In 2008, the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Energetics Incorporated collaborated with the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 113 (IEC TC 113) on nano-electrotechnologies to survey members of the international nanotechnologies community about priorities for standards and measurements to accelerate innovations in nano-electrotechnologies. In this paper, we analyze the 459 survey responses from 45 countries as one means to begin building a consensus on a framework leading to nano-electrotechnologies standards development by standards organizations and national measurement institutes. The distributions of priority rankings from all 459 respondents are such that there are perceived distinctions with statistical confidence between the relative international priorities for the several items ranked in each of the following five Survey category types: 1) Nano-electrotechnology Properties, 2) Nano-electrotechnology Taxonomy: Products, 3) Nano-electrotechnology Taxonomy: Cross-Cutting Technologies, 4) IEC General Discipline Areas, and 5) Stages of the Linear Economic Model. The global consensus prioritizations for ranked items in the above five category types suggest that the IEC TC 113 should focus initially on standards and measurements for electronic and electrical properties of sensors and fabrication tools that support performance assessments of nano-technology enabled sub-assemblies used in energy, medical, and computer products.
Keywords: Borda count method, confidence interval, median method, nano-electrotechnologies, priorities, rankings, standards, statistical significance
1. Introduction
In this paper, we present the results from a recent international Survey to establish priorities for standards and measurements involving nano-electrotechnologies. We describe the origin and compelling reasons for conducting the survey; the survey structure and its online distribution; the demographics of survey respondents; an analysis of the ranking data obtained from the Survey; and the major findings. The Survey included all stages of the economic cycle for nano-electrotechnology enabled products and systems from research to end-of-useful life, disposal, and/or recycling.
Sections 2 and 3 present the background, origin, structure, methodology, and demographics for the Survey. Section 4 contains the statistical details for the ranking priorities. Section 5 gives the results of selected pair-wise correlations. Section 6 contains a summary of just the major results and serves as an executive summary without statistical details. Appendix A contains a copy of the Survey as it appeared on the website. And finally, Appendix B discusses the statistics and formulas on which we base our findings and results from the Survey.
1.1 Nanotechnology Defined
There are many definitions of nanotechnology. The definition from the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative encompasses key aspects included in other definitions from around the world. “Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale. …. Dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers are known as the nanoscale. Unusual physical, chemical, and biological properties can emerge in materials at the nanoscale. These properties may differ in important ways from the properties of bulk materials and single atoms or molecules.” [1]
Nano-electrotechnologies are part of nanotechnology. They are often cross-sectional technologies with the potential for many cross-disciplinary applications. From the perspective of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), nano-electrotechnologies [2] include the following areas at the nanoscale: nanostructured sensors; nano-electronics, nano-materials and nano-devices; optoelectronics; optical materials and devices; organic (opto)-electronics; magnetic materials and devices; radio frequency devices, components and systems; electrodes with nanostructured surfaces; electrotechnical properties of nanotubes/nanowires; analytical equipment and techniques for measurement of electrotechnical properties; patterning equipment and techniques; masks and lithography; performance, durability, and reliability assessment for nanoelectronics; fuel cells; and bio-electronic applications.
1.2 The Standards and Innovation Connection
Nano-electrotechnologies are expected to be one of the key technologies of the 21st century and to provide enormous potential for the development of new products with exceptional performance. Nano-electrotechnologies will enable society to take advantage of economic successes as well as improvements in the quality of life by using nano-enabled products. One example in healthcare is wireless monitoring of health and safety in an aging society, especially for assisted living in the home or in facilities. Reliability and durability of nano-enabled medical products are great challenges because the mainstream nanoelectronics industry now often favors performance at the expense of reliability and durability [3].
International commerce in nano-electrotechnologies will require technically valid standards and related measurements that are suitable for use in any nation. These standards must therefore be developed with input from all stakeholders. Effective international standards will facilitate wider use of products that offer greater functionality or performance through nano-electrotechnologies-enabled subassemblies. They will also enhance the health and safety aspects of products for the protection of researchers, manufacturers, consumers, and the environment.
According to a recently published report of Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) in cooperation with the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) [4] and by the RNCOS Group [5], the materials and equipment market for nanoelectronics was US $1.8 billion in 2005 and is expected to be US $4.2 billion in 2010. The semiconductor electronics industry is already a nanotechnology industry and will be increasingly important in the future. The continued rapid growth of this and other nano-electrotechnologies-based industries has required increased international standardization activities to support equitable and efficient business models.
1.3 Role of IEC Technical Committee 113 on Nano-Electrotechnologies
Given the importance of standards to this emerging field, the Standardization Management Board of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC SMB) established an Advisory Board on Nanotechnologies (SMB ABN 20) in 2005. Based on the recommendations from the members of ABN 20, the IEC SMB established in May 2006 the IEC Technical Committee 113 (IEC TC 113) on Nanotechnology Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems [6]. The unofficial short name for IEC TC 113 is Nano-electrotechnologies. The IEC TC 113 is interested in measurements, terminology, characterization, performance, reliability, durability, environment, health, and safety for nano-electrotechnologies.
The members of IEC TC 113 developed a list of applications for nano-electotechnologies shown below. Realizing that such a long list was not suitable for a survey, members of the IEC TC 113 Survey Project Team further refined the list to minimize overlap and created two lists—one for products and one for cross-cutting technologies. Each list has 8 items and is statistically more suitable for ranking by Survey respondents. Sub-section 2.1 Survey Structure and Methodology contains the products and cross-cutting technologies lists as Category Type 2 and Category Type 3, respectively.
Applications of Nano-Electrotechnologies [6]
Analytical equipment and techniques for measurement of electrotechnical properties
Fabrication tools for integrated circuits (electronic, photonics, and optoelectronic)
Nano-structured sensors
Nano-electronics, materials and devices
Optical materials and devices
Organic (opto) electronics
Magnetic materials and devices
Radio frequency devices, components, and systems
Electrodes with nano-structured surfaces
Electrotechnical properties of nanotubes/nanowires
Fuel cells
Energy storage devices (e.g., batteries)
Bioelectronic applications
Nano-enabled solar cells
The scope of the IEC TC 113 concerns international standardization of those technologies relevant to electrical and electronic products and systems in the field of nanotechnology in close cooperation with other international groups working on standards and measurements for nano-electrotechnologies. These include, for example, other IEC committees, the International Standards Organization (ISO), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI), and the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Working Groups.
The focus of IEC TC 113 is on those products which use nano-electrotechnologies in one or more of their subassemblies or during the fabrication process. The IEC TC 113 will produce standards, technical specifications and technical reports to guide manufacturers and customers in situations where it is necessary to use an emerging technology under absence of complete knowledge to gain maximum confidence in the life cycle performance, reliability and operational safety of products. By so doing, the IEC TC 113 seeks to accelerate innovations and commercialization of nano-electrotechnologies.
2. Survey Origin and Development
Due to the large number of potential applications for nano-electrotechnologies and to the TC 113’s limited resources, there is a need to rank order future standardization work and make certain that the most important standards are developed first. To this end, the TC 113 Chairman’s Advisory Group (CAG) formed an international TC 113 Survey Project Team. The objective was to develop a Survey that would assist in identifying those nano-electrotechnology areas relevant to electronics and electrical products for which standards are critically needed to accelerate innovation.
The goal of the Survey was to begin building consensus among members of the international nano-electrotechnologies community on a framework leading to standards development. The expectation was that responses to the Survey would help prioritize TC 113’s actions over the next few years. Specific objectives of the survey were dictated by the governing principles shown in Table 1. Specifically, TC 113 would like to be able to 1) set procedures for ranking proposals and associated documents for new work in priority order; 2) identify members for work groups on standards and associated documents; and 3) make informed responses to proposals from IEC National Committees.
Table 1.
