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. 2016 Jun 13;144(22):224107. doi: 10.1063/1.4953558

Determining polarizable force fields with electrostatic potentials from quantum mechanical linear response theory

Hao Wang 1, Weitao Yang 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,a)
PMCID: PMC4912555  PMID: 27305996


We developed a new method to calculate the atomic polarizabilities by fitting to the electrostatic potentials (ESPs) obtained from quantum mechanical (QM) calculations within the linear response theory. This parallels the conventional approach of fitting atomic charges based on electrostatic potentials from the electron density. Our ESP fitting is combined with the induced dipole model under the perturbation of uniform external electric fields of all orientations. QM calculations for the linear response to the external electric fields are used as input, fully consistent with the induced dipole model, which itself is a linear response model. The orientation of the uniform external electric fields is integrated in all directions. The integration of orientation and QM linear response calculations together makes the fitting results independent of the orientations and magnitudes of the uniform external electric fields applied. Another advantage of our method is that QM calculation is only needed once, in contrast to the conventional approach, where many QM calculations are needed for many different applied electric fields. The molecular polarizabilities obtained from our method show comparable accuracy with those from fitting directly to the experimental or theoretical molecular polarizabilities. Since ESP is directly fitted, atomic polarizabilities obtained from our method are expected to reproduce the electrostatic interactions better. Our method was used to calculate both transferable atomic polarizabilities for polarizable molecular mechanics’ force fields and nontransferable molecule-specific atomic polarizabilities.


Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is an important method for investigating biological systems.1,2 The accuracy of MD simulation depends on the force fields. Most empirical force fields use fixed partial charges on molecules (e.g., TIP3P3 and SPC4). These force fields are nonpolarizable force fields. Though non-polarizable force fields have achieved much success in the past decades, many challenges still remain. For example, one significant drawback of nonpolarizable force fields is that they cannot respond to the change of dielectric environment. However, due to the conformational changes, dielectric environment in biological systems may change significantly in the process of an MD simulation. The polarization effects are also crucial, for example, for the folding of membrane proteins in the lipid environment or RNA folding in the environment of divalent ions.5 In recent years, especially with the increasing power of computers, including polarization effects in MD simulations has been recognized as an effective method to further improve the accuracy of MD simulation results. Reviews accounting for polarization effects in MD simulations have been presented by Yu and van Gunsteren,6 Rick and Stuart,7 and González.8

Three most widely used polarizable models are fluctuating charge model,9,10 Drude model,11–13 and induced dipole model.14,15 The fluctuating charge model uses the chemical potential equalization principle16–18 to calculate the flexible atomic partial charges, which vary with the electrostatic environment. Atomic electronegativity (χ0) and hardness (J), two types of parameters in the fluctuating charge model, can be obtained via quantum mechanical (QM) calculations (χ0=12(IP+EA) and J = IPEA, where IP and EA denote the ionization potential and electron affinity).9 The disadvantage of this model is that the polarization effects are restricted by the molecular geometry. For example, for a planar molecule, the fluctuating charge model cannot represent the polarization out of the molecular plane, which needs additional fluctuating dipoles. The Drude model and induced dipole model are essentially equivalent.6,19,20 Both use dipole moments to represent polarization effects. The difference is in the models of the dipole: the induced dipole model uses atom-centered point dipole moments, while for the Drude model, the Drude particles attached to the atom sites through a spring are used to represent the polarization effects. In practice, the Drude model is easier to implement than the induced dipole model. In the present work, the scheme of the induced dipole model is more convenient and was chosen for our current implementation. However, the parameters obtained in the induced dipole model can be easily transformed into those in the Drude model.6

Besides these three main polarizable models, many other types of models have been developed. Within the atomic charge framework, Morita and Kato developed the charge response kernel model in which atomic charges linearly respond to the external potential.21,22 Piquemal et al. developed the SIBFA method which includes non-classical effects such as exchange-polarization.23–31

In the induced dipole model, the induced point dipole at atom site i is proportional to the electric field at the same site (μi = αiEi, where αi is the atomic polarizability of atom i). The atomic polarizabilities are the key parameters in the induced dipole model. In previous studies, the atomic polarizabilities were calculated by fitting to the molecular polarizabilities,20,32–35 which are obtained either from experimental results or from high-quality QM results. Soteras et al. calculated the atomic polarizabilities by fitting the induction energy computed in the perturbation theory.36 Kaminski et al. calculated the atomic polarizabilities by fitting to the electrostatic potential (ESP) produced by dipolar probes which are surrounding the molecules.37 Though fitting to molecular polarizabilities can also reproduce electrostatic interaction well, it is in an indirect way. Calculating atomic polarizabilities by direct fitting to electrostatic potential is what we desired in the present study.

However, the definition of atomic polarizabilities is not unique. Besides the “bare” atomic polarizabilities developed by Applequist,38 another type of distributed polarizabilities, which was first developed by Stone,54,55 is also widely used. Stone’s method combines the susceptibility function of the charge density56 and distributed multipole analysis57 to calculate distributed polarizabilities of an isolated molecule under an external perturbation. For practical purpose, Stone et al.58,59 devised the constrained density-fitting algorithm. Celebi et al.60 calculated the distributed polarizabilities by induction energy fitting.

In the current work, we developed a new method for the development of polarizable force fields, based on the following rationale. All polarizable force fields describe the linear response of the charge distribution of a molecule to the change in the external electrostatic field. Since this linear response is well described by quantum mechanical theory at many levels, we believe that polarizable force fields should be designed to approximate the QM linear response. Instead of using the linear response electron density, the optimal target of approximation is the electrostatic potential generated from the linear response electron density because the electrostatic potential is what enters into the interaction energy of the molecule with its environment. This is similar to the use of electrostatic potential to fit atomic charges in non-polarizable force fields. Thus our method calculates the atomic polarizabilities by ESP fitting within the quantum mechanical linear response theory. With the linear response function within density functional theory,39 QM calculations are only needed once in the fitting process for each molecule. It also makes our ESP fitting results independent of the orientations and magnitudes of the uniform external electric fields applied. These features lead to more efficient ESP fitting and accurate atomic polarizabilities. Both transferable atomic polarizabilities for the purpose of force fields and nontransferable atomic polarizabilities for specific molecules are calculated here. Our development of atomic polarizabilities based on linear response parallels the conventional approach of fitting atomic charges based on electrostatic potentials from the electron density. Our method should be useful for building the next generation of polarizable force fields.


