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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Pediatr. 2015 Mar 26;167(1):138–47.e1-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.02.049

Associations between gut microbial colonization in early life and respiratory outcomes in cystic fibrosis

Anne G Hoen a,b,*, Jing Li a,*, Lisa A Moulton c, George A O’Toole d, Molly L Housman d, Devin C Koestler e, Margaret F Guill c, Jason H Moore a, Patricia L Hibberd f, Hilary G Morrison g, Mitchell L Sogin g, Margaret R Karagas b, Juliette C Madan h
PMCID: PMC4674690  NIHMSID: NIHMS666336  PMID: 25818499



To examine patterns of microbial colonization of the respiratory and intestinal tracts in early life in infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) and their associations with breastfeeding and clinical outcomes.

Study design

A comprehensive, prospective longitudinal analysis of the upper respiratory and intestinal microbiota in a cohort of infants and young children with CF followed from birth was performed. Genus-level microbial community composition was characterized using 16S-targeted pyrosequencing, and relationships with exposures and outcomes were assessed using linear mixed-effects models, time-to-event analysis and principal components analysis.


Sequencing of 120 samples from 13 subjects collected from birth to 34 months revealed relationships between breastfeeding, microbial diversity in the respiratory and intestinal tracts and the timing of onset of respiratory complications, including exacerbations and colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Fluctuations in the abundance of specific bacterial taxa preceeded clinical outcomes, including a significant decrease in bacteria of the genus Parabacteroides within the intestinal tract prior to the onset of chronic P. aeruginosa colonization. Specific assemblages of bacteria in intestinal samples, but not respiratory samples, were associated with CF exacerbation in early life, indicating that the intestinal microbiome may play a role in lung health.


Our findings relating breastfeeding to respiratory outcomes, gut diversity to prolonged periods of health, and specific bacterial communities in the gut prior to respiratory complications in CF highlight a connection between the intestinal microbiome and health and point to potential opportunities for antibiotic or probiotic interventions. Further studies in larger cohorts validating these findings are needed.

Keywords: microbiome, infants, early childhood, infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common life-limiting autosomal recessive genetic disorder among people of European descent. It is characterized by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which result in viscous epithelial secretions beginning at birth as a consequence of abnormal sodium and chloride transport. Individuals with CF experience progressive lung disease, pancreatic insufficiency and profound impacts on growth and nutrition (1, 2). Infants and young children with CF are at risk for chronic infection and inflammation, resulting in significant morbidity and early mortality (3, 4). In both animal models and in observational studies of humans, CF has been associated with atypical microbial colonization of the intestinal and the respiratory tracts, findings that are attributable to loss of CFTR function and the resulting altered microenvironments (410). The natural history of microbial acquisition in the respiratory and intestinal tracts in patients with CF beginning at birth and the impact of these communities on clinical outcomes is largely unexplored.

Microbial colonization patterns in infancy are influenced by environmental exposures (including delivery mode, infant diet, hospitalizations and medications), human genetics, and immune function (1113). Microbial colonization of the respiratory tract of infants with CF has been shown to be significantly influenced by dietary exposure to breast milk, and colonization of the gut by specific assemblages of microbes appears to precede colonization of the lungs, highlighting potential interactions between nutrition, intestinal colonization and respiratory outcomes (3). Seminal studies in germ free animals highlight the importance of gut microbial colonization for immune programming in the neonatal period, ultimately affecting lifelong systemic disease risk (14, 15). The aberrant respiratory and gastrointestinal microbial colonization patterns in young children with CF (1, 4, 16) and the success of probiotics trials that have demonstrated benefits of altering the gut microbiome in an effort to ameliorate risk of respiratory compromise in CF (17, 18) both point to a knowledge gap in our understanding of the interactions between intestinal microbial colonization and CF disease progression in early life.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that microbial acquisition patterns relate to risk of CF-related complications and clinical markers of CF disease progression. Associations between intestinal microflora composition and clinical outcomes in young children with CF may ultimately help to inform nutritional and probiotic treatment strategies that ameliorate colonization with pathogens, maintain a more health-promoting microbiota, and decrease morbidity and mortality.


