Primary cilia are solitary, generally non-motile, hair-like protrusions that extend from the surface of cells between cell divisions. Their antenna-like structure leads naturally to the assumption that they sense the surrounding environment, the most common hypothesis being sensation of mechanical force through calcium-permeable ion channels within the cilium1. This Ca2+- Responsive MechanoSensor (CaRMS) hypothesis for primary cilia has been invoked to explain a large range of biological responses, from control of left-right axis determination in embryonic development to adult progression of polycystic kidney disease and some cancers2,3. Here, we report the complete lack of mechanically induced calcium increases in primary cilia, in tissues upon which this hypothesis has been based. First, we developed a transgenic mouse, Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2, expressing a ratiometric genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI) in all primary cilia. We then measured responses to flow in primary cilia of cultured kidney epithelial cells, kidney thick ascending tubules, crown cells of the embryonic node, kinocilia of inner ear hair cells, and several cell lines. Cilia-specific Ca2+ influxes were not observed in physiological or even highly supraphysiological levels of fluid flow. We conclude that mechanosensation, if it originates in primary cilia, is not via calcium signaling.
To examine ciliary Ca2+ signaling in vivo, we generated transgenic Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg mice in which fluorescent indicators are confined to the primary cilia (Fig. 1 a–c, Extended Data Fig. 1, 2). To accurately measure changes in [Ca2+] in small moving subcellular structures and control for motion artifacts and differential bleaching of ratioing dyes, we first examined hair cells in the cochlea’s organ of Corti, the most sensitive of known CaRMS4–6. The apical surface of each hair cell carries a hair bundle with staggered rows of specialized actin-based microvillar projections called ‘stereocilia’ (Extended Data Fig. 3). Adjacent to the tallest stereocilia is a single nonmotile, microtubule-based true cilium (9+2; kinocilium). Fine filamentous ‘tip links’ connect adjacent stereocilia and transmit force to mechano-electrical transduction (MET) channels. MET channels open in microseconds, and Ca2+ entry rapidly raises [Ca2+] in stereocilia (10–20 ms time constant) 7. Using hair cells from the Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg mouse, we can compare [Ca2+] changes in two structures (stereocilia and kinocilia) of similar geometry (4–10 µm length and 300–600 nm diameter), and determine whether the kinocilium is also a CaRMS, as suggested 8.
Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2 is expressed in all primary cilia of the inner ear sensory epithelium, including kinocilia of both inner hair cells (IHCs) and outer hair cells (OHCs) of the organ of Corti. Scanning electron microscopy at ages E18 to P3 confirmed normal development of stereocilia bundles in transgenic animals (Extended Data Fig. 3). Fortuitously, some hair cell stereocilia also contained the Ca2+ indicator (Fig 1d, Extended Data Fig. 1d). To test for CaRMS, we applied laminar flow via a micropipette to IHC bundles (Supplementary Video 1) or kinocilia and imaged via swept field confocal microscopy (up to 1000 frames/s) to pinpoint the origin of Ca2+ influx with high spatial and temporal resolution. Ratioing of GECO1.2 and mCherry fluorescence (F_GECO1.2/F_mCherry) reduced movement-related artifacts (see Methods, Supplementary Information). As expected, deflection of the stereocilia bundle resulted in a rapid and robust increase in GECO1.2 fluorescence within the bundle, while mCherry fluorescence remained largely unchanged (Fig. 1e–g, Supplementary Video 1). IHC bundle deflection increased the ratio ~ 3-fold (Fig. 2a), slowly recovering to the resting value within 2.5 s after flow application. The slow dissociation rate of Ca2+ from GECO1.2 (τ ~600 ms, Extended Data Fig. 4) provides a valuable means to distinguish true changes in [Ca2+] from movement-related artifacts. In contrast, kinocilia deflected by pressure steps over a range of developmental stages (E14 to P3) exhibited no detectable increase in [Ca2+]cilium (Fig. 2b–f; Supplementary Information). We conclude that kinocilia of mouse hair cells, unlike actin-based stereocilia, are not CaRMS.
