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. 2015 Nov 17;4(4):508–520. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.313

Effect of environment and genotypes on the physicochemical quality of the grains of newly developed wheat inbred lines

Noha I A Mutwali 1, Abdelmoniem I Mustafa 1, Yasir S A Gorafi 2, Isam A Mohamed Ahmed 1,
PMCID: PMC4930495  PMID: 27386101


To meet the increased demand for wheat consumption, wheat cultivation in Sudan expanded southward to latitudes lower than 15°N, entering a new and warmer environment. Consequently, wheat breeders developed several wheat genotypes with high yields under these environmental conditions; however, the evaluation of the end‐use quality of these genotypes is scarce. In this study, we assessed the end‐use quality attributes of 20 wheat genotypes grown in three different environments in the Sudan (Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola). The results showed significant differences ( 0.01) in all quality tests among environments, genotypes and genotypes Versus environments. The findings obtained, covered wide ranges of test weight (TW, 76.6–85.25 kg/hL), thousand kernel weight (TKW, 28.70–48.48 g), protein (PC, 9.96–14.06%), wet gluten (WG, 28.63–46.53%), gluten index (GI, 36.36–92.77%), water holding capacity (WHC, 168.42–219.32%), falling number (FN, 508.00–974.67 sec), and sedimentation value (SV, 19.00–40.00 mL). Analysis of the traits, genotypes, and traits versus genotypes showed varied correlations in the three growing environments. The genotype G3 grown in either one or all of the three environments exhibits worthy performance and stability for most of the tested quality traits. The crossing of this genotype with high yield genotypes could produce cultivars with sufficient quality and marketability.

Keywords: Falling number, gluten quality, growing environment, wheat genotypes


Wheat is an important and most widely cultivated food crop in the world. This crop played a central role in combating hunger and improving the global food security. Wheat is ranked second in total cereal production behind corn, with rice being the third (FAO, 2012). The grains of this plant provide about 20% of all calories and proteins consumed by people on the globe (Shiferaw et al. 2013). In recent years, demand for wheat has significantly increased as a result of the global population growth, and thus wheat production has a strategic role in food security and the world economy. As a result, horizontal expansion of wheat production has arisen in recent years by moving wheat into nontraditional areas formerly considered unacceptable for production. However, the global warming introduced various abiotic stresses such as drought, temperature extremes, and salinity that adversely affect the yield and grains quality of wheat (Huseynova and Rustamova 2010). To meet the demands of future population's explosions and ensure grain production in these environments, cultivars must be developed and evaluated for their high yield and high quality. Thus, the objective of wheat breeders is to produce well‐adapted and high‐yielding varieties with finest end‐use quality (Lopes et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013).

In Sudan, wheat is the second most essential cereal food and the main staple food for many peoples in both rural and urban areas. This crop is traditionally cultivated in the northern region of Sudan where the winter conditions are favorable for plant growth and grain yield. However, in the last decades wheat cultivation in Sudan expanded southward to latitudes lower than 15°N, entering a new and warmer environment and inhabiting most of the irrigated sectors in central and northern states (Elsheikh et al. 2015). The average annual production of wheat during the period 2009–2013 was 242,000 tons and is forecasted to rise to 320,000 tons in 2014 with 32% change (FAO, 2014). Nevertheless, the rate of wheat grain production in the Sudan is far below the consumption needs. High temperature and drought stresses, low nitrogen content, and lack of quality seeds of improved varieties are the main constraints limiting wheat production in Sudan (Ali et al. 2006; El Siddig et al. 2013). To overcome these limitations wheat breeders have developed several varieties and inbred lines with enhanced tolerance to most of these stresses (Elahmadi 1996; Ali et al. 2006), and with better grain yield and quality. Although the grain yield of these advanced wheat lines has been extensively studied by many researchers, reports on the end‐use quality of these lines are rare (Ali et al. 2006). Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to examine the effect of growing environment on end‐use quality characteristics of twenty wheat genotypes grown in three different environments (Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola) in the Sudan.

Materials and Methods

Plant materials and field trials

In this study, 20 wheat genotypes representing a broad range of yield and adaptability to the environment of the Sudan were used (Table 1). These genotypes were developed through extensive wheat breeding programs at the Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Gazira, Sudan. All materials were grown for two constitutive seasons (2003/2004 and 2004/2005) in three different environments (Dongola, Hudeiba, and Wad Medani) representing both the traditional and new wheat growing environments in the Sudan. The three growing environments are characterized by their different soil and environmental conditions with no precipitation during the whole crop cycle. Dongola is located in Northern State (Lat. 19° 08′ N, Long. 30° 40′ E, and Alt. 240 m) with a warm (average temperature 21.8°C) and dry winter. The soil of Dongola is classified as sandy clay loam with very low organic matters (>5%), high water permeability, and a pH of 8.0. Whereas, Hudeiba is located in the Nile State (Lat. 17° 34′ N, Long. 33° 56′ E, and Alt. 350 m) and has warm (average temperature 24.2°C) and dry winter. The soil of Hudeiba is classified as karusoil clay (contained 4% sand, 40% silt, and 56% clay) with little nitrogen (360 ppm), phosphorus (8 ppm), and organic carbon, and a pH of 8.1. While Wad Medani is located in central Sudan (Lat. 14° 24′ N, Long. 29° 33′ E, and Alt. 407 m) having a slightly hot (average temperature 26.8°C) and dry winter. The soil type of Wad Medani is heavy cracking vertisoil (58–66% clay) with very low water permeability, organic carbon (0.35%), nitrogen (0.03%), phosphorus (4 ppm), and a pH 8.3

Table 1.

Genotypes used in the current study

Genotypes code Pedigree/Variety
G1 ELNeilain
G2 Debeira
G5 SON64/SRC – LR64A) G155
G6 427F4/2000‐1
G7 PYT#23 (DWR39xCONDOR “S”)14PxT
G8 KAUZ “S” 6 57C1‐3‐6.2‐2‐1‐2
G17 DH5
G18 DH8
G19 IHSGE # 19
G20 IHSGE # 20

In the three growing environments, the experiments were structured in a randomized complete block design with three replications. After soil harrowing and leveling, the seeds were seeded manually in rows of 0.2 m apart in plots consisting of 4 rows of 5 m length at a seeding rate of 120 kg/ha. The seeds were treated with Gaucho (Imidacloprid 35% WP) at a rate of about 1 g/1 kg seed to control pests mainly termites and aphids. Phosphorus was applied by furrow placement prior to sowing at the rate of 43 kg P2O5/ha, while nitrogen, in the form of urea, was implemented before the second irrigation at a rate of 86 kg N/ha. Irrigation intervals were every 10–12 days, and weeding was carried out manually at least twice.

