MRI has an important role for radiotherapy (RT) treatment planning in prostate cancer (PCa) providing accurate visualization of the dominant intraprostatic lesion (DIL) and locoregional anatomy, assessment of local staging and depiction of implanted devices. MRI enables the radiation oncologist to optimize RT planning by better defining target tumour volumes (thereby increasing local tumour control), as well as decreasing morbidity (by minimizing the dose to adjacent normal structures). Using MRI, radiation oncologists can define the DIL for delivery of boost doses of RT using a variety of techniques including: stereotactic body radiotherapy, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, proton RT or brachytherapy to improve tumour control. Radiologists require a familiarity with the different RT methods used to treat PCa, as well as an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the various MR pulse sequences available for RT planning in order to provide an optimal multidisciplinary RT treatment approach to PCa. Understanding the expected post-RT appearance of the prostate and typical characteristics of local tumour recurrence is also important because MRI is rapidly becoming an integral component for diagnosis, image-guided histological sampling and treatment planning in the setting of biochemical failure after RT or surgery.
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common non-cutaneous cancer in males1 with treatment strategies individually tailored according to the risk of biochemical failure (likelihood of recurrence) after locoregional treatment.2 Curative treatment options include: hormonal treatment, radical prostatectomy (RP) and/or radiotherapy (RT). Active surveillance, the preferred treatment for low-risk/low-volume PCa, is beyond the scope of this article but has been described elsewhere.3 RT can be used to treat localized or locally advanced PCa and local recurrence following definitive therapy.4,5 RT aims to eradicate clonogenic tumour cells while minimizing radiation damage to adjacent structures.4,6 RT can be performed internally (interstitial seed and high-dose rate brachytherapy), externally [conventional, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), proton-beam RT] or with combined techniques.4,6 IMRT has become the standard external RT technique used at most institutions for the management of PCa.4 IMRT utilizes image guidance, as well as multileaf collimators that move independently in and out of the radiation dose path, creating sharp dose borders confined to the prostate with exceptional sparing of the surrounding organs. Doses delivered by external RT typically range from 75 to 80 Gy.5 Advantages of RT compared with RP may include lower risks of erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, strictures and elimination of the risks associated with surgery.5 RT toxicities relate to inadvertent injury of adjacent structures including cystitis, urethral strictures and bowel-related complications.5,7
With the advent of multiparametric (MP) MRI [T2 weighted (T2W) + ≥2 functional imaging tests (increasingly diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic contrast enhancement over MR Spectroscopy)], imaging plays an integral role in RT planning. This pictorial review illustrates the utility of MRI in RT for PCa highlighting: locoregional anatomy, pulse sequence selection, RT implant and dominant intraprostatic lesion (DIL) localization and the role of MP-MRI in biochemical recurrence.
MR Assessment of regional anatomy, local staging and dominant tumour detection
Regional anatomy
The anatomy of the prostate/adjacent structures is best evaluated with T2W turbo/fast spin echo (TSE/FSE) (Figure 1). Conventional 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional TSE/FSE can be used (Figure 2; Table 1). The prostate gland is divided into (a) peripheral zone; harbouring 70% of cancers,4 (b) transition zone (TZ) and (c) central zone (CZ) (Figure 1). The CZ/TZ are often collectively referred to as the “central gland” (although the CZ can frequently be distinguished seperated from the TZ at the prostate base) which contain 30% of PCa, which are increasingly recognized as clinically important.4 The apex and base of the prostate are difficult to delineate accurately on CT and MRI better defines the margins of the prostate, which is critical for RT contouring.8 The bowel, urinary bladder and urogenital diaphragm are also important structures to delineate during RT planning to minimize morbidity (Figures 1–3).
Table 1.
