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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Mar 8.
Published in final edited form as: J Cogn Neurosci. 2005 Nov;17(11):1691–1703. doi: 10.1162/089892905774589244

Dynamics of a temporo-fronto-parietal network during sustained spatial or spectral auditory processing

Aurélie Bidet-Caulet 1,*, Olivier Bertrand 1
PMCID: PMC4764672  PMID: 16269106


Animal and human studies have suggested that posterior temporal, parietal, and frontal regions are specifically involved in auditory spatial (location and motion) processing, forming a putative dorsal “where” pathway. We used scalp EEG and current density mapping to investigate the dynamics of this network in human subjects presented with a varying acoustic stream in a two-factor paradigm: spatial versus pitch variations, focused versus diverted attention. The main findings were: (i) a temporo-parieto-frontal network was activated during the whole duration of the stream in all conditions and modulated by attention; (ii) the left superior temporal cortex was the only region showing different activations for pitch and spatial variations. Therefore, parietal and frontal regions would be involved in task-related processes (attention and motor preparation), whereas the differential processing of acoustic spatial and object-related features seems to take place at the temporal level.

Keywords: Acoustic Stimulation, Attention, Auditory Perception, Brain Mapping, Cerebral Cortex, Functional Laterality, Humans, Nerve Net, Nonlinear Dynamics, Pitch Discrimination


Both neurophysiological works in animals and human brain imaging studies have suggested separate auditory processing pathways for object-related and spatial features, similarly to the visual system (Rauschecker, 1998). Within the lateral belt of the auditory cortex of anaesthetized macaque monkeys, neurons with narrow spatial tuning were situated in the caudal region, whereas a better selectivity to monkey vocalizations was found in the rostral region (Tian, Reser, Durham, Kustov, & Rauschecker, 2001; Rauschecker & Tian, 2000). Two recent functional MRI studies reported the same functional dissociation within the temporal auditory cortex in humans: anterior lateral auditory areas (lateral Heschl’s gyrus, anterior planum temporale, and planum polare) are specifically activated by pitch changes, whereas posterior medial auditory regions (posteromedial planum temporale) are activated by spatial location changes (Hart, Palmer, & Hall, 2004; Warren & Griffiths, 2003). Connectivity studies in macaque have identified (i) a ventral route connecting rostral auditory belt and parabelt areas, rostral superior temporal gyrus and ventral prefrontal cortex, and (ii) a dorsal route connecting caudal auditory belt and parabelt areas, and parietal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (Kaas & Hackett, 2000; Rauschecker & Tian, 2000; Hackett, Stepniewska, & Kaas, 1999; Kaas, Hackett, & Tramo, 1999; Romanski, Bates, & Goldman-Rakic, 1999; Romanski, Tian, et al., 1999). By analogy with the visual system, these ventral/ dorsal routes were suggested to support two functionally distinct “what” and “where” auditory pathways (Kaas & Hackett, 1999).

In humans, many lesion (Clarke et al., 2002; Griffiths, Rees, Witton, et al., 1996), functional neuroimaging (Hart et al., 2004; Rama et al., 2004; Pavani, Macaluso, Warren, Driver, & Griffiths, 2002; Warren, Zielinski, Green, Rauschecker, & Griffiths, 2002; Zatorre, Bouffard, Ahad, & Belin, 2002; Alain, Arnott, Hevenor, Graham, & Grady, 2001; Maeder et al., 2001; Griffiths, Green, Rees, & Rees, 2000; Lewis, Beauchamp, & DeYoe, 2000; Baumgart, Gaschler-Markefski, Woldorff, Heinze, & Scheich, 1999; Bushara et al., 1999; Griffiths & Green, 1999; Weeks et al., 1999; Griffiths, Rees, Rees, et al., 1998), and electrophysiological (Kaiser & Bertrand, 2003; Kaiser, Ripper, Birbaumer, & Lutzenberger, 2003; Ducommun et al., 2002; Lutzenberger, Ripper, Busse, Birbaumer, & Kaiser, 2002; Xiang et al., 2002; Alain et al., 2001; Anourova et al., 2001) data are consistent with the hypothesis of “what” and “where” separate auditory streams: anterior temporal and inferior frontal regions would process auditory “object” information and posterior temporal areas, parietal and frontal cortices are involved in the spatial processing of both stationary and moving sounds. This dual pathway was recently supported in a neuroimaging meta-analysis by Arnott et al. (2004).

