Figure 3. Snail negatively regulates DAB2IP expression.
A. Luciferase activity of DAB2IP promoter after transfection of Snail plasmid in HEK293A, SW480 and HCT116 cells. B. ChIP assay in HEK293A, SW480 and HCT116 cells transfected with a vector expressing Snail. PCR was performed with primers specific for two binding sites (CHIP1 and CHIP2) within DAB2IP promoter. C. Effects of ectopic EZH2, EHZ2ΔSET and EZH2 with TSA treatment on the expressions of DAB2IP, H3 and H3K27me3 in SW480 cells by Western blotting. D. The physical interactions between HDAC1/2 and EZH2, HDAC1/2 and Snail in SW480 cells examined by co-IP. E. Expressions of EZH2, Snail and DAB2IP in EZH2-overexpressing, Snail-KD or EZH2-overexpressing/Snail-KD cells by Western blotting. F. Effect of Snail KD on luciferase activity of DAB2IP after transfection of EZH2 plasmid in SW480 cells.