Insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) is a critical regulator of an organism’s most important biological decisions, from growth, development, and metabolism to reproduction and longevity. It primarily does so through the activity of the DAF-16/FOXO transcription factor, whose global targets were identified in C. elegans using whole-worm transcriptional analyses more than a decade ago1. IIS and FOXO also regulate important neuronal and adult behavioral phenotypes, such as the maintenance of memory2 and axon regeneration3 with age, in both mammals4 and C. elegans, but the neuron-specific IIS/FOXO targets that regulate these functions are still unknown. By isolating adult C. elegans neurons for transcriptional profiling, we identified both the wild-type and IIS/FOXO adult neuronal transcriptomes for the first time. IIS/FOXO neuron-specific targets are distinct from canonical IIS/FOXO-regulated longevity and metabolism targets, and are required for IIS/daf-2 mutants’ extended memory. We also discovered that the activity of the forkhead transcription factor FKH-9 in neurons is required for daf-2’s ability to regenerate axons with age, and its activity in non-neuronal tissues is required for daf-2’s long lifespan. Together, neuron-specific and canonical IIS/FOXO-regulated targets enable the coordinated extension of neuronal activities, metabolism, and longevity under low insulin-signaling conditions.
The C. elegans IIS pathway acts both cell autonomously and non-autonomously to control longevity, growth, dauer formation, metabolism, and reproduction5–7 through its regulation of DAF-16/FOXO’s nuclear localization and transcriptional activation. The canonical IIS/FOXO gene set, which identified primarily intestinal and hypodermal targets (Extended Data Fig. 1A–B)1,8,9, has been instructive in our understanding of how insulin signaling regulates a diverse range of activities, including metabolism, autophagy, stress resistance, and proteostasis. However, IIS mutants also exhibit daf-16-dependent neuronal phenotypes, including extended positive olfactory learning2, increased short- and long-term associative memory2, increased thermotaxis learning10, improved neuronal morphology maintenance11,12, and improved axon regeneration3. These phenotypes are unlikely to be regulated by the known intestinal and hypodermal IIS/FOXO targets1,8. Therefore, to understand how IIS/daf-2 animals extend behavioral functionality, we must identify the neuronal targets of FOXO/DAF-16.
We first profiled the expression of daf-16;daf-2 worms with daf-16 rescued in specific tissues6 (Supplementary Table 1). Intestinal daf-16 rescue correlates best with whole-worm profiles (Extended Data Fig. 1A, C). By contrast, neuronal daf-16 rescue profiles are anti-correlated with the intestinal DAF-16 and whole-worm profiles (Extended Data Fig. 1A, C). Surprisingly, many genes induced by neuronal DAF-16 rescue are expressed (Wormbase) or predicted to be expressed in non-neuronal tissues13 (Extended Data Fig. 1D), and have non-neuronal functions (e.g., collagens14; Extended Data Fig. 1B, 1E, Supplementary Table 2). Thus, whole-worm transcriptional analyses of neuronally-rescued DAF-16 failed to reveal targets that account for daf-2 mutants’ daf-16-dependent age-related behaviors. Therefore, we needed to specifically examine transcription in IIS-mutant neurons.
The tough outer cuticle prevents dissociation of adult tissues15, thus the wild-type adult neuronal transcriptome has not been described. To solve this problem, we used rapid, chilled chemomechanical disruption followed immediately by FACS to isolate GFP-marked neurons from wild-type worms, then RNA-sequenced these isolated cells (Fig. 1A–C, Extended Data Fig. 2A–C,F,G, Supplementary Table 3). This method is gentle enough to preserve the integrity of cells and some neurites (Extended Data Fig. 2A), does not involve cell culturing prior to FACS, in contrast to previous methods16, and does not affect transcription (Actinomycin D; Fig. 1B, Extended Data Fig. 2D,E, Supplementary Table 4). Downsampling analysis showed that sufficient sequencing depth was achieved (Extended Data Fig. 2H).
