Cells that reside within a community can cooperate and also compete with each other for resources. It remains unclear how these opposing interactions are resolved at the population level. Here we investigated such an internal conflict within a microbial biofilm community: Cells in the biofilm periphery not only protect interior cells from external attack, but also starve them through nutrient consumption. We discovered that this conflict between protection and starvation is resolved through emergence of long-range metabolic codependence between peripheral and interior cells. As a result, biofilm growth halts periodically, increasing nutrient availability for the sheltered interior cells. We show that this collective oscillation in biofilm growth benefits the community in the event of a chemical attack. These findings indicate that oscillations support population-level conflict resolution by coordinating competing metabolic demands in space and time, suggesting new strategies to control biofilm growth.
Cooperation and competition are complex social interactions that can play critical roles in biological communities. Cooperative behavior often increases the overall fitness of the population through processes such as division of labor and production of common goods1–4. At the same time, individuals in a community compete with each other for limited resources, such as nutrients5–6. Here we investigated bacterial biofilms7–10 to determine how the conflict between the opposing social behaviors of cooperation and competition could be resolved at the community level to increase overall fitness.
Biofilms typically form under environmental stress conditions, such as nutrient limitation11–13. As these bacterial communities grow larger, the supply of nutrients to interior cells becomes limited due to an increase in nutrient consumption associated with the growth of multiple layers of cells in the biofilm periphery. Severe nutrient limitation for interior cells is detrimental to the colony, since the sheltered interior cells are critical to the survival of the biofilm community in the event of an external challenge. This defines a fundamental conflict between the opposing demands for biofilm growth and maintaining the viability of protected (interior) cells (Fig. 1a). The identification of possible mechanisms that ensure the viability of the protected interior cells is fundamental to understanding biofilm development14, 15.
In order to directly investigate how Bacillus subtilis biofilms continue expanding while sustaining interior cells, we converted the potentially complex three-dimensional problem to a simpler two-dimensional scenario using microfluidics. Specifically, we used growth chambers that are unconventionally large in the lateral, x-y dimensions (3 × 3 mm), while confining biofilm thickness (z-dimension) to only a few micrometers (Fig. 1b). Therefore, biofilm expansion in this device is predominantly limited to two dimensions, creating a “pancake-like” configuration. In fact, biofilms often form in confined aqueous environments and thus this microfluidic chamber may better mimic those growth conditions11–13. This experimental set-up is thus ideal to interrogate how biofilms can reconcile the opposing benefits of growth and protection during biofilm development.
Oscillations in biofilm growth
Unexpectedly, we observed oscillations in biofilm expansion despite constant media flow within the microfluidic device (Fig. 1c, d, Supplementary Video 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1a). Specifically, biofilms exhibit periodic reduction in colony expansion that is self-sustained and can last for more than a day (Fig. 1e and Extended Data Fig. 1b). The period of oscillations has a mean of 2.5 ± 0.8 hours (s.d., n = 63 colonies), which is less than the duration of the average cell replication time of 3.4 ± 0.2 hours (s.d., n = 21 cell cycles) under this growth condition (Fig. 1f and Method: Data Analysis). Moreover, oscillations only arise when the biofilm exceeds a certain colony size (Supplementary Video 2). In particular, quantitative measurements obtained from 53 individual biofilms indicate that oscillations emerge in colonies that exceed an average diameter of 580 ± 85 µm (s.d., n = 53 colonies), which corresponds to approximately one million cells (Fig. 1g, h). Together, these data show that oscillations arise during biofilm formation and are self-sustained.
Given that biofilms typically form under nutrient limited conditions and bacterial growth is generally controlled by metabolism, we hypothesized that metabolic limitation plays a key role in the observed periodic halting of biofilm expansion. In particular, after determining that carbon source limitation did not play an essential role in the oscillations (Extended Data Fig. 2), we focused on nitrogen limitation. The standard biofilm growth media (MSgg, see Methods: Growth conditions) used to study B. subtilis biofilm development contains glutamate as the only nitrogen source16. In most organisms including B. subtilis, glutamate is combined with ammonium by glutamine synthetase (GS) to produce glutamine, which is essential for biomass production and growth (Fig. 2a)17. Cells can obtain the necessary ammonium from glutamate through the enzymatic activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), expressed by the rocG or gudB genes in the undomesticated B. subtilis used in this study (Fig. 2a)18–20. To determine whether biofilms experience glutamine limitation, we measured expression of nasA, one of several genes activated in response to a lack of glutamine21. Results show that biofilms indeed experience glutamine limitation during growth. Specifically, supplementation of growth media directly with glutamine reduced nasA promoter expression, but did not affect expression of a constitutive promoter, confirming glutamine limitation within the biofilm (Fig. 2b). More strikingly, addition of exogenous glutamine eliminated periodic halting of biofilm growth (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 3a). These findings suggest that glutamine limitation plays a critical role in the observed oscillations during biofilm expansion.
