Lung diseases are the most common conditions in newborn infants and children and are also the primary causes of death in children younger than 5 years old.[1] Therefore, accurate and timely diagnosis is extremely important in order to enable efficient treatment and improve the prognosis of patients with lung diseases. In the past, the diagnosis of lung disease mainly depended on chest radiography (CR) and/or computed tomography (CT). However, the use of these imaging techniques is limited due to transportation and inevitable radiation. Ultrasound imaging is based on the reflection and scattering of ultrasound beam occurring at the interfaces between different media. Traditionally, it is considered that lung is not a target for an ultrasound because ultrasound wave cannot penetrate anatomical structures full of gas. With deepening recognization about ultrasound in recent years, the lung with diseases produces ultrasound artifacts result from the abnormal tissue/gas/tissue interface when ultrasound wave penetrate lung tissue. The ultrasound artifacts are the basis of lung ultrasonography (LUS) application in the clinic. Recently, LUS has been increasingly used for detecting lung diseases because of its bedside convenience, accuracy, and free of radiation.[2,3,4,5] Therefore, the aim of this study is to present the application of LUS in the field of pediatric respiratory disease.
Neonatal LUS is often performed with a high frequency 9–14 MHz linear array probe, which is more effective in visualizing the chest wall, pleura, and lung peripheral parenchyma.[2] In neonates with small gestational age (GA), LUS can be performed with a higher frequency probe. In infants and older children, it is performed using a relatively lower frequency linear probe, which can visualize deeper lung structures.
The examination is performed in the horizontal position for neonates and in the sitting and supine positions for the older patients. The chest wall is divided into 6 areas by the anterior and posterior axillary lines. Each area is scanned from the apex to the base, and the probe should be positioned perpendicular to the ribs for each intercostal space.
The injured lung has a remarkable increase in tissue extending to the lung periphery that produces ultrasound artifacts caused by the abnormal interface of tissue/gas/tissue. And the LUS images are primarily maked up of these ultrasound artifacts. The LUS image can be simplified as follows: The normal lung is “black,” the moderately diseased lung (with interstitial water) is “black and white” (with white lines corresponding to B-lines), and the markedly diseased lung (with alveolar edema) is “white” (diffusely bright).
Pleural line and lung sliding
The pleural line is a smooth regular hyperechogenic and sliding line with a thickness of lesser than 0.5 mm below the rib line. Abnormalities of the pleural line include disappearance, thickness more than 0.5 mm, evidence of small subpleural consolidation and coarse or irregular appearance.[5] Lung sliding is the movement of the pleura synchronized with respiration in a to-and-fro pattern.[6] In time motion mode, a “seashore sign” is present, which highlights a clear distinction between the motionless parietal tissue over the pleural line and a sand-like pattern below it [Figures 1 and 2].[7]
Figure 1.
Normal lung pattern. Longitudinal scan is showing the ribs, pleural line, and A-lines. A-line arises from the reverberation artifact of the pleural line and is characterized by a series of parallel and equidistant lines. The spacing of the A-line is equal to the distance between the pleural line and the skin.
Figure 2.
B-line. Those reaching the edge of the screen are called B-lines. B-lines project from the pleural line to the edge of the screen, erase A-lines, and move synchronously with respiratory movement. The presence of B-lines is caused by an ultrasound beam encountering the alveolar gas–liquid interface.
An A-line arises from the reverberation artifact of the pleural line. A-lines beyond the pleural line are characterized by a series of parallel and equidistant lines on LUS. The spacing of the A-line is equal to the distance between the pleural line and the skin [Figures 1 and 2].[8]
B-lines and comet-tail artifacts
B-lines project from the pleural line to the edge of the screen, erase A-lines, and move synchronously with respiratory movement.[7,9] The presence of B-lines is caused by an ultrasound beam encountering the alveolar gas–liquid interface. Previous research has shown that B-lines are linked to the interstitial syndrome and might be useful in assessing adults with heart failure.[10,11,12,13] B-lines cannot be seen in the lungs of children or adults, but they can be found in neonates, because the fetal lung has a high fluid content.[14] The comet-tail artifact is gradually weakening parallel lines that have the appearance of a comet-tail.[10] Many people seem to believe that B-lines and comet-tails are the same things because they both are related to the presence of the alveolar gas–liquid interface. However, their mechanisms are different; B-lines are ring-down artifacts, and comet-tail signs are caused by a type of reverberation artifact. In clinical practice, lines reaching the edge of the screen without fading can be considered “B-lines,” whereas those that do not reach the edge of the screen can be considered “comet-tails” [Figure 2].
