To identify statistical methods for harmonization which could be used in the context of summary data and individual participant data meta-analysis of cognitive measures.
Study Design and Setting
Environmental scan methods were used to conduct two reviews to identify: 1) studies that quantitatively combined data on cognition, and 2) general literature on statistical methods for data harmonization. Search results were rapidly screened to identify articles of relevance.
All 33 meta-analyses combining cognition measures either restricted their analyses to a subset of studies using a common measure or combined standardized effect sizes across studies; none reported their harmonization steps prior to producing summary effects. In the second scan, three general classes of statistical harmonization models were identified: 1) standardization methods, 2) latent variable models, and 3) multiple imputation models; few publications compared methods.
Although it is an implicit part of conducting a meta-analysis or pooled analysis, the methods used to assess inferential equivalence of complex constructs are rarely reported or discussed. Progress in this area will be supported by guidelines for the conduct and reporting of the data harmonization and integration and by evaluating and developing statistical approaches to harmonization.
Keywords: harmonization, meta-analysis, cognition, individual participant data, data pooling
Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis and pooled analysis, in which the original “raw” participant data from each study are brought together at a central location, have become increasingly popular methods to combine data from randomized controlled trials (RCT), as well as from observational studies [1–3]. IPD meta-analyses increase the power to detect differential treatment effects across individuals in an RCT and allow for adjustment of confounding factors in the meta-analysis of observational studies. The main advantage of IPD meta-analysis is that researchers can assess the influence of participant-level covariates on all collected outcomes and measured time points of interest, not all of which are reported in the literature [1]. IPD meta-analysis is particularly relevant to comparative effectiveness reviews (CERs) when conducting sub-group analyses and when combining evidence from RCTs and observational studies examining benefits, harms, adherence, or persistence [4]. Although IPD meta-analyses are relatively rare compared to aggregate data meta-analysis, there is an unprecedented amount of biological and phenotype data available to clinical, health, and social science researchers.[5] To maximize the utility of publicly-funded projects and increase the speed of scientific discovery there has been a worldwide push to leverage multiple data sources to explore important research questions.[6] However, combining IPD is scientifically and technically challenging as well as time consuming and costly to conduct [7].
Integration of IPD requires the generation of compatible (or harmonized) datasets across studies. Retrospective harmonization, the procedures aimed at achieving the comparability of previously collected data [8], is a fundamental step in conducting a scientifically rigorous meta-analysis. It is well recognized in conducting meta-analyses, one should limit integration to studies using clinically and methodologically compatible designs and methods. Researchers often use PICO (Patient problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) to form specific research questions and facilitate targeted literature searches [9], but there are currently no standard guidelines proposed by systematic review organizations to determine whether or not data are similar enough to combine.
The similarity of data can be compromised on a number of levels, and even when the same measures are used, large operational differences can be found [10]. When considering combining data sets from across the world, these differences can be magnified. Regardless of whether the same measure has been used, differences are inevitably introduced due to language, culture, and method of administration. Furthermore, sampling strategies can be strikingly different in that results from different studies may reflect different segments of the population. Thus the process of harmonization is essential and those undertaking systematic reviews must take these issues noted above into account prior to deriving common variables with the goal of creating an overall estimate of effect for a given intervention or exposure.
Harmonization of IPD is an iterative process composed of a series of steps that need to be undertaken and documented to ensure validity, reproducibility, and transparency of the harmonization process. The main steps to harmonization include: 1) defining the research question and selecting eligible studies, 2) evaluating the potential for harmonization, 3) processing study-specific data under a common format to generate the harmonized dataset, and 4) evaluating the success of the harmonization process [11].
Harmonizing variables into a common set of similar measures is often constructed with an “algorithmic” processing step [12]. For instance, the generation of compatible or inferentially equivalent information across studies can involve creating simple study-specific cut-points for a variable such as age, or by combining different response categories across studies to make them compatible. Algorithmic processing is straight forward and easy to implement when categories are sufficiently comparable, which may explain why the algorithms are typically never reported. There are occasions, however, when researchers would like to combine the results of constructs that are measured on different scales. For these scales it is less obvious how to equate one level on one scale to another level on another scale, which makes an algorithmic approach less appealing and particularly challenging. Cognitive ability is an example of such a complex construct.