Governing Principles for the Survey
I. Nano-electrotechnologies are very diverse and multi-disciplinary. IEC TC 113 members plan to use the Survey to: |
• Build a consensus on key challenges to society for nano-electrotechnology implementation and inter-national markets. Possible examples include energy, healthcare, environment, emergency response, security, and multimedia communications. |
• Select technologies for responding to new work items proposals on nano-electrotechnology for TC 113’s consideration. |
II. At present, resources are not adequate to address simultaneously all of the fields of interest to TC 113, as cited in reference [2]. The members of the CAG decided that mechanical, physical, and thermal properties are not of primary focus in this Survey. |
III. According to the IEC mission statement, the standardization efforts of TC 113 may include all electro-technologies such as electronics, magnetics and electromagnetics, electroacoustics, multimedia, telecommunication, and energy production and distribution, as well as associated general disciplines. |
IV. The linear economic model for innovation in nano-electrotechnologies has six stages ranging from research and development to deployment, end use, and disposal or recycling. This linear economic model is a simplification to make analyzing the Survey responses more tractable. In practice, economic models for innovation and commercialization are very complex and non-linear with feed-back and feed-forward paths. |
This Survey was the first step in developing the IEC TC 113 Nanoelectronics Standards Roadmap (INSR). Members of TC 113 will use the Survey results reported here as one of the inputs to the INSR that will establish a vision of market needs in terms of products, available technologies for nano-electrotechnologies and standards supporting invention, fabrication and use of products over their entire life cycle. The INSR will be an IEC integrated roadmap involving the stakeholders in the IEC. These stakeholders include the IEC National Committees that represent the electro-technical industries in their respective countries as well as IEC TC 113 liaison organizations like the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and SEMI. The INSR will be developed by a newly formed Task Group in IEC TC 113 and be published as a Technical Report. The INSR will be revised biannually. The officers of IEC intend that the INSR will complement other publicly available roadmaps such as the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) and the IEEE Nanoelectronics Standards Roadmap.
2.1 Survey Structure and Methodology
The authors collaborated with members of the IEC TC 113 Chairman’s Advisory Group (CAG) to prepare the text for a web-based Survey. The Survey was designed to determine priority rankings of the needs for standards and their supporting measurements that should be considered by IEC TC 113. Appendix A contains the full text for the Survey.
Once we completed the text and formats for the outputs from the Survey, the text was converted into HTML format for Internet access. SelectSurvey.NET version 2.8.7 was used as the platform for the on-line Survey, which was on-line from May 10, 2008 to December 15, 2008 at http://www.energetics.com/IEC-NISTSurvey/index.html.
The Survey opened with demographic questions that had drop down lists for selecting responses:
How would you describe the nature of your work in nano-electrotechnologies?
What is the type of institution where you are primarily employed?
Please select your country of primary employment.
Note that the country drop-down list contained countries that are members of IEC TC 113. If a respondent’s country was not on that list, they were invited to write in a country. Section 3 discusses the Survey demographics in more detail, including the countries of primary employment.
Survey respondents were then asked to rank in priority order the items listed in each of five category types from 1 to ni, where ni is the number of items in the category type i under consideration and i = 1, 2, …, or 5. The rank of 1 denotes the highest priority or most significant and the rank of ni denotes the lowest priority or least significant. The Survey software, SelectSurvey.NET 2.8.7, presented each respondent the items for a given category type in random order. This helped to avoid potential biases in the data that might arise if each respondent saw the items to be ranked in the same order. The five category types employed in the Survey and the relevant Governing Principle from Table 1 are as follows:
- Nano-electrotechnology Properties (Governing Principle II) (n1 = 6)
- – Electronic and Electrical [Electronic]
- – Optical [Optical]
- – Biological [Biological]
- – Chemical [Chemical]
- – Radio Frequency [Radio]
- – Magnetic [Magnetic]
- Nano-electrotechnology Taxonomy: Products (Governing Principle I) (n2 = 8)
- – Energy (production, conversion, and storage) [Energy]
- – Medical Products [Medical]
- – Computers (PDA and similar, laptop, desktop, mainframe) and Computer Peripherals (print-ers, monitors/displays, etc.) [Computers]
- – Telecommunication and Data Communications (wireless and wired-physical connection) [Telecom]
- – Security and Emergency Response Devices and Applications [Security]
- – Multimedia Consumer Electronics [Multimedia]
- – Household and Consumer Applications [Household]
- – Transportation (sea/water, ground, air, space) [Transportation]
- Nano-electrotechnology Taxonomy: Cross-Cutting Technologies (Governing Principle I) (n3 = 8)
- – Sensors (chemical, physical, mechanical, etc.) [Sensors]
- – Fabrication tools for integrated circuits (electronic, photonic, optoelectronic, and mechanical) [Fab. Tools]
- – Nano-electromechanical systems [NEMS]
- – Performance and reliability assessment for nanoelectronics [Performance]
- – Analytical equipment and techniques for measurements of electro-technical properties [Analytic Eq.]
- – Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) applications and effects [EHS]
- – Instrumentation (test equipment and industrial process control for use in fabrication) [Instrumentation]
- – Optical technologies (optoelectronics and illumination) [Optical Tech.]
- IEC General Discipline Areas (Governing Principle III) (n4 = 6)
- – Measurement and Performance [Measurement]
- – Design and Development [Design]
- – Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) [HSE]
- – Dependability and Reliability [Dependability]
- – Electromagnetic Compatibility [Compatibility]
- – Terminology, Nomenclature, and Symbols [Terminology]
- Stages of Economic Model (Governing Principle IV) (n5 = 6)
- – Basic Technical Research [Research]
- – Technology Development (prototype development) [Development]
- – Initial deployment [Deployment]
- – Commercialization (large-scale, high-volume manufacturing) [Commercialization]
- – End of initial use by the Customers-Consumers (End of Initial Usefullness) [End-of-Usefullness]
- – End-of-Life (disposing and recycling) [End-of-Life]
The square bracket after each of the above items contains the abbreviation for that item used in the figures that follow in Secs. 4 to 6.
The international community tends to use different orderings of the words environment, health, and safety, and hence, different orderings of the letters E, H, and S in related acronyms. To distinguish in this paper between the Cross-Cutting Technology and the Discipline Area, we use the acronym EHS for the Cross-Cutting Technology of Environment, Health, and Safety Applications and Effects and the acronym HSE for the IEC General Discipline Area of Health, Safety, and Environment.
After asking respondents to rank the above items in priority order, the survey asked them to express their interest in volunteering to help the IEC TC 113 and to submit general comments concerning the Survey.
2.2 Survey Advertisements
Table 2 lists the many organizations that contributed to promoting the Survey. The officers, editors, and staff of the organizations listed therein distributed emails to their respective members and/or wrote articles about the Survey that invited their members and readers to complete the on-line Survey. In addition, the Survey was advertised at several conferences where those attending would be associated in some way with nano-electrotechnologies
Table 2.
Organizations contributing to promotion of the Survey
Email Notifications to Members | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Electron Devices Society |
IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) | |
IEEE-Standards Association | |
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) Working Groups on Emerging Research Devices and Emerging Research Materials and Metrology | |
International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee 229 on Nanotechnologies | |
Several ISO and IEC National Committees | |
Articles/Notices Read by Members | Semiconductor Equipment and Materials—Standards Watch, 18 June 2008 http://www.semi.org/cms/groups/public/documents/gg/p044042.htm |
Materials Research Society—Materials 360, Vol. 8, Issue 11, 19 June 2008 (1) http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/doc.asp?CID=1926&DID=214177 | |
IEEE NTC—Weekly Community Updates, July 2008 | |
Institute of Physics—Nanotechweb, 8 August 2008 http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/yournews/35341 | |
Nano Science and Technology Institute—Nano World News, 25 August 2008. http://www.nsti.org/news/item.html?id=277 | |
Exhibit Booths at Conferences | NSTI NanoTech2008 |
SEMICON West 2008 | |
ITRS Summer Conference 2008 |
These efforts attracted more than 600 respondents to the Survey. Section 3, Survey Demographics, provides a complete breakdown of those actually completing the Survey in its entirety. In addition, the Survey was open for an extended period (7 months) and re-advertised to gain a larger sample size, encourage a greater number of participants from more countries, and help enhance the statistical credibility of the responses and results. The number of completed responses increased from 205 in August 2008 to 459 in December 2008—a 223 % increase.