Next, we examined kidney epithelia primary cilia, widely believed to be CaRMS1,3,9. Primary inner medullary collecting duct (mIMCD) epithelial cells were isolated from kidneys of P14-P21 Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg/tg mice, which express the kidney collecting duct epithelial cell marker, Aquaporin2 (Aqp2; Fig. 1b) and PC2 (Extended Data Fig. 1). In vivo, proximal tubule flow velocities are ~300 µm/s 10. To quantify these forces, we used a flow chamber to measure cilia bending at defined plasma membrane shear stress values in cultured mIMCD cells isolated from Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg/tg mice (Methods, Extended Data Fig. 5). Flow velocities ranging from 3–400 µm/s (shear stress ~0.002–1 dyn/cm2) bent cilia (Fig. 3a, 3b) with half maximal bending at 70 µm/s (~0.11 dyn/cm2). A similar cilium-bending profile is observed in modeling the cilium as a uniform cylindrical cantilevered beam11,12.
Primary cilia viewed from above were fully deflected by ~250 µm/s flow velocity (Supplementary Video 2; Fig. 3). Fluorescence intensities immediately dropped as flow flattened the cilium (Fig. 3c, d;). Ratioing F_GECO1.2/F_mCherry reduced this motion artifact (Fig. 3e; Extended Data Fig. 6). Imaging cilia from the side was most effective in reducing position/motion/path length artifacts; in this configuration, all parts of the primary cilium are in the same focal plane and never overlie the cell’s variable autofluorescence (Fig. 3c, bottom, Supplementary Video 2; Fig. 3f). Again, no change in [Ca2+]cilium was detected during deflection (Fig. 3g, h; digitonin control, Extended Data Fig. 6). Extending our study to other cell types, we found no CaRMS in osteocyte-like cells, mouse embryonic fibroblasts, or indeed, any primary cilia examined (Extended Data Fig. 7). Instead, we found that in all cases where [Ca2+]cilia increased, the Ca2+ rise was initiated at other sites in the cell and diffused from the cytoplasm into the cilium (Extended Data Fig. 8, 9, Supplementary Video 3). At low image acquisition rates (>200 ms/frame), this could easily be misinterpreted as cilia CaRMS3,9,13–15. At very high, nonphysiologic flow velocities and shear stresses (peak, 10 dyn/cm2 16), we observed that some cilia tips were ripped from the axoneme (Extended Data Fig. 9, Supplementary Video 4) and external 2 mM Ca2+ filled the breached cilium17.
In intact kidney tubules, primary cilia are deflected in a pulsatile pattern18. We microdissected kidney tubules from P21 mice and deflected primary cilia inside isolated tubules (Extended Data Fig. 5). A train of 1s stepped-amplitude flow stimuli in the lumen facilitated determination of the minimal flow deflecting cilia. Even flow sufficient to fully deflect cilia, however, did not change [Ca2+]cilium. Digitonin control increased Ca2+ ratios ~6 fold (Fig 3i–k, Supplementary Video 5).
During embryonic development, structures that are initially symmetric along the body axis develop a left/right orientation. This orientation depends on cilia in the embryonic node, a depression at the distal tip of the embryo19. Specialized motile cilia (Supplementary Video 6) in the central node direct fluid leftward (viewed dorsally) at ~2–4 µm/s, which is believed to initiate asymmetric gene expression across the node20. Disruption of flow or mutations in primary cilia proteins result in left-right (l/r) patterning defects21 such as situs inversus, while imposed fluid flow to the right side reverts l/r patterning22,23. A prominent hypothesis is that left-side crown cell primary cilia are deflected by this flow, which mechanically activates ion channels in primary cilia and raises intracellular [Ca2+], leading to altered signaling and gene transcription in those cells and adjacent lateral plate mesoderm2,24. An alternative hypothesis is that the directed beating of nodal cilia creates a gradient of vesicles25 or a secreted morphogen26.