Interstitial syndrome
The interstitial syndrome is the presence of areas of “white lung” or the presence of more than three B-lines in every examined area.[5]
Bilateral “white lung”
Bilateral “white lung” is when compact B-lines appear in all 6 areas.[5]
Spared areas
Spared areas are the areas of the normal pattern that extend for at least one intercostal space in the longitudinal scan and are surrounded by areas of the interstitial syndrome.[5]
Lung pulse
Lung pulse is when lung sliding is replaced by a type of pulsation, synchronized with heart activity, which represents the early specific sign of complete atelectasis on LUS.[15]
Lung point
The lung point is the abnormal lung pattern in a particular location on the chest wall and is a specific sign of pneumothorax on ultrasound.[16]
Double lung point
The sharp cut-off point between the upper and lower lung fields with a longitudinal scan is known as a “double lung point (DLP).”[14]
Respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is characterized by diffuse lesions of the pulmonary capillaries and enhancement of permeability. Its primary pathological changes are pulmonary edema, atelectasis, and the formation of transparent membrane, and its clinical features are progressive dyspnea and refractory hypoxemia. The main features of RDS on LUS are as follows:[5,17,18] Lung consolidation with air bronchogram, decrease or disappearance of lung sliding, disappearance of spared areas, alveolar-interstitial syndrome, pleural line abnormalities, pleural effusion, lung pulse and bilateral “white lung.” Although “white lung” or pleural effusion are the features of RDS, it is also found in transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) and other lung diseases.[14,19] However, the presence of a DLP discriminates TTN from RDS because it does not exist in RDS and has both a specificity and sensitivity of 100% in diagnosing TTN.[14] Furthermore, the presence of lung consolidation can distinguish RDS from TTN because it does not exist in TTN.[2,5,14] When compared with bedside CR, LUS has a higher diagnostic accuracy for consolidation, pleural effusion, and interstitial syndrome in patients with RDS, and it has been shown that the nature and extent of lesions in bilateral lung can be different.[20] Moreover, LUS can detect changes in lung morphology preceding changes in the oxygenation index (Arterial oxygen tension[PaO2]/Inspired oxygen fraction[FiO2]) in animals with RDS [Figure 3].[21]
Figure 3.
Respiratory distress syndrome on lung ultrasonography. (a) Chest radiography showed grade III appearance in an infant with severe respiratory distress syndrome. (b and c) Lung ultrasound showed significant consolidation (arrow) with air bronchogram, the pleural line and A-line disappearance in the same infant.
Patients with RDS always require treatment with mechanical ventilation and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) because low respiratory compliance and reduced aerated lung volume are the main features of RDS, and its aim is to prevent end-expiratory alveolar collapse and to open closed alveoli. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the efficacy of different methods of assessing ventilation and lung volume. Currently, the methods of reference mainly are CT scan and pressure-volume (P-V) curves. Recently, bedside LUS has become a new and useful way to assess lung aeration.[22,23] The advantages of LUS include the reduction of risks of transportation and radiation, as well as the ability to gradually increase ventilation pressure and reduce the risk of barotrauma. Clinical research has found a highly significant correlation between CT and the “ultrasound lung re-aeration score” (the sum of each area score according to the four stages of lung aeration examined by LUS) in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia after antibiotic therapy.[24] The ultrasound re-aeration score for assessing PEEP-induced lung recruitment was also highly linked to P-V curves.[25] These research studies indicate that LUS is a good method to assess PEEP-induced lung recruitment at the bedside.
Pneumonia is defined as a respiratory tract infection illness. The pulmonary ultrasonic signs of pneumonia include a hypoechoic area of varying shape and size with irregular margins of heterogeneous echogenicity.[26,27] Moreover, the ultrasound also includes air bronchograms (multiple lentil-sized echoes within the lesion), dynamic air bronchograms, and pleural effusion. Occasionally, a positive fluid bronchogram (echo-poor or echo-free tubular structures without any perfusion signals) might be found in pneumonia by LUS. The most characteristic feature of pneumonia on LUS is air bronchogram, which was detected in approximately 70–97% of cases.[26,27] Air bronchograms refiect residual air within consolidated areas similar to the visible air bronchogram sign on CT and CR. Simultaneously, pleural effusion was detected in more than two-thirds of pneumonia cases.[26,28] Both neonatal pneumonia and community-acquired pneumonia in children had a similar features on LUS.[29,30,31] The features mainly included air bronchograms, lung consolidation, pleural line abnormalities, and pleural effusion [Figure 4].[28,31]
Figure 4.
Pneumonia on lung ultrasonography. (a) Neonatal pneumonia on lung ultrasonography showed large consolidations with irregular edges, as well as air bronchograms. The pleural line was either blurred or disappeared, and the A-line disappeared. (b) Community-acquired pneumonia in children on lung ultrasonography shows less echogenic pleural line above the lung consolidation with irregular edges, air bronchograms, and A-line disappeared.
