Reason for Erratum:
Due to a typesetting error, a misalignment in Table 2 lead to the publication of incorrect information. In the “Resolving gel” column, line “1.5M TRIS-HCl, pH 8.8,” the volume should be 4.5 mL, and not 4.5 L as published.
Table 2.
Stacking gel | Resolving gel | 10X Running Buffer | Light gel | Heavy gel | Moving solution | Conservation buffer | DTT solution | Iodoacetamine solution | Equilibration buffer | 5X running buffer | Overlays solution | |
40% acrylamide/bisac rylamide (37.5:1) (w/v) | 1 mL | 6.3 mL | ||||||||||
1.5M TRIS-HCl, pH 8.8 | 4.5 mL | 52.5 mL | 52.5 mL | 50 mL | 100 mL | 50 mL | ||||||
0.5M TRIS-HCl, pH 6.8 | 2.5 mL | |||||||||||
10% SDS (w/v) | 0.1 mL | 0.18 mL | 2.1 mL | 2.1 mL | 4 mL | |||||||
10% APS | 0.05 mL | 0.09 mL | 2.1 mL | 1.05 mL | ||||||||
TEMED | 0.015 mL | 0.009 mL | 360 μL | 60 μL | ||||||||
Glycine | 120 g | |||||||||||
SDS | 40 g | 20 g | 40 g | |||||||||
TRIS | 576 g | 60.5 g | ||||||||||
30% acrylamide/bisac rylamide (37.5:1) (w/v) | 68 mL | 128 mL | ||||||||||
Glycerol | 18 mL | 74 g | 378 g | |||||||||
1% bromophenol blue | 210 μL | 20 μL | ||||||||||
1M DTT | 0.1 g | |||||||||||
Iodoacetamine | 1.12 g | |||||||||||
Equilibration buffer | 10 mL | 25 mL | ||||||||||
Urea | 355 g | |||||||||||
Agarose type I-A | 0.4 g | |||||||||||
Agarose type VII | 0.1 g | |||||||||||
5X running buffer | 20 mL | |||||||||||
Apyrogenic water | 6.35 mL | 6.93 mL | to 4L | 85 mL | 14 mL | 90 mL | 296 mL | To 1L | to 4L | 80 mL |
Acrylamide/bisacrylamide (37.5 :1) solution (w/v) (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), agarose type I-A (Sigma, Oakville, Québec, Canada), ammonium persulfate (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), bromophenol blue (Sigma, Oakville, QC, Canada), dithiothreitol (DTT) (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), glycerol (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), glycine (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), iodoacetamide (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), TRIS (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), TRIS-HCl (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), urea (BioBasic Inc, Markham, Ontario, Canada), 2- hydroxythylagarose type VII (Sigma, Oakville, Québec, Canada).
The publisher apologizes for this error and the correct version of Table 2 appears below.
This error does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.