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. 2016 Jan 20;11(1):e0147180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147180

Selection Indices and Multivariate Analysis Show Similar Results in the Evaluation of Growth and Carcass Traits in Beef Cattle

Fernando Brito Lopes 1,*, Marcelo Corrêa da Silva 2, Cláudio Ulhôa Magnabosco 3, Marcelo Goncalves Narciso 4, Roberto Daniel Sainz 5
Editor: Heiner Niemann6
PMCID: PMC4720444  PMID: 26789008


This research evaluated a multivariate approach as an alternative tool for the purpose of selection regarding expected progeny differences (EPDs). Data were fitted using a multi-trait model and consisted of growth traits (birth weight and weights at 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age) and carcass traits (longissimus muscle area (LMA), back-fat thickness (BF), and rump fat thickness (RF)), registered over 21 years in extensive breeding systems of Polled Nellore cattle in Brazil. Multivariate analyses were performed using standardized (zero mean and unit variance) EPDs. The k mean method revealed that the best fit of data occurred using three clusters (k = 3) (P < 0.001). Estimates of genetic correlation among growth and carcass traits and the estimates of heritability were moderate to high, suggesting that a correlated response approach is suitable for practical decision making. Estimates of correlation between selection indices and the multivariate index (LD1) were moderate to high, ranging from 0.48 to 0.97. This reveals that both types of indices give similar results and that the multivariate approach is reliable for the purpose of selection. The alternative tool seems very handy when economic weights are not available or in cases where more rapid identification of the best animals is desired. Interestingly, multivariate analysis allowed forecasting information based on the relationships among breeding values (EPDs). Also, it enabled fine discrimination, rapid data summarization after genetic evaluation, and permitted accounting for maternal ability and the genetic direct potential of the animals. In addition, we recommend the use of longissimus muscle area and subcutaneous fat thickness as selection criteria, to allow estimation of breeding values before the first mating season in order to accelerate the response to individual selection.


Growth traits are generally useful selection criteria for beef cattle. Weight records at different ages can be easily collected on-farm and tend to present strong correlation estimates [13] and moderate to high heritability estimates [47]. Weaning weight is usually considered as a correlated trait in the genetic evaluation of livestock and is often used to support culling and selection decisions [8]. Other traits such as fat thickness and muscle area are also fairly easy to measure using real-time ultrasound [9,10], and may furnish accurate data for the estimation of breeding values, as reported for young bulls [10,11].

Expected progeny differences (EPDs) are important tools for animal breeding and selection. However, each EPD reflects an animal’s genetic merit for only a single trait at a time. By contrast, animal breeders dealing with complex production systems must focus on many traits simultaneously. Historically, animal selection has been based on EPDs combined with a portfolio of diversifying approaches (see [12] for tandem selection and selection based on independent culling levels; [13] for index selection; and [14] for an aggregate value index). All methods share the same goal in terms of selecting animals with superior genetic merit for traits of economic importance. Some methods may present advantages which depend on the availability and complexity of data. The selection index approach is time-consuming and is reliant on detailed farm-specific data in order to obtain the economic values of phenotypic traits. These restrictions likely account for the limited application of selection indices, despite proposal of the theory over seven decades ago.

Multivariate analyses are frequently used as an alternative approach for data summarization. In cattle breeding this technique has been applied to efficiently rank and group bulls according to similarity [15]. The k-means method has demonstrated fine clustering of bulls which were submitted to a progeny test [16]. Principal components (PC) analyses are multivariate techniques used mainly to reduce the dimensionality of data and to explore the relationship between traits in a dataset. In animal breeding, PC analysis techniques have been used to study the relationships among the estimated breeding values of various traits [17,18]. Another important multivariate approach also used in quantitative genetic analysis is discriminant analyses [19,20], which also can be used to classify animals based on their breeding values. However, we are unaware of any report attempting to use a multivariate approach for the purpose of genetic selection in cattle. Thus, revisiting the multivariate playground in order to identify and select similar/superior animals using EPDs may prove fruitful. In particular, this approach seems promising for the purpose of accounting for the relationships among breeding values that are related to several traits at the same time. Specifically, multivariate techniques might be suitable for the evaluation of growth and carcass traits, providing an alternative approach in the portfolio of selection tools [18].

This study was carried out using data from Brazil, where the use of EPDs has played a crucial role in increasing livestock productivity. The present status of cattle breeding and selection in this country matches the methodological summary given above. There have been several efforts to estimate covariance and genetic parameters and to predict breeding values in Nellore cattle [3,7,21,22] with no reports on any multivariate approach to selection. Over the past 30 years, Brazilian cattle breeders have widely adopted the use of animal breeding values rather than phenotypes in the selection process.

Currently, Brazil has the world’s second largest commercial beef cattle herd, thus occupying a prominent position in the global beef market. In this country, beef cattle production is expected to increase 5.1% compared to 2014 [23] and Zebu (Bos indicus) cattle correspond to more than 80% of the beef-producing herds. The significant variability reported in the evaluation of growth and production traits in Nellore cattle (Bos indicus) reared in Brazil seems to mirror the great variability of climate and general management applied in the breeding systems. This is a clear indication that generalization of economic values between herds is unlikely to hold. Conversely, the estimation of economic values for each and every breeding system would be a difficult and time-consuming task. Therefore, an alternative to the economic selection index is needed.

In this study, we propose and evaluate a multivariate approach, restricted to genetic effects, as a strategic practical shortcut for the identification of animals with superior genetic merit.