Samples preparation

The wheat grains were manually cleaned and then the grains thousand kernels and test weights were evaluated. The samples were tempered and milled into straight grade flour (72% extraction rate) using a Brabender Quadrumat Junior Mill (Brabender, GmbH & Co. KG, Duisburg, Germany). After that, the flour samples were placed in a separate plastic container and stored in a deep freezer until used for biochemical analysis. Three independent replicates of each sample were used for biochemical analysis.

Chemical composition

Moisture, ash, crude protein (N × 5.7), and fat content of the flour samples were measured according to the official standard method (AACC, 2000).

Gluten quantity and quality

Wet gluten (WG), dry gluten (DG), water holding capacity (WHC), and gluten index (GI) were determined according to the standard method 38–12.02 (AACC, 2000) using a Glutomatic 2200 systems and a Perten 2015 centrifuge (Perten Instrument, AB, Huddinge, Sweden).

Falling number

Falling number (FN) of wheat flours was determined using the falling number instruments following the Official Method 56–81.03 (AACC, 2000) and expressed on 14% moisture basis.

Sedimentation value

Zeleny sedimentation value of wheat flours was measured according to the standard method 56–60.01 (AACC, 2000) and expressed on 14% moisture basis.

Statistical analyses

For the grains of individual wheat genotypes grown in each environment, the data of three independent experiments were first separately analyzed, and then the results were combined to determine the interactive effects of genotypes and growing environments. The data were assessed by analysis of variance (Gomez and Gomez 1984) and Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT). Correlation coefficients among all quality traits were evaluated based on the means of all genotypes in the individual environment using Stat View software. Exploratory multivariate statistical analysis of the data was performed using HJ‐biplot methods included in the MULTBIPLOT software (Vicente‐Villardón 2010). The HJ‐Biplot method allows the plotting of both genotypes and wheat quality traits with an optimum quality of representation and hence provides easy and fast information about the interrelation of the plotted data. To ascribe a set of individuals to a particular group, we performed hierarchical clustering analysis with the Euclidean distance using the principal components scores and the Ward's technique as the process of linkage. Significance was accepted at  0.05,  0.01, and  0.001.

Results and Discussion

Grain physical characteristics

Thousand kernels (TKW) and test weight (TW) of wheat genotypes grown in three different environments are shown in Table 2. The TKW and TW of all genotypes were significantly varied ( 0.01) between the three environments. These results revealed that the variation in the environmental and soil conditions between the three environments could contribute to the differences in the wheat grain weight. In addition, the interaction between the wheat genotypes and the growing environment was also significant ( 0.01) for both traits. The highest mean values of TKW and TW were observed for G5 at Hudeiba and G19 at Dongola while the lowest values were obtained for G12 at Wad Medani and G3 at Hudeiba, respectively. Regarding the environments, the highest mean values of TKW and TW for all genotypes were at Hudeiba and Dongola while the lowest values were at Wad Medani and Hudeiba, respectively. Throughout all the three environments, the mean TW was in the range of 78.02–82.83 kg/hL, which indicates that all wheat genotypes exhibit well‐filled grains (Kaya and Akcura, 2014; Li et al. 2013). Overall, the results of the TKW and TW demonstrated that the environmental conditions (temperature and soil fertility), agronomic practices (irrigation and fertilization), and wheat genotypes could affect the grain physical characteristic and hence the flour yield and end‐use quality. Previous reports showed that environmental conditions and fertilizers application had a significant impact on the TKW and TW of various wheat genotypes (Lopes et al. 2012; Mohammadi 2012; Li et al. 2013; Bouacha et al. 2014; Kaya and Akcura 2014). In addition, water deficit and elevated temperatures above average during grain filling reported to reduce the TKW for winter wheat (Erekul and Kohn 2006). Mohammadi (2012) concluded that wheat cultivars capable of maintaining high TKW under heat stress appeared to possess a greater tolerance for warm environments. While Lopes et al. (2012) suggested the use of TKW for selection of wheat genotypes under a warm environment of the Sudan.

Table 2.

Thousand kernel weight (g) and test weight (kg/ha) of 20 wheat genotypes grown in three environments

Genotypes 1000 Kernel weight (TKW) Test weight (TW)
Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean
G1 35.81tuv 46.21a 36.97ij 39.66fg 82.03i 80.40nop 84.54b 82.32b
G2 35.20v 44.82cd 36.76rs 38.92hi 82.53fg 79.65rs 82.45gh 81.54f
G3 36.38st 44.24de 40.44hi 40.35de 77.33v 76.60w 80.14opq 78.02m
G4 35.52uv 44.53d 41.08gh 40.37d 81.45jk 80.89lm 84.40b 82.24b
G5 39.48jkl 48.48a 43.66ef 43.87a 82.50g 80.89lm 83.58cd 82.32b
G6 37.17pqr 45.50bc 38.98klm 40.55cd 81.43k 79.63rs 83.45d 81.50fg
G7 35.86tuv 39.70ijk 36.18stu 37.25j 82.11hi 79.95qr 79.55st 80.54i
G8 31.22y 36.54rst 33.52xy 33.76l 82.08hi 78.11u 82.45gh 80.88h
G9 33.77xy 43.81de 39.71ijk 39.09h 81.55jk 80.25op 83.35d 81.71ef
G10 33.63xy 44.76c 39.38ijk 39.25gh 79.21t 77.50v 80.50no 79.07l
G11 37.88nop 44.32de 40.83gh 41.01bc 82.70efg 81.50jk 84.30b 82.83a
G12 28.70z 40.75h 34.30wx 34.58K 80.25op 80.05pq 84.35b 81.55f
G13 37.84opq 44.64cd 41.73g 41.40B 81.81ij 79.54st 82.66fg 81.34g
G14 31.42y 37.63opq 34.70w 34.58K 78.11u 81.40k 79.55st 79.68j
G15 30.09z 38.88klm 35.26v 34.74k 81.45jk 80.25op 83.85c 81.85de
G16 30.71z 35.52uv 33.17yz 33.13m 82.01i 81.30k 83.00e 82.10bc
G17 31.24y 46.14b 38.22mno 38.54i 82.75efg 81.20kl 82.90ef 82.28b
G18 33.42y 42.82f 39.20jkl 38.48i 79.31st 79.14t 79.55st 79.33k
G19 31.91y 41.55g 38.72lmn 37.39j 80.73mn 79.95qr 85.25a 81.97cd
G20 35.14v 44.71cd 39.96ij 39.94ef 80.50no 79.55st 82.45gh 80.83h
Mean 34.12c 42.78a 38.14b 38.34 81.09b 79.88c 82.61a 81.19

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different ( 0.01) from each other, according to Duncan's multiple range test.

