It has been known for over 70 years that synaptic strength is dynamically regulated in a use-dependent manner1. At synapses with a low initial release probability, closely spaced presynaptic action potentials can result in facilitation, a short-term form of enhancement where each subsequent action potential evokes greater neurotransmitter release2. Facilitation can enhance neurotransmitter release manyfold and profoundly influence information transfer across synapses3, but the underlying mechanism remains a mystery. Among the proposed mechanisms is that a specialized calcium sensor for facilitation transiently increases the probability of release2,4 and is distinct from the fast sensors that mediate rapid neurotransmitter release. Yet such a sensor has never been identified, and its very existence has been disputed5,6. Here we show that synaptotagmin 7 (syt7) is a calcium sensor that is required for facilitation at multiple central synapses. In syt7 knockout mice, facilitation is eliminated even though the initial probability of release and presynaptic residual calcium signals are unaltered. Expression of wild-type syt7 in presynaptic neurons restored facilitation, whereas expression of a mutated syt7 with a calcium-insensitive C2A domain did not. By revealing the role of syt7 in synaptic facilitation, these results resolve a longstanding debate about a widespread form of short-term plasticity, and will enable future studies that may lead to a deeper understanding of the functional importance of facilitation.
Several mechanisms for facilitation have been proposed (Extended Data Fig. 1). In the “buffer saturation” model, high concentrations of presynaptic Ca2+ buffer capture incoming Ca2+ before it binds to the rapid synaptotagmin isoforms (1, 2 and 9) that trigger vesicle fusion at most synapses7. If the Ca2+ buffer saturates during the first action potential, more Ca2+ reaches release sites during subsequent action potentials, producing facilitation6,8. Yet many facilitating synapses lack sufficient presynaptic Ca2+ buffer to account for this form of facilitation9. Another theory suggests that a specialized Ca2+ sensor responds to the smaller, longer-lasting Ca2+ signals between action potentials4. Under one scenario, this sensor modulates Ca2+ channels to produce use-dependent increases in Ca2+ influx10. Several canditate proteins have been proposed to act in this manner11,12, but increased Ca2+ influx cannot account for facilitation at most synapses13. Alternatively, an unidentified Ca2+ sensor could mediate facilitation by directly increasing the probability of release (p).
Syt7 is located presynaptically, and binds Ca2+ with high affinity and slow kinetics14–16, making it a promising candidate sensor for the modest increases in residual Ca2+ that mediate facilitation. Previous studies suggest that syt7 contributes to a slow phase of transmission known as asynchronous release17,18, and to Ca2+-dependent recovery from depression19, but the role of syt7 in facilitation was not examined because these studies employed synapses with prominent depression that obscures facilitation. We therefore examined synaptic transmission at four facilitating synapses: Schaffer collateral synapses between hippocampal CA3 and CA1 pyramidal cells9 (Fig. 1a), thalamocortical synapses between layer 6 cortical pyramidal cells and thalamic relay cells20 (Fig. 1b), mossy fiber synapses between dentate granule and CA3 cells9 (Fig. 1c), and perforant path synapses between layer II/III cells of the entorhinal cortex and dentate granule cells21 (Fig. 1d). Immunohistochemistry shows that syt7 is present in regions where these synapses are located (Extended Data Figs. 2 and 3). Facilitation is often assessed using pairs of closely-spaced stimuli. In slices from wild-type (WT) mice, paired-pulse facilitation resulted in ~2-fold enhancement of neurotransmitter release lasting several hundred milliseconds (Fig. 1a–d, black traces). In syt7 knockout (KO) mice, paired-pulse facilitation was eliminated (Fig. 1a–d, red traces). Sustained high frequency activation produces up to 10-fold enhancement in wild-type animals, but in knockouts facilitation is eliminated at all synapses except for mossy fiber synapses, where the remaining enhancement is consistent with use-dependent spike broadening that occurs at this synapse22 (Fig. 1e–h, Extended Data Fig. 4).
Figure 1. Facilitation is absent in syt7 KO mice.
a–d, Representative traces (top) and average paired-pulse ratios (PPR) at different interstimulus intervals (Δt) (bottom) recorded in slices prepared from WT (black) and syt7 KO animals (red). Postsynaptic responses were recorded using whole-cell voltage clamp from (a) hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells, and (b) thalamic relay cells. fEPSPs were recorded from (c) hippocampal-mossy-fiber to CA3 synapses, and (d) lateral-performant-path synapses in the dentate gyrus. Vertical scale bars, 100 pA (a,b) and 100 μV (c,d). e–h, Synaptic responses to 20 Hz trains from the same preparations as a–d (top), normalized amplitudes during 20 Hz trains (middle), and normalized responses to the 10th stimulus as a function of stimulus frequency (bottom). Peak PPR was significantly different for WT and syt7 KO mice at all synapses, as was response10/response1 for 5 to 50 Hz trains (P < 0.01, Student’s t-test). Data in this and subsequent figures represent mean ± SEM. Number of experiments shown in Extended Data Table 1.