A. Induced dipole model

We first review the induced dipole model here. Consider a molecule of N atoms in a uniform external electric field. The induced dipoles are placed on each atom site and the induced dipole on atom p is given by

μp=αp[EpqpNTpqμq], (1)

where αp is the atomic polarizability of atom p, Ep is the external electric field at atom p, μq is the dipole moment at atom q, and Tpq is the dipole field tensor,

Tpq=ferpq3I3ftrpq5x2xyxzyxy2yzzxzyz2, (2)

where I is a 3 × 3 unit matrix, fe and ft are screening functions, rpq is the distance between atoms p and q, and x,y, and z are three components of rpq. In Applequist’s model,38 fe = 1 and ft = 1.

It has been noted that Applequist’s model may cause “polarization catastrophe,” which refers to “the infinite polarization by the cooperative interactions between two nearby induced dipoles.”32 To solve this problem, Thole developed two forms of screening functions to damp the short distance inductions.40 In the linear form,

ν=rpq/[a(αpαq)1/6]if(ν>=1)fe=1.0,ft=1.0,if(ν<1)fe=4ν33ν4,ft=ν4. (3)

In the exponential form,

ν=rpq/[a(αpαq)1/6],fe=1(ν22+ν+1)exp(ν),ft=1(16ν3+12ν2+ν+1)exp(ν). (4)

Another form was used by Ren and Ponder,41–49 which was simplified by Wang et al.,32

ν=rpq/[a(αpαq)1/6],fe=1exp(ν3),ft=1(ν3+1)exp(ν3), (5)

where αp and αq are the atomic polarizabilities of atoms p and q, a is the screening factor, and rpq is the distance between atoms p and q.

Rearrange formula (1) to the matrix equation,

α11T12T1NT21α21T2NTN1TN2αN1μ1μ2μN=E1E2EN, (6)

which can be expressed in compact matrix notation as

Aμ=E. (7)

Let B = A1,

B=B11B12B1NB21B22B2NBN1BN2BNN. (8)

Note that each Bij is a three by three matrix, associated with three spacial directions. Define a three by three matrix C as

C=i=1Nj=1NBij. (9)

Then isotropic molecular polarizability is given by

αmol=(C11+C22+C33)/3. (10)

B. Linear response function

The linear response function (χ(r, r′)), defined as χ(r,r)=δρ(r)δv(r), represents the response of the electron density ρ(r) to the change of external electric potential v(r′). Within density functional theory, the analytic expression of χ(r, r′) is given as39

χ(r,r)=2iaσ,jbτ(M1)iaσ,jbτϕjτ(r)ϕbτ(r)ϕiσ(r)ϕaσ(r), (11)

where M is a matrix depending on the approximate density functional chosen, which is given by

Miaσ,jbτ=δστδijδab(ϵaσϵiσ)+Kiaσ,jbτ+Kiaσ,bjτ, (12)


Kstσ,uvτ=ϕsσ|vJ|ϕtτPvuτ+ϕsσ|vxcσ|ϕtτPvuτ, (13)
ϕsτ|vJ|ϕtτPvuτ=dr1dr2ϕsσ(r1)ϕtτ(r1)1r12ϕuτ(r2)ϕvτ(r2)=(ϕsσϕtτ,ϕuτϕvτ). (14)

For explicit functionals of the electron density,

ϕsσ|vxcσ|ϕtσPvuτ=dr1dr2ϕsσ(r1)ϕtσ(r1)δ2Exc[ρσ(r)]δρσ(r1)δτ(r2)ϕuτ(r2)ϕvτ(r2). (15)

For functionals of the density matrix,

ϕsσ|vxcσ|ϕtσPvuτ=dr1dr1dr2dr2ϕsσ(r1)ϕtσ(r1)δ2Exc[ρsσ(r1,r1)]δρσ(r1,r1)δρτ(r2,r2)ϕuτ(r2)ϕvτ(r2). (16)

We use i, j, k, … for occupied states, a, b, c, … for unoccupied states, s, t, u, v for general states, and Greek letters σ, τ for spin labels. Details of the derivations of the above formula can be found in Yang’s paper.39 The linear response function only depends on the ground state properties of the molecules. Under a given perturbation δv(r), the change of electron density to first order is then given by

δρ(r)=χ(r,r)δv(r)dr. (17)

C. ESP fitting

In the current work, we performed the ESP fitting in two different ways to obtain atomic polarizabilities for molecular specific force fields and for general force fields. In the first approach, we fit the ESP for specific molecules. The molecule-specific fitting ensures that the atomic polarizabilities obtained are specifically optimized for a particular molecule. In determining atomic polarizabilities {αp}, we use the object function L, defined as the weighted squared difference between ϕESP, the electrostatic potential from the polarizable force field and ϕQM, that from QM linear response calculations, namely,


where ω(r) is a weight function at grid point r. The details of L are as follows:

L=dΩω(r)[a1|rar|μaδρ(r)|rr|dr]2dr=dΩω(r)[aN1|rar|μa1|rr|δρ(r)δν(r)δν(r)drdr]2dr=dΩω(r)[aN1|rar|(A1δE)a1|rr|χ(r,r)rδEdrdr]2dr=dΩω(r)[aN1|rar|(A1nˆ)a1|rr|χ(r,r)rnˆdrdr]2drδE2, (18)

where ra is the position of atom a, μa is the induced dipole moment on atom a, nˆ is the unit direction vector of the uniform external electric field, A is the matrix defined in Eq. (7), and δE is the magnitude of the uniform external electric field. The integration with respect to the solid angle (Ω) of the external perturbing field allows considering all the orientations of the perturbing field on equal footing.