The grain physical characteristics TKW and TW have no correlation with all other quality traits of all genotypes grown in Wad Medani, whereas they showed some correlations with the quality traits in other environments (Table 3). At Hudeiba, TKW showed a significant positive correlation (*< 0.05, r = 0.49) with PC, while it showed highly significant negative correlation (**< 0.01, r = −0.61) with GI. The TW, on the other hand, showed significantly negative (*< 0.05) correlations with the SV at Hudeiba (r = −0.44) and with GI at Dongola (r = −0.50). These results suggest that the association between grain physical characteristics (TKW and TW) and the flour quality traits mainly PC, GI, and SV depend primarily on the environmental conditions rather than the genetic makeup of the cultivar. Similarly, positive correlations between TKW and PC have been reported for wheat cultivars and landraces grown in the subhumid region following K‐fertilizers treatment (Bouacha et al. 2014). By contrast, negative correlations between grain physical characteristics and flour PC and SV for other wheat genotypes have also been reported (Ozturk and Aydin 2004; Tahir et al. 2006).

Table 3.

Correlation coefficient between the physicochemical quality parameters of wheat genotypes grown in three different environments (Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola)

Wad Medani
AC 0.10
MC 0.38 0.03
TW 0.19 −0.17 0.21
GI −0.04 0.19 −0.34 −0.04
WHC 0.18 −0.32 −0.20 −0.25 0.53 *
FN 0.17 0.25 0.19 −0.32 0.37 0.35
SV −0.16 0.53 * 0.06 −0.12 −0.25 0.11 −0.23
WG −0.21 −0.37 0.22 −0.06 0.83 *** −0.44 −0.39 0.55 *
DG −0.21 −0.22 0.24 0.08 0.86 *** 0.68 *** 0.45 * 0.42 0.94 ***
PC −0.19 −0.37 0.21 −0.20 −0.43 0.02 0.03 0.69 *** 0.64 *** 0.50 *
FC −0.36 0.19 −0.26 −0.43 0.25 0.11 −0.08 0.35 0.04 −0.02 0.07
AC −0.27
MC 0.01 −0.17
TW −0.05 0.47 * 0.29
GI 0.61 ** −0.20 −0.02 0.02
WHC −0.22 −0.06 0.24 0.10 0.17
FN −0.02 0.07 −0.14 −0.03 −0.01 −0.05
SV −0.15 −0.15 −0.01 0.44 * 0.25 0.30 0.47 *
WG 0.41 0.02 0.02 −0.36 0.47 * −0.39 0.48 * 0.45 *
DG 0.39 0.04 −0.03 −0.35 −0.42 0.64 *** 0.41 0.29 0.96 ***
PC 0.49 * −0.02 −0.18 −0.32 0.61 ** −0.40 0.36 0.35 0.83 *** 0.80 ***
FC −0.20 0.09 −0.31 −0.17 0.24 0.10 0.67 *** 0.59 ** 0.26 0.21 0.26
AC −0.05
MC 0.15 −0.24
TW 0.10 −0.02 −0.18
GI −0.41 0.02 −0.26 0.50 *
WHC 0.42 −0.07 −0.20 −0.28 0.25
FN −0.39 0.21 0.67 *** −0.02 0.42 0.04
SV −0.17 0.51 * 0.25 −0.44 0.50 * 0.15 −0.11
WG 0.05 0.49 * 0.33 0.20 0.48 * −0.28 −0.35 0.21
DG −0.09 −0.31 0.35 0.26 0.51 * 0.70 *** −0.31 0.05 0.87 ***
PC 0.12 −0.10 0.54 * −0.11 −0.03 −0.16 −0.22 0.31 0.52 * 0.48 *
FC 0.02 0.19 0.21 −0.14 −0.18 −0.17 0.07 −0.14 −0.16 0.02 0.14

TKW, Thousand‐kernel weight; AC, Ash content; MC, Moisture content; TW, test weight; GI, Gluten index; WHC, Water holding capacity; FN, Falling number; SV, Sedimentation value; WG, Wet gluten; DG, Dry gluten; PC, Protein content; FC, Fat content.

Values in bold are significant at *< 0.05; **< 0.01; ***< 0.001.

Chemical composition

The results of moisture, ash, protein, and fat content are presented in Table 4. The moisture content (MC) was in the range of 11.38–13.13%, 10.85–12.48%, and 10.21–12.21% for the genotypes grown at Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola, respectively. Significant differences ( 0.01) in MC among all environments, indicating that environments had influenced the flour moisture content. Although it has no correlation with other traits in Wad Medani and Hudeiba, MC demonstrated extremely negative correlation (***< 0.001, r = −0.67) with FN and positive correlation (*< 0.05, r = 0.54) with PC at Dongola (Table 3). The highest mean value for MC (12.31%) among all genotypes was observed in Wad Medani while lowest value (11.61%) was scored in Dongola. Regardless of the environment, the highest MC was recorded for G5 that was significantly different ( 0.01) from all other genotypes, while the lowest value was observed for G6. Regarding the interaction between wheat genotype and growing environment, the highest MC (13.13%) was obtained for G13 grown at Wad Medani, whereas the lowest value (10.21%) was noticed for G2 grown at Dongola. The results achieved agreed with values obtained by Makawi et al. (2013) who stated that the moisture content of Sudanese wheat cultivars ranged from 10.40 to 12.07%. The variation in MC of the different wheat genotypes may be due to the variations in environmental conditions between the three environments, the genotypes, and their interaction. Moisture content is mostly affected by relative humidity at harvest and during storage (Makawi et al. 2013).

Table 4.

