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. 2016 Jan 26;11(1):e0148052. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148052

A Multi-Country Cross-Sectional Study of Vaginal Carriage of Group B Streptococci (GBS) and Escherichia coli in Resource-Poor Settings: Prevalences and Risk Factors

Piet Cools 1, Vicky Jespers 2, Liselotte Hardy 2, Tania Crucitti 3, Sinead Delany-Moretlwe 4, Mary Mwaura 5, Gilles F Ndayisaba 6, Janneke H H M van de Wijgert 7, Mario Vaneechoutte 1,*
Editor: Caroline L Trotter8
PMCID: PMC4727807  PMID: 26811897



One million neonates die each year in low- and middle-income countries because of neonatal sepsis; group B Streptococcus (GBS) and Escherichia coli are the leading causes. In sub-Saharan Africa, epidemiological data on vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage, a prerequisite for GBS and E. coli neonatal sepsis, respectively, are scarce but necessary to design and implement prevention strategies. Therefore, we assessed vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage rates and risk factors and the GBS serotype distribution in three sub-Saharan countries.


A total of 430 women from Kenya, Rwanda and South Africa were studied cross-sectionally. Vaginal carriage of GBS and E. coli, and GBS serotype were assessed using molecular techniques. Risk factors for carriage were identified using multivariable logistic regression analysis.


Vaginal carriage rates in reference groups from Kenya and South Africa were 20.2% (95% CI, 13.7–28.7%) and 23.1% (95% CI, 16.2–31.9%), respectively for GBS; and 25.0% (95% CI, 17.8–33.9%) and 27.1% (95% CI, 19.6–36.2%), respectively for E. coli. GBS serotypes Ia (36.8%), V (26.3%) and III (14.0%) were most prevalent. Factors independently associated with GBS and E. coli carriage were Candida albicans, an intermediate vaginal microbiome, bacterial vaginosis, recent vaginal intercourse, vaginal washing, cervical ectopy and working as a sex worker. GBS and E. coli carriage were positively associated.


Reduced vaginal GBS carriage rates might be accomplished by advocating behavioral changes such as abstinence from sexual intercourse and by avoidance of vaginal washing during late pregnancy. It might be advisable to explore the inclusion of vaginal carriage of C. albicans, GBS, E. coli and of the presence of cervical ectopy in a risk- and/or screening-based administration of antibiotic prophylaxis. Current phase II GBS vaccines (a trivalent vaccine targeting serotypes Ia, Ib, and III, and a conjugate vaccine targeting serotype III) would not protect the majority of women against carriage in our study population.


One million children die each year in low- and middle-income countries in the first 4 weeks of life because of neonatal sepsis [1]. Early-onset neonatal sepsis (EOS), occurring in the first week of life, accounts for approximately 80% of cases, and is caused by bacteria that are transmitted vertically from the genital tract of the mother to infant before or during delivery [2]. Late-onset neonatal sepsis (LOS) occurs between week 1 and month 2 to 3 of life and may be caused by bacteria acquired vertically or horizontally [3]. Because the transfer of a single species from the maternal genitourinary tract to the neonate before or during delivery is a prerequisite for EOS [4], there are unique opportunities for prevention of EOS.

At present, Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) and Escherichia coli are the leading causes of EOS worldwide [5]. Furthermore, GBS and E. coli are associated with preterm birth, very-low-birth-weight delivery and puerperal sepsis [6, 7], which cause substantial morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) [2, 8, 9].

To prevent EOS, efforts have been focusing mainly on GBS and high-income countries, based on two strategies, namely the screening- or risk-based administration of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) and the development of vaccines [10].

IAP has been shown to reduce the incidence of GBS EOS from 1.7/1000 to 0.6/1000 in the US [11], but is not effective against E. coli EOS, LOS, and adverse perinatal outcomes related to GBS [12, 13]. Furthermore, according to the current universal guidelines (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC), IAP should be administered to women found positive for GBS at 35–37 weeks of gestation [14]. However, these guidelines are not followed in most health-care facilities in low-income countries. The use of intravaginal washes with chlorhexidine (a wide-spectrum microbicide) during labour and neonatal wipes with chlorhexidine, has been explored in low- and middle-income countries, but is unlikely to prevent vertically acquired neonatal infections in any setting or population [4].

Most GBS vaccines under development aim at eliciting protective antibodies against capsular polysaccharides (CPS), the most important GBS virulence factor of which ten antigenically distinct CPS are known [10], and are attractive as some of the IAP-related problems may be circumvented [10]. However, these vaccines might not be effective in low-income countries because of different serotype distribution [15].

Although SSA has the highest rates of neonatal sepsis mortality worldwide, epidemiological data on vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage are very limited but necessary to develop and implement prevention strategies [16, 17]. Therefore, in this multi-country cross-sectional study, we assessed the vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage prevalence, risk factors for GBS and E. coli carriage, and GBS serotype distribution in populations from three countries: Kenya, Rwanda and South Africa.

Patients and Methods

Study design and population

In 2010–2011, we conducted a multi-country follow-up study entitled ‘‘Characterisation of novel microbicide safety biomarkers in East and South Africa”. The main aim of that project was to characterise the vaginal microbiome and the cervicovaginal mucosal immune system in African women and to assess changes of these over time [1821]. In that study, 430 women were recruited at three study sites, i.e. the International Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya (ICRHK) in Mombasa, Kenya (170 women); the non-governmental organisation Rinda Ubuzima (RU) in Kigali, Rwanda (60 women), and the Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute (Wits RHI) in Johannesburg, South Africa (SA) (200 women). The women were recruited into 6 predefined study groups: a reference group of 219 women (adult, non-pregnant, HIV-negative women at average risk of HIV), 60 pregnant women (up to 14 weeks of gestational age as determined by abdominal ultrasound at recruitment), 60 adolescent girls (16–17 years), 31 HIV-negative women engaging in vaginal practices (usage of cloth, lemon juice, or detergents to clean, dry or tighten the vagina on a regular basis), 30 self-acknowledged female sex workers (FSW), and 30 HIV-positive women (on antiretroviral treatment for at least 6 months, asymptomatic and with a CD4 count of more than 350 cells/μl) (Table 1). Participants were eligible for inclusion if they were in good physical and mental health, able and willing to participate in the study as required by the protocol, able and willing to give written informed consent (including written parental or guardian consent for adolescents). Women were excluded if they had never had penetrative vaginal intercourse, if they had a history of hysterectomy or other genital tract surgery in the three months prior to the screening visit, if external and/or internal genital warts were found, if they were enrolled in HIV prevention trials involving investigational products, if they were less than 6 months post-partum at the time of enrolment, if they were HIV-positive (unless for inclusion in the HIV-positive women group), or if they were pregnant (unless for inclusion in the pregnant women group). The study population, followed up for approximately eight months per person over 8 visits, is described in detail by Jespers and coworkers [19].

Table 1. Study population and vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage rates.

City, Country Group n GBS prevalence % (95% CI) E. coli prevalence % (95% CI)
Mombasa, Kenya Reference group 110 20.2 (13.7–28.7) 25.0 (17.8–33.9)
Mombasa, Kenya Pregnant women 30 14.3 (5.7–31.5) 14.3 (5.7–31.5)
Mombasa, Kenya Adolescents 30 3.6 (0.6–17.7) 28.6 (15.3–47.1)
Kigali, Rwanda FSW 30 20.0 (9.5–37.3) 70.0 (52.1–83.3)
Kigali, Rwanda HIV+ women 30 0.0 (0.0–11.4) 20.0 (9.5–37.3)
Johannesburg, SA Reference group 109 23.2 (16.2–31.9) 27.1 (19.6–36.2)
Johannesburg, SA Pregnant women 30 10.0 (3.5–25.6) 33.3 (19.2–51.2)
Johannesburg, SA Adolescents 30 0.0 (0.0–11.4) 13.3 (5.3–29.7)
Johannesburg, SA Vaginal practices 31 25.8 (13.7–43.2) 30.0 (16.7–47.9)

The current study presents one of the tertiary objectives of the above mentioned study, namely to document the vaginal carriage rates of the main pathogens associated with EOS (GBS and E. coli) and the risk factors for their carriage. These analyses are based on the screening visit and the first visit (scheduled soon after the last day (day 9 +/- 2 days) of the menstrual period) from the follow-up study.

Study procedures

At the screening visit, blood, vaginal, endocervical and urine samples were taken for diagnostic testing of HIV, HSV-2, syphilis, Neisseria gonorrheae (NG), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Trichomonas vaginalis (TV), urinary tract infection (UTI), pregnancy, cervical dysplasia (by Pap smear), bacterial vaginosis (BV) (Amsel criteria), and vaginal candidiasis. Treatment was provided according to national guidelines, voluntary HIV counseling was offered, and condoms were provided free-of-charge.