Material and Methods

The data set was provided by the National Association of Breeders and Researchers (ANCP) in Brazil and consisted of weights and carcass traits measured between the years of 1995 and 2014. Evaluation of phenotypes took place in a tropical humid region (254 m altitude) in herds located in the county of Pontes e Lacerda, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. Mean annual precipitation is of 1,500 mm with defined wet and dry seasons. Records consisted of birth weight (BW), weights at standard ages of 120 (W120), 210 (W210), 365 (W365) and 450 (W450) days, longissimus muscle area (LMA), back-fat thickness (BF) and rump fat thickness (RF). The following formula generated the weight at standard ages of each animal: AdjW = [(WAWB)/(AAAB)]×(SAAB) + WA, where AdjW is the weight adjusted at standard ages of 120, 210, 365 and 450 days; WA and WB are the weights before and after standard ages (SA), respectively; AA and AB are ages before and after the standard ages (SA), respectively. Adjusted weights were used because all breeding programs in Brazil work with specific selection criteria, mainly weights at standard ages. Records of LMA and BF were obtained from cross-sectional images of the Longissimus muscle, between the 12th and 13th ribs. Back-fat thickness was estimated at the 3/4 position from the chine bone end of the Longissimus muscle using the cross-sectional LMA image. RF was measured over the intersection between the gluteus medium and biceps femoris muscles located between the hooks and pin bones. All ultrasound image collections and analyses were carried out by Ultrasound Guidelines Council-certified technicians, hardware and software.

Exploratory analysis was carried out using the Statistical Analysis Systems [24] to check the consistency of the data and to evaluate the significance of environmental sources of variation that can affect the traits, such as current herd, year of birth, season of birth (classified into four groups: Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec), and sex and cow age at calving, as a covariate. Thus, the contemporary groups (CG) were defined as the groups of animals of the same sex, and born in the same herd, year, and season and reared under the same conditions. Linear and quadratic regressions of the weights by age of dam at calving were performed to determine if this covariate should be included in the genetic analyses. Hence, due to significance (P<0.01) of the dam age at calving, it was used to fit the following traits: birth weight, weight at 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age. Edits included removal of weights and carcass traits outside of 3 standard-deviations from their respective GC means, discarding contemporary groups of fewer than 9 observations, and discarding contemporary groups represented by a single sire. Summary information of the edited data set is in Table 1. The relationship matrix included 9 generations of pedigree information and contained a total of 28,828 animals.

Table 1. Description of the final data set of carcass traits as measured by ultrasound of the live animal, and growth traits in Polled Nelore cattle.

BW W120 W210 W365 W450 LMA BF RF
Data structure
No. of contemporary groups 109 113 110 106 103 46 46 46
No. of animals with records 40119 39883 36228 27626 26153 11676 11665 11621
No. of sires 555 596 585 580 555 437 435 436
No. of dams 14189 14190 13489 11350 10694 6316 6314 6300
Summary statistics
Mean 32.48 119.24 173.23 221.00 253.74 46.79 1.98 2.43
Standard Deviation 3.12 17.12 25.76 32.36 36.30 8.07 0.70 0.82
Coefficient of Variation (%) 9.62 14.36 14.87 14.64 14.31 17.24 35.26 33.84

a BW, birth weight (kg); W120, weight (kg) at 120 days of age; W210, weight (kg) at 210 days of age; W365, weight (kg) at 365 days of age; W450, weight (kg) at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area (cm2); BF: back-fat thickness (mm), obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness (mm)

Genetic analyses were carried out by fitting a model that included the following effects: age of dam as covariate, sex of the animal coded as male or female, season of birth coded into four levels and the effect of the management group on the farm. The GLM (General Linear Model) procedure was used to define the fixed effects included in the contemporary groups. The fixed effects that significantly influenced the growth traits were included in the subsequent analyses. Genetic analysis was done by fitting multi-trait animal models. The mixed linear model for these traits was:


where β represents the fixed effects (contemporary group as a cross-classified effect) and cow age at calving (as linear and quadratic effects) as covariates), associated with the observation (records), vector y is the known matrix X and a, m and mpe are the random effects vectors (direct, maternal and maternal permanent environmental effects, respectively) associated with records in y by the incidence matrix Z1, Z2, and Z3, respectively; and e is the residual (co)variance. For this model, it was assumed that:


Uniform and Gaussian priors were assumed for fixed and random effects, respectively:


where Ga and Gm are (co)variance matrices of additive direct genetic effects and additive maternal additive genetic effects, respectively; Gam is a matrix of additive genetic (co)variances between direct and maternal effects; Empe is a (co)variance matrix of maternal permanent environmental effects; R is a (co)variance matrix of residual effects; A is the additive relationship matrix among all animals in the pedigree file; and Ic and In are identity matrices, whose orders were the numbers of dams and animals, respectively. The inverse Wishart distribution was used to derive priors for variance components:


where Sa and va, Sm and vm, Smpe and vmpe, and Sr and and vr are a priori values and degrees of freedom for direct genetic, maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental and residual covariance, respectively. In matrix notation, the variance structures were:


for the direct (u) and maternal (m) effects;


for maternal permanent environmental effects (mpe); and


residual effects.

(Co)variance components were estimated by a Bayesian implementation via Gibbs sampling using flat improper priors for nuisance parameters and flat priors for (co)variance components. The marginal posterior distribution for each parameter was obtained by integration of multivariate density functions, considering one long chain with 1,500,000 iterations. The initial discard was 500,000 and the thinning interval of the chain was 100. Convergence was checked by visual inspection of the sample trace plots. Computations of direct genetic (σa2), maternal genetic (σm2), covariance between the direct and maternal genetic (σam), maternal permanent environmental (σmpe2) and residual variances (σe2) were carried out using the program GIBBS2F90 [25]. The following (co)variance components and parameters were calculated as in [26]: phenotypic variance for weights (σp2=σa2+σm2+σam+σpe2+σe2), carcass traits (σp2=σa2+σe2), direct heritability (ha2=σa2/σp2), maternal heritability (hm2=σm2/σp2), genetic correlation between the direct and maternal effect (ram) and maternal permanent environmental variance as a proportion of the phenotypic variance


The expected progeny differences were rescaled to have zero (0) mean and unit (1) variance, and cluster analyses were performed using the k-mean method, which is effective to detect initial clusters with a standard iterative algorithm for minimizing the sum of squared distances from cluster means. A set of points named cluster seeds were selected as a first guess for cluster means. Each animal was assigned to the nearest seed to form temporary clusters. The seeds were then replaced by the means of temporary clusters and the process was repeated until no further changes occurred in the clusters. Therefore, the animals were encoded according to their respective group and k was chosen according to the pseudo F statistic [27], as well as sum of squares within groups. The dunn.test package [28] was used in order to compute Dunn's test [29] among multiple pairwise comparisons after a Kruskal-Wallis test among k groups. False Discovery Rate (FDR) was controlled using the Benjamini-Yekutieli adjustment [30].

