The aim of this study was to evaluate the GenoFlow DR-MTB array test (DiagCor Bioscience, Hong Kong) on 70 cultured isolates and 50 sputum specimens. The GenoFlow array test showed good sensitivity and specificity compared to the phenotypic Bactec 460TB. This array accurately detected mutations in rpoB, katG, and inhA associated with resistance to rifampin and isoniazid.
Rapid detection and drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are hampered by the slow growth of mycobacteria (1). The transmission of strains resistant to both rifampin (RIF) and isoniazid (INH), i.e., multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains, remains a public health problem. These strains may harbor mutations in rpoB (2, 3), katG, and inhA, among other genomic regions (4, 5). The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the GenoFlow DR-MTB array test (DiagCor Bioscience, Hong Kong) for the detection of M. tuberculosis molecular resistance to RIF and INH.
A total of 70 M. tuberculosis isolates from 70 patients and 50 sputum specimens from 25 patients (more than one specimen was obtained from nine patients) were retrospectively selected from a collection of cultured isolates and specimens recovered from the Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol (Badalona, Spain), the Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (Zaragoza, Spain), and Serveis Clínics (Barcelona, Spain). The isolates and specimens were selected to represent different resistance profiles. The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee at Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol.
Specimens were decontaminated using Kubica's N-acetyl-l-cysteine NaOH method (6, 7), stained by auramine-rhodamine, graded on a scale from 0 to 3+, and cultured on Lowenstein-Jensen and Bactec 460TB (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, MD, USA). The remaining decontaminated specimens were stored at −20°C (8). The INNO-LiPA mycobacteria version 2 assay (Innogenetics, Ghent, Belgium) was used to identify M. tuberculosis complex organisms for all the isolates and cultures from the specimens. Drug susceptibility testing (DST) was performed with Bactec 460TB (Bactec) using 2 μg/ml RIF and 0.1 μg/ml INH as critical concentrations (9).
For molecular drug resistance detection, DNA from isolates and specimens was extracted, as previously described (10). The GenoFlow array test consists of PCR amplification and hybridization in the FTPRO flowthrough system. The mutations targeted are rpoB D516V, D516G, H526D, H526Y, H526L1, S531L, and S531W; katG S315T1 and S315T2; and inhA C-15T. An internal amplification control, hybridization control, and rpoB, katG, and inhA controls were included in each reaction. The results obtained by the array were recorded, automatically interpreted by the DiagCor software, and confirmed visually by the researcher. These results were compared to those obtained by the Bactec. Discordant results between the array and the Bactec were compared to those obtained by alternative molecular methods. DNA sequencing targeted mutations in the katG gene, oxyR-ahpC, mabA-inhA, and the 81-bp core region of rpoB (11); the GenoType MTBDRplus (Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Germany) targeted mutations in rpoB (codons 516, 526, and 531), katG (codon 315), and inhA (positions −8, −15, and −16) (10); and pyrosequencing targeted mutations in rpoB (codons 516 and 526 to 531), katG (codon 315), and inhA (positions −16 to −5) (12). This diagnostic accuracy study was reported in accordance with the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) statement guidelines (13).
The distribution of GenoFlow results, according to the Bactec results for clinical isolates and sputum specimens, is presented in Table 1. The sensitivity, specificity, and agreement between the GenoFlow and Bactec tests were >90% for detecting RIF resistance in cultured isolates and sputum specimens and for INH resistance in sputum specimens; however, the sensitivity of the array for INH resistance in clinical isolates was 69.5% (Table 2). A total of 23 discordant results were obtained between Bactec and GenoFlow tests for 22 isolates/specimens (for one isolate, discrepant results were obtained for both drugs) (Table 3). At least one of the results obtained by DNA sequencing, GenoType MTBDRplus, or pyrosequencing was in agreement with the array in 82.6% (19/23) of the cases.