3. Survey Demographics
In total, 459 respondents from 45 countries, listed in Table 3, volunteered to complete the Survey in its entirety. Here a complete response is defined as a response for which all three of the demographic questions and all five of the ranking categories were completed. We restrict our analyses to these completed responses. As shown in Fig. 1, 44.4 % came from the Americas, 29.2 % from Europe, 25.3 % from Asia, and 1.1 % from the Middle East.
Table 3.
Breakdown of Completed Surveys Received by Country
{Key: (P) indicates a member of TC 113 with participant status; (O) indicates a member of TC 113 with observer status. The number in square brackets […] denotes the number of completed Surveys from that country. Countries are listed in alphabetical order in each column and from left to right.} | ||
Argentina (O) [2] | France (P) [12] | Mexico (O) [4] |
Australia (O) [6] | Germany (P) [32] | Netherlands (O) [6] |
Austria (O) [1] | Greece [2] | Poland (O) [2] |
Bangladesh [1] | Hong Kong [1] | Portugal [2] |
Belarus [1] | Hungary (O) [2] | Romania [1] |
Belgium [7] | India (O) [18] | Russian Federation (P) [4] |
Brazil (O) [4] | Indonesia (O) [1] | Singapore (P) [7] |
Canada (P) [17] | Iran [2] | Spain (P) [8] |
China [14] | Ireland [1] | Sweden (P) [2] |
Colombia [2] | Israel [1] | Switzerland [8] |
Croatia [1] | Italy (P) [22] | Taiwan [16] |
Czech Republic (O) [1] | Japan (P) [31] | Thailand [3] |
Egypt [2] | Korea (P) [12] | United Kingdom (P) [16] |
European Union [1] | Lithuania [1] | USA (P) [174] |
Finland (P) [1] | Malaysia (P) [6] | Venezuela [1] |
Fig. 1.
Demographics of Survey Respondents.
The respondents self-reported as practicing in countries representing most large geographic areas. We do not attempt to draw inferences about any of the demographic sub-categories as such. For example, we do not attempt to weigh demographic sub-categories by response rate to achieve a consistent weighting in the consensus average. Rather, survey respondents are a self-selected group with interests and opinions for improving standards and measurements that support innovations and commercialization of nano-electrotechnologies. Their demographic data is used primarily for categorical purposes.
As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, the Survey respondents represented a broad cross-section of the nano-electrotechnologies community. The nature of work represented spans technical R&D and management, manufacturing, standards development, strategic planning, and market analyses. Places of employment of respondents included manufacturing companies, universities, governments, trade associations, banks, standards and metrology organizations, and legal organizations.
Fig. 2.
Distribution of Survey Respondents: Nature of Work.
Fig. 3.
Distribution of Survey Respondents: Place of Employment.
The largest categories represented in the nature of work were both research-related: Technical R&D and Management of R&D. This is largely indicative of the emerging nature of nanotechnology and the significant amount of research and development ongoing in this field. While new products are emerging regularly, many others are still in the early development and proof-of-concept phases.
The largest percent of respondents were from universities, followed by those from manufacturing companies and a significant number from research institutions. This reflects a strong research and development focus in the field of nanotechnology, as well as significant interest in new product development and manufacture.
The small percentage, about 3 %, of respondents from metrology organizations and standards development organizations could indicate that the majority of responders were users of measurement technology, either for research or product development. A more significant portion of respondents, about 14 %, came from government and non-profits.
4. Priorities Analysis
One of the primary goals of the survey was to determine a consensus prioritization among the items listed for each of the category types. With this goal in mind, the Survey required the respondents to rank all items for each of the five category types, with no ties allowed. Tallying the results from all respondents provides a priority rank distribution in a given category type. In this analysis, we consider the distributions based on all respondents, but do not consider various demographic sub-categories.
Considering the sample size and the statistical nature of the distributions of responses, especially since some distributions were strongly bimodal, we do not give the precise rank importance of each and every item included in the Survey. Instead, we introduce a coarser analysis in which we place subsets of the Survey items into sub-groups and then rank the sub-groups in priority order. This coarser analysis is an alternative procedure described in more detail in the recent Analysis of ISCD-NIST Survey for Bone Health [7]. We find that this sub-grouping of Survey items offers a prioritization scheme that is reasonably consistent across several Survey categories.
4.1 Ordinal Statistics and Concordance
In this section, we present preliminary statistical analyses. As noted above, we restrict the discussions to results treating all respondents as a single group. Figures 4 through 8 provide histograms of the vote (ballot) distributions from all Survey respondents for each of the five category types. In each figure, each of the ni items to be ranked in that category type has ni bars associated with it. The first bar on the left is the number of respondents who gave that item a rank of 1. The next bar is the number of respondents who gave that item a rank of 2, and so forth. A rank of 1 indicates the highest priority and a rank of ni is the lowest priority.
Fig. 4.
Rank Distribution for Properties Category.
Fig. 8.
Rank Distribution of Stages of the Economic Model.
Figures 9 through 13 give the medians, first quartiles, third quartiles, and 95 % confidence intervals (CI) for each of the priority ranked items in the five category types. Appendix B contains the formula given by Eq. (B.1) that we use for computing the 95 % CI values, i.e., the uncertainty in the median estimate. The use of median as a measure of central tendency, as opposed to mean, is more appropriate for the ordinal nature of the rank data [8].
Fig. 9.
Medians and Confidence Intervals for Property Rankings.
Fig. 13.
Medians and Confidence Intervals for Economic Stage Rankings.
In each of these 5 figures, we give the ni category type i items in sorted order, with the left most item considered to be the most important. The thick-horizontal lines in the vertically-oriented shaded boxes indicate the median values. The vertical extents of the larger shaded boxes correspond to the first and third quartiles. The vertical extents of the smaller boxes inside the larger shaded boxes indicate the 95 % confidence intervals for the uncertainty estimate of the median as computed by Eq. (B.1) in Appendix B.
We computed Friedman’s statistic to assess the degree of distinction between items. Our analysis follows Lehmann [9] and details are provided in Appendix B. Friedman’s statistic is designed to test the null hypothesis, namely,
H0 = “Voters-respondents randomly assigned ranks to the items with equal probability.”
In other words, when H0 is true, then the distribution of votes reflects no discernible preference among items. To test H0, we compute Friedman’s statistic Q according to Eq. (B.2) in Appendix B and compare the value against the null distribution by way of the confidence p-value. One interpretation of the p-value in relation to an observed value, Qobs, is that if H0 were true, then one would expect a value of Q greater than or equal to Qobs with probability p.
We use Eq. B.4 in Appendix B to compute the p-value. We find that for all respondents we can reject H0 with more than 99 % confidence (p < 0.01). Such a conclusion is consistent with the observation that the estimates of the median ranks for all of the items, e.g., Fig. 11, are such that the 95 % confidence intervals (B.1) for all ni items do not overlap. This lack of overlap provides evidence that there are perceived differences among the ni items. The exceptions to this are likely to be when the conditions given in Appendix B are not met.
Fig. 11.
Medians and Confidence Intervals for Cross-Cutting Technology Rankings.
In summary, although the histogram plots such as that shown in Figs. 4 through 8 do not reveal obvious structure, the distributions of ranks suggest that it is unlikely that they were assigned randomly with equal preference to all items. We discuss our strategy for determining global consensus ranks in the next subsection.