At visit 1, two sterile Copan flocked® vaginal swabs (Copan Diagnostics, Inc., Murrieta, CA), to be used for the molecular detection of GBS and E. coli, were brought into the vaginal vault by the study clinician, rotated against the vaginal wall at the midportion of the vault, gently dipped in the posterior fornix and carefully removed to prevent contamination with the microbiome of the vulva and introitus. The swab heads were collected into two 1.5 ml cryovials, labelled and immediately frozen at -80°C until shipment to the central laboratory at the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM, Antwerp, Belgium) using temperature-monitored dry shippers filled with liquid nitrogen. One Amies swab (Copan Diagnostics, Inc.) for culturing was taken in a likewise manner, placed in the Amies tube, and transported at 4°C in a temperature-monitored cooler to the local laboratory, where it was processed immediately. At both visits, women were interviewed during face-to-face interviews about their general and sexual health, vaginal habits and sociodemographic characteristics. A physical examination including speculum and bimanual pelvic examination was carried out by a clinician. At each visit, participants were compensated for their time and transportation.

Diagnosis of genital infections

At the local laboratories, tests for HIV, HSV-2, syphilis, CT and NG were performed. For immediate detection of Candida cells and hyphae, TV, and clue cells, wet mount microscopy was used. For the purpose of this study, a commercially available TV InPouchTM system (BioMed Diagnostics, White City, Oregon) was used. For this, a vaginal swab was inoculated according to the manufacturer’s instructions and InPouch cultures were monitored on a daily basis. InPouch bags with no growth at the end of five days were considered negative. BV diagnosed according to the Amsel criteria was used for immediate treatment. For research, vaginal smears were made and sent to ITM for Gram staining and Nugent scoring, a scoring system to diagnose BV. Briefly, smears from vaginal swabs were prepared by rolling the swab onto a glass slide. Slides were air-dried and fixed using 70% ethanol. For the Gram-staining at ITM, the fixed smear was covered with crystal violet for 1 minute, washed with water, flooded with Lugol’s iodine for 1 minute, washed with water, and then decolorized with acetone-alcohol for 2–3 seconds. The smears were rinsed quickly under running water to stop the decolorisation and then counterstained with safranin for 1 minute. All reagents were from Becton Dickinson (BD). All smears were examined microscopically with the 40X objective to check the staining and the distribution of the material, and then assessed under oil immersion objective (1000x magnification) using the grading system described by Nugent and co-workers [22]. The Nugent score is calculated by assessing for the presence of Lactobacillus cell types, small Gram-variable coccobacilli, and curved Gram-variable rods. A score of 0–3 is considered as normal (BV-negative); a score of 4–6 as an intermediate vaginal microbiome; and a score of 7–10 as BV-positive.

DNA extraction

For the molecular detection of GBS and E. coli, DNA extraction from the two Copan swabs of each subject was carried out at ITM by thawing the swabs at room temperature for 30 minutes. After adding 1200 μL of diluted PBS, each swab was gently vortexed for 15 seconds, and 1 mL of each swab suspension was pooled into a final volume of 2 mL. An aliquot of 250 μL was extracted using the Abbott m24sp automated extraction platform (Abbott, Maidenhead, UK), according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and 200 μl of eluted DNA—to be used in the quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays—was stored at– 80°C.

For the construction of qPCR standard curves, DNA was extracted from overnight cultures of S. agalactiae LMG 14694T on TSA + 5% sheep blood, E. coli ATCC 25922 grown on TSA + 5% sheep blood, and C. albicans ATCC 90028 grown on Sabouraud agar (all BD). All growth was harvested from the plate and resuspended in 1 ml of saline. DNA of this suspension was extracted using the High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit (Roche Applied Science, Basel, Switzerland) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

For capsular genotyping of GBS, 1 ml of inoculated Lim Broth medium (see Microbiological culturing) was used for DNA extraction using the High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit (Roche), according to the the manufacturer’s instructions.

Streptococcus agalactiae qPCR

To detect S. agalactiae in vaginal DNA extracts, a S. agalactiae specific qPCR was carried out, using primers previously described [23]. The qPCR reactions for S. agalactiae were performed in a final volume of 10 μl, containing 5 μl of LightCycler 480® SYBR Green I Master (Roche), 0.5 μM of both forward primer Sip1 (5’-ATCCTGAGACAACACTGACA-3’) and reverse primer Sip2 (5’-TTGCTGGTGTTTCTATTTTCA-3’), 0.3 μM of probe (5’- 6-FAM–ATCAGAAGAGTCATACTGCCACTTC–TAMRA-3’) (Eurogentec, Liège, Belgium) and 2 μl of DNA extract or 2 μl of HPLC water (as negative template control). Cycling conditions were as follows: 95°C for 5 min; 40 cycles of 95°C for 10 s, 58°C for 15 s and 72°C for 20 s. For the standard series, DNA concentration of the extract of S. agalactiae LMG 14694T was determined using the Qubit® Fluorometer (Invitrogen, Auckland, New Zealand) and the genomic concentration was calculated based on the GC% content and genome size of the type strain. A tenfold dilution standard series of S. agalactiae LMG 14694T DNA was prepared by dilution of the DNA stock in HPLC grade water. All standard tenfold dilution series and samples were run in duplicate. Amplification, detection and quantification were carried out using the LightCycler480® platform and the LightCycler® 480 Software Version 1.5 (Roche).

Escherichia coli qPCR

To detect E. coli in vaginal DNA extracts, an E. coli specific qPCR was carried out, using primers targeting the β-glucuronidase encoding gene uidA, previously described [24]. The qPCR reactions were performed in a final volume of 10 μl, containing 5 μl of LightCycler 480® SYBR Green I Master (Roche), 0.3 μM of both forward primer EcoliFW (5’-CAACGAACTGAACTGGCAGA-3’) and reverse primer EcoliRV (5’- CATTACGCTGCGATGGAT -3’) (Eurogentec) and 2 μl of DNA extract or 2 μl of HPLC water (as negative template control). Cycling conditions were as follows: 50°C for 2 min, 95°C for 10 min; 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for 1 min. A standard series (using E. coli ATCC 25922 grown on TSA + 5% sheep blood (BD)), was constructed as described for S. agalactiae.

Candida albicans qPCR

To detect C. albicans in vaginal DNA extracts, a C. albicans specific qPCR was carried out, using primers targeting the ITS-1 gene (adapted from [25]). The qPCR reactions were performed in a final volume of 10 μl, containing 5 μl of LightCycler 480® SYBR Green I Master (Roche), 0.3 μM of both forward primer CA_FW (5’-CAACGAACTGAACTGGCAGA-3’) and reverse primer CA_RV (5’- CATTACGCTGCGATGGAT -3’) (Eurogentec) and 2 μl of DNA extract or 2 μl of HPLC water (as negative template control). Cycling conditions were as follows: 50°C for 2 min, 95°C for 10 min; 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for 1 min. A standard series (using C. albicans ATCC 90028 grown on Sabouraud agar (BD)), was constructed as described for S. agalactiae.

Microbiological culturing

At the local laboratories, the Amies swab was inoculated on in-house TMBplus plates (a medium supporting growth of anaerobes and allowing assessment of hydrogen peroxide production of strains) [26], after which the plates were incubated anaerobically as described previously [27]. After 48–72 h, depending on the growth, all biological material of the culture plate was harvested using sterile cotton swabs and stored in cryovials with 1 ml of tryptic soy broth + 5% glycerol at– 80°C until shipment. After shipment to the ITM, bacteria from the cryovial were inoculated in commercial Lim Broth medium (BD)–a selective enrichment medium for GBS–according to the manufacturer’s instructions (5% CO2 at 35°C for 24 hours). The latter procedure was performed only for women found to be positive for vaginal GBS carriage by means of qPCR. DNA extracts of inoculated Lim Broth medium was used for direct molecular capsular typing of GBS.