However, the extent and the functional role of these two pathways remain unclear and controversial (Hall, 2003; Middlebrooks, 2002; Belin & Zatorre, 2000; Cohen & Wessinger, 1999). Indeed, the parietal areas do not seem to be specifically involved in auditory spatial processing and could also be activated during pitch-oriented tasks (Maeder et al., 2001; Rama et al., 2000; Weeks et al., 1999; Zatorre, Mondor, & Evans, 1999; Zatorre, Evans, & Meyer, 1994).

In a recent neuroimaging study (Zatorre, Bouffard, et al., 2002), a clear parietal activation could be found only when transforming spatial auditory information into an oriented joystick movement. Moreover, the activation of the parieto-frontal network, during audio-spatial processing, could be due to goal-directed selective attention in active paradigms, as well as stimulus-driven attentional capture (Behrmann, Geng, & Shomstein, 2004). In passive listening paradigms, an involuntary attentional switch towards more attractive stimuli, such as moving sounds for instance, could account for parietal activities (Pavani et al., 2002; Warren et al., 2002; Xiang et al., 2002; Griffiths, Green, et al., 2000; Griffiths & Green, 1999; Griffiths, Rees, Rees, et al., 1998). Thus, the dorsal auditory pathway, usually considered as specifically processing spatial auditory information, could rather be involved in nonstimulus-specific cognitive processes.

The present study aims at clarifying the role of the different components of the temporo-parieto-frontal network during the processing of pitch-related or spatial acoustic features. We used ERP mapping in human subjects processing varying acoustic streams in situations of controlled attention. By means of a two-factor paradigm (spatial vs. pitch variations, focused vs. diverted attention), we could characterize brain regions specifically involved in the processing of pitch and/or spatial acoustic features and investigate how their activity could be modulated by attention. Furthermore, by analyzing the dynamics of the temporo-parieto-frontal network, it became possible to dissociate components related to the sensory integration of specific acoustic features from those components corresponding to higher-level cognitive processes, such as attention for instance.


Two participants had to be excluded because of excessive eye blinks or muscular activity. Thus, 14 subjects were included in the analysis considering four conditions: attention oriented (A) to the streams with spatial (AS condition) or pitch (AP) variations, and attention diverted (control, C) from acoustic feature variations (CS and CP, respectively).

Behavioral Data

Correct response rates did not differ between attention and control tasks (mean value, 93.1% and 92.2%, respectively, p > .05), or within the attention task, between spatial and pitch variation processing (93.2% and 92.9%, respectively, p > .05). All subjects reported that they were mentally following spatial or pitch variations of the auditory streams in the AS and AP conditions while they were actively ignoring the auditory stream trajectories in the control task. Moreover, the EOG signal was drifting during stimulus presentation and no attention or acoustic variation effect was noticed in the EOG time courses (p > .05) until 700 msec after variation onset.

Topographical Analysis

The main component elicited by the auditory stimulus onset, N1, showed a classical ERP topography with a fronto-central maximum and a polarity reversal across the sylvian fissure, in both A and C conditions (Figure 1). Computing scalp current densities (SCDs) by surface laplacian has proved to be efficient in separating temporal, frontal (Giard et al., 1994), and parietal (Kaiser & Bertrand, 2003) components of auditory responses. Applied to the present data, SCD maps showed, in both tasks, bilateral current sink/source patterns over temporal regions and a current sink over fronto-central areas (Figure 1). These components were maintained throughout the stimulus duration.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Stream-onset N1 topographies. Left hemisphere ERP and SCD maps (mean value between 80 and 130 msec, 14 subjects) in attention and control conditions. SCD allows to better disclose temporal and frontal components. Black ovals indicate electrode groups chosen for the analysis: fronto-central current sink (F), left superior temporal current sink (LST), and left inferior temporal current source (LIT). Very similar topographies were obtained over the right hemisphere and symmetrical electrode groups were chosen for the right temporal components.