Tables 4 through 8 show the consensus priorities for each of the five category types as determined by a traditionally weighted scoring technique called the Borda count [10]. Applying this procedure to the present Survey category types we assign the following score-weights: the first-placed items (highest priority or most significant) on every ballot receive scores of ni, the second-placed items receive scores of ni − 1, and so forth, until the lowest priority or least significant items on the ballot receive scores of 1. We assign the scores to each ballot individually, and then sum over all ballots within the category type of interest. We rank the items in descending order by the Borda score, i.e., the highest score is the “winner.” In short, the Borda score is a weighted mean with a particular assignment of weights to ballot positions. We refer throughout this paper to these Borda count orderings as the “global consensus” orderings.
Table 4.
Consensus Priority Rankings for Properties
Raw Data
Median and 95 % Cl | Borda Score | Global Consensus Rank | ||||||
Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Rank 3 | Rank 4 | Rank 5 | Rank 6 | ||||
Electronic and Electrical | 292 | 57 | 58 | 26 | 13 | 13 | 1 (± 0.07) | 2,386 | 1 |
Optical | 17 | 115 | 112 | 105 | 78 | 32 | 3 (± 0.15) | 1,628 | 2 |
Biological | 68 | 73 | 68 | 75 | 77 | 98 | 4 (± 0.22) | 1,522 | 3 |
Chemical | 37 | 86 | 70 | 68 | 113 | 85 | 4 (± 0.22) | 1,447 | 4 |
Radio Frequency | 34 | 83 | 69 | 78 | 63 | 132 | 4 (± 0.29) | 1,387 | 5 |
Magnetic | 11 | 45 | 82 | 107 | 115 | 99 | 4 (± 0.15) | 1,269 | 6 |
Table 8.
Consensus Priority Rankings for Economic Stages
Raw Data
Median and 95 % Cl | Borda Score | Global Consensus Rank | ||||||
Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Rank 3 | Rank 4 | Rank 5 | Rank 6 | ||||
Basic Technical Research | 204 | 63 | 57 | 47 | 30 | 58 | 2 (± 0.22) | 2,026 | 1 |
Technology Development | 96 | 160 | 84 | 59 | 45 | 15 | 2 (± 0.15) | 1,994 | 2 |
Initial Deployment | 34 | 65 | 112 | 100 | 97 | 51 | 4 (± 0.15) | 1,522 | 3 |
Commercialization | 52 | 66 | 81 | 108 | 70 | 82 | 4 (± 0.22) | 1,512 | 4 |
End-use by the Customer-Consumer | 48 | 47 | 63 | 67 | 133 | 101 | 5 (± 0.15 | 1,343 | 5 |
End-of-Life | 25 | 58 | 62 | 78 | 84 | 152 | 5 (± 0.22) | 1,242 | 6 |
The global consensus order may not be the same as the order when only rank 1 votes are considered. For example, Fabrication Tools in Table 6 received 109 rank 1 votes, 61 rank 2 votes,…, and 44 rank 8 votes. All of the remaining 7 items in Table 6 received fewer than 109 rank 1 votes. We estimate the median rank of the underlying random variable to be 3 ± 0.29. The global consensus is that Fabrication Tools is second to Sensor as a priority activity for IEC TC 113 to promote nano-electrotechnologies.
Table 6.
Consensus Priority Rankings for Cross-Cutting Technologies
Raw Data
Median and 95 % Cl | Borda Score | Global Consensus Rank | ||||||||
Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Rank 3 | Rank 4 | Rank 5 | Rank 6 | Rank 7 | Rank 8 | ||||
Sensors | 100 | 94 | 60 | 49 | 51 | 45 | 34 | 26 | 3 (± 0.22) | 2,496 | 1 |
Fabrication Tools | 109 | 61 | 66 | 52 | 47 | 40 | 40 | 44 | 3 (± 0.29) | 2,387 | 2 |
Nano-electromechanical Systems | 59 | 71 | 59 | 58 | 65 | 45 | 46 | 56 | 4 (± 0.29) | 2,156 | 3 |
Performance Assessment | 55 | 54 | 58 | 57 | 57 | 61 | 60 | 57 | 5 (± 0.29) | 2,039 | 4 |
Analytical Equipment | 30 | 57 | 54 | 70 | 80 | 74 | 58 | 36 | 5 (± 0.22) | 2,007 | 5 |
EHS | 71 | 40 | 45 | 39 | 48 | 54 | 66 | 96 | 5 (± 0.29) | 1,895 | 6 |
Instrumentation | 13 | 39 | 58 | 73 | 60 | 71 | 84 | 61 | 5 (± 0.22) | 1,772 | 7 |
Optical Technologies | 22 | 43 | 59 | 61 | 51 | 69 | 71 | 83 | 5 (± 0.29) | 1,772 | 8 |
4.2 Rank Prioritizations
Aggregating a collection of rankings to determine a consensus rank is a well-known problem in voting and social choice theory [10,11]. There are several competing algorithms and there is no clear “optimal strategy” among them. As discussed in the previous paragraphs, we select a traditional positional weighting scheme referred to as a Borda method. We emphasize that both the choice of a positional scoring method, and subsequently the selection of weights to be applied, can affect the results. For example returning to Table 6, whereas the Fabrication Tools receives the most rank 1 votes, the Borda scoring scheme values the relatively large number of second and third place votes received by Sensors to the extent that the latter edges out the former. One could envision alternative weighting schemes that allocates higher value to first-placed ranks relative to the middle-placed ranks than does the arithmetic sequence ni, ni − 1,, …, 1. For example, in such cases the consensus prioritization between Fabrication Tools and Sensors could transpose.
The final prioritizations in their every detail are not very precise. However, slightly coarser analyses suggest themselves as being possible and agreeable to all respondents. In this re-factoring or re-grouping of the ni items in each category type i, we rank sub-groups of items for each category type by their respective median values and then order the items within a sub-group by their respective Borda global consensus count order. We list the highest priority category type sub-group first in the following prioritizations:
Fig. 10.
Medians and Confidence Intervals for Product Rankings.
Table 5.
Consensus Priority Rankings for Products
Raw Data
Median and 95 % Cl | Borda Score | Global Consensus Rank | ||||||||
Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Rank 3 | Rank 4 | Rank 5 | Rank 6 | Rank 7 | Rank 8 | ||||
Energy | 130 | 94 | 69 | 52 | 34 | 37 | 18 | 25 | 3 (± 0.22) | 2,680 | 1 |
Medical Products | 85 | 103 | 85 | 57 | 41 | 45 | 26 | 17 | 3 (± 0.22) | 2,564 | 2 |
Computers | 109 | 63 | 60 | 59 | 57 | 52 | 31 | 28 | 3 (± 0.22) | 2,442 | 3 |
Telecommunication | 57 | 82 | 72 | 89 | 72 | 43 | 29 | 15 | 4 (± 0.22) | 2,397 | 4 |
Security and Emergency Response | 25 | 43 | 62 | 67 | 75 | 77 | 51 | 59 | 5 (± 0.22) | 1,900 | 5 |
Multimedia Consumer Electronics | 22 | 39 | 47 | 59 | 72 | 65 | 83 | 72 | 5 (± 0.22) | 1,747 | 6 |
Household and Consumer Applications | 20 | 12 | 39 | 30 | 47 | 76 | 119 | 116 | 7 (± 0.22) | 1,398 | 7 |
Transportation | 11 | 23 | 25 | 46 | 61 | 64 | 192 | 127 | 6 (± 0.22) | 1,396 | 8 |
Fig. 12.
Medians and Confidence Intervals for General Discipline Rankings.
Table 7.