Institutional review board approval was obtained in April 2010 (Center for the Protection of Human Subjects at Dartmouth number 21761) with yearly renewal of approval in 2011 through 2013, and parents of subjects provided written informed consent.

Eligibility criteria included: diagnosis with CF prenatally or postnatally based upon newborn screening results and subsequent confirmation with sweat chloride and genetic testing. Subjects were eligible if their care for CF would be at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH or Manchester, NH affiliated clinics. Enrollment occurred prior to 1 month of life with follow up prospectively at routine CF clinic visits which facilitated collection of detailed clinical information as well as samples every 3 months until the maximum age of 34 months for this data analysis. Enrollment and prospective collection is ongoing. Subjects were excluded if they had non-CF chromosomal anomalies.

Detailed clinical information was collected prospectively and included demographics, birth history, medical history at each visit both with parental interviews and medical record review, growth measurements, outcome data including information regarding outcomes of interest: CF pulmonary exacerbations (as diagnosed by an attending physician using the Akron Children’s CF exacerbation score if appropriate (19), and defined by findings including wheezing, cough lasting for more than 3 days, shortness of breath, weight loss, decrease in oxygen saturations below 95%, and treatment with antibiotics), growth failure (defined as height, weight, and HC <10th percentile or a loss of >10% in growth measurements between visits), hospitalization for any CF-related complication and onset of P. aeruginosa colonization (as identified during routine clinic oropharyngeal culture, requiring therapy with antibiotics). Clinical culture results were collected prospectively, along with medical interventions and exposures including medications, supplements, dietary and environmental histories. Detailed antibiotic exposure data were collected and used to adjust linear mixed effects models of changes in the microbiome development over time.

Oropharyngeal and stool samples were collected at regularly scheduled CF clinic visits which occurred every 3 months beginning in the first month of life for up to 3 years. Oropharyngeal swabs were collected by doubling specimen collection swabs for routine clinical surveillance oropharyngeal culture, which allowed for the collection of a research specimen simultaneously with the routine clinical specimen with minimal additional burden for participating children. Research swabs were placed in individual 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes, stored at −20°C and transported to the lab on dry ice.

Respiratory swabs were submerged in 2 mL RNAlater (Qiagen) and vortexed for one minute. Swabs were removed with sterile forceps to a clean tube where they were placed cotton side up and centrifuged for 2 minutes at 14,000 × g in order to recover fluid from the absorbent material of the swab, and any recovered fluid was combined with the rest of the sample. Swabs were discarded, and samples were frozen at −80°C until further processing. Bacterial DNA was extracted using the MoBio Powersoil bacterial DNA isolation kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Stool samples were collected by parents at home using a sterile wooden spatula and placed in a sterile collection cup in the freezer. 50 mg aliquots of stool samples were stored in sterile tubes with 1 mL RNAlater and frozen at −80°C. Thawed stool samples were dissolved in phosphate buffered saline, followed by DNA extraction as above.

DNA extracts were used to construct PCR amplicon libraries for 454 pyrosequencing targeting the V4–V6 regions of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene, performed at the Josephine Bay Paul Center and the Marine Biological Laboratory (3). Titanium amplicon sequencing initially targeted the 16S V6 hypervariable region and ultimately the V4–V6 regions. These two approaches have been assessed for their similarities and were not statistically significantly different (3), therefore the data were pooled for the analyses presented here. A mix of multiple fusion primers containing degeneracies in the 16S-specific domain designed to capture the range of diversity of rRNA sequences represented in molecular databases (20, 21) were used. Primer sequences were: 967FPP: 5′-CNACGCGAAGAACCTTANC, 967FAQ: 5′ CTAACCGANGAACCTYACC, 967FU2: 5′-CAACGCGMARAACCTTACC, 967FU3: 5′-ATACGCGARGAACCTTACC, 518F: 5′-CCAGCAGCYGCGGTAAN and 1064R: 5′-CGACRRCCATGCANCACCT.