GenoFlow resulta | Bactec 460TB result (%) for (n)b: |
Clinical isolates (70) |
Sputum specimens (50) |
MDR (23) |
MDR (37) |
R (23) | S (47) | R (59) | S (11) | RIF | INH | R (37) | S (13) | R (40) | S (10) | RIF | INH | |
R | 22 | 41 | 22 | 17 | 35 | 1 | 38 | 35 | 36 | |||
S | 1 | 47 | 18 | 11 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 11 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 1 |
I | 1c | 1c |
R, resistant; S, sensitive; I, invalid.
RIF, rifampin; INH, isoniazid; MDR, multidrug resistant (resistant to both rifampin and isoniazid).
Invalid GenoFlow results for both RIF and INH were obtained for the same specimen.
Resistance | Clinical isolates |
Sputum specimens |
Sensitivity (no. detected/total no. [%] [95% CI]) | Specificity (no. detected/total no. [%] [95% CI])b | Agreement (no. detected/total no. [%]) | Kappac | SE | Sensitivity (no. detected/total no. [%] [95% CI]) | Specificity (no. detected/total no. [%] [95% CI])b | Agreement (no. detected/total no. [%]) | Kappac | SE | |
RIF | 22/23 (95.7) (76.0–99.8) | 47/47 (100) (90.6–100) | 69/70 (98.6) | 0.967 | 0.032 | 35/37 (94.6) (80.5–99.1) | 11/12 (91.7) (59.8–99.6) | 46/49 (93.9) | 0.839 | 0.090 |
INH | 41/59 (69.5) (56.0–80.5) | 11/11 (100) (67.9–100) | 52/70 (74.3) | 0.417 | 0.096 | 38/39 (97.4) (84.9–99.9) | 10/10 (100) (65.5–100) | 48/49 (98.0) | 0.939 | 0.060 |
MDR | 17/23 (73.9) (51.3–88.9) | 47/47 (100) (90.6–100)b | 64/70 (91.4) | 0.792 | 0.079 | 34/37 (91.9) (77.0–97.9) | 13/13 (100) (71.7–100)b | 47/50 (94.0) | 0.847 | 0.084 |
RIF, rifampin; INH, isoniazid; MDR, multidrug resistance (resistance to both rifampin and isoniazid); CI, confidence interval; SE, standard error.
For specificity calculations of MDR detection, we considered isolates/specimens sensitive to either RIF or INH or both.
Kappa values of >0.6 and kappa values between 0.4 and 0.6 indicate a strong and moderate agreement, respectively.
Isolate or specimen | Bactec 460TB |
GenoFlow DR-MTB array |
DNA sequencing |
GenoType MTBDRplus |
Pyrosequencing |
RIF | INH | RIF | INH | RIF | INH | RIF | INH | RIF | INH | |
Isolates | R | R | 516 WTØb | WT | 516 TAC | WT | WT | WT | 516 TAC | WT |
R | R | 531 TGG | WT | 531 TGG | WT | WT | WT | 531 TTG | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | oxyR-aphC G-12A | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | WT | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | inhA T-8C | WT | inhA T-8C | WT | inhA T-8C | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | WT (katG NP) | WT | WT | WT (531 NR) | WT | |
R | R | WT | WT | 531 TTG | WT | 531 TGG | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | WT | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | WT | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | WT | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | inhA C-15T | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | WT | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | WT | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | WT | WT | WT | katG S315T1 | WT | WT | |
S | R | WT | WT | NP | katG S315T1 | WT | WT | WT | katG S315T1 | |
R | R | 531 TTG | WT | 531 TTG | WT (inhA, oxyR-aphC NP) | 531 TTG | WT | 531 TTG | WT | |
R | R | 531 TTG | WT | 531 TTG | WT (inhA, oxyR-aphC NP) | 531 TTG | WT | 531 TTG | WT | |
R | R | 516 GGT | WT | 516 GGT | WT (inhA, oxyR-aphC NP) | 516 GGT | WT | 516 GGT | WT | |
Specimens | Rc | R | WT | inhA C-15T | NP | NP | NP | NP | NR | NP |
Rd | R | WT | katG S315T1 | NP | NP | NP | NP | WT | NP | |
Se | S | 531 TTG | WT | NP | NP | WT | WT | WT | WT | |
Re | R | 531 TTG | WT | NP | NP | 531 TTG | WT | 531 TTG | WT |
RIF, rifampin; INH, isoniazid; WT, wild type; NP, not performed; NR, no result obtained.