S. agalactiae molecular capsular typing

To determine the GBS serotype, we used a flowchart described by [28], based on the multiplex PCRs with primers as described by Poyart and co-workers and Imperi and co-workers [29, 30]. The multiplex PCRs were performed directly on DNA extracted from the inoculated Lim Broth medium. The reactions were performed in a final reaction mixture of 20 μl, containing 10 μl of FastStart PCR Master Mix (Roche), 0.2 μM of each primer, and 2 μl of DNA template. Using a Veriti 96-well thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), the following PCR program was run: 94°C for 5 min, 3 cycles of 45 s at 94°C, 2 min at 50°C, 1 min at 72°C, and 30 cycles of 20 s at 94°C, 1 min at 50°C and 1 min at 72°C, with a final extension at 72°C for 7 min. PCR amplification products were visualised under UV light after electrophoresis on 1% agarose gels (30 minutes at 10 V/cm) and staining with ethidiumbromide. Twenty five control strains (covering all GBS serotypes and provided by the Belgian Streptococcus agalactiae reference center (Dr. Pierette Melin, University of Liège, Belgium)) were used as a positive control.

Physiological parameters

Vaginal pH was measured during the speculum examination by pressing commercial pH strips (pH Fix 3.6–6.1, Machery-Nagel) against the vaginal wall.

Detection of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a marker for sexual intercourse within the past 24 hours [31] in vaginal swab fluid was performed using a chromatographic immune assay (the Seratec® PSA SemiQuant Cassette Test, Seratec, Gottingen, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pregnancy was assessed by testing urine with a rapid hCG test (QuickVue One-Step hCG Test (Kigali, Johannesburg) or Unimed First Sign hCG test (Mombasa)). Leucocytes and erythrocytes in urine were detected using dipsticks according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Siemens Multistix 10 sg in Kigali, Mission® urinalysis strips in Mombasa, and Neotest 4 Urine Dipstick in Johannesburg).

Statistical analysis

Data were analyzed with SPSS software version 22 (SPSS Inc.). Prevalences were reported with their 95% confidence interval. Outcomes for this analysis were vaginal GBS carriage and vaginal E. coli carriage, as determined by a positive qPCR.

Independent variables considered were study site, sociodemographic characteristics, reproductive health characteristics, sexual behavioural factors, vaginal practices characteristics, cervicovaginal signs and symptoms and microbiological characteristics. Variables were analyzed using logistic regression in univariable and multivariable ways, with p-values < 0.05 indicating significance. In order not to overfit our multivariable models, variables were restricted in proportion to the number of cases positive for GBS and E. coli, i.e. maximum one degree of freedom per 10 cases [32]. Variables included in the models were selected as follows [33]: firstly, only variables found to be significantly associated with GBS or E. coli carriage in univariable analysis were considered for inclusion the multivariate GBS or E. coli model, respectively. Subsequently, of correlated variables (e.g. ‘having had recent vaginal intercourse’ and a positive PSA test), only one was kept for further consideration to avoid collinearity. The final selection of variables was based on literature and clinical expertise/relevance. The multivariable models were controlled for possible confounding variables and were validated with bootstrap analysis.

Ethics statement

Written information and consent forms in the local language were provided to the women or to the Legally Authorized Representatives for their review. After the interview, the participants were asked to express their willingness to participate in the study by signing (or thumb-printing in case they were illiterate) the consent form. In case they were of minor age (age below 18 in Kenya and SA, and below 21 in Rwanda), also the parents or guardians were asked to give consent. The study was approved by the Kenyatta National Hospital Ethical Review Committee, Kenya; the Human Research Ethics Committee (Medical), University of the Witwatersrand, SA; the Rwanda National Ethics Committee, Rwanda; the Institutional Review Boards of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, of Ghent University, and of the University Teaching Hospital in Antwerp, Belgium. In addition, the study was approved by the National Council on Science and Technology in Kenya, and the National AIDS Control Commission in Rwanda. The study is registered at the Trial Registration at the National Health Research Ethics Council South Africa (DOH2709103223) [19].


Vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage and GBS serotype distribution

Of the 430 women enrolled in the study, 424 and 421 vaginal swab DNA extracts were analysed for the presence of GBS and E. coli, respectively. The vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage rates in the different study groups are presented in Table 1.

The GBS serotype distribution is presented in Table 2 and Fig 1. For 12 GBS carriers, the serotype could not be determined because samples were no longer available. Serotype distribution was largely comparable between sites. The most prevalent serotypes were Ia (27.3%), V (27.3%), and III (22.7%) in Kenya; Ia (34.5%), V (31.0%), and IV (13.8%) in SA; and Ia (83.3%) and II (16.7%) in Rwanda.

Table 2. Studies reporting GBS serotype distribution of (recto)vaginal isolates in SSA.

Country Year Population Ia Ib II III IV V VI VII VIII IX NT Reference
The Gambia 1994 P 19 28 6 3 38 [34]$
Malawi 2011 P, HIV+, HIV- 18.2 6.2 10.3 39.0 0.3 23.9 0.8 0.8 1.5 [35]
SA 2011 P 30.1 6.7 11.3 37.3 3.7 10.2 [36]
SA 2014 P 36.2–41.4 3.5–4.6 7.2–7.5 31.3–34.9 2.0–4.0 10.3–15.6 0.0–3.3 [37]
Kenya 2015 P, NP 27.3 22.7 27.3 13.6 4.5 4.5 This study
Rwanda 2015 NP 83.3 16.7 This study
SA 2015 P, NP 34.5 10.3 13.8 31.0 6.9 3.4 This study
Europe 2010 N/A 18.2 12.4 14.4 28.1 3.7 14.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 [38]£
US 2010 N/A 26.8 8.1 10.9 24.8 1.0 15.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 [38]£

P, pregnant; NP, non-pregnant

$determined serotypes I-VI (no differentiation between Ia and Ib); N/A, not applicable (review)

£data from meta-analysis but excluding isolates from non-sterile sites and from neonates were excluded.

Fig 1. Distribution of GBS capsular serotypes.

Fig 1

Left, Kenya (n = 22); middle, Rwanda (n = 6); right, South Africa (n = 29).

Univariable and multivariable analyses

Tables 3 and 4 present the univariable associations of the sociodemographics, sexual behavior, vaginal practices, cervicovaginal signs and symptoms, and microbiological characteristics with vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage, respectively. Because of the low prevalence, CT, NG, TV, and syphilis were not considered for further analysis.

Table 3. Sociodemographic characteristics, reproductive health, sexual behavior, vaginal practices, vaginal signs & symptoms, and microbiological associations with vaginal GBS carriage (univariable analysis).