The synthesis of glutamine requires both glutamate and ammonium, therefore we investigated which of these substrates could be responsible for the observed glutamine limitation. Glutamate is provided in the media and is thus readily available to cells in the periphery of the biofilm. On the other hand, consumption of glutamate by peripheral cells is likely to limit its availability to cells in the biofilm interior (Fig. 2d). One may thus expect that oscillations in biofilm expansion could be due to periodic pausing of cell growth in the biofilm interior. Accordingly, we set out to establish whether interior or peripheral cells exhibited changes in growth. By tracking physical movement within the biofilm, we uncovered that only peripheral cells grow, and that oscillations in biofilm expansion therefore arise exclusively from periodic halting of peripheral cell growth (Fig. 2e, Supplementary Video 3, Extended Data Fig. 4a, and Methods: Data analysis). This finding was further confirmed by single cell resolution analysis that directly showed periodic reduction in the growth of peripheral cells (Extended Data Fig. 4b). This surprising pausing of cell growth in the periphery, despite unrestricted access to glutamate, suggests that glutamate cannot be the limiting substrate for glutamine synthesis. Consistent with this expectation, biofilm oscillations were not quenched by supplementation of the media with glutamate (Fig. 2f). Therefore, it is not glutamate, but ammonium that appears to be the limiting substrate for glutamine synthesis in the biofilm periphery.
Since cells can self-produce ammonium from glutamate, we next sought to determine how peripheral cells could experience periodic ammonium limitation despite a constant supply of glutamate in the media. It is well known that ammonium production is a highly regulated process that is dependent on the metabolic state of the cell and the ambient level of ammonium in the environment22. In particular, since ammonium is in equilibrium with ammonia vapor, which can freely cross the cell membrane and be lost to the extracellular media23, the production of ammonium is known as a “futile cycle”. Cells therefore preferentially use extracellular (ambient) ammonium for growth, rather than producing their own24–26. Since peripheral cells are exposed to media flow, they are particularly susceptible to this futile cycle of ammonia loss. In this sense, since ammonium is not provided in the media, even if all cells produce ammonium, the biofilm interior will be the major source for ambient ammonium (Fig. 2d). Consequently, the simplifying hypothesis is that growth of peripheral cells relies on ammonium produced within the biofilm. To test this conjecture, we supplemented the media with 1 mM ammonium, which eliminated the periodic halting in biofilm expansion (Fig. 2g and Extended Data Fig.3b and 5a). When additional ammonium was suddenly removed from the media, growth in the biofilm periphery halted as expected (Extended Data Fig. 5b). These findings indicate that peripheral cells preferentially rely on extracellular ammonium produced within the biofilm for their growth.
Metabolic codependence between the biofilm periphery and interior
The results described above evoke the intriguing possibility that ammonium limitation for peripheral cells may arise due to glutamate limitation for interior cells. Specifically, persistent consumption of glutamate by peripheral cells can deprive the interior cells of the necessary glutamate for ammonium production. In order to explore this nontrivial hypothesis, we turned to mathematical modeling to develop a conceptual framework and generate experimentally testable predictions. Our model describes separately the metabolic dynamics of interior and peripheral cells and the metabolite exchange between them, where the distinction of the two subpopulations depends on nutrient availability (see Supplementary Information: Mathematical Model). The model thus consists of two main assumptions (Fig. 3a): First, consumption of glutamate during growth of peripheral cells deprives interior cells of this nutrient and thus inhibits ammonium production in the biofilm interior. Second, the growth of peripheral cells depends predominantly on ammonium that is produced by metabolically stressed interior cells. A model based on these two simplifying assumptions (Fig. 3b) generates oscillations consistent with our experimental observations (Fig. 3c–e) and reproduces the effects of supplementing the media with glutamine, glutamate and ammonium (Fig. 3f–h, Extended Data Fig. 6 and Supplementary Information: Mathematical Model). The model also accounts for the observed slight increase of the oscillation period by considering an increase in the ratio of interior to peripheral cells over time (Extended Data Fig.1b and 6f). Therefore, this simple model shows that periodic halting in biofilm growth can result from metabolic codependence between cells in the biofilm periphery and interior that is driven by glutamate consumption and ammonium production, respectively.