nˆ=sinθcosϕnˆx+sinθsinϕnˆy+cosθnˆz, (19)

where nˆx,nˆy,nˆz are unit vectors in x, y, z directions, separately, we can define the following:

Hx(r)=a1|rar|(A1nˆx)a1|rr|χ(r,r)xdrdr,Hy(r)=a1|rar|(A1nˆy)a1|rr|χ(r,r)ydrdr,Hz(r)=a1|rar|(A1nˆz)a1|rr|χ(r,r)zdrdr, (20)

where x″, y″, and z″ are x, y, and z components of r″. Then L can be transformed into

L=dΩω(r)[sinθcosϕHx(r)+sinθsinϕHy(r)+cosθHz(r)]2drδE2=4π3ω(r)[Hx2(r)+Hy2(r)+Hz2(r)]drδE2. (21)

Since the magnitude of the uniform external electric field, δE, can be taken out of the bracket, the ESP fitting results are independent of the magnitude of the uniform electric fields. The analytic gradient of L with respect to atomic polarizabilities {αp} and screening factor a, used in the optimization process, is given by

Lαp=8π3ω(r)[Hx(r)Hx(r)αp+Hy(r)Hy(r)αp+Hz(r)Hz(r)αp]drδE2=8π3ω(r)[Hx(r)(a1|rar|(A1AαpA1nˆx)a)+Hy(r)(a1|rar|(A1AαpA1nˆy)a)+Hz(r)(a1|rar|(A1AαpA1nˆz)a)]drδE2,La=8π3ω(r)[Hx(r)Hx(r)a+Hy(r)Hy(r)a+Hz(r)Hz(r)a]drδE2=8π3ω(r)[Hx(r)(a1|rar|(A1AaA1nˆx)a)+Hy(r)(a1|rar|(A1AaA1nˆy)a)+Hz(r)(a1|rar|(A1AaA1nˆz)a)]drδE2. (22)

In the second approach, we fit the ESP for general force fields, which means that we aim to obtain atomic polarizabilities that are transferable. In this case, the total object function L is defined as

L=i=1n1ω(ri)driLi, (23)

where n is the number of molecules in the training set and Li is the object function for molecule i, as defined in Eq. (21). The denominator of the factor represents the sum of weights of all grid points belonging to molecule i. This factor ensures that each molecule has the same weight in the fitting process.

In the conventional approach for developing force fields, atomic charges are fitted to the electrostatic potential generated from the electron density. In complete parallel, within our approach, atomic polarizabilities are fitted to the linear change of the electrostatic potential due to the applied external electric field, which is calculated from the linear response theory. This is the key feature of our work. While we focus on polarizable dipole model presently, our idea of fitting to the linear change of the electrostatic potential due to the applied external electric field, which is calculated from the linear response theory, can be applied to other polarizable models.

D. Computation details

We used the weight function developed by Hu et al. for electrostatic potential fitting of atomic charges,50 which is given by

ω(r)=exp[σ(logρ˜(r)logρref)2], (24)

where ρ˜(r) is the predefined electron density that is the sum of atomic electron densities, and ρref and σ are two parameters. By adjusting ρref and σ, a Gaussian-like weight function ω(r) is generated which weighs heavily on the points in the desired range. We performed a scanning over a large range of σ and ρref to look for the suitable parameters for dipole ESP fitting. It turns out that the ESP fitting quality is not significantly affected over a broad range of σ and ρref. This conclusion is similar to that in the paper of Hu et al.50 In our work, we chose σ = 1.0 and lnρref = − 11. In the spirit of Hu’s work,50 our object function is defined in the entire molecular volume space instead of discretely selected grid points surrounding the target molecule. The object function is thus rotationally invariant the to molecular orientation and continuously change with respect to the molecular geometry.50 We constructed an integration grid with standard 3D integration method used in density functional calculations and then computed electrostatic potentials on the grid points with the converged electron density.50 In the current work, the standard pruned (75 302) grid implemented in Gaussian was chosen. The small molecule set we used for ESP fitting and testing is the one developed by van Duijnen and Swart,33 which is a widely used molecule set for atomic polarizability parametrization. However, since the weight function of Hu et al.50 was only developed for the elements in the first three periods, molecules containing Br and I in the small molecule set are thus not used for fitting in current work.

Besides introducing the screening functions, excluding 1-2 (bonded) and 1-3 (separated by two bonds) induction can also reduce the risk of “polarization catastrophe.” Thus, we use eight induced dipole models based on whether 1-2 and 1-3 interactions are excluded and different screening functions are used. Table I summarizes the eight models we studied.


Eight induced dipole models studied in the current work. Class 1 contains four models with 1-2 and 1-3 induction included. Class 2 contains four models with 1-2 and 1-3 induction excluded.

Model Class Screening function 1-2 (bond) 1-3 (angle)
NTL 1 Thole’s linear model On On
NTE 1 Thole’s exponential model On On
NRE 1 Ren and Ponder’s exponential model On On
NAP 1 Applequist’s model On On
FTL 2 Thole’s linear model Off Off
FTE 2 Thole’s exponential model Off Off
FRE 2 Ren and Ponder’s exponential model Off Off
FAP 2 Applequist’s model Off Off

Figure 1 shows that the molecular polarizabilities vary with different basis sets. In the current work, the linear response function was calculated at the level of B3LYP/6-31 + G.51,52 All the molecular geometries were optimized at the same level before ESP fitting. Gaussian0353 was used to analytically calculate the molecular polarizabilities at the level of B3LYP/6-31 + G for comparison.51,52

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

Dependence of molecular polarizabilities on the basis sets for nine molecules belonging to nine categories in the molecule set we used.