n GBS+ n (%) Crude OR (95% CI) p-value*
424 69 (16.3)
Sociodemographic characteristics
City (Country)
Mombasa (Kenya) 165 27 (16.4) 0.89 (0.51–1.53) 0.665
Kigali (Rwanda) 60 6 (10.0) 0.50 (0.20–1.26) 0.142
Johannesburg (SA) 199 36 (18.1) 1 -
Age (years)
<18 58 1 (1.7) 0.07 (0.01–0.50) 0.008
18–24 148 23 (15.5) 0.71 (0.41–1.23) 0.219
>24 218 45 (20.6) 1 -
Educational level
Higher educational level£ 189 39 (20.6) 1 -
Lower educational level££ 235 30 (12.8) 0.56 (0.33–0.95) 0.030
Marital status
Never married 242 34 (14.0) 1 -
Married 148 30 (20.2) 1.55 (0.91–2.67) 0.109
Separated/divorced/widowed 34 5 (14.7) 1.06 (0.38–2.91) 0.918
Socio-economic status#
Low 106 17 (13.0) 1 -
Medium 163 31 (19.0) 1.23 (0.64–2.36) 0.533
High 155 21 (13.5) 0.82 (0.41–1.64) 0.576
Reproductive health
No 366 62 (16.9) 1 -
Yes 58 7 (12.1) 0.67 (0.29–1.55) 0.353
0 149 18 (12.1) 1 -
1–2 211 42 (19.9) 1.81 (1.00–3.29) 0.052
>2 64 9 (14.1) 1.19 (0.50–2.81) 0.690
0 118 14 (11.9) 1 -
1–2 210 38 (18.1) 1.64 (0.85–3.17) 0.141
>2 96 17 (17.7) 1.60 (0.74–3.44) 0.230
Regular cycle
Yes 256 42 (16.4) 1 -
No/unknown 168 27 (16.1) 0.98 (0.58–1.66) 0.927
Menstrual cycle
No cycle 194 33 (17.0) 1 -
With cycle 230 36 (15.7) 0.91 (0.54–1.51) 0.706
None 73 15 (20.5) 1 -
Condom only 108 10 (9.3) 0.40 (0.17–0.94) 0.035
Others (hormones/IUD/sterilisation/pregnant) 243 44 (18.1) 0.86 (0.44–1.65) 0.639
Currently breastfeeding
No 390 64 (16.4) 1 -
Yes 34 5 (14.7) 0.88 (0.33–2.36) 0.796
Sexual behaviour
Age at first sexual encounter (years)
<16 80 8 (10.0) 1 -
16–18 197 36 (18.3) 2.01 (0.89–4.5) 0.093
19–21 104 16 (15.4) 1.64 (0.66–4.04) 0.286
>21 43 9 (20.9) 2.38 (0.85–6.71) 0.101
Sexually active (last 3 months)
No 55 4 (7.3) 1 -
Yes 369 65 (17.6) 2.73 (0.95–7.81) 0.062
Condom use (at last sexual encounter)@
No 229 47 (20,5) 1.75 (0.94–3.16) 0.050
Yes 140 18 (12.9) 1 -
Lifetime n° of sex partners
1 112 13 (11.6) 1 -
2–3 186 32 (17.2) 1.58 (0.79–3.16) 0,194
> 3 126 24 (19.0) 1.79 (0.86–3.71) 0,117
N° of sex partners in the last 3 months
0 25 0 (0.0) 1 -
> = 1 399 69 (17.3) N/A 0.010
Recent vaginal sex%
No 343 49 (14.3) 1 -
Yes 81 20 (24.7) 2.73 (0.95–7.81) 0.024
Sexual risk taking
Low 167 25 (15.0) 1 -
Medium 155 30 (19.4) 1.36 (0.76–2.44) 0.297
High 102 14 (13.7) 0.90 (0.45–1.83) 0.779
Estimated frequency of sexual encounters in last 3 months@, &
0 55 4 (7.3) 1 -
< 10 times 137 18 (13.1) 1.93 (0.62–5.98) 0.255
11–30 times 129 24 (18.6) 2.91 (0.96–8.84) 0.059
> 30 times 98 23 (23.5) 3.91 (1.27–11.98) 0.017
HIV status partner@,
HIV positive 38 3 (7.9) 1 -
HIV negative 250 52 (20.8) 3.06 (0.91–10.36) 0.072
Unknown 79 10 (12.6) 1.69 (0.44–6.54) 0.447
Estimated frequency of unprotected sex in last 3 months
No sexual contacts 55 4 (7.3) 1 -
Never unprotected 104 12 (11.5) 1.66 (0.51–5.42) 0.399
< 10 times 88 14 (15.9) 2.41 (0.75–7.75) 0.139
> = 10 times 177 39 (22.0) 3.60 (1.23–10.59) 0.020
New partner (within 3 months)
No 378 60 (15.9) 1 -
Yes 46 9 (19.6) 1.29 (0.59–2.81) 0.523
Circumcision status partner@,
Circumcised 240 38 (15.8) 1 -
No/don’t know Not circumcised/don’t know 129 27 (20.9) 1.41 (0.81–2.43) 0.222
Female sex worker
Yes 30 6 (20.0) 1 -
No 394 64 (16.2) 1.03 (0.38–2.97) 0.952
Vaginal practices
Washing inside the vagina when bathing
No 176 15 (8.5) 1 -
Yes 248 54 (21.8) 2.99 (1.63–5.49) <0.001
Drying the vagina before sex
Yes 10 4 (40.0) 1 -
No 414 65 (15.7) 3.58 (0.98–13.04) 0.053
Washed inside the vagina recently (morning or evening before study visit)
No 231 28 (12.1) 1 -
Yes 193 41 (21.2) 1.96 (1.16–3.30) 0.012
Products to wash/clean/dry/tighten the vagina
None 153 13 (8.5) 1 -
Water/fingers only or water/soap 211 44 (20.9) 2.84 (1.47–5.48) 0.002
Cloth 48 9 (18.8) 2.49 (0.99–6.24) 0.053
Lemon juice/detergents 12 3 (25.0) 3.59 (0.86–14.92) 0.079
Cleaning the vagina after sexual intercourse
No 227 28 (12.3) 1 -
Yes 197 41 (20.8) 1.87 (1.11–3.16) 0.019
Cervicovaginal signs and symptoms
No 226 34 (15.0) 1 -
Yes 197 34 (17.3) 1.18 (0.70–1.98) 0.536
Degree of ectopy
Absent 226 34 (15.0) 1 -
Small 53 8 (15.1) 1.00 (0.44–2.32) 0.993
Moderate 139 24 (17.3) 1.18 (0.67–2.09) 0.573
Large 5 2 (40.0) 3.77 (0.61–23.4) 0.155
Colposcopic findings§,
No 380 59 (15.5) 1 -
Yes 43 10 (23.3) 1.65 (0.77–3.53) 0.197
Cervical mucus
No 270 39 (14.4) 1 -
Mild to moderate 140 28 (20.0) 1.48 (0.87–2.53) 0.151
Abundant 14 2 (14.3) 0.99 (0.21–4.58) 0.987
Reported abnormal discharge
No 399 64 (16.0%) 1 -
Yes 25 5 (20%) 1.31 (0.47–3.61) 0.604
Vaginal discharge on speculum
No 332 52 (15.7) 1 -
Yes 92 17 (18.5) 0.82 (0.45–1.50) 0.518
Vaginal epithelial abnormalities
No 419 67 (16.0) 1 -
Yes 5 2 (40.0) 3.50 (0.57–21.36) 0.174
Cervical epithelial abnormalities
No 379 64 (16.9) 1 -
Yes 45 5 (11.1) 0.62 (0.23–1.62) 0.325
Red blood cells in urine
No 358 58 (16.2) 1 -
Yes 66 11 (16.7) 1.03 (0.51–2.10) 0.925
White blood cells in urine
No 328 56 (17.1) 1 -
Yes 96 13 (13.5) 0.76 (0.40–1.46) 0.411
Microbiological factors
BV visit 1 (Amsel criteria)
No BV 346 61 (17.6) 1 -
BV 78 8 (10.3) 0.53 (0.24–1.17) 0.116
BV (Nugent)
No BV (Nugent 0–3) 217 37 (17.1) 1 -
Intermediate (Nugent 4–6) 29 6 (20.7) 1.30 (0.60–2.83) 0.507
BV (Nugent 7–10) 137 13 (9.5) 0.29 (0.12–0.70) 0.006
Reproductive tract infection (RTI)
No RTI 352 60 (17.0) 1 -
1 or more RTI 60 8 (13.3) 0.75 (0.34–1.66) 0.475
>1 RTI 12 1 (8.3) 0.44 (0.06–3.50) 0.439
No 415 69 (16.6) 1 -
Yes 9 0 (0.0) N/A 0.001
Chlamydia trachomatis
No 382 62 1 -
Yes 42 7 1.03 (0.44–2.43) 0.942
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
No 415 69 (16.6) 1 -
Yes 9 0 (0.0) N/A 0.001
Trichomonas vaginalis
No 390 66 (16.9) 1 -
Yes 26 3 (11.5) 0.64 (0.19–2.20) 0.478
Candida albicans (qPCR)
No 375 50 (13.3) 1 -
Yes 46 17 (37.0) 3.81 (1.95–7.44) <0.001
Escherichia coli (qPCR)
No 354 89 (25.1) 1 -
Yes 67 29 (43.3) 2.27 (1.33–3.90) 0.003
HSV-2 serology
No 276 42 (15.2%) 1 -
Yes 147 27 (18.4%) 1.25 (0.74–2.13) 0.404
Vaginal pH
< 4.4 126 15 (11.9) 1 -
4.4–5.3 240 42 (17.5) 1.57 (0.83–2.96) 0.163
5.4 and more 58 12 (20.7) 1.93 (0.84–4.44) 0.122
PSA present
No 233 31 (13.3) 1 -
Yes 181 38 (21.0) 1.73 (1.03–2.91) 0.039
Systemic antibiotics visit 1
No 341 62 (18.1) 1 -
Yes 83 7 (8.4) 0.41 (0.18–0.94) 0.036
Systemic antibiotics screening visit
No 391 68 (17.4) 1 -
Yes 33 1 (3.0) 0.15 (0.02–1.11) 0.063

*bold: significant at the 5% level

£completed secondary school, or post-secondary school

££Primary school (completed or not), secondary school but not completed

#Socio-economic-status was constructed from total income, type of housing, type of toilet

@with partners within three months prior to enrolment

&missing data for 5

%sex morning or evening before visit &

low risk: 1 or no partners in last year and did not have any partner (in the last 3 months) with multiple partners and age first sex at least 15 years; medium risk: 2 partners last year or had at least one sexual partner (in the last 3 months) who had multiple partners; high risk: sex worker or at least 3 partners last year or at had at least one sexual partner with HIV in the last 3 months or age first sex less than 15 years; N/A, no odds ratio due to no cases in one category

data missing for 1 (ectopy, colposcopic findings, HSV-2 serology), 3 (C. albicans, E. coli), 8 (T. vaginalis), 41 (BV Nugent, unreadable slides)

§petechiae (6 GBS cases/20), abrasion (2 GBS cases/5), erythema (1 GBS case/10), laceration (1 GBS case/4); BV, bacterial vaginosis; IUD, intrauterine device.

