Coevolution is often invoked as an engine of biological diversity. Avian brood parasites and their hosts provide one of the best-known examples of coevolution. Brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species, selecting for host defences and reciprocal counteradaptations in parasites. In theory, this arms race should promote increased rates of speciation and phenotypic evolution. Here, we use recently developed methods to test whether the three largest avian brood parasitic lineages show changes in rates of phenotypic diversity and speciation relative to non-parasitic lineages. Our results challenge the accepted paradigm, and show that there is little consistent evidence that lineages of brood parasites have higher speciation or extinction rates than non-parasitic species. However, we provide the first evidence that the evolution of brood parasitic behaviour may affect rates of evolution in morphological traits associated with parasitism. Specifically, egg size and the colour and pattern of plumage have evolved up to nine times faster in parasitic than in non-parasitic cuckoos. Moreover, cuckoo clades of parasitic species that are sympatric (and share similar host genera) exhibit higher rates of phenotypic evolution. This supports the idea that competition for hosts may be linked to the high phenotypic diversity found in parasitic cuckoos.
Keywords: coevolution, diversification, phenotypic rates, brood parasitism, speciation
1. Introduction
Coevolution has long been thought to be instrumental in the evolution of phenotypic and species diversity. In their highly influential review, Ehrlich & Raven [1, p. 606] stated that ‘The importance of reciprocal selective responses between ecologically closely linked organisms has been vastly underrated in considerations of the origins of organic diversity’. However, not all coevolutionary interactions are expected to lead to diversification [2]. For instance, it has been suggested that mutualistic interactions can actually hinder diversity, whereas host–parasite interactions, specifically brood parasitism, should promote diversification [2].
Here, we capitalize on new techniques for quantifying rates of speciation and phenotypic evolution [3] to test this prediction using one of the best-known coevolutionary systems, the interactions between avian brood parasites and their hosts. Avian interspecific brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species, which eventually take care of the parasitic chick [4]. This interaction is so costly to the hosts that it has led to the evolution of defences such as mobbing of brood parasites [5] and discrimination and rejection of parasitic eggs and chicks [6,7]. Defences in hosts have, in turn, selected for counteradaptations in brood parasites, and many brood parasite species have evolved eggs or chicks that mimic the morphology of their hosts [8,9]. These tightly coupled interactions give rise to a rapidly evolving arms race, where changes in host and parasite phenotypes can be detected in just 40 years [10].
Brood parasitism has at least seven independent origins in the avian phylogeny [4,11]. However, large lineages of avian brood parasites (more than five spp.), suitable for this type of analysis, have evolved only three times, in the subfamily Cuculinae (Old World cuckoos, 52 spp.), and in the families Indicatoridae (honeyguides, 17 spp.) and Viduidae (Vidua finches, whydahs and the cuckoo finch, 20 spp.) [12,13]. These three lineages differ in their impact on hosts. Most of the cuckoos and the honeyguides are highly virulent, because their chicks kill or outcompete the progeny of the host [14]. Vidua finches and whydahs, on the other hand, impose lower costs on their hosts, because their young can be raised alongside the host chicks [15]. Differences in virulence between parasitic lineages may have repercussions in the coevolutionary interactions with their hosts, as selection for defences against parasitism is likely to be stronger in hosts of the more virulent species, leading to more rapid evolution of defences in hosts and counteradaptations in parasites [15].
There is some evidence to suggest that coevolution between avian brood parasites and their hosts can lead to increased rates of divergence in brood parasites. Rapid genetic divergence may occur when different populations of a generalist species become more specialized on particular host species, or when they exploit, and specialize on, novel host species. For example, brood parasitic Vidua finches, Vidua spp., underwent sympatric speciation as they annexed novel host species [15]. Moreover, specialization on particular host species has led to genetic divergence within some cuckoo and honeyguide species into distinct host-specific races [16–18], and Krüger et al. [19] demonstrated that species of parasitic cuckoos had more subspecies than species of non-parasitic cuckoos. Since the appearance of these studies, novel phylogenies [20] and phylogenetic methods [3,21] have been developed.
