In the Author Recognition Test (ART) participants are presented with a series of names and foils and are asked to indicate which ones they recognize as authors. The test is a strong predictor of reading skill, with this predictive ability generally explained as occurring because author knowledge is likely acquired through reading or other forms of print exposure. This large-scale study (1012 college student participants) used Item Response Theory (IRT) to analyze item (author) characteristics to facilitate identification of the determinants of item difficulty, provide a basis for further test development, and to optimize scoring of the ART. Factor analysis suggests a potential two factor structure of the ART differentiating between literary vs. popular authors. Effective and ineffective author names were identified so as to facilitate future revisions of the ART. Analyses showed that the ART is a highly significant predictor of time spent encoding words as measured using eye-tracking during reading. The relationship between the ART and time spent reading provided a basis for implementing a higher penalty for selecting foils, rather than the standard method of ART scoring (names selected minus foils selected). The findings provide novel support for the view that the ART is a valid indicator of reading volume. Further, they show that frequency data can be used to select items of appropriate difficulty and that frequency data from corpora based on particular time periods and types of text may allow test adaptation for different populations.
Imagine a test that simply asks whether J.R.R. Tolkien and Kurt Vonnegut are names of authors. It is not obvious that testing these seemingly arbitrary bits of culturally-specific knowledge should tell us anything about the operation of basic cognitive processes. However, beginning with the work of Stanovich and West (1989), author and literature recognition tests have been found to provide a very efficient and surprisingly effective way of predicting a number of component reading skills across a range of age groups (Mol & Bus, 2011). Stanovich and West argued that knowledge of authors and literature is predictive of reading skill because such knowledge is most likely to be acquired through reading, and therefore can serve as an indication of an individual's reading volume or print exposure. Of course, evidence that knowledge of authors and literature reflects print exposure is necessarily indirect. Further, because this knowledge is culturally specific the items on the test must be chosen so that they are appropriate for the population being studied.
The Author Recognition Test (ART) is a list of author and non-author names, with participants simply asked to check those names that they recognize to be authors. The ART consistently outperforms other literature recognition tests such as magazine or newspaper recognition tests as a predictor of reading-related variables such as spelling ability, word recognition, and cultural literacy (Stanovich & West, 1989; West, Stanovich, & Mitchell, 1993) and has been found to have high reliability (α = .84 in Stanovich & West, 1989; Mol & Bus, 2011 review reports α = .75-.89). Questionnaires and diary studies provide alternative methods for assessing reading volume which seem more direct than the ART. However, self-report reading questionnaires introduce bias in the form of inflated scores, since reading is considered socially desirable (Stanovich & West, 1989). The ART circumvents the tendency to provide socially desirable answers when self-reporting how often one reads. Diary studies can provide valid measures of print exposure, but the sustained effort they require from participants leads to attrition while in contrast the ART is non-intrusive and quicker (Carp & Carp, 1981; Mol & Bus, 2011). Versions of the ART and of related book title recognition tests (i.e., Children's Title Checklist; Children's Author Checklist) have been found to successfully predict vocabulary and word recognition in children (Cunningham & Stanovich, 1990; Sénéchal, LeFevre, Hudson, & Lawson, 1996).
The original ART aimed to measure extra-curricular reading and for that reason it consisted mostly of the names of authors of popular fiction (Stanovich & Cunningham, 1992). Validation of its success in measuring extra-curricular reading comes from a variety of types of evidence: West et al. (1993) approached individuals who were waiting in airport terminals and asked them to complete the ART; those who had been reading when they were approached scored higher than those who had not been reading. Students who indicate a preference for reading as a leisure activity, as compared to music or television, also score higher on the ART (Mol & Bus, 2011). Finally, ART scores correlate with self-reported time spent reading, particularly for fiction (Acheson et al., 2008).
While it has been shown that personally reading books by the authors in the ART correlates more strongly to reading ability than simply knowing the authors without having read their books (Martin-Chang & Gould, 2008), the ART is not based on the assumption that recognizing an author's name implies reading of the author's work. Instead, it assumes that reading a lot increases the chance of having a level of exposure to the authors that is sufficient to recognize their names. Thus, while the ART directly tests a particular type of knowledge, its effectiveness is not thought to solely depend on that knowledge per se but instead depends on how that knowledge reflects differential practice at reading. Differences in practice affect reading skill which in turn affects the degree to which reading is a rewarding or unrewarding experience. This may lead to a “causal spiral”, in which print exposure stimulates reading development which in turn makes reading more rewarding and leads to more reading. Thus, the rich get richer while the poor fall further behind (“The Matthew Effect”; Stanovich, 1986), with the amount of variance in reading skill accounted for by print exposure increasing from elementary school to middle school, high school and college (Mol & Bus, 2011).
At a general level, ART scores relate to academic achievement and IQ with a small effect size (Mol & Bus, 2011). In terms of more specific abilities, ART scores correlate moderately with vocabulary knowledge (.60 in Stanovich & Cunningham, 1992; .54 in Beech, 2002), with the ART accounting for additional variance in vocabulary, verbal comprehension, and general ability after nonverbal ability has been taken into account (Stanovich & Cunningham, 1992; West, Stanovich, & Mitchel, 1993). ART scores also account for unique individual variation in word identification, word naming, and spelling after phonological and orthographic processing have been accounted for (Stanovich & West, 1989). In addition to their relation to self-reports of the amount of time spent reading, ART scores are also related to self-reports of reading speed (Acheson et al., 2008). This relation to reading speed is corroborated by experimental results showing that low ART scores are associated with longer times and greater word frequency effects in lexical decision tasks (Sears, Campbell, & Lupker, 2006; Chateau & Jared, 2000) and in studies using eye-tracking during normal reading. In eye-tracking studies the most common measure of the time required for word recognition is called gaze duration; it is the sum of the durations of first-pass fixations on a word, and is very sensitive to word frequency and predictability (Inhoff & Rayner, 1986; Rayner & Duffy, 1986; Rayner, 1998). Higher ART scores are associated with shorter gaze durations; as well as with reductions in the effect of word frequency on gaze duration (i.e., high word frequency does not raise gaze duration times as much for high ART scorers; Gordon, Moore, Choi, Hoedemaker & Lowder, in preparation; Sears et al. 2006).
The current study has two major goals. At a theoretical level, it provides a novel test of the idea that the likelihood of recognizing an author on the ART is based on having encountered that author's name while reading. It does so by examining whether variation in the difficulty of author items on the ART is related to the frequency with which the authors’ names appear in print. At a practical level it uses item response theory (IRT) to gain a better understanding of the psychometric strengths and weaknesses of the ART. Previous versions of the ART have been scored by taking the number of authors correctly selected minus the number of foils (non-authors) incorrectly selected (Stanovich & West, 1989; Martin-Chang & Gould, 2008; Acheson, Wells, & MacDonald, 2008). As such, they have relied implicitly on classical test theory in which the sum of item responses is taken as an estimate of true scores. In contrast, IRT is a model-based approach that takes into account how each item performs at different levels of participant ability in a way that allows for more accurate measures of internal consistency and assessment of more complex patterns of data (Steinberg & Thissen, 1996). IRT is particularly valuable in identifying which items should be retained or eliminated from the test and in facilitating creation of new versions of tests with scores that can be understood in relation to scores on earlier versions. Because the ART is linked to a particular culture and point in time it is important to have effective procedures for creating new versions. These theoretical and practical goals are pursued using ART data from a large sample of college students. In addition, data about eye movements during reading are available for most of these participants, and results on a measure of processing speed (Rapid Automatized Naming; Denckla & Rudel, 1974) and on a vocabulary test are available for a smaller number of participants. The efficiency of word recognition, as indicated by gaze duration from the eye-tracking data, is used as an external criterion variable for validating the psychometric evaluation of the ART.