Table 4. Sociodemographic characteristics, reproductive health, sexual behavior, vaginal practices, vaginal signs & symptoms, and microbiological associations with vaginal E. coli carriage (univariable analysis).

n E. coli + n (%) Crude OR (95% CI) p-value*
421 118 (28.0)
Sociodemographic characteristics
City (Country)
Mombasa (Kenya) 164 39 (23.6) 0.87 (0.54–1.41) 0.569
Kigali (Rwanda) 60 27 (45.0) 2.28 (1.25–4.15) 0.007
Johannesburg (SA) 197 52 (26.5) 1 -
Age (years)
<18 58 12 (20.7) 0.73 (0.36–1.47) 0.376
18–24 147 49 (33.3) 1.40 (0.88–2.20) 0.154
>24 216 57 (26.4) 1 -
Educational level
Higher educational level£ 187 56 (29.9) 1 -
Lower educational level££ 234 62 (26.5) 0.84 (0.55–1.29) 0.434
Marital status
Never married 240 71 (29.6) 1 -
Married 147 37 (25.2) 0.80 (0.50–1.27) 0.348
Separated/divorced/widowed 34 10 (29.4) 0.99 (0.45–2.18) 0.984
Socio-economic status#
Low 106 27 (25.5) 1 -
Medium 163 46 (28.2) 1.15 (0.66–2.00) 0.620
High 152 45 (29.6) 1.23 (0.70–2.15) 0.467
Reproductive health
No 363 104 (28.7) 1 -
Yes 58 14 (24.1) 0.79 (0.42–1.51) 0.478
0 149 35 (23.5) 1 -
1–2 209 62 (29.7) 1.37 (0.85–2.22) 0.196
>2 63 21 (33.3) 1.63 (0.85–3.11) 0.139
0 118 25 (21.2) 1 -
1–2 208 63 (30.3) 1.62 (0.95–2.75) 0.077
>2 95 30 (31.6) 1.72 (0.93–3.19) 0.087
Regular cycle
Yes 254 65 (25.6) 1 -
No/unknown 167 54 (33.3) 1.42 (0.92–2.18) 0.111
Menstrual cycle
No cycle 194 58 (29.9) 1 -
With cycle 227 60 (26.4) 0.84 (0.55–1.29) 0.430
None 72 20 (27.8) 1 -
Condom only 106 28 (26.4) 0.93 (0.48–1.83) 0.841
Others (hormones/IUD/sterilisation/pregnant) 243 70 (28.8) 1.05 (0.59–1.89) 0.865
Currently breastfeeding
No 387 106 (27.4) 1 -
Yes 34 12 (35.3) 1.45 (0.69–3.03) 0.327
Sexual behaviour
Age at first sexual encounter (years)
<16 79 29 (36.7) 1 -
16–18 197 52 (26.4) 0.62 (0.35–1.08) 0.090
19–21 103 26 (25.2) 0.58 (0.31–1.10) 0.096
>21 42 11 (26.2) 0.61 (0.27–1.40) 0.224
Sexually active (last 3 months)
No 55 16 (29.1) 1 -
Yes 366 102 (27.9) 0.94 (0.50–1.76) 0.851
Condom use (at last sexual encounter)
No 283 68 (24.0) 1.80 (1.16–2.79) 0.009
Yes 138 50 (36.2) 1 -
Lifetime n° of sex partners
1 110 28 (25.5) 1 -
2–3 185 42 (22.7) 0.86 (0.50–1.49) 0.591
> 3 126 48 (38.1) 1.80 (1.03–3.15) 0.039
N° of sex partners in the last 3 months
0 25 6 (24.0) 1 -
> = 1 396 112 (28.3) 1.25 (0.49–3.21) 0.644
Recent vaginal sex%
No 340 91 (26.8) 1 -
Yes 81 27 (33.3) 1.37 (0.81–2.30) 0.238
Sexual risk taking
Low 167 44 (26.3) 1 -
Medium 152 37 (22.4) 0.90 (0.54–1.49) 0.681
High 102 37 (36.3) 1.59 (0.94–2.71) 0.086
Estimated frequency of sexual encounters in last 3 months@, &
0 55 16 (29.1) 1 -
< 10 times 135 31 (23.0) 0.73 (0.36–1.47) 0.376
11–30 times 128 43 (33.6) 1.23 (0.62–2.45) 0.550
> 30 times 98 27 (27.6) 0.93 (0.45–1.93) 0.839
HIV status partner@
HIV positive 38 11 (28.9) 1 -
HIV negative 247 63 (25.5) 0.84 (0.39–1.79) 0.653
Unknown 79 28 (35.4) 1.35 (0.58–3.12) 0.486
Estimated frequency of unprotected sex in last 3 months
No sexual contacts 55 16 (29.1) 1 -
Never unprotected 102 34 (33.3) 1.22 (0.60–2.49) 0.586
< 10 times 87 19 (21.8) 0.68 (0.31–1.48) 0.330
> = 10 times 177 49 (27.7) 0.93 (0.48–1.82) 0.839
New partner (within 3 months)
No 375 96 (25.6) 1 -
Yes 46 22 (47.8) 2,66 (1.43–4.97) 0.002
Circumcision status partner@
Circumcised 238 62 (26.1) 1 -
Not circumcised/don’t know 128 40 (31.3) 1.29 (0.80–2.07) 0.291
Female sex worker
No 391 97 (24.8) 1 -
Yes 30 21 (70.0) 7.07 (3.13–15.96) <0.001
Vaginal practices
Washing inside the vagina when bathing
No 175 44 (25.1) 1 -
Yes 246 74 (30.1) 1.28 (0.83–1.98) 0.267
Drying the vagina before sex
No 411 114 (27.3) 1 -
Yes 10 4 (40.0) 1.74 (0.48–6.27) 0.399
Washed inside the vagina recently (morning or evening before study visit)
No 229 64 (27.9) 1 -
Yes 192 54 (28.1) 1.01 (0.66–1.55) 0.968
Products to wash/clean/dry/tighten the vagina
None 153 40 (26.1) 1 -
Water/fingers only or water/soap 210 59 (28.1) 1.10 (0.69–1.77) 0.680
Cloth 46 16 (34.8) 1.51 (0.74–3.05) 0.255
Lemon juice/detergents 12 3 (25.0) 0.94 (0.24–3.65) 0.931
Cleaning the vagina after sexual intercourse
No 226 61 (27.0) 1 -
Yes 195 57 (29.2) 1.12 (0.73–1.71) 0.610
Cervicovaginal signs and symptoms
No 224 49 (21.9) 1 -
Yes 196 69 (35.2) 1.94 (1.26–2.99) 0.003
Degree of ectopy
Absent 224 49 (21.9) 1 -
Small 52 22 (42.3) 2.62 (1.39–4.94) 0.003
Moderate 139 46 (33.1) 1.77 (1.10–2.84) 0.019
Large 5 1 (20.0) 0.89 (0.10–8.17) 0.920
Colposcopic findings§,
No 377 102 (27.1) 1 -
Yes 43 16 (37.2) 1.60 (0.83–3.09) 0.163
Cervical mucus
No 269 67 (24.9) 1 -
Mild to moderate 138 47 (34.1) 1.56 (1.00–2.44) 0.052
Abundant 14 4 (28.6) 1.21 (0.37–3.97) 0.758
Reported abnormal discharge
No 396 112 (28.3) 1 -
Yes 25 6 (24.0) 0.80 (0.31–2.06) 0.644
Vaginal discharge on speculum
No 331 85 (25.7) 1 -
Yes 90 33 (36.7) 1.68 (1.02–2.75) 0.041
Vaginal epithelial abnormalities
No 416 116 (27.9) 1 -
Yes 5 2 (40.0) 1.72 (0.28–10.45) 0.554
Cervical epithelial abnormalities
No 377 105 (27.9) 1 -
Yes 44 13 (29.5) 1.09 (0.55–2.16) 0.813
Red blood cells in urine
No 355 101 (28.5) 1 -
Yes 66 17 (25.8) 0.87 (0.48–1.59) 0.655
White blood cells in urine
No 325 81 (24.9) 1 -
Yes 96 37 (38.5) 1.89 (1.17–3.06) 0.010
Microbiological factors
BV visit 1 (Amsel criteria)
No BV 344 99 (28.8) 1 -
BV 77 19 (24.7) 0.81 (0.46–1.43) 0.469
BV visit 1 (Nugent)
No BV (Nugent 0–3) 217 60 (27.6) 1 -
Intermediate (Nugent 4–6) 29 15 (51.7) 2.80 (1.28–6.16) 0.010
BV (Nugent 7–10) 137 33 (24.1) 0.83 (0.51–1.36) 0.459
No 354 89 (25.1) 1 -
Yes 67 29 (43.3) 2.27 (1.33–3.90) 0.003
Reproductive tract infection (RTI)
No RTI 349 96 (27.5) 1 -
1 or more RTI 60 19 (31.7) 1.22 (0.68–2.21) 0.508
>1 RTI 12 3 (25.0) 0.88 (0.23–3.31) 0.848
No 412 117 (28.4) 1 -
Yes 9 1 (11.1) 0.32 (0.04–2.55) 0.279
Chlamydia trachomatis
No 379 107 (28.2) 1 -
Yes 42 11 (26.2) 0.90 (0.44–1.86) 0.780
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
No 412 114 (27.7) 1 -
Yes 9 4 (44.4) 2.09 (0.55–7.93) 0.278
Trichomonas vaginalis
No 387 105 (27.1) 1 -
Yes 26 11 (42.3) 1.97 (0.88–4.43) 0.101
Candida albicans (qPCR)
No 375 102 (27.2) 1 -
Yes 46 16 (34.8) 1.43 (0.75–2.73) 0.282
HSV-2 serology
No 274 80 (29.2) 1 -
Yes 146 38 (26.0) 0.85 (0.54–1.34) 0.492
Vaginal pH
< 4.4 125 34 (27.2) 1 -
4.4–5.3 237 65 (27.4) 1.01 (0.62–1.65) 0.963
5.4 and more 58 19 (32.8) 1.30 (0.66–2.56) 0.441
PSA present
No 231 69 (29.9) 1 -
Yes 180 48 (26.7) 0.85 (0.55–1.32) 0.475
Systemic antibiotics visit 1
No 338 98 (29.0) 1 -
Yes 83 20 (24.0) 0.78 (0.45–2.36) 0.374
Systemic antibiotics screening visit
No 388 111 (28.6) 1 -
Yes 33 7 (21.2) 0.67 (0.28–1.59) 0.366