Sampes were amplified in triplicate and no-template controls were included for each primer set. Positive PCR controls composed of a mock community DNA preparation originally developed for the Human Microbiome Project (BEI Resources) were also included. Our quality control procedures required exact matches to the barcode and to the proximal primer and eliminated any sequence that contained an ambiguous base call at any position. Distal primers were located using the EMBOSS “fuzznuc” pattern matching program. Primer sequences were trimmed from the ends of high quality reads before analysis. UChime (22) was used to remove chimeras using both the reference mode against the gold reference set (23) and the de novo mode. We aimed for ~10,000 sequencing reads per sample; the mean number of reads that passed QC was 15,847.

Taxonomic identifiers were assigned to pyrotags by using the rRNA indexing algorithm Global Assignment of Sequence Taxonomy (GAST) (24), which compares pyrotags to known rRNA genes that have already been placed in a phylogenetic framework of more than 1,000,000 nearly full-length rRNA reference sequences (RefSSU) on the SILVA database (25). The tag mapping methodology GAST for taxonomic assignments of environmental V6 pyrotags and the V4V6 or V6 reference databases are freely available through the VAMPS (Visualization and Analysis of Microbial Population Structure) website Operational taxonomical units defined at a 3% sequence difference cutoff were treated as the terminal taxonomical rank. A minority of sequences were assigned a terminal rank at the species level; therefore our analysis was focused toward comparisons at the genus level, for which there was considerably better sequence specificity (3). All sequence data has been deposited in the GenBank Sequence Read Archive under project number PRJNA170783.

Statistical analyses

Statistical analyses were aimed at examining the assemblages of bacterial genera and the temporal changes in intestinal and respiratory microbiome diversity associated with respiratory outcomes in developing infants with CF. The relative abundance of each genus in each sample was estimated by normalizing genus-specific sequencing read counts by the total number of reads for a given sample and rescaling by the mean total read count for all samples. Hierarchical clustering using the Euclidean distance metric and average linkage was used to cluster samples based on the log10 relative abundance for each bacterial taxa. In this and further analyses, the constant 0.1, which is an order of magnitude smaller than the smallest non-zero value, was added to all values prior to log transforming. Only bacterial genera present in ≥10% of samples were included in this cluster analysis.

Linear-mixed effects models were used to investigate changes in bacterial abundance over time. The use of linear-mixed effects models facilitates the examination of the linear relationship between two variables when one or more of the subjects being examined contain repeated measurements. We modeled, individually for each genus, log10 relative abundance as the response, with fixed effects terms including main effects for time (time at which the sample was collected) and whether the sample was taken before or after the first onset of each clinical outcome (CF exacerbation or P. aeruginosa colonization) as well as their interaction. Because the administration of antibiotics may have long term effects on microbiome composition (26), we included a binary fixed effects variable that indicated for each sample whether antibiotics had been administered prior to its collection. Additionally, we included a random effect for subject to account for within-subject repeated measures. Genera with relative abundance estimates of 0 in >90% of subjects were excluded from this analysis. We corrected for multiple comparisons by controlling the false discovery rate (27). This is a more powerful approach than conventional “family-wise” methods such as the conservative Bonferroni correction. For each hypothesis test we calculated a q-value, the false discovery rate analogue to the p-value and considered all variables associated with q-values under a threshold of 0.1 to be significant. For ease of interpretation, we report p-values, but highlight taxa that were significant only after multiple comparison correction in red.

Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to identify assemblages of bacterial genera in the stool and respiratory microbiomes that were associated with initial diagnoses of CF-related outcomes of interest. We applied a centered log-ratio transformation to the relative abundance estimates prior to downstream calculations in order to account for the dependence between variables inherent in compositional data (28). Because the length of follow up was variable between subjects, and because we were interested in early-life outcomes, we excluded from this analysis all samples collected after six months of age. We were concerned with microbiome composition prior to the onset of the outcomes of interest; therefore, we evaluated the bacterial genera in samples collected before the observation of the outcome in subjects who experienced the outcome within the first six months of life and all samples up to six months of age from subjects who did not. Taxon-specific means of transformed relative abundance estimates over the time points considered were computed and used to build principal components. Intestinal and respiratory microbiome samples were evaluated in separate models. Finally, the first two principal components from each analysis were used in logistic regression models to predict the presence or absence of each outcome. Concerns about over fitting precluded the use of more than two principal components in logistic regression models. Reported p-values were calculated using a χ2 test of overall model significance.

Diversity was evaluated using the Simpson diversity index (SDI) (29). For the ith sample, the SDI was recorded as 1−Di, where Di=j-1Ninij(nij-1)Ni(Ni-1) and where nij represents the abundance of the jth genus for the ith sample and Ni represents the total number of genera for the ith sample. Thus, the SDI is approximately continuously distributed between 0 and 1, with values approaching 1, signifying greater microbial diversity. For examining changes in microbial diversity over time the SDI was arcsine square-root (30) transformed to satisfy the assumption of normality.

Time-to-event analyses were performed using the time to first clinical diagnosis of each outcome of interest as end points. Preliminary analyses revealed a relationship between breastfeeding and time to pulmonary exacerbation; therefore, models examining relationships between SDI and clinical end points with adjustment for breast milk exposure were explored. SDI was examined as a time-varying covariate in time-to-event analyses. Samples collected following the first clinical diagnosis of each outcome were not considered in this analysis. Significance of relationships was determined using the log rank test.

All analyses were implemented in R ( version 3.0.


A core microbiome bridges both organ systems

The gastrointestinal and upper respiratory microbiota of thirteen subjects (with the execption of one subject who declined to provide stool samples) with CF were followed prospectively from time of CF diagnosis through 6 to 34 months of age (Table; available at, and a total of 120 samples were analyzed: 66 intestinal and 54 respiratory. Hierarchical clustering of logged relative abundance of microbial genera identified a group of bacteria exhibiting high relative abundance in both the intestinal and upper respiratory tracts and spanning the age range of the sampling. Bacteria in this core included: Veillonella, Streptococcus, Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides, genera that are identified in other studies in humans as being associated with a core microbiome (31, 32) (Figure 1). A second cluster of bacteria dominated in respiratory samples that tended to be derived from later time points; samples in this cluster were collected at a median subject age of 12 months, and subjects outside of this cluster were collected at a median age of 6 months (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Heatmap of intestinal and respiratory relative microbial abundance.

Fig. 1

Heatmap based on the hierarchical clustering solution (Euclidean distance metric and average linkage) of the intestinal (n=66) and respiratory (n=54) microbiome samples. Rows represent samples (subjects and respective time-points at which the samples were collected), columns represent genera, and the values in the heatmap represent logged relative microbial abundance, with warmer colors representing greater relative abundance. Black-white shading indicates age at which the sample was collected, with black earlier in life (near time zero) and gray to white indicating the oldest timepoints at which samples were collected (nearing 34 months). Box A: Core microbiome crossing respiratory and intestinal samples across all time points. Box B: microbes more abundantly represented in the respiratory microbiome predominately at older timepoints.