Consensus Priority Rankings for General Discipline Areas
Raw Data
Median and 95 % Cl | Borda Score | Global Consensus Rank | ||||||
Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Rank 3 | Rank 4 | Rank 5 | Rank 6 | ||||
Measurement and Performance | 90 | 143 | 103 | 64 | 43 | 16 | 2 (± 0.15) | 1,961 | 1 |
Design and Development | 137 | 76 | 77 | 68 | 59 | 42 | 3 (± 0.22) | 1,874 | 2 |
Health, Safety, and Environment | 129 | 60 | 68 | 67 | 65 | 70 | 3 (± 0.29) | 1,747 | 3 |
Dependability and Reliability | 51 | 94 | 106 | 111 | 67 | 30 | 3 (± 0.15) | 1,697 | 4 |
Electromagnetic Compatibility | 18 | 46 | 60 | 91 | 154 | 90 | 5 (± 0.15) | 1,249 | 5 |
Terminology and Symbols | 34 | 40 | 45 | 58 | 71 | 211 | 5 (± 0.22) | 1,111 | 6 |
The above five prioritizations suggest that IEC TC 113 should focus in the short-term on standards and measurements for electronic and electrical properties of sensors and fabrication tools that support performance assessments and measurements of nano-technology sub-assemblies used in energy, medical, and computer products.
5. Correlations Analysis
Any correlation analyses among the several items in the five category types (Properties, Products, Cross-Cutting Technologies, Discipline Areas, and Stages of the Linear Economic Model) and in the three demographic items (Country-region, Nature of Work, and Employment Institution) should meet the validity conditions given in Appendix B. Specifically, the validity conditions include: 1) a large enough sample size, Nsample, 2) a small enough Kendall’s W, and 3) a vanishingly small confidence p-value. Our approach for deciding which correlations are likely to satisfy the above validity conditions begins by correlating those items that have a large enough number of ranked 1 votes within a category type with all of the items in another category type. For example, among the eight items in the category type Products, Energy received the most rank 1 votes, namely 130. Computers and Medical Products with rank 1 votes of 109 and 85, respectively, followed Energy. Figure 14 then shows how the 130 Energy respondents ranked the 8 items in the category type Cross-Cutting Technologies.
Fig. 14.
Figures 14 through 27 show the correlation results for the following comparisons:
Products: Energy, Computers, Medical and Telecommunication and Data Communications versus Cross-Cutting Technologies (Figs. 14 to 17)
General Discipline Area: Design and Development, Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), and Measurement and Performance versus Products (Figs. 18 to 20)
General Discipline Area: Design and Development, Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), and Measurement and Performance versus Cross-Cutting Technologies (Figs. 21 to 23)
Nature of Work: Technical R&D and Management R&D versus Stages of the Economic Model (Figs. 24 and 25)
Employment Institution: Universities and Manufacturing Companies versus Cross-Cutting Technologies (Figs. 26 and 27).
Fig. 27.
Fig. 17.
Fig. 18.
Fig. 20.
Fig. 21.
Fig. 23.
Fig. 24.
Fig. 25.
Fig. 26.
The confidence p-values failed to approach zero for two of the correlations that we considered: 1) Nature of Work: Standards Developer, Administrator, or Director of R&D versus Stages of the Economic Model and 2) Employment Institution: Research Institutions versus Cross-Cutting Technologies. The p-values for these two correlations indicate that the sample sizes may not be large enough for acceptable statistical analyses. The distributions of rankings in this Survey suggest that the validity conditions may not be met in correlations with samples sizes less than about 85.
Comparing the correlation rankings given in Figs. 14 to 27 reveals many transpositions of priority rankings. An interesting result is that the bimodal distribution of item Cross-Cutting Technologies: Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Applications and Effects that appears in Fig. 6 and Table 6 is further supported by correlations. In statistics, a bimodal distribution is a probability distribution with two different modes (e.g., peaks or values) that occur more frequently than neighboring values. As shown in Fig. 15, Products: Computers versus Cross-Cutting Technologies, the item EHS Applications and Effects ranks last in priority. Whereas in the correlation shown in Fig. 16, Products: Medical Products versus Cross-Cutting Technologies, the item EHS Applications and Effects ranks first in priority.
Fig. 6.
Rank Distribution of Cross-Cutting Technologies.
Fig. 15.
Fig. 16.
The bimodal distribution of the Cross-Cutting Technologies item EHS Applications and Effects demonstrates what we might expect: from a medical products viewpoint, Environment, Health and Safety are of paramount importance; from the viewpoint of a manufacturer of computers, the issues that directly affect production (fabrication of circuits, sensors, performance, and reliability) are of most importance. Table 9 illustrates the statistical results that support evidence of the bimodal distribution. Additionally, while the IEC Discipline Area item of Health, Safety and Environment in general appears to be important across many groups, it is less important than some of the disciplines relevant to earlier stages of the product cycle (e.g., Design and Development) and production stages (Measurement and Performance).
Table 9.
Survey Results Relevant to a Bimodal Distribution for Crosscutting Technology: EHS Applications and Effects
Survey Results | Rankings |
Rank Data—Cross-Cutting Technologies (Table 6) | Significant number of votes for both high rank and low rank (bimodal) |
Priority Ranking for General Discipline Area: Health, Safety, and Environment (Fig. 7). | Large number of votes for rank 1; general population supports it as a priority (not bimodal) |
Correlation for General Discipline Area: Health, Safety and Environment versus Cross-Cutting Technologies (Fig. 22) | Majority ranked EHS Applications and Effects first. |
Correlation for Products: Medical versus Cross-Cutting Technology (Fig. 16) | Majority ranked EHS Applications and Effects first. |
Correlation for Products: Energy versus Cross-Cutting Technology (Fig. 14) | EHS Applications and Effects ranked in the next to the last sub-group or tier. |
Correlation for Place of Employment: Universities versus Cross-Cutting Technologies (Fig. 26) | EHS Applications and Effects ranked in the next to the last sub-group or tier. |
Correlation for Products: Computers versus Cross-Cutting Technology (Fig. 15) | Majority ranked EHS Applications and Effects last. |
Correlation for Products: Telecommunication and Data Communications versus Cross-Cutting Technology (Fig. 17) | Majority ranked EHS Applications and Effects last. |
Correlation for General Discipline Area: Design and Development versus Cross-Cutting Technologies (Fig. 21) | Majority ranked EHS Applications and Effects last. |
Correlation for General Discipline Area: Measurement and Performance versus Cross-cutting Technologies (Fig. 23) | Majority ranked EHS Applications and Effects last. |
Correlation for Place of Employment: Manufacturing Companies versus Cross-Cutting Technologies (Fig. 27) | Majority ranked EHS Applications and Effects last. |
Figures 24 and 25 illustrate the correlation of the largest number of responders in terms of nature of work (Technical R&D and Management R&D) versus the Stages of the Economic Model. Both groups of respondents indicated that Basic Technical Research and Technology Development were among their top ranked Stage of the Economic Model, with less emphasis placed on the stages related to technology Commercialization and Initial Deployment. This is indicative of the nature of the respondent demographic—over 70 % of respondents were listed as being in Technical R&D or Management of R&D positions (Fig. 2).
In Figs. 26 and 27, the correlation between the largest number of responders in employment institutions (Universities and Manufacturing Companies) versus Cross-Cutting Technologies illustrates both institution types have a keen interest in Sensors, Fabrication Tools for Integrated Circuits, and Nano-electromechanical Systems. In general across all the correlations, Sensors and Fabrication Tools for Integrated Circuits were ranked among the first three choices, regardless of category. The correlations as a result support the overall conclusion that the IEC TC 113 should focus initially on standards and measurements for electronic and electrical properties of sensors and fabrication tools.
6. Conclusions
Our analyses suggest that the majority of the 459 respondents agree with the following statements:
The most important items on which IEC TC 113 should work are those items included in the Sub-Groups 1 for each of the category types listed in the Ranked Prioritizations Sub-Section; namely, Electronic and Electrical properties of Sensors and Fabrication Tools used to manufacture Medical, Computer, and Energy products.