*Bold: significant at the 5% level

£completed secondary school, or post-secondary school

££Primary school (completed or not), secondary school but not completed

#Socio-economic-status was constructed from total income, type of housing, type of toilet

@with partners within three months prior to enrolment

&missing data for 5

%sex morning or evening before visit

low risk: 1 or no partners in last year and did not have any partner (in the last 3 months) with multiple partners and age first sex at least 15 years; medium risk: 2 partners last year or had at least one sexual partner (in the last 3 months) who had multiple partners; high risk: sex worker or at least 3 partners last year or at had at least one sexual partner with HIV in the last 3 months or age first sex less than 15 years; N/A, no odds ratio due to no cases in one category

data missing for 1 (ectopy, colposcopic findings, HSV-2 serology), 8 (T. vaginalis), 38 (BV Nugent, unreadable slides)

§petechiae (6 E. coli cases/20), abrasion (2 E. coli cases/5), erythema (3 E. coli cases/10), laceration (2 E. coli cases/4), ulcer (2 E. coli cases/6), ecchymosis (2 E. coli cases/6); BV, bacterial vaginosis.

In our final multivariable GBS model (Table 5), BV by Nugent score remained significantly negatively associated with GBS carriage (AOR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.21–0.88; p = 0.022), and a positive association was observed for vaginal Candida albicans carriage (AOR, 3.25; 95% CI, 1.50–7.06; p = 0.003), vaginal E. coli carriage (AOR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.10–3.80; p = 0.023), recent vaginal intercourse (AOR, 2.63; 95% CI, 1.35–5.15; p = 0.005), and currently washing the vagina (AOR, 2.26; 95% CI, 1.16–4.37; p = 0.016).

Table 5. Multivariable associations with vaginal GBS carriage.

n GBS+ (%) adjusted OR (95% CI) p-value$
424 69 (16.3)
Recent vaginal sex%
No 343 49 (14.3) 1 -
Yes 81 20 (24.7) 2.63 (1.35–5.15) 0.005
Washing inside the vagina#
No 176 15 (8.5) 1 -
Yes 248 54 (21.8) 2.26 (1.16–4.37) 0.016
BV (Nugent)
No BV (Nugent 0–3) 217 37 (17.1) 1 -
Intermediate (Nugent 4–6) 29 6 (20.7) 0.93 (0.33–2.64) 0.898
BV (Nugent 7–10) 137 13 (9.5) 0.43 (0.21–0.88) 0.022
Candida albicans (qPCR)
No 375 50 (13.3) 1 -
Yes 46 17 (37.0) 3.25 (1.50–7.06) 0.003
Escherichia coli
No 303 38 (12.5) 1 -
Yes 118 29 (24.6) 2.01 (1.10–3.80) 0.023

$bold, significant at the 5% level

#when having shower or bath

%morning or evening before study visit

data missing for 3 (C. albicans, E. coli), 41 (BV, unreadable slides).

In our multivariable E. coli model, an intermediate Nugent score remained significantly negatively associated with vaginal E. coli carriage (AOR, 2.61; 95% CI, 1.15–5.94; p = 0.023), and a positive association was observed with working as a FSW (AOR, 7.83; 95% CI, 2.88–21.30; p<0.001), vaginal GBS carriage (AOR, 2.05; 95% CI, 1.09–3.83; p = 0.025), and cervical ectopy (AOR, 1.64; 95% CI, 1.01–2.68; p = 0.046) (Table 6).

Table 6. Multivariable associations with vaginal E. coli carriage.

n E. coli + (%) adjusted OR (95% CI) p-value$
421 118 (25.2)
Condom use (at last sexual encounter)
No 283 68 (24.0) 1.53 (0.92–2.56) 0.104
Yes 138 50 (36.2) 1.0 -
Female sex worker
No 391 97 (24.8) 1 -
Yes 30 21 (70.0) 7.83 (2.88–21.30) <0.001
No 224 49 (21.9) 1 -
Yes 196 69 (35.2) 1.64 (1.01–2.68) 0.046
Vaginal discharge on speculum
No 331 85 (25.7) 1 -
Yes 90 33 (36.7) 1.63 (0.92–2.88) 0.095
BV (Nugent)
No BV (Nugent 0–3) 217 60 (27.6) 1 -
Intermediate (Nugent 4–6) 29 15 (51.7) 2.61 (1.15–5.94) 0.023
BV (Nugent 7–10) 137 33 (24.1) 0.66 (0.38–1.15) 0.140
No 354 89 (25.1) 1 -
Yes 67 29 (43.3) 2.05 (1.09–3.83) 0.025

$bold, significant at the 5% level

data missing for 1 (ectopy), 38 (BV, unreadable slides).


Group B streptococci (GBS) and E. coli account for the majority of EOS cases worldwide.

Vaginal carriage of GBS and E. coli is considered a prerequisite for GBS or E. coli transmission to the neonate in GBS EOS and E. coli EOS, respectively. However, epidemiological data of vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage, which are essential for the development and implementation of prevention strategies, are very limited in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) [16, 17].

In this study, we aimed to present vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage rates, GBS serotype distribution and define risk factors for carriage in populations from three SSA countries.

Vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage rates

We found a vaginal GBS carriage rate of 20.2% and 23.2% in the Kenyan and South African reference groups (adult, non-pregant, HIV-negative women at average risk of HIV), respectively. Compared to these reference groups, adolescents in our study were found to have lower GBS carriage rates: 3.6% of the Kenyan and 0% of the SA adolescents carried GBS vaginally. Other studies report conflicting associations between age and vaginal GBS carriage [3947]. All of these studies (except for [44]) report on pregnant women. Interestingly, when we compare different age groups (< 18 years, 18–24 years, > 24 years) in our Kenyan and SA population, we see no age-group dependent GBS colonization in the pregnant women. However, we do see a statistically significant age-group dependent GBS association in the non-pregnant women, with the lowest and the highest GBS carrier rates in the youngest and the oldest age groups, respectively (Pearson Chi-Square test, data not shown).