Coevolution with hosts may also affect rates of phenotypic evolution, at least in traits that facilitate parasitism. The evolution of parasitic behaviour in cuckoos is associated with a reduction in egg size and possibly body size [22], perhaps because hosts of highly virulent brood parasites are usually much smaller than their parasite. Smaller body size is likely to be particularly adaptive in the Chrysococcyx and Chalcites cuckoos, because these genera parasitize nests with small entrances [22]. Adaptations of plumage colour and pattern have also been suggested to facilitate parasitism in cuckoos. Many cuckoos exhibit a combination of yellow legs, yellow eye ring, barred chest plumage and cryptic phenotype (e.g. no crests or conspicuous colours), which are believed to mimic the morphology of hawks, as a means of intimidating hosts [23]. Selection for mimicry of sympatric hawk species has even been shown to give rise to plumage polymorphisms within cuckoo species [24]. If the traits mentioned above are host-specific and the adaptive value varies depending on which host is exploited, then we may expect increased phenotypic diversity and a change in the rates of evolution of these specific traits in brood parasitic lineages.
In this study, we use the three largest clades of avian brood parasites (cuckoos, honeyguides and Vidua finches) to explore whether these taxa show faster rates of speciation and phenotypic evolution compared with closely related clades. Because host use can be related to diversity in coevolutionary interactions [25,26], we also test whether different measures of host diversity can explain the patterns observed. We calculate the breadth of host niche within the three lineages of parasites, which is a measure of how phylogenetically distant their hosts are from each other in the avian phylogeny. Because parasitic cuckoos are the largest and best-studied clade (e.g. with enough reliable host information), we also calculate an index of host overlap between parasitic species within seven cuckoo clades (mostly genera). This index shows whether species within a clade share the same host genera (high overlap) or parasitize different host genera (low overlap). This measure is related to the geographical overlap between species, which we also calculate.
We predict that (i) parasitic lineages with wider host breadth will have higher rates of both speciation and phenotypic diversity, given their wide host variety and (ii) host use and geographical distribution may explain the variation in rates of evolution between clades of cuckoos. Namely, in sympatric clades, where parasitic species tend to share the same host genera, parasites will be more likely to present similar adaptations and thus phenotype will evolve more slowly, in contrast to clades in which each species parasitizes different genera (low host overlap).
2. Methods
(a). Species used and traits measured
To test whether rates of evolution are more rapid in parasitic lineages than in non-parasitic lineages, we sampled species from three parasitic lineages and species from their most closely related non-parasitic clade. For parasitic cuckoos (52 spp.), we used the non-parasitic cuckoos (91 spp.) for comparison, for honeyguides (17 spp.), we used the woodpeckers (Picidae, 222 spp.) for comparison and for the Vidua finches (20 spp.), we used the Estrildid finches (140 spp.) and the African weavers (116 spp.). We used two lineages for comparison in Vidua finches, because the Estrildid finches are the most closely related group, but are also the main hosts of this family, and this could make the comparison problematic if these also show changes in rates of evolution in response to brood parasitism. For diversification rates analyses, we sampled 100% of the targeted parasitic species and from 98% to 100% of the sister species. For the phenotypic analyses, samples varied depending on available information, for colour approximately 95%, for size approximately 90% and for egg size from 48% to 82% of sister species. In this last case, we ran complementary analyses to assess the effect of incomplete sampling (electronic supplementary material, Material and methods). To assess the effect of phylogenetic uncertainty, we sampled 10 random possible phylogenetic trees from a pseudo-posterior distribution from www.birdtree.org [20] for each of the lineages where parasitism evolved independently (Cuculidae, Indicatoridae and Viduidae). We used 10 trees for each analysis based on the fact that previous studies have used three or four phylogenies [27]. Results were highly consistent across trees.