After this N1 component, we found a parieto-occipital component largely prominent in the attention condition (Figure 2). SCD analysis permitted to dissociate two subcomponents: a current source over superior parietal cortices and bilateral sources over temporo-parieto-occipital (TPO) junctions, clearly visible on the attention-minus-control maps (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Topographies during the varying period. ERP and SCD maps (left, back, and right views, mean value between 385 and 595 msec after variation onset, 14 subjects) in attention and control conditions, and difference maps between conditions. In ERP maps, a positive component is present in the attention condition and is topographically distributed over parietal and occipital areas. SCD maps allow to disclose distinct and focal current sources over the superior parietal cortex for both tasks and over TPO junctions in the attention condition only, clearly visible on the attention-minus-control maps. Ovals indicate the electrode groups chosen for the analysis: superior parietal current source (P), right and left TPO current sources (RTPO and LTPO, respectively), in addition to the frontal and temporal components already defined in the N1 topography (Figure 1).

In order to estimate the time courses of those components, SCD maps were averaged across subjects and subsets of electrodes were selected to cover eight regions. Fronto-central (F: Fz/Cz), right/left superior temporal (RST: C4 and LST: C3), and right/left inferior temporal (RIT: T8/P8 and LIT: T7/P7) electrode groups were defined from the N1 topography (Figure 1), whereas superior parietal (P: CP1/Pz/CP2) and right/left temporo-parieto-occipital (RTPO: PO4 and LTPO: PO3) electrode groups were from the topographies of the varying period (Figure 2). SCD curves were averaged within each group for subsequent statistical analysis (Figures 3 and 4).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Temporal and frontal SCD time courses. Mean SCD curves (14 subjects) are drawn over the three analysis periods (defined in Figure 6C) for the frontal (F), left superior and inferior temporal (LST and LIT, respectively), and right superior and inferior temporal (RST and RIT, respectively) electrode groups. The time structure of the stimulus is shown at the top of the figure (gray ovals represent additional noise-bursts used in the control task). During the stationary part, only mean attention (A) and control (C) curves are drawn, whereas in the varying part all conditions are depicted with different line symbols. The evoked N1/P2 complex to auditory stream onset is clearly visible at all electrode groups. N1/P2 to acoustic variations onset can also be noticed, although less pronounced. Note the polarity reversal throughout the stimulus duration between superior and inferior temporal components bilaterally. Significant differences between the attention and the control conditions are indicated by gray bars (ANOVA: *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001). During the varying part, the left temporal components show a significantly more pronounced sustained response for pitch (AP and CP) than for spatial variations (AS and CS) with stars symbolizing the level of significance (ANOVA: *p < .05, ***p < .001). The black horizontal bars at the LST site indicate interaction effects between attention and acoustic variation (p < .05).

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Parietal SCD time courses. Mean SCD curves (14 subjects) are presented for the three analysis periods (defined in Figure 6C) for the LTPO and RTPO, respectively, and the superior parietal (P) electrode groups. The time structure of the stimulus is shown at the top of the figure (gray ovals represent additional noise-bursts used in the control task). During the stationary part, only mean attention (A) and control (C) curves are drawn, whereas in the varying part all conditions are depicted with different line symbols. Note the large TPO activities developing in the attention condition only and a sustained parietal activity enhanced by attention. Significant differences between the attention and the control conditions are indicated by gray bars (ANOVA: *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001).

Fronto-Central Component

The frontal component (F in Figure 3) started with a transient N1/P2 complex followed by a sustained negative deflection throughout the stimulus duration (emerging at 210 msec for all conditions, p < .001), on which a small N1/P2 complex was superimposed at variation onset. During the stationary period, both stream-onset N1 mean amplitude (80–130 msec) and the sustained negative deflection (210–420 msec, p < .05, and 525–735 msec, p < .05) were more negative for the attention condition (p < .001). No effect was detected for the P2 component. During the varying part, no attention, acoustic variation, or interaction effect was found significant for the sustained component.

Temporal Components

The temporal N1/P2 complexes were followed by a sustained bilateral deflection with polarity reversal, maintained during the entire stream duration (emerging at 210 msec for all conditions, p < .01 at RST, p < .05 at LST, and p < .01 at LIT).

During the stationary period, N1 mean amplitude (80–130 msec) to auditory stream onset was significantly more negative for the attention than the control condition at LST (p < .05), RST (p < .05), and LIT (p < .001) sites. The sustained waves were partially enhanced in the A condition during the stationary period as indicated by gray bars in Figure 3. No effect was detected for the P2 component.