Cognition is a complex process involving a large number of separate yet inter-related components. Cognition can be classified into different structures. The most psychometrically validated structure is the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory which identifies 10 broad stratum abilities comprising over 70 narrow abilities [13]. Evidence from a broad range of research provides support that different cognitive abilities have different construct validities (i.e., exhibit differential age-change functions; sensitivity to neurodegenerative disorders). There are no agreed upon pure measures of these cognitive components and many measures of cognition reported in primary studies may assess somewhat different underlying constructs or use tests that differ in their psychometric properties, creating a substantial challenge for those conducting systematic reviews.
The difficulty in combining cognitive measures is underscored in a systematic review of pharmacological treatment of dementia conducted by Raina, et al.[14] As the included studies used a wide variety of cognitive function measures as outcomes, the authors had to determine which measures could be statistically combined without any methodological guidance. In this report 20 different “general” scales were identified and only the most commonly reported MMSE[15] and the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale,[16] were included in quantitative meta-analyses, therefore resulting in a loss of information.
To identify the landscape of methods currently being used to combine cognitive data in meta-analyses specifically, and to pool complex constructs across databases in general, we conducted two environmental scans. In an environmental scan the research question is not narrow, the search terms are quite broad, and single reviewers are involved in both consideration of eligibility of articles and in data extraction. In addition, the articles are not reviewed for methodological quality in the usual sense of a systematic review, but methodological properties of the methods used are scrutinized. The scope is different from a full systematic review [17].
The purpose of our first scan was to identify what methods were used to quantitatively combine cognitive data in systematic reviews. Of particular interest was whether or not the cognitive measures combined in the meta-analysis differed across studies. Thus we could assess the current methods used by researchers to aggregate these different measures. The second, more general scan, identified statistical processing methods that have been used to create harmonized datasets for the purpose of meta-analysis or data pooling. This scan was not restricted to the harmonization of cognitive measures.
Studies that quantitatively combined cognitive measures
Search Strategy
The literature searches were conducted by a research librarian using Medline®, EMBASE®, Web of Science, and MathSciNet®. All databases were searched from January 1, 2001 to September 27, 2011. The search terms used were “cognition” and “meta-analysis”. The same search was undertaken using the Google search engine. The search results were screened to identify articles of relevance to this review. The references of relevant articles were also checked, and a search was conducted to identify more recent articles that cited the relevant articles.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Any study that quantitatively combined individual-level or aggregate-level data on cognitive measures and was published in English was eligible. Cognitive measures were defined as one or more standardized neuropsychological assessments (i.e., measuring global function, executive function, psychomotor speed, attention, memory, or intelligence).
Review Process
A single rater with training in epidemiology and psychology reviewed the titles and abstracts of all articles to identify which articles. The full-text was retrieved and reviewed for each article that passed the title and abstract screening. Study-level characteristics were extracted by one reviewer. These included: 1) populations, study design, and number of studies included in the meta-analysis, 2) intervention of interest (if appropriate), 3) inclusion criteria, 4) types of cognitive measures and domains measured, and 5) meta-analytic methods.
Studies using or describing statistical processing methods for harmonization
Search Strategy
A similar search strategy, using the same databases and years was used to identify literature describing statistical processing methods for harmonization. Identifying this literature, however, is challenging as there are no standard keywords or mesh terms used in bibliographic databases. The search terms were reviewed by a technical expert panel (TEP) comprised of experts in harmonization, meta-analysis, and neuropsychological research. The final search terms included: “individual patient data,” OR “IPD,” OR “pooling,” OR “multiple imputation,” OR “data harmonization,” OR “meta-analysis methods.” A similar search was performed using the Google search engine. The search results were screened, the references of relevant articles were checked, and a search for more recent articles that cited the articles already identified as being of interest was undertaken. These references were further supplemented by articles identified by the TEP to improve the comprehensiveness of the search.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Any study that reported statistical processing methods for the harmonization of study data was included. For the purpose of this review, harmonization was defined as “procedures aimed at achieving and improving the comparability of different surveys” [18]. This definition was adapted to include study designs other than surveys. For completeness, the search was supplemented with articles on the conduct and methodology of IPD meta-analysis, methods for evaluating equivalence (i.e., whether instruments measure the same construct or latent variable, latent trait, or factor across groups or over time), imputation methods, and examples of data harmonization.
