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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 May 5.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell. 2016 May 5;62(3):397–408. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2016.04.001

Structural basis for non-canonical substrate recognition of cofilin/ADF proteins by LIM kinases

Stephanie Hamill 1, Hua Jane Lou 1, Benjamin E Turk 1,3, Titus J Boggon 1,2,3,*
PMCID: PMC4860616  NIHMSID: NIHMS776599  PMID: 27153537


Cofilin/actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF) proteins are critical nodes that relay signals from protein kinase cascades to the actin cytoskeleton, in particular through site-specific phosphorylation at residue Ser3. This is important for regulation of the roles of cofilin in severing and stabilizing actin filaments. Consequently, cofilin/ADF Ser3 phosphorylation is tightly controlled as an almost exclusive substrate for LIM kinases. Here we determine the LIMK1:cofilin-1 co-crystal structure. We find an interface that is distinct from canonical kinase-substrate interactions. We validate this previously unobserved mechanism for high fidelity kinase-substrate recognition by in vitro kinase assays, examination of cofilin phosphorylation in mammalian cells, and functional analysis in S. cerevisiae. The interface is conserved across all LIM kinases. Remarkably, we also observe both pre- and post-phosphotransfer states in the same crystal lattice. This study therefore provides a molecular understanding of how kinase-substrate recognition acts as a gatekeeper to regulate actin cytoskeletal dynamics.


Fidelity in protein kinase signaling is achieved both at a systems level and at the molecular level. At the systems level, mechanisms such as protein expression, targeting, scaffolding, and competition all play roles in achieving fidelity, while at the molecular level direct interactions between the kinase and substrate define the pairwise kinetics of catalysis (Ubersax and Ferrell, 2007). The molecular level specificity determinants can be divided into distal ‘docking’ interactions and phosphosite ‘linear motif’ interactions with the kinase catalytic cleft (Ubersax and Ferrell, 2007), both of which have been well studied structurally. Docking interactions typically occur between substrate residues distal from the phosphorylation site and kinase domain regions outside of the catalytic cleft, but can also involve adaptor or scaffolding proteins (Bhattacharyya et al., 2006; Remenyi et al., 2006). Linear motif interactions occur between an extended peptide encompassing up to 5 residues N- and C-terminal of the phosphoacceptor site and a region immediately adjacent to the kinase catalytic center (Bose et al., 2006; Goldsmith et al., 2007). The LIM kinases, which play crucial roles in regulation of actin dynamics show exquisite fidelity in phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF (actin-depolymerizing factor) proteins in a manner that does not appear to fit either of these paradigms for kinase substrate recognition (Amano et al., 2001; Mezna et al., 2012). Cofilin/ADF proteins are processed to remove the N-terminal initiator methionine residue, leaving only a single amino acid residue N-terminal to the LIM kinase phosphorylation site, Ser3 (Agnew et al., 1995; Kanamori et al., 1998). As a result, this kinase/substrate interaction cannot be guided by typical linear motif interactions, and there are no evident opportunities for docking interactions through other domains. The high specificity of LIM kinases for Ser3 in their cofilin/ADF substrates is therefore likely to involve features absent from other kinase-substrate pairs.

Phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF proteins at Ser3 is crucial for regulating their direct interaction with actin (Agnew et al., 1995; Morgan et al., 1993; Ressad et al., 1998). The cofilin/ADF proteins are critical mediators of actin depolymerization (Bravo-Cordero et al., 2013; Edwards et al., 1999; Maekawa et al., 1999), and their interaction with actin filaments induces conformational changes in the filament that promote disassembly (Andrianantoandro and Pollard, 2006; Bamburg et al., 1999; De La Cruz, 2009; Elam et al., 2013). Ser3 phosphorylation blocks this interaction without a change in cofilin structure (Blanchoin et al., 2000b), thereby serving as the key convergence point for the many signaling pathways that control actin cytoskeletal dynamics through cofilin/ADF proteins (Bravo-Cordero et al., 2013; Poukkula et al., 2011). The phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of cofilin/ADF is mediated by the LIM kinases and slingshot phosphatases, respectively (Arber et al., 1998; Niwa et al., 2002; Yang et al., 1998). The four LIM kinase family members (LIMK1, LIMK2 and testicular protein kinases TESK1 and TESK2)(Mizuno et al., 1994; Okano et al., 1995; Rosok et al., 1999; Toshima et al., 1995) demonstrate exquisite substrate specificity for Ser3 of cofilin/ADF (Mizuno, 2013; Scott and Olson, 2007)(Figure 1), with only two other cellular substrates reported (p25/TPPP and CREB)(Acevedo et al., 2007; Yang et al., 2004).

Figure 1. Schematic showing the role of a high fidelity kinase-substrate pair in control of actin polymerization.

Figure 1

Control of actin filament dynamics is regulated by the upstream RHO-GTPase family and their effector proteins, which directly activate the LIM kinases. The LIM kinases phosphorylate the cofilin/ADF-family of proteins on residue Ser3. Sequence alignment for residues 2–10 is shown for human cofilin-1, cofilin-2 and ADF proteins; Ser3 is marked in red. Unphosphorylated cofilin/ADF proteins bind and destabilize actin filaments, however, cofilin/ADF proteins phosphorylated on Ser3 do not bind actin. Cofilin phosphorylation is a major convergence point that links upstream signaling to actin remodeling. See also Figure S1.

