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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Mar 4.
Published in final edited form as: Theor Appl Genet. 2013 Jul 25;126(11):2683–2697. doi: 10.1007/s00122-013-2165-y

Large deletions in the CBF gene cluster at the Fr-B2 locus are associated with reduced frost tolerance in wheat

Stephen Pearce 1, Jie Zhu 3, Ákos Boldizsár 4, Attila Vágújfalvi 4, Adrienne Burke 3, Kimberley Garland-Campbell 3, Gábor Galiba 4,5, Jorge Dubcovsky 1,2
PMCID: PMC4779059  NIHMSID: NIHMS763489  PMID: 23884601


Wheat plants which are exposed to periods of low temperatures (cold acclimation) exhibit increased survival rates when they are subsequently exposed to freezing temperatures. This process is associated with large-scale changes in the transcriptome which are modulated by a set of tandemly duplicated CBF (C-repeat Binding Factor) transcription factors located at the Fr-2 (Frost Resistance-2) locus. While Arabidopsis has three tandemly duplicated CBF genes, the CBF family in wheat has undergone an expansion and at least 15 CBF genes have been identified, eleven of which are present at the Fr-2 loci on homoeologous group 5 chromosomes. We report here the discovery of three large deletions which eliminate six, nine, and all eleven CBF genes from the Fr-B2 locus in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. In wild emmer wheat, the Fr-B2 deletions were found only among the accessions from the southern sub-populations. Among cultivated wheats, the Fr-B2 deletions were more common among varieties with a spring growth habit than among those with a winter growth habit. Replicated freezing tolerance experiments showed that both the deletion of nine CBF genes in tetraploid wheat and the complete Fr-B2 deletion in hexaploid wheat are associated with significant reductions in survival after exposure to freezing temperatures. Our results suggest that selection for the wild type Fr-B2 allele may be beneficial for breeders selecting for varieties with improved frost tolerance.

Keywords: CBF, cold acclimation, deletion, frost tolerance, wheat, Triticum


Wheat is one of the world's most important crops, providing approximately one fifth of all calories consumed globally. Hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) - which accounts for 95% of all wheat grown – has been adapted to grow in environments spanning latitudes from 65°N to 45°S, a range which encompasses large variations in temperature during the growing season (Dubcovsky and Dvorak 2007). Due to their longer growing season, fall-sown wheat varieties (winter wheat) are generally higher-yielding than those sown in spring (spring wheat). However, to achieve this greater yield potential winter wheat varieties must be able to withstand freezing temperatures during the winter.

Variation in a plant's freezing tolerance is closely associated with cold acclimation, the process by which extended exposure to gradually decreasing, but non-freezing temperatures results in improved cold tolerance and survival rates when the plants are subsequently exposed to freezing temperatures (Thomashow 2010). During cold acclimation, plants undergo large-scale changes in their transcriptome, which in turn activates the production of an array of proteins to aid the plant's survival during subsequent freezing stress (Kocsy et al. 2010; Winfield et al. 2010).

Despite these large changes in global gene expression patterns, it appears that a relatively small number of loci account for a large proportion of the observed variance in cold tolerance between wheat varieties (Vágújfalvi et al. 2000). Chromosome substitution experiments using the cold-hardy variety Cheyenne as a donor and the cold-susceptible variety Chinese Spring as a recipient, showed that transferring chromosomes 5A, 5D and, to a lesser extent, 5B conferred the greatest improvements in freezing tolerance (Sutka 1981; Veisz and Sutka 1989; Toth et al. 2003). Using these same chromosome substitution lines, it was shown that chromosome 5A substitutions also conferred stronger induction of COR14b, a central cold responsive gene contributing to the protection of chloroplasts during exposure to freezing temperatures (Vágújfalvi et al. 2000). This gene, as well as numerous other cold responsive genes, harbors a CRT-DRE box within its promoter, a conserved binding domain for the CBF (C-repeat Binding Factor) family of transcription factors. One such gene, TmCBF3, was mapped to the same region as the QTL for differential COR14b expression – designated the Fr-2 (Frost-resistance-2) locus - suggesting that the strong effect this locus has on cold tolerance can be attributed to the CBF genes (Vágújfalvi et al. 2003). Furthermore, several different CBF genes which also map to the Fr-2 locus were shown to exhibit significantly higher expression in cold-hardy plants than cold-sensitive ones (Vágújfalvi et al. 2005).

An in-depth study of the CBF gene family in T. monococcum identified 15 CBF genes, eleven of which are present as a cluster at the Fr-2 locus on chromosome 5Am (Miller et al. 2006). A subsequent high-density mapping study of this region suggested that the CBF12, CBF14 and CBF15 genes were most likely to account for the observed differences in cold tolerance within the specific T. monococcum mapping population used in this study (Knox et al. 2008). The CBF genes are a family of AP2/ERF transcription factors and have been studied in the greatest depth in Arabidopsis. They play a crucial role in the co-ordination of the cold response and their expression is induced within 15 minutes of exposure to cold temperatures, which is closely followed by the up-regulation of cold-responsive genes around two hours later (Thomashow 2010). This so-called CBF regulon has been estimated to represent a significant proportion of cold inducible genes; for example, 28% of all cold inducible genes were also up-regulated in Arabidopsis CBF2 over-expression transgenic plants (Vogel et al. 2005). These include genes coding for enzymes which make cryoprotective and other membrane-stabilizing proteins, which help to prevent cellular damage when plants are subjected to the extreme dehydration associated with freezing stress.

In Arabidopsis, the transgenic constitutive over-expression of the CBF genes results in an increase in freezing tolerance even without prior cold acclimation (Gilmour et al. 2004; Jaglo-Ottosen et al. 1998; Liu et al. 1998), but this also results in a slow-growing, dwarf phenotype, as a consequence of interactions between CBF genes and the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway (Achard et al. 2008). This suppression of growth illustrates the negative pleiotropic effects associated with expressing a transcriptome designed for cold response in warm environments.

While Arabidopsis has three closely-related CBF genes tandemly arrayed in a cluster on chromosome four (Gilmour et al. 1998; Medina et al. 1999; Stockinger et al. 1997), wheat and other temperate cereals have undergone an expansion in this family. In hexaploid wheat, for example, there are at least 15 CBF genes in each of the three wheat genomes, including eleven at each of the three Fr-2 loci (Badawi et al. 2007). In barley, variation in CBF copy number was found at the Fr-H2 locus and this variation was associated with differences in freezing tolerance (Knox et al. 2010). The presence of natural variation within each of the wheat homoeologous Fr-2 loci is illustrated by the clear differences in frost tolerance conferred by the inter-varietal chromosome substitution lines involving all three homoeologous group 5 chromosomes, where the substitution of chromosome 5A confers the largest increases in frost tolerance and chromosome 5B the least (Sutka 1981; Veisz and Sutka 1989).