Because the time frame of the Survey was the short-term, the critical discipline areas for IEC TC 113 technical experts will be initially Measurements and Performance assessments that include metrics for determining reliability and durability of nano-electrotechnology enabled products and systems.
IEC TC 113 members should focus their work initially on those standards and measurements that contribute to advances in the economic stages of Technical Research and Technology Development related to the fabrication of nano-electrotechnology enabled products and systems.
The Survey respondents as a whole do not agree on the relative importance of the Cross-Cutting Technology item EHS Applications and Effects. Almost as many respondents said that EHS Applications and Effects were most important as said that they were least important from among the eight items listed for Cross-Cutting Technologies. Furthermore, those respondents who said Medical products were most important also said EHS Applications and Effects were most important. Whereas, those who said Energy, Computer, and Telecommunication and Data Communications products were most important said EHS Applications and Effects were least important. This apparent dependence of the relative importance of EHS Applications and Effects on specific products requires consideration in the INSR and may warrant additional investigations.
The data samples for correlations of Cross-Cutting Technology: EHS Applications and Effects with the remaining four Product items Security and Emergency Response Devices, Multimedia Consumer Electronics, Household and Consumer Applications, and Transportation are such that the respective 95 % Confidence Intervals are too large and thereby do not allow us to reach statistically defensible statements. Combining the major results from Figs. 14 to 17, we use the schematic in Fig. 28 to show graphically the above dependence for the four Product items that have acceptable 95 % Confidence Intervals. Namely, the 71 respondents who gave EHS Applications and Effects the highest priority assigned highest priority to Medical Products. We order for the figures that follow, beginning with Fig. 28, the ranked items in ascending Borda rank. The item at the top has the highest priority rank and the item at the bottom has the lowest priority rank.
Fig. 28.
Schematic of the correlation of the relative importance of Cross-Cutting Technology item EHS Applications and Effects with four of the eight Product items.
Figures 29 and 30 summarize respectively the correlations of the Discipline Area item Health, Safety and Environment and the Cross-Cutting Technology item EHS Application and Effects with the stages of the Economic Model. The 129 respondents who ranked the Discipline Area item Health, Safety and Environment the highest and the 71 respondents who ranked the Cross-Cutting Technology item EHS Application and Effect the highest assigned the highest priorities to the Economic Model stages of Basic Technical Research and Techno-logy Development and the lowest priority to Commercialization.
Fig. 29.
Schematic of the correlation of the relative importance of Discipline Area item Health, Safety, and Environment with the Economic Model stages.
Fig. 30.
Schematic of the correlation of the relative importance of Cross-Cutting Technology item EHS Applications and Effects with the Economic Model stages.
Finally, Figs. 31 and 32 summarize respectively the correlation of the Products item Medical Products with Cross-Cutting Technologies and the correlation of the Cross-Cutting Technologies item Sensors with Products. The 85 respondents who ranked the Products item Medical Products the highest assigned the highest priorities to the Cross-Cutting Technologies EHS Applications and Effects and Sensors. The 100 respondents who ranked the Cross-Cutting Technology item Sensors the highest assigned the highest priorities to Energy and Medical Products. Combining these two sets of correlation figures for Medical Products and Sensors suggests a consensus among many respondents that standards and measurements for bio-sensors enabled by nano-electrotechnologies have very high priorities.
Fig. 31.
Schematic of the correlation of the relative importance of Products item Medical Products with the Cross-Cutting Technologies category.
Fig. 32.
Schematic of the correlation of the relative importance of Cross-Cutting Technology item Sensors with the Products category.
We intended that this broadly-based Survey elicit the views of the nano-electrotechnologies community as to ways for advancing innovations and commercialization. The goals of this survey were to determine the extent of consensus from the nano-electrotechnologies community around the four governing principles listed previously. From the survey, we surmise that the IEC TC 113 should focus initially on R&D standards and measurements for electronic and electrical properties of sensors and fabrication tools that support performance assessments of nano-technology enabled sub-assemblies used in energy, medical, and computer products.
Our general conclusions from the foregoing analyses are:
- To increase confidence in the ranked Survey items, we may arrange them, as follows, in subgroups based on median ranks for each of the five category types.
Even though the ordering of individual items may change by choice of analysis procedure, we find that the above sub-groupings of the Survey items and their ordering based on the Borda global rank in Tables 4 to 8 within a median sub-group largely reflect the consensus of the multifaceted and international nano-electrotechnologies community of stakeholders.
The raw data from the Survey presented in Tables 4 through 8 are available as Microsoft Excel files. Subject to satisfying all of the criteria given in Appendix B, other analyses and correlations than those presented in the foregoing sections may be useful. The authors welcome suggestions and possible collaborations. Interested readers should send an email to the first author at herbert.bennett@nist.gov.
Fig. 5.
Rank Distribution of Products.
Fig. 7.
Rank Distribution of General Discipline Areas.
Fig. 19.
Fig. 22.
The authors thank William Anderson, Stephen Knight, Joaquin Martinez, and Nicholas Paulter of the Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for providing the funds to support this international survey on nano-electrotechnologies; Randy Schroyer, Michael Gooden, Darla Yonder, and Catherine Fletcher at NIST for expediting the procurement and approval processes for doing international surveys; members of the TC 113 Project Team for their assistance in developing the Survey structure; and Won-Kyu Park, Korea Advanced Nano Fab Center who graciously volunteered to translate the TC 113 Survey Brochure to Korean. Herbert Bennett thanks Andrew Dienstfrey of NIST for his tutorials and references on analyzing ordered data sets.
We thank the many officers of the following organizations for cooperating and notifying their respective members about the Survey:
Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Electron Devices Society
IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC)
The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Working Groups on Emerging Research Devices, Emerging Research Materials, and Metrology
International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee 229
Several ISO and IEC National Committees
We thank the many editors and their staff for articles promoting the Survey in the following publications: Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI)—Standards Watch, 18 June 2008; Materials Research Society—Materials 360, Vol. 8, Issue 11, 19 June 2008 (1); IEEE NTC—Weekly Community Updates, July 2008; Institute of Physics–Nanotechweb, 8 August 2008; and Nano Science and Technology Institute—Nano World News, 25 August 2008. Relevant articles and news items can be referenced at the following sites:
About the authors: Herbert S. Bennett is a NIST Fellow and Executive Advisor in the Semiconductor Electronics Division of the the NIST Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory and serves as a member of the IEC TC 113 CAG. Howard Andres is an Engineering Research Analyst at Energetics Incorporated. Joan Pellegrino is a Program Director and Senior Consultant at Energetics Incorporated. Winnie Kwok is a Web Developer at Energetics Incorporated. Norbert Fabricius belongs to the Programme Nano-and Microsystems at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and is responsible for nanotechnology standardization in the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. He serves as the Secretary of IEC/TC 113. And J. Thomas Chapin is a Corporate Fellow and Director of Corporate Research at Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated. He serves as the Chairman of IEC TC 113. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Appendix A. Survey Text
IEC TC113 NANO-ELECTROTECHNOLOGY SURVEY to establish priorities for standards development and measurements for electrical and electronic products and systems
About us
In 2006, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) http://www.iec.ch/ established the Technical Committee 113 (TC 113) on Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems (Nano-electrotechnology). The TC 113 Chairman’s Advisory Group (CAG) formed an international TC 113 Survey Project Team to prepare this survey. The results from this survey will be used by the TC 113 to assist in identifying those nanotechnology areas for which standards are critically needed to accelerate innovation.