One thousand and twelve students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill participated in exchange for credit in an Introduction to Psychology course. All participants were native English speakers with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Approximately 60.6% of participants were female; 76% were White, 11.3% were Black or African American, and 6.3% were Asian. About 5.5% of the participants were Hispanic or Latino.
Individual differences data were collected as part of a series of 23 experiments, each of which was designed to test specific psycholinguistic hypotheses. In addition to the ART, individual differences measures were obtained in a short vocabulary test (205 participants) and the Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) test (569 participants). Twenty one of the psycholinguistic experiments (testing 789 participants) provided recordings of eye movements during sentence reading; data from those studies are used to assess the relationship between ART performance and reading skill in the present study. The remaining psycholinguistic experiments either did not involve recording eye movements or did not involve sentences; data from those experiments are used here only to examine the psychometric properties of the ART. Each experimental session began with the psycholinguistic experiment which was followed by administration of the individual differences tasks. Data were collected over a period of approximately four years (Fall 2010 through Spring 2014).
Author Recognition Test
Each participant completed an ART that used the 65 author names from the Acheson et al. (2008) version of the test along with 65 additional names that did not refer to known authors. The non-author foils were taken from the Martin-Chang and Gould (2008) adaption of the Stanovich and West ART. All names were listed in alphabetical order by last name. The test was administered by paper and participants were asked to circle the names they recognized as those of authors but were warned that their score would be penalized for circling non-authors. An individual administration of the ART typically took around three minutes.
Vocabulary test
A short (16-item) vocabulary test, based on the 14-item Wordsumplus, was administered (Cor, Haertel, Krosnick, & Malhotra, 2012) to 205 of the participants. Two of the easiest words on the Wordsumplus were dropped after a pilot study showed that almost all the participants correctly responded to them; four additional difficult items that were not previously on the test were added.1
Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)
In the RAN task (Denckla & Rudel, 1974) participants are presented with an array of 36 items arranged on a four by nine grid and are asked to read or name them out loud as quickly as possible without making mistakes. There were two trials of each of the four RAN types (objects, colors, letters or digits), and each participant's final score was computed as the average completion time across all eight trials.
Eye-tracking experiments
Twenty-one eye-tracking experiments tested 23 to 52 participants each as they read from 28 to 152 sentences. Individual experiments consisted of sentences that manipulated a variety of factors, such as lexical repetition, orthographic neighborhood size, animacy of words, syntactic structure, and word predictability. Eye movements were recorded from the participant's dominant eye using an SR Eyelink 1000. Stimuli were presented on a 20 inch ViewSonic G225f Monitor at a distance of 61 cm with a display resolution of 1024 × 768. Before each session, the tracker was calibrated using a 9-point procedure; calibration was checked between trials and the tracker was recalibrated when necessary. A chin- and forehead rest minimized the head movements of participants. Each trial began with a fixation point on the left side of the screen on the horizontal axis. Once this point was fixated, the next screen displayed the sentence. Participants were instructed to read each sentence silently at a natural pace and then press a button on a handheld console. They then answered a true or false question. The experimenter monitored eye movements throughout the session. Each eye-tracking experiment began with four warm-up sentences.
Gaze duration was calculated as the sum of the durations of the first-pass fixations on a word until the eyes moved away from the word, either to the right or the left. The first two and final two words in a line were excluded from the analyses as were function words and words with four or fewer letters. These exclusions were made so that gaze duration would not be influenced by preparation and execution of long saccades at the ends of lines or by the high skipping rates observed for function words and short words. Word frequency for the included words was calculated using SUBTLEXus (Brysbaert & New, 2009).
ART scores and items
The standard method of scoring the ART is to subtract the number of false alarms (number of foils incorrectly selected) from the number of hits (the number of authors correctly selected). Table 1 lists the means, standard deviations, and ranges of performance as assessed with the standard method (Standard ART Score) and the number of authors correctly selected without a penalty for selecting foils (Names Score). The other scoring methods will be discussed after the factor analysis is presented. Performance varied greatly across participants; test scores had a positive skew and the maximum score of 46 out of 65 indicates the high difficulty of the test.
Table 1.
ART Results with Different Scoring Methods: Number of Items, Mean, Standard Deviation, Range
Scales | N | M | SD | Range | |
65 Author Scale | Standard ART Score | 1012 | 14.72 | 7.32 | 48.0 |
ART Name Score | 1012 | 15.47 | 7.50 | 50.0 | |
50 Author Scale | Standard 50 ART Score | 1012 | 13.75 | 6.81 | 44.0 |
50 ART Name Score | 1012 | 14.49 | 6.88 | 46.0 | |
50 IRTScore – 2 errors | 1012 | 13.01 | 7.14 | 55.5 |
Table 2 shows selection rates for individual author names. Correct response rates to individual author names ranged from 92.2% for Ernest Hemingway to 0.3% for Bernard Malamud. The mean selection rate was 23.8%. The mean number of errors per participant was 0.74 with a standard deviation of 1.64. Four of the foils were never selected, and 8.9% of the participants selected the most alluring foil (Mark Strauss). Two foil names, Mark Strauss and Robert Emery, were selected 2.5 times above the mean rate of foil response, likely due to their similarity to author names or to the existence of authors with similar names. For example, Robert Emery may have been mistaken for bestselling author Robert Ellis. Table 3 shows participants’ selection of foils, which was low overall.
Table 2.