In the current study, we describe the discovery of deletions of multiple CBF genes from the Fr-B2 locus on chromosome 5B in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat and report their distribution among accessions with different growth habit, as well as their effect on frost tolerance in controlled freezing experiments. In both tetraploid and hexaploid wheat varieties, deletions at the Fr-B2 locus are more commonly found in lines with a spring rather than winter growth habit and are associated with reduced freezing tolerance. We discuss the potential applications of our results for breeding programs aimed towards increasing wheat freezing tolerance.

Materials and Methods

Screening for deletions at the Fr-B2 locus and growth habit

To determine the presence or absence of each CBF gene, homoeolog-specific PCR reactions were carried out using the primers listed in Supplementary Materials, Table S1. All PCR reaction volumes were 20 μl and included 0.2 μM of both forward and reverse primers, 5% DMSO and 0.75 U of Taq polymerase. Reactions were carried out in an ABI9700 thermocycler using a touchdown PCR protocol consisting of an initial incubation at 94 °C for 2 m, followed by 10 cycles of touchdown PCR 94 °C 20 s, 63 °C 30 s (− 0.5 °C/cycle), 72 °C 1 m/kb, followed by 25 cycles of standard PCR using an annealing temperature of 58 °C. The expected amplified PCR product size for each reaction is listed in Supplementary Materials, Table S1.

For tetraploid lines, growth habit was determined using PCR markers to screen for spring and winter alleles of VRN-A1 (Fu et al. 2005). In hexaploid lines, growth habit was determined using PCR markers for the genes VRN-A1, VRN-B1, VRN-D1 (Fu et al. 2005) and VRN-B3 (Yan et al. 2006), and information from the National Plant Germplasm System (

Plant materials

To develop sister lines for the nine-gene deletion at the Fr-B2 locus in tetraploid wheat we crossed the durum varieties Durelle (no Fr-B2 deletion, wild type photoperiod sensitive allele) and Kronos (Fr-B2 deletion, Ppd-A1a photoperiod insensitive allele) and then backcrossed the F1 hybrid to Kronos for three generations. Selection for the photoperiod sensitive allele at each generation was carried out using the Ppd markers described by Wilhelm et al. (2009) and the Fr-B2 deletion was selected using the PCR markers described above. The three Fr-A2 genes (CBFA12, CBF-A14 and CBF-A15) analyzed in this study were sequenced using the primers described in Supplementary Materials, Table S1. For all three genes, sequences were identical in both parental lines.

Two different BC3F1 plants heterozygous for these two loci were self-pollinated and two sets of homozygous photoperiod sensitive BC3F2 sister lines (~94% identical) with and without the Fr-B2 deletion were selected. These plants were self-pollinated to generate sufficient BC3F3 seeds, which were used in the freezing tolerance experiments. These lines all carry the dominant VRN-A1 allele conferring a spring growth habit, so before exposure to freezing temperatures, plants were maintained under short day conditions (8 hours light/day) to prevent VRN-1 up-regulation, which, through its role in inducing reproductive development, contributes to the down-regulation of the cold-responsive genes (Dhillon et al. 2010).

Frost tolerance tests

Four survival tests at different freezing temperatures were carried out in Martonvásár, Hungary to determine freezing tolerance of the tetraploid sister lines. These included two preliminary tests at −9 °C and −8 °C to determine optimum freezing temperatures for this material and two tests at −7 °C using different cold acclimation conditions. Two additional freezing tests, one using the same tetraploid sister lines and another one using a set of 103 hexaploid lines were performed at Washington State University (WSU), Washington, USA at −6 °C using different cold acclimation protocols as described below.

Martonvásár, Hungary

Germinated seedlings were potted in wooden boxes using a randomized block design. Two different cold acclimation schemes (A and B) were used that differ mainly in the duration of their initial growth and pre-hardening phases. In scheme B, this period was shortened and a short day photoperiod was maintained throughout the acclimation process to slow reproductive development before the freezing test. The two cold acclimation schemes are described in detail below.

Scheme A

Plants were grown for 20 days in a PGR-15 growth chamber (Conviron, Manitoba, Canada) at 20/15 °C (day/night), 75% relative humidity under short day (SD) conditions (8 hours light and 16 hours dark) using a light intensity of 260 μmol m−2 s−1. Temperatures were reduced to 15/10 °C for 22 days for pre-hardening, maintaining all other growth parameters. Temperatures were then decreased by 2 °C per day to 4/4 °C and the length of the light period was increased to 16 hours (long days, LD). This cold-hardening period was maintained for 18 days and was followed by a second period of cold hardening of −2 °C for six hours, +2 °C for seven hours, then −2 °C for a further 17 hours and −4 °C for 22 hours before temperatures were reduced to the target freezing temperature (−9 °C) in the growth chamber (C812, Conviron). The freezing temperatures were applied for 24 hours and in darkness. After freezing, the temperature was gradually increased by 2 °C per hour to 16 °C. At this point, leaves were removed and the plants were left to undergo a two week recovery period at 17/16 °C. The evaluation of survival rates was carried out as described previously (Knox et al. 2008).

Scheme B

The initial growth phase (20/15 °C) was shortened from 20 days to seven days and the pre-hardening phase (15/10 °C) from 22 days to 14 days. As in scheme A, temperatures were reduced by 2 °C per day to 4/4 °C for cold hardening, which was maintained for 12 days, but in this scheme, plants were kept under SD conditions until the final seven days of cold hardening, when lighting was adjusted to LD conditions. The second cold-hardening phase was as described in scheme A, which was applied before plants were exposed to the target temperature (−8 °C). Recovery and scoring was also as described in scheme A.

Two −7 °C freezing tests were subsequently carried out to discriminate survival rates between genotypes, one using scheme A and one using scheme B.


Two additional freezing tests (one in tetraploid and the other one in hexaploid wheat) were performed in the frost tolerance facility at WSU using their standard protocols. Since this protocol resulted in low survival rates in a preliminary experiment at −7 °C, the freezing temperature was changed to −6 °C. The cold acclimation procedure used at WSU was more similar to scheme B described above in that the plants were maintained under SD during the cold acclimation period. Plants were germinated in soil-less potting mix (Sunshine Mix #1/LC1, SunGro Horticulture, Seba Beach, CA) in plastic cell-packs, six cells per pack and with 20 seedlings of a single genotype per cell, under a SD regime (8 hours light, 16 hours dark) at 22/15 °C for seven days in a PGR-15 growth chamber. During cold acclimation, plants were exposed to a constant temperature of 4 °C for five weeks and maintained under short day conditions. For the freezing test, plants were moved into a LU113 programmable temperature cabinet (ESPEC NA, Hudsonville MI). Emergence of the 20 seedlings was recorded and plants were cut to a height of 1”. The planting mix was drenched with ice water containing 10 mg/L Snowmax® (a commercial product that results in uniform ice nucleation at about −3 °C) and a layer of crushed ice was placed on the soil surface. The temperature of the programmable chamber was lowered to −3 °C for 16 hours to allow the heat produced during ice formation to dissipate. The temperature was decreased to −6 °C at a rate of 4 °C per hour. Soil temperatures were traced with sensors buried within each pot. After the 16 h at −3 °C, temperature changes in the air and the soil were very similar, and in 45 minutes both reached the target temperature of −6 °C. The target temperature was maintained for one additional hour and then increased to 4 °C at a rate of 4 °C per hour. The tray was then returned to a growth chamber set to a SD-regime. The chamber was set to a constant temperature of 4 °C for the first 24 hours, before temperatures were increased to 22/15 °C thereafter. Survival was scored three weeks after the date of freezing.