In its role to support international standards development for nano-electrotechnology, the Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory (EEEL) at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has contracted with Energetics Incorporated http://www.energetics.com/ to conduct, analyze, and report on the survey results. NIST is the national measurement institute (NMI) for the U.S. and has a strong interest in understanding measurement priorities in this field. The U.S. Government offers the following notice about surveys that it is conducting or that it is funding others to conduct:
Paperwork Reduction Act
This survey contains collection of information requirements subject to the U.S. Paperwork Reduction Act. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act. The estimated response time for this survey is 8 minutes. The response time includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Please send comments regarding this estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the length of this questionnaire, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Herbert Bennett, TC113Survey@nist.gov. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) number for this survey is OMB 0693-0033, expiring on 7/31/2009.
SIDEBAR every page: For more information on the conduct, design, or outcome of this survey, please contact TC 113 Survey Webmaster@energetics.com
Goals and Objectives
Recently, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) http://www.iec.ch/ established the Technical Committee 113 (TC 113) on Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems (Nano-electrotechnology). The committee was created to identify and help address the future needs for standards for nanotechnology relevant to nano-electrotechnology. TC 113 has a membership of 26 countries, of which 15 are participating countries from four continents.
Due to the potentially wide application of nano-electrotechnology, the TC 113 has a need to prioritize future standardization work to make sure that the most important standards are developed first. The Technical Committee members will use this Survey to assist in identifying those nanotechnology areas relevant to electronics and electrical products for which standards are critically needed to accelerate innovation.
Your input is critical to the TC 113 process
Your survey responses will help prioritize the TC 113’s actions over the next few years.
The goal of this Survey is to begin building a consensus among members of the nano-electrotechnology community on a framework leading to standards development. Your responses to this survey will help the IEC TC 113 set priorities. Specifically, the TC 113 wishes to:
Set procedures for ranking new documents for comment (DC) and new work item proposals (NWIPs) in priority order;
Identify members for work groups to improve DCs and complete high priority NWIPs; and
Respond to DCs and NWIPs from IEC National Committees.
We invite all members of the nano-electrotechnology community to complete this Web-based survey within two weeks (DATE). This survey should take you about 8 minutes to complete.
Governing Principles
- Nano-electrotechnologies are very diverse and multidisciplinary. IEC TC 113 members plan to use the Survey to:
- Build a consensus on key challenges to society for nano-electrotechnology implementation and international markets. Possible examples include energy, healthcare, environment, emergency response, security, and multimedia communications.
- Select technologies for responding to new work items proposals on nano-electrotechnology for TC113’s consideration.
Present resources are not adequate to address simultaneously all of the fields of interest to TC 113 as cited in the May 2007 IEC E-TECH article. http://www.iec.ch/online_news/etech/arch_2007/etech_0507/spotlight.htm?mlref=etech
Fields of interest to TC 113 cited therein are:- Performance and reliability assessment for nanoelectronics
- Analytical equipment and techniques for measurement of electrotechnical properties
- Fabrication tools for integrated circuits (electronic, photonic, and optoelectronic)
- Nano structured sensors
- Nano-electronics, materials and devices
- Opto-electronics
- Optical materials and devices
- Organic (Opto) electronics
- Magnetic materials and devices
- Radio frequency devices, components and systems
- Electrodes with nano-structured surfaces
- Electrotechnical properties of nano-tubes/nanowires
- Fuel cells
- Bioelectronic applications.
- According to the IEC mission statement (http://www.iec.ch/about/mission-e.htm) the standardization efforts of TC 113 may include all electrotechnologies such as electronics, magnetics and electromagnetics, electroacoustics, multimedia, telecommunication, and energy production and distribution, as well as associated general disciplines as follows:
- Terminology, Nomenclature, and Symbols
- Design and Development
- Measurement and Characterization
- Performance Assessment
- Dependability and Reliability
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Safety and Environment
- The linear economic model for innovation in nano-electrotechnologies has the following six stages:
- Research
- Development
- Initial deployment
- Commercialization (large-scale, high-volume manufacturing)
- End use by the customers-consumers
- End-of-life (disposing and recycling)
If you have comments on the completeness or relevance of principles I-IV please include them here.
How would you describe the nature of your work in nano-electrotechnologies?
Check only one.
Technical R&D ______
Technical Manufacturing ______
Management of R&D ______
Management of Manufacturing ______
Standards Developer, Administrator, or Director ______
Strategic Planner and Market Analyst ______
Other - Please be more specific ______
What is the type of institution where you are employed?
Check only one.
Manufacturing Company ______
University ______
Government ______
Trade Association ______
Investment Bank ______
Metrology Organization ______
Standards Developing Organization ______
Legal Organization ______
Non-Profit Organization ______
Research Institution ______
Other - Please be more specific ______
Please select your country of primary employment in the list below:
Czech Republic
Korea, Republic of Malaysia
Russian Federation
United Kingdom
United States of America
If your country of primary employment is not listed, please specify in the text box below:
Nano-Electrotechnology Properties
Please rank the following nano-electrotechnology properties of concern to TC 113 in numerical priority order from 1 to 6, where 1 is most important property for TC 113 members to consider first. Please do not assign the same numerical order to more than one taxonomy category.
Priority ______ Electronic and Electrical
Priority ______ Optical
Priority ______ Magnetic
Priority ______ Radio Frequency
Priority ______ Chemical
Priority ______ Biological
Nano-Electrotechnology Taxonomy: Products
Please rank the following TC 113 taxonomy categories in numerical priority order from 1 to 8, where 1 is most significant, i.e., the most important in terms of enabling innovations at the nanoscale. Please do not assign the same numerical order to more than one taxonomy category.
Priority ______ Computers (PDA and similar, laptop, desktop, mainframe) and Computer Peripherals (printers, monitors/displays, etc.)
Priority ______ Multimedia Consumer Electronics
Priority ______ Telecommunication and data communications (wireless and wired-physical connection)
Priority ______ Energy (Production, Conversion, and Storage)
Priority ______ Medical Products
Priority ______ Security and Emergency Response Devices and Applications
Priority ______ Household and Consumer Applications
Priority ______ Transportation (Sea/Water, Ground, Air, and Space)
Optional: Are there any other taxonomy categories not covered by the above list that would be appropriate for TC 113 to consider? If so, please cite unique categories that are not contained within the ones listed above and indicate where they rank relative to your ranking of the eight taxonomy categories listed above. For example: before 1, between 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4…, or after 8.
{comment box}
Nano-Electrotechnology Taxonomy: Cross-Cutting Technologies
Please rank the following TC 113 taxonomy categories in numerical priority order from 1 to 8, where 1 is most significant, i.e., the most important in terms of enabling innovations at the nanoscale. Please do not assign the same numerical order to more than one taxonomy category.
Priority______ Performance and reliability assessment for nanoelectronics
Priority ______ Analytical equipment and techniques for measurement of electro-technical properties
Priority ______ Fabrication tools for integrated circuits (electronic, photonic, optoelectronic, and mechanical)
Priority ______ Optical Technologies (Optoelectronics and Illumination)
Priority ______ Environmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S) Applications and Effects
Priority ______ Instrumentation (Test Equipment and Industrial Process Control for Use in Fabrication)
Priority ______ Nano-electromechanical systems
Priority ______ Sensors (chemical, physical, mechanical, etc.)
Optional: Are there any other taxonomy categories not covered by the above list that would be appropriate for TC 113 to consider? If so, please cite unique categories that are not contained within the ones listed above and indicate where they rank relative to your ranking of the eight taxonomy categories listed above. For example: before 1, between 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4…, or after 8.
{comment box}
IEC General Discipline Areas
Considering the IEC General Discipline Areas for nano-electro-technologies given in the IEC Mission Statement (Governing Assumption III), please rank them in numerical priority order from 1 to 6, where 1 is most significant for TC 113 members to consider first. Please do not assign the same numerical order to more than one focus area.
