Nearly all animals engage in a complex assortment of social behaviors that are essential for the survival of the species. In mammals these behaviors are regulated by sub-nuclei within the hypothalamus, but the specific cell types within these nuclei responsible for coordinating behavior in distinct contexts is only beginning to be resolved. Here we identify a population of neurons in the ventral premammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus (PMV) that are strongly activated in male intruder mice in response to a larger resident male, but are not responsive to females. Using a combination of molecular and genetic approaches we demonstrate that these PMV neurons regulate intruder-specific male social behavior and social novelty recognition in a manner dependent upon synaptic release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. These data provide direct evidence for a unique population of neurons that regulate social behaviors in specific contexts.
eTOC blurb
Soden et al. characterize a population of neurons in the ventral premammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus that are genetically defined as dopaminergic, but do not release detectable dopamine. These neurons are activated in specific social contexts and function via glutamate release to regulate male same-sex social interactions.
In rodents, olfactory information is a major modality for social communication. Inputs from the main olfactory bulb and accessory olfactory bulb directly innervate sub-nuclei of the medial amygdala that transmit this information to the hypothalamus (Scalia and Winans, 1975, Kevetter and Winans, 1981, Choi et al., 2005, Sosulski et al., 2011). The hypothalamus also receives direct olfactory information relevant to social cues (Yoon et al., 2005). Hypothalamic sub-populations have been identified within the ventrolateral ventromedial hypothalamus (VMHVL) that regulate key social behaviors including aggressive responses to conspecific threats and mating (Lin et al., 2011, Lee et al., 2014). Neurons within the medial pre-optic area (MPO) of the hypothalamus have also been isolated in mice and shown to regulate parental care or agression towards pups depending on the animals’ sexual experience (Wu et al., 2014). Numerous other sub-nuclei within the hypothalamus are implicated in the regulation of social behaviors (Swanson, 2000), but virtually nothing is known about the cell types within these regions that contribute to these behaviors.
The PMV is highly connected with the brain’s social networks (Canteras et al., 1992, Swanson, 2000, Cavalcante et al., 2014), and mapping studies using the immediate early gene Fos demonstrated that PMV neurons are activated in multiple social contexts (Cavalcante et al., 2006, Borelli et al., 2009, Motta et al., 2009, Donato et al., 2010, Donato et al., 2013). Early analysis of catecholamine-producing neurons of the brain identified a non-canonical dopamine neuron population within the PMV (Hedreen, 1978, Meister and Elde, 1993, Zoli et al., 1993), but whether these neurons regulate social behavior and whether they use dopamine as a neurotransmitter is not known. Based on previous evidence that neurons in the PMV express mRNA for the dopamine transporter (DAT; Meister and Elde, 1993), we used DAT as a genetic marker to isolate this population. We demonstrate that PMV-DAT neurons are connected to brain regions implicated in conspecific social behavior and are principally glutamatergic, but do not release detectable dopamine. We find that PMV-DAT neurons are most highly activated when male mice are intruders into the residence of a larger male. Chemogenetic inhibition of PMV-DAT neurons reduces exploratory social behavior specifically in intruder males and impairs social novelty recognition. Activation of PMV-DAT neurons increases exploratory social investigation of familiar mice in a manner dependent upon synaptic glutamate release. Our genetic isolation and characterization of this unique neuronal population provides direct evidence for a hypothalamic cell type that regulates male intruder behavior and social novelty in specific contexts.
