, due to maintaining similar accuracy levels while significantly reducing the spelling task completion time. There was a significant increase in bit rate from static to DS and DSLM (p < 0.001) and in theoretical bit rate from static to DS and DSLM (p < 0.00001). There was no significant difference observed in communication rate between the dynamic stopping algorithms. The average participant results are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2.
Average Performance Measure | Static | DS | DSLM | p-value |
Time to complete task (minutes) | 21.00*▼ | 10.47 ± 5.69* | 10.37 ± 5.86▼ | < 9×10-7 |
Accuracy (%) | 79.44 ± 29.98 | 75.40 ± 27.16 | 76.39 ± 25.63 | < 0.23 |
Bit Rate (bits/min) | 6.44 ± 3.21*▼ | 17.06 ± 11.78* | 25.22 ± 19.56▼ | < 3.15×10-4 |
Theoretical Bit Rate (bits/min) | 7.13 ± 3.56*▼ | 17.82 ± 15.54* | 26.71 ± 21.21▼ | < 7.1×10-7 |
- Repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine differences between algorithm means at 5% level of significance, i.e. a p-value < 0.05 indicates at least two means are significantly different. When applicable, post-hoc multiple comparison tests (with Bonferonni adjustment) were performed to determine specifically the algorithms for which significant differences occurred.
- Symbols * or ▼ indicate pairs with significant differences.
Testing BCI algorithms in the target population serves several important purposes. Results from non-disabled participants may not necessarily translate to the disabled population due to variability in disease cause and progression (17); thus, testing in the target population is a key validation step for an algorithm. Further, testing in the target population presents an opportunity for useful feedback during the design process from target users (33). From the post-session survey results shown in Fig. 8, we observed that despite varying accuracy levels, participant algorithm preference significantly increased from static, to DS, to DSLM algorithm (p < 1×10−5). It should be noted that we informed participants to expect variable data collection with the dynamic stopping algorithms in order to minimize surprise or confusion.
Given that multiple sessions occurred for data collection, it is of interest to consider whether the classifiers trained in each session were similar. However, a direct comparison of the weight vectors that define the classifiers is difficult due to the variation in EEG data and the sparsity constraint imposed by SWLDA. As an alternative approach, classifiers were applied offline to test data collected in separate sessions. If the classifiers provide consistent performance across sessions, it might be assumed that the data collected for calibration is fairly stable. For each session, classifiers trained from the other two sessions were used to simulate P300 speller selections with EEG data from the static stopping. Participant session intervals varied from 3 days to about a 1 month (see Table 1). Fig. 9 shows the average offline accuracy compared with the average online accuracy using the within-session classifier. It can be observed that participant within-session accuracy was comparable to the inter-session accuracy. These results indicate there is potential to reduce training time with this a priori information, possibly by initializing and updating a classifier as training data is collected.
4. Discussion
Our dynamic stopping algorithms adapt the amount of data collection based on acute changes in user performance to maximize spelling speed without compromising accuracy, compared to static stopping. Participants demonstrated a range in the number of flashes to select each character, indicating that performance even within a participant is not constant. This highlights the importance of not relying on an arbitrary number of flashes or the user’s past performance to control data collection. Most participants experienced a significant reduction in task completion times with the dynamic stopping algorithms with little to no negative impact on accuracy. Further, communication rates were greatly improved for the majority of participants.
In contrast to our non-disabled studies where significant performance improvements were observed from static to DS (34), and from DS to DSLM (35), the inclusion of a language model did not significantly improve the performance of the dynamic stopping algorithm with the ALS participants. There is likely more variability in the participants with ALS population due to other confounding factors such as differences in disease etiology and progression, in contrast to the non-disabled population which tends to be more uniform and skewed towards a younger demographic. However, the inclusion of a language model did not significantly cause a reduction in accuracy despite the substantial reduction in data collection. Some previous approaches that include language information in BCI spellers involved changing the user-interface (41-43). Sometimes this might negatively affect accuracy, as in Ryan et al. (42), where it was hypothesized that the negative impact was likely due to the increased task difficulty of adapting to a new interface layout with multiple selection windows. In our algorithm, the language model is incorporated within the data collection algorithm, leaving the speller interface unchanged. While this method of incorporating a language model did not result in significant performance improvements, the language model used was a bigram model which is overly simplistic. A more complex language model that takes into account all of the previously spelled characters could be incorporated in a similar manner, as could other natural language processing techniques, potentially improving performance.
Several dynamic stopping algorithms for ERP-based spellers have been proposed in the literature (22), and we focus on those that have been implemented online, as real-time closed-loop online BCI feedback gives a better measure of the performance of an algorithm compared to offline analysis. Some dynamic stopping approaches have utilized summative functions based on character P300 classifier scores (23-26). However, these approaches relied on estimating threshold parameters based on a participant pool average or using the same parameters across users. A user’s performance can vary acutely based signal SNR, artifact level, attention, mood etc. (44, 45) and there is inter-participant variability in performance (46). Alternatively, a probabilistic-based stopping criterion allows for a more flexible means to adapt data collection based on changes in a user’s acute performance as this uncertainty is captured via classifier score distributions. Other dynamic stopping algorithms have used a probabilistic model, similar to the one in this study, where character probability values are initialized, updated with information derived with additional EEG data collection until a preset probabilistic threshold level is met and the character with the maximum a posteriori probability is selected (27-30). However, these algorithms were tested with offline simulations, followed by online studies in non-disabled participants and require further validation in the target BCI population.