Review Process
All identified articles underwent full text screening for relevance by at least two raters. Data extracted from the methodology articles included a description of the study population and design, statistical processing methods used, and the context in which it was used.
Studies that quantitatively combined cognitive measures
There were 121 potential meta-analyses of cognition measures identified; of these, 47 abstracts passed the first level of screening and the full text articles were retrieved. The full text screening resulted in a total of 33 articles, which are summarized in Supplemental Table 1 [19–51]. All meta-analyses used aggregate data. Most (19 or 57.6%) of the meta-analyses included observational studies [33–51]; 14 (42.4%) were restricted to RCTs [20–32]. The populations included ranged from school-aged children to adults aged 55 and older. The primary focus of the studies varied greatly, but most used the cognitive tests as an outcome associated with a putative harmful agent (e.g., mobile phone electromagnetic fields) or positive factor (e.g., being an expert athlete), or after an intervention (e.g., comparing off-pump vs. on-pump coronary artery revascularization). The cognitive measures differed across the meta-analyses. Most meta-analyses included multiple instruments that measured different aspects of cognition, such as executive function, or psychomotor speed.
All of the authors of the aggregate data meta-analyses either restricted their analyses to a subset of studies utilizing a common cognitive measure or combined effect sizes across studies using different measures of cognition. In all cases, the cognitive measures were treated as continuous outcomes. The most common method of analysis was to combine standardized mean differences across studies. When the measures of cognition were consistent across studies or were comparable tests with a normalized scale, a weighted mean difference was used. Ten studies used meta-regression [20,22,25,31,35,36,41–43,51]; nine used a standardized effect size (e.g., Cohen's d, Hedges' g) as the dependent variable; [20,22,25,31,35,36,41,43,51] and one used a weighted mean difference of normalized comparable tests [42].
Studies using or describing statistical processing methods for harmonization
The scan of statistical methods used for harmonization resulted in 63 unique articles. Of the 63 articles, 53 (84.1%) met the inclusion criteria [2,3,8,18,52–100]. The 10 excluded articles are listed in online Appendix A. Seven of the 53 articles (13.2%) described the methods used for statistical harmonization [54,59,71,73,83,84,98] (Table 1). Ten articles (18.9 %) focused on the conduct of IPD meta-analysis [2,3,60,64,70,76,90,92,99,100] and 6 articles (11.3%) focused on IPD meta-analysis methodology [8,18,57,74,77,79]. Six articles (11.3%) reviewed imputation methods and the appropriateness of their use [58,66,86,91,94,95] and 2 articles (3.8%) described methods for evaluating equivalence of item functioning across study subgroups [62,96]. A summary of these 24 supplemental studies is in Supplemental Table 2. Finally, 22 articles (41.5%) reported the results of 16 unique statistical harmonization analyses undertaken in different contexts [52,53,55,56,61,63,65,67–69,72,75,78,80–82,85,87–89,93,97] (Supplemental Table 3).
Table 1.