We used the quasi-Newton BFGS algorithm to optimize the object function, with analytic first order derivatives with respect to the parameters (atomic polarizabilities and screening factors). Though this algorithm cannot guarantee global minimal, we find that the convergence is satisfying after trying different initial guesses.


The quality of the ESP fitting is assessed by the relative-root-mean-square-deviation (RRMSD), which is defined as

VRRMSD=i=13N(VQM,iVESP,i)2i=13NVQM,i2, (25)

where N is the number of grid points, VESP,i is the electrostatic potential at grid i calculated from the induced dipoles, and VQM,i is the electrostatic potential calculated with the linear response function at grid i. As it is shown in Sec. II, after integrating the orientation in the 3-dimensional physical space, it is equivalent to applying the uniform external electric fields from three different directions. Therefore, summation is over 3N. Though we focus on fitting to the ESP, a physically reasonable set of atomic polarizabilities {αp} and screening factor a should also predict molecular polarizabilities well. Thus, we also calculated the average percentage error (APE) of the molecular polarizabilities, defined as

αAPE=i=1n|αiαiQM|/αiQMn, (26)

where αi is the molecular polarizabilities recovered from the atomic polarizabilities for molecule i, αiQM is the molecular polarizability for molecule i calculated by QM, and n is the number of molecules.

A. Atomic polarizabilities for force fields

Force fields are usually composed of bonded interaction (such as bond, angle, and dihedreal) and nonbonded interaction (electrostatic and van der Waals interaction). In some force fields, contribution to polarization from 1-2 (bond) and 1-3 (separated by two bonds) is absorbed by long-range polarization.32

When fitting for the purpose of force fields, transferable atomic polarizabilities were generated by fitting small molecules of different categories together as indicated in Eq. (23). The atomic polarizabilities and screening factors obtained for eight induced dipole models are listed in Table II, in which the classification of atom types is the same as that used by Wang et al.32 For the convenience of comparison, we divide the eight induced dipole models into two classes based on whether 1-2 and 1-3 interactions are included. In many polarizable force fields, “the short range 1-2 and 1-3 interactions are excluded to reduce the potential of polarization catastrophe.”32 Class 1 contains four models (NTL, NTE, NRE, and NAP) including 1-2 and 1-3 interactions. Class 2 contains the other four models (FTL, FTE, FRE, and FAP) excluding 1-2 and 1-3 interactions. The scatter plots of molecular polarizabilities obtained from QM versus ESP fitting for the training set of eight models are shown in Figure 2. Statistical results of the training set are shown in Table III, and those for the testing set are shown in Table IV.


Atomic polarizabilities and screening factors for eight models (atomic unit).

C1a 9.3114 7.4259 7.7525 2.8741 6.2867 6.2827 6.2827 6.2834
C2b 13.4049 10.3546 11.9081 4.5106 7.7322 7.7990 7.7990 7.8004
C3c 9.1352 8.2343 6.8914 5.0019 7.6621 7.7545 7.7599 7.7579
H 2.4456 1.4927 2.0576 1.0257 1.6972 1.6533 1.6547 1.6533
NO 5.7577 6.4642 5.8198 4.8365 4.6469 4.7016 4.7171 4.7049
N 6.9555 5.5249 6.3731 2.9754 5.2880 5.3217 5.3197 5.3217
O2d 5.2833 4.3817 4.7974 2.4841 4.0699 4.0794 4.0740 4.0794
O3e 5.2016 4.5349 4.2825 2.8890 3.7244 3.7548 3.7575 3.7561
F 2.6487 2.1237 1.8571 1.9563 2.3127 2.3005 2.2985 2.2998
Cl 11.8177 12.4075 11.7414 11.3601 11.5208 11.5376 11.5329 11.5356
S4f 15.1662 14.5805 13.7126 10.9094 12.9811 12.9690 12.9797 12.9669
Sg 16.8438 17.4161 15.2472 12.5357 15.0339 15.0522 15.0589 15.0488
Screening factor 1.7350 0.4130 1.1517 N/A 1.0000 0.1296 0.9959 N/A

C1: sp1 carbon.


C2: sp2 carbon.


C3: sp3 carbon.


O2: sp2 oxygen.


O3: sp3 oxygen.


S4: S in sulfone.


S: nonsulfone S.

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

Scatter plots of QM versus calculated molecular polarizabilities for the training set of all eight models. (a) NTL model. (b) NTE model. (c) NRE model. (d) NAP model. (e) FTL model. (f) FTE model. (g) FRE model. (h) FAP model.


Statistical results of training set for eight models. VRRMSD: relative root mean square deviation. αAPE: average percentage error of molecular polarizabilities.

Class 1 Class 2
VRRMSD 0.2531 0.2334 0.2208 0.2397 0.3657 0.3655 0.3657 0.3656
αAPE (%) 7.75 5.43 6.78 12.59 8.08 7.94 8.65 7.93


Statistical results of testing set for eight models. VRRMSD: relative root mean square deviation. αAPE: average percentage error of molecular polarizabilities.