Principal component and discriminant analyses of EPDs were performed in order to use both the PC and the coefficients of linear discriminants (CLD) as a selection index. The proportion of trace was considered in order to determine which CLD should be used, which indicates for how much (as a proportion) of the dataset of standardized EPDs each of the equations can successfully account. The results obtained using the CLD and PC indices were compared to results using a selection index, which was estimated according to [13]. In matrix notation this selection index would be I = b'X, where X is an n x 1 vector of selection criteria and b is an n x 1 vector of weighting factors to be computed. Thus, the selection index weights were calculated as b = P−1G12v, where G11 is an n x n genetic (co)variance matrix of the n selection criteria, P is an n x m phenotypic (co)variance matrix of the selection criteria, and v is a vector of economic values. As it is just a simulated index, it was considered that all economic weights (v) had the same value (v = 1).

Animal genetic selection is ideally no longer based on phenotypic measures but rather on estimated breeding values such as EPDs, which are estimated using best linear unbiased predictions in a multi-trait linear mixed model. Thus, the phenotypic (co)variance matrix is not needed for index construction [14,31]. Although the phenotypic correlations have no effect on the derivation of index weights (coefficients) they are required for the calculations describing the index [13]. As a second approach, where only EPDs are used, the only information needed in addition to the economic values to allow prediction of the breeding objective, is information on the genetic (co)variances among selection criteria in the index and on genetic (co)variances among the selection criteria and the breeding goals [14,32]. In that case, EPD was used instead of phenotypic measures in this index, and solving for the index coefficients is by an equation proposed by [14]: b=G111G12v, where b is a vector of index weights for the EPD of the selection criteria in the index, G11 is a n x n genetic (co)variance matrix of the n selection criteria, G12 is a n x m genetic (co)variance matrix among the n selection criteria and the m breeding goals, and v is a vector of economic values, for which all values are the same (v = 1).

After estimating the weight indices, estimates of correlation among the indices were computed in order to analyze if the best animals selected with the multivariate approaches were the same as those identified based on the selection index proposed by [13] and [14]. Bayesian estimates of Spearman correlations between the indices were obtained using the package BayesianFirstAid [33].


The posterior marginal distributions of (co)variance component estimates were accurate, tending to normal distribution. The symmetrical distributions of measures of central tendency indicated accurate analysis [34,35]. In general, the samples obtained for the genetic correlations showed no wide dispersion (Tables 28), i.e. the oscillations remained stable, indicating that the burn-in period considered in the analysis was reliable and allowed convergence of the chain [36]. The estimates of genetic additive correlation among growth traits were all positive and high. Maternal genetic correlation estimates between the traits were all positive and ranging from 0.17 (BW-W210) to 0.96 (W120-W210).

Table 2. Marginal posterior distributions of the genetic direct, maternal, maternal permanent environmental, and residual variance components for growth and carcass traits in Polled Nellore cattle.

Trait Mode Mean SD Naive SE Time series SE CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
Genetic additive direct
BW 3.724 3.784 0.243 0.00344 0.02181 3.34 4.29
W120 52.132 52.965 4.112 0.05816 0.50425 45.8 62.13
W210 140.072 137.789 7.809 0.11043 0.75908 123.5 153.4
W365 347.559 345.119 13.387 0.18932 0.89222 318.7 371.2
W450 369.652 366.457 15.922 0.22518 1.19783 336.3 398.6
LMA 12.167 12.192 1.101 0.01557 0.14785 10.12 14.36
BF 0.014 0.014 0.003 0.00004 0.00088 0.01 0.02
RF 0.081 0.078 0.009 0.00013 0.00142 0.06 0.1
Genetic additive maternal
BW 1.68 1.689 0.112 0.00158 0.01009 1.48 1.94
W120 22.681 23.726 2.108 0.0298 0.29554 19.26 27.88
W210 38.012 36.998 3.131 0.04427 0.41728 30.48 43.18
Maternal permanent environmental
BW 0.174 0.176 0.028 0.0004 0.005 0.12 0.24
W120 9.988 10.055 0.949 0.01342 0.10085 8.15 11.84
W210 14.82 14.876 1.646 0.02328 0.20409 11.87 18.2
BW 3.544 3.506 0.128 0.00181 0.01059 3.23 3.74
W120 128.601 127.533 2.544 0.03597 0.28408 122.2 132.1
W210 253.731 254.434 5.138 0.07266 0.42004 244.2 264.4
W365 280.249 281.285 9.036 0.12779 0.53815 263.6 299.2
W450 329.41 331.785 11.064 0.15647 0.8787 309.5 353.4
LMA 20.502 20.517 0.797 0.01127 0.09653 18.92 22.03
BF 0.134 0.134 0.003 0.00004 0.00061 0.13 0.14
RF 0.251 0.251 0.008 0.00011 0.00094 0.24 0.27

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness; CI: Credibility Interval

Table 8. Marginal posterior distributions of the genetic additive direct and maternal heritability, and proportion of phenotypic variance due to maternal permanent environmental effects for growth and carcass traits in Polled Nellore cattle.