To test the mechanosensitive model, we measured [Ca2+] during deflection of left and right side nodal primary cilia (Fig 4a–b, k Extended Data Fig. 10, Supplementary Videos 7, 8). Cilia from developmental stages “early bud” (EB) to 2-somite were mechanically stimulated by applying flow using physiological levels (ramp from 0 µm/s to ~10 µm/s), or supraphysiological flow velocity of ~200 µm/s, similar to that previously shown to revert embryonic organ symmetry (Fig. 4b–c) 22. Deflection of left-or right-sided nodal cilia did not change [Ca2+]cilium (Fig. 4d–i). These results demonstrate that primary cilia of the embryonic node are not CaRMS from physiological flow velocities to those 50–100 times greater. Notably, physiologically-relevant flow velocities (<~10 µm/s) barely deflected nodal crown cilia (458 ± 22 nm, Fig. 4k–p, Extended Data Fig. 10, Supplementary Video 9) as predicted (Fig. 3a, b). Resting [Ca2+] was ~300 nM in both left- and right-side cilia (Fig. 4j; see ref23).
In summary, mechanical forces do not evoke Ca2+ signaling within up to 10 s of stimulation in the cilia of kidney tubules, the embryonic node, several cell lines used as models of cilia function, or kinocilia. Since mechanosensitive channels and putative mechanically-gated G-protein-coupled receptors respond in the 10 µs-100 ms range27,28, we suspect the reported increases in [Ca2+]cilium after ~10–20s stimulation3,15 originate from the cell body. Indeed, imaging up to 100 Hz revealed that nonciliary origins were always the initial site of Δ[Ca2+] (Extended Data Fig. 8, 9 and Supplementary Video 3) and the Ca2+ wave initiated in the cytoplasm propagated into the primary cilium. To account for previous observations, we speculate that the two primary sources of error were: (1) insufficient time resolution - Ca2+ originating from the cytoplasm can diffuse into the cilium in <200 ms and be mistaken as originating from within the cilium; and (2) motion and light path-dependent artifacts. Finally, we do not imply that there are no mechanosensitive elements in primary cilia in physiologically relevant ranges, since motor, cytoskeletal, and other proteins are affected by changes in geometry and force without changes in ciliary [Ca2+]29. An important implication of these findings is that situs inversus and polycystic kidney disease caused by the loss of polycystins23,30 are not due to loss of mechanically-induced cilia-initiated calcium signaling. These data should motivate investigators to focus on other potential mechanisms for regulation of ciliary ion channels, and to determine whether calcium propagation into the cilium from the cytoplasm affects ciliary function.
Online Methods
Molecular biology, transgenic animals
The ScaI/HindIII linearized hArl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2 pCAG vector (chicken actin promoter) was gel-purified and injected into the pronucleus of C57BL6/6J oocytes at the transgenic animal core facility at Boston Children’s Hospital (Boston, MA). The integration site for the Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2 transgene was determined by genomic walking (Bio S&T). The genotype of transgenic animals was determined by PCR: primers 372-up: ACATGGCCTTTCCTGCTCTC, 372-down: TTCAACATTTCCGTGTCGCC and 944-down: GACATCTGTGGGAGGAGTGG. PCR product for the wt genomic sequence: ~800 bp; transgene PCR product ~400 bp. All animal procedures of this study were approved by the IACUCs of Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA). Animals were maintained according to ARCH standards at Boston Children’s Hospital and euthanized using CO2.
Isolation of primary mouse inner medullary collecting duct epithelium cells (mIMCD)
Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg: mIMCD cells were isolated as described31. Briefly, 10 kidneys isolated from P14-P21 Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg mice were cut longitudinally with fine scissors and the outer and inner medulla removed. The tissue was cut into small pieces with a razor blade and digested in collagenase (2 mg/ml) and hyaluronidase (1 mg/ml) for 1 h at 37°C in L-15 medium (Life Technologies). After trituration of the homogenate, cells were washed x2 in PBS and plated on laminin-coated dishes (Life Technologies). Cells were grown in DMEM (adjusted to 600 mOsm with urea and NaCl), containing 200 µM dibutyryl-cAMP (db-cAMP), unless stated otherwise. After 2 days, cells were split on laminin-coated coverslips (NeuVitro) and imaged after culturing for an additional 1–2 days to allow confluent cell growth. For side-view imaging cells were grown on 24 mm transwell inserts (corning) until they reached confluency. The membrane was excised with a scalpel and folded before imaging. Where indicated mIMCD cells where serum starved in DMEM containing 0.2% BSA for 24 h or 48 h. Imaging solutions: L-15 medium (1.3 mM Ca2+) or HEPES-containing solution buffered to 50 nM [Ca2+], see Calibration of Sensor for buffer composition.