The survival rate of hexaploid wheat lines was determined using the same conditions as described above with the exception that the cold acclimation period was conducted under a LD (18 h light/6 h dark) regime, instead of SD. For these tests, survival was calculated as the average of four biological replicates for each variety, with each replicate consisting of 20 seedlings.

Statistical analysis

Since less than 3% of the plants survived the freezing tests at −8 °C (3 survived out of 216 tested) and −9 °C (2 survived out of 85 tested), results from these experiments were excluded from the statistical analyses. Survival data for the other three tests were analyzed using a factorial ANOVA. The model included genotype (two sets of sister lines with and without the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion), experiment (two −7 °C experiments and one −6 °C experiment), genotype x experiment interaction, and blocks nested within experiments. The differences between the lines with and without the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion were tested using a simple statistical contrast. ANOVA assumptions for this analysis were validated using Levene's test for homogeneity of variances (P > 0.05) and the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality of residuals (P > 0.05).

The differences in survival in the hexaploid lines were tested using the non-parametric Wilcoxon two-sample test because the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality of residuals was not met for this data, even after transformation. Comparisons were made between winter and spring lines carrying the wild type Fr-B2 allele and between lines with and without the Fr-B2 deletion allele. This last comparison was performed only for the hexaploid spring lines because we identified only a single winter line carrying the deletion at the Fr-B2 locus among the lines tested for frost tolerance. All statistical tests were performed using SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).


A deletion of nine genes at the Fr-B2 locus on chromosome 5B in tetraploid wheat

A previous high-density mapping study identified CBF12, CBF14 and CBF15 - three adjacent genes in the center of the Fr-B2 locus (Fig. 1) - as being critical in accounting for the differences in frost tolerance in T. monococcum (Knox et al. 2008). To characterize the natural allelic variation in these genes in tetraploid wheat we developed homoeolog-specific primers (Supplementary materials, Table S1) to sequence the A and B genomic copies of these three genes. We were able to amplify and sequence both genomic copies of these three genes from the winter durum wheat variety Durelle, demonstrating that all six primer pairs were functional and genome specific. However, when using Kronos genomic DNA as a template, we were able to amplify only the A genome copies of all three genes. We designed a second B genome specific primer pair for each of these genes (Supplementary materials, Table S1), but as with the previous primer pairs, while we were able to amplify the B genome copies of CBF12, CBF14 and CBF15 from Durelle, we were unable to do so from Kronos. The lack of amplification of the B genome copies of these genes using multiple primer pairs, different sources of Kronos genomic DNA and positive and negative control PCR reactions led us to the conclusion that the CBF12, CBF14 and CBF15 genes were deleted from chromosome 5B of Kronos.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

The CBF gene cluster on chromosome 5B of wheat, showing the gene order in the proximal cluster as proposed by Miller et al. (2006) (see Discussion for further details on alternative gene orders at this locus). Also shown are the regions of the CBF cluster included in the six-, nine- and eleven-gene deletions identified in this study

The deletion of three adjacent genes was suggestive of a larger deletion within this region, so we attempted to amplify the other genes at the Fr-B2 locus to determine if they too were included in this deleted region. Taking a similar approach, B genome specific primer pairs were designed to amplify the remaining eight genes of this cluster (Supplementary materials, Table S1) and while all eight CBF genes from the B genome were amplified in Durelle, in Kronos we were able to amplify only CBF-B9 and CBF-B17.

To provide further evidence for the Fr-B2 deletion, we made use of a transcriptome recently assembled from 488.9 M 100 bp paired-end reads generated from Kronos tissue samples (Krasileva et al., 2013). The A and B homoeologs of all eleven CBF genes at the Fr-2 loci were used as queries in a BLAST analysis against the assembled transcriptome contigs. Although the tissues used to construct the RNAseq libraries were not exposed to cold, 5,973 paired-end reads showed identity to seven of the eleven CBF genes indicating an adequate basal transcription level to study genome representation (Table 1). For the CBF genes located outside the Fr-B2 deletion (CBF9 and CBF17) we detected transcripts from both the A and B genomes (>99.3% identity, Table 1). In contrast, all other 953 paired-end reads were assembled into contigs that were >99.5% identical to the Fr-A2 genes (Table 1). Visual examination of the read pile-up confirmed that none of the assembled reads included B genome haplotypes (Table 1).

Table 1.

BLAST analysis using CBF genes to query the Kronos transcriptome (Krasileva et al. 2013). Reads indicate the number of 100 bp paired-end reads stringently mapped to each contig. “-” represents no hit found with >99% identity to any transcriptome contig.

A Genome (Fr-A2) B Genome (Fr-B2)

Gene Contig % Id. Reads Contig % Id Reads
CBF-17 UCW_Tt_k51_contig_5419 100 636 UCW_Tt_k31_contig_34427 99.6 64
CBF-9 UCW_Tt_k61_contig_1703 99.4 3112 UCW_Tt_k55_contig_19370 100 1204
CBF-4 UCW_Tt_k45_contig_47704 99.8 166 - - -
CBF-2 - - - - -
CBF-14 UCW_Tt_k45_contig_73235 100 310 - - -
CBF-15 - - - - - -
CBF-12 - - - - - -
CBF-16 - - - - - -
CBF-13 UCW_Tt_k31_contig_66792 100 55 - - -
CBF-3 UCW_Tt_k61_contig_45414 100 221 - - -
CBF-10 UCW_Tt_k45_contig_13157 99.6 205 - - -

Taken together, the PCR amplification patterns of the 11 CBF genes from genomic DNA and the RNAseq results indicate that Kronos carries a deletion of nine of the eleven genes in the CBF cluster at the Fr-B2 locus (Fig. 1).

Distribution of Fr-B2 deletions among tetraploid wheat populations

To screen for this deletion among populations of domesticated and wild wheats, we used a subset of the B genome specific PCR markers targeted to the different regions of the Fr-B2 locus – one from the proximal cluster (CBF-B4), one from the central cluster (CBF-B12) and one from the distal cluster (CBF-B10). Amplification of CBF-B9 was included as a positive control since it lies outside of the identified deleted region.

Wild emmer (T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides)

The progenitor of domesticated durum wheat, wild emmer, can be divided into two distinct sub-populations within the Fertile Crescent; a northern sub-population arising from the area surrounding Iraq, Iran and Turkey and a southern sub-population centered on Syria, Lebanon and Israel (Luo et al. 2007). We screened 30 wild emmer varieties and identified six which carried the deletion of nine CBF genes at the Fr-B2 locus, while 14 lines carried the wild type allele without the deletion (Table 2). However, there were also an additional set of ten lines from which we were able to amplify the CBF-B10 gene, indicating this was not included in the deleted region in these lines. Further PCRs were carried out using the B genome specific primers for the other genes in this cluster, which revealed that these ten lines all carried a deletion of six CBF genes, rather than the nine originally identified (Fig. 1).

