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British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology logoLink to British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
. 2016 May 9;82(1):17–29. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12944

Adverse drug event reporting systems: a systematic review

Chantelle Bailey 1,2,, David Peddie 1,3, Maeve E Wickham 1,2, Katherin Badke 1,2, Serena S Small 1,3, Mary M Doyle‐Waters 1, Ellen Balka 1,3, Corinne M Hohl 1,2
PMCID: PMC4917803  PMID: 27016266



Adverse drug events (ADEs) are harmful and unintended consequences of medications. Their reporting is essential for drug safety monitoring and research, but it has not been standardized internationally. Our aim was to synthesize information about the type and variety of data collected within ADE reporting systems.


We developed a systematic search strategy, applied it to four electronic databases, and completed an electronic grey literature search. Two authors reviewed titles and abstracts, and all eligible full‐texts. We extracted data using a standardized form, and discussed disagreements until reaching consensus. We synthesized data by collapsing data elements, eliminating duplicate fields and identifying relationships between reporting concepts and data fields using visual analysis software.


We identified 108 ADE reporting systems containing 1782 unique data fields. We mapped them to 33 reporting concepts describing patient information, the ADE, concomitant and suspect drugs, and the reporter. While reporting concepts were fairly consistent, we found variability in data fields and corresponding response options. Few systems clarified the terminology used, and many used multiple drug and disease dictionaries such as the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA).


We found substantial variability in the data fields used to report ADEs, limiting the comparability of ADE data collected using different reporting systems, and undermining efforts to aggregate data across cohorts. The development of a common standardized data set that can be evaluated with regard to data quality, comparability and reporting rates is likely to optimize ADE data and drug safety surveillance.

Keywords: adverse drug events, data elements, medicines, pharmacovigilance, reporting systems, systematic review


Adverse drug events (ADEs) are harmful and unintended consequences of medication use, and a leading cause of unplanned hospital admissions and deaths 1, 2, 3. Their detection, documentation and reporting are fundamental to pharmacovigilance activities, the science of assessing and monitoring the risk/benefit profiles of medications throughout their lifecycle 4. Pharmacovigilance activities are essential for detecting rare but potentially dangerous ADEs, those occurring after prolonged exposure, and drug–drug and drug–disease interactions that may not have been observed in randomized trials conducted prior to drug licensing 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

In clinical practice, fewer than 5% of ADEs are reported, even in jurisdictions where reporting is mandatory 6, 10, 11. Without robust ADE reporting mechanisms supporting the detection of safety signals, rare ADEs may remain undetected for years, exposing the public to unanticipated risks 5. For example, high‐profile drug withdrawals such as that of the anti‐inflammatory rofecoxib (Vioxx™) occurred only after millions of patients had been exposed, highlighting the need for earlier, more comprehensive data 5, 8, 9. Despite the limitations of existing spontaneous ADE reporting systems, they remain the most common method with which pharmacovigilance centres generate safety signals 12.

National pharmacovigilance centres have developed electronic and paper‐based methods to facilitate reporting. A minimum required dataset for a valid report has been proposed, which includes an identifiable patient, an ADE, a suspect medicinal product and an identifiable reporter 13, 14. However, no other internationally‐agreed upon data element standards exist for ADE reporting 15, 16. We aim to synthesize information about the type and variety of ADE data elements collected within reporting systems internationally.


This systematic review adheres to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐analyses (PRISMA) statement 17.


We define an ADE as an injury resulting from the use of a drug 18. This definition includes adverse drug reactions (ADRs), responses to drugs which are noxious and unintended and which occur at doses normally used in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of disease or for the modification of physiologic function, and includes events due to treatment failures and medication errors 3. We define a reporting system as a set of interdependent data elements and dictionaries that captures information about actual and suspected ADEs 19.

Data sources and searches

We completed an environmental scan of websites engaged with ADE reporting through which we identified existing reporting systems. We found a range of reporting systems, from those hosted by individual hospitals to national drug regulatory authorities. We developed search concepts using the results of our environmental scan, and collaborated with a professional librarian (MDW) to develop terms and keywords. We included the concepts ADE or ADR reporting systems, health data systems, safety management and surveillance methods (Appendix 1). We adapted and applied our searches to the following databases: MEDLINE (1969–February 2014), Embase (1974–February 2014), International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (1970–February 2014) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library (1985–February 2014), and searched all databases except ACM through Ovid (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flow diagram of included studies and systems

We completed a grey literature search using the search engine Google (, and using a combination of search terms and concepts we previously identified as we anticipated that many reporting systems would not be referenced in academic publications. We searched for websites hosting reporting platforms, and professional associations dealing with drug safety and medical information technology, information about reporting, and reporting access points. We contacted systems administrators for additional unpublished information. We limited our searches to English, French and German. Finally, we hand‐searched the bibliographies of relevant articles to identify additional relevant studies and websites.