516 WTØ, the GenoFlow probe targeting rpoB 516 wild type was absent.
This specimen was smear negative.
This specimen was smear 1+.
This specimen was smear 3+.
Of the 50 sputum specimens selected, two were smear negative, and 48 were smear positive; eight specimens were smear 1+ (1 to 10 acid-fast bacilli [AFB] per 100 fields), nine specimens were smear 2+ (1 to 9 AFB per field), and 31 specimens were smear 3+ (>9 AFB per field). An invalid GenoFlow test result (absence of katG and inhA controls) was obtained for one specimen, which was 3+ and rifampin sensitive/isoniazid resistant. For four specimens, discordant results between the Bactec and GenoFlow tests were obtained: one specimen was smear negative, one specimen was smear 1+, and two specimens were smear 3+ (Table 3). Furthermore, for two of the specimens with a discordant result between the Bactec and GenoFlow tests, consecutive samples collected during the treatment were available, and a concordant result was obtained for those specimens. Thus, the molecular result did not appear to be affected by potential changes in the DST profile or in the different resistant/susceptible subpopulations in the sample during the treatment of the patients.
The sensitivity and specificity values of the GenoFlow test for detecting RIF resistance were comparable to those of GenoType MTBDRplus and INNO-LiPA Rif. TB assays (14). These high values were expected, since >95% of rifampin-resistant isolates harbor mutations in the targeted region of rpoB (15). Regarding INH resistance, the lower sensitivity of the GenoFlow test was partially in contrast with that of the GenoType MTBDRplus assay (16). The data presented here, despite the bias introduced in the selection of isolates, was more in accordance with those of another systematic review that reported a combined cumulative frequency of 79.9% for katG codon 315 and inhA position −15 mutations worldwide, which reached 83.9% when additional mutations in inhA and ahpC were included (17).
Nowadays, several molecular tests are available (18–21), but more studies are still needed to assess their clinical value. For instance, an evaluation has demonstrated the noninferiority of the GenoType MTBDRplus version 2.0 and Nipro line probe assays in comparison to the WHO-endorsed first version of the GenoType MTBDRplus assay for the rapid detection of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) (22). Moreover, in order to improve patient management, it is important to consider not only the molecular result (presence/absence of mutation) but also the mutation detected and its correlation with the phenotypic result and clinical outcome (23).
The main advantages of the GenoFlow assay were the use of the FTPRO hybridization device, which shortens the hybridization protocol to 45 min (that of the GenoType MTBDRplus assay is 2 h), and the specific software that facilitates the interpretation, report, and storage of the results. In addition, an automated hybridization device is under development, which may reduce the hands-on-time of the hybridization step. Another aspect that could also be improved is the low-throughput capacity.
In conclusion, the GenoFlow assay may be useful for rapid, sensitive, and specific screening of resistance to RIF and INH in isolates and specimens, and its performance is comparable to that of other molecular methods. Although molecular results should be confirmed by phenotypic testing, the identification of resistance can be helpful to rule out drugs and improve the management of tuberculosis patients.
We thank the microbiology laboratory technicians and nurses of the Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol and Serveis Clínics for technical assistance.
No manufacturer or distributing companies played a role in the study design, conduct, collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data or the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.
We declare no financial interest or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in this report.
Funding Statement
J. Domínguez is funded by the Miguel Servet program of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain). The research was partially supported by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI 13/01546). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.
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