Proportion of Author Names Correct andIRT-EstimatedParameters: a-parameter (discrimination), b-parameter (difficulty) and Standard Errors
Serial Position | Author Name | Percent Selected | a-parameter | b-parameter |
1 | Ernest Hemingway | 92.2 | 1.97 (0.24) | −1.88 (0.15) |
2 | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 89.8 | 1.49 (0.18) | −1.94 (0.17) |
3 | Stephen King | 83.7 | 1.08 (0.13) | −1.83 (0.18) |
4 | T. S. Elliot a | 80.4 | 1.51 (0.15) | −1.29 (0.11) |
5 | J. R. R. Tolkien | 77.6 | 1.87 (0.18) | −1.03 (0.08) |
6 | George Orwell | 72.9 | 1.55 (0.14) | −0.91 (0.08) |
7 | Maya Angelou | 66.3 | 0.72 (0.09) | −1.05 (0.15) |
8 | William Faulkner | 62.8 | 1.55 (0.13) | −0.49 (0.06) |
9 | E. B. White | 55.3 | 0.88 (0.09) | −0.29 (0.09) |
10 | Harper Lee | 53.0 | 0.95 (0.09) | −0.16 (0.08) |
11 | Tom Clancy | 51.9 | 1.12 (0.10) | −0.10 (0.07) |
12 | J. D. Salinger | 47.2 | 1.53 (0.13) | 0.09 (0.06) |
13 | James Patterson | 47.1 | 0.66 (0.08) | 0.18 (0.10) |
14 | Virginia Woolf | 46.7 | 1.20 (0.11) | 0.13 (0.06) |
15 | John Grisham | 43.2 | 1.40 (0.12) | 0.25 (0.06) |
16 | Ray Bradbury | 37.7 | 1.20 (0.10) | 0.52 (0.07) |
17 | Thomas Wolfe | 37.3 | 0.66 (0.08) | 0.86 (0.14) |
18 | Jack London | 36.5 | 1.12 (0.10) | 0.61 (0.08) |
19 | Toni Morrison | 35.1 | 0.59 (0.08) | 1.12 (0.17) |
20 | Ayn Rand | 35.1 | 1.47 (0.12) | 0.57 (0.06) |
21 | John Irving* | 32.5 | 0.74 (0.10) | 1.09 (0.17) |
22 | James Joyce | 30.0 | 1.39 (0.12) | 0.81 (0.07) |
23 | Kurt Vonnegut | 27.1 | 1.97 (0.17) | 0.79 (0.06) |
24 | Samuel Beckett | 26.4 | 0.75 (0.09) | 1.52 (0.18) |
25 | Margaret Atwood | 22.4 | 0.99 (0.10) | 1.48 (0.14) |
26 | Danielle Steel | 20.7 | 0.94 (0.10) | 1.66 (0.16) |
27 | Ralph Ellison | 19.7 | 0.75 (0.09) | 2.08 (0.24) |
28 | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 18.3 | 1.17 (0.12) | 1.59 (0.13) |
29 | Alice Walker* | 16.7 | 0.77 (0.12) | 2.32 (0.33) |
30 | Isabel Allende | 14.4 | 0.98 (0.11) | 2.12 (0.20) |
31 | Isaac Asimov | 13.5 | 1.56 (0.15) | 1.64 (0.11) |
32 | T. C. Boyle* | 13.1 | 0.30 (0.11) | 6.44 (2.44) |
33 | Vladimir Nabokov | 12.2 | 1.36 (0.14) | 1.89 (0.14) |
34 | Joyce Carol Oates | 11.9 | 1.21 (0.13) | 2.06 (0.17) |
35 | Margaret Mitchell* | 11.3 | 0.86 (0.13) | 2.73 (0.39) |
36 | Clive Cussler | 10.9 | 1.07 (0.13) | 2.35 (0.22) |
37 | Robert Ludlum | 8.6 | 1.22 (0.14) | 2.4 (0.21) |
38 | Salman Rushdie | 7.4 | 1.71 (0.19) | 2.09 (0.14) |
39 | Willa Cather | 7.0 | 1.53 (0.17) | 2.28 (0.17) |
40 | Nora Ephron | 6.6 | 1.26 (0.16) | 2.61 (0.24) |
41 | Jackie Collins* | 6.1 | 0.58 (0.17) | 4.93 (1.35) |
42 | Sue Grafton | 5.1 | 1.10 (0.16) | 3.13 (0.35) |
43 | Kazuo Ishiguro | 4.8 | 1.18 (0.17) | 3.05 (0.32) |
44 | Anne McCaffrey | 4.8 | 1.13 (0.16) | 3.15 (0.35) |
45 | Paul Theroux* | 4.8 | 0.74 (0.20) | 4.36 (1.08) |
46 | Judith Krantz | 4.7 | 1.05 (0.16) | 3.33 (0.40) |
47 | Thomas Pynchon | 3.6 | 2.52 (0.39) | 2.28 (0.14) |
48 | James Michener | 3.5 | 1.18 (0.19) | 3.38 (0.40) |
49 | Ann Beattie* | 2.6 | 0.59 (0.26) | 6.49 (2.72) |
50 | Michael Ondaatje | 2.6 | 1.14 (0.20) | 3.75 (0.51) |
51 | Nelson Demilleb | 2.4 | 1.12 (0.21) | 3.87 (0.56) |
52 | Umberto Eco | 2.3 | 1.57 (0.25) | 3.15 (0.31) |
53 | Raymond Chandler | 2.2 | 1.45 (0.24) | 3.34 (0.37) |
54 | Dick Francis* | 2.0 | 0.30 (0.30) | 13.09 (12.75) |
55 | Sidney Sheldon* | 1.9 | 0.57 (0.33) | 7.18 (3.87) |
56 | Saul Bellow | 1.8 | 2.39 (0.39) | 2.77 (0.20) |
57 | James Clavell* | 1.8 | 0.77 (0.35) | 5.62 (2.28) |
58 | Jonathan Kellerman* | 1.8 | 1.03 (0.29) | 4.42 (1.17) |
59 | Wally Lamb* | 1.6 | 1.36 (0.30) | 3.74 (0.63) |
60 | Jane Smiley | 1.4 | 0.30 (0.27) | 14.34 (12.76) |
61 | Jean M. Auel* | 1.0 | 0.29 (0.36) | 16.00 (20.28) |
62 | Brian Herbert* | 0.6 | 0.15 (0.54) | 34.44 (124.95) |
63 | Tony Hillerman* | 0.4 | 1.00 (0.70) | 6.06 (3.98) |
64 | Herman Wouk | 0.4 | 1.99 (0.49) | 3.91 (0.52) |
65 | Bernard Malamud | 0.3 | 1.80 (0.53) | 4.28 (0.74) |
Items excluded from 50-item IRT analyses, but 65-item IRT parameters are presented for comparison.
Minor misspelling in ART version; should read 'T. S. Eliot.'
Minor misspelling in ART version, should read 'Nelson DeMille.'
Table 3.
Percentage of Participants who selected Number of Foils (false-alarm errors)
Errors | % |
0 | 66.6 |
1 | 18.5 |
2 | 6.3 |
3 | 3.4 |
4 | 1.6 |
5 | 1.2 |
6-19 | 2.5 |
Note. N = 1012
Relation to other ART Data, Vocabulary, RAN and Sentence Comprehension
Seventeen items in the Acheson et al. test came from the items included in two of the early versions of the ART (Stanovich & Cunningham, 1992; Stanovich & West, 1989). The mean selection rates aggregated from those Stanovich papers did not correlate significantly with our selection rates, r (17) = .27, n.s. However, the mean selection rates for those items in the Acheson et al. study were highly correlated with our rates, r (17) = .87, p <.001 (all Acheson study items correlate similarly, r (65) = .88, p <.001). Our mean selection was lower than in the Acheson et al. study (24% compared to 36%). We will further compare the Acheson and Stanovich selection rates when discussing author frequencies.