Pulse sequence | Advantages | Disadvantages |
T2W two-dimensional fast/turbo spin echo | Best depiction of the prostate gland zonal anatomy and regional anatomy | Time consuming to perform in three planes |
Robust, high spatial resolution, low blur | Poor depiction of fiducials | |
T2W three-dimensional fast/turbo spin echo | Can be reconstructed in any imaging plane, potentially saving time | Long acquisition times |
Increased SNR | Vulnerable to motion degradation | |
Thin (<1 mm) source slice thickness | Images degraded by blur owing to extended echo train | |
Poor depiction of fiducials | ||
T1W single-echo (spoiled) GRE | Fast acquisition times (breath-hold) | Poor spatial resolution (although can be increased) at the cost of increased imaging time |
Better depiction of fiducials when compared with spin echo | Limited contrast resolution, limited depiction of anatomy | |
Geometric distortion and warping effects from implanted fiducials | ||
Multiecho GRE | Increased SNR and improved resolution compared with single-echo gradient echo | Time consuming (4–5 mins) |
Optimal depiction of fiducials and other implanted devices | Vulnerable to motion degradation | |
T2* weighted image—provides better contrast resolution than single-echo GRE | ||
Diffusion-weighted imaging | Depicts dominant tumour foci in the PZ and TZ with high sensitivity | Time consuming (5 mins) |
Quantitative ADC correlates with Gleason score of tumour | Image quality degraded by implanted fiducials/seeds and post-RP surgical clips | |
T1W dynamic contrast enhancement | Can be used to confirm PZ tumour foci in combination with diffusion-weighted imaging | Requires gadolinium |
Less susceptible to artefact from fiducials/seeds and post-RP surgical clips compared with diffusion-weighted imaging | Overlap in imaging features between benign prostatic hyperplasia and tumours in the TZ | |
Limited for the evaluation of the TZ |
GRE, gradient recalled echo; PZ, peripheral zone; RP, radical prostatectomy; SNR, signal-to-noise ratio; T1W, T1 weighted; T2W, T2 weighted; TZ, transition zone.
Local staging
MP-MRI is the reference standard imaging test for local staging of PCa.2,4,5 MRI has a recognized role in staging of intermediate/high-risk PCa.2 Reported accuracies of MRI for assessment of extraprostatic extension (EPE) and seminal vesicle invasion (SVI) varies,9 with a previous meta-analysis showing pooled sensitivity and specificity of 71% and 82%, respectively.9 Accurate local staging is critical for determining the optimal treatment strategy and impacts RT planning. If EPE or SVI is detected, patients are not suitable candidates for brachytherapy alone.2,4,5 With SVI, seminal vesicles are treated to full dose. Without SVI, seminal vesicles may be included within the target volume with RT tailored to a dose sufficient to treat microscopic disease, thereby decreasing morbidity.10
Dominant intraprostatic tumour lesion detection
MP-MRI is highly accurate for detecting clinically significant (Gleason score ≥ 3 + 4 = 7) PCa1 (Figures 4 and 5). Biochemical failure from locally recurrent tumour after RT is usually at the site of the DIL.4,7 Boosting the DIL with RT can be performed accurately with image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) techniques (Figure 5). With external IGRT, implanted fiducials or tracking systems are used to co-register data from MP-MRI to treatment planning systems. Localization of DILs and staging with MP-MRI should be performed before fiducial markers or interstitial seeds are placed because the implanted devices and/or post-implant procedural changes may compromise interpretation and cause errors (Figures 6 and 7).
Implanted fiducials and brachytherapy seeds
Implanted devices are placed for direct treatment (brachytherapy seeds) or for IGRT (fiducial markers).4 Interstitial brachytherapy places radioactive seeds either on a temporary (high-radiation dose rate) or permanent (low-radiation dose rate) basis4 typically using a transperineal approach with trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) guidance.3 At our institution, iodine-125 seeds encased in titanium containing silver markers (I-125 Rapid Strand™, GE Healthcare, Mississauga, ON) are used delivering approximately 145 Gy (Figure 8). Fiducial markers are used for IGRT to track the prostate and facilitate co-registration of MP-MR data during RT planning.4,11 Fiducial markers are used to compensate for misregistration between the expected and actual location of the target that occurs owing to both intrafractional and interfractional motion.4,11 Motion may be related to patient positioning, adjacent bladder and bowel position/capacity, and treatment-related prostate volume changes.7 Markers are typically inserted using a transrectal approach with TRUS guidance.