Table 2.

Distribution of the nine-gene and six-gene Fr-B2 deletions in T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (wild emmer) and T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum (domesticated emmer)

Wheat Fr-B2 locus N Varietiesa
T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides Nine-gene deletion 6 UH 20, UH 23, UH 27, UH 29, UH 32, UH 33

Six-gene deletion 10 UH 5, UH 7, UH 8, UH 9, UH 11, UH 17, UH 19, UH 24, UH 28, UH 40

Wild type 14 UH 1, UH 41, UH 42, UH 43, UH 44 , PI 428017, PI 428020, PI 428028, PI 428036, PI 428041, PI 428047, PI 428055, PI 428058, PI 428061

T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum Deletion 0

Wild type 57 PI 355498, Cltr 17675, PI 94640, PI 254180, PI 254158, PI347230, Cltr 17676, PI182743, PI 319868, PI 319869, PI 352329, PI 470737, PI 470739, PI 606325, PI 94626, PI 94627, PI 352352, PI 355454, PI 352347, PI 352357, PI 352367, PI 355496, PI 113961, PI 174108, PI 591868, IDG 8634, IDG 8649, IDG 8727, MG 3428, MG 3429, MG 3430, MG 4376, MG 4382, MG 5269, MG 5270, MG 5273, MG 5274, MG 5275, MG 5276, MG 5282, MG 5306, MG 5307, MG 5312, MG 5314, MG 5315, MG 5340, MG 5366, MG 5389, MG 5390, MG 5398, MG 5399/3, MG 5463, MG 5465, MG 5466, MG 5567, MG 28056, MG 28057

PI and Cltr germplasm correspond to Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) numbers. Other numbers correspond to ‘Location-Genotype’ identification numbers from the University of Haifa (UH) wheat germplasm collection (Nevo and Beiles 1989; Peleg et al. 2005) and to varieties from the University of Bologna T. dicoccum collection (MG and IDG), seeds of which were kindly provided by Dr. Marco Maccaferri (University of Bologna, Italy).

The distribution of these lines revealed that all those carrying deletions of either six or nine CBF genes originate from the southern sub-population, in regions close to the Mediterranean Sea. The only accession from this region that did not show the Fr-B2 deletion was one collected from Mt. Hermon (University of Haifa code 1 (UH1)). However, this accession was collected at 1,300 m altitude from an area on the northern border of the southern sub-population where the average growing season temperature is 11 °C, much cooler than surrounding regions (Fig. 2, (Nevo and Beiles 1989)). In all other cases, those lines carrying the Fr-B2 wild type allele originated from the northern sub-population of wild emmer, including varieties from Turkey and Iraq.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Geographic location of T. dicoccoides accessions carrying deletions of six (empty triangles) or nine (empty circles) CBF genes from the Fr-B2 locus and wild type Fr-B2 allele without the deletion (filled circles). (a) Mt. Hermon (see main text for discussion of this accession) (b) One accession from Maras, Turkey (c) Eight accessions from Diyarbakir, Turkey (d) Four accessions from Iraq. All accessions from Turkey and Iraq have the wild type Fr-B2 allele with no deletion of any CBF genes

Domesticated emmer (T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum)

Current evidence suggests that the most likely site for the initial domestication of emmer wheat was the northern sub-population of wild emmer, which was followed by its transfer to southern sub-populations (Luo et al. 2007). We screened 57 varieties of domesticated emmer from sources including Georgia, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia and India but found no lines carrying any deletion within the Fr-B2 locus (Table 2).

Cultivated durum (T. turgidum ssp. durum)

We screened a total of 91 durum varieties from different parts of the world and found that the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion was present in approximately half of those lines with a spring growth habit (37 out of 73, 50.7%, Table 3). In durum wheat varieties with a winter growth habit, the nine-gene CBF deletion was less common, present in seven of the 18 lines we screened (38.9%, Table 3). We found no domesticated durum line carrying the six-gene CBF deletion.

Table 3.

Distribution of the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion among spring and winter cultivated durum varieties (T. turgidum ssp. durum)

Growth habit Fr-B2 allele N Location Varieties
Spring Deletion 37 Italy Ofanto, Messapia, L35, Colosseo, Cirillo, Capelli, Appulo, Appio, Adamello, Valforte, Valnova, Varano, Russello SG7
Mexico Aconchi 89, Altar 84, Mexicali 75, Anhinga, Croc 1, Flamingo:Dr, Jori 69, Scoter, Tehuacan 60
Tunisia Khiar, Inrat 69, Karim
USA WB881, Kronos, Colorado, Rugby, Waskana, Tacna
France Neodur, Exeldur, Durfort
Canada AC Navigator, AC Pathfinder
Austria Grandur

Wild type 36 Italy Latino, Duilio, Ciccio, Valbelice, San Carlo, Trinakria, Vitrona, Zenit, Iumillo
USA Ben, Belzer, Plaza, Lloyd, Maier, Monroe, Munich, Renville, Lakota, Langdon, Edmore, Vic, Mindum, Leeds, Wells
Canada AC Avonlea, AC Melita, AC Morse, Hercules, Kyle, Medora, Plenty, Sceptre, Wakooma
France Nefer
Austria Helidur
Israel Gaza

Winter Deletion 7 USA VA05WD-12b, VA05WD-10, VA05WD-16, XVAD99147-1, Produra
Italy Karel, Saragolla

Wild type 11 USA VA05WD-42, VA05WD-40, VA05WD-31, XVAD99068-14
Austria Astrodur, Extradur, Goldur, Frankodur, Semperdur, Topdur
France Durelle

Vitron origin is Italy-Spain


Winter durum varieties with VA or XVA identification numbers were kindly provided by Dr. Carl Griffey (Virginia Tech University, USA).

Synthetic wheats

In order to expand the diversity of the D genome in the common wheat germplasm, several breeding programs undertook the creation of a large number of synthetic wheats - hexaploid varieties derived from crossing modern tetraploid (AABB) durum varieties with different accessions of Aegilops tauschii, the wild diploid donor of the D genome (Warburton et al. 2006). We screened a small collection of ten synthetic wheat lines to determine the extent to which the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion had been incorporated into these wheats via the tetraploid parent. Of the ten synthetic wheats we screened, we identified the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion in one accession, W7984 (Table 4). The source of the AB genomes for this line was the durum variety “Altar 84”, which also carries this deletion (Table 3).

Table 4.