We investigated the evolution of three different morphological traits (plumage, egg size and body size). For the family Cuculidae, we obtained information on egg size and body size from published studies [24,28,29]. We also generated an index of hawk-like plumage by combining variables previously published in two different studies, specifically, presence of barring in the breast plumage, yellow eye ring, yellow legs, crest presence and presence of cryptic colours [24,28]. Additionally, we used the plates available in the Handbook of Birds of the World online [30] to quantify overall plumage coloration, using spectral measurements of museum specimens to validate our method (electronic supplementary material, Material and methods). For the analyses on honeyguides and Vidua finches, we collected information on body size from the Handbook of Birds of the World online [30], and information on egg size from the Handbook of Oology [in German] [31] and A Guide to the Nests and Eggs of Southern African Birds [32]. To quantify plumage differences in Vidua finches and honeyguides, we repeated the procedure using plates from the Handbook of Birds of the World [30] as described above.
(b). Modelling rates of evolution
To explore rates of speciation and rates of trait evolution, we used the software BAMM [3], which uses reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo to automatically detect and quantify shifts in evolutionary rates. We chose this over other methods because it does not require any a priori information on whether the species are brood parasites or not. Thus, if brood parasitism were associated with changes in rates in these lineages, then we would expect a shift in rates in the same node where brood parasitism originated or in a subsequent node; conversely, shifts detected in other nodes, or no shifts would suggest that there is no association between changes in rates and the evolution of brood parasitism, following the rationale of Weber & Agrawal [27]. To test whether speciation rates were higher in the three parasitic lineages compared with their closely related clades, we ran 30 analyses (10 per lineage) using the ‘diversification’ module. This module uses only information on branch lengths and the tree topology to automatically detect changes in rates of speciation and extinction, based on an explicit Bayes factor criterion. For the analyses on plumage, egg size and body size, we used the ‘traits’ module, and provided trait information for the tips in the phylogeny (more details in electronic supplementary material, Material and methods), and we ran each analysis on 10 different phylogenetic trees. To confirm our results on speciation and extinction rates, we used the R package diversitree [21] and the binary state speciation and extinction model (BiSSE) of Madison et al. [33]. To confirm our results on the phenotypic rates, we used the R package phytools (electronic supplementary material, Material and methods). We also used a phylogenetic generalized-least-squares (PGLS) regression using the caper package of R statistics [34] to calculate the correlation in rates of evolution between traits where shifts were detected; for this, we used the values of traits with natural logarithm transformation, following Rabosky et al. [35]. In the results, we show an example of an output from one of the 10 trees employed.
(c). Host niche breadth calculation
To estimate the average breadth of host use for each lineage of brood parasites, we used information from host species in southern Africa [36]. By using host species from just one region, and a similar number of parasitic species (cuckoos = 9 spp., Vidua finches = 9 spp. and honeyguides = 6 spp.), we avoid the need to make corrections for geographical distribution of the lineage, because parasites distributed in different continents would probably have access to a different number of host species. With this information, we calculated the average phylogenetic distance between host species for each parasitic lineage, which is a measure of the breadth of distribution of hosts in the phylogeny (electronic supplementary material, Material and methods).
(d). Host niche overlap and geographical overlap in cuckoos
To further explore whether host use could explain rate differences within parasitic cuckoos, we calculated an overlap index in use of host genera and a geographical overlap index. To do this, we divided the parasitic cuckoos into seven monophyletic groups (mostly genera; electronic supplementary material, figure S1), and calculated the degree of host overlap between species within each of the seven clades. The host overlap index tells us on average which proportion of the host genera is shared by different parasites within a clade. Higher overlap means that parasitic species tend to share more host genera. To calculate geographical overlap between each pair of species, we downloaded shape files for each species from www.birdlife.org, then we used the gIntersection function in the R package rgeos (electronic supplementary material, Material and methods). It is important to mention that both geographical ranges and host status are dynamic, and the current data are probably different from the historic distributions and hosts, which may obscure and make more difficult the detection of any pattern.
3. Results
(a). Rates of speciation and extinction
Our results from the BAMM software on speciation and extinction rates showed no changes in rates of diversification for any of the three parasitic lineages studied (table 1 and electronic supplementary material, figure S2). However, a significant signal was found by the second method we employed, the BiSSE analysis. In this, we compared the likelihood of models where parasitic lineages had either the same or different diversification rates compared with their sister non-parasitic lineage. We found that the most likely model presented parasites from the Viduidae family with higher rates of speciation and extinction (table 1). There was no evidence for an increase or decrease in speciation or extinction rates in the other two lineages (table 1).