At stream variation onset, a small N1/P2 complex was superimposed on the sustained waves. During the varying period, pitch variations induced a larger sustained activity than spatial variations over the left auditory cortex, irrespective of attention (LST: all 210-msec windows from 385 to 910 msec, p < .01 and LIT: all 210-msec windows from 595 to 910 msec, p < .05). Additionally, an interaction effect (Attention × Acoustic variations) was found at the LST site (all 210-msec windows from 490 to 910 msec, p < .05). Wilcoxon tests showed that the negativity was significantly larger for the AP condition than for AS and CP (p < .01), and for CP than CS (p < .05), whereas no significant difference was found between the AS and CS conditions. The same effects were found during the final period as indicated in Figure 3.

The apparent “noise” on these temporal waveforms actually corresponded to the periodic steady-state response (35 msec) elicited by the amplitude modulation of the auditory stream.

Temporo-Parieto-Occipital Components

Bilateral positive sustained components (LTPO and RTPO in Figure 4) were significantly emerging, over the TPO junctions, in the A condition only, from 250 msec to the end of the stationary period (p < .05) and from 350 msec after the variation onset until the end of the stream (p < .05). In the A condition, irrespective of the type of acoustic variations, these components were significantly more positive during the stationary (all 210-msec windows from 210 to 735 msec, p < .05), varying (all 210-msec windows from 280 to 910 msec, p < .01), and final (all 210-msec windows from −840 to −420 msec, p < .01) periods. No difference between pitch and spatial variations, no interaction effect, and no interhemispheric difference were found significant for these components.

Superior Parietal Component

A positive sustained component (P in Figure 4) was significantly emerging, over superior parietal cortices, in all conditions, from 100 msec to the end of the stream (p < .05). This component was significantly more positive in the A condition during the stationary (all 210-msec windows from 210 to 735 msec, p < .01), varying (all 210-msec windows from 280 to 910 msec, p < .001), and final (all 210-msec windows from −840 to −420 msec, p < .001) periods. No difference between pitch and spatial variations and no interaction effect was found significant for this component. There was no significant interhemispheric difference (Wilcoxon test, p > .05) when comparing SCD activities at the left and right parietal electrodes (Cp1 and Cp2).


ERP correlates of spatial or pitch variation processing were investigated during a highly demanding auditory task requiring the continuous processing of stream trajectory, contrasted to a similarly difficult control condition with diverted attention. Using similarly complex pitch and spatial trajectories enabled to characterize the brain regions involved in such feature integration. SCD mapping permitted to both disentangle several active brain structures and estimate their dynamics. It then became possible to dissociate components related (i) to basic auditory integration (sustained during the whole stream duration), (ii) to sensory integration of specific acoustic features (during the varying period only), (iii) to cognitive processes required by the tasks and common to both features (sustained during the whole stream duration). Furthermore, by comparing two active tasks with identical stimuli and similar demands on arousal and motor response preparation, we could investigate how attention modulated these activities. The most important findings were: (i) a fronto-parietal network activated during the whole duration of the stream in all conditions and modulated by attention, irrespective of acoustic features; (ii) a sustained activity over the TPO junctions during both the stationary and the varying parts in the attention condition only; and (iii) a left temporal component differentially activated by spatial and pitch acoustic variations.

Attention Network

As parietal and frontal activities were maintained during the whole duration of the stream and were only modulated by the orientation of attention and not by the acoustic feature to be integrated, they are likely to be related to high-level task-related processes.

Fronto-Central Component

The sustained fronto-central negative component was enhanced in the attention task during the stationary part. This could reflect the subject’s expectation of the next critical event (i.e., the acoustic variation onset). During the varying part, this component did not differ between conditions and could be associated with common processes required by both tasks: the anticipatory attention to the imperative acoustic event (end of the stream or noise bursts) and the preparation of the motor response. It was similar, in topography and time course, to the frontal component reported in a previous working memory study during the expectation of the crucial stimuli (Kaiser & Bertrand, 2003), and could be considered as a contingent negative variation component (Brunia & van Boxtel, 2001).

Superior Parietal Component

The sustained superior parietal activity was emerging in both tasks and enhanced in the attention condition during the whole duration of the stream. This activity could be due to eye movement planning (Andersen, 1995), because we found slow EOG drifts during stimulus presentation with no difference between tasks during the varying part.

Parietal subregions have also been shown to be involved in “multisensory integration and coordinate transformation required to convert sensory input to motor output” (Andersen & Buneo, 2002). In the present study, subjects had to achieve a complex transformation converting the acoustic input into an oriented joystick movement (right–left or front–back). That could explain why both tasks activate the parietal cortex. This interpretation is consistent with recent neuroimaging results (Zatorre, Bouffard, et al., 2002) showing a clear parietal activation only when transforming spatial auditory information into a directed joystick movement.