Distribution of the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion among synthetic wheats

Name Source of AB genomes Fr-B2 allele
RL5402a TetraCantach Wild type
RL5403a TetraCantach Wild type
RL5405a TetraCantach Wild type
RL5406a TetraCantach Wild type
62052_4a T. durum “Croc-1” Wild type
62056_4a T. durum “Croc-1” Wild type
161725_0a T. durum “Ceta” Wild type
Sear's synthetica Unknown Wild type
W7984b Altar84 Deleted
PI610750c T. durum “Croc-1” Wild type

A deletion of eleven CBF genes on chromosome 5B in hexaploid wheat

To determine if deletions at the Fr-B2 locus were also present in hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum) we screened a collection of 45 varieties previously used as parental lines of RIL populations by the Wheat Coordinated Agricultural Project (WheatCAP, Table 5). In three of these 45 lines (IDO556, RSI5 and PI 610751), we failed to amplify not only CBF-B4, CBF-B12 and CBF-B10, but also CBF-B9, suggestive of a larger deletion also including the CBF-B9 gene. An additional B genome specific primer pair was designed to the CBF-B9 gene (Supplementary materials, Table S1), which successfully amplified this gene in all other hexaploid varieties, but again failed to amplify a product in these three lines. Using the other B genome specific primers listed in Table S1, we tested for the presence of all eleven genes at the Fr-B2 locus. For each gene, primers were confirmed to be functional in the other hexaploid varieties. We found that, in addition to the nine CBF genes deleted in tetraploid wheat varieties, both CBF-B9 and CBF-B17 were also deleted in these three lines. These observations led us to the conclusion that these three hexaploid varieties carry a complete deletion of the Fr-B2 locus encompassing all eleven CBF genes on chromosome 5B. All three of these varieties have a spring growth habit while none of the 29 varieties with a winter growth habit in this collection carried any deletion at the Fr-B2 locus (Table 5).

Table 5.

Growth habit and distribution of the eleven-gene Fr-B2 locus deletion among hexaploid wheats from the Wheat CAP collection (

Growth habit Fr-B2 allele N Varieties
Spring Deletion 3 IDO556, RSI5, PI610751

Wild type 13 UC1110, Zak, McNeal, Thatcher, PI 658244, Louise, Penawawa, GRN*5/ND614-A, Reeder/Bw-277 “R”, Redder/Bw-277 “S”, Weebill 1, Jupateco 73S, Express

Winter Deletion 0

Wild type 29 Rio Blanco, IDO444, OS9 (Stephens), Finch, Eltan, NY18/CC 40-1, Platte, CO940610, TAM 105, Jagger, Heyne, KS01HW163-4, Harry, Wesley, 2174, SS550, Pioneer 26R46, P91193, P92201, Cayuga, Caledonia, Pioneer 25R26, Foster, USG3209, Jaypee, McCormick, Pioneer 26R61, Kanqueen, Clark's Cream

Pedigrees of the three lines carrying the complete Fr-B2 deletion (IDO556, RSI5 and PI 610751) were traced back to their founding landraces. Where possible, ancestors of these lines were obtained from the US National Small Grains Collection or from the wheat germplasm bank at CIMMYT. Analyses to determine the presence of the CBF genes within these lines by PCR allowed us to trace the deletion of eleven CBF genes to the early founder lines Federation, Sonora 64 and Yaqui 50, which have been widely used in wheat breeding in the USA.

We also screened for this deletion within a set of 103 hexaploid wheat varieties, which were previously characterized for frost tolerance tests (Table 6, see Material and Methods). Combining these results with those from the WheatCAP population (Table 5), the current study describes the screening of 148 common wheat varieties for the eleven-gene Fr-B2 deletion. We found this deletion to be present in 22% (22 out of 99) of the tested common wheat varieties with a spring growth habit, but in only 2% (1 out of 49) of the tested varieties with a winter growth habit. These results suggest that the eleven-gene Fr-B2 deletion is approximately ten-fold more abundant in spring than in winter varieties of common wheat.

Table 6.

Growth habit and distribution of the eleven-gene Fr-B2 deletion among the hexaploid wheats used in frost tolerance tests.

Growth habit Fr-B2 allele N Origin Varieties
Fr-A2 Haplotype-S* Fr-A2 Haplotype-T
Spring Deletion 19 Australia Bobin (PI 16120), Dundee (PI 89424), Gular (PI 113489), Insignia(PI 210975), Thew(PI 41087) Federation (PI41080), Gallipoli (PI55857), Hard Federation (PI41079), Ranee (PI67875)
Mexico Borlaug M95a, Cajeme 71 (PI412955), Sonora 64 (Cltr 13930), Yaqui 50 (PI 210890), Yaqui 54 (Cltr 13218) Lerma Rojo (Cltr 13651)
USA Prospur (Cltr 17408), Probrand 775 (PI 601334)
India NP876 (PI322271) Indian F (PI 93986)

Wild type 64 Australia Baart (PI 5078), Cleveland (PI 89191), Clubhead (PI 116224), Eden (PI224658), Falcon (PI 292578),Florence, (PI 38349), Gabo (PI 155431), Gluclub (PI 67326), Onas (PI 46796), Steinwedel (PI 41081), Yandilla King (PI 42120) Currawa (PI 42105), AUS90168 (PI 422410)
Mexico Bluebird ‘S’ (PI 519318), Gabo 55 (PI 583713), Inia 66 (PI 412973), Kentana 48 (Cltr 12980) Lerma 52 (PI 210887), LermaRojo 64 (Cltr 13929), LermaRojo 64A (PI 342642), Siete Cerros 62 (PI 338921),Sonora64A(PI 320109), Yaktana54A (PI 351913)
USA Fielder (Cltr 17268), Hope(Cltr 8178), Spring field (Cltr 14589), Sterling (Cltr 17859), Tadinia (PI 168659), Thatcher (PI 168659), Timstein (Cltr 12347), Yecora Rojo (Cltr 17414) Little Club (Cltr 4066), Turkey (Cltr 5757, this particular Turkey accession carries the spring allele VRN-B1)
Argentina Barleta (Cltr 8398), Chino (Cltr 12601), Klein 157 (PI 161825), Klein Lucero (Cltr 14047), Tezanos Pintos Precoz (PI 262619)
Canada Marquis (Cltr 3641), Prelude (Cltr 4323) Fife (PI 283820), Red Fife (PI 348919), White Fife (Cltr 4412),
Kenya Kenya 324 (PI283840), Kenya 58 (Cltr 12471), Kenta C 9906 (PI 351682), Kenya (PI 192099)
Germany Peragis (PI 184582), Derenburger Silber (PI 422410) Heines Kolben (Cltr 11772)
Russia Ladoga (Cltr 4795) Lutescens 62 (PI 74489)
Japan Aka-Daruma (PI 45234) Aka-komugi (PI 45234)
Other countries Napo 63, Colombia (PI 337711), Gehun,India (PI 116066), Americano 44D, Uruguay (PI 191937), Sol, Sweden (Cltr 6009) Chile 1B, Chile (PI 320098), Frontana, Brazil (Cltr 12470), Mentana, Italy (Cltr 12448), Noe, France(Cltr 11772), Red Egyptian, South Africa (Cltr 12345), Squarehead, UK (PI 51694)

Winter Deletion 1 India C591 (PI 180965)

Wild type 19 USA Oro (Cltr 8220), Goldcoin (Cltr 4156) Fultz (PI 5493), Kanred (Cltr 5146), Hussar (Cltr 4843), Mediterranean (Cltr 3332), Turkey Red (PI 565343)
Germany Merlin (PI 351584) Heines IV(PI 180583),Heines VII (PI 201195), Tadorna (PI 338011)
Sweden Kronen (PI 278526), Pansar III (PI 52322)
Argentina Klein Atlas (PI 344459), Klein Rendidor (PI 351622)
Other countries Golden drop, Australia (PI 92399); Wilhelmina, Netherlands (Cltr 11389) Norin 10, Japan (PI 156641); Blaue Dame Russia (PI 278451)

Borlaug M95 from CIMMYT.