In this study we define the molecular basis for this almost exclusive kinase-substrate relationship by determining the co-crystal structure of the LIMK1 catalytic domain in complex with cofilin-1. The structure reveals that specificity is driven by an interaction between a region of the LIM kinase catalytic domain C-lobe that adopts an atypical conformation, and the actin binding helix of cofilin. Targeted mutations at this interface disrupt cofilin-1 phosphorylation by LIMK1 in vitro and in mammalian cells, and block functional inactivation of cofilin-1 by LIMK1 in yeast. Our crystal structure reveals a mechanism by which protein-kinase fidelity can be encoded, where specificity is defined by a helix spatially, but not sequentially, proximal to the phosphate acceptor residue. This arrangement represents a previously unappreciated mechanism of achieving kinase-substrate fidelity and is fundamental to proper regulation of cofilin/ADF proteins by LIM kinases.


Preparation of LIMK1 catalytic domain and cofilin-1 for co-crystallization

In our initial efforts to study the specificity of LIM kinases for cofilin/ADF proteins, we co-crystallized the LIMK1 kinase domain harboring a D460N kinase-inactivating point mutation (LIMK1CATD460N) with a 9 amino acid peptide (ASGVTVNDE) corresponding to residues 2 – 10 of human cofilin-2. After determining the structure to 2.2 Å resolution (Table 1), we could not discern any electron density for the cofilin-2 peptide bound to the inactive LIMK kinase domain. We reasoned that activation loop phosphorylation of LIMK1 (at Thr-508) might promote interaction with cofilin by stabilizing the active conformation, and found that LIMK1CATD460N could be phosphorylated efficiently by the purified active PAK4 kinase domain (Ha et al., 2012), as shown in Figure S1. Mass spectrometry confirmed a single phosphate addition to activation loop Thr-508, allowing purification of homogeneous crystallization-quality pLIMK1CATD460N (not shown). We also generated full-length human cofilin-1 (without N-terminal modification) using the SUMO expression and proteolysis system. Although not N-acetylated, this full-length cofilin was efficiently phosphorylated by the wild-type LIMK1 kinase domain (termed LIMK1CAT) (see Figure 3D for example), suggesting it to be suitable for co-crystallography with the LIMK1 kinase domain.

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics.

pLIMK1CATD460N:Cofilin-1 LIMK1CATD460N
PDB accession code 5HVK 5HVJ
Data Collection
Space group P212121 P21
X-ray source APS, 24-ID-E (NE-CAT-E) APS, 24-ID-E (NE-CAT-E)
Number crystals 4 2
Cell dimensions, a, b, c (Å) 81.1, 102.3, 141.9 55.0, 59.6, 98.3
α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 101.3, 90
Wavelength (Å) 0.97918 0.97918
Resolution range (Å)* 50.0 – 3.5 (3.63 – 3.50) 50.0 – 2.2 (2.28 – 2.20)
No. unique reflections 15,631 31,929
Degrees of data (°) 394 720
Completeness (%)* 100.0 (100.0) 100.0 (100.0)
Rpim (%)* 26.1 (76.3) 4.9 (27.1)
II * 2.5 (1.3) 12.8 (1.1)
Redundancy* 10.1 (8.5) 14.3 (13.3)
Wilson B-factor (Å2) 33.7 42.2
Resolution range (Å)* 48.1 – 3.5 (3.72 – 3.50) 40.0 – 2.2 (2.26 – 2.20)
Rfactor (%)* 27.3 (33.6) 20.6 (37.7)
Free Rfactor (%)* 31.0 (36.7) 25.2 (44.0)
No. Free R reflections * 783 (120) 1613 (145)
Chain identifiers of complexes built pLIMK1:pCofilin:AMP-PN (A:B:F)
pLIMK1:Cofilin:AMP-PNP (C:D:E)
Residue range built pLIMK1 A: 324–487; 501–634
pCofilin B: 2–166

pLIMK1 C: 328–486; 501–633
Cofilin D: 2–165
A: 329–485, 508–633
B: 330–484, 509–637
No. water molecules 0 70
Model Quality
RMSD bond lengths (Å) 0.003 0.002
RMSD bond angles (°) 0.763 0.641
Overall B (all atoms) (Å2) 39.3 75.1
 (protein) A: 33.3, B: 47.8, C: 31.3, D: 56.7 A: 68.7 B: 82.0
 (water) -- 55.8
 (nucleotide) E: 49.8, F: 41.3 C: 114.0
Ramachandran plot (%) 94.9/5.1/0.0 97.0/3.0/0.0
MolProbity score/percentile 2.2/100% 1.76/95%

Parentheses indicate highest resolution shell

AMP-PN indicates AMP-PNP lacking the gamma phosphate

Figure 3. Molecular basis for LIMK1 recognition of its substrate cofilin-1.