Finally, in the present study, the superior parietal activity could simply reflect supramodal attentional processes (Andersen & Buneo, 2002). In the attention condition, the parietal activity enhancement could be due to selective attention, including the voluntary allocation of attention to spatial or pitch features of the auditory stream (Behrmann et al., 2004; Zatorre, Mondor, et al., 1999; Pugh et al., 1996). Interestingly, in a recent study, a superior parietal cortex activation has been found for attention to sound motion irrespective of the stimulus properties (spectro-temporal or spatial) (Hart et al., 2004). In addition, Warren and Griffiths (2003), in a passive paradigm of spatial versus pitch auditory perception, did not find any parietal activity and explained it by “the lack of an output task.” Thus, the parietal areas, which were proposed as contributing to auditory spatial processing by several authors (Hart et al., 2004; Zatorre, Bouffard, et al., 2002; Alain et al., 2001; Maeder et al., 2001; Lewis et al., 2000; Bushara et al., 1999; Weeks et al., 1999), may as well be involved in task-related processes such as auditory attention and/ or motor preparation. Besides, in passive listening paradigm (Pavani et al., 2002; Warren et al., 2002; Griffiths, Green, et al., 2000; Griffiths & Green, 1999; Griffiths, Rees, Rees, et al., 1998), these parietal activities could be due to stimulus-driven attentional capture. These interpretations permit to explain why parietal activities could also be found during pitch-related tasks (Maeder et al., 2001; Rama, Paavilainen, et al., 2000; Weeks et al., 1999; Zatorre, Mondor, et al., 1999; Zatorre, Evans, et al., 1994).

Thus, the parietal activity could be related to high-level task-related cognitive processes that would be common to both features. In the present study, the parietal and frontal components seem to be part of the network usually found to be involved in attentional processes and motor preparation (Jancke, Specht, Shah, & Hugdahl, 2003; Brunia & van Boxtel, 2001; Posner & Dehaene, 1994).

Temporo-Parieto-Occipital Components

By means of SCD mapping, it has also been possible to detect large and very focal bilateral TPO activities in the attention condition. To our knowledge, no similar activity has ever been found in neuroimaging studies on sound motion, which were generally based on passive listening or simple stimuli. In contrast, we used more complex varying stimuli in a demanding task. In the attention condition, to be able to follow both types of acoustic variations, most of the subjects (11 among 14) asserted that they had mentally generated a visual representation of the sound. It should be noted that TPO electrode sites are close to V5 visual areas (Figure 5) known to be activated during visual motion perception and mental imagery (Goebel, Khorram-Sefat, Muckli, Hacker, & Singer, 1998). The bilateral TPO activation could thus correspond to visual mental imagery induced by both types of acoustic variation processing. The existence of these same activities with small amplitude before the acoustic variation onset could be associated with a preparatory attentional process selectively involving the brain areas which will be later engaged in visual mental imagery.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Surface electrode positions on a normalized brain with neuroimaging findings. The Talairach coordinates of activations induced by visual motion in area V5 (diamonds) were collected in several neuroimaging studies (Dumoulin et al., 2000; Lewis et al., 2000; Sunaert, Van Hecke, Marchal, & Orban, 1999, 2000; Chawla et al., 1999; Goebel et al., 1998). These activations were superimposed on a 3-D rendered magnetic resonance image template from the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), back view. Dashed ovals cover V5 activities. The EEG electrodes of the present experiment (10–20 and 10–10 electrode systems and additional intermediate electrodes) are positioned on a realistic scalp surface (Oostenveld & Praamstra, 2001), and head and brain contours are coregistered (rotation and scaling) to the MNI template. Electrodes corresponding to RTPO and LTPO activities are indicated in black.