Fr-A2 haplotype data based on CBF genes CBF-A12, CBF-A14 and CBF-A15 (9 SNP plus 2 indels) from J. Zhu, S. Pearce, J. Dubcovsky and K. Campbell (submitted).

Deletions at the Fr-B2 locus are associated with reduced freezing tolerance in wheat

To test the effect of the nine-gene deletion in the Fr-B2 locus of tetraploid wheat on freezing tolerance we selected two sets of BC3F3 sister lines homozygous for the presence and absence of the Fr-B2 deletion in a photoperiod sensitive background (see Materials and Methods). Sequencing revealed no polymorphisms between the parental plants used to generate these lines in the three genes analyzed at the Fr-A2 locus in this study (CBF-A12, CBF-A14 and CBF-A15). These lines carried the dominant VRN-A1 allele conferring a spring growth habit. Since it is known that VRN-1 expression and the subsequent transition to the reproductive stage can negatively affect the induction of the CBF and cold induced genes (Dhillon et al. 2010), plants were maintained under short day conditions (8 h light/16 h dark) before exposure to the target freezing temperature to preclude the induction of VRN-1 and to minimize the effects of the transition to the reproductive growth phase. Apical meristems from a small sample of representative plants were harvested and observed one day before freezing to confirm that the plant apices remained at the vegetative stage of development (data not shown).

We carried out two initial freezing tolerance experiments at −8 °C and −9 °C using two different cold acclimation schemes in order to optimize the best temperature to differentiate the wild type and Fr-B2 nine-gene deletion genotypes (see Materials and Methods). After exposure to these temperatures, survival rates were very low and the only plants to survive this treatment were those carrying the wild type Fr-B2 allele. At −8 °C three out of 138 plants with all CBF genes present survived whereas all 78 plants with the CBF deletion were killed. Similarly, only two out of 44 plants with all CBF genes present survived freezing at −9 °C while all 41 plants with the CBF deletion were killed. Since no plant carrying the Fr-B2 deletion survived exposures to freezing temperatures of −8 °C or −9 °C, subsequent experiments were performed at −7 °C (two tests) and −6 °C (two tests).

Analysis of the survival data using a factorial ANOVA including experiments and genotypes as factors showed significant differences in survival between experiment (P < 0.0001) and between genotypes (P = 0.0026). The frost tolerance results by individual line are presented in Supplementary Materials Table S2. The lack of significant interaction between experiments and genotypes (P = 0.10), indicated that the results among the three experiments were consistent and that therefore, they could be combined in a single statistical analysis (main effects). The complete ANOVA model explained 91% of the variation in survival, indicating that the selected model provided an adequate description of the major factors affecting survival in these experiments.

The planned contrast between the Fr-B2 alleles for survival to freezing temperatures was highly significant (P = 0.008). The average survival across experiments was 54.7% for lines with the wild type Fr-B2 allele and 44.3% for the lines carrying the nine-gene deletion at the Fr-B2 locus (Table 7). Thus, the deletion of these nine CBF genes was associated with an average reduction in survival of 10.4%.

Table 7.

Survival rates of BC3F3 sister lines carrying the wild type Fr-B2 allele (Wild type) and the nine-gene deletion at the Fr-B2 locus (Deletion) in response to freezing temperatures. Experimental conditions are described in Materials and methods.

−6 °C
−7 °C (Scheme A)
−7 °C (Scheme B)
Deletion Wild type Deletion Wild type Deletion Wild type Deletion Wild type

n 92 105 43 44 51 74 186 222

Survival rate (%) 3.3% 18.4% 74.0% 87.5% 39.1% 44.8% 44.3% 54.7%

To test the effect of the larger eleven-gene Fr-B2 deletion in hexaploid wheat we took advantage of a set of 103 hexaploid wheat accessions (Table 6 and Supplementary Materials Table S3.) previously characterized for frost tolerance at WSU (see Materials and Methods). Among all lines with the wild type Fr-B2 allele, those with a winter growth habit showed a five-fold higher survival rate than the lines with a spring growth habit (51.5 ± 5.9% vs. 9.5 ± 1.3%, Wilcoxon two-sample test P <0.0001, Fig. 3). This is consistent with previous studies which have demonstrated that wheat varieties with a spring growth habit exhibit reduced frost tolerance than those with a winter growth habit (Dhillon et al. 2010; Fowler and Limin 2004).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Survival rates of hexaploid lines with a spring and winter growth habit following exposure to −6 °C in artificial freezing experiments. Lines are separated into those carrying the wild type Fr-B2 allele (WT) and those carrying the eleven-gene deletion at this locus (deletion).

Within the 83 spring lines, those carrying the Fr-B2 deletion (19 accessions, 4.1 ± 2.1% survival) showed a significant reduction in frost tolerance compared to those with the wild type Fr-B2 allele (64 accessions, 11.1 ± 1.4% survival, Wilcoxon two-sample test P =0.0023, Fig. 3). Among the 20 winter hexaploid lines tested for frost tolerance, only one carried the Fr-B2 deletion and therefore, we were unable to perform any statistical tests within the winter class. However, it is worth noting that the survival rate of this single line carrying the Fr-B2 deletion was more than two standard deviations below the average survival of the winter lines without the deletion (within the lower 10% percentile, Fig. 3).

Since the Fr-A2 locus is known to have a large effect on frost tolerance, we performed an additional statistical test to determine if the observed differences in frost tolerance between the two Fr-B2 alleles were affected by an unbalanced distribution of Fr-A2 alleles between the two Fr-B2 classes. We obtained haplotype data for the Fr-A2 locus from a related study characterizing variation at the Fr-A2 locus (Zhu et al. 2013, submitted) and performed independent ANOVAs for Fr-B2 and growth habit within each of the two Fr-A2 haplotype classes. Significant differences between the presence and absence of the Fr-B2 deletion were detected both among the 38 accessions carrying the tolerant Fr-A2 “T” haplotype (P=0.036) and among the 65 accessions carrying the Fr-A2 “S” haplotype (P=0.011, Table 6). This result confirmed that the observed differences in frost survival detected at the Fr-B2 locus were not an artifact generated by an unbalanced distribution of Fr-A2 alleles within the Fr-B2 classes.