Figure 3

(A)Detailed interaction between pLIMK1CATD460N with cofilin-1. Surface renderings of LIMK1 (brown) and cofilin-1 (green). Top right and bottom right zoomed regions show details of the interaction, with side chains shown in stick format. Residues and some secondary structure elements are labeled. Bottom left shows the surface of LIMK1 illustrating the deep cleft that cofilin helix α5 residues insert into. Ser3 is indicated by a dashed oval. B) Electrostatic potential of interaction interface. Face on view of LIMK1 (electrostatic potential) and cofilin (only helix α5 and the N-terminal residues shown). Side chains and nucleotide shown in stick format, and helix α5 in cartoon format. Ser3 is indicated by a dashed oval. C) Map of LIMK1:Cofilin interactions. Residues involved in kinase-substrate targeting are shown; LIMK1 in brown and cofilin in green. Residues mutated in this study are indicated with red text. Interactions indicated with dotted lines. Structure elements indicated. Interactions defined by PDBSum (Laskowski, 2009). D) In vitro phosphorylation of cofilin-1 by LIMK1. Autoradiography showing pLIMK1CAT phosphorylation of full-length Cofilin-1 (top). Mutants are indicated. Loading indicated by Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE (bottom). E) Quantitation of kinase assay. N=3. S.E.M. indicated. Comparison to wild-type shows that all pairs except LIMK1CATM516S/cofilinS119M are statistically significant (p-value < 0.0005) (paired t-test type 2). See also Figure S3.

Co-crystal structure of LIMK1 catalytic domain with full-length cofilin-1

Co-crystals of pLIMK1CATD460N with cofilin-1 grew in the presence of MgCl2 and the generally non-hydrolyzable ATP analogue, adenosine-5′-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate (AMP-PNP), where the atom linking the β- and γ- phosphates is a nitrogen (Yount et al., 1971). Diffraction data from four crystals were merged together (Table 1) and a molecular replacement solution obtained. The resulting structure contains two LIMK1:cofilin heterodimers per asymmetric unit (Figure 2A). LIMK1 in each heterodimer folds as a canonical protein kinase domain, consisting of a β-strand rich N-lobe and an α-helix rich C-lobe. The LIMK1 molecules unambiguously show nucleotide bound in the ATP-cleft, phosphorylation of Thr508 in the activation loop, and a ‘DFG-in’ conformation. For protein kinases, the location of helix αG is usually proximal to the C-terminus of the activation segment, however, in LIMK1 helix αG is observed distal from the activation loop, which we discuss below. Our structures of apo and cofilin-bound LIMK1 are conformationally similar, with root mean square (rms) deviations of 0.8 – 1.1 Å over 266 – 273 Cα atoms.

Figure 2. Co-crystal structure of the LIMK1 catalytic domain in complex with full-length cofilin-1.

Figure 2

(A)Overall structure of pLIMK1CATD460N with cofilin-1. LIMK1 is shown in brown, and cofilin-1 in green. Secondary structure elements, N- and C- termini, kinase N- and C-lobes are labeled. Cofilin Ser3, phosphorylated LIMK1 activation loop residue pT508, and bound nucleotide are shown in stick format. B, C) Close up of the active site for pre-catalytic (B) and post-catalytic (C) complexes found in the asymmetric unit. LIMK1 residues shown in stick format are from the conserved kinase DFG-motif (D478, F479), HRD-motif (D460N), catalytic lysine (K368) and catalytic glutamate (E384). N-terminal residues of cofilin-1 are shown in stick format. See also Figure S2.

In each heterodimer, cofilin adopts the canonical ADF/cofilin fold, with a central 6-stranded β-sheet surrounded by five α-helices. The two copies of cofilin show rms deviation of 0.6 Å over 159 Cα atoms, and comparison with previously determined structures of cofilin/ADF proteins show highest similarity to uncomplexed structures of human cofilin-1 (Klejnot et al., 2013) (PDB ID: 4BEX, rms deviation 1.1 – 1.3 Å over 163 Cα), Acantamoeba polyphaga actophorin (Blanchoin and Pollard, 1998) (PDB ID: 1CNU, rms deviation 1.4 – 1.5 Å over 131 Cα) and yeast cofilin (Fedorov et al., 1997) (PDB ID: 1CFY, rms deviation 1.5 Å over 130 Cα) suggesting that cofilin/ADF proteins undergo no major structural rearrangement on binding to LIM kinase.

The LIMK1:cofilin-1 co-crystal structure captures both pre- and post-catalytic states

The LIMK1:cofilin-1 co-crystal structure unexpectedly revealed clear transfer of the γ-phosphate of AMP-PNP to Ser3 of cofilin-1 in one of the two heterodimers; consequently the two complexes in the asymmetric unit are pLIMK1CATD460N:cofilin-1:AMP-PNP (pre-catalysis) and pLIMK1CATD460N:pSer3-cofilin-1:AMP-PN (post-catalysis) (Figure 2B,C, Figure S2A,B). We validated the presence of cofilin-1 pSer3 in the co-crystals by Western blot, and also that transfer had occurred in the crystallization drop and not during protein preparation (Figure S2C). This phosphotransfer event occurred despite our use of catalytically inactive pLIMK1CATD460N in the presence of AMP-PNP. Although the observation of phosphotransfer is unexpected, we note that while canonical kinase-inactivating mutations significantly reduce catalytic activity (including D→N mutation in the HRD-motif that we used), previous studies have reported residual, low levels of catalytic activity (Adams, 2001; Gibbs and Zoller, 1991; Skamnaki et al., 1999; Williams and Cole, 2002), and some kinases (for example, the low activity receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB3 (Kraus et al., 1989; Shi et al., 2010)) have Asn at this location. Likewise, the ATP-analogue AMP-PNP has reduced, but not abrogated, efficiency as a substrate compared to ATP, and in crystal kinase activity has previously been observed between the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and a peptide substrate in the presence of AMP-PNP (Bastidas et al., 2013). The LIMK1:cofilin-1 co-crystal structure is a highly unusual instance where pre- and post-phosphorylation states of a kinase-substrate pair are both observed in the same crystal lattice.