Table 1.
Estimation of speciation and extinction rates (average) for each of the three lineages using the BAMM software and using BiSSE models with different and equal rates of speciation (λ) and extinction (μ) for parasites and non-parasites. The Akaike Information Criteria corrected by sample size (AICc) from the constrained BiSSE models was compared with the AICc from the full model (e.g. no constraints) using a Chi-square test and evidence ratios (ERs) and these values are presented in front of each constrained model. ER denotes how many times the full model is better than the constrained one. Only in the case of the Vidua finches is the AICc is significantly better for the full model, and there is a trend of higher extinction and speciation in the parasitic lineage (shown in italics).
speciation rates λ |
extinction rates μ |
lineage and model | not parasitic | parasitic | not parasitic | parasitic | AICc | p(>Chi) (full versus other models) | evidence ratio (full versus other models) |
Cuculidae | |||||||
BAMM estimation | 0.047 | 0.047 | 0.006 | 0.006 | |||
BiSSE full model | 0.0446 | 0.05 | 0.0106 | 0 | 826.68 | ||
BiSSE equal μ | 0.0446 | 0.05 | 0 | 0 | 825.54 | 0.979 | 0.565 |
BiSSE equal λ | 0.0466 | 0.0466 | 0.0096 | 0 | 825.62 | 0.435 | 0.588 |
Indicatoridae | |||||||
BAMM estimation | 0.21 | 0.2 | 0.074 | 0.068 | |||
BiSSE full model | 0.182 | 0.10325 | 0.0422 | 0.015 | 577.545 | ||
BiSSE equal μ | 0.174 | 0.104 | 0.115 | 0.115 | 573.516 | 0.595 | 0.133 |
BiSSE equal λ | 0.1597 | 0.1597 | 0.0115 | 0.0877 | 577.9075 | 0.227 | 0.83 |
Viduidae | |||||||
BAMM estimation | 0.211 | 0.249 | 0.046 | 0.073 | |||
BiSSE full model | 0.195 | 0.485 | 0 | 0.458 | 1203.8 | ||
BiSSE equal μ | 0.189 | 0.636 | 0 | 0 | 1210.3 | 0.024 | 33.11 |
BiSSE equal λ | 0.196 | 0.196 | 0 | 0.142 | 1214 | 0.085 | 244.69 |
(b). Rates of phenotypic evolution
For the sake of simplicity, from here on, we will refer to ‘parasitic cuckoos’ as the monophyletic clade of highly virulent cuckoos (Cuculinae), excluding Clamator, Tapera and Dromococcyx, because we found no differences in any of the analyses between these genera and the non-parasitic cuckoos (p > 0.05, see §5). Our analyses show significant differences in the three morphological traits between the parasitic and non-parasitic lineages (figure 1 and electronic supplementary material, table S1). The three parasitic lineages have different plumage coloration, and honeyguides and cuckoos have smaller body size than closely related species (woodpeckers and non-parasitic cuckoos, respectively). These statistical differences are not phylogenetically controlled, because brood parasites are monophyletic in the different lineages studied.
Figure 1.
Boxplots of average (±25% of the data) morphological traits measured in non-parasitic (black) and parasitic species (grey) for the three lineages studied (***p < 0.001 and *p < 0.05). Parasitic lineages tend to have a smaller body size, smaller egg size and different plumage compared with non-parasitic lineages.
(c). Plumage
Parasitic cuckoos (Cuculinae) showed higher rates of plumage evolution than non-parasitic cuckoos (mean rate parasitic cuckoos = 0.048 ± 0.009, mean rate non-parasitic cuckoos = 0.014 ± 0.002; figure 2a). The BAMM analysis detected changes in rates of evolution in the node where brood parasitism evolved in the 10 trees sampled, strongly suggesting that the increase in rate is linked to brood parasitism. Our model analysis supported this, as the model with independent rates for each state was significantly better than the model with one overall rate (mean ΔAICc = 35.5 ± 4.94, mean rate parasites = 91.98, mean rate non-parasites = 74.72, p < 0.0001). Body size also presented consistently higher rates of evolution in the brood parasitic clade (mean = 0.026) compared with the non-parasitic clade (mean = 0.020), although shifts were not detected.