Temporal Components

At last, sustained bilateral temporal components were characterized by SCD polarity reversals throughout the stimulus duration. These activities most likely originate from superior temporal auditory areas (Gutschalk, Patterson, Rupp, Uppenkamp, & Scherg, 2002) and reflect auditory integration. We found these bilateral temporal activities for spatial and pitch processing in both tasks. Previous studies have suggested bilateral (Hart et al., 2004; Warren & Griffiths, 2003; Pavani et al., 2002; Warren et al., 2002; Zatorre, Bouffard, et al., 2002; Lewis et al., 2000) or right-lateralized (Baumgart et al., 1999) activation of the planum temporale when contrasting moving or spatially distributed sounds to stationary sounds. For pitch processing, right-lateralized (Patterson, Uppenkamp, Johnsrude, & Griffiths, 2002; Zatorre et al., 1994) or bilateral (Hart et al., 2004; Warren & Griffiths, 2003; Thivard, Belin, Zilbovicius, Poline, & Samson, 2000) activation in superior temporal areas has been found when contrasting sequences with changing pitch to sequences with fixed pitch.

During the varying part, left temporal activities were particularly more important for pitch than for spatial variations. This result suggests a differential processing of spatial and pitch variations in the left temporal auditory cortex. This dissociation could correspond either to an increased neuronal activity for pitch processing or to different configurations of neural sources for spatial and pitch processing. To our knowledge, few studies have been interested in the difference between pitch and spatial processing within the temporal cortex. By contrasting sound sequences with changing pitch to sequences with changing location, Hart et al. (2004) and Warren and Griffiths (2003) have shown a dissociation between pitch and spatial processing in the right and left superior temporal planes. Nevertheless, our left-lateralized effect is consistent with Hart et al.’s additional activity for pitch processing in the left planum polare. According to these studies, a posteromedial (spatial)–anterolateral (pitch) dissociation would exist within the superior temporal cortex of both hemispheres. Close configurations of neural sources for spatial and pitch processing that could not be disentangled with the spatial resolution of SCD computation could explain why we could not find any difference in the right hemisphere.

As an interaction effect between attention and acoustic variations has been found during the same period for the left superior component, pitch and spatial feature integration within the auditory cortex could correspond to automatic processes that are differentially modulated by attention. In addition, there was a small attention effect on the left temporal activity during the stationary part. This effect prior to stream variation could be due to an attention-dependent preactivation of the auditory areas which will be subsequently involved in differential feature processing.

All these modulations of the temporal activities are consistent with a current hypothesis (Griffiths & Warren, 2002) suggesting a role of the planum temporale in differentially processing auditory spectro-temporal information.


Combining the use of long-lasting auditory streams and a precise spatio-temporal analysis of electrophysiological signals allows to clarify the role of the temporal, parietal, and frontal regions in auditory processing. The frontal component would be involved in unspecific task-related processes, such as crucial stimulus expectation and motor preparation. The parietal activity would reflect task-specific processes, such as selective attention and preparation for auditory–motor transformation, as suggested in recent reviews (Hall, 2003; Griffiths & Warren, 2002; Middlebrooks, 2002). The temporal cortices would be more specifically involved in auditory integration, acoustic spatial and pitch features being differentially processed within the left temporal auditory areas.

The present study provides further experimental evidence for a differential processing of “what” and “where” acoustic features within the temporal auditory areas.



Sixteen paid subjects (15 right-handers, 6 men, mean age 24 years) participated in the study and were selected during a selection session on the basis of their performance in both tasks. All were free of neurological diseases and had normal hearing. Written informed consent was obtained from each subject.


Subjects had to perform two different tasks in separate blocks. In each block, the stimuli consisted of pitch-varying streams randomly alternating with spatially varying streams with equal probabilities. In the stream-oriented attention task (called attention task), subjects were asked to follow sound variations and report its final direction (high/low pitch or left/right) with a four-direction joystick (up/down or left/right, respectively). In the diverted attention task (called control task), subjects were asked to compare two successive noise-bursts superimposed to the end of the stream, thus orienting their attention away from the varying stream. These two bursts randomly differed in location or pitch, independently of the underlying stream variations. Subjects had to report with the same joystick whether the second burst was to the right or to the left, or lower- or higher-pitched than the first one. Performances were balanced between tasks and also between spatial and pitch feature processing with difficulty levels adapted to each subject (see Procedure section). Each new stimulus started between 3.3 and 4.1 sec after the subject’s response and no specific speed instructions were given.


Auditory streams consisted of 35-msec band-passed noise-bursts [5-semitone (st) wide, starting from a frequency F, and cosine tapered] and were presented through headphones (Sennheiser PX30, Wedemark, Germany). In both tasks, they were composed of two successive parts, a stationary part of random duration (735, 805, 875 msec with equal probabilities) followed by an acoustically varying part (duration ranging from 980 to 2205 msec).