Study selection

We included qualitative and quantitative studies, government reports, working papers and websites describing or hosting reporting systems for ADEs in humans. We excluded reporting systems that used administrative data as the sole data source, those focusing only on non‐medication‐related adverse events (e.g., surgical adverse events), errors or allergies, or events related to complementary and alternative medications, food supplements and over‐the‐counter medications. We excluded computerized physician order entry systems, electronic medical records and registries specific to one drug or disease. We excluded studies published only as abstracts, and systems for which we were unable to get information related to at least two of the following domains: data source, data fields and data dictionaries. Two study authors (MW, DP) screened all titles and abstracts for eligibility independently. If either study author felt that an abstract met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we reviewed the full‐text article. We resolved disagreements through discussion until reaching consensus.

Data extraction and quality assessment

We developed and piloted a standardized data extraction form in Microsoft Excel 2010. Two study authors (CB, CH) independently extracted data on field characteristics and properties, including whether fields were mandatory or optional, the data type (e.g., categorical or numerical), and whether data quality checks and alerts were embedded. Three study authors (MW, DP, CH) reviewed the data extraction forms for errors. Any disagreements were resolved by achieving consensus through discussion.

Data synthesis and analysis

We exported individual data fields into a visual thinking program (Inspiration, version 9.2), displaying each data field as a blob with the number of times identical fields were used (e.g., “ADE start date 11”, indicated a data field labelled “ADE start date” occurred in 11 systems). First, we sorted data fields into reporting concepts (Figures 2a–d). For example, the data fields “ADE start date”, “ADE duration” and “ADE end date” were grouped into the reporting concept “ADE timeline”. Second, we disaggregated fields containing multiple variables into individual fields, and eliminated duplicate and very similar fields by collapsing them. For example, “ADE start date”, “start of event” and “start of reaction” were grouped under “ADE start date”. Third, we identified relationships and hierarchies within and between reporting concepts.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Iterations of data fields and reporting concepts sorted using visual thinking software: (a) Example of raw data prior to being sorted. (b) STEP 1: Example of sorting into reporting concepts. (c) STEP 2: Elimination of duplicate fields. (d) STEP 3: Identification of relationships between concepts

Quality assessments

There is no agreed‐upon metric for evaluating the quality of ADE reporting systems. Therefore, we adapted two quality assessment tools that were developed by consensus opinion: the ‘minimum required dataset’ developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) 20 and a scale by Bandekar et al. (Appendix 2) 21. We calculated quality assessment scores by tabulating the number of data fields present in each reporting system. In addition, we rated each system for the maximum achievable ADR report score (i.e. Grade 0 to Grade 5), assuming each data field was completed using the Documentation Grading System for ADR reports developed by the WHO (Table 1) 22, 23. Two authors performed quality assessments independently. Any disagreements were resolved by achieving consensus through discussion.

Table 1.

World Health Organization documentation grading system for adverse reaction reports

Grade Documentation grade interpretation Number of reporting systems
No grade Systems that did not meet the Adverse Reaction minimum criteria 6
Grade 0 Adverse Reaction minimum criteria met: patient, reporter, name of suspected product(s) and description of adverse reaction(s) 5
Grade 1 Information required for Grade 0 plus: Patient age and sex 10
Grade 2 Information required for Grade 1 plus: Date of onset of reaction AND treatment dates for the suspected health product(s) 2
Grade 3 Information required for Grade 2 plus: Patient outcome 1
Grade 4 Information required for Grade 3 plus: Suspect product dosage 6
Grade 5 Information required for Grade 4 plus: Route of administration of the suspected product. 78

Documentation grade is a value assigned based on the quality of information achievable in adverse reaction reports.