Moisture, ash, protein, and fat content (%) of 20 local wheat genotypes grown in three environments

Variety/Lines Moisture (MC) Ash (AC) Protein (PC) Fat (FC)
Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean
G1 12.79b 11.44z 11.60uvwxyz 11.94defg 0.69efghi 0.61jklmno 0.61jklmno 0.64fgh 10.58u 12.31lmn 12.12mno 11.67h 1.15lmn 1.03pqr 0.93r 1.04g
G2 12.63c 11.31z 10.21z 11.38j 0.67fghijk 0.68fghij 0.71defgh 0.68cde 9.97w 13.03fg 12.04no 11.68h 1.44de 1.74a 1.13mno 1.43a
G3 12.11Ijk 11.71qrstuvwx 12.15hijk 11.99cd 0.73cdef 0.76bcd 0.73cdef 0.74b 11.15q 13.60bcd 12.36klm 12.37c 1.38efg 1.41def 1.46d 1.41a
G4 12.07jklm 11.65rstuvwx 11.82nopqr 11.85efg 0.63ijklmn 0.57o 0.79b 0.66efg 10.94qrs 14.06a 13.87ab 12.96b 0.99r 1.35fgh 1.22jkl 1.19e
G5 12.15hijk 12.48cde 12.18hij 12.27a 0.61jklmno 0.61klmno 0.66ghijk 0.63gh 9.99w 13.24ef 12.55jkl 11.92g 1.03pqr 1.00r 0.93r 0.99h
G6 12.27fghi 11.22z 10.27z 11.25k 0.63ijklmn 0.63ijklm 0.72cdefg 0.66efg 10.06w 11.05q 11.96o 11.02i 0.96r 1.01qr 1.17klmn 1.04g
G7 12.37efg 11.60uvwxyz 12.06jklm 12.01bc 0.63ijklmn 0.77bc 0.59mno 0.66ef 10.36v 12.63ijk 13.55cd 12.18def 1.05opqr 1.23jk 1.09nopq 1.12f
G8 12.61c 11.08z 11.81nopqrs 11.83fg 0.69fghi 0.66ghijk 0.66ghijkl 0.67ef 11.40p 12.09mno 12.79ghij 12.09ef 1.01qr 1.45def 1.40def 1.28d
G9 12.62c 11.52yz 12.19ghij 12.11b 0.47p 0.50p 0.59mno 0.52j 13.40de 13.13f 13.76b 13.43a 0.91r 1.15lmn 1.35fgh 1.14f
G10 12.33efgh 11.53yz 12.21ghij 12.02bc 0.59mno 0.64ijklmn 0.59mno 0.61hi 10.66tu 13.00fg 13.42de 12.36c 1.44de 1.14r 1.27hij 1.28d
G11 12.61c 11.55wxyz 11.85nopq 12.00cd 0.75bcde 0.56o 0.71defgh 0.67ef 11.53p 11.53p 13.16f 12.07efg 1.26ij 1.11mnop 1.23jk 1.20e
G12 12.24fghij 11.81nopqrs 11.93lmno 11.99cd 0.62jklmno 0.74bcde 0.72cdefg 0.70 cd 12.25lmn 12.63ijk 13.68bc 12.85b 1.41def 1.13mno 1.10mnop 1.21e
G13 13.13a 11.18z 11.77opqrstu 12.02bc 0.85a 0.78bc 0.71defgh 0.78a 10.77stu 13.19f 13.03fg 12.33cd 1.13mno 1.29hij 1.46d 1.29d
G14 11.91mnop 11.97jklmn 11.63stuvwxy 11.83fg 0.81a 0.63ijklmn 0.78bc 0.74b 10.94qrs 9.96w 13.51cd 11.47h 1.32ghi 1.29hij 1.00r 1.20e
G15 12.56cd 10.85z 11.65rstuvwx 11.68h 0.61jklmno 0.71defg 0.70defgh 0.68def 11.04qr 12.97fgh 13.05fg 12.35c 1.35fgh 1.46d 1.46d 1.42a
G16 11.78opqrst 12.41def 11.57vwxyz 11.92cdef 0.67fghij 0.61jklmno 0.71defgh 0.66ef 9.59x 11.19q 11.40p 10.72j 1.23jk 1.24ijk 1.18klm 1.21e
G17 11.38z 11.47z 11.64rstuvwxy 11.49i 0.70defgh 0.49p 0.65hijklm 0.61hi 10.88st 13.08fg 12.73hij 12.23cde 1.42def 1.54c 0.94r 1.30d
G18 12.22ghij 11.61tuvwxy 11.54xyz 11.79g 0.72cdefg 0.78bc 0.75bcde 0.75b 11.35p 12.39klm 12.36klm 12.03fg 1.64b 1.29hij 1.23jk 1.38b
G19 12.10jkl 11.74pqrstu 11.23z 11.69h 0.70efgh 0.78bc 0.67fghijk 0.71bc 10.11vw 11.13q 12.15mno 11.13i 1.64b 1.26ij 1.05opqr 1.32cd
G20 12.37efg 12.05jklmn 11.25z 11.89defg 0.58no 0.59mno 0.60lmno 0.59i 12.81ghi 12.55jkl 13.11f 12.82b 1.65b 1.40def 1.01qr 1.35bc
Mean 12.31a 11.61b 11.63b 11.85 0.67b 0.65c 0.68a 0.67 10.99c 12.44b 12.83a 12.08 1.27a 1.27a 1.18b 1.24

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different ( 0.01) from each other, according to Duncan's multiple range test.

Statistical analysis showed significant differences ( 0.01) in AC among the growing environments, indicating that the environment had affected the flour ash content (Table 4). Throughout the three areas, the highest mean value (0.68%) of AC for all genotypes was obtained at Wad Medani while the lowest value (0.65%) was observed at Hudeiba. The AC showed significantly negative correlations (*< 0.05) with SV at Wad Medani (r = −0.53) and Dongola (r = −0.51), with TW at Wad Medani (r = −0.47), and with WG and Dongola (r = −0.49) (Table 3). Among wheat genotypes grown in the three environments, G13 had the highest AC, whereas G9 had the lowest. The differences seen in the AC in the present study may be attributed to differences in wheat genotypes and environmental conditions (temperature and soil conditions) as well as fertilizers application (Makawi et al. 2013).

Wheat grain protein is of primary importance in determining the end use quality of the flour and variations in both protein content and composition could significantly affect the flour quality. The crude protein (PC) content was found to be in the range of 9.59–13.40%, 9.96–14.06%, and 11.40–13.87% for the growing environments Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola, respectively (Table 4). The results revealed significant differences ( 0.01) in the PC among the wheat genotypes and their interaction with the growing environments. These findings indicated that both the genotypes and the growing environment had influenced the flour protein content. Throughout the three growing environments, the highest mean value (13.43%) of PC was found for genotypes grown in Dongola while the lowest value (10.99%) was observed in those grown in Wad Medani. Regarding the interaction, the highest value was obtained for G4 in Hudeiba and Dongola while the lowest value was obtained for G16 at Wad Medani. This result agreed with the outcome of Elmobarak et al. (2004) who stated that wheat grown at Wad Medani gave lower grain protein content compared to that of North Sudan. The variation in PC in the current study may be due to variation in environmental conditions such as heat, drought, and soil fertility (Elmobarak et al. 2004), as well as genotypes. Tolbert (2004) found out that increasing nitrogen fertilizer increased the protein content of flour and the arrival time of dough. Many experiments and practical experience of wheat researchers show that the protein content of the grains and flours is greatly depend on agronomical practices, genotypes, soil N content, heat, and drought stresses (Morris et al. 2004; Tahir et al. 2006; Li et al. 2013; Bouacha et al. 2014; Kaya and Akcura 2014). In the current study, PC showed varied degrees of positive correlations with both WG and DG at the three growing environments (Table 3). It showed highly (***< 0.001) positive correlation with WG at Wad Medani (r = 0.64) and Hudeiba (r = 0.83) and with DG at Hudeiba (r = 0.80) as well as a positive (*< 0.05) correlation with WG at Dongola (r = 0.52) and DG at Wad Medani (r = 0.50) and Dongola (r = 0.48). Although, these results suggest the dependence of these quality traits on the genotypes rather than the growing environment. However, the crop management practices could have some impacts on these characters. Similar to our findings, previous reports showed the definite interrelation between PC, WG, and DG (Ozturk and Aydin 2004; Kaur et al. 2013; Kaya and Akcura 2014).

