Microorganisms are the pillars of life on Earth. Over billions of years, they have evolved into every conceivable niche on the planet. Microbes reshaped the oceans and atmosphere and gave rise to conditions conducive to multicellular organisms. Only in the past decade have we started to peer deeply into the microbial cosmos, and what we have found is amazing. Microbial ecosystems behave, in many ways, like large-scale ecosystems, although there are important exceptions. We review recent advances in our understanding of how microbial diversity is distributed across environments, how microbes influence the ecosystems in which they live, and how these nanomachines might be harnessed to advance our understanding of the natural world.
The turn of the 21st century saw the rise of a new kind of natural historian, focused on the invisible life that permeates our planet [1]. Unlike earlier naturalists, like Alexander von Humboldt or Alfred Russell Wallace, who documented the ‘…endless forms most beautiful…’, recognized by Darwin as the fruits of natural selection, these new explorers confronted a strange and unfathomably vast world of imperceptible single-celled organisms [2•]. This world was largely inaccessible and underestimated before the advent of molecular fingerprinting and high-throughput sequencing technologies, which now allow us to circumvent culture-based approaches [2•,3].
The excitement in this new era of exploration is palpable, as molecular toolsets help crack open the microbial ‘dark matter’ [4] responsible for driving global biogeochemical cycles [5•], maintaining the health of multicellular organisms [6••], and ensuring the longevity of our ~3.8 billion-year-old biosphere [7]. At first, each sequencing survey seemed like another Voyage of the Beagle. However, unlike Victorian naturalists, microbial ecologists had the tools of modern genetics and molecular biology at their fingertips. Consequently, the transition from a descriptive phase to a more quantitative, mechanistic understanding of how diverse microbial communities assemble, fluctuate through time, and achieve biological and ecological functionality was rapid. Although microbial ecology is still a young field with many unanswered questions, we explore recent advances in our understanding of how natural environments shape and maintain microbial diversity over time and space, and how the diversity of microbial communities influences the environment. We briefly discuss how microbial ecology fits into the larger body of established theory underlying traditional ecology. Finally, we look toward the future and suggest how the study of microbial ecology will influence other disciplines and how it might change the course of human history.
Quantifying diversity
What are the units of microbial diversity? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as for plant and animal species, though these definitions are often arbitrary as well. We cannot rely upon morphological or functional features, as most microorganisms are indistinguishable under the microscope [3], and distantly related organisms can fill equivalent ecological roles [8••]. We are often fooled by molecular phylogenies because microbes can swap genes across vast phylogenetic distances [9]. Thus, we rely on phylogenetic inference derived from highly conserved genes that are vertically inherited (e.g. 16S rRNA gene sequences), or on concatenations of multiple housekeeping genes [10]. The most common unit of diversity in microbial ecology is what we call the ‘operational taxonomic unit’ (OTU; or, equivalently, ‘phylotype’), which clusters environmentally derived sequences based upon nucleotide similarity. For example, 97% sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene is often used as a rough estimation of species clusters in bacteria, based on a species definition established using DNA–DNA hybridization [11]. However, many researchers advocate for finer-scale distinction of diversity using single base pair differences in marker genes [12], genomes-scale alignments [10,13••], and/or contextual information regarding the environment (e.g. ecotypes) [13••,14]. These higher resolution methods can reveal interesting patterns that would be obscured by traditional approaches [15••,16]. However, higher resolution is not always desirable, especially when the dominant mechanisms underlying shifts in community composition are due to functional pathways that are deeply rooted within lineages (e.g. oxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria; see Figure 1). In this case, strain-level variation could be noisy, and might wash out subtle differences that are only apparent when correlated organismal abundances are grouped at higher taxonomic levels [8••,17]. Thus, we should not assume a one-size-fits-all heuristic for assessing microbial diversity.
What governs the distribution of microbial diversity?
For the last few decades, microbial ecologists have used a wide array of molecular tools to characterize microbial communities, enabling the observation of particular organismal assemblages or community characteristics. However, as each method has its own set of biases, it is often difficult to compare between studies, reducing the potential for meta-analysis. There have been a few within-study global surveys of microbial diversity, which have revealed dominant physicochemical drivers of microbial community structure using consistent methodologies [18–21,22•]. However, only recently have multi-study consortia begun to standardize their data collection and analysis workflows to build large intra-comparable databases [6••,23]. The largest global survey of microbial diversity to date, carried out by the Earth Microbiome Project (http://www.earthmicrobiome.org/), revealed the existence of 5.6 million OTUs (97% similarity at the V4 region of the 16S gene; not including singleton OTUs) in the first 15 000 samples, which set a new lower-bound on the number of bacterial and archaeal phylotypes on Earth [24]. In addition, as sampling efforts increase, the number of novel phylotypes discovered continues to rise beyond prior estimates, and far beyond estimates for multicellular organismal diversity [25].