Main results

We identified 7034 titles by searching electronic reference databases, and 225 systems by searching grey literature (Figure 1). Four titles found in the bibliographic databases, and 104 in the grey literature met inclusion criteria. All reporting systems were being used at the time of our review, and collected data for drug regulatory purposes (Appendices 3 and 4). We identified 11 systems used for international, and 97 used for national level reporting: 22 were based in Africa, 16 in Asia, 3 in Australasia, 28 in Europe, 13 in South America and 15 in North America. Pharmaceutical companies (n = 8) and hospitals (n = 5) hosted other systems. Health professionals and industry personnel could access all systems; however, patients could report in only 20. Thirty‐four systems accepted both electronic and paper‐based reports, while 27 used only electronic, and 51 only paper‐based reporting methods. Some electronic systems ensured that the minimum required data defined by the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) were collected by making those fields mandatory. The most common data dictionary used was the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA), a standardized dictionary of medical terminology developed by the ICH.

Quality assessments

Figure 3 shows that none of the reporting systems achieved maximum scores on either quality assessment tool used (Figure 3; Appendices 3 and 4) 20, 21. For example, most systems collected 50–70% of data fields required within each quality assessment tool. Table 1 presents the maximum achievable score that could be obtained using each reporting system according to the WHO Documentation Grading System for ADRs, assuming complete data entry 22, 23. A maximum ADE report score (i.e. Grade 5) could be achieved in 72% of systems.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Quality assessment scores of reporting systems using QA scales proposed by WHO – UMC and Bandekar

Reporting elements

We found 1728 unique data fields that were used to capture information that we grouped into reporting concepts (Table 2). Data fields either captured a single variable such as ‘dosage’, or multiple variables within one field ‘dosage, frequency and route of administration’.

Table 2.

Reporting concepts and data fields encountered in 108 identified reporting systems for the domains suspect/concomitant drugs and ADE description

Suspect/Concomitant drugs ADE description
Reporting concept Data fields bullet points indicate data values Reporting concept Data fields bullet points indicate data values
Medication/ Drug name Prescribed medications: Timeline Onset date/Detection date/Report date:
• Drug dictionary or Free‐text • dd/mm/yyyy or Free‐text
Complementary and alternative medications: Duration of ADE:
• Free text • Free‐text
Over‐the‐counter medications:
•Free text
Generic name/ Brand name: Management Was the ADE treated?
•Drug dictionary or free‐text Was further treatment required?
• What treatment was administered?
• Treatment date(s)
Active ingredient: Classification Patient self‐management
• Drug dictionary or Free‐text (Confirmed or Non‐adherence
Medication source: Suspected) Allergy
• Pharmacy or other Drug interaction
Manufacturer: Untreated indication
• Free‐text Sub‐therapeutic dose(s)
Manufacturing date: Supra‐therapeutic dose(s)
• dd/mm/yyyy or Free‐text Treatment failure
Batch/Lot number: Drug overdose
• Free‐text Intentional misuse
Expiration date: Medication error:
• dd/mm/yyyy or Free‐text •Prescribing/Dispensing/
Product quality defect/
Clinical indication Symptoms Seriousness/Severity How would you rate the seriousness or severity of the ADE?
•ICD‐10 or Free‐text • Life‐threatening or Other
Dose Dose prescribed/Dose taken/ Causality Risk factors: (ICD‐10 or Free‐text)
Dose administered Rechallenge: (Yes/No/Unknown)
•Units e.g. mg Dechallenge: (Yes/No/Unknown)
•Free‐text Alternative diagnosis:
•ICD‐10 or Free‐text
Dosing interval Frequency Outcome Resolution: Has the adverse event stopped? (Yes/No/Unknown)
• Dosage e.g. od, qh Outcome/Sequelae:
• Units e.g. mg Permanent disability
Exacerbation of pre‐existing condition
New medical condition
Congenital abnormality
ED visit or hospitalization
Prolonged hospitalization
Death due to ADE or other cause
Duration Start date:
• dd/mm/yyyy or Free‐text
Stop date:
• dd/mm/yyyy or Free‐text
Unknown date:
Route of administration Oral/Intravenous

Patient information

We identified three reporting concepts used to describe patient information: patient identifiers, demographics and medical history. Most systems provide free‐text data entry options for patient identifiers (n = 94). To avoid report duplication, some systems generated unique identifiers. Generally, systems did not require patients' contact details as pharmacovigilance centres would follow up with reporters for further information. Demographic information included age, date of birth, gender, height, weight and ethnicity. However, 15 systems did not request information related to age, and nine did not request information related to gender, precluding the use of these variables for age‐ or gender‐specific analyses 23, 24. Ethnicity was present in 24 systems, and usually captured information in categorical format. Information on medical history, including ADE risk factors such as hepatic or renal dysfunction, was collected in 60 systems in free‐text formats 23, 24.