Trait Mode Mean SD Naive SE Time series SE CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
  Direct heritability
BW 0.527 0.531 0.030 0.00042 0.00270 0.48 0.59
W120 0.231 0.235 0.017 0.00024 0.00220 0.20 0.27
W210 0.289 0.287 0.015 0.00021 0.00158 0.26 0.32
W365 0.552 0.551 0.017 0.00024 0.00111 0.52 0.58
W450 0.528 0.525 0.018 0.00026 0.00136 0.49 0.56
LMA 0.370 0.372 0.029 0.00041 0.00388 0.32 0.43
BF 0.073 0.093 0.020 0.00028 0.00580 0.06 0.14
RF 0.227 0.237 0.027 0.00038 0.00427 0.19 0.29
Maternal heritability
BW 0.238 0.237 0.014 0.00020 0.00130 0.21 0.27
W120 0.106 0.105 0.009 0.00013 0.00140 0.09 0.12
W210 0.080 0.077 0.006 0.00009 0.00088 0.06 0.09
Maternal permanent environmental proportion (c²)
BW 0.022 0.025 0.004 0.00006 0.00072 0.02 0.03
W120 0.044 0.045 0.004 0.00006 0.00046 0.04 0.05
W210 0.031 0.031 0.003 0.00005 0.00043 0.02 0.04

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness

Table 5. Marginal posterior distributions of the maternal permanent environmental and residual covariances among growth and carcass traits in Polled Nellore cattle.

Trait Mode Mean SD Naive SE Time series SE CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
  Maternal permanent environment
BW W120 0.532 0.477 0.148 0.00209 0.02729 0.164 0.764
BW W210 0.457 0.382 0.198 0.00281 0.0377 0.019 0.802
W120 W210 11.51 11.827 1.208 0.01709 0.13657 9.466 14.21
BW W120 4.56 4.706 0.413 0.00584 0.03483 3.911 5.486
BW W210 6.009 5.998 0.578 0.00817 0.04495 4.855 7.117
BW W365 6.725 6.799 0.685 0.00969 0.03848 5.478 8.204
BW W450 7.728 7.542 0.783 0.01107 0.04514 6.07 9.122
BW LMA 0.408 0.538 0.217 0.00307 0.01837 0.119 0.968
BW BF 0.024 0.021 0.014 0.0002 0.00174 0.007 0.049
BW RF 0.033 0.029 0.025 0.00035 0.00249 0.02 0.078
W120 W210 148.59 148.919 3.383 0.04785 0.3184 141.9 155.1
W120 W365 134.7 133.447 3.942 0.05574 0.30359 125.8 141.203
W120 W450 127.885 128.829 4.395 0.06215 0.33936 120.1 137.4
W120 LMA 17.055 16.889 1.164 0.01646 0.11777 14.58 19.1
W120 BF 0.276 0.311 0.08 0.00113 0.01187 0.151 0.462
W120 RF 0.193 0.164 0.123 0.00174 0.01388 0.089 0.398
W210 W365 213.159 213.769 6.355 0.08987 0.50626 201.198 226.2
W210 W450 202.326 200.672 6.777 0.09584 0.52954 187.198 213.9
W210 LMA 24.553 24.753 1.732 0.0245 0.15033 21.33 28.091
W210 BF 0.582 0.55 0.122 0.00172 0.0182 0.298 0.779
W210 RF 0.378 0.402 0.196 0.00277 0.02177 0.013 0.773
W365 W450 255.158 257.001 9.283 0.13128 0.5337 238.7 275.103
W365 LMA 28.808 29.775 2.286 0.03233 0.20738 25.35 34.34
W365 BF 0.744 0.723 0.162 0.00229 0.02277 0.399 1.02
W365 RF 0.997 1.02 0.245 0.00347 0.0222 0.525 1.498
W450 LMA 40.961 40.098 2.417 0.03417 0.21669 35.5 44.87
W450 BF 0.914 0.896 0.163 0.00231 0.01701 0.576 1.209
W450 RF 1.496 1.525 0.264 0.00373 0.02609 0.997 2.04
LMA BF 0.273 0.282 0.035 0.0005 0.00559 0.215 0.358
LMA RF 0.439 0.435 0.058 0.00082 0.00735 0.327 0.555
BF RF 0.058 0.058 0.003 0.00005 0.00056 0.051 0.064

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness

Table 6. Marginal posterior distributions of the genetic correlation among the growth and carcass traits in Polled Nellore cattle.

Trait Mode Mean SD Naive SE Time series SE CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
Genetic additive direct
BW W120 0.506 0.511 0.041 0.00058 0.00479 0.427 0.587
BW W210 0.342 0.354 0.04 0.00056 0.00371 0.274 0.428
BW W365 0.187 0.184 0.032 0.00046 0.00222 0.117 0.244
BW W450 0.193 0.181 0.035 0.0005 0.00265 0.109 0.243
BW LMA 0.077 0.083 0.054 0.00077 0.00622 0.003 0.184
BW BF 0.083 0.042 0.092 0.0013 0.01586 0.001 0.208
BW RF -0.028 -0.049 0.074 0.00105 0.01061 -0.216 -0.001
W120 W210 0.953 0.946 0.011 0.00015 0.00274 0.924 0.964
W120 W365 0.781 0.798 0.026 0.00037 0.00404 0.751 0.848
W120 W450 0.799 0.786 0.031 0.00044 0.00537 0.729 0.844
W120 LMA 0.473 0.487 0.057 0.0008 0.00896 0.384 0.595
W120 BF -0.011 0.043 0.115 0.00163 0.02954 -0.17 -0.001
W120 RF -0.048 -0.049 0.08 0.00114 0.01279 -0.198 -0.001
W210 W365 0.927 0.928 0.012 0.00018 0.00242 0.899 0.949
W210 W450 0.925 0.915 0.019 0.00027 0.00468 0.872 0.945
W210 LMA 0.585 0.591 0.043 0.0006 0.00577 0.505 0.669
W210 BF 0.095 0.08 0.109 0.00154 0.02674 0.001 0.329
W210 RF -0.061 -0.079 0.078 0.00111 0.01222 -0.125 -0.003
W365 W450 0.988 0.987 0.003 0.00004 0.00078 0.98 0.991
W365 LMA 0.679 0.676 0.029 0.00041 0.00323 0.616 0.733
W365 BF 0.117 0.176 0.095 0.00134 0.01789 0.024 0.378
W365 RF -0.094 -0.091 0.064 0.0009 0.00802 -0.214 -0.001
W450 LMA 0.652 0.653 0.029 0.0004 0.00287 0.595 0.709
W450 BF 0.235 0.235 0.086 0.00122 0.01549 0.085 0.413
W450 RF -0.058 -0.061 0.065 0.00092 0.0084 -0.187 -0.001
LMA BF 0.086 0.095 0.11 0.00156 0.02314 0.002 0.309
LMA RF -0.092 -0.092 0.08 0.00114 0.01243 -0.261 -0.001
BF RF 0.523 0.547 0.074 0.00104 0.01528 0.378 0.683
Genetic additive maternal
BW W120 0.25 0.254 0.055 0.00078 0.00737 0.136 0.362
BW W210 0.171 0.16 0.054 0.00077 0.00663 0.05 0.263
W120 W210 0.966 0.96 0.012 0.00016 0.00327 0.939 0.979