Despite the moderate resolution of the structure (3.5 Å) we observe conformational differences between the pre- and post-catalysis complexes which are supported by the 2mFobs-DFcalc, mFobs-DFcalc, and simulated annealing omit maps. Broadly, the pre-catalytic state of LIMK1 appears more competent for phosphotransfer than the post-catalytic state. In the pre-catalytic state the DFG-motif Asp (Asp478) and VAIK-motif Lys (Lys368) are oriented to coordinate substrate and Mg2+, but are found to have shifted conformation in the post-catalysis state. Similarly, the glycine-rich P-loop is shifted in the post-catalytic state, and the adenine ring of the nucleotide moiety skews by approximately 10° between the pre- and post-catalytic states. Although these differences could potentially be due to crystal packing, we note that limited crystal packing interactions are observed in the region of the P-loop, β3-αC loop and αC-helix (Figure S2D). The differences between the pre- and post-catalysis structures are consistent with post-catalysis opening of the kinase domain towards release of the diphosphate nucleotide.

Structural basis for LIM kinase specificity for cofilin/ADF proteins

The co-crystal structure of pLIMK1CATD460N with cofilin-1 provides a clear description of how the LIM kinases recognize cofilin/ADF proteins with high fidelity, and how the kinase is directed to specifically phosphorylate Ser3. A highly complementary hydrophobic interaction between LIMK1 and cofilin precisely orients cofilin Ser3 to the correct location for phosphotransfer to occur (Figure 3A, main panel). Importantly, the location of cofilin’s interaction surface is structurally proximal, but sequentially distal, to Ser3. This interaction is observed in both complexes in the asymmetric unit, irrespective of pre- or post-catalysis state.

Cofilin/ADF proteins fold with their actin-binding helix α5 structurally proximal to the phosphoacceptor residue, Ser3. Indeed, in all of the solved structures of cofilin/ADF family proteins, the residue equivalent to Val-5 (human cofilin-1 numbering) is sandwiched between helix α5 and the β2-β3 loop (Klejnot et al., 2013)(Figures 3A, zoom 1, and Figure S3A). This essentially invariant cofilin fold restricts the conformational freedom of the phosphoacceptor residue Ser3, placing it perpendicular to helix α5, extending away from the cofilin domain (Figure S3A). This is a unique conformation for a kinase-substrate pair; usually complementary interactions are formed between the linear motif and the kinase domain, including a short β-sheet with the C-terminus of the activation loop (Ubersax and Ferrell, 2007)(Figure S3B). In view of this conserved sequence and fold of cofilin/ADF proteins, where only one amino acid is present N-terminal to the Ser3 phosphosite and residues C-terminal of Ser3 are buried in the hydrophobic core of the cofilin fold, it is not surprising that a non-canonical kinase-substrate interaction occurs.

Cofilin helix α5 acts as a guide to orient Ser3 to the correct location for phosphotransfer. This helix docks into a hydrophobic groove on the C-lobe of LIMK1 (Figure 3B) that is created by the C-terminal portion of the activation segment and an unusual conformation of the αFG loop (Figure 3A, zoom 1), and buries approximately 660 Å2 on LIMK1 and 710 Å2 on cofilin helix α5 for a total buried surface area of ~1370 Å2. Cofilin helix α5 extends residues Leu111, Met115 and Ser119 into the groove (Figure 3A, zoom 2) from three successive turns of the helix, with Met115 deeply buried between LIMK1 residues Pro513, Tyr514, Ile521, Pro550, and Phe559 (Figure 3A). Further contacts are also made between the C-terminus of cofilin helix α5 and the β3-αC loop of the kinase N-lobe (Figure 3A, zoom 1), and polar interactions are observed between cofilin Lys112 and LIMK1 Asp549 and Asp551 (Figure 3A, zoom 3). Most of these residues are highly conserved in cofilin (Figure S3C). Comparison of LIMK1 with previous structures of LIM kinase domains, which are either phosphorylated or unphosphorylated on their activation loops (PDB IDs: 3S9S, 4TPT and the apo structure described here), show that no induced fit conformational changes occur in the C-lobe on binding to cofilin (Figure S3D). Indeed the unusual conformation of the αFG loop that forms the cofilin-binding hydrophobic groove seems to be stabilized by two conserved proline residues (Pro550 and Pro554), and by extensive polar interactions of Arg555 with backbone carbonyls which provides a base to the groove (Figure 3A, zoom 3). The co-crystal structure therefore suggests that both cofilin/ADF proteins and the catalytic domains of LIM kinases are conformationally poised and accessible for direct interaction with one another.

