VOLUME 284 (2009) PAGES 28253–28262
This article has been withdrawn by the authors. In Fig. 3, the same images were used to represent the results of different experimental conditions for EGFPd2 mRNA levels between samples 6 and 7 and samples 12 and 13 and for β-actin mRNA between samples 1 and 2. The background was inappropriately adjusted in the tubulin panel. In Fig. 7, the same images were used to represent different experimental conditions for protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) mRNA in samples 2, 5, 6, and 9, and 11 and 12. Additionally, sample 3 was reused as sample 4 and for ribosomal RNA (rRNA). In Fig. 8C, the same image was used to represent the results of different experimental conditions between GFPu (lane 9) and EYFP (lane 9). In supplemental Fig. 2, the same images were used to represent the results of different experimental conditions for PDI mRNA samples 5 and 6. In supplemental Fig. 6, the same images were used to represent the results of different experimental conditions for β-actin mRNA between samples 2 and 4 and between samples 6 and 7. The same images were used to represent the results of different experimental conditions in the tubulin immunoblots between sample 2 in the left hand panel and sample 1 in the right hand panel.