We compared gene expression in isolated wild-type neurons with whole-worm expression to identify genes that are enriched in neurons (Fig. 1A–C). Of the 1507 “neuron enriched” genes (False Discovery Rate (FDR)<0.1; Supplementary Table 3; Fig. 1A,B), only 4% have previously-described expression patterns exclusively in non-neuronal tissues, and “Neuron” is the only significantly-enriched tissue (Fig. 1C, Extended Data Fig. 2F), suggesting the method is highly selective for neuronal transcripts. Gene promoter-gfp tests of previously uncharacterized genes from our “neuron enriched” list confirmed neuronal expression, with no bias for particular neuron types (Extended Data Fig. 3A). We also detected genes previously reported to be expressed only in single neurons or small subsets of neurons, including glr-3 (RIA), ttx-3 (AIY/AIA), and npr-14 (AIY) (Wormbase).
The wild-type neuron-enriched set includes synaptic machinery, ion channels, neurotransmitters, and signaling components (Supplementary Table 3), as well as >700 previously-uncharacterized genes; these genes are predicted to have “neuronal”-like character and function (Fig. 1D). Comparison of the wild-type embryonic and larval neuronal transcriptomes with the adult neuronal transcriptome at the same FDR revealed a shift in functional categories from developmental processes to neuronal function/behavior in the adult neuronal transcriptome (Fig. 1E, Extended Data Fig. 3B,C, Supplementary Table 5), suggesting that previous isolation methods16, either due to early developmental stage isolation or to re-culturing, biased expression toward developmental genes rather than neuronal/behavioral genes.
To identify adult neuronal IIS/FOXO targets, we sequenced RNA from isolated daf-2 and daf-16;daf-2 neurons on Day 1 of adulthood (Fig. 2A, Extended Data Fig. 4, Supplementary Table 6, 8). The IIS/FOXO neuron-isolated gene set is enriched for neuronal expression: 86% and 92% of the up- and down-regulated genes, respectively, are expressed in wild-type neurons. While several of DAF-16’s top Class I targets, including hil-1, sip-1, mtl-1, nnt-1, ins-6, and daf-16 itself, were upregulated in both daf-2 neurons and daf-2 whole worms (Group B; Fig. 2B), most of the IIS/FOXO neuronally-regulated set differs from the canonical whole-worm IIS/FOXOs set1,8 (Fig. 2B). Specifically, in contrast to the metabolism-dominated functions of canonical whole-worm IIS/FOXO targets1,8, the neuronal IIS set GO terms reflect neuron-like functions (Extended Data Fig. 5B): serpentine receptors, GPCRs, syntaxin, globins, kinesins, insulins, ion channels, potassium channels, seven-transmembrane receptors, the NPR-1 neuropeptide receptor, and the SER-3 octopamine receptor are upregulated in daf-2 neurons (Supplementary Table 6). A few genes (fat-3 and crh-1/CREB) are upregulated in daf-2 neurons but downregulated in whole daf-2 animals.
The IIS/FOXO downregulated set includes serpentine receptors, guanylate cyclases, signaling peptides and receptors (NLPs, FLPs, and NPRs), and the vesicle trafficking G protein rab-28 (Supplementary Table 6). Expression of the sensory neuron cilia protein IFTA-2, which co-localizes with DAF-2 and whose loss increases lifespan17, is downregulated in daf-2 mutants, consistent with the longevity of daf-2 and ciliated sensory neuron mutants18. Similarly, sams-1 (S-adenosyl methionine synthetase), which is downregulated under long-lived Dietary Restriction conditions19, and sma-5 and dbl-1, components of TGF-beta pathways linked with IIS7,20, are downregulated, perhaps coordinating the longevity and reproductive output of these pathways.
Unlike canonical IIS/FOXO targets1, neuronal IIS/FOXO gene promoters are not enriched for the DBE (DAF-16 Binding Element, GTAAAt/cA), but the overlapping, upregulated (Group B) targets’ promoters contain twice as many DBEs (Extended Data Fig. 5A). The overlapping downregulated (Group F) targets are enriched for the PQM-18/DAE motif (CTTATCA1,8; Supplementary Table 7). DAF-16 may regulate neuronal activities indirectly through activation of ~60 IIS/FOXO-upregulated transcription factors (Supplementary Table 6).