Microdissection of hArl13b;-mCherry-GECO1.2tg kidney tubules
Microdissection was carried out as described previously32 with modifications. In brief, 1-mm thick transverse slices of P14-P21 kidneys were incubated with collagenase (1 mg/ml) and hyaluronidase (1 mg/ml) for 30 min at 37°C in L-15 medium (Life Technologies), or gently dissected without prior treatment. The cortex was removed with fine forceps and bundles of tubules were isolated at the transition of inner (white) and outer (red) medulla (Extended Data Fig. 5 c). Thick-walled individual tubules with luminal fluorescent cilia were microdissected and mounted on glass or plastic coverslips coated with Cell-Tak (Corning). Under 4x magnification (upright Nikon NiE), a micromanipulator-mounted 20° micro-knife (Minitool) was used to cut individual tubules from the bundles. A second micromanipulator held a long-tapered micropipette (bent ~20° to ensure the tip of the pipette was parallel to the surface of the coverslip, Extended Data Fig. 5). Under higher magnification (100x/1.1 N.A. or 60x/1.0 N.A. water dipping lenses) the micropipette was gently inserted into the tubule lumen and the pressure stimulus applied. Regions of the tubule with no direct micropipette contact were used for Ca2+ imaging. In some experiments a third micromanipulator was used to deliver digitonin (20 µM) to the tubules (direct injection into the tubule lumen or external application). Cilia from kidney tubule perfusion experiments were collected from 3 independent microdissections.
Isolation of hArl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg and hArl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg:GCaMP6ftg:E2aCretg embryos
GCaMP6f (B6;129S-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm95.1(CAG-GCaMP6f)Hze/J) and E2a-Cre (Tg(EIIa-cre)C5379Lmgd) transgenic animals were obtained from Jackson Laboratories. Embryo isolation was performed as described previously33. Timed pregnancies resulting from mating wild type C57BL6/6J, Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg/− or Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg/tg females with Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg/tg or GCaMP6ftg/tg:E2a-Cretg/tg males yielded embryos that were then selected for the appropriate developmental stages34. Embryos expressing motile cilia in the embryonic node at stages critical for asymmetric gene expression 35 (starting at developmental stages “early allantoic bud” (EB) up to 2-somite stage) were used for experiments. Embryos were mounted with the embryonic node facing up in a custom-designed embryo mounting plate (Extended Data Fig. 10 b–d). Laser cut holes (diameters 0.5–1.2 mm) in 0.8 mm Delrin ensured a good fit of the embryo into the holding well (Extended Fig. 10 b–c). All embryonic node imaging was performed in DMEM/F12 with 10% fetal calf serum (Invitrogen).
Similar mating strategy was used to obtain Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg:GCaMP6ftg:E2a-Cretg E14 embryos. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts were isolated from E14 embryos as described previously17. Where indicated, MEF cells were serum starved in DMEM containing 0.2% BSA for up to 48 h. To visualize cytoplasmic Ca2+ oscillations, Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg: GCaMP6ftg:E2a-Cretg embryos from LB to LHF stage were used. In brief, embryos were mounted in the upright position as described above and imaged for 4–6 min at a frame rate of 0.5 Hz on an upright FV1000 confocal system (Olympus, 60x/1.1 N.A. water dipping lens) at either 36°C or 22°C (RT). Cytoplasmic Ca2+ oscillations were quantified using ImageJ as described previously33 with slight modifications: in brief, fluorescence of all frames was averaged and individual frames were divided by average intensity to generate ΔF/F. Images were thresholded to exclude cells with ΔF/F less than 30%. Furthermore, only regions with area >90 pixels2 and circularities greater than 0.6 were used to define cells with cytoplasmic Ca2+ oscillations. All Ca2+ oscillations within 0.01 mm2 surrounding the embryonic node were analyzed for occurrence on the left vs. the right side of the node.
Mouse anti-acetylated tubulin (Sigma-Aldrich; T7451); CF 405M Phalloidin to stain filamentous actin (Biotium; 00034); goat anti-PC2 (Santa Cruz; G-20 sc-10376), rat anti-mCherry (Life Technologies; M11240), chicken anti-EGFP (Aves labs; GFP-1020).