The loss of facilitation in syt7 knockouts cannot be accounted for by slowed recovery from depression reported with syt7 deletion19, because recovery from depression is too slow to strongly influence rapid facilitation, nor can it produce the large increase in release associated with facilitation. There are several possible explanations for the loss of facilitation in knockouts: (1) the presynaptic Ca2+ signal that induces facilitation could be altered, (2) the probability of release (p) for synaptic vesicles could be increased, which by promoting vesicle depletion would indirectly reduce facilitation, or (3) the mechanism for facilitation could be disrupted directly. We assessed these possibilities at the CA3→CA1 synapse.
Action-potential-evoked increases in presynaptic Ca2+ consist of a large, brief localized Ca2+ signal that activates the low-affinity Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin 1 to trigger neurotransmitter release23, and a small residual Ca2+ signal (Cares) that persists for tens of milliseconds and has been implicated in facilitation2. It is difficult to measure local Ca2+ signals that trigger release, but Cares is readily measured. We used a low-affinity Ca2+ indicator to measure the time course of Cares in CA3 presynaptic terminals, because facilitation can be attenuated by the accelerated decay of Cares4. Cares decayed similarly in wild-type and syt7 knockout animals (Fig. 2a), indicating that the loss of facilitation in knockouts is not a consequence of accelerated Cares decay. We also used Cares as a measure of Cainflux to determine whether there are use-dependent manner changes in Ca2+ entry. However, each of two closely spaced stimuli evoked the same incremental increase in Cares in both wild-types and knockouts (Fig. 2b), indicating that use-dependent changes in total Cainflux cannot account for facilitation. This suggests that if changes in Cainflux contribute to facilitation at this synapse, they must be restricted to the small subset of presynaptic calcium channels that evoke neurotransmitter release. We repeated the experiment using a high-affinity Ca2+ indicator, where the degree of saturation during paired stimuli can be used to measure the magnitude of Cares evoked by the first stimulus (see Methods). We conclude that Cainflux evoked by the first stimulus is the same in wild-type and knockout animals (Fig. 2c).
Figure 2. Facilitation is altered in syt7 KO animals despite similar presynaptic Ca2+ signals.
a, Presynaptic Cares evoked by a single stimulus recorded from Schaffer collateral fibers loaded with a low-affinity Ca2+ indicator (left), and Cares half-decay times (right). N.S., not significant. b, Cares signals recorded with low-affinity indicator evoked by 1 or 2 stimuli (left). The ratio of the increase in Cares evoked by the first (ΔF1) and second (ΔF2) stimuli (right). c, Cares signals recorded with high-affinity indicator evoked by 1 or 2 stimuli. d, Average EPSC amplitudes for CA3→CA1 synapses recorded in different external Ca2+ (Cae) concentrations, normalized to the amplitude in 2 mM Cae. e, EPSCs recorded in different Cae. Vertical scale bars, 50, 100, 200 and 300 pA in 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 mM Cae respectively. f, PPR for interstimulus interval of 20 ms recorded in different Cae. In 0.5 mM Ca2+ PPR in KOs (1.24 ± 0.12) was not significantly different from 1 (P = 0.084, Wilcoxon signed rank test). Number of experiments is shown in Extended Data Table 2.
We further explored the role of Ca2+ in facilitation by examining the Ca2+-dependence of excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) and facilitation. Raising extracellular Ca2+ leads to a steep increase in EPSC amplitude (Fig. 2d), but a decrease in facilitation (Fig. 2e, black traces) even though high extracellular Ca2+ should increase the Cares available to evoke facilitation. This paradox is resolved by realizing that increased Ca2+ influx elevates p, which depletes presynaptic vesicles, saturates release, and limits the extent of facilitation. The Ca2+-dependence of EPSC amplitudes was unaffected in knockout animals (Fig. 2d), but facilitation was absent for all values of external Ca2+ (Fig. 2e.f). Meanwhile there was no difference in basal release properties measured by the rate of spontaneous EPSCs (Extended Data Fig. 5). These findings suggest that the loss of facilitation in knockouts is not a consequence of higher initial p, because facilitation was absent even when the initial p was strongly attenuated by reducing external Ca2+.
To further test whether initial p is elevated in syt7 knockouts, we measured how field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) scaled with stimulus intensity24 (Fig. 3a). The slope of the fEPSP vs. presynaptic volley gives a relative measure of p (see Methods), which was unchanged in knockouts (Fig. 3b). Moreover, the fEPSP to presynaptic volley ratio changed steeply with extracellular Ca2+, showing that this method is sensitive to p (Fig. 3c, d). We also assessed p using pharmacological blockade of synaptically-activated NMDARs by the use-dependent blocker MK80125 (Fig. 3e–g). This approach is widely-used to detect changes in p: An increase in p leads to more glutamate release, more activation of NMDARs, and a more rapid blockade of NMDA receptors, while a decrease in p leads to a slower blockade (Extended Data Fig. 6). The rate of blockade of NMDA-mediated field EPSPs (NMDA-fEPSP) was unaffected by syt7 deletion (Fig. 3e), indicating similar initial p. However, when we evoked NMDA-fEPSPs with trains of 3 stimuli25, amplitudes decayed more rapidly in wild-types (Fig. 3f, g), suggesting that syt7 is required to increase p for the second and third stimuli. Thus, initial p and presynaptic Ca2+ signaling are unaffected by syt7 deletion, but knockouts lack the use-dependent increase in p that underlies facilitation. This suggests that the mechanism underlying facilitation is directly impaired by syt7 deletion.