We next tested the roles of top-scoring genes in daf-2-regulated neuronal phenotypes. Long-term and short-term associative memory are both extended in daf-2 mutants in a daf-16-dependent manner2 (Extended Data Fig. 6). The bZIP transcription factor CREB, which is required for long-term memory in many organisms, including C. elegans2, is upregulated by IIS/FOXO in neurons (Supplementary Table 6), correlating with daf-2’s increased long-term memory2,21. However, short-term associative memory (STAM; Fig. 2C) is CREB-independent2, and the genes that enable daf-2’s STAM extension are unknown. While the DAF-16 non-neuronal target sod-3 had no effect on daf-2’s extended STAM (Fig. 2C, Extended Data Fig. 6B–D), knockdown of 8 of the 10 top-ranked, upregulated IIS/FOXO targets significantly decreased daf-2(e1370)’s STAM (Fig. 2D,E), both in whole-life and adult-only RNAi tests. (Neuronal RNAi is effective in learning, STAM, and LTAM tests21.) The variety of genes (ion channels, transcription factors, G-proteins, vesicle fusion proteins) required for daf-2’s extended STAM suggests that decreased insulin signaling affects a broad network of memory extension genes. Several of these genes are also required for wild type’s learning and memory (Extended Data Fig. 6G) suggesting that daf-2 mutants maintain neuronal function, rather than utilizing an alternative short-term memory mechanism.
daf-2 mutants also maintain motor neuron axon regeneration ability with age in a daf-16-dependent manner3, and we found this is also true for mechanosensory neurons (Fig. 3A,B, Extended Data Fig. 7A–D). To identify factors that enable axon regeneration with age, we isolated and RNA-sequenced six adult mechanosensory neurons (Fig. 3C, Supplementary Table 9); this set includes 94 known larval regeneration genes from limited candidate screens22 (p≤ 1.82 × 10−20). To find daf-2/daf-16-dependent axon regeneration candidates, we identified mechanosensory genes that are also regulated by neuronal IIS/FOXO (Fig. 3C, Supplementary Table 9; p<0.002). The forkhead transcription factor FKH-9 is a neuronal IIS/FOXO target (Supplementary Table 6) and a canonical Class I target1, and is expressed in mechanosensory neurons (Supplementary Table 9). fkh-9’s promoter is occupied by DAF-16, which we confirmed by chIP-qPCR (Fig. 3E, Extended Data Fig. 8A, B). FKH-9::GFP localized to nuclei, and neurons were the primary site of differential FKH-9::GFP levels in daf-2 mutants (Fig. 3F, Extended Data Fig. 8C), all suggesting a role for FKH-9 in daf-2/daf-16-mediated neuronal function.
While there is no effect on the first day of adulthood (Extended Data Fig. 7E,F), loss of fkh-9 severely impairs daf-2’s axon regeneration ability in aged (Day 5) worms (Fig. 4A), correlating with an increased difference in fkh-9 expression levels between wild-type and daf-2 (Fig. 3D). Pan-neuronal fkh-9 expression rescues the ability of Day 5 daf-2;fkh-9 worms to regenerate PLM axons (Fig. 4B,C). fkh-9 levels are critical for neuron morphology, as fkh-9 neuronal overexpression causes axonal defects (Extended Data Fig. 7G)
Adult-specific and whole-life reduction of fkh-9 also severely impair daf-2’s extended STAM (Fig. 4D, Extended Data Fig. 9). daf-2;fkh-9 double mutants are defective in both STAM and learning, and neuronal fkh-9 expression rescues these defects (Fig. 4E, Extended Data Fig. 9D,E), suggesting fkh-9 is required for daf-2’s extended memory and normal neuronal development. Day 1 and 5 fkh-9 expression levels correlate with STAM and axon regeneration (Fig 3D). fkh-9 reduction delays development, and reduction during adulthood causes severe matricide (Extended Data Fig. 10A–C). fkh-9 knockdown in adult daf-2 worms treated with FUdR to block matricide20 significantly shortens lifespan (40–50%; Fig 4F). Pan-neuronal fkh-9 expression does not rescue lifespan (Extended Data Fig. 10D), suggesting that FKH-9 acts in non-neuronal tissues to regulate lifespan. Thus, IIS/FOXO-regulated FKH-9 function is important for both neuronal and non-neuronal growth and development, as well as adult memory and axon regeneration. Interestingly, FKH-9’s mammalian homolog FoxG1 is required for axon outgrowth23 and is the most highly-induced gene in spinal cords treated with radial glial cell transplant following spinal cord injury24.