A meta-analysis showed that LUS had a high sensitivity (94%) and specificity (96%) for diagnosing pneumonia in adults and was superior to CR.[32] LUS also had a consistently high diagnostic accuracy of pneumonia when compared with chest CT scan as the gold standard.[19,27,33] In an another study of infants with bronchiolitis regarded as a special type of pneumonia, LUS was a good tool for the diagnosis and evaluation of follow-up, and LUS can detect lung abnormalities that cannot be revealed by CR.[20] Several studies have shown that, LUS was a useful tool for diagnosing pneumonia in children.[28,31,34] Furthermore, several authors have emphasized that the specific anatomical features of children (such as shorter thoracic width, thinner chest wall, and small lung mass) make the LUS examination of pneumonia in children easier than in adults.[35]
Pneumothorax is defined as air between the visceral and the parietal pleura. It can be quickly life-threatening.[36] Because of the mechanism of pneumothorax, the movement of the visceral pleura on the parietal pleura cannot be seen because they fill with air. Therefore, the ultrasound of pneumothorax shows no lung sliding. Similarly, the B-lines cannot be seen because they originate from the visceral pleura. The lung point is a critical feature of pneumothorax on LUS because it confirms that the absence of lung sliding is authentic and cannot be ascribed to technical errors. The presence of lung point, the absence of B-lines, the absence of lung sliding, and lung pulse are the four most important sonographic images used to diagnose pneumothorax by LUS [Figure 5].[23,37,38,39]
Figure 5.
Pneumothorax on lung ultrasonography. (a) Lung ultrasonography shows lung point in patient with pneumothorax. The lung point is the abnormal lung pattern in a particular location on the chest wall and is a specific sign of pneumothorax on ultrasound. (b) Anterior pneumothorax on computed tomography scan with delimitation (arrow) in the same patient.
The identification of a lung point is essential to confirm the presence of a pneumothorax. One study showed that its specificity in diagnosing pneumothorax was 100%, although its sensitivity was only 66%.[16] However, another research study showed that both its sensitivity and specificity were 100% in diagnosing pneumothorax.[6] As for B-lines or the comet-tail sign in pneumothorax, their negative predictive value is 99.2–100%.[22,37,38,39,40] Absent lung sliding is an initial and basic step for diagnosing pneumothorax. The absence of lung sliding has a predictive value of 100% in diagnosing pneumothorax, whereas its specificity and sensitivity were 91.1% and 95.3%, respectively.[41] In the case of absent lung sliding, the A-lines sign would contribute to distinguishing pneumothorax from effusion, (being absent in the latter).
LUS has proven superior to radiography in diagnosing pneumothorax.[42] A meta-analysis indicates that LUS is more accurate than CR for diagnosing pneumothorax.[43] Therefore, LUS is accurate in diagnosing pneumothorax.
Pulmonary atelectasis
Pulmonary atelectasis is characterized by a state of collapsed and nonaerated region of the lung parenchyma resulting from parenchymal compression (nonobstructive atelectasis) or bronchial obstruction (obstructive atelectasis).
The main features of atelectasis on LUS include lung consolidation and air bronchograms.[5,44,45] In most cases, a static air bronchogram is seen, whereas a dynamic air bronchogram is not. The presence of a dynamic air bronchogram not only can rule out atelectasis but also allows the discrimination between inflammatory and alveolar consolidation of atelectasis.[15,44,45] In some case with total or near-total opacification of the hemithorax, LUS has a high sensitivity in differentiating between consolidation of atelectasis and pleural effusion, whereas CR is unable to make this distinction.[46] LUS has been used in diagnosing atelectasis in children, and its sensitivity was 100% in our research [Figure 6].[44] Because the main ultrasound images of RDS have the same signs of lung consolidation and air bronchograms as pulmonary atelectasis,[47] how can they be distinguished? According to our experience,[45,47] the following features might contribute to their differences: (1) The air bronchogram image in atelectasis has a linear and parallel arrangement, whereas in RDS the air bronchogram is seen as dots and irregularity, which is related to the extent and scope of lung consolidation. (2) The air bronchogram of atelectasis is static, and a dynamic air bronchogram can exclude atelectasis. (3) The edge of wide local atelectasis is quite regular and different from the pulmonary parenchyma without consolidation. (4) The signs of pleural effusion and white lung can be seen often in RDS but not in atelectasis.
Figure 6.
Pulmonary atelectasis on lung ultrasonography. Lung ultrasonography showed a large area of consolidation with clearly demarcated borders and air bronchograms (hyperechogenic lines in the area of consolidation) and fluid bronchograms (hypoechogenic lines in the area of consolidation).