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness

Table 7. Marginal posterior distributions of the correlation between genetic additive direct and maternal correlation among the growth and carcass traits in Polled Nellore cattle.

Direct Maternal Mode Mean SD Naive SE Time series SE CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
BW BW -0.807 -0.804 0.017 0.00024 0.00151 -0.835 -0.769
BW W120 -0.149 -0.134 0.052 0.00073 0.00634 -0.234 -0.022
BW W210 -0.095 -0.096 0.049 0.00069 0.00566 -0.184 -0.002
W120 BW -0.228 -0.227 0.054 0.00076 0.00648 -0.326 -0.110
W120 W120 0.267 0.302 0.066 0.00093 0.01105 0.179 0.425
W120 W210 0.323 0.350 0.059 0.00083 0.00911 0.231 0.463
W210 BW -0.099 -0.087 0.043 0.0006 0.00368 -0.169 -0.001
W210 W120 0.527 0.515 0.049 0.00069 0.00744 0.414 0.600
W210 W210 0.495 0.503 0.044 0.00062 0.00594 0.407 0.589
W365 BW 0.024 0.027 0.034 0.00048 0.00222 0.004 0.098
W365 W120 0.777 0.764 0.026 0.00036 0.00347 0.709 0.811
W365 W210 0.753 0.750 0.029 0.0004 0.00431 0.694 0.807
W450 BW 0.044 0.058 0.037 0.00052 0.00277 0.001 0.135
W450 W120 0.726 0.732 0.029 0.00042 0.00408 0.674 0.785
W450 W210 0.709 0.706 0.033 0.00047 0.00516 0.637 0.771
LMA BW 0.004 0.016 0.060 0.00085 0.00816 0.001 0.114
LMA W120 0.472 0.446 0.054 0.00076 0.00787 0.337 0.545
LMA W210 0.431 0.457 0.053 0.00075 0.00796 0.347 0.554
BF BW 0.052 0.038 0.085 0.0012 0.01385 0.001 0.216
BF W120 0.157 0.159 0.099 0.0014 0.0185 0.071 0.296
BF W210 0.204 0.198 0.110 0.00156 0.02311 0.110 0.297
RF BW 0.051 0.024 0.081 0.00114 0.01203 0.001 0.106
RF W120 -0.098 -0.106 0.079 0.00112 0.01213 -0.250 -0.005
RF W210 -0.158 -0.118 0.076 0.00108 0.01119 -0.254 -0.003

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness

The correlations between weights at birth and the other weight categories were the only genetic correlations that presented negative values regarding the maternal effects, which means that selection of the best cows cannot result in selection of the best progenies (Table 3). Genetic correlation among birth weights and the weights at 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age were all positive (Table 4).

Table 3. Marginal posterior distributions of the genetic covariances among growth and carcass traits in Polled Nellore cattle.

Trait Mode Mean SD Naive SE Time series SE CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
Genetic additive direct
BW W120 6.967 7.23 0.741 0.01049 0.07066 5.882 8.700
BW W210 8.08 8.073 1.004 0.0142 0.08404 6.154 10.060
BW W365 6.959 6.647 1.189 0.01681 0.07891 4.211 8.877
BW W450 6.535 6.754 1.338 0.01892 0.09688 4.034 9.214
BW LMA 0.479 0.559 0.368 0.00521 0.04081 0.018 1.244
BW BF 0.017 0.009 0.02 0.00029 0.00335 0.003 0.045
BW RF -0.027 -0.027 0.04 0.00056 0.00559 -0.118 -0.005
W120 W210 78.151 80.786 5.333 0.07542 0.56556 71.220 92.371
W120 W365 107.247 107.801 6.188 0.08751 0.66018 96.350 120.400
W120 W450 107.465 109.464 6.672 0.09436 0.73264 96.690 123.303
W120 LMA 11.389 12.334 1.546 0.02186 0.19062 9.605 15.310
W120 BF -0.009 -0.007 0.095 0.00135 0.02375 -0.150 0.000
W120 RF -0.097 -0.099 0.163 0.0023 0.02535 -0.110 0.000
W210 W365 203.47 202.275 9.951 0.14073 0.84427 184.000 222.200
W210 W450 206.467 205.49 10.329 0.14607 0.8745 186.700 226.400
W210 LMA 24.227 24.18 2.225 0.03147 0.23896 19.750 28.440
W210 BF 0.134 0.103 0.143 0.00202 0.03323 0.016 0.323
W210 RF -0.22 -0.26 0.257 0.00363 0.0395 -0.746 -0.028
W365 W450 354.369 350.976 13.681 0.19349 0.89219 324.400 378.800
W365 LMA 43.936 43.824 3.101 0.04385 0.29369 37.560 49.830
W365 BF 0.259 0.378 0.201 0.00284 0.0347 0.054 0.797
W365 RF -0.565 -0.471 0.125 0.0046 0.04002 -0.910 -0.002
W450 LMA 43.709 43.602 3.211 0.04541 0.30801 37.310 49.600
W450 BF 0.521 0.52 0.19 0.00269 0.03377 0.192 0.923
W450 RF -0.36 -0.324 0.344 0.00486 0.04371 -0.989 -0.039
LMA BF 0.043 0.039 0.044 0.00062 0.00861 0.002 0.123
LMA RF -0.08 -0.089 0.077 0.00109 0.01143 -0.143 -0.001
BF RF 0.016 0.018 0.004 0.00006 0.00078 0.010 0.026
Genetic additive maternal
BW W120 1.418 1.615 0.393 0.00556 0.04942 0.837 2.46
BW W210 1.385 1.267 0.45 0.00636 0.05562 0.389 2.204
W120 W210 28.543 28.452 2.454 0.03471 0.32642 23.19 33.09