Figure 3. Change in the initial probability of release does not underlie the absence of facilitation in syt7 KO mice.
a, Extracellular recordings of presynaptic fiber volley and fEPSP evoked by the indicated stimulus intensities. Scale bar, 200 μV. b, fEPSP slope plotted against fiber volley amplitude, for 20–100 μA stimulation. c, fEPSPs recorded in 1 and 3 mM Cae. Scale bar, 100 μV. d, Average ratio of the fEPSP to the fiber volley in different Cae. e, (Top) Initial release probability was measured by stimulating Schaffer collaterals every 10 seconds while recording NMDA-fEPSPs before and after MK801 bath application. (Middle) Traces averaged from 10 trials before (dark traces), and trials 10–15 after MK801 application (light traces). (Bottom) Average NMDA-fEPSPs amplitudes evoked in the presence of MK801. f, Same as in (e) but with 3 stimuli at 50 Hz every 30 seconds. First response to trains is shown. g, Half-decay times of NMDA-fEPSP amplitudes in the presence of MK801. *P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. N.S., not significant. Number of experiments shown in Extended Data Table 2.
Syt7 is implicated in neuroendocrine release16, insulin secretion26, and exocytosis of lysosomes27, which could all indirectly influence synaptic transmission in global syt7 knockouts. Therefore, to determine whether syt7 controls facilitation by acting in presynaptic neurons in a cell autonomous manner, we tested whether viral expression of syt7 in CA3 pyramidal cells of syt7 knockouts rescued facilitation. This approach is complicated by our inability to virally transduce all CA3 pyramidal cells, which prohibits the use of extracellular stimulation that would activate some presynaptic cells that express syt7 and others that do not. We overcame this problem with an adeno-associated virus (AAV) that drove bicistronic expression of both ChR2 and syt7, allowing optical stimulation of only those fibers expressing syt7.
Using conditions we have previously shown allow facilitation to be studied with optogenetic stimulation (see Methods), we confirmed that when ChR2 alone was expressed, optical and electrical stimulation produced similar facilitation in wild-types (Fig. 4a,e,f), and similar depression in knockouts (Fig. 4b,e,f). We next used a bicistronic vector to express both ChR2 and wild-type syt7 in knockout animals. Light-evoked responses exhibited facilitation, whereas electrically-evoked responses did not (Fig. 4c,e,f). This suggests that bicistronic expression of ChR2 along with a presynaptic protein of interest offers a powerful new approach to characterize the effect of gene manipulation on presynaptic function within intact neural circuits. When syt7 was expressed in wild-type animals the peak facilitation was unaffected (Fig. 4e,f, Extended Data Fig. 7a). Thus, expressing syt7 in CA3 pyramidal cells rescued facilitation in a cell autonomous manner, with facilitation restored only at synapses expressing syt7 and ChR2.
Figure 4. Viral expression of syt7 restores facilitation at Schaffer collateral synapses.
a–d, (Top) Fluorescence images of ChR2-YFP and syt7 immunostaining in the CA1 region after AAV injection into CA3 to express the indicated proteins in WT animals (a) or syt7 KO animals (b–d). Stratum pyramidale (PY) and stratum radiatum (SR). Scale bar, 100 μm. (Bottom) EPSCs and PPRs for responses evoked electrically (open symbols) and optically (blue symbols). In a and b only ChR2-YFP was expressed, in c both ChR2-YFP and syt7(WT) were expressed (separated by a P2A cleavage peptide) and in d ChR2-YFP and Ca2+-insensitive syt7C2A* were expressed. e–f, Summary of PPRs for 50 ms interstimulus interval. Asterisks denote significant difference from responses evoked electrically in uninjected WT animals (e), or optically in WT animals expressing ChR2 alone (f). *P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. Number of experiments shown on bar graphs.
To determine whether Ca2+-binding by syt7 is important for facilitation, we assessed whether facilitation is rescued by syt7 with a mutated Ca2+-insensitive C2A domain (syt7 C2A*). Previous studies established that Ca2+-binding to the C2A domain of syt7 is required for syt7 to mediate asynchronous release18. We found that syt7 C2A* did not rescue facilitation in knockouts (Fig. 4d–f). Moreover, in wild-type animals, syt7 C2A* expression strongly attenuated facilitation (Fig. 4e,f, Extended Data Fig. 7b), suggesting that syt7 C2A* competes with native syt7 to suppress facilitation.