Summary articles describing statistical methods for data harmonization
Study | Method | Context | Description | Pro | Con |
Bauer, DJ 2009 [51] | Linear factor analysis (LFA) | Different psychometric methods for developing commensurate measures in the context of integrative data analysis (the simultaneous analysis of data obtained from two or more independent studies) were compared |
Two-parameter logistic (2-PL) using Item response theory (IRT) |
It is typically assumed the latent trait has a standard normal distribution |
Moderated nonlinear factor analysis (MNLFA) |
MNLFA Uses generalized factor analysis models that can incorporate binary, ordinal, continuous and count items. The key parameters of the factor model (i.e., the indicator intercepts, factor loadings, and factor mean and variance) are permitted to vary as a function of one or more exogenous variables |
| |||||
Burns, RA. 2011 [56] | Multiple Imputation | Combining MMSE scores with missing data across 9 Australian longitudinal studies of aging (Dynamic Analyses to Optimize Aging [DYNOPTA] project)
MI used imputer model in multiple imputation with chained equations (MICE). The model included: gender, years of education, study and study interactions. Created 5 imputation datasets and took the average of the 5 imputed plausible values Software: MICE add-on to STATA version 10 |
| |||||
Gorsuch, R. 1997 [68] | Extension analysis in exploratory factor analysis | In exploratory factor analysis extension analysis refers to computing the relationship among common factors to variables that were not included in the factor analysis. For example, this would be used in a situation where a factor analysis would include proven items but now new experimental items. | A factor analysis is conducted on the core variables. The correlations between the core variables and the extension variables to estimate the factor pattern of the extension variables with the factors derived from the core variables. |
| |||||
McArdle, JJ. 2009 [80] | IRT combined with latent growth/decline curve modeling | This method was applied to longitudinal data from different cognitive test batteries to examine how to best model changes in cognitive constructs over a life span. The data come from 3 studies on intellectual abilities (Berkeley Growth Study (BGS), Guidance–Control Study (GCS), and Bradway–McArdle Longitudinal (BML) Study). The cognitive constructs measured were vocabulary and memory using 8 different intelligence test batteries. Although the tests were common items among the tests, different tests were between studies and over time within studies. | The authors consider several techniques for linkage across measurement scales and across multiple groups and fit a unidimensional Rasch model to item responses and a latent curve model together with changing latent scores over age and groups. The latent growth/decline curve model had a separate within-time measurement equation and over-time functional change equation. Because some items used in these analyses have graded outcome scores (i.e., 0, 1, or 2), a partial credit model was used for the IRT model. The parameters of both IRT and latent curve models were simultaneously estimated based on a joint model likelihood approach |
Minicuci, N. 2003 [81] | Multiple methods including recategorization and z-score transformations | Constructed a harmonized measures using data from six countries [Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Israel] contributing data to the Comparison of Longitudinal European Studies on Aging (CLESA) Study. The first goal of the study was to create a common data base (CDB) with a framework to include behavioral, social, psychological, and health status measures. A common measure was created if at least 3 countries had measured the construct of interest. | Harmonization guidelines were developed for each type of variable. When harmonization was deemed appropriate, the most common methods for harmonization were to recategorize variables into a common set of response option and to create a common scale, e.g., 0–1, by dividing a continuous score by its maximum score Another related method of conversion is to create z-scores for each construct by subtracting the overall mean and dividing the raw score by the standard deviation. |
| |||||
Gross, A.L. 2012 [70] | Mean, linear, and percentile transformations | Constructed mean, linear and percentile equating using data from two large-scale, multi-site cohorts: the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) and the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). ACTIVE is a longitudinal randomized trial of cognitive training in cognitively intact, community dwelling adults age 65 and older ADNI was a five-year observational cohort study of Alzheimer's disease (AD), with the primary goal of assessing the extent to which serial magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, other biological markers, and cognitive tests can be used to predict progression to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD | Used a two stage approach. In the first stage, an equating sample was selected from which to collect necessary characteristics of test distributions and derive the equating algorithm. In the second stage, equating algorithms were applied to the full study sample in a way that preserved attrition, aging, cohort, and group differences but eliminated form differences. Equated scores were then compared visually using plots of mean recall over time and cumulative probability plots and statistically using tests of equivalence of means in reference groups as well as estimates of within-person change using latent growth models. |
| |||||
van Buuren, S. 2005 [95] | Response conversion (RC) | This method was applied to binary and original data measuring walking disability measured across 10 European countries. | RC is a two-step method. The first step is to construct a conversion key using a statistical model (e.g., polytomous Rasch model). This step models the relationship between the common scale and the measured items. The second step uses a conversion key to convert information onto a common scale |
Abbreviations: 2PL-IRT = two-parameter logistic using item response theory; BGS = Berkeley Growth Study; BML = Bradley-McArdle Intelligence Scale; CDB = common database; CLESA = Comparison of Longitudinal European Studies on Aging; DYNOPTA = Dynamic Analyses to Optimizing Ageing; GCS = Guidance-Control Study; IRT = item response theory; LFA = linear factor analysis; MI = multiple imputation; MICE = multiple imputation with chained equations; MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination; MNLFA = moderated nonlinear factor analysis; RC = response conversion; SB = Stanford-Binet; WAIS (-R) = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Revised); WB = Wechsler-Bellevue; WJ = Woodcock Johnson Psycho Educational Battery-Revised
Three general classes of statistical methods were identified in this scan. A summary of the assumptions and the application of this type of model are described in Table 2. One class used a simple linear- or z-transformation to create a common metric for combining constructs measured using different scales across datasets. An example of this class is in the Comparison of Longitudinal European Studies on Aging. When harmonization was deemed appropriate, some constructs were converted to a 0 to 1 scale by dividing a continuous score by its maximum score.
