Genome Research 26: 799–811 (2016)
Figure 1C and Supplemental Figure S1C in the above article displayed incorrect sequence logos based on the observed TSS. Observed positions on the plus strand were shifted by one base, causing a misalignment of underlying sequences. The authors would like to correct these panels and the text referring to them on pages 800–801 (“Results,” first subsection, second paragraph), which should read as follows:
“Moreover, a moderate sequence preference for initiating at an A/G, immediately downstream from a C/T, was revealed under the observed TSS, whereas no base preferences underlie the PomBase annotations for the same genes (Fig. 1C).”
Figure 1.
The corrected Figure 1 is provided on the next page.
Supplemental Tables S2 and S3 have also been corrected to remove this shift.
The authors thank Craig Kaplan for bringing this to their attention, and apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
The article has already been corrected in both the PDF and full-text HTML files online.
doi: 10.1101/gr.210161.116