Changes in bacterial abundance over time herald the onset of clinical outcomes

Two critical outcomes impacting long-term health in CF are the onset of CF pulmonary exacerbations and onset of P. aeruginosa colonization, which can lead to chronic respiratory infections. Shifts in the abundance of individual genera preceding the onset of both CF exacerbations and P. aeruginosa colonization were observed (Figures 2 and 3; Figure 3 available at; however, after correcting for multiple comparisons, only changes observed prior to the onset of P. aeruginosa colonization were significant. In intestinal samples there was a highly significant decrease in Parabacteroides (p<0.001; Figure 2, A) before initial colonization with P. aeruginosa. In the respiratory tract we observed a corresponding significant increase in the relative abundance of Salmonella (p=0.002; Figure 2, B), an enteric genus associated with pathogenicity in humans (33). Although not significant after correction for multiple testing, we also observed decreases in both Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium in intestinal samples prior to both first CF exacerbation and initial P. aeruginosa colonization. These two taxa have been commonly associated with the intestinal microbiota in infancy and have been linked to risk for development of asthma (3436). Bacteroides has also been associated with enhanced systemic mucosal immunity (37, 38). Overall, the microbial shifts preceding initial clinical outcomes in young children with CF highlight decreases in immune-mediating bacteria in the gut, with a pathogen predominance particularly with gram negative facultative anaerobes in both organ systems.

Fig. 2. Changes in relative abundance of bacterial genera prior to initial P. aeruginosa colonization.

Fig. 2

Linear mixed effects model coefficient-based estimates of changes in logged normalized microbial abundance are plotted for each bacterial genus. Values below the line represent a decrease in abundance of the indicated bacterial genus over time and points above the line represent bacteria that increased in abundance over time (highlighted in red = significant change after correcting for multiple comparisons). (A) Changes in relative abundance of intestinal bacteria prior to P. aeruginosa colonization n=66 samples from 12 subjects. (B) Changes in relative abundance of respiratory bacteria prior to to P. aeruginosa colonization in n=54 samples from 13 subjects.

Fig. 3, online. Changes in relative abundance of intestinal and respiratory bacteria prior to first CF exacerbation.

Fig. 3, online

Linear mixed effects model coefficient-based estimates of changes in logged normalized microbial abundance are plotted for each bacterial genus. Values below the line represent a decrease in abundance of the indicated bacterial genus over time and points above the line represent bacteria that increase in abundance over time. (A) Changes in relative abundance of intestinal bacteria prior to CF exacerbation. (B) Changes in relative abundance of respiratory bacteria prior to CF exacerbation. Note that after correcting for multiple comparisons there were no significant changes observed.

Gut bacterial assemblages predict clinical outcomes in early life in CF

PCA of intestinal and respiratory samples revealed significant associations between CF exacerbation and gut microbiome composition (p=0.03) but not respiratory microbiome composition (p=0.33; Figure 4, A and B). P. aeruginosa colonization was not associated with microbiome composition according to this analysis (Figure 5; available at

Fig. 4. Comparison of subjects with and without CF exacerbation in the first six months of life according to microbiome composition using PCA.

Fig. 4

Principal components are based on average microbiome profiles over time points prior to first CF exacerbation for subjects experiencing CF exacerbation in the first 6 months of life and over the first 6 months of life for subjects without CF exacerbation in the first 6 months of life. Principal component 1 (PC1) is plotted against principal component 2 (PC2). Subjects experiencing pulmonary exacerbation in the first six months of life (filled circles) are compared with subjects not experiencing pulmonary exacerbation in the first six months of life (open circles). (A) Comprison of 12 subjects based on n=23 intestinal samples; (B) Comprison of 11 subjects based on n=19 respiratory samples.

Fig. 5, online. Comparison of subjects with and without Pseudomonas colonization status in the first six months of life according to microbiome composition using PCA.

Fig. 5, online

Principal components are based on average microbiome profiles over time points prior to first P. aeruginosa colonization for subects colonized by P. aeruginosa in the first 6 months of life and over the first 6 months of life for subjects without P. aeruginosa colonization in the first 6 months of life. Principal component 1 (PC1) is plotted against principal component 2 (PC2). Subjects experiencing P. aeruginosa colonization in the first six months of life (filled circles) are compared with subjects not experiencing P. aeruginosa colonization in the first six months of life (open circles). (A) Comparison of 12 subjects based on n=25 intestinal samples (p=0.14); (B) Comparison of 11 subjects based on n=19 respiratory samples (p=0.40).