Genetic isolation of PMV-DAT neurons
Given the previous identification of neurons in the PMV that express DAT (Hedreen, 1978, Meister and Elde, 1993), we sought to determine the function of these neurons within social contexts. To confirm the presence of these neurons we performed a differential search of the Allen Institute for Brain Science Mouse Brain Atlas in situ hybridization data (Lein et al., 2007). Three of the top thirty genes enriched in the PMV were canonical markers for synthesis and release of the neurotransmitter dopamine: dopamine transporter (DAT; Slc6a3), dopa-decarboxylase (DDC; Ddc), and the vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT; Slc18a2). Of these markers, DAT appeared to be the most selective for the PMV within the hypothalamus. Based on this observation, along with previous data demonstrating DAT mRNA in the PMV (Meister and Elde, 1993) and observations that mice expressing Cre recombinase from the DAT locus are the most reliable for isolating dopamine-producing neurons (Lammel et al., 2015), we genetically isolated PMV-DAT neurons utilizing the DAT-Cre mouse line (Slc6a3Cre/+, Zhuang et al., 2005). To validate the expression data from the Mouse Brain Atlas, we performed immuno-isolation of actively translating mRNA using RiboTag mice (Sanz et al., 2009), which allow for Cre-dependent expression of an affinity tagged ribosomal protein, Rpl22-HA, and subsequent immunoprecipitation (IP) of polyribosomes. Slc6a3Cre/+;Rpl22HA/+ mice were used to isolate mRNA from DAT neurons in the PMV following microdissection (Figure 1A–C). We observed a significant enrichment of Slc6a3, Ddc, Slc18a2, and tyrosine hydroxylase (Th) mRNA in the IP relative to the input, which contains mRNA from all cell types in the region (Figure 1D). Similar enrichment of these markers was observed when mRNA was isolated from canonical dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of Slc6a3Cre/+;Rpl22HA/+ mice (Figure S1A–B).
Quantification of PMV-DAT neurons revealed that these cells make up 25% of neurons in this region (952 YFP+ cells/3767 NeuN+ cells, alternate sections counted from 3 mice; Figure S1C). Connectivity mapping of PMV-DAT neurons through conditional expression of an EGFP-tagged synaptic marker protein, synaptophysin-EGFP (AAV1-FLEX-synapto-EGFP) revealed axonal projections to numerous downstream targets previously implicated in the regulation of social behavior (Canteras et al., 1992). These included the VMHVL, the MPO, the medial postero-ventral subdivision of the medial amygdala (MeAPV), the amygdalo-hippocampal region of the medial amygdala (MeAAHi), the postero-dorsal and ventral subdivisions of bed nucleus of the stria-terminalis (BNSTPD and BNSTPV), the anterior hypothalamic nucleus (AHN), and the periaqueductal gray (PAG; Figure 1E–J). Analysis of PMV-DAT projections obtained from the Allen Brain Institute Mouse Connectivity Atlas (Oh et al., 2014) revealed similar results. To establish the density of PMV-DAT projections to various targets, we generated an analysis program to quantify fluorescent pixels in target areas using data from the Connectivity Atlas. While the BNST received the most total input, the densest innervation was seen in the VMHVL (Figure S1D).
PMV-DAT neurons release glutamate, but not detectable dopamine
Although previous studies have demonstrated the presence of 6-OH-DA-sensitive neurons in the PMV (Hedreen, 1978) these neurons were not immunoreactive for dopamine (Zoli et al., 1993). To test whether PMV-DAT neurons release detectable dopamine, we expressed ChR2 in PMV-DAT neurons and assayed for light-evoked dopamine release using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) in acute slices from multiple target regions (VMHVL, MeAMPV, and BNST). We did not detect any dopamine transients following optical stimulation of PMV-DAT fibers using multiple stimulus parameters (5, 10, 20, and 30 Hz; Figure 2A–B). In contrast, expression of ChR2-mCherry in VTA dopamine neurons and optical stimulation of terminals in the nucleus accumbens resulted in robust dopamine release (Figure 2A–B). Pretreating mice with L-DOPA, the dopamine precursor shown to be transported by PMV neurons (Zoli et al., 1993), did not enhance detection of dopamine release (Figure 2A–B). These data do not rule out that dopamine may be released below the level of detection of FSCV. However, consistent with our FSCV results, we did not detect any protein for TH or DAT in the cell bodies or terminal fields of DAT-PMV neurons using immunohistochemistry (Figure S2A–B).
Because we detected mRNA, but no protein, for dopamine markers in PMV-DAT neurons, we compared the relative amounts of mRNA for these markers in PMV-DAT neurons versus VTA-DAT neurons using the IP fractions from our RiboTag analysis. Although mRNA for dopaminergic markers is highly enriched in PMV-DAT neurons relative to other neurons within the region, these cells contained only 5–10% the amount of dopaminergic mRNAs compared to VTA-DAT neurons (Figure S2C). In contrast, PMV-DAT neurons contained three times as much mRNA encoding the vesicular glutamate transporter vGluT2 (Slc17a6) as did VTA-DAT neurons. Additional electrophysiological analysis of PMV-DAT neurons revealed that these neurons do not share common electrophysiological properties with VTA dopaminergic neurons (Figure 2C–G and Figure S2D–G), indicating that these neurons are unique population.
