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. 2016 Apr 4;14:11. doi: 10.1186/s12963-016-0080-6

Erratum to: Estimation of country-specific and global prevalence of male circumcision

Brian J Morris 1, Richard G Wamai 2,, Esther B Henebeng 3, Aaron A R Tobian 4, Jeffrey D Klausner 5, Joya Banerjee 6, Catherine A Hankins 7,8
PMCID: PMC4820865  PMID: 27051352

Following publication of the original article in Population Health Metrics [1], the authors wish to alert the reader to the following errors in male circumcision (MC) prevalence for 6 of the 237 countries and territories in Table 1.

Table 1.

Percentage of circumcised males in each of the 237 countries and territories in the world*

Country/Territory MC % Country/Territory MC % Country/Territory MC %
Afghanistan 99.8 Ghana 91.6 Oman 87.7
Albania 47.7 Gibraltar 6 Pakistan 96.4
Algeria 97.9 Greece 4.74 Palau 95
American Samoa 95 Greenland 0.1 Panama 0.95
Andorra 1.1 Grenada 0.3 Papua New Guinea 10.1
Angola 57.5 Guam 95 Paraguay 0.11
Anguilla 0.3 Guatemala 0.11 Peru 3.7
Antigua & Barbuda 0.6 Guernsey 0.1 Philippines 91.7
Argentina 2.9 Guinea 84.2 Pitcairn Islands 0.1
Armenia 0.1 Guinea-Bissau 93.3 Poland 0.11
Aruba 0.46 Guyana 12 Portugal 0.61
Australia 58 Haiti 6.2 Puerto Rico 0.14
Austria 5.8 Holy See (Vatican) 0.1 Qatar 77.5
Azerbaijan 98.5 Honduras 0.1 Romania 0.34
Bahamas, The 0.2 Hong Kong 28 Russia 11.8
Bahrain 81.2 Hungary 0.78 Rwanda 13.3
Bangladesh 93.2 Iceland 0.1 Saint Barthelemy 0.1
Barbados 0.9 India 13.5 Saint Helena, Ascens 0.1
Belarus 0.32 Indonesia 92.5 Saint Kitts & Nevis 0.3
Belgium 22.6 Iran 99.7 Saint Lucia 0.1
Belize 0.1 Iraq 98.9 Saint Martin & Tristan 0.1
Benin 92.9 Ireland 0.93 Saint Pierre & Miquel 0.2
Bermuda 0.8 Isle of Man 0.2 Saint Vincent & Grena 1.7
Bhutan 1.0 Israel 91.7 Samoa 95
Bolivia 0.11 Italy 2.6 San Marino 0.1
Bosnia & Herzegovina 41.6 Jamaica 14 Sao Tome & Principe 0.1
Botswana 15.1 Japan 9 Saudi Arabia 97.1
Brazil 1.3 Jersey 0.1 Senegal 93.5
British Virgin Islands 1.2 Jordan 98.8 Serbia 3.71
Brunei 51.9 Kazakhstan 56.4 Seychelles 1.1
Bulgaria 13.4 Kenya 91.2 Sierra Leone 96.1
Burkin Faso 88.3 Kiribati 0.1 Singapore 14.9
Burma 3.5 Korea, North 0.1 Sint Maarten 0.06
Burundi 61.7 Korea, South 77.0 Slovakia 0.15
Cabo Verde 0.1 Kosovo Islands 91.7 Slovenia 8.5
Cambodia 3.5 Kuwait 86.4 Solomon Islands 95
Cameroon 94 Kyrgyzstan 91.9 Somalia 93.5
Canada 31.9 Laos 0.1 South Africa 44.7
Cayman Islands 0.2 Latvia 0.38 South Sudan 23.6
Central African Republic 63.0 Lebanon 59.7 Spain 6.6
Chad 73.5 Lesotho 52 Sri Lanka 8.5
Chile 0.21 Liberia 97.7 Sudan 39.4
China 14.0 Libya 96.6 Suriname 15.9
Christmas Island 0.1 Liechtenstein 4.8 Svalbard 0.1
Cocos (Keeling) 95 Lithuania 0.2 Swaziland 8.2
Columbia 4.2 Luxembourg 2.42 Sweden 5.1
Comoros 99.4 Macau 0.1 Switzerland 5.9
Congo, Dem Rep 97.2 Macedonia 33.9 Syria 92.8
Congo, Republic 70 Madagascar 94.7 Taiwan 8.3
Cook Islands 95 Malawi 21.6 Tajikistan 99
Costa Rica 0.15 Malaysia 61.4 Tanzania 72
Cote d’Ivoire 96.7 Maldives 98.4 Thailand 11.9
Croatia 1.34 Mali 86 Timor-Leste 6.4
Cuba 0.11 Malta 0.3 Togo 95.2
Curacao 0.07 Marshall Islands 0.1 Tokelau 95
Cyprus 22.7 Mauritania 99.2 Tonga 95
Czech Republic 0.14 Mauritius 16.6 Trinidad & Tobago 5.8
Denmark 5.3 Mexico 15.4 Tunisia 99.8
Djibouti 96.5 Micronesia, Fed States 0.1 Turkey 98.6
Dominica 0.2 Moldova 0.5 Turkmenistan 93.4
Dominican Repub 13.7 Monaco 0.5 Turks & Caicos Is 0.1
Ecuador 0.11 Mongolia 4.4 Tuvalu 95
Egypt 94.7 Montenegro 18.5 Uganda 26.7
El Salvador 0.11 Montserrat 0.1 Ukraine 2.3
Equatorial Guinea 87 Morocco 99.9 United Arab Emirates 76
Eritrea 97.2 Mozambique 47.4 United Kingdom 20.7
Estonia 0.25 Namibia 25.5 United States 80.5
Ethiopia 92.2 Nauru 95 Uruguay 0.62
Falkland Islands 0.1 Nepal 4.2 Uzbekistan 96.5
Faroe Islands 0.1 Netherlands 5.7 Vanuatu 95
Fiji 55 New Caledonia 50 Venezuela 0.33
Finland 0.82 New Zealand 33.0 Vietnam 0.2
France 14 Nicaragua 0.1 Virgin Islands 0.55
French Polynesia 78 Niger 95.5 Wallis & Futuna 0.1
Gabon 99.2 Nigeria 98.9 West Bank 99.9
Gambia, The 94.5 Niue 95 Western Sahara 99.6
Gaza Strip 99.9 Norfolk Island 0.1 Yemen 99.0
Georgia 10. 6 Northern Mariana Is 90 Zambia 21.6
Germany 6.7 Norway 3.0 Zimbabwe 9.2