Implanted fiducials and brachytherapy seed migration are common, occurring in up to 25% of patients.7 It is important to include large field-of-view images of the pelvis to assess for displaced seeds/fiducials. In the case of brachytherapy seed migration, this may result in inaccurate dosimetry, treatment planning errors and possible morbidity to distal organs.7 To minimize tracking errors for IGRT, at our institution, we allow a minimum 7–10 days after implantation before imaging to ensure the fiducials undergo fibrosis and are more permanently fixed within the prostate. Despite the popularity of gold markers, at our institution, we currently use platinum fiducials. Platinum fiducials have improved depiction on MRI (owing to higher magnetic susceptibility), similar visualization on radiography/CT and similar safety profiles compared with gold fiducials (Figures 4 and 8).11
MRI localization of implanted devices
Depiction of implanted devices with MRI is important.11 Detection with MRI relies on the local T2* effects induced by the implants. In general, gradient recalled echo (GRE) sequences provide better depiction of implants owing to the lack of a 180° refocusing pulse that is associated with TSE/FSE (Table 1; Figure 8). Recently, the use of multiecho combined GRE has been described as an alternative sequence providing optimal depiction of implants while maintaining image quality and sharpness (Figure 9; Table 2).11
Table 2.
Available pulse sequences | Imaging Plane | Field of view (mm) | Matrix size (mm) | Slice thickness/gap (mm) | Repetition time/TE (ms) | Echo train length | Flip angle (degrees) | Acceleration factor | Receiver bandwidth (Hz/voxel) | Acquisition time (min) | Number of signals averaged |
Anatomic pulse sequences | |||||||||||
T2 2D TSEc | Axial | 220 × 220 | 320 × 256 | 2–3.0/0 | 3890–5250/105–125 | 27–35 | 111 | N/A | 122 | 4 min | 1–2 |
T2 3D TSE/FSEd | Axiale | 350 × 350 | 352 × 352 | 0.8–2.4e | 2000/80 | 120 | 111 | 2 | 100 | 5–7 | 1–2 |
Sequences for detection of implanted device | |||||||||||
T1 3D dual-echo GRE | Axial | 240 × 240 | 292 × 224 | 4.0/1.0 | 4.8/TE1: 1.1–1.3; TE1: 2.2–2.5 | NA | 12 | 2 | 558 | Breath-hold | 1 |
Multiecho GREf | Axial | 400 | 288 × 288 | 1.4/0 | 2000/60–121 | 120 | 110 | 2 | 91 | 4 : 25 | 2 |
Functional (parametric) pulse sequences | |||||||||||
Diffusion-weighted imagingg | Axial | 280 × 280 | 128 × 80 | 3–4.0/0 | 4200/90 | 1 | 90 | 2 | 1950 | 5 min | 4–10 |
T1 GRE dynamic contrasth | Axial | 220 × 220 | 128 × 128 | 4.0/0 | NA | NA | 12 | 2 | 488 | 6 min | 1 |
2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; GRE, gradient recalled echo; NA, not applicable; TSE, turbo echo spin.
Integrated pelvic surface coils (4–16 channels) with activated spine coils (8–12 channels).
Clinical 3.0-T systems: TRIO TIM (Siemens Healthcare, Malvern, PA) and Discovery 750 W (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI).
2D turbo/fast spin echo.
3D turbo/fast spin echo (SPACE, Siemens Medical; CUBE, GE Healthcare).