Priority ______ Terminology and Symbols
Priority ______ Design and Development
Priority ______ Measurement and Performance
Priority ______ Dependability and Reliability
Priority ______ Electromagnetic Compatibility
Priority ______ Health, Safety and Environment
Stages of the Economic Model
Considering the stages of the economic model, please rank them in numerical priority order from 1 to 6, where 1 is most significant for TC 113 members to consider first (i.e., where standards are required). Please do not assign the same numerical order to more than one focus area.
Priority ______ Basic Technical Research
Priority ______ Technology Development (prototype development)
Priority ______ Initial Deployment
Priority ______ Commercialization (large-scale, high volume manufacturing)
Priority ______ End use by the customer-consumer
Priority ______ End-of-Life (disposing and recycling)
Additional Comments
Optional: Please provide any additional comments concerning what you think should be the action items for the IEC TC 113 members in the near-term (1 to 3 years), mid-term (3 to 10 years), and long-term (greater than 10 years).
{comment box}
Potential Participation on the Work of the Technical Committee—IEC TC 113
- Would you be willing to serve as an expert contributing to the IEC TC 113—Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems on nanotechnology?
- If no, go straight to 2.
If yes, please continue:An IEC member is called a National Committee (NC), and each NC represents its nation's electrotechnical interests in IEC management and standardization work.If you are in a country that already participates in the work of the IEC TC 113, or has Observer status, please email the Secretary for your NC directly by clicking on the appropriate links in the TC 113 Country Table below. The country information will open in a separate window. After sending the e-mail to the Secretary of your NC, you will have to use your browser to close the page in order to return to continue the survey.
If your country is not listed in the above table, please e-mail the IEC TC 113 Secretary Dr. Norbert Frabricius, at Norbert.Fabricius@nanomikro.fzk.de for information to contact your National Committee or to participate as an individual expert if your country does not have an IEC National Committee.
Country | Country Code | P/O Status |
Argentina | AR | Observer |
Australia | AU | Observer |
Austria | AT | Observer |
Brazil | BR | Observer |
Canada | CA | Participant |
Czech Republic | CZ | Observer |
Denmark | DK | Observer |
Finland | FI | Participant |
France | FR | Participant |
Germany | DE | Participant |
Hungary | HU | Observer |
India | IN | Observer |
Indonesia | ID | Observer |
Italy | IT | Participant |
Japan | JP | Participant |
Korea, Republic of | KR | Participant |
Malaysia | MY | Participant |
Mexico | MX | Observer |
Netherlands | NL | Observer |
Poland | PL | Observer |
Portugal | PT | Observer |
Russian Federation | RU | Participant |
Singapore | SG | Participant |
Spain | ES | Participant |
Sweden | SE | Participant |
United Kingdom | GB | Participant |
United States of America | US | Participant |
We thank you for taking advantage of this unique opportunity to contribute to and harmonize nano-electro-technology standardization efforts worldwide. We will further appreciate your contributions if you volunteered to serve as an expert. Please include your e-mail address if you would like to receive an e-mail notice with a link to download a copy of the report for this survey. A copy of your responses will be e-mailed to you.
American National Standards Institute
- DC
Documents for comment
Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory (NIST)
International Electrotechnical Commission (web link)
- NC
National Committee (country IEC member)
Nanoelectromechanical Systems
National Institute of Standards and Technology
New Work Item Proposal (proposal for the preparation of a standard or a series of related standards in the field covered by an existing technical committee of ISO or IEC. The proposer of the NWIP is a national committee, for the US it is ANSI.)
- TC 113
Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems (IEC TC 113)
We thank you for completing this Survey.
Appendix B. Statistical Formulas and Quartiles and Medians
This first part of this Appendix is based on generalizing the equations in Appendix A of reference 7 for the cases in this Survey. The second part of this Appendix is based on documenting how the software that we use computes medians and quartiles.
Part 1 – Statistical Formulas
We treat the ranks as an ordinal variable and use the median as an estimate of the central tendency [8]. The 95 % confidence interval for rm is [rlower, rupper] defined as
(B.1) |
where rm is the median rank, r3 and r1 are the 3rd and 1st quartile ranks, and N is the number of respondents. In other words, the confidence interval is symmetric about the median. When the interval extends beyond the quartile, we use the interval value and not the quartile value in the Figures.
We follow Lehmann [9] for computing the Friedman’s statistic. Because the Survey has ni items for each category type i (i.e., “treatments”) and repeat rankings are not allowed, if one assumes H0 is true, then the mean item rank is (ni − 1)/2. Friedman’s statistic is the scaled sum of squared differences,
(B.2) |
Here N is the number of respondents and is the mean of the s-th item. We reject H0 for large values of Q. Under the normalization (B.2), the large N asymptotic distribution for Q is a chi-square variate with d = (ni – 1) degrees of freedom, χ2d. In this paper, we consider only those subcategories of respondents for which N is sufficiently large that this asymptotic distribution is valid [12].
We compute confidence p-values as follows. In place of Q, for consistency across different size groups, we report Kendall’s W,
(B.3) |
This rescaling of Q is such that 0 ≤ W ≤ 1. Kendall and Smith [13] provide other interpretations of W.
As an example, using the data of Table 6, we compute Qall = 182.41 and the associated Wall = 0.0568 (N = 459 for all survey respondents). Using the complementary cumulative distribution function of a χ2d random variable, the probability of observing Q ≥ Qall when H0 is true is computed by,
(B.4) |
In this example Qall = 182.41 is sufficiently large that pall is effectively zero. Because the probability of observing Qall (or higher) when H0 is true is extremely small, we may then assert that H0 is false.
Part 2 – Quartiles and Median
The Survey software (SelectSurvey.NET 2.8.7) produces an Excel file that contains the raw data for the 459 completed responses. This file also can be used for input into Minitab. We use Excel in Microsoft Office 2003 SP3 to compute Friedman’s statistic Q, Kendall’s W, quartiles, and medians. We use Minitab Release 14.1 to compute confidence p-values and to verify the Friedman’s statistic Q from Excel.
In Minitab (http://www.minitab.com/), after the data is arranged in ascending order, the first (Q1) and third (Q3) quartiles are determined by the following equations:
(B.5) |
where n is the number of observations in the data set. For example, in a data set with 184 observations, Q1 = (184 + 1)/4 = 46.25. Since Q1 is not an integer, interpolation is used to determine the value yQ1 for the first quartile using the 46th and 47th observations in the ordered data set. If Q1 had been an integer, yQ1 would be the value associated with the Q1. In the data set of this example, the values in the 46th and 47th observations are 2 and 3, respectively. Through interpolation, the value that Minitab produces for the first quartile is 2.25. The interpolation is as follows:
yQ1 = value to be determined,
y0 = value in the 46th observation = 2,
y1 = value in the 47th observation = 3,
x = Q1 = 46.25,
x0 = integer observation below Q1 = 46,
x1 = integer observation above Q1 = 47
Substituting the values in the above ordered data set give:
In Minitab, if n is odd, the median is the value in the middle of a data set organized in ascending order. If n is even, the median is the average of the two middle values. For a data set where n = 184 and the two values in the middle, the 92nd and 93rd observations, are 4 and 5 respectively, Minitab averages these two values to produce a median of 4.5.
Excel determines Q1, Q3, and the median in a somewhat different manner than Minitab, which may produce different results.
Quartiles: With the data arranged in ascending order, Excel computes the quartiles by the following equations:
(B.6) |
Thus, using the above example where n = 184 gives Q1 = (184 + 3)/4 = 46.75. Interpolation is still used to determine the quartile values when the resulting observation is not an integer. Therefore, using the foregoing data set, Excel produces the following result for yQ1:
This value is different from Minitab’s 2.25 for yQ1.
In Excel, the middle position Q2 is determined by following equation:
Therefore, when n = 184, Q2 = (184 + 1)/2 = 92.5. As with the first and third quartiles, Excel interpolates for the median value when the resulting observation is not an integer. Using the foregoing data set gives:
This value is the same as that produced by Minitab for the median value.
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