There were significant differences ( 0.01) in fat content (FC) within the three environments and wheat genotypes (Table 4). Regarding the growing area, the highest mean value of FC was obtained for Hudeiba and Dongola while the lowest value was obtained for Wad Medani. Among genotypes, G2 showed that the highest FC while G5 showed the lowest value. Overall all, MC, AC, PC, and FC of the wheat genotypes of the current study depended greatly on the genotypes, the growing environment and the interaction between genotypes and environments.

Gluten quantity and quality

Mean values of wet gluten (WG) of wheat genotypes grown in the three environments were significantly varied ( 0.01) depending on the differences in the genotypes and growing environments as well as the interaction between these factors (Table 5). The mean values of WG ranged from 32.39 to 46.94%, 28.63 to 46.53%, and 35.5 to 44.26% for the wheat genotypes grown at Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola, respectively. Regardless of the growing environment, the WG contents of all wheat genotypes in the current study are more than 28% and are, therefore, at a high to the very high range. Recently, in a multienvironment trial for Turkish wheat genotypes the wet gluten content was varied from 28 to 37% depending on the variation in the environment, genotype, and their interaction (Kaya and Akcura 2014). The highest mean value for WG was obtained for G12 (46.94%) and G20 (46.53%) grown at Wad Medani and Hudeiba, respectively, while the lowest value was recorded for G14 (28.63%) cultivated at Hudeiba. Throughout the growing environment, both Dongola and Hudeiba are suitable conditions for WG content compared to Wad Medani. This result indicates that the growing environment influence WG content of these genotypes and hence the gluten quality. The variation in WG could be attributed to the differences in the genotypes, agronomical practices, and environmental conditions such as temperature and soil fertility. Similarly, significant variation in WG content due to the difference in wheat genotypes and growing environment has been reported (Kaya and Akcura 2014).

Table 5.

The values (%) of wet and dry gluten, gluten index, and water holding capacity of twenty local wheat genotypes grown in three environments

Genotypes Wet gluten (WG) Dry gluten (DG) Gluten index (GI) Water holing capacity (WHC)
Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean
G1 37.32klmn 38.78hijk 38.43hijk 38.18fg 12.67efghi 13.58cdefg 12.60fghi 12.95fgh 64.04lmno 50.42qr 69.22ijkl 61.23j 194.43defgh 185.66efghi 205.16abcd 195.08ef
G2 34.47pq 43.55bcd 35.50op 37.84ghi 11.09kl 14.10bcdef 11.73ijkl 12.31hij 85.12bcd 56.47opq 92.77a 78.12bcd 210.68abcd 209.33abcd 202.60abcde 207.54bc
G3 36.20nop 45.00b 36.13nop 39.11de 11.54jkl 16.16a 11.66ijkl 13.12efg 73.86ghij 63.44lmno 69.61ijkl 68.97gh 213.79abcd 185.37efghi 209.70abcd 202.95bcde
G4 36.50mon 44.06bc 38.38hijk 39.65de 11.90ijkl 14.96bc 12.46ghij 13.11efgh 71.04hijkl 53.04pqr 64.42klmno 62.83ij 206.60abcd 194.96defgh 207.86abcd 203.14bcde
G5 40.23fgh 40.63fgh 41.60def 40.82c 14.06bcdef 13.70cdefg 13.53cdefg 13.76cde 64.03lmno 36.36s 49.22r 49.87 l 186.33efghi 196.87cdefg 207.33abcd 196.84def
G6 36.29no 34.61pq 37.43klmn 36.11k 11.50jkl 12.09hijk 11.70ijkl 11.76jk 76.75efgh 67.10jklm 67.94ijklm 70.60fgh 216.03abc 186.63efghi 218.16a 206.94bcde
G7 33.18qr 39.86ghij 39.30ghij 37.45hi 11.13jkl 14.30bcde 12.86efghi 12.76ghi 92.17a 61.00mnop 90.90ab 81.36b 197.96cdefg 179.45ghi 205.45abcd 194.29efg
G8 38.54hijk 36.85lmno 41.66def 39.02ef 13.69cdefg 12.25ghij 14.10bcdef 13.34defg 71.59hijk 82.87cdef 64.36klmno 72.94efg 181.50ghi 200.85bcdef 195.83defgh 192.73fgh
G9 43.10 cd 42.75 cd 42.53de 42.79b 13.66cdefg 14.33bcd 14.10bcdef 14.03bcd 64.38klmno 66.52klm 74.72ghij 68.54h 215.60abc 198.40bcdefg 201.99abcde 205.33bcd
G10 37.27lkmn 38.86hijk 38.36ijkl 38.16fgh 12.47ghij 13.43defgh 12.26ghij 12.72ghi 73.47ghij 68.07ijklm 78.81defgh 73.45ef 198.77bcdefg 189.62efgh 212.80abcd 200.39cdef
G11 33.20qr 34.24pq 36.33no 34.59l 11.03kl 11.78ijkl 11.70ijkl 11.50kl 83.11cde 75.25efgh 81.37cdef 79.91bc 201.03abcde 190.66defgh 210.52abcd 200.74bcdef
G12 46.94a 42.00def 43.26 cd 44.07a 15.66a 15.00b 15.30b 15.32a 57.86nopq 64.53klmno 66.09klmn 62.83ij 170.92i 180.03ghi 182.80fghi 177.92i
G13 40.96ef 40.00fgh 39.20ghij 40.05cd 14.44bcd 14.36bcd 14.60bcd 14.46bc 59.28nop 48.05r 55.96opq 54.43k 168.42j 178.66hi 184.30fghi 177.12i
G14 34.37pq 28.63s 37.53klmn 33.51m 11.39jkl 8.96m 12.40ghij 10.92 l 83.43bcde 84.39bcd 92.17a 86.66a 201.43abcde 219.32a 202.79abcde 207.84b
G15 39.34ghij 38.66hijk 39.20ghij 39.07ef 13.45defgh 14.02bcdef 13.56cdefg 13.67def 68.18ijkl 64.42klmno 67.26ijklm 66.62hi 194.06defgh 175.92i 188.92efgh 186.30ghi
G16 32.39r 35.93nop 35.53op 34.61l 10.71 l 12.16hijk 11.96ijkl 11.61jkl 85.99abc 79.02defgh 80.58cdefg 81.86b 202.18abcde 195.43defgh 196.38cdefg 197.99cdef
G17 38.32ijklm 37.53klmn 40.83efg 38.89ef 13.31defgh 13.56cdefg 14.16bcdef 13.68def 73.54ghij 77.02efgh 75.02fghi 75.19de 188.23efghi 177.25hi 188.35efghi 184.61hi
G18 38.06jklm 36.36no 36.80 lmno 37.07ij 12.48ghij 11.83ijkl 11.60ijkl 11.97ijk 80.33cdefg 63.72lmno 85.05bcd 76.37cde 205.10abcd 207.32abcd 217.20ab 209.87a
G19 36.74lmno 35.03op 37.50klmn 36.42jk 11.93ijkl 11.90ijkl 12.30ghij 12.04ijk 86.87abc 72.51ghijk 75.88efgh 78.42bcd 208.43abcd 195.35defgh 205.07abcd 202.95bcde
G20 41.60def 46.53a 44.26bc 44.13a 13.45defgh 16.76a 14.03bcdef 14.75ab 72.33hijk 75.58efgh 71.67hijk 73.19ef 209.43abcd 179.05ghi 215.43abc 201.30bcde
Mean 37.75b 38.99a 38.99a 38.58 12.58c 13.46a 12.93b 12.99 74.37a 65.49b 73.65a 71.17 194.43a 191.31b 202.14a 197.59