There was a moderate correlation between the standard ART score and our modified Wordsumplus vocabulary test, r (205) = .44, p <.001. There was a statistically significant but very small correlation between standard ART score and average completion time on the RAN, r (569) = -.09, p = .044. While RAN performance predicts an impressive range of reading abilities (Kirby et al., 2010), for college students it appears to be largely unrelated to the ART. More information on how RAN performance relates to reading in college students can be found in Gordon et al. (in preparation) and in Gordon and Hoedemaker (under review). There was a very small correlation between standard ART score and accuracy on the comprehension questions in the sentence processing experiments, r (789) = .097, p = .006. However, the comprehension questions in those experiments were not designed to evaluate depth of understanding but to provide participants with a task goal in experiments designed to study eye movements during sentence reading. Average scores on the comprehension questions were high (90.93%) and also had a very small correlation with gaze durations on words while reading the sentences, r (789) = -.096, p = .007.
Factor analysis
Exploratory factor analyses, using the program IRTPRO (Cai, Thissen, & du Toit, 2011), were performed on responses to author names as a way of assessing the dimensionality of the ART. Initial analyses of all 65 author names found a two-factor structure, but examination showed that the small second factor loaded mostly on difficult items with very few responses (mean selection rate of 6.5%). The items that loaded highest on this second factor had low discrimination (described below in the IRT section) and correlated with selection of errors at .44, which is higher than the correlation between all names and errors, r (1012) = .22, p < .001. We believe this second factor measured propensity to guess, because few participants recognized these author names. Accordingly, 15 of the items with loadings greater than .4 on the second factor were removed, and factor analysis was used again on the remaining 50 items.
The second analysis found that a two factor structure gave a better fit than a single factor model, G2 (49, N = 1012) = 390.89, p <.001. Table 3 shows the factor loadings after an oblique CF quartimax rotation, which suggests a correlation of 0.55 between the factors. Factor 1 includes Saul Bellow, Thomas Pynchon, Bernard Malamud, Virginia Woolf, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Ernest Hemingway. Books by these authors are regarded as having high literary value and it seems plausible that many participants were exposed to their works through school curricula. Factor 2, with fewer authors with high loadings, includes Herman Wouk, Robert Ludlum, Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, Nelson DeMille, and J. R.R. Tolkien. Clancy, Ludlum, Cussler, and DeMille are all known for their popular thrillers. Wouk's books include The Caine Mutiny and The Winds of War, Ludlum wrote the Bourne series and Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings trilogy; all of these books were adapted into popular movies. Some authors who loaded on Factor 2, like Anne McCaffrey, did not write books that were adapted into movies, but their books (e.g., Dragonriders of Pern series) were likely to have been encountered outside of the classroom. The results of the factor analysis suggest that the list of authors on this ART has the potential to measure individual's knowledge of popular and literary authors separately. This possibility should be viewed with some caution, as it is based on subjective, post-hoc classification of authors into the popular and literary categories. In addition, some authors do not fit this subjective classification. For example, Danielle Steel (Season of Passion) loads on the first (literary) factor but not on the second (popular) factor.
While item factor analysis provides a potential basis for treating this ART as having distinguishable factors (literary vs. popular), our subsequent analyses will treat the test as unidimensional because the factors are correlated and the factors were not widely divergent. All results reported below found with the 50-item ART are very similar to those found with the full 65-item ART.
IRT, ART and item selection
IRTPRO (Cai et al., 2011) was used to estimate the parameters of a two parameter logistic (2PL) model for the pooled sample of 50 items. The 2PL model resulted in excellent fit, M2 (df = 1175) = 2244.94, p < .001, RMSEA = .03.2 Both simpler (1PL) and more complex (3PL) models were also assessed, but showed poorer fits than the 2PL model and are not considered further. The 2PL model (shown in the equation below) provides information about item discrimination (a) and item difficulty (b) in relation to the underlying ability (θ).
The discrimination parameter (a) is the slope of an item's logistic function at its point of inflection. It provides information about how well each item discriminates between respondents of low ability and those of high ability. Items with discrimination parameters close to 0 are unlikely to contribute much to the test. The b-parameter, item difficulty, represents the level of ability an individual must possess to have a 50% chance of correctly responding to an item. Difficult items have high b-parameters. The underlying ability (θ) is the participant ability which is estimated by the test. For the ART, this underlying ability is most directly characterized as the ability to recognize authors’ names, with that ability hypothesized to depend on print exposure (Stanovich & West, 1989). The parameters are reported in Table 1.
Using the responses to items, IRT estimates the parameters and the Item Characteristic Curves (ICCs) for each item. The ICCs, also called trace lines, show the probability of correctly responding to a specific item at any level of estimated latent ability. The left panel of Figure 1 shows the ICCs for four items that are effective in the sense that they have high discrimination as indicated by a. The four items also progress in difficulty from Hemingway to Tolkien to Vonnegut to Bellow as indicated by their b values. A very easy item, like Hemingway, provides information that is useful in distinguishing among participants at the lower range of abilities but little information about participants at higher levels of ability because almost all of them will correctly select him as an author. In contrast, a very difficult item, like Bellow, provides information that is useful in distinguishing among participants at high levels of ability but little information about participants at lower levels of ability since almost none of them will correctly select him as an author. The right panel of Figure 1 shows the ICCs for four relatively ineffective items (ones with low discrimination).
Figure 1.
Item Characteristic Curves of effective ART items (left) and items with low discrimination (right) using 65-ART Item Parameters. Note that the 50-Item ART Parameters are very similar, but T.C Boyle and Jean M. Auel are omitted from the shorter test
Item information functions are representations of the amount of information an item provides along a range of ability, derived from the ICCs and the population distribution. These functions tend to look bell-shaped, where tall functions contribute more information. Figure 2 shows the Test Information Function, which sums the information functions for the 50-item test. It indicates that the test items provide high amounts of information about high scorers but low information about low-scorers, resulting in relatively low precision when estimating scores for participants low in ability. This means that this ART has an imbalance with too few easy items like Tolkien and too many difficult items like Bellow. Using the full 65-item ART does not correct this imbalance as most of the 15 additional authors were very difficult.
Figure 2.
Test Information Function for 50-item ART.
The 2PL IRT model was fit to the author names, but not to the foils. Inclusion of foils led to difficulty in interpreting the model because most of the foils had very low rates of selection and because there was a moderate correlation between number of ART names selected and number of foils selected, even after removing the 15 author names that were most highly correlated with guessing, r (1012) = .16, p <.001. This positive relationship between number of hits and number of false alarms suggests that participants vary in the strictness of their criteria for making an author judgment. That is, some participants strictly obey the instruction not to guess and therefore need to be absolutely certain that they know an author before selecting it, while other participants are more lenient and therefore make errors due to incorrect guesses. However, because the majority of participants (65.6%; see Table 2) make no false-alarm errors, there is no ART-internal method for determining whether the standard ART scoring method (number of authors selected minus number of foils selected) provides the optimal treatment of criterion differences. Analyses to be reported below will use the gaze duration data as an external criterion for how hits and false alarms should be scored in the ART.