Mutations in LIM kinase C-lobe and cofilin helix α5 disrupt in vitro kinase activity

Purified LIMK1 kinase domain is generally a poor enzyme in kinase assays when short peptides or non-cofilin/ADF proteins are used as substrate, and we were unable to detect activity with either a cofilin Ser3-derived peptide or random peptide libraries (not shown). In contrast, using purified pLIMK1CAT and full-length cofilin-1 we observe robust kinase activity, and Western blot analysis confirmed that LIMK1 phosphorylated cofilin-1 on Ser3 (Figure 3D,E). We hypothesized that efficient phosphorylation of the authentic substrate cofilin was attributable to our crystallographically-defined interaction surface. We therefore probed the importance of this interface by testing the ability of LIMK1 to phosphorylate cofilin-1 following incorporation of structurally-guided point mutations into either protein.

We designed two sets of complementary point mutations that we hypothesized would impair the interaction if used individually, but when used as a complementary pair might restore kinase activity. The first set aimed to disrupt and reconstitute an interaction between LIMK1 Met516 and cofilin-1 Ser119 by reversing the methionine and serine residues with LIMK1 M516S (LIMK1CATM516S) and cofilin-1 S119M (cofilinS119M) substitutions. The second set was designed to interrupt and restore polar interactions between LIMK1 residues Asp549/Asp551 and cofilin-1 residue Lys112, by incorporation of LIMK1 DD549/551KK (LIMK1CATDDKK) and cofilin-1 K112D (cofilinK112D) mutations. We confirmed intrinsic autophosphorylation activity of both LIMK1CATM516S and LIMK1CATDDKK (Figure S3E,F) and then tested the ability of the mutants to impact LIMK1 phosphorylation of cofilin. Individually, purified proteins with either set of LIMK1 mutation (LIMK1CATM516S and LIMK1CATDDKK) displayed significant reduction in phosphorylation of wild-type cofilin. Likewise, purified cofilin-1 mutants (cofilinS119M or cofilinK112D) were significantly negatively impacted in their ability to be phosphorylated by wild-type LIMK1 (Figure 3C,D). In contrast, when we conducted kinase assays with either set of complementary mutation (LIMK1CATM516S/cofilinS119M and LIMK1CATDDKK/cofilinK112D) we observed full or partial restoration of kinase activity suggesting that the complementary mutation pairs can restore the ability of LIMK1 to phosphorylate cofilin-1 in vitro.

We next tested the importance of cofilin residue Met115 on kinase-substrate recognition. Met115 is buried deep into the hydrophobic groove of LIMK1 (Figure 3A) so we hypothesized that it might be key to the interface, and consequently LIMK1 recognition and phosphorylation of cofilin. We tested the ability of LIMK1 to phosphorylate a M115A mutant of cofilin (cofilinM115A) and found that introduction of this mutation shows essentially complete loss of cofilin phosphorylation by LIMK1, indicating the critical importance of this residue for LIMK1 recognition of cofilin-1 (Figure 3D,E).

Targeted disruption of cofilin phosphorylation in cultured mammalian and yeast cells

To examine whether our crystallographically-defined interaction mode was relevant to cofilin phosphorylation by LIM kinases in cells as well as in vitro, we initially tested the ability of cofilin mutations to disrupt its phosphorylation by endogeneous LIM kinases in mammalian cells. Exogenously expressed hexahistidine-tagged cofilin was robustly phosphorylated at Ser3 in HEK293T cells by endogenous LIM kinases (Figure 4A), supporting previous studies (Edwards et al., 1999; Li et al., 2006). Confirming the crystallographically-defined interface in mammalian cells, we again found that mutation of cofilin Met115 severely affects the ability of cofilin to be phosphorylated on Ser3 (Figure 4A,B). Likewise, cofilinK112D and cofilinS119M also showed reduced Ser3 phosphorylation.

Figure 4. Disruption of LIMK1-cofilin-1 interaction in mammalian cells and yeast.

Figure 4

(A)Cofilin phosphorylation in mammalian cells. N-terminally His-tagged cofilin ran slower by SDS-PAGE than endogenous cofilin, allowing internal validation by anti-cofilin pSer3 antibody that the endogenous LIM kinases are active. HEK293T cells. B) Quantitation of exogenous pSer3 cofilin-1. Percent of wild-type signal calculated per experiment, and averaged across experiments. N=6. S.E.M. indicated. All pairings to wild-type are statistically significant (p-value < 0.0003) (paired t-test type 2). C) Expression of LIMK1CAT in yeast is toxic to cells dependent on human cofilin-1. Serial dilutions of the indicated yeast strains harboring plasmids expressing human cofilin-1 (WT or S3A mutant) and human LIMK1CAT or the corresponding empty vectors were plated on solid media in the presence of glucose (-Gal) or galactose (+Gal) to induce LIMK1CAT expression. Plates were grown at the indicated temperature for 2 days (glucose plates) or 4 days (galactose plate). D–E) Growth of cof1-ts cells co-expressing cofilin-1 or LIMK1CAT mutants. Cells harboring the indicated cofilin-1 (D) or LIMK1CAT (E) mutant plasmids were grown as in (C).