Table 2.
Assumptions for the different classes of statistical harmonization methods
Method | Assumptions | How can it be applied |
Standardization Methods 6 studies used this class of methods, e.g., Minicuci, N. 2003 [81] |
| ||
Item Response Theory Latent Variable Model 15 studies used this class of methods, e.g., Van Buuren, S. 2005; [95] Bauer, DJ. 2009; [51] McArdle, J. 2009 [80] |
If repeated measures:
| ||
Missing data by design with multiple imputation 3 studies used this class of methods, e.g., Burns, RA. 2011 [56] |
Abbreviations: IRT = item response theory; MAR = missing at random
A second class of methods posits that a latent factor(s) underlies a set of measured items that can be modeled using linear factor analysis (if the items are continuous), two parameter logistic item response theory (if the items are binary), a polytomous Rasch model (if the items are ordinal), or moderated nonlinear factor analysis (MNFA) if there is a mix of binary, ordinal, and/or continuous items [51,68,95].. In each case, the first step is to construct a “conversion key” using one of the statistical models described above. This step models the relationship between the latent construct and the measured items. The second step uses the conversion key to convert the information onto a common scale. Measurement equivalence must then be assessed across samples [96].
The final class of methods, multiple imputation, is described by Burns, et al. [59]. The authors were interested in combining Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores with missing data across nine Australian longitudinal studies of aging. The MMSE score comprises 11 items, and the proportion of missing at least one MMSE item varied greatly by study and by wave of data collection. Furthermore, the data missingness was related to demographic characteristics, especially age and education. Burnsused a multiple imputation model with chained equations to impute missing MMSE item scores.
Supplemental Table 3 presents a summary of 22 publications from 16 data harmonization projects. Harmonization was often done by standardizing response options and determining whether questions were comparable across cohorts. For example, Minicuci, et al. [85] compared disability-free life expectancy using survey data collected in three populations. The authors used data on five questions assessing activities of daily living (ADL) that were common to all surveys. The response options for these questions were dichotomized to create a common scale. Pluijm, et al. [87] similarly combined ADL data across six countries. There was overlap in the ADL items among the four items from the Katz ADL index; all four items were present in four of the six country surveys. In countries where the two items were not measured, the data for these were extrapolated from other “comparable” ADL items. Hot deck methods were used to impute values when one of the items was missing due to nonresponse.
Bath, et al. [53] harmonized cognitive data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) and the Nottingham Longitudinal Study on Activity and Ageing (NLSAA) by dividing each scale (Mini Mental State Exam and the Clifton Assessment Procedures for the Elderly by the maximum score for each instrument, MMSE/30 and CAPE/12, and combined them across studies.