Our results indicate that facilitation requires Ca2+-binding to the C2A domain of syt7, and also provide insight into the role of syt7 in facilitation. We conclude that syt7 does not produce facilitation by altering the amplitude and time course of Cares (Fig. 2), by increasing initial p (Fig. 3), by acting as a Ca2+ buffer (Extended Data Fig. 8), or through use-dependent increases in the total Cainflux (Extended Data Fig. 1b, Fig. 2). The observation that initial p is unaltered in syt7 knockouts indicates that local Cainflux, is unaffected for the first stimulus, but it is difficult to rule out the possibility that syt7 mediates a use-dependent increase in Cainflux through the subset of channels that trigger vesicle fusion. There is, however, no evidence for syt7 associating with or regulating calcium channels. In contrast, syt7 is known to interact with syt1 and can mediate vesicle fusion16–18. The most parsimonious explanation is that syt7 acts as the hypothesized specialized Ca2+ sensor to elevate p during facilitation. Facilitated release exhibits rapid kinetics, suggesting that syt7 somehow increases the probability of syt1-dependent vesicle fusion. Whether this is through a direct interaction of syt7 with a fast synaptotagmin isoform such as syt1 remains an open question. It is also unclear whether the recently described interaction between syt7 and calmodulin that promotes vesicle replenishment19 is similarly required for facilitation. Finally, it is possible that at other synapses facilitation is mediated by additional specialized Ca2+ sensors or involves other mechanisms. Further studies are needed to clarify these issues.
Based primarily on theoretical considerations, facilitation is thought to profoundly influence both information transfer and network dynamics. In the hippocampus, the high-pass filtering imposed by facilitating synapses may account for the burst firing in place cells that encode spatial information28. In the auditory pathway, facilitation is proposed to counteract short-term depression in order to maintain linear transmission of rate-coded sound intensity29. It has even been suggested that facilitation forms the basis of short-term memory, as facilitating recurrent connections within cortical networks could support the persistent activity states associated with working memory30. In future studies the selective elimination of syt7 from specific cell types could allow the first direct tests of the impact of facilitation on neural circuits and behavior.
Animals and viruses
All mice were handled in accordance with NIH guidelines and protocols approved by Harvard Medical School. Syt7 KO mice31 (Jackson Laboratory) and WT littermates of either sex were used. Statistical tests were not used to predetermine sample size. Blinding and randomization were not performed. AAV2/9-hSyn-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP and its pAAV backbone (Addgene 26973) were obtained from the University of Pennsylvania Vector Core. cDNA encoding the rat syt7 WT α isoform and C2A* mutant (D225A, D227A, D233A)18 were generously provided by Taulant Bacaj and Thomas Sudhof. For rescue experiments involving syt7 with mutated Ca2+ binding domains, we used the mutated C2A* version instead of the C2A*C2B* double mutant, as mutation of both C2 domains leads to lower levels of expression. The porcine teschovirus-1 2A (P2A) cleavage sequence32 and syt7 were inserted after the ChR2 C-terminus in the pAAV backbone (Genscript). Plasmid-driven expression of ChR2-YFP and syt7 was confirmed in HEK cells by syt7 immunostaining and patch-clamp recording of ChR2 photocurrents. AAVs were produced and purified from HEK cells as previously described33.
Stereotaxic surgeries were performed as described34. P18-P30 mice were anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine (100/10/3 mg/kg) supplemented with 1–4% isoflurane. Viruses were injected through glass capillary needles using a syringe (Hamilton) mounted on a stereotaxic instrument (Kopf). Injection coordinates from lambda were 2.69 mm (rostral), 3 mm (lateral), and 2.8 mm (ventral). 1 μl of virus suspension was delivered at a rate of 0.1 μl/min using a a microsyringe pump (WPI; UMP3) and microsyringe pump controller (WPI; Micro4). The needle was slowly retracted 5–10 minutes after injection, and the scalp incision was closed with gluture. Post-injection analgesic (buprenophrine, 0.05 mg/kg) was administered subcutaneously for 48 hrs.
Acute slice preparation
P30-P60 animals were euthanized under isoflurane anesthesia, 14–30 days after AAV injection. Brains were removed and placed in ice-cold solution containing (in mM): 234 sucrose, 25 NaHCO3, 11 glucose, 7 MgCl2, 2.5 KCl, 1.25 NaH2PO4, and 0.5 CaCl2. 270 μm-thick transverse slices (hippocampal recordings) or 250 μm-thick sagittal slices (thalamic recordings) were prepared on a vibrotome (Leica, VT1000s), and a cut was made between CA3 and CA1 to prevent recurrent excitation. Slices were transferred for 30 min to 32°C artificial cerebrospinal solution (ACSF) containing (in mM): 125 NaCl, 26 NaHCO3, 25 glucose, 2.5 KCl, 2 CaCl2, 1.25 NaH2PO4, and 1 MgCl2, adjusted to 315 mOsm, and allowed to equilibrate to room temperature for >30 min. Experiments were performed at 33 ± 1°C with flow rates of 2 ml/min.