To further confirm the functional importance of the structurally-defined interaction mode for cofilin phosphorylation by LIM kinases, we reconstituted the mammalian LIMK1-cofilin pathway in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sole S. cerevisiae cofilin, Cof1, is essential for viability, and expression of mammalian cofilin-1 can rescue the growth defect of cof1 mutant yeast (Iida et al., 1993; Moon et al., 1993). Furthermore, while mutation of Ser3 to Ala did not affect the ability of mammalian cofilin-1 to function in yeast, mutation to a phosphomimetic Asp residue abrogated its ability to support growth of a cof1 mutant strain (Moriyama et al., 1996). Yeast lack obvious LIM kinase homologs, we therefore hypothesized that expression of human LIMK1 catalytic domain would phosphorylate and inactivate co-expressed human cofilin, thus preventing cofilin from rescuing growth in an inviable cof1 mutant strain. We used a strain harboring a temperature sensitive COF1 allele (cof1-ts), which grows normally at 25°C but fails to grow at 37°C due to inactivation of the mutant Cof1 protein (Lappalainen et al., 1997). This strain was transformed with plasmids for constitutive expression of human cofilin-1 and galactose-inducible expression of human LIMK1CAT, and assessed for growth at the restrictive temperature following galactose induction. As expected, we found that expression of human cofilin supports growth of the cof1-ts strain at 37 °C (Figure 4C). However, co-expression of LIMK1CAT in this context abolishes growth. Importantly, mutation of Ser3 of human cofilin to Ala in this system rescued growth upon co-expression LIMK1CAT, indicating that LIMK1CAT inhibits growth by direct phosphorylation of cofilin and not through non-specific toxicity. This assay therefore allowed us to probe the crystallographically observed LIMK1-cofilin interaction in vivo.

We initially examined the behavior of human cofilin-1 mutants that impacted phosphorylation by LIMK1 in vitro (K112D, M115A, and S119M, Figure 3). All human cofilin-1 mutants tested were capable of supporting the growth of cof1-ts yeast at 37 °C, suggesting that disruption of the LIMK1 binding interface does not affect the ability of cofilin to regulate actin filament dynamics. Expression of cofilinK112D or cofilinM115A partly rescued the ability of yeast to grow when co-expressed with wild-type LIMK1CAT, suggesting a significant impairment in the ability of LIMK1 to inactivate cofilin (Figure 4D). The partial rescue afforded by these mutants suggests residual phosphorylation of cofilin-1 despite a reduced rate of phosphorylation, which is likely to be a consequence of high level expression of LIMK1CAT. In contrast to the other mutants tested, cofilinS119M was fully inactivated by LIMK1CAT expression in yeast. These results are consistent with the central role for Met115 in the cofilin-LIMK1 interface. We also examined the effect of LIMK1 mutations that disrupt phosphorylation of cofilin in vitro (Figure 4E). Expression of LIMK1CATDDKK had no affect on the ability of human cofilin to rescue cof1-ts growth, suggesting complete loss of Ser3 phosphorylation. LIMK1CATM516S was partly impaired in suppressing growth, suggesting a partial decrease in phosphorylation. Co-expression of cofilinK112D with LIMK1CATDDKK did not restore growth suppression (not shown), consistent with the low level of Ser3 phosphorylation observed in vitro (Figure 3). Overall, these results indicate that disruption of the crystallographically-observed LIMK1-cofilin interaction, particularly by the cofilin M115A mutation, deleteriously impacts the ability of LIMK1 to inactivate cofilin-1 in vivo.

The LIMK1:cofilin-1 co-crystal structure defines the structural basis for LIM kinase family phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF proteins

The LIM kinase sub-group of protein kinases contains LIMK1, LIMK2 and the related TESK1 and TESK2. We conducted sequence alignment followed by conservation mapping onto the surface of LIMK1 in the co-crystal structure and found essentially complete conservation of the cofilin/ADF-binding surface between LIMK1/2 and TESK1/2. This indicates an evolutionary requirement for this arrangement of surface amino acids, presumably in order to bind cofilin/ADF proteins (Figure 5A, Figure S4). To confirm that the mechanism of cofilin/ADF protein recognition is conserved across the group we conducted in vitro kinase activity assays. We expressed and purified the catalytic domain of TESK1 (TESK1CAT) and used wild-type or mutant purified cofilin-1 as substrates (cofilinM115A, cofilinK112D, cofilinS119M). We found that TESK1CAT could efficiently phosphorylate wild-type cofilin-1, but that each of the cofilin mutants showed significantly less phosphorylation (Figure 5B,C). We therefore propose that the LIMK1:cofilin-1 co-crystal structure defines the class for LIM kinase family phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF proteins.

Figure 5. Conservation of the high fidelity kinase-substrate pair across the LIM kinase family.

Figure 5

(A)Conservation of LIMK1. Surface representation of LIMK1 structure indicating conservation across the human LIM kinases (LIMK1, LIMK2, TESK1, and TESK2). Dark blue indicates complete conservation (see Figure S5). Cofilin shown in cartoon format in green. B) In vitro kinase assay. TESK1CAT phosphorylation of cofilin-1 or cofilin-1 mutants analyzed by autoradiography (top). Loading analyzed by Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE (bottom). C) Quantitation of kinase assay. N=3. S.E.M. indicated. Comparison to wild-type pair shows that all pairings are statistically significant (p-value < 0.0001) (paired t-test type 2). See also Figure S4.


Insights into control of actin regulation by high fidelity phosphorylation of cofilin

Signal transduction to the actin cytoskeleton is critical for regulation of a wide array of cellular outcomes, and many kinase cascades control filament turnover by regulating the phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF proteins (Figure 1). The nodal point for these pathways is a high fidelity kinase-substrate pairing between the LIM kinase sub-group of serine-threonine kinases and residue Ser3 of the cofilin/ADF proteins, however, the molecular basis for how this pairing is achieved has remained perplexing. In the current study we determined the co-crystal structure of LIMK1 catalytic domain in complex with full-length cofilin-1 and found that the specificity is defined by a highly complementary interaction between the kinase C-lobe and the cofilin actin-binding helix. This interaction acts as a guide to place the phosphoacceptor cofilin Ser3 residue in precisely the correct location for phosphotransfer to occur.

Phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF proteins is a key mechanism for regulating the actin cytoskeleton. Cofilin/ADF proteins can bind directly both to globular and to filamentous actin. They induce conformational changes in filaments that promote ‘actin aging’ by promoting dissociation of Pi from ADP-Pi actin filaments (Blanchoin and Pollard, 1999). Cofilin binds more strongly to ADP-actin filaments and induces a twist in the filament to initiate severing (Andrianantoandro and Pollard, 2006; Bamburg et al., 1999; Blanchoin et al., 2000a; De La Cruz, 2009; Elam et al., 2013; Poukkula et al., 2011). Alongside phosphorylation of residue Ser3, control of cofilin/ADF binding to filamentous actin is also regulated by interaction of phosphoinositides (Ojala et al., 2002; Van Troys et al., 2008; Yonezawa et al., 1990; Zhao et al., 2010), interaction with cortactin (Oser et al., 2009) and changes in intracellular pH (Bernstein et al., 2000), however, cofilin Ser3 phosphorylation is the focal regulation point for transduction of extracellular signals to changes in the actin cytoskeleton, and plays a critical role in regulation of actin (Bravo-Cordero et al., 2013). Our study shows how this array of signals achieves a discrete and targeted impact on a single phosphoacceptor site.

Actin competes with LIM kinase phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF proteins

The structure of LIMK1 with cofilin-1 shows that the actin-binding helix (α5) of cofilin is required to mediate the interaction. Previous studies have shown that helix α5 is required for the interaction of cofilin/ADF proteins with either globular or filamentous actin (Bravo-Cordero et al., 2013), and the co-crystal structure of twinfilin with actin suggests that the residue analogous to Met115 in cofilin is important for the interaction, suggesting an overlapping actin-binding surface (Paavilainen et al., 2008). Therefore our structure indicates that LIM kinases and actin should directly compete to interact with cofilin/ADF proteins. In the context of a cell, however, where actin is highly abundant and LIM kinases are less so, there is the possibility that direct competition might act as a feedback mechanism to fine tune control of actin dynamics by cofilin/ADF proteins.

Pre- and post-catalysis structures

An unusual feature of the co-crystal structure is the presence within the asymmetric unit of both pre- and post-catalysis complexes. While a detailed analysis of conformational changes associated with these states is not feasible because of the moderate resolution of the structure, we have highlighted some clear differences between the pre- and post-catalysis states (Figure 2). Although it is speculative that the precise differences represent initial conformational movements of a protein kinase following catalysis, the sum of the differences found in the DFG-motif, VAIK-motif, P-loop and nucleotide are suggestive of conformational changes in response to completion of catalysis, and correlate well with previous work (Bastidas et al., 2015). The unusual pre- and post-catalysis content of the asymmetric unit therefore seem to indicate initial steps undertaken in a protein kinase following following phosphate transfer that will ultimately lead to product release.

A previously unobserved mechanism of achieving high kinase-substrate fidelity

Systems-level mechanisms have been described for achieving kinase-substrate specificity, including expression levels, targeting, conditional docking sites, competition, localization and scaffolding proteins (Ubersax and Ferrell, 2007). At the molecular level, however, protein kinases achieve substrate specificity by broadly defined ‘docking’ and phosphosite ‘linear motif’ interactions (Bose et al., 2006; Goldsmith et al., 2007; Remenyi et al., 2006) (Figure 6A). Although many structures are available that show the interactions of protein kinases with linear motif peptides, fewer have been determined which describe the interaction of protein kinase domains with folded protein substrates. Comparison of pLIMK1CATD460N:cofilin-1 with RIP3-MLKL (Xie et al., 2013), PKR-eIF2α (Dar et al., 2005) and CSK-Src (Levinson et al., 2008) kinase-protein substrate pairs demonstrates the distinct roles of canonical distal ‘docking’ and ‘linear motif’ recognition and helps define LIM kinase-cofilin as a distinct class of kinase-substrate complex (Figure S5). In each of the previous structures clear electron density reveals the molecular basis for their kinase-substrate distal docking interactions, which for these kinase domains is partially mediated by the αF-αG loop and helix αG, but no electron density is visible for their linear motif residues. In these and other kinase-substrate pairs, cooperation between docking and linear motif sites is used to achieve high rates of phosphotransfer, with distal docking sites acting as molecular tethers that increase kinase-substrate affinity (Lieser et al., 2005; Ubersax and Ferrell, 2007). In contrast, LIM kinases phosphorylate a residue located at the N-terminus of cofilin/ADF proteins (Ser3) in the absence of extensive interactions with residues immediately flanking the phosphorylation site, with Ser3 being directly oriented to the correct position for catalysis by a complementary interaction between the LIM kinase C-lobe and cofilin helix α5 (Figure 6B). We therefore propose that the complementary cofilin α5 interaction with LIMK1 acts as the jig component of a ‘molecular drill jig’ that conformationally places cofilin residue Ser3 in exactly the correct location for phosphotransfer to occur (Figure 6C). The use of a highly specific molecular jig to target cofilin Ser3 for phosphorylation explains the exquisite selectivity observed for the LIM kinase sub-group towards cofilin/ADF proteins, and provides a mechanism by which protein kinases can achieve high fidelity towards their substrates.