Consistent with the detection of mRNA encoding vGluT2, analysis of synaptic connectivity in the VMHVL (Figure 2H) revealed the majority of light-evoked responses from ChR2-expressing terminals of PMV-DAT neurons are monosynaptic excitatory currents that are blocked by the glutamatergic antagonist CNQX (Figure 2I). Delayed and unsynchronized inhibitory and excitatory currents were also seen in a small number of cells (5 inhibitory, 7 excitatory; Figure 2J–K). A smaller sample of recordings from the BNST (n=6/15 cells connected) and MPN (n=9/14 cells connected) found similar results.
PMV-DAT neurons regulate context-specific social behavior
To confirm previous observations of Fos induction in the PMV following exposure of animals to opposite- and same-sex odorants (Cavalcante et al., 2006, Leshan et al., 2009, Donato et al., 2010), we exposed male and female mice to clean bedding (control) or bedding soiled by a same-sex or opposite-sex mouse, followed by immunohistochemistry for Fos. We observed a modest increase in Fos protein in response to opposite-sex odorants in male and female mice. However, male mice, but not female mice, showed increased Fos in response to same-sex odorants that was significantly higher than Fos observed in response to opposite-sex odorants (Figure S3A–C).
To establish whether PMV-DAT neurons are activated in male mice in a context-dependent manner, we quantified Fos expression in virally labeled cells. Mice were exposed to one of five social encounter conditions: no encounter (control), intruder into the cage of a male resident, intruder into the cage of a female resident, resident exposed to a male intruder, and resident exposed to a female intruder. Fos levels in PMV-DAT neurons were significantly higher in male same-sex intruders relative to all other contexts (Figure 3A–B). PMV-DAT neurons were a subset of the total Fos+ PMV neurons, but comprised a significantly larger subset in the same-sex intruder context compared to other contexts (Figure S3D). To test whether Fos activation in male intruder mice was primarily driven by the odorant context of the resident cage or by the resident mouse itself, we measured Fos in an “intruder” male following an encounter with a “resident-like” male (i.e. larger, singly housed, sexually experienced) in a neutral environment (clean cage). Fos in PMV-DAT neurons was only modestly activated in this context (Figure 3A–B), indicating that contextual odorants play a large role in driving PMV-DAT activation in intruder mice.
Our observation that PMV-DAT neurons are most strongly activated in male mice when these animals are intruders is consistent with previous reports (Borelli et al., 2009, Motta et al., 2009) and suggests that these neurons may function preferentially within this context. To test this hypothesis, we selectively attenuated the activity of PMV-DAT neurons through conditional expression of the inhibitory DREADD receptor hM4Di (AAV1-FLEX-hM4Di-YFP). Consistent with previous reports (Armbruster et al., 2007), activation of hM4Di by the selective agonist clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) reduced the excitability of PMV-DAT neurons (Figure S3E–H). Behavioral analysis of hM4Di and control mice (AAV1-FLEX-mCherry) revealed that reduced excitability of PMV-DAT neurons was associated with a significant reduction in social investigation (anogenital sniffing, oral-facial sniffing, and grooming) by male intruder mice, but had no effect on resident male behavior or on male response to females, nor did it affect an encounter with a “resident-like” male in a neutral cage (Figure 3C–E and Figure S3I).
A reduction in social exploratory behavior by intruder mice may represent a deficit in social recognition within this context. To test this hypothesis we analyzed behavior in a three-chamber social preference and social recognition assay. Reduced excitability of PMV-DAT neurons through hM4Di activation did not alter behavioral preference for a novel mouse versus a novel object, but did reduce social recognition of a novel versus familiar mouse (Figure 3F–G and Figure S3J–K).
PMV-DAT neurons regulate social behavior through glutamate release
To further investigate the extent to which activation of PMV-DAT neurons influences social recognition and social investigation, we developed a co-habitation assay to monitor social investigation of a familiar cage-mate while PMV-DAT neurons are selectively activated using the light-activated ion channel ChR2. Because PMV-DAT neurons should be minimally activated in this context, this assay allows us to establish the sufficiency of activation of PMV-DAT neurons for social investigation behaviors.