Class 1 Class 2
VRRMSD 0.1960 0.1813 0.1678 0.1822 0.3859 0.3841 0.3645 0.3856
αAPE (%) 4.61 2.93 4.17 8.93 9.87 9.69 8.79 9.74

Since many molecules in our molecule set are simple molecules, which only contain 1-2 and 1-3 interactions, fitting these molecules with models in Class 2 can cause large error, leading to relatively overall large errors, which is reflected in Tables III and IV. However, this phenomenon only means that models in Class 2 are not suitable for simple molecules. Actually, Wang et al.32 reported that models in Class 2 show lower αAPE when fitted with another molecule set in which molecules are more complex. For this reason, in the following discussion, we will not compare models between Class 1 and Class 2. For Class 1, as we can see from the results of both the training set (Table III) and testing set (Table IV), the three models with screening functions (NTL, NTE, and NRE) have similar αAPE, which is smaller than that of NAP. This means that short distance induction without screening can indeed cause large errors. For Class 2, all four models show similar αAPE, which means these four models have similar accuracy in predicting molecular polarizabilities. It was reported by van Duijnen and Swart33 that when fitting to ab initio molecular polarizabilities with NTL and NTE models using the same training set, αAPE is about 6%, which is of the same order as our results. VRRMSD is the quantity to assess the quality of ESP fitting. As it is shown in Tables III and IV, RRMSD for all eight models is small and about the same order, which means ESP fittings for eight models are all satisfactory. The errors then could be taken as the intrinsic limitation of polarizable dipole models.

It may be more meaningful to separately consider the αAPE for each category of molecules. As it is shown in Tables V and VI, αAPE for different categories varies much. Categories of simple molecules (e.g., diatomics and sulfurs) have much larger αAPE than other categories. This is because simple molecules, even fitted with models in Class 1, have fewer degrees of freedom to fit the ESP.


Molecular polarizabilities and VRRMSD (relative root mean square deviation) for models in Class 1. αMol denotes the molecular polarizabilities in atomic unit. Molecules in italics are not in the training set.

Molecules αMol αMol VRRMSD αMol VRRMSD αMol VRRMSD αMol VRRMSD
2-propanol CH3CHOHCH3 42.08 40.50 0.1085 40.03 0.1192 40.32 0.0977 38.37 0.1070
Ethanol C2H5OH 29.78 30.02 0.1574 29.59 0.1651 29.92 0.1514 28.70 0.1636
Methanol CH3OH 17.96 19.05 0.2189 18.57 0.2051 18.80 0.1905 18.08 0.1937
Cyclohexanol C6H11OH 72.47 68.85 0.0897 68.28 0.1022 68.43 0.0812 63.13 0.0957
dev, % 3.91 3.67 3.73 3.73
Cyclohexane C6H12 67.66 63.98 0.0924 63.79 0.1113 63.84 0.0824 59.52 0.0834
Cyclopentane C5H10 56.12 53.51 0.0944 53.42 0.1179 53.17 0.0788 49.98 0.0747
Cyclopropane C3H6 33.58 31.73 0.0959 33.40 0.1551 33.15 0.1123 38.43 0.3192
Ethane C2H6 25.06 25.33 0.1639 25.28 0.1900 25.43 0.1523 25.48 0.1791
Hexane C6H14 72.51 70.82 0.1230 70.56 0.1386 71.48 0.1319 68.10 0.1187
Methane CH4 13.39 14.44 0.2604 14.34 0.2669 14.31 0.2146 15.31 0.3019
Propane C3H8 37.0 36.22 0.1323 36.09 0.1518 36.37 0.1260 35.49 0.1275
Dodecane C12H26 144.57 143.36 142.77 145.27 135.90
Neopentane C(CH3)4 61.51 57.37 0.0824 56.74 0.0914 56.77 0.0626 53.67 0.0723
dev, % 4.06 3.69 3.54 9.15
Benzene C6H6 66.08 67.89 0.2159 67.86 0.2110 67.68 0.2012 54.98 0.1973
Chlorobenzene C6H5Cl 78.79 79.43 0.2042 79.82 0.1929 80.76 0.1888 67.90 0.1799
Ethylene C2H4 24.50 26.62 0.3679 27.36 0.3518 26.80 0.3368 29.27 0.6549
Nitrobenzene C6H5NO2 84.57 82.76 0.1915 82.87 0.1709 84.12 0.1677 71.77 0.1719
Acetylene C2H2 19.19 18.12 0.3288 19.07 0.2334 18.05 0.2106 14.82 0.2832