Eye-tracking measures
The current analyses focus on gaze duration, which is related robustly to measures of word difficulty, such as word frequency, and is commonly treated as the best eye-tracking measure of word recognition (Rayner, 1998). Gordon et al. (in preparation) show that ART is related to gaze duration, and provide detailed analyses of the relation of ART to other eye-movement measures of early lexical processing and eye-movement measures that reflect later processes of sentence comprehension. Those more detailed analyses were performed using data from a subset of the current data in which participants read a common set of sentences. In the present study, variation across the sentences and words read by different participants is addressed through inclusion of word frequency (and associated word length variation) in statistical models of gaze duration. Figure 3 illustrates the relationship of gaze duration to ART by dividing participants into groups based on their knowledge of two authors (J. R. R. Tolkien and Kurt Vonnegut), who were chosen for this purpose because they have high discrimination (see Figure 1) and because their difficulty splits the participant population into three large groups. The effect of word frequency on gaze duration is illustrated by placing words into 20 bins that are equally sized on log word frequency. Mean gaze duration declined significantly with increasing author knowledge (269 ms for those knowing neither author, 250 ms for those knowing Tolkien but not Vonnegut, and 235 ms for those knowing Tolkien and Vonnegut), F(2,776) = 34.8, p < .001. The magnitude of the differences in mean gaze durations between the three groups should be interpreted with the understanding that 200 ms is generally considered the minimum duration for a voluntarily controlled fixation (Rayner, 1998). Figure 3 also shows a large effect of word frequency (and associated variation in word length) on gaze durations for all participant groups, and that the magnitude of the increase in gaze duration for low frequency words increases as author knowledge decreases.
Figure 3.
Relationship between word frequency and mean gaze duration as a function of author knowledge: Words were grouped by log frequency into 20 equally-sized bins. Consistent with the ICCs shown in Figure 1, only 1.3% of participants selected Kurt Vonnegut but not J. R. R. Tolkien.
Scoring rule methods
Table 5 shows the correlation between various ways of scoring the ART and three reading-time measures. The first measure is mean gaze duration, and the second two are the intercept and slope parameters from regression analyses for individual participants in which log word frequency was used as a predictor of gaze duration. For all scoring rules higher ARTs were associated with faster reading times (as shown both by means and intercepts) and with a smaller effect of word frequency on gaze duration. The results of these continuous analyses confirm the patterns seen for the partition of participants into three groups as shown in Figure 3.
Table 5.
Correlation between ART and gaze duration (GZD) measures as a function of ART scoring method using the 50-item ART.
Summed Score | IRT (EAP) Score | |||||
Mean GZD | GZD Intercept | GZD Frequency Slope | Mn GZD | GZD Intercept | GZD Frequency Slope | |
No Penalty | −.35 | −.32 | .20 | −.36 | −.33 | .21 |
Lose 1 per false alarm | −.38 | −.35 | .22 | −.39 | −.36 | .23 |
Lose 2 per false alarm | −.39 | −.36 | .24 | −.39 | −.37 | .24 |
Note. N = 789. The first measure, mean GZD is the average gaze duration. The second two measures, GZD intercept and GZD frequency slope, are parameters from regression analyses performed on individual participants using log word frequency as a predictor. All correlations in the table were significant at the level p < .001. Scores from the 65-item test show the same pattern with slightly decreased correlations.
If gaze duration, which reflects the efficiency of word recognition, is taken as an indicator of language skill, then alternative scoring rules for the ART can be evaluated by how well they predict gaze duration. Here this is done to evaluate Classical Test Theory (summed scores) and IRT as ways of scoring hits (selection of authors), and further, to evaluate different penalties for false alarms (selection of foils). IRTPRO was used to determine score estimates for each of the 1012 participants, using the recommended method for estimating IRT scores, expected a posteriori (EAP). The means and standard deviations of these new scores were matched with those of the summed score of 50 ART names without foil penalty (‘50 ART Name Score’ in Table 1). After estimating individual scores, error penalties of varying degrees applied with the resulting scores correlated with measures of participants’ gaze durations (789 participants in total). Table 5 shows the results for no penalty, losing 1 for every false alarm and losing 2 for every false alarm. More severe penalties led to declines in the correlations.
As Table 5 shows, the combination of IRT-based EAP scores with a two-author penalty for every foil selected has a slightly higher correlation (-.39) with mean gaze duration than did the standard score (summed score with a one-author penalty) (-.38), ZH = (786) 2.01, p = .044, by Steiger's Z test (Hoerger, 2013). EAP scores with a two-author penalty also showed stronger relations than the standard score with intercepts, -.37 versus -.35, ZH = (786) 2.23, p = .026, and with frequency slopes, .24 versus .22, ZH = (786) 2.02, p = .043. The differences between the alternative scoring are small and are unlikely to have much impact on most studies. However, they are significant given the present large sample size and are consistent across measures. The correlation increases suggest that taking into account the discriminative ability of individual items may lead to estimation of more accurate ART scores.
Frequency and item difficulty
Stanovich and West (1989) reasoned that the ART measures print exposure because the likelihood of encountering authors’ names increases with amount of reading. As discussed above, support for this important characterization comes from a variety of sources (e.g., diary studies), but any evidence about this relationship is necessarily indirect. Here we address this issue by examining the relationship between author difficulty and the frequency with which the author's name appears in samples of written English. If ART performance relates to amount of reading, then the difficulty of an ART author should decrease as a function of the frequency with which the author's name appears in print. This decrease should occur because the amount of reading required in order to encounter the author's name enough times for it to become familiar will decrease as a function of the frequency of the author's name.
IRT measures item difficulty by the b-parameter, which is defined as b = -c/a3. Thus, item difficulty can be artificially inflated when discrimination (the a-parameter) is low. One author (Jane Smiley) was excluded from analyses of the relationship between item difficulty and author name frequency because its very low a-parameters resulted in inflated b-parameters.
Two sources of data were used to estimate author name frequency. The first estimate was made using the Google Terabyte N-Gram Corpus (Brants & Franz, 2006), a sample of nearly one trillion words and character strings from English-language web sites which Google collected in January 2006 and tabulated into ngrams. For authors who were listed in the ART with only a first and last name (e.g., Danielle Steel, Umberto Eco), name frequency was assessed using the two-gram database, while for authors listed with a middle name and/or initials (e.g., F. Scott Fitzgerald, Joyce Carol Oates) name frequency was assessed using the three-gram database. Because some names were likely to be referred to in a variety of ways, name spellings that varied slightly from the name presented in the 50-item ART were included for a few names (e.g., ‘R. Tolkien’ and ‘JRR Tolkien’; ‘J. D. Salinger’ and ‘JD Salinger’). Item difficulty (b-parameter) showed a strong relationship to the log of author name frequency, r (49) = -.71, p <.001. The scatterplot in Figure 4 shows this relationship with the full 65-item test, as well as the difficulty and frequency estimates for individual authors. The relationship between author difficulty in the Acheson et al. (2008) data and author name frequency was also assessed by correlating author name frequency on the logits of the author-selection proportions reported in the article. The resulting correlation (r = -.71) was higher than that observed for the present sample (r = -.65) when difficulty was assessed using logit-transformed proportions, indicating that estimates of frequency for data likely collected around 2006-2007 were more accurately measured by the Google Terabyte N-Gram Corpus.