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness

Table 4. Marginal posterior distributions of the covariances among genetic additive direct and maternal effects among growth and carcass traits in Polled Nellore cattle.

Direct Maternal Mode Mean SD Naive SE Time series SE CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
BW BW -2.04 -2.034 0.144 0.00203 0.01252 -2.342 -1.776
BW W120 -1.488 -1.274 0.519 0.00734 0.06464 -2.349 -0.186
BW W210 -1.147 -1.15 0.598 0.00845 0.06946 -2.229 0
W120 BW -2.095 -2.146 0.536 0.00758 0.06164 -3.221 -1.029
W120 W120 11.009 10.598 1.912 0.02703 0.26924 6.714 14.11
W120 W210 15.741 15.389 2.313 0.03271 0.31368 10.51 19.78
W210 BW -1.453 -1.335 0.668 0.00945 0.05817 -2.671 -0.015
W210 W120 29.176 29.336 2.488 0.03519 0.26595 24.22 34.2
W210 W210 35.162 35.814 2.816 0.03982 0.26979 29.929 41.28
W365 BW 0.554 0.66 0.823 0.01164 0.0543 0.089 1.392
W365 W120 68.559 69.055 4.12 0.05826 0.39475 60.87 77.03
W365 W210 87.959 84.697 5.269 0.07451 0.53575 73.96 94.981
W450 BW 1.025 1.446 0.931 0.01317 0.06971 0.128 1.389
W450 W120 66.796 68.161 4.175 0.05905 0.39747 60.04 76.391
W450 W210 82.229 82.123 5.629 0.0796 0.61906 70.88 93.26
LMA BW -0.154 -0.073 0.27 0.00382 0.03671 -0.569 -0.052
LMA W120 7.993 7.574 1.011 0.0143 0.13042 5.473 9.37
LMA W210 9.401 9.696 1.278 0.01808 0.17997 7.128 12.12
BF BW 0.007 0.006 0.013 0.00018 0.00205 0.002 0.031
BF W120 0.089 0.06 0.057 0.00081 0.01041 0.004 0.178
BF W210 0.064 0.078 0.079 0.00112 0.01605 0.007 0.23
RF BW 0.015 0.009 0.029 0.00041 0.00432 0.004 0.075
RF W120 -0.195 -0.144 0.107 0.00151 0.01588 -0.337 -0.062
RF W210 -0.28 -0.199 0.127 0.00179 0.01783 -0.419 -0.017

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; and RF: rump fat thickness

Additive direct heritabilities for weights at birth, 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age, longissimus muscle area, back-fat thickness, and rump fat thickness were 0.53±0.030, 0.24±0.017, 0.29±0.015, 0.55±0.017, 0.53±0.018, 0.37±0.029, 0.09±0.020 and 0.24±0.027, respectively. The estimates of maternal heritabilities were 0.24±0.014, 0.11±0.009 and 0.08±0.006, respectively for weights at birth, 120, 210 days of age (Table 8). Estimates were moderate and remained fairly similar within pre-weaning traits and within post-weaning traits. The estimates of maternal permanent environmental effects (c2) for weights at birth, 120 and 210 days of age were 0.025±0.004, 0.045±0.004 and 0.031±0.003, respectively, which means that repeatability of the dam in this herd did not affect the expression of these traits, or on the other hand, the dams were constantly changing.

Before performing cluster analysis, it was necessary to diagnose how many clusters suited the data. Thus, visual examination were used to determine the best k value: the first consisted of using the Calinsky criterion (CC) technique; and the second approach was the sum of squared errors (SSE) within groups (Fig 1). In accordance with the k-mean partition comparison and the CC, the best k was 2, and for the SSE within groups the best k was 4; therefore we used the mean of both approaches (k = 3).

Fig 1. Plots of different approaches (visual k-mean partition comparison, Calinsky criterion (CC), and sum of squared error within groups) used in order to detect the optimal number of clusters.

Fig 1

Using the k-mean comparison, the number of colors is in accordance with the number of clusters in each partition.

After performing cluster analysis using the k-mean method and k = 3, groups 1, 2 and 3 were composed of 2970, 5886 and 2997 animals. Significant differences were observed between the three groups (p < 0.0001), as pointed out in Table 8. It was possible to sort the animals that had similar EPDs into each cluster. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test, followed by Dunn’s test and p-value adjusted by FDR analysis revealed differences among these groups for weights and carcass traits. Thus, using this approach it is possible to choose the best animals for selection, or conversely choose inferior animals to cull. Cluster analyses allow one to perform more accurate culling of the worst animals, meaning those that do not contribute positively in the herd, as well as helping to select the best animals.