We have just begun to negotiate the complex interactions within and between biological and physicochemical parameters that determine how microbial communities assemble in natural ecosystems. An initial step in this journey has been to characterize the environmental axes that are important for filtering diversity. For example, we know that salinity is a strong driver of community structure in aquatic environments, pH is a dominant force in soil systems, and host-associated and environmental communities are very distinct from one another [18,22•,26]. Microorganisms carry out a diverse array of metabolisms, using everything from sunlight, to organic carbon and inorganic minerals as energy sources, and are often able to switch between these metabolic modes. Microbes can make a living under a staggering array of physicochemical conditions, from boiling thermal springs to acid mine drainage [27]. In addition, they are able to produce and consume innumerable metabolites, including complex carbohydrates, antibiotics, peptides, and lipids, which allow microbes to cross-feed one another and carve out highly specific niches and different life history strategies [28••,29••]. Furthermore, rapid evolution and speciation in microorganisms can contribute significantly to diversity on ecological timescales [29••,30].
Beyond fine-scale niche partitioning, microbial diversity is also influenced by stochastic forces, like extremely high rates of dispersal, coupled with the ability of many microorganisms to become dormant when conditions are not conducive to growth [31,32••]. These processes appear to give rise to a persistent seed bank of scarce but viable microbes [32••,33], often referred to as the ‘rare biosphere’ [34], with almost endless phylogenetic and functional potential for populating emerging or transient niches [35••]. However, despite high rates of dispersal and dormancy, there is evidence that microorganisms encounter barriers to dispersal that gave rise to temporarily isolated populations, which can result in allopatric differentiation of ecotypes at the genomic level [15••,36].
The balance between niche (e.g. pH or temperature driving changes in microbial dominance) and neutral (e.g. stochastic dispersal and dormancy) processes will influence the diversity of microbial ecosystems [37••]. Recent work has suggested that increasing environmental heterogeneity or noise disrupts the deterministic coupling between ecosystem properties and ecological diversity, which results in neutrally assembled communities [37••]. The magnitude of alpha diversity in neutrally assembled communities is partially determined by the composition of the metapopulation from which the local species pool is drawn [38]. If the local species pool is drawn from multiple source populations of varying composition at a high enough rate of dispersal, then the diversity of the local population will be greater than any of the individual source populations (i.e. the apparent meta-community will be a mixture of the source communities; see Figure 2). The magnitude of alpha diversity in niche-structured systems will depend upon the volume of niche space and how finely this space can be partitioned. Over evolutionary time, as novel ecotypes arise, there will be a rapid saturation of niche-volume, with a small number of taxa dominating most of the available resources. Due to the diminishing return of invading smaller and smaller pockets of resource-space, there will be an asymptotic approach to some maximal alpha diversity as low-abundance species are able to pack into ever-shrinking interstitial niches [39].
Does microbial diversity matter for the environment?
From oceanic weather patterns [7], to the oxidation of Earth’s atmosphere [40], and the health of multi-cellular hosts [6••], microbes engineer their environments [5•]. In fact, human civilization would soon collapse in the absence of microorganisms, followed soon thereafter by the remaining life on Earth [41]. The following section details a few examples of how microbial communities alter their surroundings.
Climate scientists are beginning to recognize a sleeping giant beneath the Arctic tundra. Permafrost locks away around half of global soil carbon, but these regions are beginning to thaw due to anthropogenic climate change, which is having a disproportionate impact on the poles. Soil warming has been shown to alter the diversity and function of microbial communities [42,43]. Thawing of permafrost soils will likely result in large-scale losses in soil carbon in the form of methane and carbon dioxide as a result of microbial activity [44]. Depending on the rate of temperature increase, permafrost soils would account for an 8–18% increase in anthropogenic carbon emissions over the next 100 years [45]. This positive biological feedback on climate change could reshape the structure of the entire biosphere.