The metabolic codependence between interior and peripheral cells gives rise to the surprising prediction that external attack could promote growth within the biofilm. Specifically, killing of peripheral cells will eliminate their glutamate consumption, which will increase glutamate availability in the biofilm and thereby promote growth of interior cells (Fig. 4a). To test this hypothesis, we measured cell death and growth within oscillating biofilms (Fig. 4b, top and Extended Data Fig. 7). When we exposed the biofilm to media containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), we observed increased cell death predominantly in the biofilm periphery (Fig. 4b, bottom and Extended Data Fig. 8). As predicted, death of peripheral cells led to growth of interior cells (Fig. 4c and Extended Data Fig. 8). To verify that this response is not uniquely triggered by H2O2, we exposed biofilms to the antibiotic chloramphenicol and again observed growth of interior cells (Extended Data Fig. 8). These findings further support our hypothesis that glutamate consumption by peripheral cells limits its availability in the biofilm.
The benefit of biofilm oscillations
Our model also assumes that glutamate starvation of the biofilm interior reduces the production of ammonium that can support peripheral cell growth. This assumption provokes the question as to why peripheral cells do not simply overcome their dependence on extracellular ammonium by increasing intracellular production27, 28. To address this question, we constructed a strain that contains an inducible copy of the GDH gene rocG (Fig. 4d). We confirmed that GDH overexpression was not toxic to individual cells and did not affect their growth rate (Extended Data Fig. 9). In contrast, the induction of GDH expression in the biofilm quenched growth oscillations (Fig. 4e and Extended Data Fig. 3c) and resulted in high levels of cell death in the colony interior (Fig. 4f, top). This result explains why peripheral cells do not appear to utilize the simple strategy of overcoming their dependence on extracellular ammonium: such a strategy would result in the continuous growth of peripheral cells, starving and ultimately causing the death of sheltered interior cells within the biofilm. Periodic halting of peripheral cell growth due to extracellular ammonium limitation thus promotes the overall viability of the biofilm.
The ability of the biofilm to regenerate itself in the event of an external attack suggested that killing the biofilm interior first would be a more effective strategy for biofilm extermination. Accordingly, we exposed the GDH overexpression strain to hydrogen peroxide and again measured growth and death. As described above, GDH induction causes death of interior cells. Exposing the GDH overexpression strain to hydrogen peroxide resulted in more effective global killing throughout the biofilm (Fig. 4f, g, bottom). While in the wild-type biofilm interior cells begin to grow in response to an external attack, metabolic independence between interior and peripheral cells in the GDH strain interferes with this defense mechanism (Fig. 4h). This outcome is also consistent with modeling predictions (Fig. 4h, inset). Oscillations in biofilm growth that are driven by metabolic codependence thus promote the resilience of the biofilm community by sustaining the viability of the sheltered interior cells that are most likely to survive in the event of an environmental stress (Fig. 4i).
The data presented here reveal that intracellular metabolic activity within biofilms is organized in space and time, giving rise to codependence between interior and peripheral cells. Even though bacteria are single-celled organisms, the metabolic dynamics of individual cells can thus be regulated in the context of the community. This metabolic codependence can in turn give rise to collective oscillations that emerge during biofilm formation and promote the resilience of biofilms against chemical attack. The community-level oscillations also support the ability of biofilms to reach large sizes, while retaining a viable population of interior cells. Specifically, periodic halting of peripheral cell growth prevents complete starvation and death of the interior cells. This overcomes the colony size limitation for a viable biofilm interior that would otherwise be imposed by nutrient consumption in the biofilm periphery. Metabolic codependence in biofilms therefore offers an elegant solution that resolves the social conflict between cooperation (protection) and competition (starvation) through oscillations.
The intriguing discovery of biofilm oscillations presented here also provokes new questions. While cellular processes such as swarming or expression of extracellular matrix components are not required for the observed biofilm oscillations (Extended Data Fig. 10), it will be interesting to pursue whether such cellular processes are influenced by oscillatory dynamics29. Another question worth pursuing is whether metabolic codependence can also arise in other biofilm-forming species. Perhaps other metabolic branches where metabolites can be shared among cells could also give rise to oscillations in biofilm growth. It will be exciting to pursue these questions in future studies to obtain a better understanding of biofilm development.
Our observations also suggest future strategies to cope with the intriguing resilience of biofilms in the face of environmental stresses, such as antibiotic exposure. In particular, our findings show that straightforward application of stress (such as H2O2 or chloramphenicol) to the biofilm counterintuitively promotes growth, effectively rejuvenating the biofilm. Death of the colony periphery relieves the repression on the growth of interior cells, allowing them to regenerate a new biofilm periphery and interior. In contrast, manipulation of the metabolic codependence may yield a more effective approach to control biofilm formation. Specifically, promoting continuous growth of peripheral cells can starve the biofilm interior, leaving behind the exposed peripheral cells that can more easily be targeted by external killing factors. Therefore, the metabolically driven collective oscillations in biofilm expansion described here not only reveal fundamental insights into the principles that govern formation of multicellular communities, but also suggest new strategies for manipulating the growth of biofilms.