Figure 4.
The Relationship between Item Difficulty and Log Frequency of Author Name: Item difficulty of author name (b-parameter) and Log10 transformed frequency of author name. N = 61. Based on the 65-item version of the test in order to show items not assigned a factor. Brian Herbert, Dick Francis, Jean M. Auel, and Jane Smiley are not included due to b-parameters greater than 10.
The second estimate of author name frequency was made using the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), which contains 450 million words drawn from sources published from 1990 to 2012, including fiction, magazines, newspapers, and academic journals (Davies, 2008). COCA is much smaller than the Google Terabyte Corpus but its data sources are better understood and in addition to providing frequency information in response to a query (such as an author's name), it can also randomly select instances that match the query and show the context in which the query text appears. The context can be used to evaluate whether the name is actually being used in reference to the author. COCA was queried with author names as they were listed in the ART, and also with the variations on those names as described for the Google Terabyte estimates. In order to estimate author frequency, we input the author names as listed in the ART for most authors, and input different name spellings for a few authors (e.g., ‘F. Scott Fitzgerald’ and ‘Francis Scott Fitzgerald’). In addition, COCA was queried using each author's last name but excluding instances where it was preceded by the first name or initials. The surrounding contexts were examined for 20 randomly selected matches to each author's full and last names, in order to determine the proportions of cases where these different ways of naming were used for the author. The proportions and counts were arithmetically combined into a composite frequency estimate based on full-name and last-name only author references. There was a significant negative correlation between log frequency and item difficulty, r (49) = -.61, p <.001, which is similar yet slightly smaller than the correlation obtained using the Google Terabyte N-Gram corpus.4 COCA may show a decreased correlation for a variety of reasons, including the smaller size of the database, the range of time periods, or the inclusion of spoken sources.
While the 50-item test is better for scoring purposes, the 65-item test appears to relate more strongly to frequency (see Figure 4; relationship between log frequency and item difficulty in Google Terabyte N-Gram corpus, r (61) = -.73, p <.001, and in COCA, r (61) = -.71, p <.001). This is likely because the 15 items we removed have a low selection rate and low a-parameters, but address a greater level of difficulty seen in the shortened test. Our final sample size of 49, while still high enough to gauge the relationship between author name frequency and difficulty, does not capture all potential variance in difficulty.
While the initial factor analysis pointed to a two-factor interpretation of this version of the ART, our subsequent analyses have treated it as unidimensional on the assumption that both factors measure print exposure. As a test of this idea, author difficulty was correlated with author frequency separately within each factor. The 36 items that loaded on Factor 1 (literary) were assigned to that factor, and the 12 items that loaded highest on Factor 2 (popular) were assigned to it. Isaac Asimov loaded equally on the two factors and accordingly was not assigned to a factor, while Jane Smiley was excluded due to inflated b-parameter (see Figure 4). Author difficulty correlated with author frequency to similar degrees for both factors (First factor: Google N-Gram, r (36) = -.65, p <.001; COCA, r (36) = -.44, p = .001. Second factor: Google N-Gram, r (12) = -.87, p < .001; COCA, r (12) = -.87, p = .005.). The differences between these correlations were not significant in the N-Gram analyses, a pattern that is consistent with the conceptualization of the ART as a unidimensional measure of an underlying ability based on print exposure. However, the difference was significant for the COCA analyses, z = -2.29, p = .011. We found some evidence that the second factor related more highly to word frequency than the first, although utilizing only 12 names in the second factor makes this interpretation unreliable.
Frequency change and author recognition
The strong relationship between item difficulty and author-name frequency suggests that changes in the pattern of item difficulty for participants taking the test in different time periods may be due to changes in the relative frequency of author name use across those time periods. As noted above, for the 17 authors that appeared in the original ART evaluations, the correlation of selections in the current North Carolina study and the Acheson et al. 2008 Wisconsin study was very high, r (17) = .87, while it was substantially lower with the selections reported earlier by Stanovich and colleagues, r (17) = .27. On the basis of publication dates it is reasonable to infer that the North Carolina and Wisconsin data were collected about five to seven years apart while the original ART data were collected some 25 years earlier. Google Ngram viewer, an online word/phrase frequency graphing tool based on words from millions of books published between 1500 and 2008 (Michel et al., 2011) was used to evaluate whether changes in frequency of authors’ names predicted changes in author difficulty between Stanovich's earlier data and the more recent data. Use of authors’ names was estimated using Google NGram Viewer (Google Books, 2013) data for books published from 1979 to 1988 for the earlier period and 1999-2008 for the recent period. Change in frequency for each of the 17 author names was calculated as the difference between its log proportion in the recent and earlier corpora5. Changes in author difficulty were calculated as the difference between their logit-transformed selection proportions in the recent (North Carolina and Wisconsin) and earlier (Stanovich) studies. The relationship between changes in author difficulty and frequency was very strong both for the North Carolina data, r (17) = .73, p = .001, and for the Wisconsin data, r (17) = .81, p < .001. These relationships are even stronger when the analysis is restricted to the 11 authors who were retained in our 50-item ART, as shown in the left panel of Figure 5 for the North Carolina data and in the right panel of Figure 5 for the Wisconsin data (r =.86; r =.94).
Figure 5.
Difference in author log frequency from Google Ngram Books Viewer (1999-2008; 1979-1988) by difference in logit transformed mean selection rate per author. Difference between current study and Stanovich studies (left) and difference between Acheson study and Stanovich studies (right).
Examination of Figure 5 suggests possible explanations for some of the authors whose changes in difficulty deviate from their changes in frequency. In both samples, Tolkien was selected more often than expected, possibly because the release of popular movies based on The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit increased his exposure in media not captured in the Google NGram viewer. In addition, the North Carolina sample shows higher than expected selection of Thomas Wolfe, a result that can be plausibly attributed to his being a North Carolina native whose first successful novel was largely set in North Carolina. A similar pattern is seen for Maya Angelou, who lived and taught in North Carolina throughout the lifetimes of the study participants. For other deviations from the trend line (e.g., the lower than expected knowledge of Danielle Steel), no obvious explanation comes to mind.