Figure 6. The cofilin ‘molecular drill jig’ as a mechanism to achieve high kinase-substrate fidelity.

Figure 6

(A)Schematic diagram showing the canonical molecular level mechanisms by which kinase-substrate specificity is achieved. Distal docking and linear motif sites are indicated. B) Schematic for how LIM kinases achieve high fidelity phosphorylation of cofilin/ADF proteins, an alternative mechanism to achieve molecular level specificity for kinase-substrate pairs. C) The complementary kinase-substrate interaction between LIM kinases and cofilin/ADF proteins acts as the jig component of a ‘molecular drill jig’, which conformationally places cofilin residue Ser3 in the correct location for catalysis. See also Figure S5.


Expression and purification pLIMK1CATD460N and cofilin-1

Human LIMK1 kinase domain (residues 329–638) containing point mutation D460N (LIMK1CATD460N) was expressed in the baculovirus system. Following initial purification, LIMK1CATD460N was treated with recombinant PAK4 catalytic domain to phosphorylate it on Thr508 (pLIMK1CATD460N) and further purified for co-crystallization. Wild type protein was used for kinase activity assays. Full-length human cofilin-1 (residues 2–166) was expressed in E. coli as a His6-SUMO fusion protein and following tag removal by SUMO protease was further purified by ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography for co-crystallography.

Structure determination

For co-crystallization, pLIMK1CATD460N and cofilin-1 were mixed together and supplemented with AMP-PNP and MgCl2. Crystals grew against precipitants in the range of 1.2–1.4 M sodium citrate, 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.5, and were optimized by streak- or macro-seeding into fresh drops with lower precipitant concentration (1.0 – 1.2 sodium citrate). X-ray diffraction data were collected in 9 sweeps from 4 crystals at beamline 24-ID-E at the Advanced Photon Source. Data reduction was conducted using HKL2000 (Otwinowski and Minor, 1997), the structure determined by molecular replacement using Phaser (McCoy, 2007), refined using Refmac5 (Murshudov et al., 2011) and Phenix (Adams et al., 2010) and built using Coot (Emsley et al., 2010). Structure figures were prepared using CCP4mg (McNicholas et al., 2011).

In vitro kinase assay

Purified pLIMK1CAT or TESK1CAT was mixed with purified full-length cofilin in the presence of 0.1 μCi/ml 33P-ATP. Reactions were carried out at 30° C for 10 minutes and quenched by addition of 1 mM EDTA-containing 1X SDS-loading buffer and resolved by SDS-PAGE. Autoradiography was used to detect the level of phosphorylated cofilin using a Bio-Rad Molecular Imager Fx system and Quantity One 1D Analysis software (Life Sciences Research). LIMK1 and cofilin mutants, and TESK1, were analyzed in this way.

Yeast growth assays

Serial dilutions of yeast harboring plasmids constitutively expressing N-terminal hexa-histidine tagged human cofilin-1 and inducibly expressing FLAG-tagged LIMK1 catalytic domain were plated on the appropriate selective media containing either glucose or galactose and incubated at either 25 ºC or 37 ºC as indicated.

Cofilin phosphorylation in mammalian cells

HEK293T cells were transfected with plasmids expressing N-terminally His6-tagged cofilin (WT or mutant). Cells were harvested 36 hours post-transfection and analyzed by Western blotting using either rabbit anti-phosphocofilin (Ser3) (Cell Signaling, 1:3000 dilution) or mouse anti-His-tag (Sigma, 1:4000) primary antibodies. Samples were evaluated using a LiCor Odyssey Imaging system.

Supplementary Material



Staff at beamline 24-ID-E (NE-CAT-E) at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory are thanked. We thank Anthony Koleske for sharing cDNA constructs, helpful discussions and critical analysis. We thank Dianqing Wu, Yiying Cai and Karin Reinisch for sharing cDNA constructs and vectors. We thank David Drubin for sharing yeast strains. Karen Anderson, John Asara, Ewa Folta-Stogniew and Rong Zhang are thanked. We thank Mark Lemmon, David Calderwood, Tom Pollard, Amy Stiegler, Clotilde Huet-Calderwood, Daniel Iwamoto, Xiaofeng Li and Byung Hak Ha for careful reading of the manuscript and insightful comments and suggestions. National Institutes of Health grants P41 GM103403 (NE-CAT beamline) and R01 GM102262 (B.E.T. and T.J.B.) funded the research.



Accession codes: The structure of pLIMK1CATD460N:Cofilin is deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession code 5HVK, and LIMK1CATD460N is deposited under accession code 5HVJ.


S.H. and T.J.B. conceived the project. S.H., B.E.T. and T.J.B. conceived and designed the experiments. S.H. and H.J.L. performed the experiments. S.H., H.J.L., B.E.T. and T.J.B. analyzed the experiments. S.H. sub-cloned, expressed, purified, crystallized, solved the structures, and conducted the kinase assays. H.J.L. performed the yeast growth assays. S.H., B.E.T. and T.J.B. wrote the paper.

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