Many of the studies used item response theory-based latent construct methods for analysis. van Buuren, et al. [97] used response conversion to create combinable international disability information, while Crane, et al. [61] used item response theory to co-calibrate cognitive scales. Both Curran, et al. [63] and Grimm, et al. [72] combined item response theory and growth curve models. Curran fit these models to data of developmental internalizing symptomatology, and Grimm examined the association between early behavioral and cognitive skills and later achievement. McArdle, et al. [82] used linear structural equation modeling with incomplete data to analyze repeated measures twin data to genetic and non-genetic factors associated with intellectual growth and change.
Schenker, et al. [89] combined clinical examination data with self-reported survey data from theNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The National Health Interview Survey was larger and obtained a rich set of variables for use in multivariate analyses, but the study relied on self-report questions for the information on health conditions. Multiple imputation was used to properly reflect the sources of variability in subsequent analyses.
The Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration [69] combined data from 31 cohort studies using a two-stage approach. In the first stage partially and, where possible, fully adjusted estimates were obtained from each study, together with their standard errors. This method uses an imputation-type approach to address the issue of when studies included in an IPD meta-analysis include some, but not all, important confounding variables. . In the second stage, the study-specific estimates were combined.
The environmental scan of aggregate data meta-analyses including cognitive measures revealed that all authors either restricted their analyses to a subset of common cognitive measures, or combined standardized effect sizes across studies. Although many of the meta-analyses reported study-specific information about the study populations, interventions, and cognitive outcomes, none reported formally exploring whether or not the cognitive measures should be combined or explicitly stated their harmonization steps prior to producing summary effects.
The environmental scan of statistical harmonization methods identified three general classes of methods. The first class uses a simple linear- or z-transformation to standardize the scale of measures to combine them across datasets. The second class of methods posits that there is a latent factor(s) that underlies a set of measured items that can be modeled, while the third class of methods was an “incomplete data” approach in which multiple imputation procedures or maximum likelihood estimation could be used to impute values for missing items. These items are then used to calculate a common scale that could be combined across studies, but imputation was typically not applied to items or scales that were missing by design, i.e., the items or scales were not intended to be part of the study.
Each method has strengths and weaknesses. The class of models that uses standardization methods has the most stringent assumptions (Table 2) which may not be appropriate when combining complex cognitive measures [101]. Dividing the scale by the maximum level transforms the scale to the same unit interval, but has essentially not changed the nature of the scales. The researchers must assume that the distribution of the standardized scale is mean and variance invariant. This means that it is assumed that the standardized scale is close to a normal distribution, in which only the mean and variance are important to investigate across studies. With scales for cognition though, ceiling effects may be present. When population characteristics change across studies, one study may demonstrate many more ceiling effects than other studies. When the scales have good item coverage at the boundaries (no or very little ceiling effects), standardization could be appropriate for harmonization. Of the latent construct approaches, the MNFA method proposed by Bauer is the most generalizable as it can accommodate different types of item data—binary, ordinal, or continuous—within a single model [54]. All of these approaches require that items can be “chained” together among studies, such that each study must have at least some items that overlap with another study. These bridge variables help standardize the latent variable across studies. The methods do assume that all the items give information about the same latent construct. This requires the same form of invariance that is implicitly used in standardizing scale, but this invariance is applied to the latent construct, which is more realistic than on the scale itself. Another potential limitation is that the methods require independent data within studies and the problems become much more complex for repeated measures in a longitudinal study. The authors using these methods tended to randomly choose one observation per person. Finally, latent variable models are much more complex to implement, in particular the general methods of MNFA, and may require sophisticated software or programming to be able to harmonize the scales. The latent construct approaches, are potentially the most promising and most general, because they try to capture the true information behind the observed measures, which is typically the goal of harmonization.
The final class of methods, based on multiple imputation[59], was used least frequently in the literature. The initial goal of multiple imputation is to provide valid estimates from incomplete data, which reflect the structure in the data, as well as the uncertainty about this structure. This type of model allows one to incorporate the factors that are related to missingness (e.g., demographic factors) in the imputation scheme. Additionally, missing items can also be imputed to complement studies. Then each study would contain the same set of variables and studies can be harmonized either through the use of algorithms or through statistical processing like latent class models. This method requires that at least partly the same measures were included across studies, and that relationships between the variables that are used for imputation are consistent across studies. General issues around methods of imputation are reviewed by Peyre, et al. [86] and Spratt, et al. [94]. One philosophical discussion is whether variables that were missing by design can be imputed as well. Multiple imputation methods make use of the probability of being missing to generate or predict the missing values, but this probability is typically equal to one for variables that were missing by design. If this approach is considered appropriate it would also open a discussion on generating results in clinical trials for treatments that were not administered in the trial at all. For meta-analysis of mixed treatment comparisons “bridge treatments” could then play the role of bridge items.