ADE description

We identified six reporting concepts used to describe ADEs: timeline, management, classification, severity/seriousness, causality and outcome. We found 98 systems that collected data on ADE onset, duration or resolution. Forty‐four systems requested data about the clinical management of the ADE, mostly using free‐text data entry field options for this with optional completion. Figure 4 presents the range of information collected under this concept. ADE classification was present in 29 systems, allowing reporters to classify events into those related to dosing, errors, drug interactions, treatment failures, and non‐adherence (Figure 2d). In 103 systems, reporters could use free text to describe the ADE with up to 4000 characters. Fields collecting data on severity or seriousness were present in 72 systems. In 28 systems data on ADE severity and seriousness were collected using dropdown menus reflecting outcome, for example ‘permanent disability’, ‘prolonged hospitalization’, ‘persistent or significant disability’, ‘congenital malformation’, ‘life‐threatening’ and ‘death’. In these systems it was unclear how life‐threatening ADEs with excellent outcomes (e.g., anaphylaxis resulting in airway compromise but no permanent disability) might be documented. Many systems requested information related to the causality of the ADE, such as whether rechallenge (n = 45) or dechallenge occurred (n = 51), and whether dechallenge resulted in improvement. Table 3 provides an example of the wide range of information collected within one of these fields. Only one system requested information about the potential for alternative diagnoses. Causality was generally based on the reporter's opinion and captured using free‐text format, or the WHO Uppsala Monitoring Centre causality scale (i.e. ‘certain’, ‘probable’, ‘possible’, ‘unlikely’, ‘unclassified’ or ‘unaccessible’ (n = 10)) 23. Four systems allowed reporters to submit supporting data such as the results of laboratory tests or clinical investigations.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Example of relationships and hierarchies within one reporting concept

Table 3.

Range of data elements collecting information about rechallenge to the suspect drug

No. Rechallenge data elements
1 Adverse event or reaction reappeared on rechallenge
2 Check reaction at rechallenge?
3 Did adverse reaction re‐appear upon re‐use?
4 Did re‐exposure to the suspect cause the same or a similar reaction?
5 Did the ADR reappear after the drug was restarted?
6 Did the ADR reappear after readministering the suspect drug?
7 Did the adverse reaction reappear, when the drugs was readministered?
8 Did the event reappear after re‐administering the medication?
9 Did the problem reappear after introduction of the suspected drug again?
10 Did the reaction appear after reintroducing the suspected product?
11 Did the reaction reappear after drug was stopped?
12 Did the reaction reappear after reintroduction
13 Did the reaction reappear after reintroduction of the drug?
14 Did the reaction reappear after suspect drug was restarted?
15 Did the reaction reappear after the drug was reintroduced?
16 Did the reaction reappear if product was re‐introduced?
17 Does the reaction reappear after retaking the drug?
18 Event appeared on rechallenge
19 Event reappeared after the drug is reintroduced?
20 Event reappeared on use
21 If [a rechallenge happened] did the undesirable effect recur?
22 If [there has been improvement after the medication was discontinued] was/were the medication(s) readministered?(=rechallenge)
22 If the medication was readministered, the undesirable effect reappear?
23 Int: Was the medication re‐administered?
24 No rechallenge performed
25 One or more side effects after re‐exposure occurred?
26 Problem returned after person started taking or using the product again?
27 Reaction appeared after reintroduction (rechallenge)
28 Reaction reappear after restart of suspected drug
29 Reaction reappeared after reintroducing drug
30 Reaction reappeared after reintroduction
31 Reappearance of event with readministration
32 Reappearance of the reaction after re‐introduction of the medication?
33 Rechallenge
34 Rechallenge generated the same or similar adverse reaction
35 Rechallenge not done
36 Rechallenge to the product?
37 Rechallenged?
38 Reintroduction of product
39 Result on reintroduction of the drug
40 The reaction reoccurred if the drug was used again?
41 Was product re‐used after detection of adverse reaction (re‐challenge)?
42 Was the patient re‐exposed to the drug?
43 Was there an adverse event on drug re‐administration?
44 Was there one or more side effects after re‐exposure?
45 Which adverse event recurred on drug re‐administration?

