The authors wish to point out that the units of CSF and plasma NFL in Table 2 and Fig. 1, Fig. 2 should be corrected to ng/L. Corrected files are republished here.
Table 2.
Median (IQR) plasma NFL (left columns) and CSF NFL (right columns) concentrations in different groups.
Groups | N | Plasma NFL |
Median ng/L (IQR) | Median ng/L (IQR) | ||
HIV negative (HIV-neg) | 19 | 9.3 (5.9–13.1) | 363 (264–487) |
Primary HIV infection (PHI) | 13 | 11.2 (8.2–16.6) | 732 (456–1288) |
Neuroasymtpomatic HIV (NA) | |||
CD4 > 350 | 19 | 9.0 (6.5–14.3) | 488 (374–694) |
CD4 200–349 | 17 | 9.7 (7.6–12.2) | 573 (464–764) |
CD4 50–199 | 19 | 12.1 (7.8–44.7) | 640 (490–1530) |
CD4 < 50 | 20 | 39.6 (12.0–103) | 2415 (690–4420) |
HIV-associated dementia (HAD) | 11 | 114 (46.0–235) | 16,185 (1513–43,010) |
HIV, treated-suppressed (ART) | 22 | 11.1 (8.6–12.8) | 582 (322–706) |
Fig. 1.
Association between CSF and plasma NFL and concentrations of biomarkers in 8 subject groups. Panels A–B and D–F, plot concentrations of different markers for the 8 subject groups, HIV-negative controls (HIV-neg); primary HIV infection (PHI); untreated neuroasymptomatic subjects in different CD4 cell strata (Asympt); HIV-associated dementia (HAD); and subjects on suppressive antiretroviral treatment (ART). Boxes depict median and IQR, whiskers show 10–90 percentiles and ‘+’ designate the means. Dotted horizontal lines in panels D-E show the limit of detection for HIV RNA (40 copies/mL), and in panel F the upper limit of normal for CSF neopterin (5.8 nmol/L). Panel C plot the correlation between log CSF and log plasma NFL.
Fig. 2.
Association between NFL and age. Panel A displays the regression lines for age to log plasma and log CSF NFL in HIV-negative controls. Age was closely correlated with plasma NFL (r = 0.792, p < 0.0001) and CSF NFL (r = 0.673, p = 0.002) in HIV-negative controls. Panel B shows plasma NFL and panel C CSF NFL plotted against age in four HIV-infected groups: HIV-associated dementia (HAD); untreated neuroasymtpomatic subjects (NA); subjects on suppressive antiretroviral treatment (ART); primary HIV-infection (PHI), and HIV-negative controls (HIV-neg).