Breast milk feeding, microbial diversity and time to clinical complications

Previous analysis of the microbiome in a subset of this cohort revealed any breast milk exposure (defined as exclusive breast milk feeding in infancy, or breast milk in addition to formula supplementation) to be an important determinant of microbial diversity in the respiratory tract (3). Analyses of the full cohort with longer follow up revealed a striking trend toward prolonged time to first CF exacerbation among subjects exposed to breast milk (p=0.06; Figure 6).

Fig. 6. Time-to-event analysis of the relationship between breast milk exposure in infancy and time to first CF exacerbation.

Fig. 6

The proportion of subjects who have not had first CF exacerbation is plotted against chronological age (in months) for 10 breast fed subjects (broken lines) and 3 exclusively formula fed subjects (solid lines). Infants with exposure to breast milk experienced overall longer times to first CF exacerbation (log rank test: p=0.06).

Therefore, we adjusted for breast milk exposure in further analyses using a time-to-event approach with microbial diversity as a time-varying covariate to analyze breastfeeding-adjusted relationships between diversity and both CF exacerbation and P. aeruginosa colonization. Though not statistically significant, we observed relationships between microbial diversity and time to first clinical complication. Namely, subjects with increased microbial diversity in their intestinal tracts tended to experience longer time to both CF exacerbation (p=0.12) and P. aeruginosa colonization (p=0.62; Figure 7, A and B available at Interestingly, in the respiratory microbiota, the reverse pattern was found: higher microbial diversity in the respiratory tract was non-significantly associated with the shortest time to clinical outcomes (p=0.20 and 0.85; Figure 7, C and D).

Fig. 7, online. Time-to-event analysis of the relationship between intestinal or respiratory microbial diversity (assessed using Simpson’s diversity index; SDI) and time to CF related outcome, adjusted for breast milk exposure.

Fig. 7, online

(A) Proportion of subjects without CF exacerbation versus age at varying levels of intestinal SDI. Models are based on 46 stool samples collected from 12 subjects prior to their first CF exacerbation. Log rank test p=0.12; (B) Proportion of subjects without P. aeruginosa colonization versus age at varying levels of intestinal SDI. Models are based on 59 stool samples collected from 12 subjects prior to their first P. aeruginosa colonization Log rank test p=0.62; (C) Proportion of subjects without CF exacerbation versus age at varying levels of respiratory SDI. Models are estimated based on 37 oropharyngeal samples collected from 13 subjects prior to their first CF exacerbation. Log rank test p=0.20; (D) Proportion of subjects without P. aeruginosa colonization versus age at varying levels of respiratory SDI. Models are estimated based on 49 oropharyngeal samples collected from 13 subjects prior to their first P. aeruginosa colonization. Log rank test p=0.85.


We have described in detail the developing microbiome in CF, and identified important relationships between exposure to breast milk, gut microbiome composition and diversity, and respiratory health. We found that a core microbiota bridges both organ systems that persists from birth to as long as 34 months. The core is populated by common human microbial taxa that have been identified in other culture-dependent studies of patients with CF (39), as well as in a culture-independent, earlier evaluation of our cohort (3). Many of the organisms identified throughout the repeat sampling in both organ systems are anaerobes, which are expected in infants’ intestines after the initial colonization with facultative anaerobes (40, 41), and in the CF lung, where anaerobic bacteria predominate (39, 42, 43). A cross-sectional analysis of individuals from infancy throughout adulthood on 3 continents revealed the greatest inter-individual variability in the gut microbiota occurs in the first 3 years, after which time subjects had similarity to others in terms of microbial patterns (12). This variability is attributable to the fact that infants have a nearly sterile gut at birth, and are acquiring bacteria in the first weeks and months of life from environmental exposures including delivery mode, diet, medications, and their caregivers (11, 13, 44, 45). The variability of the microbial patterns in early life and its relationship to exposures, many of which are alterable, highlights opportunities for intervention, both nutritional and with medications.