Figure 2.
Phylorate plots of BAMM results of rates of phenotypic evolution. Panels (a,b) show increase in rates of evolution in parasitic cuckoos in coloration and egg size, respectively, and (c) shows decrease in rate of plumage evolution in honeyguides. Blue and red circles indicate the position of the most frequent shift in evolutionary rates; a blue circle indicates a shift in rate towards deceleration and red circle indicates a shift towards acceleration. Size of the circle is proportional to the frequency (from 0 to 1) with which the shift was observed. Green circles indicate the basal node of parasitic lineages, and green shading indicates the parasitic species for each dataset. Note that in these three cases the shift in rates occurs at the base of the parasitic lineages, suggesting strong correlation between a change in rates and the evolution of brood parasitism.
Plumage coloration in honeyguides shows the opposite pattern, with a slower rate of plumage evolution than their sister clade, the woodpeckers (mean honeyguides = 0.20 ± 0.30, mean woodpeckers = 1.001 ± 0.36, figure 2c). Shifts at the base of the honeyguides were detected in nine out of 10 trees. The model analysis confirmed these results (mean ΔAICc = 18.13 ± 9.87, mean rate parasites = 15.9, mean rate non-parasites = 253.6, p < 0.0001, ER > 1000).
(d). Egg size
Our results suggest that there is a higher rate of evolution in egg size in parasitic cuckoos (mean rate parasitic cuckoos = 0.045 ± 0.006, mean rate non-parasitic cuckoos = 0.005 ± 0.001, figure 2b). In all the trees sampled, the best shift configuration showed a shift in the node where brood parasitism evolved. The model analysis supported this pattern (mean ΔAICc = 18.8 ± 3.34, mean rate parasites = 45.02, mean rate non-parasites = 20.35, p < 0.0001, ER > 1000). Rates of evolution in egg size and plumage were correlated in parasitic cuckoos (ln values, PGLS β = 0.044, p = 0.0003). There were no shifts detected for egg size in honeyguides or Vidua finches.
(e). Body size
We found no evidence for changes in rates of evolution in body size in any of the three lineages.
(f). Host breadth analysis
Honeyguides and parasitic cuckoos in Africa had a wider host breadth than Vidua finches (figure 3a). Honeyguides had the broadest set of hosts (mean phylogenetic distance between hosts = 131.65 Ma, max = 173.61 Ma). Honeyguides not only parasitize passerines (order Passeriformes), but also kingfishers and bee-eaters (order Coraciformes) and woodpeckers (order Piciformes). Parasitic cuckoos in Africa parasitize mainly passerines but occasionally mousebirds (order Coliiformes; mean phylogenetic distance between hosts = 94.87 Ma, max = 167.048). Members of the family Viduidae showed the lowest average phylogenetic distance between hosts; they parasitize passerines exclusively, and the vast majority belong to the family Estrildidae (mean phylogenetic distance between hosts = 53.54 Ma, max = 89.16 Ma).
Figure 3.
(a) Host niche breadth of parasitic cuckoos, honeyguides and Vidua finches. Honeyguides have the highest average breadth, because the lineage parasitizes host species from different taxonomic orders, whereas Vidua finches parasitize species from the same family and thus show a narrow host breadth. (b) Relationship between overlap in host use, geographical overlap and rates of evolution of plumage (blue online, dark grey in print) and egg size (green online, light grey in print) within clades of parasitic cuckoos. Parasitic cuckoo clades that overlap more in use of host genera and geographically, show higher rates of phenotypic evolution. (Online version in colour.)
(g). Host overlap and geographical overlap analyses within cuckoos
Host overlap was related to geographical overlap (β = 0.25, p = 0.0001, figure 3b). The clades with the highest degree of overlap in host genera and geographical distribution were Chrysococcyx (overlap host = 0.232, geographical overlap = 0.46), which exploits species from the genera Nectarinia and Ploceus; and Chalcites (overlap host = 0.301, geographical overlap = 0.53), which mainly parasitizes species from the genera Malurus, Acanthiza and Gerygone.