Suspect and concomitant drugs

We identified six reporting concepts used to capture information on suspect and concomitant drug(s): medication name, indication, dose, route of administration, dosing interval and duration. All systems required information on suspect medications, whether prescribed or not, including over‐the‐counter and complementary and alternative medications. Forty‐nine systems requested information on both suspect and concomitant drugs, while 63 did not request any information on concomitant drugs. In four systems, reporters could categorize drugs as ‘suspect’, ‘concomitant’ or ‘interacting’. Generic and brand names could be reported within electronic systems using predictive entry using built‐in drug dictionaries 25, 26. Three systems required reporters to list the active ingredients implicated in the ADE 27, 28, 29. Information on clinical indication for the drug(s) was present in 93 systems. This could be used to identify off‐label use, and was collected in free‐text format (n = 76) or using dropdown menus of dictionaries of clinical conditions (e.g. MedDRA (n = 17)). Dosing information was collected in 77 systems. Reporters could provide details on the dose prescribed (n = 15), taken and/or received (n = 4). Response options were usually standardized and prepopulated with multiple dosing options such as ‘500 mg’ within electronic systems. Information on dosing interval was usually categorical, and present in 40 systems. Route of administration was present in 85 systems, and reporters could choose from standardized prepopulated response options within electronic systems. Drug therapy duration could be calculated using ‘start date’ and ‘end date’ or ‘therapy dates’.

Reporter information

Reporter and report details were two concepts identified under reporter information. Primarily free‐text data elements were used to capture reporter details including name, profession and contact information. Sixty‐eight systems required reporters to indicate whether they were health professionals. Three systems requested information on the name of the prescribing physician. Reporters were required to record details about the reporting institution, including its name, address and telephone number.


Our objective was to synthesize concepts and data elements used within existing ADE reporting systems. In contrast to previous publications that reviewed subsets of national pharmacovigilance systems 12, 16, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, our study is the first to systematically synthesize data elements used to report ADEs internationally. Most systems we reviewed were used by national drug regulators, and hosted on the websites of pharmacovigilance organizations. We found a high degree of variability and a lack of standardization between systems. Numerous terms, phrases and questions were used to request data on the same or similar variables, and definitions were not standardized. For example, the terms ‘adverse event’, ‘adverse reaction’, ‘incident’ and ‘medication‐related problem’ were all used interchangeably, without explicit definitions to ensure consistency of use. Lack of standardization between systems is likely to limit the comparability of the data being generated using different systems, and may undermine efforts to pool and analyse data across cohorts for improved signal detection of rare and emerging signals.

Within the systems reviewed, we frequently encountered the use of composite data elements. In contrast to single data elements targeting one concept (e.g., ‘dose’), the use of composite elements contained multiple elements (e.g., ‘dose, frequency and route used’), making it difficult for reporters to prioritize constructs, and possibly more likely to omit critical information. This may contribute to errors and higher non‐response rates in reporting 34, 35. In addition, composite data make it difficult to parse out information on individual data elements, limiting the ability to aggregate and analyse data across systems. In many instances, reporting systems collected data on the same concept (e.g., dechallenge), but used incompatible dropdown menus or tick‐box response options, reflecting broader or narrower meanings. For example, in one setting the term ‘adverse drug reaction’ included drug–drug interactions, but in another, it excluded it. Consequently, when data are combined for analysis, and their context or system‐specific data field label is lost, data may be inappropriately aggregated and could be misinterpreted.

We found important variables to be missing in many systems. For example, half of the reviewed systems did not contain data elements to document ADE severity. Yet, research undertaken by our group in parallel with this study indicates that reporters' uncertainty about which level of ADE severity to report (e.g., all ADEs vs. only severe events) may be a deterrent to reporting 36. Thus, it is possible that omission of crucial data elements within some systems impacts reporting rates and the types of events recorded.