Network analysis using fkh-9 and the other 8 neuronal DAF-16 STAM genes (Fig. 4G, Supplementary Table 10) identified casy-1, which is required for several forms of associative learning and memory2,25–27, apl-1, the C. elegans ortholog of amyloid precursor protein (APP) that can disrupt sensory plasticity28, and dlk-1, the only previously known regulator of age-dependent axon regeneration3,29. Additionally, genes involved in neuronal degeneration (mec-17), neuronal development (egl-44, sem-4), neuronal function (egl-21, rnc-1, vab-9, cysl-1), synaptic regulation and function (cab-1, hlb-1, magu-4, sph-1, unc-64), and axon outgrowth (unc-14) and regeneration (egl-8, fos-1, pmk-3), were connected to the STAM genes. PQM-18, whose motif (DAE) is overrepresented in neuronal IIS target promoters, and other IIS (akt-2, dct-6, hlh-30), TGF-β (daf-14, sma-4, crm-1, sma-9, sma-1, sta-1), and MAPK pathway (vhp-1, pmk-3) components emerged in the network. Transcriptional regulation by IIS/FOXO and its targets may lead to broader, indirect transcriptional and non-transcriptional regulation of genes with important neuronal functions.
Plasticity in development, reproduction, and longevity allows organisms to respond appropriately to nutrient availability and changes in their environment. The IIS pathway is a critical mediator of these decisions, with FOXO selecting transcriptional targets to execute specific biochemical functions in each tissue, including factors that maintain cognitive function with age. daf-2 worms maintain neuronal behaviors with age by utilizing a set of transcriptional targets that are distinct from previously-identified metabolic and stress resistance targets expressed in other tissues. These genes may regulate additional neuronal targets through non-transcriptional mechanisms (Fig. 4G). The regulation of tissue-specific transcriptional programs is important to coordinate phenotypic responses, extending neuronal abilities in concert with daf-2’s extended longevity and reproductive span.
Adult cell isolation
Day 1 adult neuronally GFP-labeled worms (Punc119::GFP or Pmec-4::GFP) were prepared for cell isolation as previously described15 with modifications (Extended Data Fig. 2). Synchronized adult worms were washed with M9 buffer to remove excess bacteria. The pellet (~250 µl) was washed with 500 µl lysis buffer (200 mM DTT, 0.25% SDS, 20 mM Hepes pH 8.0, 3% sucrose) and resuspended in 1000 µl lysis buffer. Worms were incubated in lysis buffer with gentle rocking for 6.5 minutes at room temperature. The pellet was washed 6× with M9 and resuspended in 20 mg/ml pronase from Streptomyces griseus (Sigma-Aldrich). Worms were incubated at room temperature (<20 minutes) with periodic mechanical disruption by pipetting every 2 min. When most worm bodies were dissociated, leaving only small debris and eggs, ice-cold PBS buffer containing 2% fetal bovine serum (Gibco) was added. RNA from FACS-sorted neurons was prepared for RNA-seq and subsequent analysis (see Extended Data for details).
Short-term associative memory assay
Memory assays were performed as described2.
Axon Regeneration Assays
In vivo laser axotomy of PLM neurons was performed as described22.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank the C. elegans Genetics Center for strains and Wormbase (WS250); L. Parsons for RNA-seq data support; J. Wiggins and the Lewis-Sigler High Throughput Sequencing Core Facility for RNA-seq support; C. DeCoste and the Flow Cytometry Facility for assistance; V. Yao for tissue prediction analysis; R. DiLoreto for chemotaxis assay analysis; Z. Gitai, the Murphy lab, and W. Mair for discussion. Funding was provided by a Keck Scholars Program fellowship (CTM), NIH Cognitive Aging R01 (CTM), and NRSA (RK), NRSA (RA), NSF (JL), and NJCBIR (VL) fellowships.
Author Contributions. CTM, RK, VL, and JL designed experiments. RK, VL, RA, JL, JA, and CTM performed experiments and analyzed data. RK, VL, and JL performed tissue isolation and RNA-seq. AW, RK, VL, and JL performed bioinformatics analysis. RK, VL, and RA performed short-term memory experiments. VL performed axon regeneration experiments. RK, VL, and CTM wrote the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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