Immunocytochemistry, confocal microscopy
Cells or embryos were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA), permeabilized with 0.2% Triton X-100, and blocked by 10% donkey serum in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Cells were labeled with the indicated antibody followed by secondary donkey anti-rabbit, anti-goat, or anti-mouse fluorescently-labeled IgG (Life Technologies) and Hoechst 33342 (Life Technologies). Confocal images were obtained using an inverted Olympus FV1000 (60× 1.2 N.A. water immersion objective lens) and images processed using ImageJ (NIH).
Fixed (4% PFA) 15 µm frozen tissue sections were permeabilized with 0.5% TX100 / PBS (pH 7.4) for 15 min and blocked with PBS containing 5% goat serum, 1% BSA, 0.1% fish gelatin, 0.1% TX-100 and 0.05% Tween20. For primary antibodies raised in mice, endogenous mouse IgGs were blocked by incubating sections with the unconjugated Fab fragment goat anti-mouse IgG for 1 h at RT. For goat primary antibodies donkey serum and donkey secondary antibodies were used. Sections were washed twice in PBS-T, incubated with primary antibodies in blocking solution overnight at 4°C. Slides were washed x2 in PBS-T and goat anti-rabbit/anti-mouse fluorescent-labeled secondary antibodies applied at RT for 1 h with Hoechst 33342 (nuclear) dye. Sections were washed x2 in PBS-T, mounted in Prolong Gold Antifade (Life Technologies) and imaged (inverted Olympus FV1000; 60x, 1.2 N.A. water immersion objective). Images were further processed with ImageJ (NIH).
Ca2+-imaging in stereocilia and primary cilia
Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2-expressing cilia were observed under an upright Nikon NiE microscope (100x, 1.1NA, 2.5WD) equipped with an Opterra swept-field confocal imaging system (Bruker Nano Technologies) and a Photometrics Evolve 128 liquid-cooled EMCCD camera (128 × 128 pixels, 120 nm effective pixel size). This system enables fast imaging of up to 500–1000 fps in low-light conditions. In most cases, tissue was illuminated sequentially by 488 nm (GECO1.2) and 561 nm (mCherry) laser light, and imaged using the full CCD chip (15 ms exposure/channel; 33 fps). To increase light delivery to the camera and avoid excessive photobleaching, swept-field confocal imaging was performed in slit mode (35 µm).
Measurements of cilia bending and flow velocities
mIMCD and MEF cells isolated from hArl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2tg mice were seeded in an IBIDI µ-Slide VI 0.4 flow chamber coated with laminin (see IBIDI Application Note 11; for this chamber, apical membrane shear stress is: τ = η131.6 Φ: where η is dynamical viscosity (0.01 dyn s cm−2) and Φ is flow rate in ml/min. A syringe pump (Harvard Apparatus) delivered steady flow via 10 ml syringes containing L-15 medium. Z-stacks of primary cilia were recorded on an inverted Olympus FV1000 (60x, 1.2 N.A. water immersion objective). The bend angle was measured between ciliary base and tip18. Fluid velocities were measured by imaging the flow of the solution supplemented with 300 nm green fluorescent beads (Sicastar greenF, Micromod) at the focal plane corresponding to ciliary tips at rest. Images were acquired as line scans (2 ms/line) or in continuous scanning mode (64 or 128 ms/frame) and particles tracked using an ImageJ plugin.