*The reader is referred to Additional files 1 and 2 in the supplementary material in order to understand the use of our methodology for deriving the values shown in this Table

–United States: The value for MC prevalence in the United States (US) is shown as 70.1, which is from reference 27, but this value should have been 80.5, as reported in reference 26. The figure of 70.1 is for 222,546 privately insured US males aged 1–18 years, whereas the figure of 80.5 is for 6,294 US males aged 14–59 years drawn from National Health and Nutrition Surveys by researchers at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 80.5 figure is more representative of the overall male population in the US. As stated in the Methods section, circumcision prevalence figures for mature males across this general age range were used for all countries and territories when available. Only for Canada (infants) and Taiwan (boys aged 7–13 years) were the surveys that were available not for mature males.

–Germany: MC prevalence in Table 1 is shown as 10.9 %, but should have been 6.7 %. The former came from a nationwide survey of 8,985 males aged 1–17 (reference 82), whereas the latter is from a survey of 2,490 mature males aged 30–61 (Reference 83).

–Thailand: 11.9 % rather than 23.4 %, which arose from a calculation error.

–Australia: 85 % for males aged 16–64 (reference 36) rather than 26.6 %, which was the weighted average of these older males together with figures of 11 % for males aged 0–6 months (reference 37) and 10.9 % for newborn males (reference 38).

–Zambia: 21.6 % from 2014 data (reference 160) rather than 12.8 % from 2007 data (reference 161).

–Pitcairn Island: 0.1 % rather than 0 % owing to our decision to make 0.1 % the minimum for any country because MC is used commonly to treat foreskin-related medical conditions.

Use of these corrected figures led to estimates of 1,425,692,596 for total number of circumcised males globally based on 2015 CIA data for total males and 907,738,816 based on United Nations and CIA data. MC prevalence was calculated as 39.0 % (95 % CI: 33.7, 44.3) and 37.1 % (95 % CI: 31.8, 42.4), using 2015 CIA data for sex ratio and total population in 237 countries and territories globally and on 2015 United Nations figures for males aged 15–64 years, respectively.

The use of the corrected figures does not alter our rounded estimate for global MC prevalence of 37–39 %.

The corrected Table 1 appears below. Additional files 1, 2 and 3 referred to below are available for this article on-line.

Additional files

Additional file 1: (49KB, xlsx)

This spreadsheet provides data from published surveys on MC prevalence in all countries for which such studies have been conducted. (XLSX 49 kb)

Additional file 2: (29.9KB, xlsx)

This spreadsheet shows data for number of males using CIA data and estimates of number of circumcised males in all 237 countries and territories in the world, as well as basis for the estimate and MC percentage for each. (XLSX 29 kb)

Additional file 3: (31.7KB, xlsx)

This spreadsheet shows data for number of males using UN data for all but 45 countries and territories in the world and estimates of number of circumcised males in all but these 45, as well as basis for the estimate and MC percentage for each. (XLSX 31 kb)


The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1186/s12963-016-0073-5.


  • 1.Morris BJ, Wamai RG, Henebeng EB, Tobian AAR, Klausner JD, Banerjee J, Hankins CA. Estimation of country-specific and global prevalence of male circumcision. Popul Health Metr. 2016;14:4. doi: 10.1186/s12963-016-0073-5. [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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