For ChR2 stimulation, 160 mW/mm2 laser pulses (0.2–0.5 ms) from a 100 mW 473 nm laser (OptoEngine, MBL-III) were focused through the 60X objective of the microscope (Olympus, BX51WI) to produce a 80 μm diameter spot over the stratum radiatum, >500 μm from the recorded cell to avoid activating ChR2 in presynaptic boutons, which can artificially raise the probability of release and obscure facilitation34. Extracellular stimulation was performed with a stimulus isolation unit (WPI, A360) using glass monopolar electrodes (0.5–1 MΩ) filled with ACSF. Stimulus electrodes were positioned ~500 μm from the recording electrode in the stratum radiatum (Schaffer collaterals), the internal capsule (corticothalamic), the hillus adjacent to the dentate granule cell layer (mossy fibers), and the outer molecular layer (lateral performant path). To ensure that mossy fiber responses were not contaminated by associational/commissural inputs the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist DCG-IV (1 μM) was applied at the end of experiments to selectively block mossy fiber responses35. Data were included only if responses were reduced by more than 80% (average reduction was 88 ± 1 % in WT and 90 ± 2% in syt7 KO mice), and the amplitude of mossy fiber responses was measured after subtracting the response remaining in the presence of DCG-VI. Stimulus trials were repeated at 0.1 Hz (0.033 Hz at mossy fibers to avoid potentiation), and artifacts were deleted for display. Recordings were acquired using an amplifier (Axon Instruments, Multiclamp 700B) controlled by custom software written in IgorPro (provided by Matthew Xu-Friedman, SUNY Buffalo), and low-pass filtered at 2 kHz. Whole-cell recordings were obtained using borosilicate patch pipettes (2–5 MΩ) pulled with a horizontal puller (Sutter P-97). The internal recording solution contained (in mM): 150 Cs-gluconate, 3 KCl, 10 HEPES, 0.5 EGTA, 3 MgATP, 0.5 NaGTP, 5 phosphocreatine-tris, and 5 phosphocreatine-Na. pH = 7.2. Cells were held at −70 mV, and series resistance was monitored during recordings. fEPSPs were recorded in current-clamp mode with ACSF-filled patch pipettes (0.5–1 MΩ). Inhibition was blocked with picrotoxin (50 μM), and during fEPSP recordings, CPP (2 μM) and CGP (3 μM) was added to the bath. 4–10 trials were conducted for each stimulus frequency, and recordings were averaged over trials. Data in all figures represent the mean ± SEM. Average responses are displayed with double exponential or polynomial curves fit in IgorPro. Unless stated otherwise, statistical significance was assessed by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test, or one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test.
Probability of release
To record NMDA-EPSCs cells were voltage clamped at +40 mV, and the internal solution contained (in mM): 85 Cs-methanesulfonate, 4 NaCl, 10 HEPES, 0.2 EGTA, 30 BAPTA, 2 MgATP, 0.4 NaGTP, 10 phosphocreatine-Na, 25 TEA, 5 QX-314, pH = 7.3. For recording NMDA-fEPSPs, Mg2+ was excluded from ACSF to relieve Mg2+ block of NMDA receptors. Picrotoxin (100 μM) and NBQX (5 μM) were added to the bath, and stimulation was conducted at 0.1 Hz (unless otherwise indicated) for 5 minutes to obtain a baseline response. Stimulation was halted for 10 minutes while (+)-MK801 (40 μM) was added and allowed to equilibrate. For experiments involving fEPSPs vs. presynaptic volley, the postsynaptic response was measured by the slope of the fEPSP, while the amplitude of the presynaptic volley was used to determine the number of activated fibers. If p increases, the same number of activated presynaptic fibers will produce a larger fEPSP. The ratio between fEPSP and volley was determined by line fits to the linear regime of the input-output curve of individual experiments (20–80 μA stimuli).
The study of probability of release is complicated because many people use p to refer to the probability of release of a vesicle (pv) and others refer to probability of release from an active zone (psynapse) that contains N vesicles in its readily releasable pool (RRP). Thus, an increase in the size of the RRP for an active zone can increase psynapse even if pv is unaltered. Although MK801 blockade25 and fEPSPs vs. presynaptic volley24 are both widely-used methods to detect changes in the probability of release, for both approaches it is conceivable (though unlikely) that increases in pv could be obscured by a perfectly balanced decrease in the RRP size. However, the relationship between EPSC amplitude and extracellular Ca2+ is similar in WT and syt7 KO animals. This suggests there is no increase in pv, which would cause this curve to saturate at lower values of Cae for syt7 KO animals. Moreover, the large differences in facilitation in WT and syt7 KO animals were even more pronounced when the probability of release was reduced 10-fold by lowering Cae from 2 mM to 0.5 mM, which is incompatible with an increase in pv obscuring facilitation by depleting vesicles.
Ca2+ measurements
Ca2+ was measured as described previously4. Briefly, CA3 fibers were labelled for three minutes using an ACSF-filled pipette containing either magnesium green AM or fura-2 AM (240 μM) and 1% fast green, placed into the border of the CA3-CA1 field. A vacuum pipette placed above the loading site removed excess indicator. Slices were incubated for at least 1 hour and imaging was performed in stratum radiatum of CA1 at least 500 μm from the injection site using a 60X objective and custom-built photodiode. Excitation was achieved using a tungsten (magnesium green) or xenon lamp (fura-2). Schaffer collaterals were stimulated using a glass electrode placed at least 300 μm from the imaging site. To prevent recurrent excitation, experiments were performed in the presence of NBQX (10 μM), CPP (2 μM) and picrotoxin (50 μM).