The consistency and predictability of the differences in author difficulty from the early (Stanovich & West, 1989; Stanovich & Cunningham, 1992) to the recent data sets raises the question of how difficulty is related in the recent data sets. As noted above, there is a high correlation (r (65) = .88) between author selections in the current data and the Acheson et al. (2008) data. Assessment of whether the differences in author difficulty between the two data sets is due to changes over time in the frequency of author's names is made difficult by the relatively brief period of time between the two studies and because the Google N-Gram Viewer used to assess changes in author name frequency only extends through 2008, which means that frequency data are not available for most of the time between the two studies. While the relative difficulty of author items was highly similar, the overall selection rate of author names is higher in the Acheson et al. study (36%) than in the current study (24%). The reasons for this substantial difference are not clear. It seems unlikely that the difference is due to differing admissions standards as standardized test scores tend to be slightly higher at the University of North Carolina than at the University of Wisconsin6. One possibility is that differences in participant sampling methods caused the difference. The current study tested students from Introductory Psychology classes which primarily enroll first and second year students, while the Acheson et al. study recruited paid participants from the larger University community, which may have resulted in a greater proportion of older students who had progressed further in their educations. Finally, it is possible that the test has become harder because some of the authors who were considered sufficiently prominent for inclusion when the test was constructed have become less prominent since the test was constructed. Evidence in support of this possibility comes from a decline over time in ART scores within the present study. On average, participants tested in the first half of the study (Fall 2010 through Spring 2012) had higher scores than participants tested in the second half of the study (Fall 2012 through Spring 2014), (15.3 vs. 14.2), t (1010) = 2.43, p = .015.
The research reported here used Item Response Theory to investigate the psychometric properties of the Author Recognition Test and to investigate two substantive issues: the relationship between performance on the ART and speed of word recognition during reading and how item (author) difficulty on the ART is related to the frequency with which the author's name appears in print. Analysis of the effectiveness of individual items (authors) indicated that at least in studies targeting young adults 15 authors should be eliminated from the 65-author ART developed by Acheson et al. (2008) because of their correlation with guessing. There was some evidence that the resulting 50-item ART should be conceptualized as a two dimensional model, with intercorrelated factors that could be interpreted as distinguishing popular and literary authors. There were highly significant relations of performance on the ART with gaze duration on words and with the effect of word frequency on gaze duration. The strength of these relationships was slightly greater when ART performance was assessed using an IRT measure of author knowledge in combination with a two-point penalty for incorrectly selecting non-authors as compared to the summed score assessment that has been standard in applications of the ART. Variation in item difficulty was strongly related to variation in the frequency of authors’ names in a large text sample, and changes in item difficulty as shown by differences between early and more recent ART data were strongly related to differences in the frequency of authors’ names in the decades preceding data collection. These strong relations between item difficulty and frequency provide novel evidence in support of the argument by Stanovich and West (1989) that ART performance reflects time spent reading.
ART, print exposure, and word recognition
Stanovich and West (1989) developed the ART as a measure of print exposure – time spent reading – on the rationale that knowledge of authors’ names was likely acquired through reading so that individuals who read more were more likely to encounter authors’ names and remember them. A number of findings (e.g., the relation of ART performance to reports of time spent reading in diary studies) provide support for this thesis (see Introduction). The present study tested this characterization of the ART by determining the relation between item difficulty and the author name frequency on the rationale that if author knowledge is derived from reading, then author difficulty should be inversely related to the print frequency of the author's name. This is because more reading would be required to encounter authors whose names appear infrequently as compared to those whose names appear frequently. As shown in Figure 4, item difficulty decreased as author-name frequency increased. In addition, as shown in Figure 5, comparisons between these recent data sets and ones collected some 25 to 30 years earlier (Stanovich & Cunningham, 1992; Stanovich & West, 1989) showed that changes in the difficulty of psychometrically valid author items were strongly related to changes in the log frequency with which the authors’ names appeared in books published in the decades prior to data collection (1979-1988; and 1999-2008) as measured using the Google NGram Viewer (Michel et al., 2011). Estimates of differences over time in frequency of authors’ names accounted for 73.2% of the variance in the current study and an impressive 88.6% with the Acheson et al. study (2008).
The very strong relations observed here between author difficulty and author-name frequency (see Figure 4; frequency accounts for 53.7% of the variance in author difficulty) supports the ideas that while the ART is a direct test of a very specific kind of knowledge, it has value as a reading test because it is an indirect test of how much practice with reading people have had. The eye-tracking results in the present study show that ART scores predict gaze duration on words during reading as well as the effect of word frequency on gaze duration during reading (see Figure 3, Table 5). It is widely recognized that word recognition is an essential step in reading comprehension and that efficient word recognition processes free up cognitive resources for higher levels of language processing (Perfetti, 2007). The present findings are consistent with earlier ones showing that the ART predicts a variety of lexical skills in isolated word recognition tasks (Chateau & Jared, 2000; Sears et al., 2006; Stanovich & West, 1989), but extends those findings to natural reading.
Psychometrics of the ART
The IRT and factor analysis results reported here provide important information about the Acheson et al. (2008) ART and identify three issues that should be addressed in future versions of the test. First, as shown in Figure 2 the author items are far more informative about differences at higher levels of ability than at lower levels of ability; future versions of the test should include a greater number of easy author items in order to provide more information about lower levels of ability. Second, exploratory factor analysis (Table 4) supported a conceptualization of the ART as a two dimensional model, but further analysis is needed to assess the validity of this characterization and to determine whether such a distinction has predictive importance for the ART. Initial development of the ART aimed to choose only authors that participants were likely to read in leisure time and avoid authors that were regularly studied in the classroom (West et al., 1993). If the first factor does indeed measure academic or literary reading, and if it does not relate to print exposure as highly as the second factor does, as suggested by the COCA analyses, then this may indicate that more popular authors should be added to the ART. Finally, this study found a positive relationship between selecting author names and selecting foils, indicating that adopting a lower criterion for making an author judgment leads to higher scores. Increasing the error penalty for selecting a foil from one to two strengthened the relationship between ART score and gaze duration during reading. However, there is no way to assess criterion variation in the majority of participants (65%) who made no foil selections. The ART might be improved by adoption of methods, such as confidence ratings, that would provide more information about the strictness of participants’ criteria.
Table 4.