Our study is limited by the small size of the cohort, however we were able to lay the groundwork for larger studies to better characterize the developing microbiome in infants and young children with CF and the interrelationship between the gut and respiratory tract in systemic disease progression. The use of oropharyngeal sampling to investigate microbial patterns in the upper respiratory tract in CF affords safe, non-invasive means of sampling microbes in non-sputum producing infants and young children, and is utilized as a standard practice in clinical care in CF to identify lung pathogens commonly found in disease progression in CF (16, 46). Studies evaluating the relationship between upper and lower respiratory sampling show a range of correlation but reveal the high sensitivity, specifity and negative predictive value of oropharyngeal sampling (4648) The field of respiratory microbiome investigation is new, and links between diversity and health outcomes, or core microbial communities and disease, akin to the gut microbiome, are preliminary. One study identified a possible core airway microbiome in healthy adults which included Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Prevotella, Fusobacterium, Veillonella, Porphyromonas and Haemophilus (49) with slight variation in another cohort (50). We identified a respiratory core that persisted as long as 34 months, dominated by Streptococcus and Veillonella.

Of particular interest in our findings is the relationship between dietary exposures, particularly breast milk, and respiratory outcomes. We discovered that even after adjusting for exposure to breast milk, increased diversity of the gut microbiota is associated with prolonged periods of health, with delays in the time to initial P. aeruginosa colonization and first CF exacerbation. In many studies, increased diversity in the gut microbiome is associated with health, and a multitude of diseases have been associated with decreased diversity in disorders ranging from inflammatory bowel disease to obesity (51), and more recently with systemic diseases including respiratory disease such as asthma, COPD and CF (52, 53), linking the hygiene hypothesis and aberrations in the gut microbiota to immune-mediated systemic disease (54, 55). In respiratory samples, we observed a pattern of decreased diversity associated with prolonged time to CF exacerbation and P. aeruginosa colonization. This finding is despite our previous observation in the same cohort that both the intestinal and respiratory tracts exhibit comparable rates of increase in microbial diversity over time (3). In older populations of subjects with CF, decreased microbial diversity in the respiratory tract is associated with increased illness severity, however these findings are confounded by the relationship between increasing age and worsening lung function and infection in CF, as well as chronic antibiotic exposure (4, 56, 57).

Although we observed intriguing relationships between microbial diversity and the timing of respiratory complications, in our cohort these were not significant; however, were were able to identify specific groups of bacteria in the respiratory tract and the gut that predict the onset of respiratory complications, implicating, perhaps, a role for specific microbial taxa in CF disease progression. Even though it should be noted that there exists the potential for critical shifts in the abundance of certain rare bacterial genera that this analysis was underpowered to detect, our findings highlight a potential role for fluctuations in gut microbiota in immune development and respiratory health and point to opportunities for further larger studies and interventions in this population with dietary, altered antibiotic or probiotic regimens. We found an increase in the respiratory tract of Salmonella, a common human enteric pathogen (33), prior to onset of P. aeruginosa colonization. In the intestinal samples, we observed a highly significant decline in the abundance of Parabacteroides prior to initial P. aeruginosa colonization. Although not significant, we also observed decreases of two important gut colonizers, Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium, in stool samples prior to first CF exacerbation and initial P. aeruginosa colonization. Parabacteroides was in the past grouped with Bacteroides, and they are related organisms (59). Bacteroides is an early colonizer in neonatal life, and is associated with risk for development of asthma (3436) as well as increased systemic mucosal immunity (37, 38). Bifidobacterium has been shown previously to be depleted in the intestinal tracts of CF subjects relative to their healthy siblings (53). Bifidobacterium is a dominant taxon in healthy, breast fed infants, and is reliant upon breast milk oligosaccharides and glycosylated proteins for the production of short chain fatty acids that protect against colonization with pathogens (60) and infection with pathogenic enteral bacteria including Escherichia coli (61). Thus, it may be that the decrease in these bacteria prior to first CF exacerbation in our cohort is related to systemic immune-mediated changes in gut flora composition or metabolic products promoting the health of commensals, or inhibiting growth of pathogens.