Calibration of the ratiometric Arl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2 sensor
Calibration was performed using an inverted Olympus FV1000 (60x, 1.2 N.A. water immersion objective) as described previously17. In brief, standard solutions of [Ca2+] (ranging from 50 nm to 50 µM) were prepared by adjusting the ratio of EGTA and CaCl2 (MaxChelator) in 137 mM NaCl, 5.4 mM KCl, 10 mM HEPES. After isolation, mIMCD cells were plated onto 12 mm laminin-coated glass coverslips (Neuvitro) and cultured for 3–4 days to allow cilia formation. For controls, digitonin membrane permeabilisation (3 min) was followed by image acquisition in multiple fields of view. Ratios were obtained by dividing the GECO1.2 average fluorescence intensity (per ROI, corresponding to a single cilium) by the average mCherry fluorescence intensity. The average ratios were plotted as a function of free [Ca2+] fitted to a sigmoid curve: y = A2 + (A1-A2)/{1 + exp[(x-x0)/dx]}: A1 = 0.15 ± 0.03, A2 = 1.58 ± 0.06, x0 = 442 ± 25, dx= 114 ± 20 with x0 = kD. The kD of bacterially expressed/purified GECO1.2 was 1.1 µM36, about twice the kD measured for our GECO1.2 fusion construct in mammalian cells in situ. [Ca2+] in embryonic node primary cilia was estimated from an Rmin- and Rmax-adjusted calibration curve, where both values were calculated from images collected on swept-field confocal imaging system. Late Bud (LB) to late headfold (LHF) embryos were permeabilised with 20 µM digitonin (5 min) in either 50 nM or 5 µM [Ca2+]. Resting values for nodal primary cilia were measured in DMEM/F12 +10% FCS using the same imaging settings used to calculate Rmin and Rmax. Ratios were converted to [Ca2+] using the adjusted Ca2+ calibration curve.
Primary cilia and stereocilia deflections
Primary cilia and stereocilia bundle deflections were performed using a custom-made fluid-jet system. Briefly, the micropipette pressure at the back of the pipette could be rapidly changed to a desired value by supplying vacuum and/or pressurized air via feedback-controlled solenoid valves (5–10 ms rise time for the pressure step stimulus). The micropipette was filled with bath solution and the pressure at the mouth of the pipette carefully adjusted prior to approaching to the cilium, ensuring that there was no flow applied to the cilium before the onset of the stimulus. Depending on the experimental design, digitonin was applied to the cells either using the fluid-jet pipette, or via an additional pipette positioned near the cilium and connected to an IM-9C microinjector (Narishige).
For kinocilium deflection experiments, organ of Corti explants were acutely dissected and mounted on a coverslip coated with CellTak, or immobilized with tungsten minutien pins (FST). All hair cell imaging experiments were performed at RT in L-15 cell culture medium (Invitrogen), containing in mM: NaCl (138), KCl (5.3), CaCl2 (1.3), MgCl2 (1.0), Na2HPO4 (1.0), KH2PO4 (0.44), MgSO4 (0.81). For stereocilia bundle Ca2+ imaging experiments, organ of Corti explants were dissected at P5 in L-15 medium and placed in culture in DMEM/F12 supplemented with 5% FBS and 10 mg/l ampicillin at 37°C (10% CO2). Explants were cultured for 3 days to increase the number of cells with sufficient sensor in stereocilia bundles.
All images were analyzed using a custom-made MATLAB tracking algorithm (described below), ImageJ (NIH), and Origin 8 (OriginLab).
Osteocyte-like cell lines, MLO-Y4 and Ocy45437 were tested for authenticity and mycoplasma contamination in the laboratories who supplied them (see Acknowledgements). Both cell types were transfected with a plasmid encoding hArl13b-mCherry-GECO1.2 using electroporation (LONZA, solution V, program T-20), as described previously38. Cells were seeded on coverslips after transfection and cultured at 37°C. Cells were used after a primary cilium was visible.
Embryonic node cilia were deflected with either a fast fluid-jet stimulus (described above), or with a ramp of slow, physiological level flow, delivering up to ~10 µm/s velocities: fluid flowed from a gravity-fed open-ended syringe to the micropipette. Flow rates were calibrated using 100 nm fluorescent beads (Sicastar-greenF, Micromod) and adjusted by gently lifting the syringe up 5–10 mm using a coarse micromanipulator. Perfusion fluid contained 100 nm fluorescent beads at 10 µg/ml, was applied directly to the node via micropipette (pipette opening 4–6 µm in diameter) that was 4–6 µm away from the imaging area. Flow rates were adjusted manually as described above such that there was no net flow at the beginning of the experiment and ~10–12 µm/s velocity at the end of the 15 s imaging experiment. Bead velocities and tracks were quantified and visualized using the “manual tracking” plugin in ImageJ.
Pipette flow calibration
Pipette flow was calibrated using 300 nm fluorescent beads (Sicastar-greenF, Micromod) re-suspended at 0.5 mg/ml in DMEM/F12 10% FCS and loaded into micropipettes following sonication. A pressure stimulus was applied to the back of the pipette and steady flow imaged at 1000 fps to ensure accurate frame-by-frame reading for each bead position while exiting the pipette and during its travel across the imaging area (~15 µm). The 1-ms time resolution of the calibration experiment was sufficient to resolve and calibrate the range of velocities used.