Whereas Arabidopsis has three CBF genes present as a tandem cluster, wheat and other members of the Pooideae family have undergone a large expansion of this gene family, with eleven genes at the Fr-2 locus, eight of which are Pooideae-specific (Badawi et al. 2007; Miller et al. 2006; Skinner et al. 2005). This expansion has been dated to coincide with a period of global cooling during the Eocene-Oligocene transition approximately 33 MYA (Sandve and Fjellheim 2010) and it has been proposed that the increase in the number of CBF genes and diversity at this locus may have occurred as a result of selection pressure for improved frost tolerance by this period of lower temperatures. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that copy number variation exists among the CBF genes in both wheat and barley and that this is associated with differences in freezing tolerance (Knox et al. 2010).

In the current study, we describe the characterization and distribution of large deletions within the Fr-B2 locus on chromosome 5B in both hexaploid and tetraploid wheat. In hexaploid wheat, we identified some varieties which carried a deletion of all eleven genes from the Fr-B2 locus (Fig. 1, Tables 5 and 6), while in tetraploid wheat, two Fr-B2 deletions were identified, one including nine of the eleven CBF genes and the other one, restricted to T. dicoccoides, including only six of these genes (Fig. 1). The exclusion of CBF-B9 and CBF-B17 from both deleted regions in tetraploid wheat provides indirect evidence supporting one of the two alternative orders previously proposed for the four proximal CBF genes at the Fr-2 locus. During the original mapping of this locus, the Fr-Am2 CBF region in T. monococcum was divided by recombination into three clusters (Fig. 1), but the orientation of the four linked CBF genes in the proximal cluster (which were all present in a single BAC clone) could not be established due to the lack of recombination among these genes. A CBF-17-CBF-9-CBF-4-CBF-2 order was initially proposed to maximize the physical proximity of the more similar paralogs (Miller et al. 2006) but the alternative order (CBF-2-CBF-4-CBF-9-CBF-17) was later favored by Knox et al. (2008) to be consistent with the CBF gene order found in barley (Francia et al. 2007). If we assume that these large deletions within the Fr-B2 cluster arise from distinct single deletion events, the most likely order of the proximal cluster is CBF17-CBF9-CBF4-CBF2 as initially suggested by Miller et al. (2006) and as presented in Fig. 1. However, with the available information we cannot rule out the possibility of two independent deletions in this region and a gene order similar to that observed in barley (Francia et al. 2007).

It is interesting to note that all three deletions identified in this study span the entire central CBF cluster, which consists of the genes CBF12, CBF14 and CBF15. A high-resolution QTL mapping study in diploid wheat T. monococcum mapped the differences in frost tolerance to a region of the Fr-Am2 locus including these three genes (Knox et al. 2008). With the available information it is not possible to determine whether these three deletions arose independently, or as a result of additional deletions occurring in a line already carrying a smaller deletion. The occurrence of deletions in a region including multiple copies of related genes is not unexpected. In addition, the large wheat genome is subject to very high rates of deletions, whose deleterious effects are buffered by polyploidy (Dubcovsky and Dvorak 2007). Sequencing the distal and proximal borders of each of these deletions may reveal whether these are common and thus provide information to clarify the origin of these different deletions.

Associations between segregation for deletions at the Fr-B2 locus and freezing tolerance

The importance of genes present on chromosome 5 in improving wheat frost tolerance was first demonstrated using chromosome substitution lines, where the transfer of chromosomes 5A, 5B and 5D from the cold-hardy variety Cheyenne to the cold susceptible Chinese Spring, resulted in the greatest increases in cold tolerance among the different homoeologous groups (Sutka 1981; Veisz and Sutka 1989). Within homoeologous group 5, the substitution of chromosome 5A had the largest effect on frost tolerance while the substitution of chromosome 5B had the smallest effect (Sutka 1981; Veisz and Sutka 1989). However, neither Cheyenne nor Chinese Spring, the donor and recipient genotypes used in the chromosome substitution experiments described above, carries any of the Fr-B2 deletions described in the current study. Therefore, it is not possible to compare the relative effect of the Fr-B2 deletion with the effect of allelic differences at the Fr-A2 and Fr-D2 loci.

The impact of the chromosome substitutions on frost tolerance was later found to be associated with the presence of the vernalization gene VRN-1 and the frost tolerance locus Fr-2, which were mapped ~30 cM apart on the long arms of homoeologous group 5 chromosomes (Vágújfalvi et al. 2005; Vágújfalvi et al. 2000; Vágújfalvi et al. 2003). It was initially thought that an additional frost tolerance locus existed which was closely linked to VRN-1 (Fr-1), but it is now generally accepted that this is a pleiotropic effect of the earlier initiation of flowering caused by the dominant VRN-1 alleles (Dhillon et al. 2010). Differences in frost tolerance in the 5A and 5D chromosomes in hexaploid wheat were also associated with differences at their respective Fr-2 loci (Båga et al. 2007; Snape et al. 1997). Although the frost tolerance locus on chromosome 5B was originally published as Fr-B1 (Toth et al. 2003), the name was later corrected to Fr-B2 in the 2004 supplement of the Catalogue of Gene Symbols for Wheat (McIntosh et al. 2004).

We show here that the deletions at the Fr-B2 locus on chromosome 5B are associated with highly significant reductions in survival rates following exposure to freezing temperatures both in tetraploid (Table 7) and hexaploid wheat (Fig. 3). In tetraploid wheat, plants carrying the deletion exhibited an average reduction in survival of 10.4% in comparison to wild type lines, following exposure to temperatures of −6 °C and −7 °C. The effect on freezing tolerance associated with this large deletion would likely be larger were it not for the redundancy provided by the homoeologous CBF genes on chromosome 5A in tetraploid wheat. In hexaploid wheat, the negative effect of the Fr-B2 deletion on frost tolerance was also observed in a survey of 103 hexaploid wheat lines. Among the lines with a spring growth habit, those carrying the deletion of all eleven CBF genes from the Fr-B2 locus showed a significant reduction in frost tolerance (P=0.0023, Fig. 3). The difference between Fr-B2 alleles was even larger among winter lines (Fig. 3) but we were unable to confirm this statistically since this frost tolerance test included a single winter line carrying the Fr-B2 deletion.

The presence of large deletions in the tetraploid and hexaploid wheat varieties has likely been favored by the redundancy provided by polyploidy. So far, no such deletions have been reported in diploid T. monococcum or barley, suggesting that deletions of multiple CBF genes may have a detrimental effect on the plant's ability to adapt to environmental changes. Instead, observed differences in frost tolerance between varieties of diploid species could be accounted for by mutations within individual CBF genes (Knox et al. 2008) or by copy number variation (Knox et al. 2010).

It is important to point out that the tight linkage among CBF genes present in the Fr2 loci makes it very difficult to establish causal relationships between observed changes in some CBF genes and frost tolerance. Therefore, SNPs, deletions, or copy number variants of specific CBF genes should be considered markers of a particular haplotype for the complete Fr2 locus, rather than as evidence of a causal relationship between an observed polymorphisms and the frost tolerance phenotype.