m-dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 92.34 91.17 0.1917 92.00 0.1763 94.23 0.1754 81.09 0.1726
o-dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 91.09 90.22 0.1901 91.45 0.1732 93.04 0.1771 80.11 0.1739
dev, % 3.16 2.72 3.57 16.03
N-methylformamide HCONHCH3 36.60 36.59 0.2090 36.75 0.1828 38.24 0.2146 33.17 0.1384
Acetaldehyde HCOCH3 27.79 28.53 0.2484 28.95 0.2412 29.47 0.2677 26.38 0.1698
Acetamide CH3CONH2 36.17 35.81 0.1872 36.01 0.1884 37.43 0.2292 32.11 0.1655
Acetone CH3COCH3 39.25 39.27 0.1865 39.91 0.2012 40.85 0.2344 36.67 0.1097
Formaldehyde HCOH 15.22 17.90 0.4763 17.80 0.3957 18.11 0.4387 14.67 0.2235
Formamide HCOH 24.99 25.04 0.2554 25.00 0.2152 26.00 0.2570 21.66 0.2126
N,N-dimethylformamide HCON(CH3)2 48.22 47.61 0.1776 47.40 0.1512 49.16 0.1734 42.63 0.1141
N-methylacetamide CH3CONHCH3 47.68 47.65 0.1673 47.74 0.1636 49.93 0.2137 43.04 0.1253
Carbonyl chloride COCl2 39.06 36.91 0.2245 39.12 0.2341 39.60 0.2092 38.34 0.2456
dev, % 3.15 2.85 5.46 8.04
Ethyl cyanide C2H5CN 38.34 36.71 0.1959 37.95 0.1941 37.50 0.1650 35.64 0.1712
Methyl cyanide CH3CN 26.42 25.60 0.2476 26.83 0.2389 26.19 0.1958 25.59 0.2380
Methyl dicyanide CH2(CN)2 39.73 37.24 0.2374 40.04 0.2469 38.77 0.2023 36.36 0.2364
Tert-butyl cyanide (CH3)3CCN 62.5 58.26 0.1219 59.06 0.1206 58.49 0.0921 54.26 0.1036
Chloromethyl cyanide CH2ClCN 38.06 36.33 0.2132 37.63 0.2148 37.08 0.1760 35.82 0.2112
Isopropyl cyanide (CH3)2CHCN 50.46 47.63 0.1507 48.72 0.1508 48.29 0.1231 45.26 0.1259
Trichloromethyl cyanide CCl3CN 64.33 57.05 0.1550 58.81 0.1588 58.49 0.1341 56.92 0.1677
dev, % 5.98 3.14 3.98 8.51
Carbon monoxide CO 11.93 11.92 0.3017 11.30 0.2285 10.86 0.1872 6.68 0.4007
Chlorine Cl2 21.81 25.35 0.3826 24.61 0.4852 24.47 0.3786 25.14 0.3574
Hydrogen H2 2.13 3.81 1.0352 2.85 0.7439 3.36 0.8808 3.65 0.5667
Hydrogen chloride HCl 10.61 13.52 0.4729 14.02 0.5244 14.07 0.5204 14.29 0.5680
Nitrogen N2 10.5 11.06 0.411 10.48 0.2887 10.58 0.3239 8.71 0.3509
Nitric oxide NO 10.37 9.32 0.2783 10.44 0.356 9.60 0.2553 10.83 0.5651
Oxygen O2 8.84 9.24 0.3218 8.56 0.2649 9.19 0.2427 5.56 0.3769
dev, % 20.37 12.58 17.67 31.99
Chloromethane CH3Cl 23.12 24.92 0.2283 24.86 0.2623 24.84 0.2132 25.06 0.2536
Fluoromethane CH3F 14.34 15.71 0.2827 14.91 0.2562 14.64 0.2064 14.9 0.2476
Tetrachloromethane CCl4 61.2 55.69 0.1206 56.49 0.143 56.87 0.1146 57.14 0.1076
Tetrafluoromethane CF4 17.66 18.34 0.2398 16.66 0.1885 15.83 0.1458 15.63 0.1112
Trichloromethane CHCl3 48.33 45.56 0.1406 46.07 0.1825 46.37 0.1407 46.58 0.1407
Trifluoromethane CHF3 16.81 17.55 0.2431 16.07 0.2088 15.41 0.1666 15.2 0.161
Dichloromethane CH2Cl2 35.25 35.31 0.187 35.49 0.2375 35.64 0.188 35.72 0.2015
Difluoromethane CH2F2 15.52 16.71 0.2723 15.49 0.2388 15.02 0.1918 14.94 0.2156
Trichlorofluoromethane CFCl3 49.68 46.3 0.1281 46.7 0.1573 46.65 0.1298 47.03 0.1234
dev, % 6.11 4.53 5.53 6.00
Carbon disulfide CS2 47.47 39.23 0.4059 45.23 0.3242 40.97 0.293 44.89 0.2038
Sulfur dioxide SO2 23.7 22.18 0.1954 23.15 0.1678 23.03 0.122 21.78 0.1464
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 29.74 37.95 0.3745 31.19 0.1728 32.2 0.1923 32.45 0.1832
dev, % 17.13 3.97 8.26 7.55
Ammonia NH3 10.71 10.93 0.2755 9.85 0.22 11.08 0.3048 8.51 0.286
Carbon dioxide CO2 15.01 15.52 0.3683 16.48 0.2562 15.44 0.2271 13.45 0.2214
Dimethyl ether CH3OCH3 29.93 30.27 0.177 29.78 0.1651 30.22 0.1599 28.91 0.1279
Ethylene oxide CH2OCH2 25.79 25.61 0.139 26.66 0.1909 26.42 0.1519 29.5 0.4394
p-dioxane (CH2)4O2 53.81 51.82 0.1186 51.48 0.1218 51.58 0.1046 47.85 0.1087
Water H2O 6.91 7.98 0.3359 7.35 0.241 7.56 0.2974 7.34 0.4603
Nitrous oxide N2O 17.4 15.58 0.3818 15.88 0.2363 15.94 0.2714 17.92 0.4057
dev, % 5.28 5.88 4.52 9.86