The K-mean method was efficient in grouping animals based on similar EPDs, and its standardized averages are shown in Fig 2. The animals grouped in cluster 1 had the highest EPDs for all traits, cluster 2 presented average animals, and cluster 3 comprised the animals with the lowest EPDs. There were significant difference between these groups for all traits (Table 9). Thus, this approach allowed a simulation in order to choose the superior animals for selection and the inferior animals for culling.

Fig 2. Standardized average of direct (a) and maternal (m) expected progeny difference for growth and carcass traits in each cluster.

Fig 2

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; RF: rump fat thickness.

Table 9. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test and Dunn’s test for multiple pairwise comparisons of expected progeny differences for weights and carcass traits among the clusters.

Trait DF χ2 p-value
Direct effect
Birth Weight 2 4400.0173 ***
Weight at 120 days 2 7034.7213 ***
Weight at 210 days 2 7443.3853 ***
Weight at 365 days 2 7678.1952 ***
Weight at 450 days 2 7711.2914 ***
Longissimus muscle area 2 2645.4559 ***
Back-fat thickness 2 4703.2899 ***
Rump fat thickness 2 4736.5479 ***
Maternal effect
Birth Weight 2 5807.0458 ***
Weight at 120 days 2 8748.0507 ***
Weight at 210 days 2 8841.5603 ***

DF: degrees of freedom; χ2: Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared

*** (p < 0.0001)

The linear discriminant coefficients LD1 and PC1 were established as the two equations that allowed for the best discrimination (Table 10). The proportion of trace indicates the amount of data for which each equation can successfully account, regarding standardized EPDs. The first linear discriminant function (LD1) was used because its proportion of trace was close to 1 (0.9837). The accuracy of the selection index was 0.969. The index weights, as proposed by [12] and [14], have only values for measurable traits, in other words, only for phenotypes. Estimates of correlations between pSI-LD1 (0.66±0.061), pSI-PC1 (0.66±0.061), pSI-gSI (0.64±0.066), LD1-PC1 (0.99±0.0001), LD1-gSI (0.96±0.0094) and PC1-gSI (0.96±0.0085) were positive, and their values have magnitudes from moderate to high (Table 11).

Table 10. Weights of indices based on selection index and the multivariate approach.

Index Direct Effect Maternal Effect
BW W120 W210 W365 W450 LMA BF RF BW W120 W210
gSI 0.802 1.110 1.181 0.418 0.576 0.632 1.505 -0.748
pSI 0.794 0.067 -0.080 0.090 -0.029 0.065 2.165 1.287
LD1 0.410 0.424 0.434 0.387 0.390 0.265 0.131 0.145 0.076 0.142 0.164
PC1 -1.241 -2.818 -3.359 4.473 3.241 1.645 0.179 0.044 0.926 2.265 1.789

pSI: Selection Index proposed by Hazel (1943); gSI: Selection Index proposed by Schneeberger et al. (1992); LD1: first linear discriminant function; PC1: first principal component; BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; RF: rump fat thickness

Table 11. Mean, standard deviation (SD), naive standard error (SE) of the mean and time-series standard error (SE) of Spearman correlation among the predicted values from selection index and multivariate approaches.

Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
pSI x LD1 0.66 0.0612 0.0004999 0.0009603
pSI x PC1 0.66 0.0610 0.0004983 0.0009955
pSI x gSI 0.63 0.0658 0.0005377 0.0010620
LD1_PC1 0.99 0.0001 0.0000009 0.0000107
LD1 x gSI 0.96 0.0093 0.0000764 0.0002856
PC1 x gSI 0.96 0.0085 0.0000693 0.0002904

pSI: Selection Index proposed by Hazel (1943); gSI: Selection Index proposed by Schneeberger et al. (1992); LD1: first linear discriminant function; PC1: first principal component

Favorable genetic trends were obtained for the direct and maternal standardized EPD for birth weight, weight at 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age, back-fat thickness, and rump fat thickness; except for longissimus muscle area which showed sigmoidal trend (Fig 3). Trace and density plots of marginal posterior Spearman correlations (Fig 4) between the selection indexes proposed by [13] and [14], first linear discriminant function, and the first principal component were accurate, tending to normal distribution, and showing symmetrical distributions of measures of central tendency, which indicate high accuracy in these analyses [34,37].

Fig 3. Standardized genetic trends for weights (BW, W120, W210, W365 and W450) and carcass (LMA, BF and RF) traits due to direct and maternal effects.

Fig 3

BW, birth weight; W120, weight at 120 days of age; W210, weight at 210 days of age; W365, weight at 365 days of age; W450, weight at 450 days of age; LMA: longissimus muscle area; BF: back-fat thickness; obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs; RF: rump fat thickness.

Fig 4. Estimates of correlation between indices pSI-LD1 (A), pSI-PC1 (B), pSI-gSI (C), LD1-PC1 (D), LD1-gSI (E) and PC1-gSI (F).

Fig 4

pSI: Selection Index proposed by [13]; gSI: Selection Index proposed by [14]; LD1: first linear discriminant function; and PC1: first principal component.


Moderate to high estimates of direct heritabilities for growth and carcass traits suggest a gap for genetic improvement of the traits using mass selection [10, 3842]. Overall, the estimate of maternal genetic effects was moderate and affirmed the importance of maternal genetics in the expression of the phenotype of Nellore cattle regarding growth traits. Estimates of maternal permanent environmental effects (c2) were quite low, but enough to influence the expression of an individual’s real phenotype due to masking effects of pre-weaning care. This indicates a higher effect of the maternal permanent environmental effect on weaning weight and a declining trend in the subsequent weight categories.