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different ( 0.01) from each other, according to Duncan's multiple range test.

The results showed significant differences ( 0.01) in dry gluten (DG) among genotypes, growing environments, and the genotype‐environment interaction (Table 5). The DG values for the genotypes in the three environments ranged from 10.71 to 15.66% at Wad Medani, 8.96 to 16.76% at Hudeiba, 11.60 to 15.3% at Dongola. Concerning growing area, DG content was higher at Hudeiba followed by Dongola and then Wad Medani. Regardless of the growing environment and throughout all genotypes, the highest mean for DG was obtained for G12 while the lowest value was obtained for G14. Regarding the interaction, the highest value was obtained for G20 (16.76%) and G3 (16.16%) at Hudeiba and G12 (15.66%) at Wad Medani, while the lowest value (8.96%) was obtained for G14 in Hudeiba. The yield of DG was closely associated with the total protein of these wheat lines. These results agreed with those reported previously for other of wheat genotypes (Makawi et al. 2013).

The gluten index (GI) is a predictive method of gluten strength and thus it is a good indicator for gluten quality and quantity (Vida et al. 2014). Wide variations ( 0.01) in the GI of 20 wheat genotypes grown in three different environments were explicitly noted (Table 5) and associated with genotypes, growing environments, and the interaction between these factors. The range values of GI for the genotypes were 57.86–92.17%, 36.36–84.39%, and 49.22–92.77% of the growing environments Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola, respectively. Strikingly, the gluten index of all wheat genotypes fall within the optimal range (55–100) for breadmaking (Har Gil et al. 2011; Makawi et al. 2013) when they grow in Wad Medani. Throughout the three growing environments, the highest mean for GI obtained were 92.77% and 92.17% at Dongola and Wad Medani, respectively, while the lowest value (36.36%) was observed at Hudeiba. Among genotypes and regardless of the environment, the results showed that G14 has the highest (86.66%) mean value of GI while G5 has the lowest value. Our findings demonstrated that genotypes, growing environments, and their interaction significantly affected GI, with the highest effect being from the genotypes. In agreement with our findings, Vida et al. (2014) reported that the gluten index had the greatest dependence on the genotype compared to environmental factors and agronomic treatments. Furthermore, the more significant effect of genotype on the gluten index compared to the impact of environment and fertilizer application was recently reported (Bouacha et al. 2014). GI correlated positively (*< 0.05) with WHC (r = 0.53) at Wad Medani and with SV (r = 0.50) at Dongola, while it showed negative correlations with WG at Wad Medani (***< 0.001, r = −0.83), Hudeiba (*< 0.05, r = −0.47) and Dongola (*< 0.05, r = −0.48) (Table 3). GI also correlated negatively with DG at Wad Medani (***< 0.001, r = −0.86) and Dongola (*< 0.05, r = −0.51), and with PC at Hudeiba (**< 0.01, r = −0.61). These results indicate a contradicting response between GI and the three major wheat quality parameters (PC, WG, and DG) and therefore much concern has to be considered when using GI for wheat quality evaluation (Bonfil and Posner 2012; Kaur et al. 2013).

The results showed significant differences ( 0.01) in the water holding capacity (WHC) among environments and genotypes as well as the interaction between genotypes and environments (Table 5). The mean values of WHC were 168.42–216.03%, 175.92–219.32%, and 182.8–218.16% for the genotypes grown at Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola, respectively. Throughout the three growing environments, WHC showed extremely negative (***< 0.001) correlation with DG (r = −0.64 to −0.70), whereas the correlations between WG and DG were highly positive (***< 0.001, r = 0.87–0.96) (Table 3). The highest mean percentages for WHC of gluten was obtained for G14 (219.32%) and G6 (218.16%) grown at Hudeiba and Dongola, respectively, while the lowest value was observed for G13 (168.42%) cultivated at Wad Medani. Throughout all the three environments, the results indicated highest WHC for G18 while the lowest value was obtained for G13. Between environments, not all varieties varied in the same manner; however, some had the same general score in all areas, whereas others varied. This variation may be due to the effect of environmental conditions such as heat stress, soil conditions, and agronomical practices.

