Figure 1. AFD-specific rGCs are necessary for thermotransduction and thermosensory plasticity in AFD.
A) Average temperature-evoked ratiometric fluorescence changes in AFD neurons expressing cameleon YC3.6 in animals of the indicated genotypes. Errors are SEM. n=10 neurons each. Tc=20°C. The rate, frequency, and amplitude of temperature change (black line at top) was 0.02°C/sec, 0.04 Hz, and 0.5°C, respectively. Also see Figure S1.
B) Average T*AFD exhibited by animals of the indicated genotypes grown at Tc=20°C. T*AFD values were calculated from traces shown in A. *** indicate different from wild-type at P<0.001 (ANOVA and Bonferroni posthoc corrections for multiple comparisons).