Stream trajectories were piecewise-linear functions, identical for pitch and spatial variations (Figure 6A). Trajectories of pitch-varying streams were following piecewise-linear functions ΔF(t) defined in semitones (st). These functions were equal to zero during the stationary part and were increasing or decreasing between −ΔFm and +ΔFm during the varying part. Trajectories of spatially varying streams were following piecewise-linear functions ΔA(t) defined in degrees. These functions were equal to 0° (ahead) during the stationary part and were increasing or decreasing between −ΔAm and +ΔAm during the varying part. Depending on the difficulty level in the attention task, ΔAm was ranging between 30° and 60°, and ΔFm between 6 and 14 st. Nevertheless, the speed of variation remained about the same across difficulty levels (around 30 st/sec and 160°/sec). To minimize predictability, there were, for each difficulty level, at least six different trajectories varying by the number of segments of the functions ΔF(t) and ΔA(t) (randomized between 4 and 7). Moreover, the trajectories were interrupted at variable times, either when the variations were reaching an extremum or four bursts before. This led to about 12 different time courses, identical for spatial and pitch variations, consisting of 3 to 6 direction changes for each difficulty level.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Stimulus structure. (A) Stream trajectories. Auditory streams were composed of two successive parts, a stationary and a varying part. Streams varied in location or pitch, following zigzag trajectories. Each trajectory of pitch-varying stream was following a piecewise-linear function ΔF(t) (gray line) defined in semitones. In the case of spatial variations, the functions ΔA(t) were varying between −ΔAm and +ΔAm. These functions were identical for pitch and spatial variations. They consisted of 4 to 7 segments and could be interrupted at variable times, either when the variations were reaching an extremum (black diamonds) or four bursts before (black circles). (B) Stream frequency content. Gray bars represent the 35-msec, band-passed and 5-st wide noise-bursts which composed of auditory streams. In the case of pitch-varying streams, the lower frequency F of each burst was defined in semitones by the function: F(t) = ΔF(t) + F0 ± 1 with ΔF(t) as described in B. The black dashed line represents the trajectory ΔF(t)+F0, and the black dashes represent the actual lower frequency F(t) of each burst. (C) Analysis periods. Three periods were chosen for signals analysis: stationary ([−150, 735 msec], time 0 being the onset of the stream), varying ([−150, 910 msec], time 0 being the onset of the varying part), and final ([−840, −420 msec], time 0 being the offset of the stream). They correspond to the periods having the shortest duration for each part and common to both tasks, that is, before noise-burst (gray ovals) occurrence in the control condition. Freq = frequency; loc = location; st = semitones.

To minimize habituation effects for both types of variation, the lower frequency F of each burst was randomly varying by ±1 st around F0, with F0 equiprobably chosen between 1318, 1480, and 1661 Hz for each stimulus. In the case of pitch-varying streams, the lower frequency of each burst was thus defined in semitones by the function: F(t) = ΔF(t) + F0 ± 1 with ΔF(t) as described above (see Figure 6B). In the case of spatially varying streams, F(t) is only varying around F0, F(t) = F0 ± 1, throughout stimulus duration. Pitch-varying streams were localized ahead at 0° azimuth.

To give the impression of a continuously moving sound source, each burst was convoluted with an average-listener, head-related transfer function (see with a 5°-step in azimuth. Compared to other studies using only interaural time differences to position sounds in space with earphones, this procedure creates a better percept of sound objects located in the external space by modulating phase, amplitude, and frequency content of the sounds.

In the control condition, two additional noise-bursts (5-st wide, starting from a frequency F, and lasting 100 msec) appeared successively 420 and 140 msec before the end of the stream (Figure 6C). They differed either in location [azimuths: ±ΔAb; frequency: F] or in pitch [azimuth: 0°; frequency: F ± ΔFb]. Depending on the difficulty level, ΔAb was ranging from 5° to 35° and ΔFb from 1 to 8 st. Because the trajectories were randomized and interrupted at variable times, subjects could not predict the end of the stream, and thus, the occurrence of the noise-bursts.

More generally, to minimize habituation and predictability, many acoustic parameters were randomized: the central pitch of the stationary part (F0), the pitch of each burst (F), and the stream trajectory. Furthermore, by randomizing stream duration, the subject’s attention was maintained focused throughout the stimulus in both tasks, and sustained processing of the stream trajectories was ensured in the attention task. With such a randomization strategy, it seems unlikely that subjects could memorize and recognize all these trajectory patterns during a recording session.