The pregnant women in our study population had vaginal GBS carriage rates of 14.3% and 10.0% in Kenya and SA, respectively. This is lower then most other studies reporting (recto)vaginal GBS carriage rates in SSA (see Table 7). Although the CDC recommends rectovaginal sampling for detection of GBS in pregnant women, we only swabbed vaginally, to be able to study the interaction of GBS with the vaginal immune system and vaginal microbiome (to be published). This vaginal sampling may (partly) explain the lower GBS carriage rates found by us, as rectovaginal sampling has been shown to yield higher GBS recovery rates compared to vaginal sampling alone [48, 49]. Furthermore, in contrast to other studies (listed in Table 7) using culturing techniques, we used qPCR without prior enrichment step to detect GBS. Although the CDC allows PCR for the detection of GBS (albeit recommending an enrichment step), this difference with other studies probably does not account (or to a lesser extent) for the lower rates found by us, as PCR (even without an enrichment step) has been shown to be more sensitive than culture [14, 5053]. A further difference with other studies regards the fact that the pregnant women in our study were up to 14 weeks of gestation, while the other studies listed in Table 7 sampled pregnant women at 35–37 weeks of gestation, which also may account for differences, as some authors have reported on varying GBS rates during pregnancy [45].

Table 7. Studies reporting (recto)vaginal GBS carriage rates in SSA.

Country Year n Population % GBS Sample Detection Reference
Nigeria 1980 588 P, L 19 V SB+C [55]
Nigeria 1983 225 P 20 V SB+C [56]
Zimbabwe 1990 89 P 31 V SB+C [57]
Togo 1991 106 P 4 V, R SB+C [58]
Gambia 1994 136 P 22 V, R SB+C [34]
Malawi 2005 97 P 16.5 V, R SA [59]
Mozambique 2008 113 P 1.8 V, R SB+C [60]
Tanzania 2009 300 P 23.0 V, R SB+C [54]
Zimbabwe 2010 780 P 47, 24, 21# V, R SB+C [61]
Malawi 2011 1840 P, HIV+ and HIV- 21.2 V, R SB+C [35]
South Africa 2014 661, 621, 595, 521$ P 33.0, 32.7, 28.7, 28.4$ V, R SA [37]
DR Congo 2015 509 P 20.2 V SA [62]

L, women in labor; NP, non-pregnant women; P, pregnant women; V, vaginal swab; R, rectal swab; SB+C, selective broth and culturing; SA, selective agar

#week 20, 26, and delivery, respectively

$week 20–25, week 26–30, week 31–35, and week 37+, respectively.

In the group of HIV positive women, we did not observe any GBS carriers, which is probably explained by the fact that most of the HIV positive women (26/30) received prophylactic cotrimoxazole, which is largely effective against GBS [54].

Our reference groups from Kenya and SA had vaginal E. coli carriage rates of 25.0% and 27.1%, respectively. Compared to other studies from SSA reporting vaginal carriage of E. coli, these prevalences are higher than the ones reported by Karou and coworkers (2012) and Ekwempu and coworkers (1981), lower than the ones reported by Schellenberg and coworkers (2011) and Cutland and coworkers (2012), and comparable with the prevalence reported by Sagna and coworkers (2010) (See Table 8)[6367]. Vaginal E. coli carriage rates in Asia, Europe, North and South America appear lower. Different study populations, sampling and detection techniques might account for these differences.

Table 8. Studies reporting (recto)vaginal E. coli carriage rates.

Country Year n Population % E. coli Sample Detection Reference
Africa (pooled prevalence 36.0% (2846/7912); range 9.1–46.5%)
Burkina Faso 2010 156 HIV+ 28.4 V C [67]
Burkina Faso 2012 2000 S 16.7 V C [63]
Kenya 2011 44 HIV+, HIV-, HESN 40.1 V cpn60 [65]
Nigeria 1981 187 L 9.1 C C [64]
SA 2012 1347 P, HIV+ 42.3 V C [66]
SA 2012 3752 P, HIV- 46.5 V C [66]
Asia (pooled prevalence 5.3% (163/3072); range 0–25.8%)
Iraq 2011 90 S, NP 16.2 V C [68]
Iraq 2011 20 S, P 25.8 V C [68]
Iran 2014 85 S, P 18.0 V C [69]
Japan 2002 2575 NP, P 3.4 V C [70]
Pakistan 2012 100 HC 28 V C [71]
Pakistan 2012 100 H 6 V C [71]
Turkey 2007 34 IUD 14.7 V C [72]
Turkey 2007 34 HC 2.9 V C [72]
Turkey 2007 34 H 0.0 V C [72]
Europe (pooled prevalence 13.4% (670/4980); range 3.1–51.2%)
Croatia 2011 114 IUD 25.5 V C [73]
Croatia 2011 122 H 8.2 V C [73]
Denmark 2014 668 P 11.7 V C [74]
Germany 2007 166 H 16.3, 51.2, 25.9* V C [75]
Greece 2008 1632 S 3.1 V C [76]
Lithuania 2012 970 P 19.9 V, R C [77]
Spain 2002 623 P 27.0 V C [78]
Spain 2011 321 P 15 E, V C [79]
Spain 2011 327 NP 12 E, V C [79]
Sweden 2008 37 H 5.4 V C [80]
North America (pooled prevalence 12.7% (430/3373); range 0–29.5%)
Canada 1983 495 H 12.3 V C [81]
US 1997 2646 P 13.0 V C [6]
US 2001 44 H 18.2, 9.1, 29.5, 6.8, 6.8 # V C [82]
US 2005 20 H 0 V 16S [83]
US 2012 70 P 10 V C [84]
US 2012 35 NP 23 V C [84]
US 2013 47 P 2.1, 2.2, 5.6, 8.3£ V C [85]
US 2013 16 NP 6.3, 0, 12.5, 20 V C [85]
South America (pooled prevalence 19.7% (135/684); range 14.3–23.0%)
Argentina 2013 259 P 14.3 V C [86]
Chile 2009 425 S 23.0 V C [87]

The electronic bibliographic database PubMed was searched for articles using the search terms ‘(Escherichia) AND (coli) AND (vaginal)’ with no date or language restriction. Studies were included if the number of vaginal E. coli carriers and the total number of individuals tested were reported; studies were excluded if women were not of childbearing age. 16S, deep sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene; cpn60, deep sequencing of the cpn60 gene; C, conventional culturing and identification; E, endocervial swab; FSW, female sex workers; H, healthy women; HC, women using hormonal contraception; HESN, HIV exposed seronegative women; IUD, women using an intrauterine device as contraception; L, women in labor; NP, non-pregnant women; P, pregnant women; Q, qPCR; R, rectal swab; S, women with vaginal symptoms or clinical diagnosis of infection; V, vaginal swab

*pre, mid, post cycle, respectively

# visit 1at 1 month before visit 2 and 19–24 days after cycle, 1–2 days before intercourse, 8-12h after intercourse, 3–4 days after intercourse, 5–6 days after intercourse

£ <14weeks, between 14–28 weeks, >28weeks, postpartum.

Compared to the reference group in Kenya, pregnant women had a lower prevalence of vaginal E. coli carriage; compared to the reference group in SA, adolescent women had a lower prevalence of E. coli carriage. The FSW study group in Kigali had a very high prevalence of E. coli carriage, i.e. 70%, and will be discussed below (risk factors).

To our knowledge, this is the first study to determine simultaneously the vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage rates in SSA populations using qPCR, known to be more sensitive than culture-based techniques. Moreover, vaginal carriage rates of GBS in Kenya and Rwanda and E. coli in Rwanda have not yet been described.

Risk factors for vaginal E. coli and GBS carriage

The presence of vaginal C. albicans, recent vaginal intercourse, working as a FSW, an intermediate vaginal microbiome, BV, washing the vagina and cervical ectopy were independent risk factors for vaginal GBS or E. coli colonization.

Women carrying C. albicans were 3.6 times more likely also to carry GBS. Three US based studies have shown this same significantly positive association between GBS and Candida or yeast [40, 88, 89].

Intravaginal practices, like e.g. cleaning inside the vagina beyond the introitus or insertion of substances into the vagina to dry or tighten the vagina, are common in Africa and are associated with adverse outcomes including increased risk for BV and for sexually transmitted infections [90]. Our model showed that washing inside the vagina was an independent risk factor for vaginal GBS carriage: women were twice as likely to be colonized with GBS compared to women not washing inside the vagina. A study by van de Wijgert and coworkers [91] showed that women using substances other than plain water to finger-clean or wipe inside the vagina had a GBS prevalence of 26.3% (n = 99), whereas women not engaging in these practices had a GBS prevalence of 14.7% (n = 70). However, their findings did not reach significance, most probably because of the smaller sample size (169 women compared to 424 women in our study).