Magnesium green is a low-affinity calcium indicator36 (KD=7 μM) that provides an approximately linear measure of Cares37. As such it is well suited to measuring the time course of presynaptic Cares (Fig. 2A) and detecting changes in Cainflux during successive stimulations (Fig. 2B). However, with the bulk loading approach the size of the fluorescence change is proportional to the number of stimulated fibers, so the absolute Cares signal is not readily quantified with magnesium green. In contrast, fura-2 has a high affinity for calcium38,39 (KD = 131 nM) so it provides a saturating sublinear response to increases in Cares40–42. This can be used to test for changes in the absolute size of Cainflux because a change in the Cainflux per stimulus would change the ratio between the fluorescence change produced by the first and second stimuli.
Two to four weeks after AAV injection, mice were anesthetized with ketamine and transcardially perfused with 4% PFA in PBS. The brain was removed and post-fixed for 24 hours. Slices (50 μm thick) were permeabilized (PBS + 0.4% Triton X-100) for 30 minutes and then prepared in blocking solution (PBS + 0.2% Triton X-100 + 2% normal goat serum [PBST]) for 30 min at room temperature. Slices were incubated overnight at 4°C in PBST with primary antibodies (anti-syt7 [Synaptic Systems, 105173], 1 μg/ml; 1:200, targeting AA 46–133 of syt7α, anti-vGlut1 [Synaptic Systems, 135304], 1 μg/ml; 1:500, and anti-calbindin-D28k [Sigma Aldrich, C9848], 1 μg/ml; 1:500), followed by incubation with secondary antibodies in PBST for 2 hr at room temperature. For both WT and syt7 KO mice, images from each brain region were acquired on a laser scanning confocal (Olympus, FluoView1200) using the same laser/microscope settings and processed in ImageJ identically.
Extended Data
Extended Data Figure 1. Possible mechanisms for synaptic facilitation.
It is established that calcium plays an important role in synaptic facilitation, and a number of mechanisms have been proposed that involve different aspects of calcium signaling2. Here we discuss the calcium signals that evoke rapid vesicle fusion, and also those thought to be involved in facilitation (a), and 3 mechanisms of facilitation are presented schematically43 (b–d). a, To understand the mechanisms that have been proposed to account for facilitation, it is important to appreciate different aspects of presynaptic calcium signaling. Calcium signals are complex, but can be approximated by 2 components. An action potential opens calcium channels for less than a millisecond, and near open channels the calcium levels reach tens of micromolar. Release sites near calcium channels experience high local calcium levels (Calocal) that are highly dependent on the distance from open calcium channels. Calocal can be reduced by high concentrations of fast calcium buffers that rapidly bind calcium. In addition there is a residual calcium signal (Cares) that results from calcium equilibrating within presynaptic terminals, before calcium is gradually removed over tens to hundreds of milliseconds. The amplitude of Cares (and also total influx of Ca2+, Cainflux) is determined by all of the calcium channels that open, not only those that produce Calocal that drives release, and after initial equilibration Cares is roughly uniform throughout the presynaptic bouton. It is generally accepted that fast synaptic transmission is produced by calcium binding to syt1, syt2 or syt9 which have low-affinity binding sites, fast kinetics, and require the binding of multiple calcium ions7,44. The time course of release follows the time course of calcium channel opening, but with a brief delay (< 1 ms). Cares after a single stimulus is much smaller than Calocal. Typical fluorescence-based approaches to measure calcium readily detect Cares, but are insensitive to Calocal which is too localized and short-lived to measure. Note the y-axis is logarithmic to show both Calocal and Cares in (a), but not in (b–d). b, For one mechanism of facilitation a fast calcium buffer is present in presynaptic terminals that binds calcium and reduces Calocal. Stimulating twice in rapid succession results in the same calcium influx for both stimuli. If there is no fast presynaptic buffer, the amplitudes of Calocal and the EPSCs are the same for both stimuli (red traces). If a fast high-affinity buffer is present (black traces), it reduces the initial Calocal and reduces the amplitude of the initial EPSC, but if enough calcium enters and binds to the buffer, it reduces its ability to buffer calcium. As a result the second stimulus produces larger Calocal than the first, and the EPSC is facilitated. c, A second possible mechanism is that more calcium enters for the second stimulus, and as a result there is more neurotransmitter release. This could arise from a spike broadening, or from the modulation of calcium channels. It is possible that influx through all calcium channels in the presynaptic terminal would be increased, in which case both Cares and Calocal would be increased. It is also possible that the only calcium channels that are modulated are the subset that produce Calocal that triggers release, in which case Cares would not be significantly increased. d, Finally, it is possible that there is a specialized calcium sensor that produces facilitation that is distinct from syt12,4,45. Previous studies have shown that such a sensor would need to be sensitive to Cares based on the observation that facilitation is altered at some synapses by manipulations that affect Cares without affecting Calocal. According to this scheme, release is mediated by syt1 but calcium binding to a second sensor would increase p. The sensor is sufficiently slow that it does not influence release evoked by the first stimulus, but it able to influence release evoked by a second stimulus.
Extended Data Figure 2. Immunohistochemistry of syt7 expression at 4 different synapses.