Good quality data can be defined as the characteristics that enable data to fulfil its intended use, e.g. accuracy, relevance, accessibility and interpretability 37. Applied to ADE reporting, the intended use of data is to generate safety signals for monitoring and research activities to enable estimates of risks and benefits. Failure to standardize data fields across systems can undermine data quality when data are aggregated for analysis. Using terms such as ‘adverse event’, ‘adverse reaction’ and ‘medication‐related problem’ as semantically equivalent, although they may have different meanings, can undermine our efforts to understand the epidemiology of ADEs. For example, ‘adverse reaction’ may include events varying in severity while ‘adverse event’ may capture only events severe enough to require hospitalization. Therefore, threats to data quality include lack of standardization of data fields and their response options, across systems from which data are aggregated, inconsistent terminology, incomplete reports, coding errors in systems using coders to translate free‐text reports into categorical data, and underreporting 37, 38, 39. Unfortunately, we found no quality assessment scales that assess these attributes, and no studies which addressed data accuracy or completeness, or reporting rates within spontaneous ADE reporting systems. Instead, existing scales focused on the presence or absence of individual fields used to collect data, but not their quality 20, 21, 22. None of the systems reported use of quality assurance procedures to identify and correct errors at the development phase of databases, or on an ongoing basis 40, 41. Applicable quality dimensions to define, measure and manage data quality, and improve the reliability and validity have yet to be implemented 42. We believe that content validity of the data being generated within each system must be understood to ensure that the resulting data accurately capture what system developers intended to collect, to ensure their correct interpretation and appropriate use. However, content validity can only be assured if systems administrators understand how the reporters at the front‐line who diagnose and report ADEs will interpret and utilize data fields within the system. These fundamental questions can be answered in prospective evaluation studies, and may help to elucidate whether, how and what ADE data should be used. Schuurman and Balka have suggested that ‘demand for data is outstripping our ability to ensure data integrity, and sometimes analysis is performed on data that are not appropriate for the purposes they are used for’ 43. Such data errors can negate the sensitivity and specificity of the resulting datasets used to inform drug benefit/risk profiles and hence drug alerts, warnings and recalls.

Our study is not without limitations. While our search was exhaustive, multiple terms have been used in the past to describe and index ADE reporting systems. It is possible that the terms we used missed relevant systems. Existing quality scales used to rate ADE reporting systems are limited in scope, and fail to assess the crucial elements of data quality that should impact on their use. Instead, quality scales emphasized the presence or absence of data elements 20, 21, 22. Finally, underreporting of ADEs remains an unresolved problem 44, and undermines our ability to generate robust frequency estimates and comparisons of ADE rates 23. We were unable to explore whether system factors such as the use of mandatory fields, or the structure of reporting forms influenced reporting frequency.


We found a large degree of variability between ADE reporting systems. Lack of standardization between systems likely undermines the comparability of the ADE data being generated, and limits meaningful data aggregation across cohorts. In light of the small portion of ADEs that are documented internationally, we were particularly interested in identifying means through which reporting could be integrated into clinical care and generate a report that would be meaningful for drug regulators. As we conducted analysis of all the fields present in forms and systems used to gather information about ADEs, we were struck by the extent to which data sought on forms often were present to support regulatory rather than clinical care needs. Attempts to capture data required for regulatory purposes (e.g., the lot number of a drug) often served as deterrents to clinicians.

Future research should investigate the use of specific data fields and data dictionaries for ADE reporting, and evaluate their impact on data quality, completeness, accuracy and reporting rates, while keeping in mind that these factors may be influenced by work organization (e.g., poor access to computers or forms, multiple conflicting demands), and information technology system design. The results of these studies should inform the development and implementation of standardized ADE reporting systems internationally. Failure to address these issues will undermine drug safety monitoring and research.

Competing Interests

All authors have completed the Unified Competing Interest form at and have stated that they have no conflicts of interest.

This research was sponsored by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Partnership for Health System Improvement Grant No. 293546, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (No. PJ HSP 00002), Vancouver Coastal Health, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council and Health Canada.

Supporting information

Appendix S1 Search strategies for adverse drug event (ADE) reporting systems

Appendix S2 Combined WHO ’Minimum Recommended Dataset‘ for ADE reporting and the assessment criteria for spontaneous ADR reporting forms developed by Bandeker for quality assessment of reporting systems used for quality assessment data extraction

Appendix S3 Characteristics of publicly funded reporting systems

Appendix S4 Characteristics of privately funded reporting systems

Supporting Information

Bailey, C. , Peddie, D. , Wickham, M. E. , Badke, K. , Small, S. S. , Doyle‐Waters, M. M. , Balka, E. , and Hohl, C. M. (2016) Adverse drug event reporting systems: a systematic review. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 82: 17–29. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12944.


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Supplementary Materials

Appendix S1 Search strategies for adverse drug event (ADE) reporting systems

Appendix S2 Combined WHO ’Minimum Recommended Dataset‘ for ADE reporting and the assessment criteria for spontaneous ADR reporting forms developed by Bandeker for quality assessment of reporting systems used for quality assessment data extraction

Appendix S3 Characteristics of publicly funded reporting systems

Appendix S4 Characteristics of privately funded reporting systems

Supporting Information

Articles from British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology are provided here courtesy of British Pharmacological Society