Strains and Plasmids
All experiments were done using Bacillus subtilis NCIB 3610. The wild type strain was a gift from Wade Winkler (University of Maryland)30 and all other strains were derived from it (see Supplementary Information: Strains).
Growth conditions
The biofilms were grown using MSgg medium16. It contains 5 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 100 mM MOPS buffer (pH 7.0, adjusted using NaOH), 2 mM MgCl2, 700 µM CaCl2, 50 µM MnCl2, 100 µM FeCl3, 1 µM ZnCl2, 2 µM thiamine HCl, 0.5% (v/v) glycerol and 0.5% (w/v) monosodium glutamate. The MSgg medium was made from stock solutions on the day of the experiment, and the stock solution for glutamate was made new each week.
We used the CellASIC ONIX Microfluidic Platform and the Y04D microfluidic plate (EMD Millipore). It provides unconventionally large chambers, allowing the formation of colonies containing millions of cells, yet still leaves room for media flow. Media flow in the microfluidic chamber was driven by a pneumatic pump from the CellASIC ONIX Microfluidic Platform, and the pressure from the pump was kept stable during the course of the oscillation. In most of the experiments, we used a pump pressure of 1 psi with only one media inlet open (there are 6 media inlets in the Y04D plate), which corresponds to a flow speed of ~16 µm/s in the growth chamber.
On the day before the experiment, cells from −80°C glycerol stock were streaked onto LB agar plate and incubated at 37°C for overnight. The next day morning, a single colony was picked from the plate and inoculated into 3 ml of LB broth in a 50 ml conical tube, and then incubated in 37°C shaker. After 2.5 hours of incubation, the cell culture was centrifuged at 2100 rcf for 1 min, and then the cell pellet was re-suspended in MSgg and then immediately loaded into microfluidics. After the loading, cells in the microfluidic chamber were incubated at 37°C for 90 min, and then the temperature was kept at 30°C for the rest of the experiment.
Time-Lapse Microscopy
The growth of the biofilms was recorded using phase contrast microscopy. The microscopes used were Olympus IX81 and IX83, and DeltaVision PersonalDV. To image entire biofilms, 10× lens objectives were used in most of the experiments. Images were taken every 10 min. Whenever fluorescence images were recorded, we used the minimum exposure time that still provided a good signal-to-noise ratio.
Data analysis
ImageJ (National Institutes of Health) and MATLAB (MathWorks) were used for image analysis. In house software was also developed to perform colony detection and quantification of colony expansion. Multiple methods of colony detection were used to ensure the accuracy of the analysis. To detect regions of expansion in a biofilm, we performed image differencing on snapshots of the biofilm from time-lapse microscopy videos. Specifically, we calculated the difference between two consecutive phase contrast images (taken 10 min apart) by finding the absolute difference between each pixel in each image. We then generated an image stack based on these results. The intensity values from the stack correlate with the expansion inside the biofilm. The growth area was determined by converting difference images to binary images and then measuring the area of the colony growth region (white pixels). To measure cell replication time, we tracked the length and division of individual cells in the biofilm periphery (Extended Data Fig. 4b).
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank the anonymous referees for their constructive comments during the review process. We would also like to thank Katherine Süel, Tolga Çağatay, Roy Wollman, Terry Hwa and Michael Elowitz for comments during the writing of the manuscript. A.P. is a Simons Foundation Fellow of the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation. J.H. is supported by the UCSD Cell and Molecular Genetics Training Grant. J.G.O. is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) and FEDER, under project FIS2012-37655-C02-01, and by the ICREA Academia Programme. This research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant R01 GM088428 and the National Science Foundation Grant MCB-1450867 (both to G.M.S.).
G.M.S. and J.L. have a pending patent through the University of California San Diego based on this work (SD2015-219).
Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature.
Author Contributions G.M.S., J.L., M.A., and J.G.O. designed the research, J.L. performed the experiments, J.L., J.H., and M.A. performed the data analysis, M.G.S. and J.G.O. performed the mathematical modeling, D.D.L., S.L., and M.A. made the bacteria strains, G.M.S., A.P., J.L., J.H., M.G.S, and J.G.O. wrote the manuscript. All authors discussed the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
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