Molecular polarizabilities and VRRMSD (relative root mean square deviation) for models in Class 2. αMol denotes the molecular polarizabilities in atomic unit. Molecules in italics are not in the training set.

Molecules αMol αMol VRRMSD αMol VRRMSD αMol VRRMSD αMol VRRMSD
2-propanol CH3CHOHCH3 42.08 40.49 0.1952 40.44 0.1957 40.46 0.1961 40.45 0.1958
Ethanol C2H5OH 29.78 29.28 0.2453 29.23 0.2451 29.25 0.2456 29.24 0.2453
Methanol CH3OH 17.96 18.18 0.312 18.13 0.3103 18.14 0.3108 18.13 0.3104
Cyclohexanol C6H11OH 72.47 82.19 0.569 81.19 0.5305 72.8 0.2355 81.8 0.5529
dev, % 5.02 4.68 1.77 4.88
Cyclohexane C6H12 67.66 67.17 0.1821 67.19 0.184 67.24 0.1846 67.21 0.1842
Cyclopentane C5H10 56.12 55.59 0.2169 55.6 0.2197 55.64 0.2203 55.61 0.22
Cyclopropane C3H6 33.58 33.19 0.2814 33.2 0.2834 33.22 0.2839 33.21 0.2836
Ethane C2H6 25.06 25.53 0.3016 25.45 0.301 25.47 0.3016 25.45 0.3012
Hexane C6H14 72.51 70.73 0.2078 70.64 0.2094 70.69 0.2099 70.66 0.2096
Methane CH4 13.39 14.45 0.406 14.37 0.4016 14.38 0.4023 14.37 0.4018
Propane C3H8 37 36.7 0.2394 36.62 0.2395 36.64 0.2401 36.63 0.2397
Dodecane C12H26 144.57 140.34 140.23 140.33 140.27
Neopentane C(CH3)4 61.51 59.23 0.1759 59.15 0.1767 59.19 0.1771 59.16 0.1768
dev, % 2.50 2.45 2.42 2.43
Benzene C6H6 66.08 57.07 0.3439 57.21 0.3447 57.22 0.3447 57.22 0.3447
Chlorobenzene C6H5Cl 78.79 67.04 0.373 67.24 0.3739 67.24 0.3739 67.25 0.3739
Ethylene C2H4 24.5 22.26 0.4298 22.22 0.4299 22.22 0.43 22.22 0.43
Nitrobenzene C6H5NO2 84.57 68.53 0.3823 68.79 0.3825 68.8 0.3825 68.8 0.3825
Acetylene C2H2 19.19 15.97 0.5453 15.87 0.5432 15.88 0.5432 15.87 0.5432
m-dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 92.34 77.04 0.3956 77.31 0.3968 77.3 0.3968 77.31 0.3968
o-dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 91.09 77.07 0.3896 77.34 0.3905 77.33 0.3905 77.34 0.3905
dev, % 15.06 14.96 14.95 14.95
N-methylformamide HCONHCH3 36.6 33.37 0.3574 33.35 0.3579 33.35 0.358 33.35 0.358
Acetaldehyde HCOCH3 27.79 26.27 0.331 26.27 0.3317 26.27 0.3318 26.27 0.3318
Acetamide CH3CONH2 36.17 33.34 0.2965 33.32 0.2972 33.32 0.2973 33.32 0.2973
Acetone CH3COCH3 39.25 37.44 0.2744 37.43 0.2755 37.44 0.2757 37.44 0.2757
Formaldehyde HCOH 15.22 15.2 0.4736 15.19 0.473 15.18 0.4729 15.19 0.4731
Formamide HCOH 24.99 22.2 0.3774 22.17 0.3775 22.17 0.3774 22.18 0.3775
N,N-dimethylformamide HCON(CH3)2 48.22 44.64 0.3091 44.62 0.3102 44.63 0.3103 44.63 0.3102
N-methylacetamide CH3CONHCH3 47.68 44.61 0.2878 44.59 0.2886 44.6 0.2888 44.6 0.2887
Carbonyl chloride COCl2 39.06 34.84 0.4338 34.95 0.4356 34.94 0.4354 34.95 0.4356
dev, % 6.97 6.98 6.98 6.97
Ethyl cyanide C2H5CN 38.34 35.47 0.3714 35.46 0.3718 35.47 0.3721 35.47 0.3719
Methyl cyanide CH3CN 26.42 24.34 0.4703 24.33 0.4702 34.34 0.4705 24.33 0.4703
Methyl dicyanide CH2(CN)2 39.73 34.25 0.4645 34.32 0.4656 34.32 0.4657 34.32 0.4657
Tert-butyl cyanide (CH3)3CCN 62.5 57.94 0.2529 57.94 0.2539 57.97 0.2543 57.95 0.2541
Chloromethyl cyanide CH2ClCN 38.06 34.18 0.4255 34.23 0.4264 34.23 0.4265 34.23 0.4265
Isopropyl cyanide (CH3)2CHCN 50.46 46.68 0.2979 46.67 0.2987 46.69 0.299 46.68 0.2988
Trichloromethyl cyanide CCl3CN 64.33 53.87 0.3238 84.05 0.3248 54.04 0.3248 54.05 0.3249
dev, % 10.06 9.98 9.96 9.98
Carbon monoxide CO 11.93 10.36 0.2708 10.36 0.271 10.36 0.2708 10.36 0.271
Chlorine Cl2 21.81 23.04 0.5912 23.08 0.5923 23.07 0.592 23.07 0.5922
Hydrogen H2 2.13 3.39 1.0817 3.31 1.064 3.31 1.0645 3.31 1.0639
Hydrogen chloride HCl 10.61 13.22 0.5624 13.19 0.5585 13.19 0.5582 13.19 0.5583
Nitrogen N2 10.5 10.58 0.49 10.64 0.4956 10.64 0.4953 10.64 0.4956
Nitric oxide NO 10.37 8.72 0.4003 8.78 0.4037 8.79 0.4045 8.78 0.4039
Oxygen O2 8.84 8.14 0.4697 8.16 0.47 8.15 0.4698 8.16 0.47
dev, % 18.16 17.58 17.58 17.57
Chloromethane CH3Cl 23.12 24.28 0.3954 24.25 0.3947 24.26 0.395 24.25 0.3948
Fluoromethane CH3F 14.34 15.07 0.3865 15.02 0.3841 15.02 0.3846 15.02 0.3843
Tetrachloromethane CCl4 61.2 53.75 0.2703 53.9 0.2716 53.89 0.2715 53.9 0.2716
Tetrafluoromethane CF4 17.66 16.91 0.3005 16.96 0.3038 16.95 0.3037 16.96 0.3039
Trichloromethane CHCl3 48.33 43.92 0.3263 44.02 0.3279 44.01 0.3278 44.02 0.3279
Trifluoromethane CHF3 16.81 16.3 0.3201 16.31 0.3215 16.31 0.3216 16.31 0.3216
Dichloromethane CH2Cl2 35.25 34.1 0.3826 34.14 0.3836 34.13 0.3837 34.14 0.3837
Difluoromethane CH2F2 15.52 15.68 0.3577 15.66 0.3574 15.67 0.3577 15.66 0.3575
Trichlorofluoromethane CFCl3 49.68 44.54 0.2823 44.67 0.2841 44.66 0.2841 44.67 0.2841
dev, % 5.93 5.73 5.76 5.73
Carbon disulfide CS2 47.47 36.35 0.6314 36.39 0.6315 36.40 0.6315 36.38 0.6315
Sulfur dioxide SO2 23.70 21.12 0.3965 21.13 0.3965 21.13 0.3965 21.13 0.3965
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 29.74 28.91 0.1825 28.86 0.1816 28.85 0.1815 28.85 0.1814
dev, % 12.37 12.38 12.39 12.40
Ammonia NH3 10.71 10.38 0.3042 10.28 0.2973 10.28 0.2974 10.28 0.2973
Carbon dioxide CO2 15.01 14.43 0.5783 14.44 0.5786 14.43 0.5783 14.44 0.5787
Dimethyl ether CH3OCH3 29.93 29.38 0.2601 28.33 0.2595 29.35 0.2599 29.33 0.2596
Ethylene oxide CH2OCH2 25.79 25.84 0.3183 25.88 0.3198 25.9 0.3203 25.89 0.32
p-dioxane (CH2)4O2 53.81 52.28 0.1832 52.36 0.1846 52.39 0.1851 52.37 0.1848
Water H2O 6.91 7.12 0.3171 7.06 0.3094 7.07 0.3098 7.06 0.3094
Nitrous oxide N2O 17.4 14.65 0.6124 14.72 0.6141 14.71 0.6139 14.72 0.6141
dev, % 4.38 4.35 4.38 4.35