Scanning electron microscopy
Cultured mIMCD cells were fixed for 1 h at RT with 2.5% glutaraldehyde (Electron Microscopy Sciences) in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4), supplemented with 2 mM CaCl2, and stored in distilled water. Organ of Corti explants were fixed following Ca2+ imaging experiments, or the entire cochlea was fixed and later microdissected in distilled water and prepared for SEM as previously described39. Briefly, specimens were dehydrated in ethanol, critical point dried from liquid CO2, mounted on a carbon tape, sputter-coated with 5 nm platinum, and imaged on a Hitachi S-4800 field emission SEM.
Data analysis
All images were analyzed using a custom-made MATLAB tracking algorithm (described below), ImageJ (NIH), and Origin 8 (OriginLab); in stereocilia we observed a 2.9 ± 1.05 [M ± StDev] fold change (effect size d=2.76) in GECO1.2/mCherry ratio after activation of a Ca2+ - conducting mechanosensor. Assuming a one-sided, paired t test conducted at the 0.05 level of significance, a minimum of 12 cells would be required to detect an effect size of d=1 in mechanosensitive [Ca2+] increase post-stimulation with 95% power.
Image analysis
Customized image analyses were developed using MATLAB to automatically process the large volume of ratiometric time-lapse data in order to improve quantitation and objectivity. The analysis is divided into three steps: channel alignment, object detection, and object tracking over time, with subsequent ratio calculations.
Channel alignment
Two factors contribute to misalignment of two channels during image acquisition: chromatic aberration from the optics and time delay due to sequential acquisition. For chromatic aberration, the two channels from each frame of a given time-lapse image were aligned using a translational transformation. A global translational transformation, derived from the individual frame transformations, was applied to all frames.
Object detection
Frame-by-frame superimposed images of both channels were created. When cilia motion was faster than acquisition time, channels were significantly misaligned. To create a combination image, two channels were added and smoothed using a Gaussian filter. Local image background was subtracted from the combination image, and Otsu thresholding used to detect objects. Small objects (less than 3 pixels) were filtered as noise.
Object tracking with ratio calculations
Different cilia in the same image vary with relative orientation. During flow application, many cilia undergo large deflections and even cross one another, further complicating the tracking of individual cilia. A tracking algorithm based on object overlap was implemented. It included features such as splitting of crossed cilia, linking cilia with no spatial overlap, and closing gaps over a given number of time frames. Once an individual cilium was tracked, the analysis code measured the signal of the cilium from both channels, calculated the ratio, and plotted it against time or spatial displacement.
Code availability
The algorithms were developed in MATLAB in open-source, and are available upon request.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank the Mouse Gene Manipulation Facility of the Boston Children’s Hospital Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC; NIHP30-HD 18655), NIH 5R01 DC000304 to DPC, and the Kaplan Family for financial support to M.D. We thank Jaime Rivera (UMass Medical Center), Jesse Angelo, Jesse Mager and Kim Tremblay (UMass, Amherst) for help with developmental staging of mouse embryos, Larry Palmer and Gustavo Frindt (Weil Cornell Medical College) for teaching M.D. the kidney tubule dissection, Alan Weinstein (Weil Cornell Medical College) for helpful discussions of fluid velocities in kidney tubules, W. Fowle (Northeastern University) for access to the SEM facility, R. Stepanyan (Case Western) and J. Shen (HMS) for help with statistics, and members of the Clapham and Corey labs for advice and discussion. We thank Hongkui Zeng (Allen Institute) for the Ai95 mouse line, Lynda Bonewald (UMKC) for the MLO-Y4-cell line, Paola Divieti Pajevic and Jordan Spatz (Massachusetts General Hospital) for the Ocy454 cell line and Timur Indzhykulian for support. D.E.C. and D.P.C. are Investigators of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Author contributions
MD and AAI carried out the experiments. XL and YL helped with experiments; TX developed software for analysis. MD, AAI, DPC, and DEC analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript.
Author Information The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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