To determine the optimal stimulation parameters for this assay, we analyzed the synaptic fidelity of light-evoked action potentials in postsynaptic VMHVL neurons using a common stimulation paradigm (5 ms light stimuli at 20 Hz). Fidelity diminished with repetitive stimulation at this frequency (Figure S4A). This decrease was not observed when action potential firing was recorded in PMV-DAT neuron cell bodies (Figure S4B). Quantitative analysis of light-evoked postsynaptic currents confirmed a significant synaptic rundown at frequencies of 5 Hz and above (Figure S4C–D), suggesting that low frequency stimulation in these neurons is optimal for maintaining synaptic connectivity.
To monitor exploratory social behavior between familiar mice we tested conspecific males that were co-housed from birth. One mouse was surgically injected with either AAV1-FLEX-ChR2-mCherry or AAV1-FLEX-mCherry and a fiber-optic was implanted above the PMV (Figure 4A). Mice were assayed for investigatory behavior of their cage-mate with or without optical stimulation (Figure 4B). While 3-Hz light stimulation had no effect on social interaction in control mice, mice expressing ChR2 significantly increased social investigation (anogenital sniffing, oral-facial sniffing, and grooming) of their cage-mate during light stimulation (Figures 4C and S4E). Light stimulation had no effect on exploration of a familiar object in the home cage (Figure 4D) and did not affect distance traveled in the cage (Figure S4F). Light stimulation also had no effect in a real-time place preference (RTPP) assay, suggesting that activation of the PMV is neither rewarding nor aversive (Figure 4E). Finally, light stimulation did not affect behavior in an open field assay (Figure S4G–H), indicating no overt role for PMV-DAT neurons in regulating anxiety.
To further establish the extent to which activation of PMV-DAT neurons can enhance social investigation we stimulated PMV-DAT neurons in resident animals, a context in which PMV-DAT neurons are not robustly activated but in which animals are already actively engaged in social investigation. We observed an increase in investigation time in ChR2-expressing animals, indicating that artificially activating PMV-DAT neurons can drive increased social behavior even when animals are already socially engaged (Figure S4I). In contrast, stimulation of PMV-DAT neurons in intruder mice did not enhance social investigation (Figure S4J), indicating that these neurons are already optimally functioning in this context.
To confirm that glutamate is the critical neurotransmitter responsible for the effect of PMV-DAT neurons on social behavior we repeated our co-habitation experiments by expressing ChR2 in DAT-PMV neurons in mice in which the gene encoding vGluT2, Slc17a6, is inactivated in dopamine neurons (Slc6a3iCre/+; Slc17a6lox/lox, or DAT-vGlut2 KO; (Hnasko et al., 2010)). Consistent with PMV-DAT neurons being glutamatergic, light-induced EPSCs were observed in control mice (Slc6a3Cre/+; Slc17a6lox/+), but not DAT-vGlut2 KO mice (Figure 4F, inset). Optical stimulation of PMV-DAT neurons significantly enhanced social investigation in control mice, but not in DAT-vGlut2 KO mice (Figure 4F). Stimulation of PMV-DAT neurons in DAT-vGlut2 KO and control mice was not associated with increased investigation of a familiar object (Figure 4G), or with RTPP (Figure 4H).
Because DAT-vGlut2 KO mice are a loss of function, we next asked whether these mice have altered baseline social behavior in the resident-intruder assay in the absence of light stimulation. Consistent with hM4Di-mediated inhibition of PMV-DAT neurons, DAT-vGlut2 KO mice displayed significantly reduced social exploratory behavior when they were intruders in the cage of a resident male (Figure 4I). This effect was not observed when the mice were residents in response to a male or female intruder (Figure 4J–K). A caveat to this approach is that genetic inactivation of vGlut2 in DAT-expressing neurons removes this protein from all such neurons, including those in the VTA. It has been demonstrated that inactivation of DAT-expressing neurons in the VTA disrupts social behavior (Gunaydin et al., 2014, Yu et al., 2014). Therefore, we inactivated DAT neurons in the VTA by expressing hM4Di in these cells (Figure S4K). Inhibition of DAT neurons in the VTA did not affect investigatory behavior in intruder mice, but did reduce this behavior in resident males towards male intruders (Figure S4L–N).