Transient tachypnea of the newborn
TTN is one of the most common causes of perinatal dyspnea. The incidence rates of TTN are from 4.0% to 5.7% among term infants and 10.0% among premature infants.[48] Because the main pathological feature of TTN is excessive water in the lung tissues, the interstitial syndrome is the most common and important ultrasonic manifestations of TTN.[49] In addition, white lung or even pleural effusion can be detected in patients with severe TTN. The common ultrasonographic manifestations of TTN are interstitial syndrome or white lungs, DLP, pleural line abnormalities, and A-line disappearance [Figure 7].[14,49] Although, TTN rarely leads to death, it is necessary to correctly differentiate TTN from other diseases with dyspnea, such as RDS, pneumonia, and meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), to correctly manage infants with TTN and dyspnea. It is estimated that over 70% of infants with TTN are clinically misdiagnosed with RDS.[48] In particular, infants with dyspnea whose CR examinations show a white lung feature are often diagnosed with RDS. Given that CR cannot correctly differentiate TTN and RDS, is LUS a more useful method?
Figure 7.
Transient tachypnea of the newborn on lung ultrasonography. Lung ultrasonography showed interstitial syndrome and double lung point (arrow) in transient tachypnea of newborn, the sharp cut-off point between the upper and lower lung fields with a longitudinal scan is known as a “double lung point”.
Based on the previous literature reports,[5,8,50,51] lung consolidation with air bronchograms without DLP was the primary ultrasonic feature of RDS, whereas DLP without lung consolidation was the most specific ultrasonic feature of TTN. Therefore, LUS can easily differentiate TTN from RDS. Furthermore, studies with LUS also showed that the ultrasonic features of different lung fields could be variable, reinforcing the idea that the water content of the lung tissue (i.e., the degree of pulmonary edema) in different areas is inconsistent in patients with TTN.[49]
Meconium aspiration syndrome
MAS is a life-threatening neonatal lung injury induced by meconium in the airways and lung tissue. A previous research on six patients with MAS found that the following features were seen in all patients on LUS:[52] (1) B-pattern (interstitial) coalescent or sparse; (2) consolidations; (3) bronchograms; and (4) atelectasis. There is no specific pattern for the distribution of these signs in different lung areas. Although, both CR and LUS show easily interpreted and typical findings in MAS, LUS has the added advantage of real-time evaluation of the lungs at both the airway level and the parenchyma, thereby describing more closely the clinical situation [Figure 8]. More researches of LUS on MAS are needed in the future.
Figure 8.
Meconium aspiration syndrome on lung ultrasonography. Longitudinal and horizontal scans of the anterior and postero-lateral chest wall were performed in the supine position. Lung ultrasonography showed an irregular and thickened pleural line (panel a), multiple B-lines (panels a-c), as well as multiple consolidations (panels b and c), and numerous bronchograms (panels b and c).
Identification of long-term oxygen dependence in premature
Identification of long-term oxygen dependence (LTOD) is one of the most commonly encountered respiratory problems in preterm infants, particularly in patients with a GA <32 weeks. This condition is often diagnosed as either bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) or neonatal chronic lung disease in oxygen-dependent infants >28 days of life.[53] However, the definition focuses only on the time of oxygen dependence and does not consider specific reasons for the dependence. As a result, this approach clearly has significant limitations and might result in over-diagnosis and poor understanding of BPD, which might lead to both unnecessary and unreasonable interventions, even subsequently adverse consequences.
We recently conducted LUS examinations on 49 patients with BPD and found that LTOD was caused by inflammation, atelectasis, severe pulmonary edema, and coexisting consolidation in more than one-third of the infants enrolled in the study. This means that more than one-third of these cases of LTOD were caused by either BPD alone or diseases other than BPD.[54] Therefore, it is necessary to modify the diagnostic criteria for BPD as soon as possible.
Although lung ultrasound helps differentiate causes of neonatal LTOD, diagnosing BPD with lung ultrasound is difficult; thus, how to diagnose BPD by ultrasound requires further study and represents our future research direction.
The limitations of LUS include the inability to visualize the paravertebral regions (beneath the scapulae) and the difficulty in examining some patients who are characterized as hypo-echogenic (e.g., patients with obesity, subcutaneous emphysema, dressings/wounds). Furthermore, dyspneic patients often lie in nonoptimal positions, which limits the examination of certain lung areas. Air leak syndromes (pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, and interstitial emphysema) cannot be easily identified using LUS. In addition, it is difficult to diagnose BPD by using LUS.
In this paper, we focus on the characteristics of LUS in diagnosing childhood pulmonary disease. LUS is convenient, noninvasive, and free of radiation. It helps in the differentiation of lung diseases. Therefore, LUS has the potential to become a reference instrument for bedside dynamic respiratory monitoring. We hope that this review will help clinicians become acquainted with LUS and will accelerate the extensive application of LUS in children.
Financial support and sponsorship
This study was supported by a grant of the Clinical Research Special Fund of Wu Jieping Medical Foundation (No. 320.6750.15072).
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Edited by: Yuan-Yuan Ji
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