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Medical Journal, Armed Forces India logoLink to Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
. 2011 Jul 21;59(4):302–305. doi: 10.1016/S0377-1237(03)80139-9

Blood Ordering Strategies in the Armed Forces — A Proposal

PK Gupta *, Harsh Kumar +, RN Diwan #
PMCID: PMC4923532  PMID: 27407548


Over ordering blood is a common practice in medicine. This can be corrected by a simple means of changing the blood ordering pattern. A retrospective study was carried out in a tertiary care hospital of Armed Forces for a three year period to study the blood ordering strategies in the hospital. The total units demanded and the corresponding units issued were estimated. Thereafter, transfusion probability and ratio of units cross-matched to actual units transfused (C/T ratio) was calculated. In this study, using Mead's criterion, transfusion probability and C/T ratio, transfusion guidelines for all cases requiring transfusion is proposed. The study also identifies the common cases where ‘Type and Screen’ (T&S) procedure could be introduced in cases where the transfusion probability is low. The other group where transfusion probability is high, a maximum surgical blood ordering schedule (MSBOS) has been determined to identify the number of units to be cross-matched and kept ready before the procedure. The implementation of this proposal will avoid over-ordering of blood and will promote maximum utilization.

Key Words: Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule, Transfusion protocol, Type & Screen


The primary goal of blood transfusion centres has been to provide adequate and safe supply of blood products. In recent years, influenced by an increasing demand for cost-effectiveness, there has been an increased awareness of the need for optimum distribution and utilization of safe blood and blood products. A variety of strategies for ordering blood and blood products have been proposed and developed to supply safe blood products in adequate amount as efficiently and as economically as possible. Therefore, a revision of blood ordering strategy is considered the mainstay of improving blood utilization while maintaining safety.

Blood ordering before surgery is clearly excessive. There is a tendency amongst surgeons, particularly trainee surgeons to ‘play it safe’ by keeping cross-matched blood always available even for relatively minor procedures. A transfusion service may follow any of the several policies that lead to more efficient use of blood inventory control and consequently a reduction in blood bank operating costs. The most important policy is the ‘Type and Screen’(T & S) whereby units are not cross matched until an actual need for transfusion occurs [1].

Another policy that has proved to be successful in the practice of blood banking is the maximum surgical blood order schedule (MSBOS). This is a criterion developed from institutional usage statistics providing a figure for the number of units to be cross matched for any given surgical procedure [2].

Material and Methods

A retrospective study was carried out by scrutiny of records of the Blood Bank in a tertiary care hospital of the Armed Forces for a three year period to study the blood ordering strategies in the hospital. The blood requisitioned for surgical, medical, obstetrics and gynaecological (Obs & Gyne), orthopaedics and burns cases was compiled and reviewed. The total units demanded and the corresponding units of blood issued were estimated. Thereafter, the transfusion probability was calculated. A ratio of units cross-matched to the actual unit transfused, (C/T ratio) was calculated with a view to review the transfusion policy. After compilation of cases requiring transfusion and calculation of C/T ratio, the cases were classified as those where the probability of transfusion was low and could be managed by ‘T & S’ and those where the probability of transfusion was high, MSBOS was determined.


The detailed analysis of the overall blood demand and issue schedule with transfusion probability and C/T ratio for a three year study period for different broad groups and the commonly encountered sub groups amongst them is depicted in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5.

Table 1.

Surgical cases

Year Units demanded Units transfused Transfusion probability C/T ratio
1st year 1215 380 31% 3.3:1
2nd year 1308 388 29% 3.4:1
3rd year 1180 361 31% 3.3:1
Common subgroups
Benign Prostrate Hypertrophy
1st year 112 27 24% 4.2:1
2nd year 98 15 15% 6.5:1
3rd year 103 19 18% 5.4:1
1st year 182 13 07% 14:1
2nd year 239 25 15% 9.5:1
3rd year 176 31 17% 5.7:1
Renal calculus
1st year 95 25 26% 3.8:1
2nd year 58 14 24% 4.1:1
3rd year 116 11 09% 10.5:1
Neurosurgical procedures
1st year 236 77 33% 3.1:1
2nd year 167 55 32% 3:1
3rd year 70 27 35% 2.8:1
Oncosurgical procedures
1st year 171 91 53% 1.9:1
2nd year 217 92 42% 2.4:1
3rd year 274 125 45% 2.2:1
Kidney transplantation
2nd year 52 03 06% 17.3:1
3rd year 50 03 06% 17.3:1

Table 2.

Medical cases

Year Units demanded Units issued Transfusion probability C/T ratio
1st year 1005 581 58% 1.7:1
2nd year 1068 811 76% 1.3:1
3rd year 1244 778 62% 1.6:1
Common subgroups
Anaemia (of all causes)
1st year 301 222 74% 1.4:1
2nd year 507 341 67% 1.5:1
3rd year 406 288 71% 1.4:1
Haematological malignancies
1st year 186 152 82% 1.2:1
2nd year 302 208 69% 1.4:1
3rd year 185 150 81% 1.2:1
Other oncological cases
1st year 118 81 69% 1.5:1
2nd year 140 100 71% 1.4:1
3rd year 221 157 71% 1.4:1
Biopsy (kidney/liver) ERCP
1st year 160 03 02% 53:1
2nd year 120 15 12% 8:1
3rd year 088 05 06% 17.6:1
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
1st year 141 68 48% 2.1:1
2nd year 128 69 54% 1.8:1
3rd year 071 71 52% 1.9:1

Table 3.