Falling number

Statistical analysis revealed significant differences ( 0.01) in the mean falling number (FN) of 20 wheat genotypes grown in three different environments (Table 6), indicating that environmental conditions had influenced the flour FN. In addition, the interaction between genotypes and growing environments was also significantly affected the α‐amylase activity. The FN values were ranged from 532.67 to 715.0 sec, 508.00 to 656.67 sec, and 594.33 to 974.67 sec for the genotypes cultivated at Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola, respectively. These results were in good agreement with the data reported by Kaur et al. (2013) who found that the falling number of Indian wheat cultivars was high and ranged from 485 to 967 sec. Through the three environments, the highest FN was obtained at Dongola while the lowest value was obtained at Hudeiba. FN correlated positively with SV (*< 0.05, r = 0.47), WG (*< 0.05, r = 0.48), and FC (***< 0.001, r = 0.67) at Hudeiba, while it showed negative correlation with DG (*< 0.05, r = −0.45) at Wad Medani (Table 3). Among all genotypes, the highest falling number recorded for G2 while the lowest value was obtained for G5. The Sudanese wheat genotypes possess very high FN and thus indicate flours with a little α‐amylase activity. This could be attributed to the dry weather during grain filling and harvesting time, which consequently affect the activity of α‐amylase (Erekul and Kohn 2006; Hamad et al. 2013). Thus, the seasonality and the environment, storage conditions of wheat grain (moisture and temperature), had a significant impact on the α‐amylase activity. Previous reports indicate that the FN is diverse among different genotypes that cultivated in various environment (Hamad et al. 2013) with the environmental impact on the FN being higher than the genotype and the genotype‐environment interaction (Erekul and Kohn 2006).

Table 6.

Falling number and sedimentation value of 20 local wheat genotypes grown in three environments

Genotypes Falling number (sec) Sedimentation value (mL)
Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean Wad Medani Hudeiba Dongola Mean
G1 609.67r 508.00z 650.33n 589.33k 23.00k 22.00l 23.33k 22.78l
G2 633.33p 636.33op 974.67a 748.11a 25.33i 30.00d 24.00j 26.44f
G3 693.00gh 556.33wx 648.67n 632.67h 27.00g 29.00e 24.00j 26.67e
G4 715.00f 656.67mn 665.00kl 678.89c 24.00j 27.00g 26.00h 25.67g
G5 563.33w 524.00z 600.00rs 562.44m 23.00k 24.00j 24.00j 23.67k
G6 672.33jk 528.33z 808.67b 669.78d 19.00n 22.00l 24.00j 21.67m
G7 673.33jk 540.33y 730.33e 648.00f 25.00i 24.00j 40.33a 29.78b
G8 685.33hi 595.33st 795.00c 691.89b 25.00i 32.00b 27.00g 28.00c
G9 589.00tu 556.67wx 668.67kl 604.78j 32.00b 28.33f 33.00b 31.11a
G10 594.67st 508.33z 604.33rs 569.11l 28.00f 26.00h 29.00e 27.67d
G11 687.33hi 547.00xy 733.00e 655.78e 23.00k 24.00j 24.33j 23.78k
G12 604.00rs 555.67wx 653.33mn 604.33j 27.00g 24.00j 24.00j 25.00i
G13 607.00r 623.67q 654.67mn 628.44h 23.00k 23.00k 23.00k 23.00l
G14 668.33kl 512.00z 759.67d 646.67f 19.00n 23.00k 28.00f 23.33l
G15 636.00op 576.67v 681.67i 631.44h 25.00i 23.00k 25.00i 24.33j
G16 583.67uv 577.00v 701.33g 620.67i 20.00m 27.00g 29.00e 25.33h
G17 532.67z 583.00uv 594.33st 570.00l 28.00f 26.00h 29.33e 27.78d
G18 681.33ij 580.33uv 600.33rs 620.67i 27.00g 27.00g 29.00e 27.67d
G19 638.33op 596.67st 662.67lm 632.56h 26.00h 23.00k 28.67ef 25.89g
G20 626.67pq 646.00no 648.00n 640.22g 31.00c 28.00f 30.33cd 29.78b
Mean 634.72b 570.42c 691.73a 632.29 25.02c 25.62b 27.27a 25.97

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different ( 0.01) from each other, according to Duncan's multiple range test.

Sedimentation values

The sedimentation value (SV) assessment provides information on the protein quantity and the quality of wheat flour (Makawi et al. 2013). It is thus used as a screening tool in wheat breeding programs as well as in milling and breadmaking processes. Our results revealed significant differences ( 0.01) in SV among environments and genotypes (Table 6). The SV of the genotypes in the three environments was in the range of 19.00–32.00 mL at Wad Medani, 22.00–32.00 mL at Hudeiba and 23.00–40.33 mL at Dongola. Similarly, Makawi et al. (2013) stated that the sedimentation value of the three Sudanese cultivars (Debaira, WadiElneel, and Elneelain) ranged between 19.6 and 37.4 mL. Additionally, Kaya and Akcura (2014) found the sedimentation value of 24–33 mL for Turkish wheat genotypes grown in different environments. The highest mean SV (40.33 mL) was obtained from G7 grown at Dongola while the lowest value (19.00 mL) was obtained from G6 and G14 grown at Wad Medani. Throughout the three environments, genotypes grown at Dongola showed the highest SV followed by Hudeiba and then Wad Medani. SV on the other hand revealed positive correlation with WG at Wad Medani (*< 0.05, r = 0.55) and Hudeiba (*< 0.05, r = 0.45), and with PC (***< 0.001, r = 0.69) at Wad Medani, and FC (**< 0.01, r = 0.59) at Hudeiba (Table 3). The positive association of SV with PC and WG is consistent with the fact that this value depends mainly on the wheat protein composition and gluten quality and is frequently correlate with these quality attributes (Ozturk and Aydin 2004; Tahir et al. 2006; Kaya and Akcura 2014). Unrelatedly with the growing area, G9 expressed the highest mean SV. As for other traits, the SV of the current study also depend mainly on the genotype, the growing environment (temperature and soil fertility) and their interaction. Similar observation on the effect of environment (temperature, rainfall, and soil quality) and agronomical treatments on the sedimentation value of many wheat genotypes has been previously reported (Erekul and Kohn 2006; Tahir et al. 2006; Kaya and Akcura 2014).