Fluorescent images of immunostaining for vGlut1 (top) and syt7 (bottom) in slices from WT and syt7 KO animals, showing (a) the stratum radiatum (SR) of hippocampal CA1 region, (b) the ventral thalamus, (c) mossy fibers (MF) in hippocampal CA3, and (d) the lateral and medial performant paths (LPP and MPP) in the outer molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. Notably, syt7 expression in WT animals was higher in the LPP, where synapses exhibit facilitation, compared to the MPP, where synapses exhibit depression. Scale bar, 50 μm. The presence of syt7 labeling in regions containing CA3→CA1 synapses, layer 6 to thalamus synapses, MF synapses and LPP→granule cell synapses that are also colabeled with antibodies to the presynaptic marker for glutamatergic synapses vGlut1, suggests that syt7 is located presynaptically at these synapses. It is, however, difficult to obtain sufficient resolution with confocal microscopy in brain slices to unambiguously establish that syt7 is located presynaptically at these synapses. Importantly, the Allen Brain atlas suggests that the presynaptic cells for these synapses contain mRNA for syt746. Lastly, immunoelectron microscopy revealed selective staining of presynaptic boutons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus16.
Extended Data Figure 3. Immunohistochemistry of syt7 and calbindin expression at mossy fiber synapses.
Fluorescent images of immunostaining for calbindin-D28k, which predominantly labels mossy fibers in the CA3 region of the hippocampus9,47 (top) and syt7 (bottom) in slices from WT and syt7 KO animals. Colocalization of syt7 and calbindin staining in WT animals provides further support for the expression of syt7 in mossy fiber terminals. Scale bar, 20 μm.
Extended Data Figure 4. Loss of facilitation in syt7 KO animals at multiple frequencies.
Average normalized synaptic responses evoked by extracellular stimulation with trains at frequencies from 5–50 Hz at four synapses in slices from WT and syt7 KO animals. Enhancement during trains was eliminated for all synapses other than mossy fiber synapses, where significant enhancement was present by the 5th stimulus for 5 Hz and 10 Hz, the 3rd stimulus for 20 Hz and the 6th stimulus for 50 Hz (compared to 1 by a Wilcoxon signed rank test, P < 0.05). This indicates that another form of synaptic enhancement gradually builds during repetitive activation and is consistent with a specialized form of synaptic enhancement that has been described at mossy fiber synapses in which spike broadening gradually builds during repetitive activation and leads to increased calcium influx. The numbers of experiments are shown in Extended Data Table 1.
Extended Data Figure 5. Spontaneous release is similar in WT and syt7 KO animals.
a, Representative sEPSCs recorded from voltage-clamped hippocampal CA1 cells in WT (black) and KO (red) animals. Vertical scale bars, 20 pA. b, Representative sEPSCs, averaged from >50 events recorded in WT and KO animals. Vertical scale bars, 10 pA. c–d, Average sEPSC (c) amplitude and (d) frequency in WT (N = 16) and syt7 KO animals (N = 18).
Extended Data Figure 6. MK801 blockade of NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs reveals similar initial release probability in WT and KO synapses.
a, Representative NMDA-EPSCs recorded in WT and KO animals before the application of MK801 (average of 10 traces) and after stimulation in the presence of MK801 (average response of 15–20th stimuli). Vertical scale bars, 100 pA. b, Average NMDA-EPSCs recorded in the presence of MK801, normalized to the first stimulus. c, Half-decay times of NMDA-EPSC amplitudes. *P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. N.S., not significant. The number of experiments is shown in Extended Data Table 2.
Extended Data Figure 7. Effect of virally-expressed syt7 WT and syt7 C2A* in WT animals.
a–b, (Top) AAV was injected into the hippocampal CA3 region in WT animals to express ChR2 and (a) syt7 WT or (b) syt7 C2A*. (Bottom) Representative EPSCs and average paired-pulse ratios for responses evoked electrically and optically in WT slices with AAV-driven expression of (a) syt7 WT (electrical, N = 12; optical, N = 13) and (b) syt7 C2A* (electrical, N = 5; optical, N = 13). Vertical scale bars, 100 pA.
Extended Data Figure 8. Evidence suggests that syt7 does not produce facilitation by acting as a local calcium buffer at the CA3→CA1 synapse.
This graph illustrates the general relationship between PPR and external calcium for synapses in which buffer saturation produces facilitation (green) and for facilitation observed at the CA3→CA1 synapse and many other synapses (black)9. It has been shown previously that the for buffer saturation mechanism (Extended Data Fig. 1B) the amplitude of facilitation is reduced when Cainflux is reduced by lowering external calcium9. This can be understood by considering that this form of facilitation is thought to require sufficient Cainflux to saturate the endogenous buffer, and thereby reduce its ability to buffer calcium for subsequent stimuli. If Cainflux is low then there is insufficient calcium entry to bind very much of the endogenous buffer, and little facilitation would result. In addition, as shown in Extended Data Figure 1 for a calcium buffer to produce facilitation it would need to buffer calcium sufficiently that it would reduce initial p. We have shown, however, that p is unaltered in syt7 knockouts. This is perhaps not surprising in light of the fact that syt7 is thought to be located on the plasma membrane, and in cases where this type of facilitation has been observed it is associated with high concentrations of a fast cytosolic buffer9.
Extended Data Table 1.
Number of electrophysiological recordings from WT and syt7 KO animals.