Analyses of associations between bacterial communities and clinical complications in our cohort revealed statistically significant patterns in the gut microbiome relating to the onset of a pulmonary exacerbation in the first six months of life, whereas respiratory outcomes appear to be driven less by respiratory microbiome. The pulmonary immune response is thought to relate to commensal gut bacteria through mechanisms such as direct recognition of commensals in the airways by immune cells, microbial metabolites that are distributed systemically, and cell-mediated immune programming (52).

Our findings relating breast milk diet to respiratory outcomes, intestinal tract microbial diversity to prolonged periods of health, and bacterial communities colonizing the gut prior to respiratory complications in CF highlight a connection between the gut microbiome and systemic health. The neonatal period is a time of rapid acquisition of microbes in the gut, and in breast fed infants these microbes are initially facultative anaerobes, followed by anaerobes, including Bifidobacteria, whose growth is promoted by oligosaccharides in breast milk (11, 40, 44, 62). Competent evolution of the innate and adaptive immune system, beginning in infancy, has evolved to require interactions with the gut microbiome (6369), and alterations in the gut microbiome are associated with increased risk of allergy/atopy, asthma, and obesity (7073). The gut microbiota in CF has been demonstrated to be altered and less diverse with a paucity of health promoting bacteria, in murine models (74) and in humans (75, 76), even in the absence of antibiotic exposure. Several animal models have identified benefits of enteral probiotics and improvements in respiratory disease (7779), and small randomized controlled trials of enteral probiotics, including Lactobacillus GG, have shown respiratory benefit in older children and young adults with CF (17, 18). Our findings suggest that the gut microbiome in CF in early life is a determinant of respiratory and systemic disease progression, affording opportunities to investigate nutritional and probiotic interventions to prolong a healthy microbiota and prevent morbidity in this important disease.

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of study subjects

Clincal variable Mean (SD) N (%)
Ever breast fed 10 (77)
Ever given antibiotics 12 (92)
Age first antibiotics (months) 9.0 (4.6)
Ever colonized with P. aeruginosa 6 (46)
Age first P. aeruginosa colonization (months) 9.6 (6.7)
Ever had CF exacerbation 9 (69)
Age first CF exacerbation (months) 8.8 (3.9)

SD: standard deviation


Supported by the CF Foundation and the Harry Shwachman Career Development Award, The Joshua Burnett Career Development Award through the Hitchcock Foundation, the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Department of Pediatrics (to J.M.), the Neukom Institute (to G.O. and J.M.), the CF Foundation Research Development Program (STANTO07R0 [to G.O.]) the National Institutes of Health (K01LM011985 [to A.H.], R01AI59694 [J.M.], R37AI83256-06 [G.O.], 4UH3DK083993 [M.S. and H.M.], K24AT003683 [to P.H.], P20GM104410 [to A.H., M.K., J.M.], P01ES022832 [to M.K.]), and EPA (RD-83459901 [to M.K.]).

We are deeply grateful to the children and families that made this study possible. We would also like to acknowledge the efforts of the nurses and staff in the Dartmouth-Hitchcock pulmonology clinics, as well as the pulmonology research nurses, including Lynn Feenan and Dana B. Dorman. We thank Tom Caldwell, MD, for database creation and management and Thomas Hampton for helpful discussions. We gratefully acknowledge the Dartmouth Translational Research Core, supported by the National Center for Research Resources (P20RR018787) and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P20GM103413), for collecting and processing clinical samples.


Portions of the study were presented as an abstract at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 17–19, 2013.

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