In general, there was little focus in the literature on methods used to determine the inferential equivalence of variables prior to data integration through statistical processing. These harmonization steps may have, in fact, been conducted, but not reported. Granda, et al. [18] describe general approaches to harmonization and issues around determining cultural equivalence as a component of inferential equivalence. For example, Pluijm et al. [87] describe harmonizing measures of activities of daily living in older people across six countries. For some specific activities, questions used to collect data were similar, but there were cultural differences in meaning attached to the performance of the activities. For example, in Southern European countries older people receive help for cutting their toenails even if they do not have any difficulty in completing the task. The implication is that even when variables are standardized by such efforts as the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) Initiative [102], careful evaluation of the harmonization potential is required before processing data [103].
The environmental scans underscore the need for guidance on how to achieve harmonization and for the formal documentation of the harmonization process and the resulting methods used for statistical processing of complex constructs. Although it is an implicit part of conducting a meta-analysis or combined analysis, the methods used to assess inferential equivalence of complex constructs are rarely reported. In fact, the systematic review was complicated by the lack of standard search terms included in bibliographic databases around the harmonization process. The process of harmonization is essential and systematic reviewers must take these issues into account prior to deriving common variables that can be combined to create valid estimates of effect of a given intervention or exposure. Progress in this area will be supported by guidelines for the conduct and reporting of the data harmonization and integration to ensure the transparency and rigor of methods that will ultimately produce valid and reproducible harmonization results. Proposed recommendations for the conduct of harmonization for researchers undertaking IPD meta-analyses or data pooling and systematic review organizations are presented in figure 1.
Figure 1.
Proposed harmonization recommendations for researchers and systematic review organization conducting IPD meta-analyses and data pooling
Transparency in reporting harmonization methods, however, is just a first step. Methodological work is required to guide the choice of the most appropriate statistical processing approaches to integrate data from complex constructs in different contexts. It is clear that each method of statistical processing has specific assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. The appropriateness of the method used will be guided by the form of the complex construct being harmonized. With the increase in IPD meta-analyses and push for pooled analyses across cohorts, the issue of harmonization and statistical processing of complex constructs will become increasingly important. Choosing the wrong approach or incorrectly specifying the model used to create derived variables might lead to bias or underestimate or overestimate within study variability, thus further methodologic work is required to understand the consequences of these choices to help guide researchers.
Supplementary Material
What is new?
Clinicians, patients and policymakers would benefit from making optimal use of all available research data, contingent on quality, to better understand disease processes and provide their best estimate of the impact of interventions.
Combining data from measurements of complex constructs, such as cognition, requires a rigorous approach as well as specialized methods of harmonization.
Although several meta-analyses combining cognitive measures have been published, none explicitly described their methods of harmonization.
Our literature scan identifies several statistical approaches to processing harmonized data used in the context of meta-analysis and data pooling, but few studies compared methods.
Progress in this area will be supported by guidelines for the conduct and reporting of the data harmonization and integration process, and by evaluating and developing statistical approaches to harmonization.
This manuscript is based on the methods research report Harmonization of Cognitive Measures in Individual Participant Data and Aggregate Data Meta-Analysis, funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, United States Department of Health and Human Services under Contract No. 290 2007 10060 I. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the review. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Lauren Griffith is supported by a CIHR New Investigators Award. Parminder Raina holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Geroscience and the Raymond and Margaret Labarge Chair in Research and Knowledge Application for Optimal Aging. Scott Hofer was supported by the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health under Award Number P01AG043362.
The authors declare no financial conflicts of interest
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