Figure 9. In Fig4-/- OLs, vesicular trafficking through the LE/Lys compartment is defective.
Representative confocal images of live, anti-MAG-Alex488 labeled (A) Fig4 control OLs and (A’) Fig4-/- OLs. Time-lapse imaging was used to track movement of MAG+ vesicles. (B) Using Imaris software, MAG+ vesicles were labeled with pink spheres and vesicular movement was tracked (yellow lines) in Fig4 control cultures. (B’) Imaris software was used to track movement of large vesicles (white color) and small vesicles (purple color) in Fig4-/- OLs: tracks of individual vesicles are shown. (C) Quantification of mean velocity of MAG+ vesicles in Fig4 control OLs and Fig4-/- OLs. In Fig4-/- OLs, movement of small vesicles (0.7 µm3) and large vesicles (94 µm3) was assessed separately. The velocity is shown as mean value ± SEM. N = 4 independent experiments and a total of 9 cells per genotype were analyzed. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett posthoc, ***p= 0.001. (n.s. = not significant).