Our data identify a unique population of neurons in the mouse hypothalamus that regulate intruder-specific male behavior. Numerous studies have identified the hypothalamus as a key regulator of socially motivated behavior (Swanson, 2000), but to date a defined group of neurons specifically tuned to influence conspecific behavior exclusively in intruder males had not been demonstrated. Our observations are supported by previous findings of increased Fos in the PMV of male intruder rats (Borelli et al., 2009, Motta et al., 2009). Motta and colleagues also observed increased Fos protein in the dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMD) and found that lesioning the PMD reduced exploratory social behavior and defensive behavior by much smaller subordinate intruder rats (Motta et al., 2009). These data collectively point to specific populations within the PMV and PMD that regulate intruder-specific behavior.
It has been reported that lesions of the PMV increase aggressive behavior in male rats (Vandenberg et al., 1983). Since PMV-DAT neurons only constitute approximately 25% of the total neurons of the PMV, and there are numerous Fos-positive PMV neurons in the resident-intruder assays that are not DAT-positive, it is likely that PMV-DAT neurons are not the only population involved in context-specific social behavior. Thus, lesioning of the entire PMV may disrupt multiple cell types that when collectively destroyed lead to different behavioral outcomes.
We also found that optogenetic stimulation of PMV-DAT neurons engages social exploration of a familiar mouse. These findings, together with our observations that social recognition is impaired when PMV-DAT neurons are inhibited, suggest that these neurons influence exploration and novelty detection that is specific for socially relevant stimuli. Similarly, it has also been demonstrated that dopamine neurons of the VTA selectively influence social exploration but not novelty exploration (Gunaydin et al., 2014). Interestingly, we find that inhibition of VTA-DAT neurons reduces social behavior by resident males, but not intruder males, and this behavior is not sensitive to inactivation of vGlut2, further supporting the notion that VTA-DAT neurons and PMV-DAT neurons operate through distinct neurotransmitter systems in different behavioral contexts.
Direct optogenetic stimulation of all neurons or a specific subpopulation of neurons within the VMHVL results in robust aggressive posturing in resident male mice towards intruders (Lin et al., 2011, Lee et al., 2014) and towards inanimate objects (Lin et al., 2011). Optogenetic stimulation of excitatory neurons of the MeA, many of which project to the VMHVL, also increases male aggressive behavior (Hong et al., 2014), and similar results have been reported for stimulation of a subpopulation of aromatase neurons in the MeA (Unger et al., 2015). We find that PMV-DAT inputs to target structures, including the VMHVL, are principally excitatory and are most effective at high-fidelity synaptic transmission at low frequencies. Stimulation of PMV-DAT neurons promotes social exploration, but not aggression, and does not evoke aggression towards inanimate objects. Thus, we propose that social behavior engaged by PMV-DAT neurons is tightly controlled to promote social exploration without escalating to aggression.
Isolation of mRNA associated with polyribosomes from DAT-expressing neurons of the PMV reveals that these cells are highly enriched for dopaminergic markers compared to cells in the surrounding tissue, making them the only known population to contain mRNA for all dopaminergic markers but not to release detectable dopamine. A likely explanation for our inability to detect dopamine release from these neurons is that while these neurons do contain mRNA for the molecular machinery to synthesize and release this neurotransmitter, their mRNA levels are an order of magnitude less than those in conventional VTA-DAT neurons. The reason for neurons in the PMV to contain any mRNA at all for dopaminergic enzymes is not clear. One possibility is that these neurons are derived from a common lineage of other dopamine neurons in the hypothalamus and midbrain that express these markers, but the mRNA in PMV-DAT neurons is not translated into protein or these proteins are rapidly degraded and thus are in quantities below the level of detection. A second possibility is that these neurons utilize dopamine as a neurotransmitter early during development, then switch to becoming glutamatergic once circuit connectivity is established, maintaining residual dopaminergic mRNA expression following this switch. Evidence for developmental neurotransmitter switching has been widely reported (Spitzer, 2015). A third possibility is that these neurons have the capacity to enhance dopamine production and release under specific environmental demands. Neurotransmitter switching has been previously reported in the adult hypothalamus (Dulcis et al., 2013). Future experiments designed to determine the relevance of dopamine marker mRNA expression in PMV-DAT neurons will further inform the identity and function of the unique neuronal population.