Figure | Synapse | Experiment | Genotype | # of Recordings | # of Animals |
Figure 1a | Schaffer collateral | Paired-pulse | WT | 13 | 6 |
KO | 17 | 5 | |||
Figure 1b | Corticothalamic | Paired-pulse | WT | 23 | 8 |
KO | 23 | 5 | |||
Figure 1c | Hippocampal mossy fiber | Paired-pulse | WT | 10 | 6 |
KO | 8 | 4 | |||
Figure 1d | Lateral perforant path | Paired-pulse | WT | 6 | 3 |
KO | 13 | 3 | |||
Figure 1e, Extended Data Figure 4 | Schaffer collateral | Trains (2–50 Hz) | WT | 14 | 6 |
Trains (2–50 Hz) | KO | 17 | 5 | ||
Figure 1f, Extended Data Figure 4 | Corticothalamic | Trains (2–50 Hz) | WT | 16 | 8 |
Train (2 Hz) | KO | 5 | 2 | ||
Trains (5–50 Hz) | KO | 12 | 3 | ||
Figure 1g, Extended Data Figure 4 | Hippocampal mossy fiber | Train (2 Hz) | WT | 3 | 2 |
Train (5 Hz) | WT | 7 | 4 | ||
Train (10–50 Hz) | WT | 10 | 5 | ||
Train (2–5 Hz) | KO | 3 | 2 | ||
Train (10–50 Hz) | KO | 8 | 4 | ||
Figure 1h, Extended Data Figure 4 | Lateral perforant path | Train (2–10 Hz) | WT | 3 | 2 |
Train (20–50 Hz) | WT | 6 | 3 | ||
Train (2–5 Hz) | KO | 5 | 2 | ||
Train (10 Hz) | KO | 10 | 3 | ||
Train (20–50 Hz) | KO | 13 | 3 |
Extended Data Table 2.
Number of experiments related to the Ca2+-dependence of probability of release.
Figure | Experiment | Condition | Genotype | # of Recordings | # of Animals |
Figure 2a,b | Presynaptic Ca2+ imaging | Magnesium Green | WT | 11 | 2 |
KO | 10 | 2 | |||
Figure 2c | Presynaptic Ca2+ imaging | Fura-2 | WT | 14 | 3 |
KO | 10 | 2 | |||
Figure 2d–f | Ca2+-dependence of CA3-CA1 EPSC | 0.5 mM Ca | WT | 12 | 5 |
1 mM Ca | WT | 9 | 4 | ||
2 mM Ca * | WT | 15 | 6 | ||
3 mM Ca | WT | 6 | 2 | ||
0.5 mM Ca | KO | 8 | 4 | ||
1 mM Ca | KO | 7 | 6 | ||
2 mM Ca * | KO | 10 | 8 | ||
3 mM Ca | KO | 4 | 2 | ||
Figure 3a,b | fEPSP vs. fiber volley | 20–100 uA stimulation | WT | 44 | 11 |
KO | 25 | 8 | |||
Figure 3c,d | Ca2+-dependence of CA3-CA1 fEPSP | 0.5 mM Ca | WT | 4 | 2 |
1 mM Ca | WT | 11 | 5 | ||
2 mM Ca * | WT | 11 | 5 | ||
3 mM Ca | WT | 8 | 3 | ||
0.5 mM Ca | KO | 4 | 4 | ||
1 mM Ca | KO | 8 | 4 | ||
2 mM Ca * | KO | 9 | 5 | ||
3 mM Ca | KO | 6 | 3 | ||
Figure 3e–g | MK801 blockade of NMDAR fEPSP | 2 mM Ca, single stim | WT | 6 | 2 |
2 mM Ca, tripple stim | WT | 5 | 3 | ||
2 mM Ca, single stim | KO | 6 | 3 | ||
2 mM Ca, tripple stim | KO | 4 | 3 | ||
Extended Data Figure 6 | MK801 blockade of NMDAR EPSC | 1 mM Ca | WT | 14 | 3 |
2 mM Ca | WT | 11 | 4 | ||
3 mM Ca | WT | 3 | 2 | ||
2 mM Ca | KO | 9 | 4 |
To normalize responses in different Ca2+ concentrations, all Ca2+-dependence experiments included recordings in 2 mM Ca2+ followed by wash in of different Ca2+ concentrations.
We thank P. Kaeser and L. Bickford for help producing AAVs, B. Sabatini and J. Levasseur for help with plasmids, K. Ennis, M. Ocana and the Neurobiology Imaging Center for help with immunohistochemistry, B. Sabatini, P. Kaeser, D. Fioravante, C. Hull, and L. Glickfeld for comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by grants from the NIH (NS032405) and Nancy Lurie Marks Foundation to W.G.R., the Vision Core and NINDS P30 Core Center grant (NS072030) to the Neurobiology Imaging Center at Harvard Medical School, and a Nancy Lurie Marks Fellowship to S.L.J.
S.L.J., J.T., and W.G.R. designed experiments. J.E.B. performed stereotaxic surgeries, S.L.J. performed electrophysiology, and J.T measured Ca2+ and performed immunohistochemistry. S.L.J. and J.T. produced AAVs and analyzed experiments, and S.L.J. and W.G.R. wrote the manuscript.
Competing financial interests
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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