Source data is acquired in the axial plane at 0.8-mm intervals and reconstructed in the coronal and sagittal plane at 2.0-mm intervals.
Multiecho GRE (MEDIC, Siemens Healthcare; MERGE, GE Healthcare).
DWI performed with spectral fat suppression echoplanar imaging with tri-directional motion probing gradients and b values of 0, 500, 1000 with automatic apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map generation.
Dynamic fast spoiled 2D GRE performed with a temporal resolution of 10 s after injection of 0.2 mmol kg−1 of gadobutrol (Gadovist, Bayer Inc., Toronto, ON) at a rate of 3 ml s−1.
Multiparametric MRI in biochemical failure
The post-radiotherapy prostate gland
Expected morphological changes occur in the prostate and seminal vesicles after RT (Figure 10) including atrophy which may obscure the normal zonal anatomy resulting in diffuse low T2W signal7,12 and reduced apparent diffusion coefficient values on DWI due to chronic inflammation/fibrosis.7,12
Biochemical failure: evaluation of locally recurrent tumour
Biochemical failure is defined according to the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)–Phoenix criteria of a nadir PSA level + 2 ng ml−1.12 Biochemical failure may be due to systemic disease or local recurrence.7,12 The use of 11C-choline positron emission tomography (PET)-CT or PET-MRI can be highly accurate in the setting of biochemical failure (Figure 11); however, its role is currently incompletely defined, and accessibility is a limitation in many centres.7,12 MP-MRI, compared with T2W imaging alone, is more accurate for detection of locally recurrent tumour (Figure 10).12 Following RT, local recurrence most commonly occurs at the site of the original DIL, which should be scrutinized carefully on follow-up imaging, Figure 10.7,12 Following RP, recurrent tumour is most commonly seen at the vesicourethral anastomosis, seminal vesicle bed or along the posterior bladder and anterior rectal walls.4,12 Lesions detected at MP-MRI can be targeted with TRUS guidance improving the yield of histological confirmation (Figure 11).12,13
Following RT, when the diagnosis of locally recurrent tumour is established, the various salvage therapy techniques include RP, cryoablation, high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and RT.14 Salvage RT is the first-line treatment in the absence of systemic disease and offers a potential chance of cure. If systemic disease is present, androgen deprivation is preferred.5,7 MRI plays an important role in RT planning, enabling accurate target definition. Areas of disease on MRI can be boosted using IGRT to optimize local tumour control and further to minimize dose to potentially previously irradiated adjacent pelvic structures. RP provides a form of radical treatment; however, salvage RP following RT is technically challenging with higher risks of post-surgical complications owing to the post-RT related changes in the pelvis and obliteration of normal tissue planes.14 Newer focal therapies for salvage include cryoablation and HIFU techniques, which show promise with lower side effect profiles; however, efficacy and long-term outcomes are lacking.14
In conclusion, MP-MRI of the prostate is important for RT planning providing accurate depiction of locoregional anatomy and DIL, local staging and depiction of implanted devices. MP-MRI can be used to optimize RT planning for boosting the DIL and to minimize dose to adjacent structures. Through MP-MRI, locally recurrent tumour can be accurately identified in the setting of biochemical recurrence and can be used to improve histological confirmation through targeted biopsy and optimize treatment planning when salvage RT is prescribed.
Contributor Information
Christopher Lim, Email: clim@toh.on.ca.
Shawn C Malone, Email: SMalone@ton.on.ca.
Leonard Avruch, Email: lavruch@toh.on.ca.
Rodney H Breau, Email: rbreau@toh.on.ca.
Trevor A Flood, Email: tflood@toh.on.ca.
Megan Lim, Email: MML439@mail.usask.ca.
Christopher Morash, Email: cmorash@toh.on.ca.
Jeff S Quon, Email: jquon@toh.on.ca.
Cynthia Walsh, Email: cwalsh@toh.on.ca.
Nicola Schieda, Email: nschieda@toh.on.ca.
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