B. Molecule specific atomic polarizabilities

For the molecule-specific fitting, atomic polarizabilities and screening factors are optimized for individual molecules. There are nine categories of molecules in the molecule set. In order to compare the results of molecule-specific fitting with force field fitting, we chose nine molecules out, one from each category. Take the NTE model as an example. The fitting results are shown in Table VII. The nine molecules we used for comparison are originally in the training set of force field fitting. As it 1is shown in Table VII, molecule-specific fitting can further improve the accuracy of ESP fitting (i.e., smaller VRRMSD). The relative percentage error of the eight molecules in Table VII (except hydrogen) ranges from 0.7% to 4.8%. This shows comparable accuracy with that obtained in Celebi’s work60 for distributed polarizabilities, which are also calculated in the molecule-specific way. The large relative percentage error of hydrogen is mainly due to its simple structure. Furthermore, molecular polarizabilities obtained from the molecule-specific fitting are better approximations to the QM results. Molecule-specific fitting is particularly useful when the polarization effects of specific molecules need to be accurately evaluated.


Comparison between molecule-specific fitting and force field fitting for NTE model. The nine molecules are chosen from nine different categories in the molecule set and are from the training set of the force field fitting. αMol denotes the molecular polarizabilities in atomic unit. VRRMSD: relative root mean square deviation.

QM Molecule-specific fitting Force field fitting
Ethanol C2H5OH 29.78 29.99 0.1373 29.59 0.1651
Ethane C2H6 25.06 24.83 0.1368 25.28 0.1900
Ethylene C2H4 24.50 24.26 0.3064 27.36 0.3518
Acetaldehyde HCOCH3 27.79 27.59 0.1620 28.95 0.2412
Ethyl cyanide C2H5CN 38.34 37.72 0.1673 37.95 0.1941
Hydrogen H2 2.13 2.94 0.4206 2.85 0.7439
Chloromethane CH3Cl 23.12 22.46 0.2059 24.86 0.2623
Sulfur dioxide SO2 23.70 23.38 0.1617 23.15 0.1678
Water H2O 6.91 7.24 0.2185 7.35 0.2410

In the electrostatic potential fitting of atomic charge, due to insufficient number of grids on the ESP surface, atoms buried in molecules are usually not well fitted.61 As our polarizable force field was developed as parallel to the electrostatic potential fitting of atomic charges, it should share this problem. However, the uncertainty of buried charges can be regularized. It was reported that to get around the “buried” atom problem, “the most robust technique consisted of constraining the fitting procedure to reproduce a target charge on non-hydrogen atoms.”61–63 The molecule set we used for training and testing in our paper consisted of small molecules, the “buried” atom problem does not affect our results. For large molecules, similar regularization procedure can be adopted to deal with the “buried” atom problem.

In this work, atomic polarizabilities were calculated by ESP fitting after applying uniform external electric fields. In the ideal situation, atomic polarizabilities calculated should not depend on the magnitudes and orientations of the uniform external electric fields. We took two steps to remove the dependence on the orientation of applied electric fields. First, we used the weight function developed by Hu et al.50 It has been shown that the object function defined in their way shows little molecule orientation dependence.50 Second, the orientation of the applied electric fields was integrated in the 3-dimensional physical space. In order to be independent of the magnitude of the applied electric fields (δE), we fit the ESP within the linear response level. Thus, as indicated by Eq. (21), δE does not affect the optimization of the object function. Actually, there is a deeper reason that the linear response function can be combined with the induced dipole models in the ESP fitting process. The induced dipole model itself is essentially a linear response model (μi = αiEi), which is consistent with the linear response function. But we need to be aware of the limitation with the ESP fitting method. The fitting quality depends on the choice of the basis sets in the quantum mechanical linear response function calculations, the choice of grid points, and the definition of the object function L itself.


In summary, we developed a new method of calculating the atomic polarizabilities by ESP fitting with the linear response theory. The method was used for developing atomic polarizabilities for both force fields and specific molecules using eight induced dipole models. Fitting for force fields can generate transferable atomic polarizabilities, which can be used for the construction of new force fields, while fitting for specific molecules can generate nontransferable atomic polarizabilities specifically optimized for individual molecules. With the introduction of the linear response function, atomic polarizabilities can be calculated accurately and efficiently, in parallel to obtaining atomic charges based on fitting electrostatic potentials.

The present method for calculating atomic polarizabilities parallels the method for fitting atomic charges using ESP, which is widely used in force field development. Atomic polarizabilities obtained here can be directly combined with any existing ESP charges without the need to recalculate the ESP charges. We expect our development will provide a very useful tool for developing polarizable force fields.


We thank Dr. Lin Shen for helpful discussion. Financial support from National Institutes of Health (Grant No. R01 GM061870-13) is gratefully acknowledged.


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