Contrary to our prediction, there was a significant positive correlation between both host overlap and geographical overlap with the average rate of plumage evolution (host overlap, β = 1.45, p = 0.007, geographical overlap, β = 34.035, p < 0.0001, figure 3b), and a similar pattern for egg size (host overlap β = 0.004, p = 0.08, geographical overlap, β = 3.54, p = 0.0019, figure 3b). This association remained true when using host overlap index values of each species, instead of using a value per clade (phylogenetic regression, plumage β = 0.226, p = 0.041, egg size β = 8.18, p = 0.011, electronic supplementary material, figure S3).
4. Discussion
Avian brood parasitism is one of the best examples of coevolution in the animal kingdom, and has been shown to lead to adaptations in both hosts and parasites [4,37]. In theory, coevolution of brood parasites and hosts should lead to increased rates of diversification and increased phenotypic diversity [2,19]. We used two recently developed methods and phylogenies to test these hypotheses explicitly. We found no evidence that honeyguides and parasitic cuckoos have increased speciation or extinction rates; however, in one of the methods employed, we found higher speciation rates for Vidua finches, corroborating the findings of Sorenson et al. [15]. Interestingly, both methods employed estimated higher extinction rates for Vidua finches compared with their closest relatives. The lack of higher diversification rates in parasitic cuckoos appears to contrast with the finding of Krüger et al. [19] that subspecies richness and cladogenesis was over twice as high in parasitic cuckoos as in parental cuckoos. Our findings highlight the importance of using novel methods and phylogenies to re-evaluate previous findings, and further suggest that the number of subspecies is not necessarily correlated with the actual rates of speciation of a lineage. Although coevolution between brood parasites and their hosts may select for genetic divergence of brood parasites into female host races [38,39], or subspecies [19], this does not necessarily lead to accelerated rates of speciation. Speciation of host races may be constrained by incomplete assortative mating, as has been proposed for the common cuckoo [39] and the greater honeyguide [18].
Regarding trait evolution, we found that the rates of several traits have changed in those nodes where brood parasitic lineages evolved. In parasitic cuckoos (Cuculinae), rates of evolution of coloration were three times faster than in non-parasitic cuckoos. This increase was found for the components associated with hawk-mimicry (e.g. barred-chest, yellow eyes and legs, etc.), but not with other components of colour. This finding supports the hypothesis that hawk-like coloration is an adaptation of parasitic cuckoos [23], and it also suggests that there is high diversity in the specific morphology of this plumage. For instance, the little bronze-cuckoo (Chalcites minutillus) sports a barred chest, but this trait has been lost in its close relative, the black-eared cuckoo (Chalcites osculans). Moreover, species from the genus Surniculus resemble black drongos instead of hawks, which may also be a case of mimicry [4]. Therefore, it is possible that there is diversifying selection on cuckoos to mimic different models, thereby increasing selection for divergence in traits such as barring and colour conspicuousness [40].
The opposite pattern was found for honeyguides, which showed a strong deceleration in rates of plumage evolution. Honeyguide species diverged about 10 Ma, allowing ample time for the evolution of plumage divergence, but our results show that plumage varies little between species even though they parasitize hosts from different orders. Although our colour analysis was not performed using spectral measures, we are confident of this pattern of reduced plumage diversity because, if anything, our method tends to overestimate differences between species (electronic supplementary material, Material and methods). Moreover, the pattern we detected is very evident; all honeyguides have dull, pale green or grey plumage, which may be cryptic, and there is no sexual colour dimorphism in most of the species. It would be interesting to know whether dull plumage offers benefits to parasitic females when monitoring or parasitizing host nests, such that plumage divergence is constrained by selection for crypsis.