Obstetrics and Gynecological

Year Units demanded Units issued Transfusion probability C/T ratio
1st year 505 109 22% 4.6:1
2nd year 508 98 19% 5.2:1
3rd year 622 123 19% 5.0:1
Common subgroups
1st year 201 47 23% 4.3:1
2nd year 175 27 15% 6.5:1
3rd year 265 54 20% 4.9:1
1st year 171 11 06% 15.5:1
2nd year 199 21 10% 9.5:1
3rd year 223 15 07% 15:1
Pregnancy with anaemia/sepsis
1st year 26 16 61% 1.6:1
2nd year 12 09 75% 1.3:1
3rd year 25 12 48% 2.1:1
1st year 18 11 61% 1.6:1
2nd year 12 05 42% 2.4:1
3rd year 15 07 47% 2.1:1

Table 4.


Year Units demanded Units issued Transfusion probability C/T ratio
1st year 295 122 41% 2.4:1
2nd year 171 63 37% 2.7:1
3rd year 231 102 44% 2.3:1
Common subgroups
All fractures
1st year 238 92 39% 2.6:1
2nd year 148 56 38% 2.6:1
3rd year 184 70 38% 2.6:1
1st year 33 22 67% 1.5:1
2nd year 11 06 55% 1.8:1
3rd year 40 28 70% 1.4:1

Table 5.

Burns and Reconstructive Surgery cases

Year Units demanded Units issued Transfusion probability C/T ratio
1st year 127 94 74% 1.4:1
2nd year 110 75 68% 1.5:1
3rd year 80 54 67% 1.5:1


In many blood transfusion centres large number of units of blood are cross matched each day for patients who are most unlikely to require transfusion. To avoid units of blood being reserved unnecessarily the policy in such cases is simply grouping the patient's red cells and screening the serum for abnormal antibodies i.e. ‘T & S’ [1].

The idea of providing pre surgical testing, without cross matching, for elective surgery without significant blood loss is not new. Many authors [3] analyzed blood use in elective surgery and the frequency of antibody detection by screening tests, they demonstrated the safety of substituting ‘T & S’ in place of routine cross matching in a number of elective surgical procedures. In addition, they emphasized the reduction in the hospitalization charges for the patient, improved distribution of blood supplies and the more effective utilization of the time of the blood bank technologist if a ‘T & S’ approach was adopted.

The practice of establishing MSBOS has been observed to be highly successful [1, 2]. In this, the data concerning blood usage for each procedure performed in the hospital is reviewed over several months and the C/T ratio calculated. Ideally a C/T ratio of 1:1 would be most desirable and most efficient, but it is never achievable. Therefore a C/T ratio of 2:1 for all procedures has been accepted as a reasonable goal. MSBOS is a viable option to avoid unnecessary, excessive cross matching of blood for elective surgical procedures.

Mead et al [4] suggested that surgical procedures which would have a less than 30% probability of using blood be recommended for ‘T&S’. They also recommended that for procedures with a greater than 30% probability of transfusion, the cross match orders should not exceed 1.5 times the number of units transfused per patient. It is also pointed out that surgical blood estimates of three units or less were generally unreliable and for these procedures a ‘T & S’ approach was recommended. An estimate of greater than three units was more reliable and usually some blood was used, but even in these cases the C/T ratio was too high.

If a ‘T & S’ policy is implemented as an alternative for elective surgery rarely requiring transfusion, the advantages far outweigh any disadvantages which are more often-perceived than real [5]. The advantages in terms of blood utilization and cost have been well established. It also leads to improved inventory control, which permits more enhanced production of blood components and prevents obsolescence of blood. The perceived disadvantages of a ‘T & S’ procedure, which have been suggested include lack of availability of cross matched blood when urgently needed and decreased hospital blood inventory to cover unexpected disaster or major emergency situations.

The principles behind the development of a standardized schedule for preoperative blood ordering, or MSBOS, popularized by Friedman et al [2] are closely related to those which led to a ‘T & S’ approach. Indeed, the two concepts are usually combined when guidelines for blood ordering are provided to the staff of the hospital. Many studies [6, 7, 8, 9] have shown that blood is generally over ordered and the implementation of MSBOS and the introduction of ‘T & S’ procedure has led to a safe, effective and economic solution to ordering of blood.

Based on transfusion probability in this study, Mead's criterion [4] and C/T ratio, transfusion guidelines for all cases requiring transfusion are proposed in Table 6. The implementation of this will avoid over ordering of blood and will promote maximum utilization of this valuable resource.

Table 6.

Proposed Transfusion Guidelines

Surgical cases
I. Cholecystectomy
 Pyelolithotomy for renal calculus Type and Screen
 Kidney transplantation
 Hernia (inguinal/incisional) repair
II. All oncosurgical procedures 50% unit demanded
 Neurosurgical procedures Cross matched
Medicine cases
I. All cases 80% units demanded
Cross matched
II. Biopsy/ERCP Type and Screen
Obstetrical and gynecological cases
I. Total abdominal/vaginal hysterectomy
 LSCS Type and Screen
II. Pregnancy with anaemia/sepsis 70% units demanded
 PPH/APH Cross matched
Orthopedics cases
I. All fractures 40% units demanded
Cross matched
II. Amputation 70% units demanded
Cross matched
Burns/reconstructive surgery cases
I. All cases 75% units demanded
Cross matched

The principal aim of this study was to identify the common procedures/conditions where ‘T & S’ can be introduced and to formulate a blood transfusion guideline for these procedures where a complete cross match appears mandatory. The introduction of ‘T & S’ and MSBOS will lead to more efficient transfusion in our hospitals as in other countries [10]. This will also change the blood ordering patterns to attain optimum blood use.


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