Experimental Procedures
See supplemental information for additional experimental procedures.
All procedures were approved and conducted in accordance to the guidelines of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Washington. Mice 8 weeks or older were used for all experiments except slice electrophysiology, where 5- to 8-week-old mice were used.
Immunoprecipitation was performed as described previously (Sanz et al., 2009). Briefly, 1 mm × 1 mm punches of PMV and VTA were removed, homogenized, and incubated with anti-HA antibody (Covance) coupled to magnetic beads (Pierce) overnight at 4°C. Following elution from magnetic beads, RNA from both IP and input samples was obtained using the RNeasy micro kit (Qiagen). cDNA was generated using oligo dT primers (Invitrogen). TaqMan (Applied Biosystems) primers were used for qRT-PCR analysis.
Electrophysiology and Voltammetry
Whole-cell recordings were made using an Axopatch 700B amplifier (Molecular Devices). Light-evoked synaptic transmission was induced with 5-ms light pulses delivered from an optic fiber placed directly in the bath. Ih currents were induced by 2-s hyperpolarizing voltage steps from −70 mV to −120 mV. SK currents were induced by depolarizing voltage steps from −70 to 0 mV. Capacitance measurements were calculated by Clampex software using 5 mV hyperpolarizing steps. Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry was performed using carbon-fiber microelectrodes as described (Clark et al., 2010). 5-ms light stimuli were delivered as described for electrophysiology.
Fos Induction
For social encounter mice were assigned to the resident, intruder, or control condition. Resident animals were singly housed for at least two weeks, while intruder and control mice were group housed. Animals experienced a 20-min social encounter with an appropriately matched resident or intruder animal, and were euthanized and perfused 90 min following the start of the encounter. Control animals remained in their home cage. Fos-positive neurons were identified and counted automatically using ImageJ software. Virally transduced DAT neurons and Fos-positive DAT neurons were counted by hand by an experienced investigator blind to condition.
For resident/intruder encounters, resident mice were singly housed for at least two weeks, were sexually experienced, and were 3–4 weeks older than intruder animals, which were group housed. Saline or CNO (1 mg/kg) was administered intraperitoneally 40 min prior to the start of the encounter. Each mouse received saline and CNO on subsequent days (order of administration was counterbalanced across groups) and encountered a different resident or intruder mouse on each day. Social behaviors scored included anogenital sniffing, oronasal sniffing, following, and grooming. For the 3-chamber assay mice were given 10 min to explore the empty arena, then were briefly returned to their home cage while the novel object (empty wire pencil cup) was introduced to one chamber and first mouse (contained in a wire pencil cup) was introduced to the opposite chamber. The experimental animal was returned to the arena for a 10-min exploration and then briefly removed again while the novel mouse was added, before a final 10-min exploration. The first 5 min of each exploration period was scored for the time spent in each chamber. For home cage social encounters mice implanted with fiber optics were housed with a single littermate. After the implanted mouse was connected to the fiber optic cable they were allowed a 10 minute habituation period, which was not scored, followed by a 5-min baseline period and 5 min of light stimulation (3 Hz, 5 ms, 3 s on, 3 s off).
Supplementary Material
A group of neurons in the ventral premammillary nucleus express dopamine markers.
These neurons are activated in male intruder, but not resident, mice.
These neurons regulate same-sex social behavior in specific contexts.
They function via the release of glutamate, and do not release detectable dopamine.
The authors wish to thank Drs. Richard Palmiter and Stephanie Padilla for helpful discussion and comments on the manuscript, Dr. Christina Sanford for providing the Python script used for projection analysis, and Cerise Knakal for technical assistance. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health: R01-MH094536 (L.S.Z), P50-MH106428-5877 (P.E.M.P.), R01-DA036612 (T.S.H).
Author Contributions
M.E.S. performed electrophysiology, behavior, and histology experiments. S.M.M. performed RiboTag experiments and assisted with behavior. L.M.B. and M.E.S. performed voltammetry experiments. P.E.M.P. and T.S.H. provided resources. M.E.S. and L.S.Z. designed the experiments and wrote the paper.
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