Parasitic cuckoos also showed rates of evolution of egg size that were nine times higher compared with non-parasitic cuckoos. This supports the idea that, in cuckoos, the parasitic breeding strategy probably increased phenotypic diversity between species, at least in traits that have proved to be adaptive in parasites, such as egg size [22]. Nevertheless, we detected no shifts in rates of evolution of egg size for the other lineages. This is unsurprising for Vidua finches, which are less virulent (except for A. imberbis) and parasitize very closely related species mostly belonging to the same family and mostly of similar size, so there is little reason to expect diversifying selection. For the honeyguides, we expected higher diversity in egg size, given the evidence showing that they match the egg sizes of several hosts of varying size [18]; however, that study reported major host-specific differences in egg size within the greater honeyguide (Indicator indicator), suggesting that high egg size diversity might be occurring at the level of host races rather than at species. Body size did not show increase in rates of evolution associated with the appearance of brood parasitism in any of the three lineages. Interestingly, we also found that the New World cuckoos (genus Tapera, Clamator and Dromococcyx), just like the Old World cuckoos, presented a smaller body size and smaller egg size than non-parasitic cuckoos. However, these three genera did not show changes in rates in any of the traits. This could be owing, however, to the small size of the clades (max three spp.), which makes it harder to detect macroevolutionary patterns.
From the three largest lineages of brood parasites, only the cuckoos (the largest radiation) showed a signal of higher rates of phenotypic evolution. We hypothesized that host breadth could be associated with such differences between lineages. Brood parasites from the three lineages are present in southern Africa, allowing us to compare how wide and diverse the host niche is when the three parasitic lineages are sympatric. Our results partially agree with the expectation that lineages of brood parasites that exploit a higher diversity of hosts (e.g. more distantly related among them) experience higher rates of phenotypic evolution. Cuckoos had a wider host breadth and increased evolutionary rates compared with Vidua finches. However, honeyguides do not follow this pattern, and despite having the widest host niche of the three lineages, they show no signs of increased evolutionary rates, and even show a deceleration in rates of plumage evolution.
Within parasitic cuckoos, we explored whether host partitioning (or geographical isolation) could explain differences in rates of phenotypic evolution. We predicted that clades of cuckoos with low overlap in host use would have higher rates of evolution, because selection would favour diversification in traits to parasitize different genera. Our results show the opposite pattern, and cuckoo genera that have species with high geographical overlap and high overlap in host genera presented higher rates of evolution. In fact, it seems that sharing the same host genera with other phylogenetically related parasites is associated with faster phenotypic evolution. It is important to point out that we measured host overlap at the genus level, so a high overlap index does not mean that parasites are sharing the same host species; it rather means that the species they exploit are within the same genus. We suggest that geographical overlap, when combined with overlap in host genera, may lead to competition for hosts between parasitic species. This idea has been specifically suggested for brood parasites in Australia [41]; accordingly, competition may drive the evolution of more finely tuned adaptations than in non-competitive environments, which, in turn, can lead to increased rates of phenotypic evolution [42,43]. Similarly, this could also explain why the genus Cuculus, which shows low overlap in host use and, in general, more geographical isolation between species (broad Old World distribution), shows relatively low rates of phenotypic evolution.
In conclusion, we found evidence that the strategy of brood parasitism can affect rates of phenotypic evolution but not necessarily speciation. Our results show that a brood parasitic breeding strategy can lead to divergent evolutionary scenarios, where phenotypic rates may increase, decrease or remain the same, depending on the trait and the ecology of the lineage studied. Brood parasitism seems to have a greater effect on the evolution of egg size and coloration than body size. Moreover, our results support the idea that competition for hosts (or at least evolution in sympatry) may be an important factor leading to increased trait diversity, and we encourage more studies to understand how host use affects phenotypic diversity in host–parasite systems.
Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material
We thank Marcel Cardillo, David Duchene, Xia Hua, Thomas Wallenius, Matt Symonds and a reviewer for helpful comments and discussions on previous versions of the manuscript and Leo Joseph for access to the ANWC collection. We also thank Daniel Rabosky for guidance with the BAMM analyses during his workshop at the Australian National University.
Data accessibility
Dataset is available in the Dryad repository http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.c79vc.
Authors' contributions
I.M. and N.E.L. conceived the study. I.M. collected and analysed data and prepared the figures. I.M and N.E.L wrote the paper.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
We received no funding for this study.
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