Women who had recent vaginal sex (the morning or evening before the study visit) were more than twice as likely to carry GBS vaginally than women who did not. Accordingly, a positive PSA test was also significantly correlated with GBS carriage. GBS is generally not considered an STI, and the influence of sexual behavior on vaginal GBS carriage or acquisition is a matter of debate [9294]. Based on published literature and our own data, we hypothesize that sexual activity might lead to a brief temporal GBS colonization of the vagina. This hypothesis is strengthened by a recent longitudinal deep-sequencing study of the vaginal microbiome, where 25 women were sampled on a daily basis over a 10 week period, revealing an average of 0.39 GBS episodes per week and an average GBS episode of 2.8 days (Fig 1 and additional file 4 in [95]), contrasting with earlier studies—where sampling occurred every 3 weeks—that report average GBS episodes of 13.7 weeks [96]. The brief colonization might explain why we and other authors find parameters such as ‘age of first sexual intercourse’ not to be associated with GBS carriage (they do not cover the recent aspect), while parameters such as ‘high frequency of intercourse during last month’ (as a consequence, a higher chance of also having had recent intercourse) do correlate. Taken together, GBS should be considered as a potentially pathogenic micro-organism that can be sexually transmitted and whose vaginal presence can be enhanced by sexual activity.

Cervical ectopy was an independent risk factor for vaginal E. coli carriage, 21.9% of women without cervical ectopy were E. coli carriers as opposed to 35.2% of women with cervical ectopy. Cervical ectopy has been associated with CT [97], HPV [98] and an increased susceptibility to HIV infection [99]. Although we could not determine the cause-effect relation of this association, it seems biologically plausible that a niche is created by the glandular columnar epithelium of women with cervical ectopy that somehow—directly or indirectly—favors the colonization by E. coli. Some studies have e.g. related cervical ectopy with a reduced cell-mediated or changed humoral immunity [21, 100].

Working as a FSW was an independent risk factor for vaginal E. coli carriage. We could not explain this by any of the sexual behavioural or other parameters presented in Table 4. In our study, none of the participants, including the female sex workers, reported having had anal intercourse during the last 3 months. These percentages probably are underestimates, since stigma associated with anal intercourse often leads to reduced reporting [101]. Furthermore, Ghanem and coworkers [102] showed that regarding anal intercourse, significantly more women reported to engage in these practices when asked by means of computer assisted self interviews compared to face-to-face interviews, which was used in our study. It is not unlikely that FSW engage more in anal intercourse, compared to the general population, and that in our FSW population, vaginal contamination with E. coli is higher by transfer of (peri)anal bacteria during anal/vaginal intercourse. Other studies from East-Africa report anal intercourse prevalences in FSW of up to 40.8% [103]. Interestingly, anal intercourse during pregnancy has been reported as a significant risk factor for neonatal E. coli colonization [77].

Besides above-mentioned risk factors for GBS or E. coli carriage, we show for the first time that colonization with GBS and E. coli, the leading causes of EOS, are positively associated.

Abovementioned risk factors can be translated and implemented into strategies that aim to reduce the maternal carriage of GBS and E. coli. First, behavioral change by advocating abstinence from sexual intercourse and vaginal washing during late pregnancy, e.g. via counseling in family planning facilities, could help to reduce the risk of maternal GBS and E. coli colonization in resource-poor settings. Second, the extension of GBS screening with screening for C. albicans and E. coli–risk factors for vaginal GBS carriage–should be further investigated. Furthermore, the screening for E. coli itself also merits further investigation because of its role as a major EOS causative agent for which currently no prevention measures are taken, nor in low-income, nor in high-income countries [104]. In this context, the presence of cervical ectopy–a risk factor for vaginal E. coli carriage–should be further investigated.

GBS serotype distribution

As IAP is not effective against LOS and culture-based screening and administration of costly intravenous antibiotics might not be feasible in most low-income countries, an alternative and long-term solution lies in the development of effective GBS vaccines, that however would not cover for other micro-organisms causing EOS. As most GBS vaccines under development aim at eliciting protective antibodies against capsular polysaccharides, the principal difficulty in developing globally effective GBS vaccines is the existence of several serotypes with different geographical distributions. In our study, the most prevalent GBS serotypes were Ia (27.3%), V (27.3%) and III (22.7%) in Kenya; Ia (34.5%), V (31.0%), and IV (13.8%) in SA; and Ia (83.3%) and II (16.7%) in Rwanda. Only few other studies have documented vaginal GBS serotype distribution in Africa and these are largely in line with our findings (Table 4 and Fig 1).

Interestingly, compared to the low prevalences in Europe and the US, we found relatively high prevalences of serotypes IV, VI, VII–shown for the first time in sub-Saharan Africa—and VIII in the Kenyan and South African population (VI, 13.6%; VII, 4.5%; VIII 4.5% in Kenya, and IV, 13.8%; VI, 6.9%; VIII, 3.4% in SA) (Table 4). In contrast, we did not detect any serotype Ib, which has, according to a recent meta-analysis, a prevalence of 8.1% in the US and 12.4% in Europe [38].

Differences in serotype distribution between our study and other studies (Table 4) might be explained by differences in study populations, most studies listed in Table 4 typed strains isolated from pregnant women whereas most of our GBS strains were isolated from non-pregnant women. Methodological differences might also contribute. Many GBS capsular polysaccharide typing methods have been described, with the most commonly used method being a serological test, used by all studies listed in Table 4, except our study. We used a molecular capsular typing method, developed and applied by European (reference) laboratories [105, 106]. Brigtsen and coworkers (2015) compared capsular typing of 426 GBS strains by a conventional latex agglutination test with PCR, and found that a substantial proportion of the strains were non-typeable by serotyping, but typeable by genotyping, and that an agreement between serotyping and genotyping was shown in 71.1% (of the isolates that were typeable by both methods) [107]. Moreover, we used a molecular technique directly on DNA extracts from vaginal swabs (and not on DNA extracts from isolates), which could lead to the detection of certain serotypes that would not have been isolated by culture.

Currently, there are two candidate vaccines in phase II clinical trials, i.e. a trivalent vaccine targeting serotypes Ia, Ib, and III, and a conjugate vaccine targeting serotype III ( In theory, the first vaccine could cover for 50.0%, 83.3% and 44.8% of vaginal GBS cases in our Mombasa, Kigali and Johannesburg population, respectively, but only a minority of women would be protected by the conjugate vaccine (22.7%, 0% and 10.3%, respectively).

GBS, E. coli and the vaginal microbiome

Our results show that vaginal GBS and E. coli carriage were significantly associated with disturbances of the vaginal microbiome: compared to women with a normal vaginal microbiome, women with an intermediate vaginal microbiome were 2.61 times more likely to carry E. coli, whereas women with BV were 2.33 less likely to carry GBS. The latter finding is in accordance a study of Hillier and coworkers [108], reporting a significant negative association between GBS carriage and BV by Nugent scoring, studying 7,918 pregnant women. Two other studies did not confirm these findings [94, 109]. In depth analysis of abovementioned interdependencies of GBS, E. coli, C. albicans, BV and the vaginal microbiome will be published elsewhere.

Our study was limited by the fact that we used vaginal sampling instead of rectovaginal sampling for the detection of GBS (as recommended by the CDC), which has been shown to have higher recovery rates for GBS. Furthermore, we did not use a selective broth enrichment prior to PCR, as recommended by the CDC. In our study, pregnant women were up to 14 weeks of gestation, and were not sampled at 35–37 weeks’ gestation as recommended by the CDC, which could have biased our results. Our study was further limited by the rather small sample size of our Rwanda study population.

In conclusion, vaginal GBS carriage rate and serotype distribution were similar to high-income countries, except for the higher prevalence of serotypes VI, VII and VIII. E. coli carriage rate was higher compared to high-income countries. We identified risk factors for GBS or E. coli carriage, ie. recent sexual intercourse, vaginal washing, C. albicans colonization and presence of cervical ectopy, that can be implemented in strategies to reduce maternal colonization. Immunoprophylaxis with current phase II candidate GBS vaccines would not protect the majority of women against vaginal GBS carriage in our study population. The most important causative agents of EOS, GBS and E. coli, both associated with disturbances of the vaginal microbiome, are positively associated.


The authors wish to thank Pierette Melin (Belgian Streptococcus agalactiae reference center) for providing us S. agalactiae control strains.

Data Availability

All relevant data are available in the paper.

Funding Statement

The project was funded by the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (IP_2007_33070_001, The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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