Biplot analysis

To profoundly determine the multivariate relationships between the grain end‐use quality traits and the growing environments of 20 wheat genotypes, biplot analysis was carried out by comparing the eigenvalues of PC1 and PC2 of principal component analysis (PCA) for both the genotypes and the quality traits (Fig. 1A–C). Regarding the interrelation between the traits and genotypes, the results of the first two PC axes (PC1, 39.89% and PC2, 23.37%) accounted for about 63.26% of the total variability reflecting the complexity of the variation between the plotted components (Fig. 1A). In the biplot, vectors of traits (variables) showing acute angle are positively correlated, whereas those formed obtuse or straight angles are negatively correlated, and those with right angle have no correlation. The distance between the raw (genotypes) is interpreted in terms of similarity. Regarding the traits, PC1 had the breadmaking quality parameters (DG, WG, PC, GI, and WHC) as the principal components, and FN and MC to a lesser extent while, PC2 had the SV, FC, and TW as the primary elements. The cosine of the angles between vectors indicated a high positive correlation between WHC, FN, and GI in the positive direction. These three traits were also positively correlated with FC in the positive direction and AC in the negative direction. High positive correlation was also observed between PC, WG, and DG and between SV and FC, and similarly between TW, TKW, and MC. In contrast, WHC, FN, and GI were negatively correlated with other breadmaking quality parameters mainly PC, WG, and DG and with grain physical characteristics such as TW, TKW, and MC. The SV was also negatively correlated with AC, TW, and TKW. Overall, the biplot analysis exhibits three groups of the traits based on their phenotypic associations, those include; gluten, starch, and milling quality characteristics (GI, WHC, FN, and AC) group, breadmaking quality attributes (SV, PC, WG, and DG) group, and grain physical and marketing characteristics (MC, TKW, and TW). These results shows some differences from that of the correlation analysis among pairs of characters as the biplot describes the interrelationships among all characters concurrently based on the overall contribution of the data (Yan and Fregeau‐Reid 2008).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Biplot based on principal component analysis for grain quality traits in 20 wheat genotypes (G1–G20) grown in three different environments (Wad Medani, Hudeiba, and Dongola). The biplots showed the interrelations between the quality traits (A) and the environments (B). Bidimensional clustering analysis is presenting the relationships between the genotypes (C). TKW, Thousand kernel weight (g); TW, Test weight (kg/hL); AC, Ash content; FC, Fat content; PC, Protein content; FN, Falling number; WHC, Water holding capacity; GI, Gluten index; SV, Sedimentation value; WG, Wet gluten; DG, Dry gluten.

Additionally, the biplot could indicate the interrelation among the genotypes as well as their stability and contribution toward an individual trait (Morris et al. 2004). In this regards, hierarchical clustering clearly distinguished three groups of genotypes according to their quality characteristics in all growing environments. The first group (right half of the graph, square symbol) is formed by the genotypes (G2, G8, G11, G14, G16, G18, and G19) with the highest values of WHC, GI, FN, and AC compared to other genotypes. Within this group, G14 had the highest values for these traits, followed by G6, G16, G12, G11, and G18. The second group (upper left, triangle symbol) consists of G3, G4, G7, G8, G9, G10, G15, G17, and G20. This group characterized by its high breadmaking quality parameters such as PC, WG, DG, and SV with G9 and G20 outscore all others genotypes for these traits. However, G9 and G20 are less stable for these quality traits compared to the other genotypes in this group as well as they are not contributed to the other quality traits such as FN, GI, and WHC. By contrast, G3, G4, G7, G8, and G10 are more stable and well‐associated with all end‐use quality attributes. The last group (lower left, circle symbol) contain G1, G5, G12, and G13, those characterized mainly by their high values of grain milling and marketing characteristics especially TW, TKW, and MC. Like that of traits, the results of biplot analysis display three distinguished groups of the genotypes based on their performance for one or more quality traits. Saint Pierre et al. (2008) stated that the grouping of genotypes in the biplot indicated that the genotypes of the quality groups show similar performance to numbers of the quality traits.

The biplot is an appropriate method for the analysis of the interaction between the traits and environments. Thus, it can identify the effects of the environment on one or more characters through a range of genotypes. In this study, a biplot was formed by using the average means of each trait for all genotypes growing in three environments to find the better wheat‐growing environment for the end‐use quality attributes (Fig. 1B). The results showed extremely high variability (100%), arising from the first two principal component PC1 (54.92%) and PC2 (45.28%), which indicating an excellent contribution of these two axes to the data presentation. Interestingly, the association between the traits shows some variations especially in MC, FC, TW, and FN compared to those presented in Figure 1A, suggesting the effect of the growing environment on grain end‐use quality traits. The high MC and GI characterize the genotypes grown at Wad Medani compared to the same genotypes when cultivated in the other two environments. Higher MC at Wad Medani could be attributed to the soil type in this environment which it could retain more water than that of the two other environments. The genotypes grown at Hudeiba had higher DG, TKW, and FC compared to the same genotypes grown at Wad Medani and Dongola. Interestingly, most of the end‐use quality parameters are great in the genotypes when cultivated at Dongola compared to the other two growing environments. Based on the end‐use quality traits, the environment in Dongola is most suitable followed by that of Hudeiba, whereas, the environment in Wad Medani is not suitable for wheat cultivation as the end‐use quality attributes were significantly reduced in this environment. The chief difference between the three environments is the temperature. Therefore, the inferior quality of the genotypes at Wad Medani could be attributed to the high temperature during the growing season.

To select the best genotype based on its quality performance throughout the growing environments, we generated a bidimensional cluster from the mean of the quality attributes of each genotype across all environments (Fig. 1C). The horizontal axis groups the genotypes based on phenotypic similarity concerning their quality traits. The differences in the color intensity indicated the values of each feature with the red color being the highest and green is the lowest. The two major branches of the horizontal cluster (traits) discrete the genotypes in the upper clusters, in which most of the green color (small values) appears for the attributes TW, TKW, MC, DG, WG, PC, and SV, from those in the lower clusters as they showed red color (high values) for the same attributes. With view exceptions, this results suggests that the upper branch includes genotypes (G14, G6, G16, G11, and G19) with poor grain filling and end‐use quality, whereas, the lower branch contains G9, G20, G10, G15, and G17 with real grain weight and end‐use quality. Despite their poor grain filling and moisture content, G3 and G4 have a good end‐use quality attributes with G3 outscore all other genotypes in this regard. Strikingly, this genotype (G3) also shows good stability for these end‐use quality traits (Fig. 1A). These results indicate the potentiality of G3 as an excellent and stable genotype for end‐use quality attributes under hot environments.


In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that the genotypes, the environment, and their interaction have a high impact on the end‐use quality attributes of Sudanese wheat genotypes grown in three different environments. Throughout the three growing environments, Dongola is most appropriate for producing wheat grains with adequate end‐use quality characteristics while Wad Medani is the least in this regard due to its high temperature. Among wheat genotypes, G3 and G4 exhibit good performance and reasonable stability for most of the tested quality traits. These genotypes are potentially excellent candidates for cultivation in the hot environments of the Sudan for producing wheat grains with good breadmaking quality. In addition, the crossing of these genotypes with high yield and milling quality genotypes will improve the adaptability, productivity, quality, and marketability of Sudanese wheat grains.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare to have no conflict of interest.


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