Distribution of the Fr-B2 deletions

The distribution of the Fr-B2 alleles in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat shows some correlation with both geographic distribution and growth habit. Among the wild emmer wheat accessions screened in this study (T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), the distribution of the Fr-B2 alleles closely matches the distribution of the two sub-populations, originally characterized using AFLP markers (Ozkan et al. 2002). The northern sub-population is found in the region including Turkey, Iraq and Iran and is characterized by higher altitude and colder average temperatures than the southern sub-population, which is centered on Israel, Lebanon and Syria and lies closer to the Mediterranean Sea (Ozkan et al. 2002). Our analysis of a small sample of wild emmer populations shows that none of the varieties originating from the northern sub-population carry any deletion at the Fr-B2 locus. In contrast, all accessions from the southern sub-population, with the exception of the one located at the Northern border of the distribution carry either the six-gene or nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion (Fig. 2). This exception is an accession from Mt. Hermon, collected at 1,300 m of elevation and with a much lower average growing temperature than the surrounding region (Fig. 2). Strong evidence exists to suggest that domesticated emmer (T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum) originated from the northern sub-population of wild emmer (Luo et al. 2007). Therefore, it is not surprising that all 57 accessions of domesticated emmer screened in this study carry the Fr-B2 wild type allele without any CBF deletion (Table 2). These results do not rule out the possibility that this deletion may be present in a small proportion of domesticated emmer.

In cultivated durum wheat, (T. turgidum ssp. durum), we found the nine-gene Fr-B2 deletion to be widespread among varieties with a spring growth habit from diverse parts of the world (Table 3), where the deletion was present in 50.7% of the varieties we screened. Among the smaller number of winter durum wheats that we analyzed, the deletion was less common and present in just 38.9% of the varieties. Winter wheats are sown in the fall and are generally exposed to freezing temperatures during the winter and thus require improved frost tolerance. In contrast, spring-sown varieties are planted later in the growing season to avoid exposure to these freezing temperatures. Although in some Mediterranean regions spring wheats are sometimes sown in the fall to take advantage of winter precipitation, these regions usually have milder winters than the regions where true winter wheat varieties are grown. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that winter wheat varieties are subject to a stronger selection pressure for freezing tolerance than spring varieties. This selection pressure is distributed between the genes present at both Fr-A2 and Fr-B2 loci in tetraploid wheat and also at Fr-D2 in hexaploid wheat (plus other loci affecting frost tolerance) and therefore, the correlation between the Fr-B2 deletion and growth habit is not expected to be perfect.

The higher frequency of the Fr-B2 deletion among accessions with a spring growth habit was also observed in the 148 bread wheat varieties (T. aestivum) analyzed in this study (Tables 5 and 6). The complete deletion of all eleven CBF genes from the Fr-B2 locus was identified in 22% of spring varieties, but in only 2% of winter varieties. We traced the origins of this deletion in three modern common wheat varieties and found that the deletion of all eleven CBF genes at the Fr-B2 locus was already present in some of the founders of the modern US wheat breeding programs. It is tempting to speculate that the very low frequency of the Fr-B2 deletion observed among cultivated winter varieties of common and durum wheat might reflect the selection for the wild type Fr-B2 allele by winter wheat breeders when targeting improved frost tolerance.

We also analyzed ten synthetic wheat varieties to determine whether the nine-gene deletion at the Fr-B2 locus had been incorporated into hexaploid wheat via the tetraploid donor (Table 4). We identified one synthetic variety carrying this deletion, the tetraploid parent of which, Altar84, also carries this deletion (Table 3). This result demonstrates an additional possible means by which deletions at the Fr-B2 locus could be incorporated into modern common wheat varieties. Winter wheat breeding programs interested in utilizing synthetic wheat and improving freezing tolerance will benefit from a preliminary screening of synthetic accessions for those that do not carry deletions at the Fr-B2 locus.

The lower frequency of deletions at the Fr-B2 locus in T. dicoccoides varieties from the northern sub-population or from high altitude as well as in modern wheat varieties with a winter growth habit relative to those with a spring growth habit, suggest that the wild type Fr-B2 allele has been favored by selection for increased frost tolerance. This hypothesis is further supported by the demonstration in both tetraploid and hexaploid wheat that lines carrying deletions at the Fr-B2 locus exhibit reduced frost tolerance in comparison to those lines carrying the wild type Fr-B2 allele (Table 7 and Fig. 3). Although the results from experiments carried out in hexaploid wheat will require validation using segregating populations or sister lines, the analysis of freezing tolerance in these 83 spring lines, in combination with the results from replicated freezing experiments using tetraploid sister lines, suggest that deletions at the Fr-B2 locus have a negative impact on frost tolerance in wheat.

It is also possible that deletions in the Fr-B2 locus may confer some advantage to accessions grown in warmer conditions, although this hypothesis is more difficult to test. It is known that the activation of the cold-induced CBF regulon comprises the induction of hundreds of genes (Fowler and Thomashow 2002) and the synthesis of many different proteins which are required to protect the cell from freezing injury. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that there is an energy cost to a plant in maintaining the activation of the CBF regulon. This idea is supported by the slow-growing, dwarf phenotype of Arabidopsis transgenic lines over-expressing CBF-2 when grown under warm conditions (Achard et al. 2008). It would be interesting to study isogenic lines of spring wheat with and without the Fr-B2 deletion, to determine whether these deletions confer an increase in fitness in warmer regions where the plants are not exposed to freezing temperatures.

Conclusions and practical applications

In summary, this study describes the discovery of large deletions spanning the CBF gene cluster at the Fr-B2 locus and shows that that Fr-B2 deletions are more common among wild emmer accessions from the southern sub-population in the Fertile Crescent than among those from the northern sub-populations, and that, in cultivated durum and bread wheats, deletions are more common among spring varieties rather than those with a winter growth habit. Since the ancestral expansion of the CBF gene family in the Triticeae has been linked to an improved ability to respond to low temperatures, we hypothesize that the deletions described in the current work might be associated with reduced fitness in regions where the plants are exposed to freezing temperatures.

This study also shows that Fr-B2 deletions in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat are associated with decreased survival rates after exposure to freezing temperatures. These increases in frost tolerance are likely sufficient to justify the selection of the Fr-B2 wild type allele in wheat breeding programs interested in improving frost tolerance. Although direct selection for frost tolerance has likely been sufficient to maintain a low frequency of the Fr-B2 deletion among modern commercial winter wheat varieties, the information provided in this study will allow breeders to use molecular markers to select for the wild type Fr-B2 alleles in the parental lines used in crosses and during the early stages of their breeding programs.

Supplementary Material



This project was supported by the National Research Initiative grants number 2008-35100-04562 and 2011-68002-30029 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Dr. Gábor Galiba's group acknowledges support from the Hungarian Research Fund ’OTKA’ No K75528 and CNK80781 and from the National Development Agency (TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0025, University of Pannonia).


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