In the first session, subjects were selected on the basis of their ability to perceive spatial variations, to perform the different tasks, and to minimize blinks and eye movements assessed by electrooculogram. First, they were familiarized with sound sequences and tasks in a stepwise learning procedure using visual feedback. Then, they performed blocks of each task with different difficulty levels, until we could determine the difficulty level corresponding to an 80% correct response rate for each kind of stimuli in each task (spatially or pitch-varying streams in the attention task and location- or pitch-differing noise-bursts in the control task). Only 1 subject out of 17 had to be excluded because of excessive eye blinks.

In the second session, subjects’ EEG were recorded during 12 blocks of 30 trials in both attention and control tasks, yielding a total of 360 trials per task (180 with spatial and 180 with pitch variations). Attention (A) and control (C) blocks were presented in an AA–CC–AA–CC–. . . design. For each subject, the difficulty level was determined during the selection procedure as mentioned above. In some cases, because of subjects’ performance improvement or tiredness, the difficulty level was adapted after each block to maintain a constant performance (around 80% correct response rate) throughout the session. Subjects were instructed to keep their eyes open while fixating a point, and to refrain from blinking during stimulus presentation.

EEG Recordings

The subjects were seated in an armchair in a sound-attenuated and electrically shielded chamber. EEG was recorded from 36 scalp electrodes (Easy Cap, FMS, Herrsching, Germany) referenced to the nose (ground electrode at forehead and impedances below 5 kΩ) and EOG from two electrodes were placed centrally above the right eye and at its outer canthus. The electrode positions are shown schematically in Figure 7. Signals were amplified, filtered (0.05–200 Hz bandwidth), and sampled at 1000 Hz (Synamps, Neuroscan Labs, Sterling, VA).

Figure 7.

Figure 7

EEG recording sites. Electrodes were placed according to the following scheme: 19 locations of the 10–20 electrode system, 13 locations of the 10–10 electrode system, and 4 additional intermediate locations. One should note the high density of electrodes over parietal areas required for precise SCD estimates.

Data Analysis

Trials contaminated by eye blinks or excessive muscular activity, or corresponding to incorrect responses, were rejected from further analysis. ERPs were averaged and digitally filtered (low-pass 35 Hz) in three time periods, called “stationary,” “varying,” and “final” periods and locked to stationary stream onset, varying stream onset, and stream offset, respectively (Figure 6C). Due to the randomization in duration of the stationary and varying parts, analysis was only performed on the periods having the shortest duration for each part (latencies defined in Figure 6C). As the analysis mainly focused on the slow waves extending over the three periods, a common amplitude baseline was defined between −150 and 0 msec before stream onset. For each subject, the ERPs were computed separately in the four conditions corresponding to the 2 × 2 factorial design: Attention (stream-oriented or -diverted) × Acoustic variation (spatial or pitch). The mean number of correct and nonartifacted trials per condition ranged from 127 to 143 out of 180.

Topographical analysis of the evoked responses was performed not only by scalp potential mapping, but also by SCD estimates (surface laplacian) using spherical spline interpolation (Perrin, Pernier, Bertrand, & Echallier, 1989). By providing sharper spatial peaks and troughs, SCDs allow to spatio-temporally disentangle multiple overlapping sources. SCD time courses were reconstructed at each electrode site.

Statistical analyses were performed on SCD estimates, averaged across electrode subsets corresponding to the main topographical components. To test for the emergence of slow waves, Wilcoxon tests were performed on 105-msec moving windows compared to the prestimulus baseline. Furthermore, to estimate the dynamics of attention and acoustic variation effects, two-way ANOVAs were computed on mean amplitudes over a 50-msec window for the transient responses (stationary period: 80–130 msec for N1 and 165–215 msec for P2) and over 210-msec moving windows with a 105-msec step for the slow waves (from 210 to 735 msec in the stationary period, from −210 to 0 msec and from 280 to 910 msec in the varying period, and from −840 to −420 msec in the final period).

All signal analyses were performed with ELAN-Pack software developed at INSERM U280.


We thank Jochen Kaiser for helpful discussions, and Pierre-Emmanuel Aguera and Jean-François Echallier for technical support.


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