Another fascinating way that microbes engineer their physical environments comes from early in Earth’s history, when bacterial communities gave rise to naturally occurring nuclear fission reactors [46]. Certain bacteria are able to respire uranium (i.e. use oxidized uranium as an electron acceptor). However, the early Earth had an anoxic, reducing atmosphere, and uranium, which is insoluble in its reduced form, remained locked away in rock and sediment. The rise of cyanobacteria resulted in the steady production of O2, which began to weather the Earth’s crust and accumulate in the atmosphere over hundreds of millions of years [40]. Uranium deposits were slowly oxidized, which allowed uranium to dissolve in water and be carried into lakes. This process led to the enrichment for uranium-respiring microbes in these bodies of water. These microbes reduced the uranium, which made it fall out of solution and settle to the bottom of the lakes. Over time, uranium was enriched and deposited on lakebeds until critical mass was achieved, and the lakes became natural fission reactors [46]. This process was only possible early in Earth’s history, when the radioactive isotope of uranium was still at high enough abundance.
Gut-associated microbial communities can also influence their mammalian hosts. Host diet and activity can have large effects on the gut microbiome composition and function, even on daily timescales [47–49]. However, we also know that gut microbiota are integral to maintaining the health of their hosts. For example, we are accumulating a large body of evidence showing that microbes are crucial for our developing immune systems and help protect us from allergies and autoimmune disorders [50,51]. Gut microbes are also implicated in driving obesity and a number of metabolic disorders [52]. Additionally, there is a subset of the human population that, when they contract a streptococcal infection, develop obsessive-compulsive disorder [53]. In fact, microbial dysbioses have been implicated in a number of behavioral disorders [54••].
The future of microbial ecology
As our appreciation of the extent and complexity of microbial ecosystems grows, we can begin to extrapolate how our new understanding could shape our future. It is clear that microbes can alter their environments, and it is possible that they could be harnessed to engineer our planet and our health. Although our current knowledge of the metabolic mechanisms and evolutionary processes that underpin most microbial ecosystem dynamics is extremely limited, rapid advances in technologies that help elucidate these processes are set to drastically increase the current rate of knowledge acquisition. Microbial ecology is changing the way we practice medicine, so that instead of trying to deal with the one-disease-one-pathogen paradigm, clinical practice is adopting ecological approaches to diagnose and treat complex conditions [48••,52,55,56]. Similarly, industrial processes that once relied on biotechnology derived from a single organism are starting to embrace complexity and explore ways to standardize metabolic interactions within complex communities to elicit reproducible biochemical transformations [57]. Indeed, even agriculture and ecosystem restoration, which have long had a deep appreciation of the role of bacteria in shaping the relevant environments, are starting to use systems biology, molecular analysis, and modeling to elucidate the mechanism of action for improving crop productivity, disease suppression, and stress tolerance [58].
Several research fields have come to appreciate how microbial communities can serve as tractable models. The enormous population sizes and rapid growth rates of microorganisms mean that microbial ecology may transform the fields of ecology and evolution by providing a biological system that is easily manipulated to test specific hypotheses. For example, we have seen the rise of long-term evolution experiments, which have captured speciation in action [59]. Also, the complex process of community assembly, or community response to environmental perturbations, can now be followed under controlled, replicated conditions in microbial mesocosms and microcosms [60–63]. Perhaps the largest contribution of microbial communities to the Darwinian Sciences so far is to establish stronger empirical links between ecological and evolutionary processes, because microbial evolution is rapid enough to quickly feedback on ecological phenomena [64••]. This has led to experiments aimed at asking Stephen Jay Gould’s classic question about what would happen if we tried ‘replaying the tape of life’ [65]. Such experiments have shown us how ecological communities can stabilize themselves through division of labor [29••], show signs of collapse before a critical transition — just like dynamic physical phenomena [66], exhibit different eco-evolutionary dynamics depending on timescale [64••], and that multiple ecological steady-states can evolve from the same initial conditions [67••].
Together, these microbiome-enabled experimental approaches will help transform biology into a more quantitative discipline. With the ability to replicate and test eco-evolutionary processes, we can start to ask about the forces underlying these levels of biological organization [68]. The boundaries between physics, chemistry, and biology have become increasingly perforated, and new fields are emerging at the frontiers. This newfound potential is leading us back to the beginning, with ‘origins of life’ research and astrobiology gaining traction and funding.
In summary, we have entered an exciting era of discovery. Our new understanding of microbial diversity will allow us to cure disease, engineer and conserve our environment, manufacture better products, grow more food, colonize other worlds, and so much more. In both practical and scientific terms, microbes have given us the power to ask new questions and solve previously intractable problems.
S.M.G. was supported by an EPA STAR Graduate Fellowship and by NIH training grant 5T-32EB-009412.
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as:
• of special interest
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