AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Correction for “Mode of action uncovered for the specific reduction of methane emissions from ruminants by the small molecule 3-nitrooxypropanol,” by Evert C. Duin, Tristan Wagner, Seigo Shima, Divya Prakash, Bryan Cronin, David R. Yáñez-Ruiz, Stephane Duval, Robert Rümbeli, René T. Stemmler, Rudolf Kurt Thauer, and Maik Kindermann (first published May 2, 2016; 10.1073/pnas.1600298113).
The authors note that Fig. 1 appeared incorrectly. The corrected figure and its legend appear below.
Fig. 1.
Methane formation in the rumen of a dairy cow and its inhibition by 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP). The H2 concentration in the rumen fluid is near 1 µM (≙ 140 Pa = 0.14% in the gas phase).