Online testing in people from a target BCI population is a key step in BCI algorithm development because algorithms optimized for individuals without disability may not necessarily generalize to the target BCI population. Our algorithm development process included offline analysis, testing in participants without disability, followed by online validation with participants with ALS. The positive feedback from the people with ALS provides an incentive to incorporate our adaptive data collection algorithm in prototype BCI speller systems for home use, given the significant improvements obtained when compared to the current state-of-the art static stopping method. In addition, this reinforces the need for developing BCI systems with communication rates that are comparable to other augmentative and assisted communication systems to translate BCIs into practical systems for daily home use.
There appears to be no correlation between level of impairment and BCI control. ALSFRS-R denotes the revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (47), which provides a physician-generated estimate of the patient’s degree of functional impairment, on a scale of 0 (high impairment) to 48 (low impairment) (Table 1). The ALSFRS-R scores of the low-performing participants D06, D07 and E23, were 3, 21 and 30, respectively. The remaining participants who had varying levels of impairment ranging from 1 to 42, performed with accuracy levels in the 85-100% range. In McCane et al. where participants with ALS performed word spelling tasks with a P300 speller, results suggest no correlation between level of impairment and successful BCI use (48). Most of the high performing participants (>70% accuracy) had ALSFRS-R scores of less than 5, with the rest ranging from 16 - 25. The low performing participants (< 40% accuracy) had some visual impairment e.g. double vision, rapid involuntary eye movements and drooping eyelids, which could hinder their ability to focus on the target for effective BCI use (49). All participants in this study had the ability to control eye gaze. One possible reason for poor performance is the ability to elicit P300 ERPs to control BCIs as it can be observed from Fig. 5 that the low performing participants elicited P300 ERPs with relatively low SNR compared to non-target responses. However, other possible reasons for poor performance could include presence of artifact or the user misunderstanding instructions for BCI use (50)
Head and eye tracking systems are commercially available and can provide a convenient means of daily communication for people with severe neuromuscular ability e.g. eye-gaze calibration time can take around 3-5 minutes. Setting-up, calibrating and troubleshooting a BCI system may be difficult for lay people such as family members or care-takers with limited technical background, especially given the day-to-day variability of user performance, environmental conditions, etc. Nonetheless, a recent case study by Sellers et al. showed that a stroke survivor was not able to accurately use an eye tracking system, but was successful using a matrix speller, obtaining accuracy levels > 70% (51). BCI systems can potentially be a viable communication alternative when eye-tracker systems fail to provide or does not provide effective communication, especially in late-stage ALS where there can be an inability to sustain controlled eye movements.
Our Bayesian dynamic stopping algorithm requires further development prior to being adapted for translational purposes. The spelling task was designed with no error correction to test the robustness of the error factor in the dynamic stopping algorithm. Correcting selection errors requires at least two selective actions: deleting the erroneous character and reselecting the correct character. It has been recommended that P300 spellers perform with accuracy levels >70% for practical communication, to account for erroneous character revisions (52), and thus participants D07, D06 and E23 may have accuracy levels that are too low for effective communication. Improving the accuracy levels of low performing users is a key next step which requires further P300 classifier development, potentially through more sophisticated language models, natural language processing tools like dictionary-based spelling correction (53), or predictive text. While language models and spelling correction can be incorporated into the algorithm without impact on the speller interface, predictive text must be integrated into the BCI system while taking into account the limited ability of target BCI users to navigate choices. One possibility is to modify the algorithm to include predictive word options incorporated directly into the speller grid, as in Kaufmann et al. (43), to minimize spelling task difficulty as word selection occurs in a similar manner to character-based selection. Finally, the complication of spelling phrases or sentences, where word-space boundaries are important, must be considered. The spelling task designed in this study, like most P300-based BCI studies, involved single-word copy-spelling tasks where word length is known a priori; however, a more realistic system would test the algorithm on phrases or sentences. This will likely require additional consideration with the language model as to when to transition from word to space/punctuation to word boundaries, or how robust the system will be to errors and still be able to discern the user’s intended message. Further development of the language model, automatic error correction, and predictive text will likely lead to speller performance improvements and further the transition of the system from research lab to home.
5. Conclusion
Overall, we provide a viable BCI algorithm that has been validated in target BCI users with results indicating the potential advantage of using an adaptive data collection to improve P300 speller efficiency. Our adaptive algorithm has potential for translation into prototype BCI speller systems given the significant performance improvements over the current state-of-art data collection method and the positive feedback from the participants with ALS.
This research was supported by NIH/NIDCD grant number R33 DC010470-03. The authors would like to thank the participants for dedicating their time to this study. The authors would also like to thank Ken Kingery (Duke University, Durham NC) for editing the manuscript.
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