Factor Analysis: 50-item Loadings from a Two-Factor Exploratory Factor Analysis with Oblique Rotation and Standard Errors
Name | Factor 1 | Factor 2 | |
1 | Saul Bellow | −0.84 (1.13) | 0.02 (2.11) |
2 | Thomas Pynchon | −0.75 (1.40) | −0.13 (2.12) |
3 | Bernard Malamud | −0.73 (3.34) | −0.01 (5.52) |
4 | Willa Cather | −0.71 (0.91) | 0.04 (1.77) |
5 | Virginia Woolf | −0.71 (0.62) | 0.15 (1.62) |
6 | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | −0.71 (0.55) | 0.18 (1.58) |
7 | Kurt Vonnegut | −0.69 (1.28) | −0.12 (1.93) |
8 | J. D. Salinger | −0.69 (0.97) | 0 (1.77) |
9 | Ernest Hemingway | −0.68 (1.29) | −0.13 (1.93) |
10 | F. Scott Fitzgerald | −0.68 (0.95) | 0 (1.74) |
11 | Vladimir Nabokov | −0.67 (0.82) | 0.04 (1.67) |
12 | Salman Rushdie | −0.66 (1.17) | −0.10 (1.82) |
13 | Kazuo Ishiguro | −0.65 (0.66) | 0.10 (1.53) |
14 | William Faulkner | −0.64 (1.08) | −0.07 (1.74) |
15 | Margaret Atwood | −0.63 (0.52) | 0.15 (1.40) |
16 | Ayn Rand | −0.62 (1.05) | −0.07 (1.69) |
17 | James Joyce | −0.61 (1.00) | −0.06 (1.64) |
18 | Joyce Carol Oates | −0.61 (0.78) | 0.03 (1.52) |
19 | Nora Ephron | −0.59 (0.88) | −0.02 (1.54) |
20 | Michael Ondaatje | −0.55 (0.89) | −0.02 (1.50) |
21 | Toni Morrison | −0.55 (0.13) | 0.27 (1.03) |
22 | T. S. Elliot | −0.54 (1.25) | −0.20 (1.65) |
23 | Harper Lee | −0.52 (0.69) | 0.02 (1.31) |
24 | George Orwell | −0.50 (1.35) | −0.25 (1.64) |
25 | Isabel Allende | −0.50 (0.74) | −0.05 (1.33) |
26 | Ralph Ellison | −0.49 (0.44) | 0.10 (1.13) |
27 | Danielle Steel | −0.48 (0.74) | −0.02 (1.28) |
28 | Maya Angelou | −0.47 (0.44) | 0.08 (1.08) |
29 | Ray Bradbury | −0.46 (1.09) | −0.17 (1.43) |
30 | E. B. White | −0.46 (0.71) | −0.03 (1.21) |
31 | Umberto Eco | −0.45 (1.50) | −0.33 (1.67) |
32 | Isaac Asimov | −0.40 (1.56) | −0.39 (1.58) |
33 | Raymond Chandler | −0.39 (1.47) | −0.36 (1.53) |
34 | Samuel Beckett | −0.39 (0.66) | −0.04 (1.05) |
35 | Stephen King | −0.37 (1.13) | −0.24 (1.28) |
36 | James Patterson | −0.27 (0.73) | −0.14 (0.89) |
37 | Thomas Wolfe | −0.25 (0.76) | −0.16 (0.87) |
38 | Jane Smiley | −0.14 (0.65) | −0.05 (0.69) |
39 | Herman Wouk | 0.05 (2.54) | −0.99 (1.43) |
40 | Robert Ludlum | 0.05 (2.14) | −0.86 (1.08) |
41 | Clive Cussler | 0.05 (1.96) | −0.79 (0.99) |
42 | Tom Clancy | −0.03 (1.95) | −0.75 (1.13) |
43 | Nelson Demille | −0.01 (1.80) | −0.70 (1.01) |
44 | J. R. R. Tolkien | −0.36 (1.90) | −0.55 (1.68) |
45 | Jack London | −0.19 (1.58) | −0.52 (1.21) |
46 | James Michener | −0.18 (1.61) | −0.52 (1.21) |
47 | John Grisham | −0.32 (1.61) | −0.46 (1.46) |
48 | Anne McCaffrey | −0.23 (1.48) | −0.45 (1.24) |
49 | Sue Grafton | −0.22 (1.45) | −0.44 (1.20) |
50 | Judith Krantz | −0.21 (1.39) | −0.43 (1.15) |
Note. Factor intercorrelation of r =.55.
More generally, this study reinforces the importance of frequently updating the ART, and the results of the factor analysis and IRT are useful in differentiating between effective and ineffective items to retain or remove in future versions of the test. If the ART is to be given to a population that is similar to the undergraduates tested in this study, then the 15 items that are thought to measure the propensity for guessing should be replaced. Further, author names that have high discrimination and which cover a range of difficulties should definitely be included in a revised test while authors with low discrimination are candidates for replacement. The current results provide less specific guidance about how the ART should be revised for a population that differs substantially from the one tested here; the full 65-item ART may provide an appropriate starting point for a more general population that includes older adults. Further, since the ART takes such a short time to administer, it is advisable to err on the side of including too many items than too few.
The strong relationships found between author difficulty and the frequency of authors’ names (Figure 4) indicates that corpus frequency is likely to be a very valuable tool for estimating the difficulty of authors under consideration for inclusion in the test. Further, the strong relationships found between changes in author difficulty and changes in the frequency of authors’ names indicates that the use of corpora that focus on particular types of text and time periods may allow selection of target items so as to create recognition tests that are appropriate for groups of individuals of different ages or who have different backgrounds and experiences.
The ART takes only three minutes or so to administer and predicts a variety of outcomes related to reading efficiency and future reading gains. The difficulty of author-items in the ART is strongly related to the frequency with which their names appear in text, a finding that supports the proposal (Stanovich & West, 1989) that the ART measures print exposure (how much an individual reads). ART scores predict the speed with which college students encode words during natural reading, a finding that supports the view that the efficiency of this essential component of reading comprehension is related to practice at reading. Recognition of particular authors varies substantially over relatively short periods of time. This shows that the test has a great deal of cultural specificity and should be regularly reformulated so that it is appropriate for the group being assessed. However, the selection of author items can be guided by frequency of authors’ names in different corpora. The study provides a basis for further test development by showing a major determinant of item difficulty in the ART.
This research was support by R01HD060440-06A2 and 3R01HD060440-09S1 to PCG from NICHD. We thank Dave Thissen for advice on the IRT/ factor analyses and comments on a draft of this paper. We also thank Wonil Choi, Renske Hoedemaker, Matt Lowder and Giulia Pancani for discussion of this project and comments on earlier drafts, as well as members of the Language Cognition and Brain group at UNC Chapel Hill for help with data collection and management.
Items B and F were dropped from the Wordsumplus. Items 17, 20, 21, and 27 were added from the Modified Vocabulary Test (Mayer, Panter, & Caruso, 2012). These changes to the Wordsumplus represented preliminary efforts to assess the population of interest with a short vocabulary test. It should not be viewed as a final test, but as an initial method of establishing convergent validity of the ART.
The 2PL model with 65 items also fit well: M2 (df = 2015) = 4319.63, p < .001, RMSEA = .03. Thus, IRT analyses for the 15 items that were excluded are reported in Table 2.
The c parameter is a computationally simpler estimate of difficulty.
Logit transformed mean selection rates of author names can be used instead of IRT-produced b-parameters in the above analyses. The main benefit of using IRT analyses results from the identification of effective author names and the removal of items with inflated b-parameters. Utilizing IRT also appears to better represents the relationship between difficulty and author frequency for items with low selection rates. Correlating logit transformed proportions with the same frequency estimates is still significant with both the Google N-gram dataset (r (49) = .65, p <.001) and the COCA dataset (r (49) = .54, p <.001).
All author names were input as spelled in the Stanovich study except J. R. R. Tolkien (input as “Tolkien”).
In the years preceding collection of ART data, the typical interquartile ranges for SAT Verbal and ACT English were 590-700 and 26-33 at the University of North Carolina (“Common Dataset 2010-11”, 2011) as compared to 550-670 and 25-31 at the University of Wisconsin (“Common Data Set A”, 2008) .
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