Figure 6. Insulin-driven Notch activation in AMPs involves Deltex.
(A-B’) Single clusters of third-instar larva lateral AMPs stained for Deltex and GFP. (A–A’) There is greater punctate Deltex expression in AMPs expressing constitutively activated InR than in control larva (B-B’) expressing lacZ. (C) Mean fluorescence intensity of the Deltex signal detected in gain-of-function context for Insulin versus wild-type. (D-F) Components of ligand-independent Notch activation have impacts on AMP cell numbers. AMP-targeted expression of Deltex (D), attenuation of Su (Deltex) (E) or attenuation of Shrub (F) all lead to an AMP overproliferation phenotype. The key role of Deltex as an activator of AMP proliferation is confirmed by an increased number of AMPs in embryos with M6-targeted expression of InRCA and Deltex (G) and further supported by partial rescue of AMP number when co-expressing Deltex with the PTEN Insulin pathway inhibitor (H). (I) Graphical representations of mean number of lateral AMPs in genetic contexts shown in (D-H). (***) indicates P ≤ 0.001. Scale bars are (A, B’): 15 microns; (D–H): 45 microns.