The genetic correlations between direct additive genetic and maternal additive genetic effects were negative only between correlations regarding birth weight. Therefore, selection for direct additive genetic effects would not improve maternal ability, making it difficult to conduct joint selection for these traits. Different reasons for these negative estimates have been proposed. As reported by [43], the number of offspring per dam may have increased the dependence between maternal parameters, although other factors such as the number of dams with records also interfere in these estimates. This occurs due to failure to include some important fixed effects in the model, and the inclusion of sire x year interaction in the model could also lead to a reduction in the negative correlation estimates between the animal effects [11]. The negative correlations may also indicate antagonism between the effects of genes related to growth and maternal ability and are often considered to be a statistical issue rather than a biological matter in animal breeding [44, 45]. Antagonism between the effects of an individual’s genes for growth and those of its dam for a maternal contribution may also be due to natural selection for an intermediate optimum [46]. On the other hand, estimates of genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects for pre and post weaning weights (W120, W210, W365 and W450) were all positive, which means that the selection for direct genetic effects can improve maternal ability, enabling joint selection for growth traits.

Estimates of direct heritabilities were moderate to high for all traits, suggesting that genetic improvement can be obtained through the selection for these traits. Estimates of direct heritabilities for post weaning live weights previously reported by [41] were similar to the estimates obtained in the present study. The estimates of genetic correlations between genetic direct additive and maternal additive effects were moderate and were negative only between BW and the other weights, which reflected an antagonistic relationship. This antagonistic effect is hard to explain and probably occurred for the reasons cited above.

The estimates of genetic correlations among all traits were positive and ranged from moderate to high, indicating strong genetic associations among all traits, in accordance with results reported by [4,40,41] regarding Nellore cattle. Genetic correlations between weaning weight and post weaning weights were also moderate to high and positive, suggesting that many of the genetic factors that influence body weight at different ages were the same and that selection of animals at weaning age is associated with the weight at 15 months. Likewise, high genetic correlations of W120 with other traits mean that animals presenting greater EPDs for W210 will probably present greater genetic merit for W365 and W450 also. Therefore, reduction of the age of selection from 450 days to 365 days or even at weaning (W210) may be possible for Nellore cattle.

High genetic variability observed in the herd, indicated by high estimates of the heritability coefficients, reveal that it is possible to make improvements over generations through a selection schedule [2,47,48] aiming at genetic progress of traits. Genetic trends (Fig 3) were positive and increasing over the years, which may have contributed to the correct classification and grouping of similar animals within each cluster.

Animals in cluster 1 presented the highest values when the selection indices were used, which points to similar results regardless of the approach adopted to select superior animals. This statement is supported by positive and high correlation estimates between the first linear discriminant (LD1) function and the other selection indices [13]. Therefore, in the absence of economic weights, the multivariate approach can be a reliable tool for the purpose of selecting the best animals. Multivariate analysis allowed forecasting information based on the relationships among breeding values and accounting for maternal ability and the direct genetic potential of the animals. Likewise, the multivariate index enabled data summarization after genetic evaluation, fine discrimination and rapid selection of animals.

The results of this study contribute to achieving the goals of simplifying the process of cattle breeding, lowering costs and saving time to subsidize on-farm decision-making regarding the selection of sires and dams. The generation of progeny with superior genetic merit for traits of economic importance is crucial to increase profitability in beef cattle production. Currently, economic returns are obtained mainly by selling heavier animals for slaughtering, with a growing emphasis on carcass quality. This logic seems to perfectly match the increased genetic trends found in this study.

The selection index approach is limited due to working only with phenotypes (selection criteria), requiring farm-specific economic and productive data and needing a separate index for every animal. These costly and time-consuming limitations are overcome by using the multivariate technique presented and tested in this study. Nevertheless, despite some limitations, the economic selection approach to weights and carcass traits is no doubt the most robust method for the selection of cattle.


Genetic correlations were substantial across in traits of economic importance evaluated in this study. High to moderate estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations indicate that a correlated response approach appears to be suitable for practical decision-making in beef cattle systems. The results obtained from the multivariate approach were consistent with results obtained using selection indices, which supports the use of multivariate analysis as a potential tool for selection in cattle breeding. In addition, longissimus muscle area and subcutaneous fat thickness measured by real-time ultrasound should be used as selection criteria, allowing the estimation of breeding values before the first mating season in order to accelerate the response to individual selection.


The authors are indebted to the ANCP (National Association of Breeders and Researchers) in Brazil for providing the phenotypic and genealogical data. The authors also thank CNPq (National Council of Technological and Scientific Development of Brazil) for providing post-doctoral and doctoral financial support for the first and second authors, respectively.

Data Availability

The data used in this study cannot be made available by the authors, as they are managed by a third party, the ANCP (National Association of Breeders and Researchers). Data were generated in collaboration between Embrapa scientists and the National Association of Breeders and Researchers (ANCP). As part of the ANCP, Embrapa scientists could access this data for the purpose of this research. Although there are restrictions prohibiting the authors from making the minimal data set publicly available, the ANCP accepts research proposals that can include access to data. All interested researchers are able to access the data in the same way that the authors did. Requests for the data may be sent to: Rua João Godoy, 463, Jardim América, Ribeirão Preto – SP, Brazil. Zip Code: 14020-230; Phone: +55(16) 3877-3260. Other contacts are available at the following website: They may also send an e-mail to (Dr. Raysildo Lôbo, Principal of ANCP) to request the data.

Funding Statement

CNPq (National Council of Technological and Scientific Development) provided post-doctoral and doctoral scholarships for the first and second author.


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Data Availability Statement

The data used in this study cannot be made available by the authors, as they are managed by a third party, the ANCP (National Association of Breeders and Researchers). Data were generated in collaboration between Embrapa scientists and the National Association of Breeders and Researchers (ANCP). As part of the ANCP, Embrapa scientists could access this data for the purpose of this research. Although there are restrictions prohibiting the authors from making the minimal data set publicly available, the ANCP accepts research proposals that can include access to data. All interested researchers are able to access the data in the same way that the authors did. Requests for the data may be sent to: Rua João Godoy, 463, Jardim América, Ribeirão Preto – SP, Brazil. Zip Code: 14020-230; Phone: +55(16) 3877-3260. Other contacts are available at the following website: They may also send an e-mail to (Dr. Raysildo Lôbo, Principal of ANCP) to request the data.

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